Extreme vacation, the most dangerous extreme tours. The most extreme places on earth

The most extreme places on Earth

A fascinating walk through the most extreme places on our planet:

The hottest inhabited place - Dallol, Ethiopia

The average daily temperature in Dallol is + 34.4 °C. Not surprisingly, today it looks more like a ghost town.

The deepest cave - Krubera-Voronya, Abkhazia

This is the only cave in the world deeper than 2,000 meters.

The most high point- Everest

Since the 1950s, approximately 3,000 climbers have climbed the summit of Everest. It is located at an altitude of 8,848 meters above sea level.

Farthest point from the center of the Earth - Chimborazo, Ecuador

Although the summit of Everest is the highest point in relation to sea level, but due to the fact that our planet is flattened at the poles, another peak turned out to be the most distant from the center of the Earth - the extinct Chimborazo volcano.

The most remote island - Bouvet

This small uninhabited Norwegian island is located in Atlantic Ocean at a distance of about 1.5 thousand kilometers from Antarctica and 2.5 kilometers from South Africa.

The most remote point on the continent - Pole of inaccessibility (Antarctic station)

The Pole of Inaccessibility is the point on the continent that is the farthest from the ocean. There really is a bust of Lenin.

The flattest place - Uyuni Salt Flats, Bolivia

A dried salt lake and the largest salt marsh in the world. Its area is 10,582 square kilometers.

The highest navigable lake - Titicaca

Lake Titicaca is located at an altitude of 3,812 meters above sea level, on the border of Peru and Bolivia.

The lowest point on land is the shore of the Dead Sea

Surface Dead Sea is located 417 meters below sea level, and the Dead Sea depression is located between Jordan and Israel.

The longest mountain range- Andes, South America

The Andes stretch 9 thousand kilometers through the seven states of South America.

The most deep well- Kola superdeep well

The depth of the Kola super-deep well is 12,262 meters.

Rainiest place in Choco, Colombia

The department of Colombia called Choco receives an average of 11,770 centimeters of rainwater every year.

The driest place in the Atacama Desert, Chile

The Atacama Desert is so dry that not a drop of rain fell on it from October 2003 to January 1918.

Most populous landlocked country - Ethiopia

Ethiopia is not only the hottest inhabited place on Earth - it is also the most compactly populated - more than 70 million people live here.

The steepest peak is Mount Thor, Canada

Mount Tor rises to a height of 1,250 meters at an average angle of 15 degrees, which makes it extremely attractive for climbers.

The coldest inhabited place - Oymyakon, Yakutia

Seven months of the year, the temperature in the Yakut village of Oymyakon, where about 400 people live, stays below zero. The average monthly temperature in January is -54 °C.

Windiest place - Commonwealth Bay, Antarctica

The wind speed here regularly exceeds 240 km/h. average speed wind - about 80 km / h.

Tallest waterfall - Angel Falls, Venezuela

The total height of the waterfall is 979 meters. It is so high that the water has time to evaporate before reaching the ground.

Highest mountain pass - Marsimik La, India

The highest road on Earth stretches at an altitude of 5,582 meters.

The largest lake in fresh water- Upper, North America

Lake Superior is located between the United States and Canada and covers an area of ​​82.7 thousand km².

The longest coastline in the country - Canada

Canada's coastline is 202,080 km long.

The largest gorge Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA

The width of this most impressive abyss is about 16 km, the depth is 1.6 km. It was cut through by the turbulent streams of the Colorado River.

The largest glacier is the Lambert Glacier (Antarctica)

The glacier is about 470 km long and 30 to 120 km wide. From Mount Prince Charles, the largest tributary, the Fisher Glacier, flows into it.

The shortest river is the Roy River, Montana, USA

The Roy River is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the shortest. Its length is only about 60 meters.

lowest point - Mariana Trench

Located approximately 500 km. southwest of Guam. Its depth is 10,911 meters below sea level. Only three people managed to get to its bottom.

Do you know where the most extreme places on the planet are located? Read to the end and find out.

No. 10. Ennedi Plateau, Chad, Africa

Ennedi is a sandstone mountain plateau in the Republic of Chad, surrounded by the sands of the Sahara. The Ennedi Plateau is one of the wonders of nature. Getting here is very problematic due to a number of factors: the lack of developed tourist routes, flourishing banditry among the local population, which lives in poverty, political unrest. Previously, you could only get to Ennedi by joining caravans, but now 4x4 safaris have become popular here.

But all difficulties fade into the background when you get to the Ennedi Plateau. Sandstone cliffs up to 120 m high, natural arches, balancing stones, ancient petroglyphs on the rocks. Arches on the Ennedi Plateau for a long time tried to conquer dozens of climbers from all over the world, and only in 2010 a group of climbers led by Mark Sinnott managed to climb the highest of them.

No. 9. Danakil, Ethiopia/Eritrea, Africa

Danakil is a desert in northern Ethiopia and southeastern Eritrea. The area of ​​the desert is 100,000 km2. It is inhabited by the Afar people, who are mainly engaged in the extraction of salt. High temperature, low humidity, poisonous fumes, earthquake faults, sulfur lakes make this place dangerous for tourists to visit.

However, despite all these dangers, the Danakil Desert is a popular tourist attraction. Before those who ventured to visit Danakil, there are magnificent views depicting a cosmic, extraterrestrial landscape.

No. 8. Chernobyl, Ukraine

Everyone has heard about the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which happened on April 26, 1986. Measures to eliminate the consequences of a nuclear explosion began immediately after the accident and continue to this day.

After the level of radiation in the station area decreased, the Chernobyl exclusion zone became an object open to the public. The first tourists appeared in the 30-kilometer exclusion zone in the mid-90s, when the level of radiation dropped significantly.

Dozens of travel companies began to appear that organized excursions to the Exclusion Zone. In 2002, a UN report was published, according to which from now on it was possible to be in the exclusion zone without much harm. human body. Starting this year, the number of tourists visiting the Exclusion Zone began to grow steadily, on average by two thousand people per year. Forbes magazine in 2009 called the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant the most "exotic" place for tourism on Earth.

Nevertheless, this place remains dangerous and when visiting the Exclusion Zone, you must follow a number of rules:
It is forbidden to move around the territory without a guide.
Visitors are required to wear only closed, tight-fitting clothing.
Not recommended for outdoors smoking and eating.
It is not recommended to touch buildings and structures, as well as plants.
It is not recommended to sit down and put any objects on the ground.
It is not recommended to drink water from ground sources located on the territory of the exclusion zone.
It is strictly forbidden to take out and take out any objects from the exclusion zone.
When leaving the zone at the checkpoint, dosimetric control is carried out. When high level radiation contamination items are subject to seizure. Despite the decrease in radiation levels, visiting the exclusion zone is still associated with health risks. Tour organizers are not responsible for the health of visitors, therefore, before entering the exclusion zone, you will be required to sign your agreement with this clause.

No. 7. Vostok Station, Antarctica

Station "Vostok" - Russian Antarctic scientific station. This unique station was founded on December 16, 1957. It is located in the center of the continent, among ice and snow. The thickness of the ice cover under the station is 3700 m.
Station "Vostok" - a symbol of inaccessibility. The station is located 1253 km from South Pole and 1260 km from the sea coast. The polar night here lasts 120 days - from the end of April to the end of August. The population of the station does not exceed 40 people.

Low temperatures, an altitude of more than three kilometers above sea level, complete isolation from the world in winter time make it one of the most inconvenient places for a person to stay on Earth. Despite the most difficult conditions, life on Vostok does not stop even at -80 °C. Scientists are studying a unique subglacial lake, which is located at a depth of more than four kilometers.
On July 21, 1983, the absolute minimum temperature of −89.2°C was recorded here.

No. 6. Tiger Monastery, Thailand

Tiger Monastery is a Buddhist monastery in western Thailand. Founded in 1994 by the abbot Phra Acharn Phusit Kanthitharo as a forest monastery and shelter for wild animals, among which were several tigers.

It was only possible to be close to these ferocious predators, to feed them and stroke them in the Tiger Monastery. The first tiger cub was brought to the temple in 1999. The monks came out of the beast, and he got along well with people even as an adult. More than 130 tigers lived in the temple. Despite the tameness of tigers, there have been accidents. From time to time tigers scratched tourists.

But on May 30, 2016, the Thai police and representatives of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and the Preservation of Plants began to remove all the tigers from the monastery. During this operation, about 40 dead tiger cubs were found in the veterinary office of the monastery. The monastery was accused of trading tigers on the black market.

No. 5. El Caminito del Rey mountain trail, Spain

El Caminito del Rey is located on the slope of a sheer cliff in the village of El Chorro in Malaga, Spain. It was recently opened after reconstruction. They closed the most dangerous path in the world after the death of 5 people who tried to walk along it in 2000.
The construction consists of concrete and crutches driven into the rock and railway rails. The road is located at a very large distance from the ground, its length is 3 kilometers, the width is only 1 meter.

The trail was built between 1901 and 1905 for the purpose of moving building materials for working power plants at Chorro and Gaitanejo Falls. It got its name "Royal Path" after the visit of King Alfonso XIII, who walked along it to the site of the opening ceremony of the dam in 1921. With time metal supports and the concrete structures fell into disrepair and the trail required reconstruction.

Despite the official ban on visits, there were extreme sportsmen who still walked along the King's Trail, using safety equipment. There are videos on the Internet dedicated to such an extreme passage of the trail.
The trail was opened on March 29, 2015 and featured on Lonely planet's Best New Attractions list.

No. 4. Volcano Villarrica, Chile

Villarrica is the most active volcano in Chile and one of the most active in the South American continent. It is located in the Southern Andes in the eponymous national park towering over the lake of the same name.
The height of Villarrica is 2847 m. It has a rich history of recorded eruptions. The volcano is part of a caldera - a vast basin - which formed 3500 years ago. In addition to Villarrica, there are about 30 cinder cones and volcanic faults in the basin.

Volcano Villarrica attracts tourists not only for its beauty and power, but also for the fact that you can go skiing and snowboarding here.
Active volcanoes are extreme places to visit in their own right, but for $10,000 you can make your visit to the volcano even more extreme and bungee jump from a helicopter right above the volcano. The service includes six days of accommodation in a hotel in the city, meals, a helicopter flight over Villarrica and equipment.

No. 3. Everest, Nepal/Tibet

Every year climbers from all over the world try to conquer the most high mountain in the world - Everest. The height of the peak is 8848 meters. When climbing, climbers face the following difficulties: lack of oxygen in the air, low temperature, hurricane wind, the threat of avalanches, etc.

The first official expeditions appeared here in the 1920s. The summit was first summited in 1953 by Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary. V different time when trying to climb to the top, 287 people died, but, despite this, every year there are new people who want to conquer Everest.

No. 2. Pamplona (Ensierro), Spain

The small town of Pamplona is a calm and quiet place. But once a year, Pamplona becomes one of the most extreme places on the planet - a week of encierro.
Encierro is a Spanish national custom, consisting in running away from bulls, cows or calves specially released from the paddock. The holiday became known to the whole world after E. Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises (Fiesta)".

The most famous encierro in Spain takes place in the city of Pamplona during the feasts of St. Fermin (from 7 to 14 July daily in the morning). The entire run route (from the paddock to the arena along the city streets) is fenced off with wooden barriers made of beams, which are easy enough to climb (or crawl under). The length of the route is about 1 km. Anyone can run: from members of local bullfighting clubs to foreign tourists.

Many runners fall and are often seriously injured. The largest number of victims was recorded in 1924. This year 13 people were killed and 200 wounded. In 2009, a 27-year-old man died.

Animal rights movements hold protests against encierros, including in the form of "human encierros".

No. 1. Queimada Grande Island, Brazil

Queimada Grande or Snake Island is located in the Atlantic Ocean, 35 km south of the coast of the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo. The area of ​​the island is about 0.43 sq. km.
The island is called serpentine because it is teeming with thousands of snakes. This is a real open-air serpentarium. There is not a single house or hotel here, only an empty autonomous lighthouse. One of the most dangerous snakes on the planet is found here - the spear-headed island Botrops (Bothrops insularis), which has one of the most powerful poisons. Botrops bite causes rapid tissue necrosis, acute renal failure, gastrointestinal bleeding, brain bleeding death in 7% of cases.
On the island, the main inhabitants have no natural enemies, so this is an ideal place for them to thrive. The snakes breed here all year round, one female is capable of producing up to 50 individuals.
There are no other living creatures on the island, since any animal immediately becomes the prey of snakes. They feed mainly on migratory birds, which calmly sit on the branches of trees, unaware of the mortal danger awaiting them.

Once snakes lived on the mainland, but people set fire to the jungle and drained the swamps. Gradually the snakes were forced out onto the island. According to experts, Queimada Grande and the mainland were connected by a narrow isthmus, along which the snakes moved. As a result geological processes the isthmus sank into the sea, and the island was at the complete disposal of poisonous settlers.
The snakes have repeatedly defended their rights to the island. They kicked out the banana planters in the 19th century, killed 3 lighthouse keepers. In the end, people got tired of fighting the scourge and the Brazilian government declared Snake Island a no-go zone. This is the only known case in history when a snake community completely ousted a person from the territory.
Despite the bans, boats with tourists float off the coast of the island who want to stare at the teeming poisonous snakes piece of land.

In recent times, each of us asks the question: "Where to spend your summer vacation?" There are many ads on the Internet offering the most different variants trips to hot and exotic countries that have confidently gained popularity among tourists from all over the world. Someone goes to the village, to a quiet quiet place where you can relax from the hustle and bustle of the city, go fishing, spend holidays with maximum benefit. Others go on tourist trips or sightseeing tours. Recently, a special type of recreation is famous among tourists - extreme tourism.
There are special “resorts” in the world for everyone who is thirsty for extreme sports and thrills. Anyone who decides to go to one of these places should be prepared to face danger and there, you definitely won’t need http://pogodka.net/. Here are the 9 most dangerous tourist spots on earth. Tours to Chernobyl - everyone who wants to see the site of the 1986 nuclear disaster with their own eyes can visit the vicinity of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It should be said right away that there are no guarantees, despite the statements of the organizers that the residual level of radiation cannot harm your health.

Tour along the "road of death" - one of the most dangerous roads in the world, 60 km long, between the cities of La Paz and Coroico (Bolivia). The peculiarity of the road is that in some places the North Yungas road narrows to a width of 3 meters, there are no safe fences along the sides, so there is a danger of falling into a gorge 600 meters high.

Bungee jumping in the mouth of a volcano is one of the most extreme recreations. Just imagine, for $10,000 everyone can jump into the mouth of the active volcano Villarrica in Chile, and only 213 meters will separate you from the red-hot lava at the bottom of the jump.

Diving with sharks - test your nerves for strength. If you love scuba diving, then you have a direct route and a ticket to New Smyrna Beach in Florida. As you know, this beach is considered the world capital of sharks.

In the mouth of the volcano by helicopter. There is a company in the Hawaiian Islands that organizes helicopter flights inside the vent of a volcano. Before embarking on such a trip, one should take into account the fact that since 1995, about 30 people have died in accidents on this extreme holiday tour. The number is small, but is it really worth it?

Swimming with jellyfish. The well-known jellyfish is one of the most dangerous marine inhabitants of Australia. Statistically, most human lives carry box jellyfish. Box jellyfish colonies are very common in estuaries on the northern coast of Australia.

Vanuatu is the most beautiful and at the same time the most dangerous place in the world. The island is located in the southern part Pacific Ocean, lures tourists with its fantastic white beaches and gentle waves, but, unfortunately, this island quite often becomes a victim of tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions.

Mountaineering on Mount Cook. New Zealand has a National Wildlife Refuge around Mount Cook, which seems like the perfect place to climb the mountain. Every experienced climber has repeatedly visited these places. However, avalanches often come down here, which makes it very difficult for the rescue services to work. Unfortunately, this mountain has claimed the lives of many professional climbers.

In China, at a height of a thousand meters above the earth, there is Mount Huashan, into the slope of which wooden planks no more than 30 cm wide. You can walk along a steep slope along these boards, but the problem and extreme is that this “path” does not have any handrails or other supports, and the only thing that keeps extreme lovers in the air is a safety rope.


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Which of us sometimes does not want to get an adrenaline rush, “reboot” the usual program of life? It is not at all necessary to look for extreme sports beyond the seven seas, when in Russia, one might say, close at hand, there are places for campaigns of real Russian heroes. Don't worry, a change of scenery is guaranteed - prisoners of the cities, you have no idea what discoveries await there, in the vastness of the country!

Winter has more than once rescued our brother by driving both Napoleon and Hitler out of Russia. Considering historical context, it seems significant that it is in our country that the “pole of cold” - Oymyakon is located. This village, which is home to a little more than half a thousand inhabitants, is considered the most severe place on the planet, where there is a permanent population. It is surprising not even that people live here, but that Oymyakon is quite popular among tourists. True, not just tourists, but those daredevils who want to get new emotions, and at the same time test themselves. It is unlikely that travelers who decide on such a tour will be able to feel what frost is at - 67.7 degrees (absolute minus on Oymyakon). Is -40 in the middle of a snowy desert, 1000 kilometers away from Yakutsk, not enough to understand, here it is - "White Silence"? A tour to Oymyakon is also an ethno-journey, during which the participants of the trip are introduced to the life and customs of indigenous peoples, they are allowed to ride a dog and reindeer sled, try local treats and, of course, admire nature. All this is unfamiliar, so far from us, but still our native land.

Ancient settlement of Arkaim

Do you know that one of ancient civilizations on the planet was formed on the territory of our country? In the 70-80s of the last century in the Chelyabinsk region near the Bolshaya Karaganka River, scientists discovered the ruins of urban settlements dating back to the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. e. This place was called Arkaim, and today there is a reserve here. Every summer, tourists come to this "Land of Cities" to see with their own eyes what is left of the ancient village. Defensive structures, burial grounds, as well as a landscape that has not changed over five millennia ... For some, this is evidence of the fact that it is on Southern Urals the Indo-European civilization was born, for others - an occult "place of power". Some travelers come to these places to feel the silence of the endless steppe, in the vastness of which a person is like a grain of sand.

Lotus lake in Astrakhan

Lotus is a flower that we associate with Asian culture. It is all the more surprising that the north point where this plant is found is in our country, in the Volga Delta. During the flowering of the Astrakhan lotus, these places are transformed: pink and white flowers bloom among huge, about a meter in diameter leaves. Tourists on special boats and boats cross the Lotus Lake to feel like a part of this miracle of nature and view the plants up close. All around is an aroma reminiscent of the smell of almonds, and somewhere on the shore, fish soup from fish caught in the Volga is already being prepared ... what more could you want?

The epicenter of the Tunguska meteorite

More than 100 years ago, in the area of ​​the Yenisei River basin, Tunguska meteorite, with a fireball "pierced" the sky. Although a lot of time has passed since this event, the mystery of the meteorite has not yet been solved, and to this day there are absolutely incredible versions associated with this phenomenon. For example, scientists are still arguing about the composition of the meteorite and the reasons for its fall to Earth. If you want to try to solve the mystery of the meteorite, head to the epicenter where the explosion happened. A tour to the place of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite also includes an inspection of the surrounding places: the Churgim Gorge, the Churgim Falls, Fahrenheit Mountain, the Kulikovo Funnel. The Tunguska meteorite is a kind of message from the cosmos to us, people, and its secrets have yet to be unraveled.


The hot tropics attract thousands of tourists, but there are those who like the harsh North. Here frost burns the cheeks, and the desert is snowy, and the sun does not warm at all, although it can “linger” in the sky for several days. In Russia, the places beyond the Arctic Circle are called the Arctic. It is in our country that three of the most major cities in the world founded beyond the "cold line": Murmansk, Norilsk, Vorkuta. Usually, travelers lay their routes through these cities, visiting the settlements of the indigenous northern peoples along the way. The best time- June, the period of the solstice, when the polar day lasts for 61 days and the sun does not fall below the horizon. Here you can also witness another unique phenomenon - the Northern Lights. Tourists who have been to the Arctic joke that only in these parts are birches a little higher than mushrooms ( dwarf birches), and on the streets you can meet bears ... polar bears! Beyond these places is only the Arctic.

Kola Peninsula

One of the most interesting places beyond the Arctic Circle - the Kola Peninsula, located in the Murmansk region. Absolutely special nature attracts connoisseurs of natural beauty here. It would seem, how can the North surprise us? Only plants in this territory - 400 species, birds - 200 species. These are the best salmon fishing spots in Russia. On the Kola Peninsula there is a Botanical Garden and two reserves - Kandalaksha and Lapland. In addition, there are other attractions here: the ancient labyrinths of "Babylon", churches, rock paintings.

The tourism business is quite well developed on the peninsula, so you don’t get bored: hiking trails, ski crossings, descents into gorges, river rafting and water tours on lakes. There are "walking" excursions for beginners and real "obstacle courses" for real conquerors of the North.

Mountain Altai

Gorny Altai is well known to fans of outdoor activities. Every year climbers, connoisseurs of horse tours, speleologists and lovers of descents along rivers and lakes come here. The ridges of Altai rise to a height of up to 4,000 meters, and the most impressive peak is Mount Belukha (4,506 m). Gorny Altai is also the land of blue lakes, the largest of which is Teletskoye. Altai is the kingdom of caves: in these places there are 430 karst caves, the deepest one in Siberia is the Ecological mine, which is located in Altai. And, of course, Altai is a country of pioneers and adventurers who come here to admire the many barrows, ancient stelae, historical monuments, see petroglyphs carved by ancient people. If you, like Vladimir Vysotsky, think that “Better mountains can only be mountains that you have never been to…”, by all means go to Altai!

Victoria Karmanets

If you do not like a calm and measured rest, and you are not a fan of basking on golden beaches and seeing local sights, then you should pay attention to a more active and extreme vacation in the most interesting corners of the planet. Many of us have enough extreme sports in exotic countries, and the biggest danger is the danger of getting sunburned somewhere on equatorial beaches. However, thrill-seekers are offered many options for outdoor activities and the opportunity to get a rather big dose of adrenaline. The desire to tickle your nerves and overcome the seemingly impossible will help satisfy modern extreme tours. We offer TOP 10 places in the world, travel to which is simply breathtaking! Each of them is dangerous and interesting in its own way, which one to choose is up to you.

1. Bull run, Spain

The Spanish bullfight has always been considered a breathtaking sight, an opportunity to see with your own eyes and feel the danger that threatens the bullfighter. However, if this is not enough for a modern viewer, we offer to participate in an analogue of bullfighting, or rather, in a race with bulls, which is held annually in Pamplona, ​​Spain. Thousands of tourists come here to tickle their nerves, and some succeed quite well. Of course, there are some sacrifices, however, the 3 minutes that a race lasts are often the most exciting minutes in life.

2. Bridge over the abyss, China

Mount Huashan in China reaches a height of about 2 thousand meters and is famous for its extreme routes. The most dangerous and scary tourist attraction here is the bridge over the abyss, which cannot even be called a bridge. This flimsy structure, no more than 40 cm wide, made of half-rotten boards, has no railings and safety fences. On a sheer cliff, a chain is driven in, which you need to hold on to, and they will help you along the route rather hands and not legs. Not everyone, having climbed a mountain, dares to step on a bridge, but those who overcome their own fear consider it the best entertainment boredom.

3. Exclusion zone, Ukraine

In the territory former USSR There are also quite extreme tourist routes. One of them is a trip to the sad exclusion zone famous city Chernobyl, Ukraine. The nuclear disaster of 1986 is echoed to this day, and in 2011 the government banned excursions here because of the off-scale level of radiation. However, before the ban, and sometimes even after it, excursions were made to the site of the tragic events. A neglected city that seems to be just extinct, like in horror films, is deeply amazing. However, it is still worth thinking about the effects of radiation on the body.

4. Swimming with crocodiles, Australia

Watching crocodiles in a zoo is much less interesting than swimming with them in a pond. At Crocosaurus Cove Park in Darwin, Australia, tourists are invited to dive into predator-infested waters in a special glass cage. Transparent walls add a unique sense of the reality of what is happening, the absence of a barrier. This also applies to crocodiles, whose peace is violated by your introduction under water. You can spend about 15 minutes in the water and look into the eyes of angry crocodiles, the owners of the most powerful jaws in the entire animal kingdom.

5 Volcano Bungee Jumping, Chile

Let's be honest, bungee jumping is not a novelty for a long time, many of us managed to try this attraction. But what do you say about jumping into the vent active volcano Villaricca in Chile? This is truly extreme work. For such an event, a helicopter is rented, equipped with equipment for bungee jumping, which is much stronger than the traditional one. The distance between the helicopter and the molten magma is 200 meters, while the length of the rope is only 100 meters. By the way, such a pleasure can also tickle your nerves with its high cost - from 12 thousand US dollars.

6 Skyscraper Walk, Canada

The CN Tower in Toronto, Canada is the most tall building in the Western Hemisphere, its height is more than 550 meters. It is here that tourists who want extreme sports are offered the Edge Walk attraction - a walk along a skyscraper. On clear days, the panoramic point of the tower offers breathtaking views of hundreds of kilometers, you can even see the end of the Canadian territory and the beginning of the state of New York. Tourists are invited to stand on the very edge of the tower's eaves, lean over the city and imagine their next step, from which, of course, insurance keeps them from doing so. According to statistics, this attraction is very safe, however, it tickles your nerves.

7. Poison Jungle, UK

The twelfth Duchess of Northumberland, Isabelle Jane Percy, could well play the role of a great villain in some James Bond film adaptation. Ask - why? This seemingly harmless woman has a vast knowledge of poisonous and deadly dangerous plants, as well as the Alniki Garden, better known as the "Garden poisonous plants" In Great Britain. The most poisonous representatives of the flora from all over the world grow here, as well as various narcotic plants and hallucinogens. Most of the plants grow here behind the fences, and specially trained guides give amazing tours for tourists.

8. Death Road, Bolivia

40 miles from the city of La Paz in Bolivia is the so-called Death Road. This is an asphalt road about 3 meters wide, laid over a steep abyss. Seat belts are unlikely to help here, because the number of victims per year reaches about 100 people, which is why the infamous route got its name. Despite this, local travel agencies offer fans of extreme sports a ride along a narrow mountain road in a small car, the drivers of which will deliberately add fuel to the fire with their dangerous maneuvers.

9 Tornado Hunt, USA

Americans are famous for their amazing and breathtaking footage of hurricanes, tornadoes and tornadoes. It was here that Storm Chasing made repeated filming for the most popular TV channels in the world - Discovery, National Geographic and others. Savvy in this business, they proposed a new extreme entertainment for tourists: a rally in pursuit of a tornado. It lasts several days in relatively safe and well-equipped SUVs, in which you follow destructive and deadly tornadoes everywhere.

10. Hot spots of hostilities

War is always sad and destructive. However, there are people for whom military operations are entertainment and an opportunity to get an off-scale dose of adrenaline, and maybe look at the war from the inside. travel company with unusual name War Zone Tours, founded by ex-military, invites tourists to infiltrate the war zone. To visit are offered a choice: Iraq or Iran, Mexico or Africa. However, tourists are strictly forbidden to issue weapons, "You will not fight, you will only watch," they say in the company.