What are competencies? Key competencies and their assessment. The competencies of the teacher and students. How is competency different from competence? Competence and competence: differences in education

In the modern world, the competence of personnel plays a very important role for every enterprise. If earlier companies focused and focused all their attention on the results of work, and the behavior of people practically did not interest them, then in the conditions modern society everything has changed. Now it is human behavior that has become paramount, which is directly related to gaining and maintaining an advantage in the market. Psychologists in the United States of America have developed the theory of competence, according to which often people who have degrees from prestigious universities or excellent references do not perform efficiently. Psychologists have come to the conclusion that the competence of an employee does not depend on work experience, the prestige of a diploma, or university performance. The reason for this is the need to have the necessary competencies within the framework of their work.

What are competencies and what levels they are divided into

To begin with, it is necessary to clearly draw a line of demarcation between the concept of competence and competence, because it is wrong to identify these terms. Competence is the presence in an employee of certain qualities that lead to effective work, and competence is the ability of an employee to act within the standards set by the company.

According to the levels of competencies, they can be divided into corporate, managerial and technical. Corporate competencies imply support for the goals and values ​​of the company and are applied in all positions. Managerial - applied to both top and bottom management in order to achieve business goals. Technical competencies contain professional skills and abilities that are an integral part of employees in the performance of their job duties. In other words, competencies key features personnel, thanks to which he has the opportunity to show the required behavior in the conditions of work and in the future to make work more efficient.

Competence of personnel and ways to improve it

This aspect of work requires special attention because the quality of the product depends on it. When applying for a job, employers are often asked to fill out a questionnaire in which they are asked to answer questions of interest to them. This is usually a necessary technique to help them figure out how competent a future employee is. In addition, they offer an internship, during which it will be possible to understand how the employee meets the requirements and expectations.

If an employee has been working for more than a year, then they may be offered to take retraining courses at the expense of the company or temporarily change jobs with someone else. After all, it is practice that helps to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. It is at the moment when employees become more experienced in their work that the competence of the personnel is born.

The influence of competence on the efficiency of employees

Competences that determine the behavior of personnel in the performance of their duties are an integral part of them.

Competence consists of personality traits, temperament, intellectual level and emotions.

All these qualities can be determined by human behavior. In addition to the personal character and abilities of the staff, individual behavior is directly influenced by the principles and values ​​established within the organization.

In addition to personal character, motives and abilities, individual behavior is also significantly influenced by the values ​​and principles adopted in the organization. That is why many companies try to instill these values ​​in their staff. Competence management is carried out by the management team.

Competences are divided into acquired, natural and adaptive. In the first category, the assessment of personnel and their competencies is carried out with the help of ability tests in order to identify knowledge and skills.

Acquired - knowledge and skills acquired at work, as well as in the course of training and daily activities. These competencies can be assessed using aptitude tests. In the second category, personality tests are carried out.

Adaptive competencies include a set of qualities that make it possible to strive for a new goal.

Depending on the market niche in which the enterprise is located, as well as the type of its activity, management chooses the necessary type of competencies, which it tries to develop and improve as much as possible within its company in order to obtain qualified and experienced employees.

Ideally, an employee must satisfy all types of competencies and comply with the standards of the enterprise, otherwise, due to the incompetence of the staff, not only the quality of products, but also the company's reputation may suffer.

Definition of competencies

There are many differentdefinitionscompetencies. This should never be embarrassing. Different organizations and competency experts prefer their own definitions of this concept to “strangers” that appeared earlier. But most definitions are just variations on two themes that differ in origins.

Main themes

Two fundamental themes that give rise to contradictions indefinition of competencies :

- Description of work tasks or expected results of work. These descriptions have their origins in national training systems such as the National/Scottish Vocational Qualifications and the Management Charter Initiative (MCI).

In these systems, competencies are defined as "the ability of a manager to act in accordance with the standards adopted by the organization" (MCI, 1992).

- Description of behavior. This topic arose from the activities of researchers and consultants specializing in the field of effective management.

Various definitions of behavioral competence are different variations of the same definition:competence- this is the main characteristic of the personality, the owner of which is able to achieve high results in work "(Klemp, 1980).

A specific variation is usually supplemented by an indication of what qualities the main characteristic includes. For example: to this often cited definition of competence are added - motives, character traits, abilities, self-esteem, social role, knowledge that a person uses in work (Boyatzis, 1982).

The variety of definition options indicates that although competence consists of many personal parameters (motives, character traits, abilities, etc.), all these parameters can be identified and assessed by how a person behaves. For example: communication skills are fully manifested in how effectively a person negotiates, how he influences people and how he works in a team. Behavioral competence describes the behavior of people observed when effective performers show personal motives, character traits and abilities in the process of solving problems leading to the achievement of the desired results in work.

Definition and implementation of values

In addition to motives, character traits and abilities, individual behavior is influenced by the values ​​and principles adopted in the organization. Many companies have established what principles they are committed to and communicate these principles to their employees, emphasizing in particular the role these values ​​should play in daily operations. Some companies have included corporate principles and values ​​in the competency model and make sure that the behavior of the staff is in line with the accepted guidelines.

"Decoration of the month"

The municipal service released a statement on the company's values. These values ​​were not reflected in the guidelines for conduct used in staff selection and performance monitoring. For example, the stated principles of operation were: "customers and suppliers should be considered as partners." And the criteria for behavior included such instructions: "in negotiations, insist on getting the best service at the lowest price" and "set and maintain prices that bring maximum benefit." If the values ​​and principles of the municipal service determined the criteria for the behavior of employees, we would see such indications: “winning in negotiations is winning the struggle for high quality service" and "provide customers with high-quality supplies at a favorable price." The separation of the rules of conduct and the principles of the company's activities is obvious: employees are not obliged to always and everywhere behave in accordance with the published principles, despite the good intentions of the company. This separation of values ​​and day-to-day work gave the impression that the values ​​were just "decoration of the month" and in a practical sense they were not that important.

What is the difference between "competence" and "competency"?

Many want to know if there is a difference between competence andcompetence. A common belief has formed, according to which the concepts of "competence" and "competence" convey the following meanings:

The ability necessary to solve work tasks and to obtain the necessary work results is most often defined as competence.

An ability that reflects the required standards of behavior is defined as a competence.

In practice, many organizations include tasks, performance and behavior in the description of both competencies and competencies and combine these two concepts. But it is more typical to associate the description of competencies with abilities that reflect standards of behavior than with problem solving or performance.

The subject of this book is competencies. And we define the concept of competence through standards of behavior.

Typical Competency Framework Diagram

Different organizations understand differentlycompetencies. But in most cases, competencies are presented in the form of some kind of structure, like the diagram in Fig. one.

In the structure presented in fig. 1, behavioral indicators are the main elements of each competency. Related competencies are grouped into clusters.


Each competency is described below, starting with the main blocks - with indicators of behavior.

Behavior indicators

Behavioral indicators are standards of behavior that are observed in the actions of a person who has a specific competence. The subject of observation is a manifestation of high competence. Manifestations of weak, ineffective "negative" competence can also become the subject of observation and study, but this approach is rarely used.

Example. Behavioral indicators competencies "WORKING WITH INFORMATION", that is, actions in the process of collecting and analyzing information, include the following abilities of employees:

Finds and uses fruitful sources of information.

Precisely defines the type and form of the required information.

Receives the necessary information and saves it in a format convenient for work.


Each competenceis a set of related behavioral indicators. These indicators are combined into one or more blocks - depending on the semantic scope of competence.

Competencies without levels

A simple model, that is, a model that covers jobs with simple standards of behavior, may have one list of indicators for all competencies. In this model, all behavioral indicators refer to all activities. For example: a model that describes the work of only senior managers of the company, in the Planning and Organization section, may include the following behavior indicators:

Makes plans that allocate work according to deadlines and priorities (from a few weeks to three years).

Makes plans that exactly match the goals of the department.

Coordinates the activities of the department with the business plan of the company.

A single list of behavior indicators is what is required, because all behavior indicators are necessary in the work of all senior managers.

Competencies by levels

When the competency model covers a wide range of jobs with different categorization of requirements, behavioral indicators within each competency can be summarized in separate lists or divided into “levels”. This allows a number of elements of different competencies to be brought under one heading, which is convenient and necessary when the competency model should cover a wide range of activities, jobs and functional roles.

For example: the content of the "planning and organizing" competency may be appropriate for both an administrative role and a manager role. The criteria for the behavior of people involved in planning and organizing activities are different for different roles, but the distribution of criteria by levels allows you to include homogeneous indicators of behavior necessary for organizing and planning in one competency model and not develop separate models for each role. At the same time, some competencies will have only one or two levels, while others will have several levels.

Other distribution methodcompetenciesby levels - division by professional qualities required by the employee. This method is used when the competency model refers to one job level or one role. For example, the model might include a list of the following indicators:

Initial competencies- usually this is the minimum set of requirements necessary to be allowed to perform work

Outstanding competencies- the level of activity of an experienced employee

Negative competencies- usually these are standards of behavior that are counterproductive for effective work at any level

This method is used when it is necessary to evaluate various degrees competencies of a group of workers. Examples. Baseline (minimum) standards of conduct can be applied when evaluating job applicants. When evaluating the performance of experienced personnel, more complex competencies can be applied. In both cases, negative indicators of behavior can also be used to identify disqualifying factors and develop a competency model. By introducing levels, it is possible to accurately assess personal competencies without complicating the structure of the competency model.

Competency models built by levels will have one set of standards of behavior for each level.

Names of competencies and their description

To aid understanding, competencies are usually referred to by a specific name, which is given an appropriate description.

The title is usually a very short term that distinguishes one competency from others, being both meaningful and easy to remember.

Typical titlescompetencies:

relationship management

group work


collection and analysis of information

making decisions

personal development

generation and accumulation of ideas

planning and organization

managing the completion of a task by a deadline

goal setting

In addition to the name of the competency, many competency models include a description of the competency. The first approach is to create a set of behavioral criteria that correspond to a specific competency. For example: a competency called "Planning and organizing" can be decoded as follows:

"Achieves results through detailed planning and organization of people and resources in accordance with established goals and objectives within agreed timelines."

Where the competency content spans a single list of behavioral criteria, this approach works very well.

The second approach is a reasonable explanation of what is summarized, that is, an argument why this particular competence is important for the organization. This approach is best used when the competency model reflects multiple levels of behavior, because in such situations it is difficult to summarize everything that should cover all the personal roles that exist in the company and all the standards of behavior for different levels of competency.

For instance. The competency model called "Influence" can have 5 levels. At one level, influence is exercised by presenting clear arguments and facts in support of a particular product. At another level, influence includes developing and presenting your own vision for your company and the company's impact on the market and various professional groups. Instead of trying to summarize such a wide range of standards of conduct, a company might put it this way:

"To persuade other people to some idea or course of action by means of effective persuasion. This is very important for learning, acquiring new knowledge, for innovation, decision-making and for creating an atmosphere of trust.”

In many cases, this formulation is much more useful than a brief listing of the standards of behavior included in the competency, since the detailed description explains why the firm chooses this particular competency model, and, in addition, this description explains the special nuances inherent in the selected competency model.

Competence clusters

Cluster of competencies is a set of closely related competencies (usually from three to five in one bundle). Most competency models include clusters related to:

Intellectual activity, such as problem analysis and decision making

Actions, for example, to achieve concrete results

Interaction, for example, to work with people.

All phrases in the description of competency models should be written in a language that is generally accepted and accessible to the staff.

Competence clusters names similar to those indicated are usually given so that the competency model is understood by all employees.

Some organizations present descriptions of entire "bundles" of competencies to reveal the nature of the competencies included in each set. For instance,competence cluster ii "Working with information" can be represented by the following phrase:

“Working with information includes all sorts of forms of information, methods of collecting and analyzing information necessary for making effective solutions- current, operational and prospective”.

competere- correspond, fit) - the ability to apply knowledge, skills, successfully act on the basis of practical experience when solving problems of a general kind, also in a certain wide area. Private uses of the term:
  • Professional competence - the ability to successfully act on the basis of practical experience, skills and knowledge in solving professional problems;
  • Competence ( legal term) - a set of legally established powers, rights and obligations of a particular body or official; determines its place in the system of state bodies (local governments). The legal content of the concept of "competence" includes the following elements: subjects of jurisdiction (the range of those objects, phenomena, actions that are subject to authority); rights and obligations, powers of the body or person; a responsibility; compliance with the goals, objectives and functions.
  • Competence (as a category of public law) is a legal tool that allows you to determine the role and place of a particular subject in the management process by legislatively assigning a certain amount of public affairs to him.
  • Competence (personnel management) is the personal ability of a specialist (employee) to solve a certain class of professional tasks. In personnel management, competence is more often understood as formally described requirements for the personal, professional, and other qualities of a candidate for admission, an employee, or a group of company employees;
  • Intercultural competence - the ability to successfully communicate with representatives of other cultures;
  • The key competence of the organization is the totality of the organization's competitive advantages, its main trump card in a competitive or hypercompetitive struggle.
  • Competence area - a set of knowledge and skills of a person or organization that they perform at a high, competitive level.

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See what "Competence" is in other dictionaries:

    - (lat.; this. see the competent judge). 1) terms of reference of any institution). 2) harassment, striving for one goal. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. COMPETENCE [lat. competentia… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Rights, powers, power; knowledge, experience, awareness Dictionary of Russian synonyms. competence see powers Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova ... Synonym dictionary

    competence- and, well. competence f. , German Kompetenz lat. competentia belonging by right. Awareness in what BAS 1. In the hands of the provincial administration, power without competence, in the hands of zemstvo institutions, competence without power. A. Gradovsky. //… … Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    Competence- the subjects of competence determined by the legislation (field of activity, range of issues to be resolved), the scope of powers corresponding to them and the limits of the activities of an official, or government agency. Strictly speaking, competence ... ... Elementary principles of the general theory of law

    - (from lat. competo I achieve; I correspond, I approach) legally established powers, rights and obligations of an authority or official; determines its place in the system of state bodies or local governments. ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    - (Latin competentio from competo I achieve, I correspond, I approach) a set of legally established powers, rights and obligations of a particular body or official; determines its place in the system of state bodies (bodies ... ... Law Dictionary

    Terms of reference, the right to make decisions of a state body, an official, stipulated by laws, regulations, regulations, instructions. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    - (Latin competentia belonging by law), 1) the terms of reference of a particular body, official established by the constitution or other law. 2) Knowledge, experience in a particular area ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (from Latin competo I achieve; I fit accordingly), 1) the scope of authority granted by law, charter or other act to a specific body or official. 2) Knowledge, experience in a particular area ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    COMPETENCE, competencies, pl. no, female (lat. competentia) (book). 1. The range of issues, phenomena in which this person has authority, knowledge, experience. We will not talk about what is not within our competence. It's out of my scope... ... Dictionary Ushakov

    COMPETENCE, and, fem. (book). 1. Circle of questions, in which who n. well informed. 2. Circle of whose n. powers, rights. K. court. The case is not included in whose n. competence. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


  • Socio-bicultural foreign language competence of a student: Monograph, . The monograph substantiates a new type of foreign language competence of schoolchildren - socio-bicultural, interpreted by the authors as a component of foreign language communicative competence. The authors are taking...
Speaking about the types of competencies, two important points should be noted:
1) species diversity competencies in the absence of HR standards;
2) the existence of several classifications, that is, species diversity. There is no single classification of types of competencies, there are many different classifications according to different grounds. Navigating this variety of species is very problematic. Many classifications are inconvenient and obscure, which makes their application in practice extremely difficult. But, one way or another, the current situation affects the practice of building a competency model.
A variety of typologies can be found in various theoretical and practical materials on the topic of competencies. In world practice, there are examples of attempts to develop universal typologies and competency models that claim to be the world standard. For example, SHL, a world leader in the field of psychometric assessment and solution development, announced in 2004 the creation of a universal core competency framework by a group of consultants led by Professor Dave Bartram. The basic structure created by the professor's group included 112 components, headed by the so-called "Big Eight competencies". It is quite possible that global unification trends will soon lead to the fact that such a global standard will become unified in HR practice. But today, Dave Bartram's model does not meet all the specific requirements for corporate competency structures. In addition, competencies are a corporate tool, so it is practically impossible to create a single set of competencies that any company can use, taking into account all the specific requirements for positions.
We will consider types of competencies based on the corporate scale (scale of distribution of any type of competencies) and organizational level (level organizational structure on which any type of competence works): corporate, professional and managerial. This classification was chosen as the most optimal for building a competency model and using it in various areas of HR activities. In addition, it allows you to select technological tools for assessing competencies and, accordingly, make the competency system more accessible for use.

Types of competencies

Speaking of competency models, it is necessary to designate types of competencies.
1. Corporate (or key), which are applicable to any position in the organization. Corporate competencies follow from the values ​​of the organization, which are fixed in such corporate documents as strategy, code of corporate ethics, etc. The development of corporate competencies is part of the work with the corporate culture of the organization. The optimal number of corporate competencies is 5-7. This level includes corporate standards of conduct - business and personal qualities that every employee of the organization must possess, regardless of their position. Corporate competencies tend to be the most understandable, concise and easily identifiable. They contribute to the formation of corporate culture and the implementation of the strategic goals of the organization.
Corporate competence represents the competence of personnel at the level necessary organization for the implementation of its main goals: economic, scientific and technical, industrial and commercial and social" (Fig. 6).
The system of corporate competencies (internal requirements for candidates) fully reflects the specifics of each organization, the goals and objectives of its production and management structures, the organizational culture and values ​​of this organization, and other aspects of its organizational behavior.
Competences are usually regulated with the help of the outlined terms of reference and the legal activity of the holder of the competence.
Perhaps this follows from the statutory documents or other internal corporate rules, partly from legal and by-laws, the declarative goals of an enterprise, from a qualification directory, or job descriptions, regulations, orders, etc.

Rice. 6. Formation and development of corporate competencies
G. Cannac (France) defines corporate competence as "a rational combination of knowledge and abilities, considered over a short period of time, that employees of a given organization possess" .
2. Management (or managerial), which are necessary for managers to successful achievement business goals. They are developed for employees engaged in managerial activities and having employees in linear or functional subordination. Managerial competencies can be similar for managers in different industries and include, for example, such competencies as: “Strategic vision”, “Business management”, “Working with people”, etc. This type competencies - the most localized and complex view. Most often, companies develop multi-level managerial competencies. At the top level are the competencies that all executives in an organization should have. Next - managerial competencies corresponding to the managerial levels of the organization. The last in this hierarchy are specific managerial competencies that are characteristic of a specific specific managerial position. The development of managerial competencies is complex. Great danger and temptation to create a model of an ideal supermanager, which is hardly possible to implement in practice. That is why, when developing, it is recommended to include in the list of managerial competencies an optimal set based on the principle of necessary and sufficient competencies.
3. Professional (or technical), which are applicable to a specific group of positions. Drawing up professional competencies for all groups of positions in an organization is a very laborious and long process. This type of competencies is a set of personal characteristics, as well as knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for effective work in a particular job position. It is necessary to distinguish between the professional competencies of the position and the professional competencies of the types of activity or professional areas. The professional competencies of activities and areas are of a generalized nature. And the professional competencies of the position are limited by the scope of a particular organization.
Professional competence is “an integrated characteristic of the business and personal qualities of an employee, reflecting the level of specialized knowledge, skills and experience sufficient to achieve the goal, as well as his creative potential, which makes it possible to set and solve the necessary tasks. In accordance with the nature of the employee's activity and the characteristics of his labor process the following types of professional competence are distinguished” (Table 3).
Table 3
Types of professional competence

Individual competence - "characterizes the possession of methods of self-realization and development of individuality within the profession, readiness for professional growth, the ability for individual self-preservation, non-susceptibility to professional aging, the ability to organize rationally one's work without overloading time and effort" ".
The above types of competence mean the maturity of a person in professional activities, professional communication, the formation of a professional personality, his individuality. They may not coincide in one person, who may be a good narrow specialist, but not be able to communicate, not be able to carry out the tasks of his development. Accordingly, it can be stated that he has a high special competence and a lower one - social or personal. Thus, certification of personnel competence is required, which involves assessing and confirming the compliance of the special, social, personal and individual competence of a specialist with established norms, requirements and standards. By analogy with the process of forming skills, here we can distinguish:
1) unconscious incompetence - low performance, lack of perception of differences in components or actions. The employee does not know what he does not know, what knowledge and skills he needs;
2) conscious incompetence - poor performance, recognition of shortcomings and weaknesses. The employee realizes what he lacks for successful work.
3) conscious competence - improved performance, conscious efforts aimed at more effective actions. The employee is able to consciously adjust his activities.
4) unconscious competence - natural, integrated, automatic activity with higher performance. The employee is able to transfer the action to a new context, modify it taking into account the changing environment. Acquired competencies will not bring the desired effect if their carriers are not interested in their maximum use. So, employees in relation to their individual competence pursue the following goals:
1) adaptation of personal qualifications to the requirements of the position (workplace);
2) guarantees of maintaining the position (workplace);
3) the basis for professional advancement;
4) increasing one's own mobility in the labor market;
5) ensuring the receipt of high labor income;
6) increase their own prestige.
The broadest in scale and highest in organizational level (corporate competencies as a type are inherent in all positions of the organization located at all levels of the organizational structure, including the highest ones) are corporate competencies. This type includes corporate standards of conduct - business and personal qualities that all employees of the organization must possess, regardless of their positions and duties. That is, these are the competencies that each employee of this particular organization should possess. Corporate competencies tend to be the most understandable, concise and easily identifiable; designed to identify an employee with corporate values ​​and corporate culture of the organization. They contribute to the formation of corporate culture and the implementation of the strategic goals of the organization. When reading corporate policy documents, corporate codes, or simply job advertisements, one can often see phrases like “our employees have an active life position, strive for personal development, are loyal to customers, etc.”. In fact, the same corporate competencies that we are talking about are “hardwired” into such phrases.
As real example corporate competencies, you can quote from the Code of Ethics of the organization "XXX": the company especially appreciates:
- respect for the personal rights and interests of our employees, the requirements of customers and the terms of cooperation put forward by our business partners and society;
- impartiality, which implies remuneration in accordance with the results achieved and provides equal rights for professional growth;
- honesty in relationships and in providing any information necessary for our work.
- efficiency as a sustainable achievement to the maximum possible outcomes in everything we do;
- the courage to confront what is unacceptable and take responsibility for the consequences of their decisions;
- care shown in an effort to protect people from any harm or threat to their life and health and the protection of the environment;
- trust in employees, which allows us to delegate authority and responsibility for decisions and how they are implemented.
These paragraphs list the corporate competencies of the organization. This example clearly shows that corporate competencies often merge in meaning with corporate values ​​in their perception. In addition, their set is almost identical in companies with completely different corporate culture, values ​​and business style. When developing corporate competencies, it is necessary to separate the really necessary competencies from the slogans, and also check the competencies for non-conflict with each other (they should not contradict each other).
Corporate competencies have a total distribution, that is, they must be characteristic of each employee of the organization, which means that it is understood that the larger the list of these competencies, the more difficult it is to ensure that each employee has a complete set. Therefore, it is recommended to make a set of corporate competencies optimal: brief, concise, reflecting only that without which it will be extremely difficult for an employee to work effectively in this organization.
In addition, we should not forget that competence must be measurable. That is, when introducing a competence, it is necessary to check it for the possibility of evaluation. It is important to remember this precisely when developing corporate competencies, since there is often a great temptation to include personal qualities of a social nature in their number. For example, "justice". It is very problematic to measure the presence of this competence in an employee, since the concept of “fair” is largely relative and difficult to identify.
Professional competencies are less broad and localized in scale (less broad - they do not cover a wide range of positions, but are tied to specific positions, up to competencies specific to any one specific position). Usually they are localized to specific positions (perhaps to one specific). But a certain set of professional competencies is inherent in any job position. This type of competencies is a set of personal characteristics, as well as knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for effective work in a particular job position. Given that our classification of competencies is limited to corporate boundaries, one should not confuse the professional competencies of the position and the professional competencies of activities or professional areas.
Professional competencies of activities and areas are more generalized. And the professional competencies of the position are limited by the scope of a particular organization. For example, there may be competencies of an employee in the pedagogical sphere - they are typical for all specialists leading pedagogical activity, regardless of the organization in which they work, and there may be professional competencies of a teacher of a particular training organization. Speaking of professional competencies as a type of competencies, we mean exactly them. Most often, a set of professional competencies in an organization is formalized in the so-called position profile.
Managerial competencies are the most localized and complex type of competencies. These are the competencies necessary for the performance of managerial duties by a managerial employee.
Most often, companies develop multi-level managerial competencies. At the top level are the competencies that all executives in an organization should have. Further, managerial competencies corresponding to the managerial levels of the organization. For example, managerial competencies of top managers, middle managers, etc. The last in this hierarchy are specific managerial competencies that are characteristic of a specific specific managerial position. Oddly enough, the development of managerial competencies is the most difficult - the temptation to create a model of an ideal supermanager is too great, which is unlikely to be implemented in practice. Therefore, when developing, it is recommended to include in the list of managerial competencies an optimal set based on the principle of necessary and sufficient competencies.
Let's consider some of the opportunities that the competence-based approach provides for organizing effective personnel management.
1. It is necessary to remember the chain "goal - activity - competence" and apply this model to strategic management by human resourses. This chain means that larger goals usually require more complex activities in order to achieve them. More complex activities require higher specialist competence. Acquisition of higher competence takes time, often considerable. After all, even a simple skill is formed on average in 21 days, and there may be several necessary skills. In addition, the development of personal qualities requires much more time - sometimes it takes years.
Ways to solve this problem can be the following:
. Implement the system in the organization strategic management and a strategic personnel management system. And then, knowing what goals the employee will face in a few years, and how he will achieve them, you can plan a long-term program for his training and development.
. To consider the current activity of the employee not only as practical, but also as educational. In this case, we can turn to the experience of big sport, and we will see that any competitions other than the main ones (World Championships, Olympic Games) are preparatory for larger competitions. That is, an athlete in the course of his training trains directly in the conditions in which he will have to compete in the future and win new achievements. Thus, he forms and develops a set of those competencies that he will need. For example, competitions are educational. And the task of the athlete is not only to win them, but also to improve his level of skill. Moreover, the goal of winning all competitions is long gone - it is more profitable to lose in simple competitions, but at the same time study and prepare in order to win the main competitions.
Applying this concept to business, we can say this: let my employee make mistakes if they are training mistakes, and not due to negligence. The damage from these mistakes will be covered many times over in the future. After all, when an employee raises his competence, he will begin to make a profit, immeasurably greater than he brings now (even if now he does not make any mistakes).
2. Talent management. This can be formulated as follows: if the competence of a talented employee exceeds the competence of his position in at least one of the parameters, then the employee feels dissatisfied, and his competence begins to decline.
Moreover, in order for such an employee to feel happy, it is necessary that the requirements of his position exceed his current competence in at least one of the parameters. Naturally, there are a number of conditions: the excess must be adequate to the position, the current tasks of the organization and the psychological type of this employee; the employee must be aware of this discrepancy and work with it, etc.
Still, despite all the difficulties, this conclusion opens up a whole range of opportunities for motivating and retaining staff. The most striking (even paradoxical) example: instead of increasing the amount of payments, you can complicate professional activity employee. Of course, the question arises: how to complicate and how much. And this is where the analysis of the competence profile of this employee can help.
This conclusion echoes the ideas of the realization of human potential. The idea is that strategic directions and goals are determined not only on the basis of the decisions of the first persons of the organization, but also on the basis of the existing unrealized competencies of the staff (which, again, analysis of the competencies of employees can help). If people feel that the organization not only ensures their standard of living, but also allows them to realize themselves more fully, then a phenomenon will arise that, in Lately commonly referred to as "employee engagement". But the involvement of personnel gives not only a psychological, but also an economic effect. It has already been irrefutably proven that due to the low involvement of employees, organizations lose huge amounts of money, incomparable in size with the costs of high-quality personnel management.
The attractiveness of the competency-based approach, in our opinion, lies in a special method for analyzing and evaluating the development of personnel competencies, in particular managerial ones, at each level of the hierarchy in the organization, thanks to which those qualities are determined that determine the good performance of a particular job.
The competency-based approach implies that the main emphasis is not just on obtaining knowledge and skills by students, but on the integrated development of the competencies of managerial personnel.
The competency-based approach has an impact on the development of the competencies of managerial personnel. This can be clearly seen in Fig. 7.

Rice. 7. The influence of the competency-based approach on the development of competencies of managerial personnel
The motivational competencies of managerial personnel include goal orientation, initiative, self-confidence, interest in the work of the individual, responsibility, self-control, self-realization, flexibility in work, influencing staff.
The intellectual competencies of managerial personnel are based on knowledge related to basic principles, as well as with information technology, decision-making technologies and rapid acceptance of innovations.
The functional competencies of managerial staff are manifested in the skill set of managerial staff (self-awareness, leadership, interpersonal communication, negotiation, decision-making skills, delegation, team building, conflict management, efficient use of time).
Interpersonal competencies of management personnel contribute to the formation of balanced relationships, interpersonal understanding, dedication to the company, willingness to help, customer orientation, staff optimism, etc.
Many organizations do not use ready-made developments, fundamentally go their own way and develop their own competency structures. This can be justified only if the development is carried out by experienced specialists, since for novice developers, which are often HR managers in an organization, this task is either beyond their strength or threatens to create an incorrect and inefficiently functioning competence structure.

Evgeny Smirnov

# business vocabulary

What is the difference between competence and competence

Competence is based on the competence previously formed as a result of training or experience gained and represents the properties specific person, as well as his ability to perform the assigned tasks.

Article navigation

  • Competence
  • Types of competencies
  • Communicative competence and competence
  • Language
  • Information competence and competencies
  • sociocultural
  • Household
  • Competencies in education
  • Key competencies of students

In a professional environment or in ordinary everyday conversation, you can often hear the words "competence" and "competence". Most people only roughly understand what it is. However, there are significant differences between the meaning of these words. And so that they do not raise questions in the future, it is necessary to accurately analyze the concept, types and types of competencies, as well as important factors pointing out their differences.

There are many formulations that have been identified by leading scientists in our country and abroad. The approach to interpretation also differs - it is either identifications or differentiation.

The competence-based approach is characterized by the following structure:

  • Competence- is based on the acquired skills, knowledge and experience that provide the ability to perform a task or carry out a specific activity. An example is the level of language proficiency that a translator uses in his daily work.
  • Competence- is based on the competence previously formed as a result of training or acquired experience and represents the properties of a particular person, as well as his ability to perform the above tasks or activities.

If we conduct a thorough analysis, it becomes clear that there is no unambiguous or generally accepted meaning of the word when it comes to one context. Interpretations differ, but only a detailed study of the issue allows you to get a clear understanding and presentation of the two concepts.


At first glance, the concepts are similar, but competence and competence have some differences. In the first case, experts have adopted an interpretation that includes acquired knowledge that forms the skills and preparedness of the student for their use in practice. This also includes any issues that this person is aware of, as well as problems that he can solve using previously acquired skills.

Then what is competence? The concept includes:

  • The abilities that a person is endowed with in order to perform actions in real life. Here, qualification is important, which, with the help of the resources received, turns a person’s professional actions into a final useful product.
  • The authority of a person, which is formed by both personal qualities and knowledge in a particular area, which were acquired earlier.
  • Willingness and courage to take on the task at hand. Solid knowledge of the business, including skills and experience, is essential. A specialist must not only clearly understand the methods and steps aimed at solving the problem, but also tirelessly improve his qualification level, study up-to-date information and gain new knowledge.
  • Adoption right decision on the basis of acquired knowledge or experience gained in practice.

Competence can be noted as a more extended concept used in a professional environment to form the effective activity of an individual. The generalizing point is the knowledge that a person acquires to solve the tasks, their application in practice and the formation of personal properties that will help to achieve success in the professional field.

Types of competencies

Speaking separately about competencies, there is a well-developed classification that allows you to see the full picture for further understanding of the structure and meaning of a concept often used in a professional environment. She looks like this:

  • Corporate - the same competencies for the employees of the company, which were accepted and approved in the process of its creation.
  • Managerial - are necessary for the successful solution of complex problems that managers and leading specialists often face.
  • Professional - are used for a specific group of specialists, have a narrow range of possible issues to be resolved.
  • Personal - communication aspects characteristic of the individual, including the achievement of results, value concepts, and so on.

The main types of content competencies have been discussed above. Without a clear knowledge of these types, it is impossible to achieve well-coordinated work in the company, effective knowledge acquisition, advanced training in the social environment and personal development. Therefore, you also need to know that competencies are distinguished by their occurrence:

  • natural qualities that a person is endowed with from birth;
  • acquired knowledge, skills and experience gained in practice;
  • emotional abilities, in particular - adaptability to a new working environment.

In addition, the concept includes communicative, linguistic, informational, sociocultural, educational, economic and other types of competencies.

What are other competencies? The structure of the interpretation of words includes a division according to the complexity of obtaining. These are simple, which include all the necessary knowledge and skills applied in the future. In second place are the threshold ones - the minimum amount of knowledge and natural qualities that are necessary for further work.

On the third line are detailed ones, which include several levels of knowledge that you need to go through and study in order to solve the task. In last place, experts put differentiating, which are the difference successful employees in the general team.

Communicative competence and competence

Considering the types of competencies in more detail, you can come across a communicative term. It includes a set of knowledge that allows you to communicate with people.

However, competence in this matter can be described in more detail. This includes not only knowledge and skills that allow you to interact with other people, but also competent speech, personal ability to establish contact, oratory and other criteria. Having decided on the concept, we can distinguish a certain structure and properties:

  • Formalized - this is communication according to strict rules established for the sociability of a specific group of people united by common business or professional interests.
  • Informal - interaction with other people in an informal environment, which includes work processes, family, hobbies, and more.

The development of communicative competence is very important - it is considered basic for gaining knowledge and starts from childhood. An important role is played by school education, as a result of which correct speech, vocabulary, showing interest in the interlocutor, the ability to listen and express one's thoughts. It is necessary to improve not only oral, but also written language, develop acting skills and self-confidence.


The concept includes the ability of a person not only to understand, but also to express required amount well-formed sentences for interacting with other people in a professional or domestic environment. This is facilitated by the acquired early age skills and abilities to apply language rules or signs.

Language competence is based not only on innate abilities for the native language, but also on the qualities that allow you to gain knowledge in the study foreign languages and apply them. In addition to understanding speech, a person must have his own opinion and judgment about what he heard.

Language competence differs in the following types:

  • speech is the ability to express one's thoughts, possession business style speeches and so on;
  • linguistic - understanding the structure of speech, the language system, its units and rules;
  • discursive - the ability to conduct a meaningful and interesting conversation in both formal and informal settings;
  • lexical - possession of the skills of using words, as well as detailed knowledge of the vocabulary;
  • grammatical - the ability to use the grammatical elements of the language both in oral and written speech.

This type of competence is important to develop not only for teachers and speakers - it is necessary for everyone. Therefore, attention is paid to this issue in the learning process both at school and in obtaining professional knowledge in the relevant educational institutions.

Information competence and competencies

skill modern specialist is information competence, which is aimed at obtaining, analyzing and processing, as well as further use information. It is important in the age of science and technology, when information is distributed by many means, which include not only oral speech, but also computers, telephony and telecommunications. In business, information competence is often the key to success.

Considering the concept, it is necessary to recall the differences between the terms. So, competence is formed on the basis of knowledge and personal qualities, and competence is a person's ability to implement competence in a certain situation.

The functions of information competence are:

  • cognitive;
  • appraisal;
  • normative;
  • adaptive;
  • communicative.

You can see the interweaving of previously described competencies, which allows you to get a detailed picture in the terminology. The acquired knowledge (both earlier and now) makes it possible to develop systemic skills in information and modern technologies.


Includes understanding of language and speech behavior, as well as cultural and national characteristics. It has four components - socio-psychological, socio-linguistic, intercultural (linguocultural) and culturological. Lack of the above skills makes communication difficult. This type of competence is important not only for the individual personal development but also for achieving success in the chosen profession, as well as for the correct formation of society.

It also implies a close interweaving of competencies. Let's look at an example. Thus, one of the forms of social and civic activity is volunteering. You can more thoroughly understand the issue under consideration by identifying 5 competencies of a volunteer. These are communicative, linguistic, informational, sociocultural and economic. Thus, the key competencies of a volunteer show that the main types are present in almost all areas of human activity and are extremely important for the harmonious development of a person.


In the business environment, the concept of competence is determined not only by the acquired knowledge, but also by rights and powers. This can be seen on the example of the economic competence of an entrepreneur. Here, competence is defined as an element of the right of the subject, which he is endowed with by law. There are the following types:

  • limited - typical for enterprises of certain forms of ownership;
  • general - is determined in the constituent documents;
  • exclusive - allows you to legally circumvent existing prohibitions;
  • special - includes the rights to achieve goals in the activity.

As a rule, the business environment is the traditional carrier of economic competence. It allows you to make decisions about creating a business, determine the charter and goals, liquidate or reorganize an existing enterprise, appoint a manager, and perform other tasks aimed at making a profit.

Competencies in education

Educational competence has the ability to transform the received information into knowledge for both the student and the teacher. At any educational organization There are key competencies, among which are:

  • educational and cognitive;
  • communicative;
  • personal improvement;
  • general cultural;
  • value-semantic;
  • social and labor;
  • informational.

The above types of competencies in education allow us to clearly formulate the key concepts of the process - this is search, thinking, cooperation, activity, adaptation and analysis. In addition to the key ones, the concept includes subject and general subject competencies. The psychological component is also important, which allows you to develop other types of competencies and apply them in practice.

This type can also include parental competencies, as well as the powers vested in teachers, if this is taken into account by the legal side of the activity. educational institution.

Key competencies of students

In the educational environment, the competences of students are also distinguished. The key model of the process includes the above-described types - general cultural, educational and cognitive, value-semantic and others. An important place is occupied by the research competencies of students, including information and digital technologies, working with numbers, skills in solving problems, self-study, etc.

By spheres public life happens:

  • civil;
  • public;
  • household;
  • cultural and leisure;
  • ecological;
  • political;
  • economic;
  • and other competencies.

However, there are competency issues that slow down learning processes and make them ineffective. In particular, this is the problem of responsible choice, which is often difficult for students to make.

This is facilitated by pressure from peers and parents, insufficient development of personal qualities, the inability to define oneself in public life and the impossibility of choosing an educational institution for economic reasons. Solving these problems becomes an important task - both individually and at the state level.

The successful development of the country in terms of economics, politics, ecology, law and other factors is influenced by the special internal competence of the state. This term is understood as obligations, powers and rights aimed at the harmonious development of legal regulation for the benefit of the country and its citizens. Such law-making competence is determined at the legislative level, implying tireless compliance with established requirements.

If we look at it superficially, then the competence of a civil servant and a state body is practically the same thing. Only in the first case, competence is determined by law and generalizes the concept, and in the second case, it is aimed at fulfilling specific and individual duties to achieve the goal.

Consider the bodies of special industry competence in table No. 1:

Organ Brief description of competencies and powers
President of the Russian Federation Individual competence, as well as general competence, is a set of constitutionally defined powers
Government Defined by the Constitution and include a wide range of functions performed
Council of the Federation Approval of borders, decrees, appointment of elections and public offices
Parliament Depending on the country, there is limited, unlimited or partially limited competence
The State Duma General competencies and powers described by law, as well as exceptional ones - in particular, trust in the Government
European Union Power prerogatives for issuing laws, managing society, etc.
FSB Solving security problems for the country and its citizens within the assigned competencies
Customs Protecting state borders, checking goods, etc.
Municipalities Solving local issues
Tax authorities Creation and approval of tax policy
Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Competences and powers in the field of legislative law
RF and its subjects Competencies in the distribution of powers and their strict implementation, controlled by law
Law enforcement Protecting the security of citizens and the country (Ministry of Internal Affairs, police and other organizations)
Ministry of Finance Competences in the collection, accumulation and distribution of funds
Board of Directors Powers defined by the statutory documents
investigative committee Investigation of crimes and performance of other legally defined tasks

Thus, competences are legally described in different areas activities of the state, in jurisprudence and other areas. Not only domestic, but also international organizations are vested with their powers. In addition, there are professional competencies defined by staff requirements.