What can be done to prevent the parquet from creaking. How to remove the creak of a parquet board

Sooner or later, all parquet owners begin to notice that the parquet is not the same as before. Over time, it begins to loosen and creak. It starts to annoy, and sometimes just infuriates. Yes, you can plug your ears with cotton wool and not pay attention to the fact that the parquet creaks, but this method of ignoring will not eliminate the problem, but only add troubles, which are already a lot in life.

Why floors creak and is it worth fixing

Every parquet board can start making a sound. It is almost impossible to protect yourself from this horror, tk. sooner or later, wooden coverings all creak. There is usually only one reason for the squeak of a parquet floor - the deformation of the wood from which all its parts are made. Deformation occurs under the influence of the usual factors that the parquet floor is exposed to - changes in temperatures and / or changes in humidity levels. Drafts and liquid spilled accidentally on the wooden floor do their job, as a result of which you have to endure the terrible creak of parquet boards. However, you can not tolerate it if you know what needs to be done to get rid of the parquet squeak.

The main thing in this case is to eliminate both the cause and the consequences. Unfortunately, the parquet can be lubricated with any

Fixing the dies with a dowel-nail

means will not lead to anything good, and as a result, only additional problems will be obtained. A squeak is obtained as a result of the formation of voids under the parquet, when a densely lying parquet board swells significantly or imperceptibly to the naked eye much later than the laying of the floors. As a result, when a person stands with his foot on a swollen strip or parquet board, the parquet board creaks back to its original position, and with the same creak the parquet board swells up again. The creak is not the last stage of the process, and in the foreseeable future, the creak may result in something more serious, requiring more significant financial investments to repair the floors.

How to remove a squeaky parquet: a set of methods and instructions

People have been using parquet for many years, and in the entire history of its production, several methods have been found to solve the problem of squeak. all floors creak. Despite the large number of options, all of them can be conditionally divided into two groups. The separation criterion is the principle of solving the floor creak problem. The first group of methods allows you to mechanically tie the surface of the subfloor and parquet boards... However, this method has a rather specific side effect - the hardware used for fixing looks unsightly and thereby spoils the appearance of the parquet, and if this drawback can somehow be hidden, then its consequences are not. The use of decorative products for the floor, such as vases, tables, cabinets and other pieces of furniture or decor, does not return original appearance interior, and often interferes with its functionality. This is often the case in dance halls and similar venues, where an object in the way can cause injury and other problems worse than parquet creaking.

The second group of methods is more radical in nature, but allows you to restore parquet and floors from it to the initial state, or allows you to skillfully imitate it. From this group, two completely dissimilar methods can be distinguished from each other to help remove a squeak.

we drill a die for filling the foam

The first method is characterized by minimal damage to parquet. It involves filling the resulting voids with the help of various compositions. It can be a variety of adhesives, including professional ones designed for laying parquet, consisting of only one or two components. The scheme of actions is simple. A board that squeaks is drilled through. For this, a drill with a thin drill is used. It allows for minimal damage to the parquet board, while leaving a gap for the passage of adhesive or filler. Through the hole for the boards, glue can be poured onto the floor surface only with a medical syringe. However, the use of a syringe is not always justified, because parquet adhesives usually have a high viscosity, which greatly complicates the work with such a tool both during installation and during repairs. Therefore, in order for the glue to easily get under the parquet strip, the hole on the surface is expanded with a drill with a larger diameter drill. The expansion is made not deep, but sufficient for the tip of the glue dispenser, be it hot glue or usual for gluing parquet, could easily penetrate into the strip. The cavity under the parquet strips is filled until the glue stops absorbing. This will be evidenced by the glue that appears on the surface of the parquet board. After that, bending is installed on the floor in order to fix the position of the parquet board and ensure the best contact of the glued surfaces, for example, plywood subfloor and parquet board. It will be possible to remove the oppression from the floor only after the drying time recommended by the manufacturer has passed, which can vary from one hour to a day, otherwise the board will creak again.

Even after the glue dries, the surface can hardly be called ideal, because after drilling, unsightly defects remain. If the repair is done on hastily, then you can resort to the same method as before - decoration. But if the squeak is removed during the planned repair of the coating after prolonged operation, then it is worth noting that such an operation should be carried out before the initial scraping and grinding. So, the usual procedure of puttying and re-varnishing can hide such a flaw.

If you have to get rid of the squeak in extreme conditions, it is possible to mask the repaired hole in the parquet with the help of special wax pencils, which are used when repairing laminate flooring laid on the floor. When correct selection tones, they perfectly mask the defect and additionally preserve the floors. There is only one problem in their use - the need to use professional equipment that gives the required melting point for wax and does not damage the parquet.

Another way to fix board creaks is radical. It is most acceptable when the parquet is old enough and requires serious repair. This practice is especially effective when it is necessary to fix several parquet boards at once.

The purpose of such repairs is not just to eliminate the cause of the squeak, but to prevent further destruction of the parquet floor. In this case, it will be necessary to accurately determine the places of the squeak, and completely remove the planks from the parquet that cause it. For this, the boards must first be crushed. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the adjacent strips. But in any case, before starting such a radical alteration, it is worth taking care of the new strips necessary for laying, which will be installed to replace the old creaking ones.

If the parquet board has a locking connection, part of it will have to be cut off with a chisel in order to painlessly install the boards in place of the old parquet strips. So, styling will be easier. Laying a new strip on the floors should be done with the help of an installation compound. The best option there will be glue for laying parquet. Appearance a new board is always significantly different from the flooring that has been covered over the years. Therefore, this method of getting rid of the squeak is permissible only in the case of a global alteration of the parquet floor, when sanding, sanding and varnishing of everything is applied. floor covering.

Who to contact if the parquet creaks

Moscow is the city where to find good specialistwho can do something if the floors creak is difficult, even with connections. Therefore, in the case when parquet is laid in an apartment or house, you need to always have at hand the contacts of those people who will promptly help remove the creak or save you from other similar problems. Our company will help fix such floor problems not only in Moscow, but throughout the entire Moscow region.

We are distinguished by a large team of professionals who have proven the effectiveness of their work at hundreds of sites where we repaired floors, in particular, parquet, which squeaks. We are parquet masters, we are able to qualitatively restore floors, restore and repair parquet flooring, as well as lay parquet or parquet board, without arranging an endless battlefield for cleanliness in the room.

We are parquet masters, we have everything necessary equipmentto fix the squeaky parquet floor and use the tools effectively to achieve the desired result, applying all the experience of our employees over the years in working to overcome the squeak.

If your boards are creaking and the floor is far from perfect, contact us and we will make sure that every parquet board in your home stops sounding.

poured foam under the board

Conclusions and parting words before completing the task

The creak of the parquet floor loosens the nerves, and it's no secret. Every creak and creak heightens the atmosphere. The accumulated negative gradually destroys emotional condition and can lead to a nervous breakdown, just due to the fact that the parquet creaks. Therefore, even with such a minor problem it is worth fighting, everyone available means repairing floors.

In order to organize the repair of a parquet that squeaks, you just need a little bit:

  • a little experience and skills;
  • minimum of materials;
  • a drop of patience and optimism;
  • a certain amount of free time.

All this will be enough to do everything to make the parquet board as good as new.

Even if this is not enough, then you will have to contact the specialists who are repairing the floor, and finally put an end to the annoying creak of the parquet. They will do everything professionally and quickly so that the boards do not creak. They will also be able to restore the floor in the event that an attempt to repair the boards with their own hands was unsuccessful. If you initially turn to professionals, then you won't even have to puzzle over how to remove the creak of the parquet, and why it creaks at all.

Parquet belongs to a number of high-quality floor coverings, but over time, during its use, an unpleasant creak begins to appear. To eliminate the defect that has arisen, you need to more accurately determine the cause, and there may be several of them.

Why does the parquet board creak:

  • Low quality parquet glue or mastic;
  • Lumpy cement screed;
  • Poor or unsuitable underlay;
  • Unprofessional laying of parquet (too large / small distance is left between the logs);
  • Factory marriage lag.

Drying of the planks is possible due to:

  • Violated climatic conditions during operation (too dry / humid air);
  • The board was very dry / damp during installation;
  • Parquet board can creak due to the lack of a vapor barrier film underneath.

How to eliminate the creak of the parquet

After the cause has been identified, you can proceed to the next step - to eliminate it.

If the sound coming from the parquet is due to uneven cement screed, there are two ways to solve the problem:

№1 All parquet will have to be removed and the floor surface should be properly leveled special mixtures and an additional overlay of plywood. Without auxiliary reinforcement, even on the flattest floor, the board will soon creak again. After all the manipulations, the parquet is returned to its place.

№2 Try to identify the problem board as accurately as possible. Drill a small hole with a drill. Dilute cement mortar, similar in density to kefir, and carefully, using an ordinary syringe, pour it into the cavity under the parquet. Wait until everything hardens. The hole can be sealed with a special mastic for wood, having previously selected an identical color according to the color scheme.

Small gap

What to do if squeaks due to insufficient clearance? The laid board always expands and for this it needs space. If this point was left unattended during installation, then you can be sure that the parquet will creak. Sound elimination is quite simple. Parquet should be slightly cut around the perimeter of the room. The distance from the wall to the wooden floor must be at least 1 cm.

Creak due to lag

A creak due to incorrectly set lags occurs due to the small / large distance between them. Ideally, they should be located in the area of \u200b\u200b25-30 cm. You will have to completely dismantle the floor covering, in other words, do all the work again.


The most common cause of squeaking is an unfavorable indoor climate. In this case and unpleasant sound will be accompanied by a bang. The only thing that will help fix the problem is buying a humidifier or installing split systemsto create and maintain optimal conditions.

What to do if the parquet board creaks: additional methods:


A special solution, which is based on wax or water, is injected under pressure into the cracks between the parquet floor. This method does not take much time, and the result is felt immediately.

Polyurethane foam

Under creaky boards, through drilled hole, polyurethane foam is poured. The latter hardens very quickly, but, unfortunately, the effect of it is not durable. With constant pressure from walking on the floor, the mass breaks down and the creak returns.

Now you know what to do if the parquet creaks. But it is much easier to prevent the problem by giving special attention the process of laying the floor, because, as you already understood, in 99% of cases the parquet "music" is a consequence of violations of the technological process of installation.

The creak of the parquet floor is a very common phenomenon, it occurs so often that the tenants of "creaky" apartments are already getting used to and calmly perceive this "music at home". However, for most people, it gets on the nerves, deprives them of comfort. And even absolute environmental friendliness wood covering does not excuse the discomfort of the hardwood symphony.

In addition, a creak can be a signal of the beginning of the destruction of the wooden covering, and if the problem is not eliminated in time, the floor will eventually be hopelessly damaged. The scale of damage and the scope of work will be helped by a specialist, the best solution will turn to him and for help in repairs. However, if the size of the defects is small or it is not possible to invite a master, you can repair the parquet floor yourself. So calculate your financial capabilities, study the topic of repair and start fixing the problem.

Parquet creaksalways only due to the friction of its wooden elements - the absence of synthetic additives in this coating makes it defenseless against temperature fluctuations, rapid wear, cracks and irregularities. The reasons for the appearance of a squeak can be violations of laying technologies, long operation, careless use and poor care (flooding with water and subsequent drying out). Therefore, before proceeding with the repair, you need to identify the extent of the damage and the nature of the work - whether this repair will be cosmetic, whether it will be necessary to replace the parquet in part or will have to part with it altogether.

Situation one: planks creak

To get started, walk around the apartment and identify the localized areas of the squeak, mark them for memory. If it squeaks at individual planks, then each can be lubricated for a start. As an option, repair masters suggest using wax crayon for processing dried wood. For this, an oil composition is also used, with which parquet is rubbed, or linseed oil.

Important: Do not use oil on varnished surfaces!

Tips are often given on the internet to prevent the floor from squeaking. It is necessary to fill in the sagging bar polyurethane foam... We are talking about the repair of the old-style pavement, which, according to the technology, provided for the device of a large gap between the concrete screed and parquet planks. In this case, polyurethane foam will be a quick but ineffective solution.

First, it will dry out over time and shrink again, and secondly, the volume of foam is difficult to control - the foam can push the bar and lead to even greater deformation of the floor.

So it is better to fix the problem by pouring glue under the parquet into the voids. With a small diameter drill, drill a hole with a depth slightly greater than the thickness of the die, glue is poured with a syringe and from above, in order to avoid bulging adhesive mixture, the place is sealed with construction tape. When the glue dries up after a couple of days, the adhesive tape can be removed, the place with the hole can be restored with wax crayon to match or putty.

The most reliable way to fix the bar, even if you have several such creaky elements nearby, is to put them on self-tapping screws. To do this, determine the places of the loose nails and instead screw a couple of self-tapping screws on the problem area, drowning the caps into the wood. After the dent from the self-tapping screw, you can wipe it with a putty in the color of the tree.

Important: you need to know exactly where the strips are attached to the logs, otherwise you will not solve the problem with screws.

  • screwdriver or electric drill,
  • polyurethane foam,
  • a set of self-tapping screws,
  • drill,
  • syringe,
  • construction tape,
  • glue, wax crayons.

Situation two: the base is "playing"

This problem will be more serious - the parquet creaks due to the loose riveting to the intermediate layer - plywood, subfloor. Or the base, on which the parquet board is laid, “plays” due to poor adhesion to concrete or a wooden substrate. From the curvature of the rivets rub against each other, they emit a characteristic sound.

You can try pouring the glue again without damaging the parquet. But most often you have to resort to a different method - to tighten the base with screws. You need to install a wooden pin with an emphasis on the concrete base. The method is quite laborious, but it allows you to accurately determine the place of attachment of the pin to the concrete, and immediately assess the effect. This requires wooden beams of sufficient thickness and length equal to the gap from floor to ceiling.

Sharpen one end, leaving a heel at the base about the size of a five-ruble coin. It is necessary to install this heel where the parquet "sounds". With the other end, make an emphasis on the ceiling, placing a small board. With a board, the beam will be slightly tilted. Tapping on top of the end wooden beam, gradually move it along the board, as if expanding the beam between the ceiling and the floor. So you will ensure that the place where it loosened will be tightly pressed at the stop to the base.

If, after checking, you realize that the creak has disappeared, then this is where you need to screw in the screw, pulling it to the base. This is done as follows: make a hole with a drill to a depth of at least 40 mm in concrete, hammer into it plastic stopper, then place the washer and screw in tightly. This will ensure reliable fastening of the parquet floor to the concrete. Identify and repair other squeaky areas in the same way. After cleaning up the debris and sawdust, clean the surface, seal the drowning places of the screws with putty and varnish. Such fastening to concrete seems to be the most reliable.

Tools and materials needed here:

  • carpentry tool kit;
  • electric drill;
  • drill for concrete;
  • screws with plastic plugs;
  • washers;
  • timber made of wood (not less than 6 mm by 6 mm).

Situation three: the whole floor "sings"

If the whole floor "sang", it's bad. Most likely, you will have to make a complete dismantling and replacement of floors, that is, to make them overhaul... Most likely, the reason is in errors during installation: poor alignment of the screed, due to which deformation begins over time; a layer of plywood or fiberboard is not laid between the cement; there is no backing or it is too thin; there is no gap near the walls, because of which, expanding, wooden dies rest against the walls and creak; curvature of the lag due to defects in their installation. All this just leads to a complete violation of the parquet flooring. Therefore, all of the above issues must be taken into account when installing the floor.

Important!In order to avoid problems with repairs, and so that the floor does not deteriorate in the future, important points must be observed when installing a new parquet floor:

  • buy material only from high-quality varieties of wood,
  • entrust the installation to professionals who know the technological features of this business,
  • keep indoors temperature regime within plus 20, humidity level - no more than 55 percent.

Nevertheless, immediately after laying a completely new parquet or after some time, disgusting sounds appear, which pretty much spoil the life of the whole family. And here the reason lies in incorrectly laid logs, uneven screed or insufficient space between the planks. How to treat squeaks depends on the diagnosis. You can start dealing with it yourself, unless the problem lies in an incorrectly mounted floor base. In this case, camouflage and attempts to correct defects are only temporary relief.

Parquet squeak prevention

However, if the question has already risen squarely, then preventive work can be carried out, after which the creak will disappear for several years. First of all, you need to know what material the base is made of. If it is wooden, then you will have to dismantle the parquet tiles and put a kind of "pillow" in the form of thick plywood sheets between the planks and the base. With bituminous mastic, it is a little easier - the floor is warmed up with a construction hairdryer (carefully and without fanaticism), and the parquet tiles are tightly pressed against the heated substance. FROM concrete base you should do this: with a step of 15-20 cm, the floor is drilled, up to the screed, to install the metal base under the anchor bolt. Then the bolts are screwed in, masked with mastic or color scheme and varnished. This method is most effective against squeak and will eliminate it for a very long time.

It so happens that the tiles are not fixed on the base the best way... Then voids are formed under them, which can be filled with glue or cement laitance. Preliminarily, in several places, tiny holes are drilled with a diameter of no more than a few millimeters, where an adhesive is injected with an ordinary syringe. It is highly recommended to limit the load on the floor for a couple of days. It is ideal to completely exclude movement around this room until the substance dries. Some people recommend using polyurethane foam, which is not very wise. Its porous structure is not designed to withstand heavy weight and the creak will resume quickly.

By the way, if the coating was laid not so long ago, then the displacement of the tiles can happen due to the swelling of the tree from room moisture and a small gap between the extreme planks and the wall. It is enough just to cut off about 10-20 mm of the coating along the entire perimeter of the room. This should be done with care so as not to damage the adjacent strips.

If the parquet has shifted

Often the reason lies in the fastening of the boards to the joists. When the board is displaced, the parquet dies begin to move along with it, creating a creak. You will need a lot of time and patience and access to the bottom of the floor. Instead of nails, the boards are fastened with self-tapping screws, which are actually much more practical due to their structure. Over time, when the wood fibers dry out and lag behind the smooth surface of the nail, the board will become mobile again. The thread excludes such an outcome.

Separately, it must be said about replacing cracked planks or planks that have become unusable in a different way. If they are still strong enough, they can be removed with a chisel or other thin tool. Sand and clean the nest by placing new tiles on the glue. And if the wood crumbles, then the die should be split and removed in parts. This usually happens with the old coating, and this will be repeated until you decide to completely replace it.

If old parquet creaks

In old parquet, the planks creak due to the many gaps between the shrunken slabs. Several coats of fresh varnish can remove this for a while. The composition must be applied without stint, where gaps are seen between them, which are the main culprits of the squeak. However, with large gaps, this will not help. Then the strips can be fixed with self-tapping screws and the hat can be hidden under the mastic in the color of the coating.

Parquet creaking due to uneven ground

Finally, if all of the above methods do not fit the reasons for the squeak or did not help to eliminate it, perhaps the essence lies in the wrong location of the lag or unevenness of the base. Unfortunately, there are no easy recipes for getting rid of the problem. To re-install the base, you will have to completely disassemble the floor covering in parts and spend a lot of time and labor on eliminating defects.

It is better to prevent parquet creaking

In most cases, squeaking is best prevented. If you are not confident in your abilities, finishing work it is better to entrust reliable professionals. In addition, for all its amazing qualities, parquet is a rather capricious coating that requires constant attention and good care... But if these conditions are met, beautiful floors will adorn your home for several decades.

The content of the article:

Parquet creaking is an annoying sound that accompanies the friction of the weakened elements of the wooden floor with each other. Everyone probably faced such a problem either at home or in a public place. It can accompany the operation of the coating, irritating residents for many years, if not drastic measures are taken. Our today's material is about how to eliminate the creak of parquet without resorting to the help of specialists.

The main reasons for a squeaky parquet floor

It should be said right away that usually only squeaks old parquet... Due to the fact that natural wood is used in its manufacture, the creak of the coating can be considered a kind of retribution for the ecological cleanliness of the floor. Indeed, after all natural material contains absolutely no chemical substancesthat could prevent shrinkage of parquet elements over time.

Before eliminating the squeak of such a floor, it is advisable to find out the cause of the extraneous sound. Sources can be parquet planks, underlayment adjacent to the subfloor, or wooden logs... Let's consider what has to happen to all this for the parquet to start playing music:

Parquet creaking may appear when wooden planks peel off from the base, which may be concrete screed, plywood sheets or bitumen mastic. For the characteristic sound of the floor, the friction of the freed dies with each other is sufficient even with minimal movement. The reason for delamination can be uneven evaporation of moisture from the wood of the parquet with the formation of cavities between the flooring and the subfloor. It is in such places that the floor strips begin to shift. Over time, dust and debris accumulates under them, which complicates the problem.

Among other reasons for the squeak of a parquet floor, the following can be distinguished: cracking of wooden dies, their drying out, breakage of a ridge or groove of a separate board or several, loose nests of screws or nails of fasteners, the absence of a deformation gap between the walls and the parquet flooring, movement of the lags or ends of the boards relative to each other. to friend. All these defects in the floor cause friction between the dies, on the base, on loose fasteners, provoking the appearance of the creak of the old parquet.

Such defects are caused by errors in the floor device, which can be conditionally divided into technological and operational categories.

The first include violations of the rules for installation and drying of wood parquet boards:

  • Uneven subfloor;
  • Loose adhesion of a plywood or fiberboard backing to it;
  • Incorrect location, insufficient fasteners, dimensional violation and deformation of wooden logs;
  • Improper fastening of floor strips and skirting boards, lack of temperature gaps;
  • Lack of vapor barrier protection of the floor, which leads to wetting of the parquet from the bottom;
  • The moisture content of the original wood floor does not correspond to the accepted standards.
Errors in the operation of parquet include unacceptable loads on it in the form of mechanical and chemical influences, as well as violation of the temperature and humidity regime.

Preparatory work before the repair of parquet

An impressive list of reasons for the squeak of a parquet floor prompts you to know its design, installation method and the fasteners used. In this case, it will be easier to choose a way to eliminate the squeak of the parquet with your own hands, while saving a lot of time.

It is not difficult to identify a creaky area of \u200b\u200bthe floor. To do this, it is enough to walk around the room and, if you detect any extraneous sounds under your feet, stop in time and mark suspicious areas of the parquet with chalk. After completing the "walk", you need to carefully examine the marked places on the floor, determining visible to the eye defects. If they are not identified, the problem may be hidden under the floor covering. In this case, its partial or complete replacement will be required.

After determining the causes of the squeak, you can begin to eliminate them by repairing the parquet floor. To work, you need to stock up following instruments and aids: electric drill, drills with a diameter of 2 mm, medical syringe, polyurethane adhesive, dowels, rags and masking tape.

Parquet repair technology when it creaks

Complete replacement of the floor covering is the cardinal measure to get rid of the squeak of the parquet. It is associated with the removal of all parquet planks, proper preparation of the base, followed by laying the dismantled floor elements, scraping finished coating, its grinding and varnishing in several layers. This procedure is usually used when revealing large areas of delaminated parquet, and its implementation entails significant time and financial costs. But with a local squeak of the floor, you can use narrowly targeted ways to eliminate it. Let's take a look at them.

Elimination of potholes and cracks in the parquet

When the parquet, when walking, emits not just a creak, but also a loud crack, this is a sign of low humidity or high temperature in the room, since the floor slabs laid on the floor wet under such conditions dry up and become covered with cracks.

Small cracks can be putty to match the parquet, and potholes can be repaired with a mixture of wood, choosing the appropriate color. Instead of putty, you can use an adhesive casein composition, including sawdust... After processing problem areas, they must be carefully sanded, and then varnished on wood.

It is useless to close wide cracks, they will not hold the binder solution. In this case, the damaged parquet strip will have to be replaced. To complete this work, you need to choose a plank that matches the size, color and type of wood to the rest of the parquet planks.

In this case, its restoration is performed in the following order. The dried die must be split into pieces with a hammer and chisel, and then removed from the floor in parts, starting from the middle along with the glue base. The resulting cavity should be carefully cleaned and its base should be carefully leveled.

Then, you need to cut off the comb from the new board, and grind the place of the cut with a plane. If necessary, grooves and ridges can be cut from adjacent floor strips. When replacing several planks located next to each other at once, they must first be fastened together into a single rivet. Before doing this, it is recommended to make sure that it fits perfectly into the location of a number of old damaged dies.

Then, on the cleaned and leveled base of the floor recess, left after removing the damaged dies, bitumen mastic heated to 160 degrees or a suitable glue should be poured. A riveting should be placed on the treated surface, and then carefully remove the excess adhesive squeezed out by it.

On the renewed section of the parquet floor, you need to put some kind of load for a while. When the mastic or glue under the rivet is dry, it should be sanded with fine-grained emery paper, removed from wood dust and painted with varnish.

Parquet floor base repair

It is performed when an absolutely flat floor creaks. There are two possibilities here. One of them provides for the creation of an intermediate laying of a parquet floor from plywood sheets with a thickness of 12 mm. This will allow you to get rid of the squeak for a long time, but to guarantee that it will never resume, while this option of repairing the parquet is impossible.

Repairing the base according to another option is much easier, but in this case you need to know what the parquet was attached to. If it was laid on bituminous mastic, then the elimination of the squeak of the parquet can be done as follows. Prepare a building hair dryer and use it to warm up the parquet strips to such a state that the bituminous mastic melts under them. The main thing in this method is not to overdo it, so as not to damage the front of the parquet. After the mastic is ready, the dies above it must be pressed with some kind of weight until the adhesive cools.

Installing wedges between parquet planks

If the floor slabs are poorly fixed to the joists or beams, then as a result of walking on such a covering, friction of its elements against each other occurs, accompanied by a creak. To prevent such friction, wedges are driven between the beams and the parquet boards. If there is no access to the bottom of the floor, the dies can be attached to the logs from above.

Parquet creaking can be eliminated by hammering in wooden wedges between the covering boards, maintaining a distance of 15-20 cm between them. It is important to ensure that the wedges do not protrude above the floor level. They can be hammered in gently with a hammer and a piece of metal bar.

Pouring glue under parquet

Before removing the creak of the parquet in this way, it is necessary to mark points in the centers of problem areas of the floor with a distance of 15 cm from each other and stick on them masking tape... Then you need to drill according to the marks through holes in dies and pour glue under the parquet through them. The holes should be 2 mm in diameter and a syringe should be used to pour through.

After that, the parquet flooring must be pressed with a heavy load to the base. After an hour, the glue will dry, after which the tape can be removed. If glue accidentally gets on the parquet, it can be removed with a solvent used to work with polyurethane foam.

The wax crayons should be matched to the color of the parquet in advance. A day after the completion of the repair, with their help, you need to fill the holes through which the glue was poured. The work is completed by polishing the parquet with a rag.

Using anchors to repair parquet

If the base of the parquet floor is concrete slab, to eliminate its squeak, metal anchors can be used, which will have to be fastened manually.

First, a small hole is drilled in the coating, a metal shell is inserted into it, into which a pin is then screwed, tightly pulling the parquet with the concrete base.

This method is very effective, but also the most costly, since on average about 200 anchors may be needed to repair parquet sections, and each of them costs 10-15 rubles.

Parquet tightening with screws

When a squeak of parquet appears in the places of its contact with the lags this problem can be eliminated by tightening the floorboards to wooden beams... The only problem that can arise here is finding lag under the cover.

The repair procedure consists in additional fixing of the parquet board to the beam with two or three screws. A hole for fasteners is drilled from the side of the die in the log. After screwing in the screws, their caps must be drowned in the wood of the board, the resulting recess should be repaired with putty, and then sanded with sandpaper.

Pulling the parquet floor

This procedure is rather laborious, but at the same time it is cheap. Its essence lies in the fact that in order to eliminate the squeak of the parquet floor, it will be necessary to replace all the nails that serve as fasteners for the dies with screws. They are devoid of the main drawback inherent in nails - squeak in areas of contact with wood.

A nail driven into the wood usually holds its layers tightly, covering the metal. But over time, the metal rusts, decreases in diameter and weakens the fastening. Then a backlash appears, which is accompanied by a creaking sound.

After replacing the fasteners of the parquet on problem areas of the floor, the grooves from the screw heads should be sealed with wood putty, and then sanded.

How to eliminate the squeak of parquet - watch the video:

Usually, measures to eliminate the squeak of parquet are combined with other related work, for example, flooring with varnish or wax. Together, all this will extend the life of the floor by long years, even considering his already solid age.