How to wash dishes better, faster and more fun. How to wash dishes, clean the kitchen

They are possible only in those families in which the responsibilities of all family members and its vital activity in general are properly and reasonably organized. After all, domestic work is a wide field for the manifestation of true love. The phrase of a husband or wife: "Let me help you" will say much more about his attitude towards the other half than the usual repetition of the same word I love, which is in no way backed up by real actions. Overloading one of the spouses with household chores becomes the cause of his dissatisfaction family life and feelings of resentment against a spouse.
According to the established tradition, in every family the woman is the keeper of the hearth, and the man must be the breadwinner. In many families, this is how everything worked out: the husband earns food, working from morning until late at night, and the wife does housework, brings up children and everything else. Although most women have long been involved in the process of getting food and do not sit at home waiting for the arrival of their husbands, traditions are firmly rooted in our lives. The eternal feminine aspiration takes care, allows many men to use this without a twinge of conscience, shifting all the double burdens on women - domestic and industrial. At the same time, many wives naively believe that the husband does not know how to do anything, and if he does, he will still have to redo it after him. Family education lays strong stereotypes in every person, we act and behave like our parents. If the husband's father never helped the mother, and the wife's father helped to do everything homework, then conflicts in such a family on this basis are inevitable.

Before starting to sort things out and arguing about whether the husband should do the housework, it is important that the young spouses be able, immediately after marriage, to correctly distribute family responsibilities and find a compromise in this matter that suits both parties. If a woman wants to manage the house herself and does not let a man get close to her household, then usually there are no disputes. Such a woman enjoys cooking and cleaning around the house. It should be understood that an overworked woman who, after work, continues to work at home at the stove and washing machine, while the husband is resting in front of the TV, then inevitably such behavior will lead to serious conflicts in family relationships... Some of the most successful men agree to help their wife so as not to turn their beloved woman into an ordinary housekeeper. They are ready to do everything for their beloved wife and, to make her life easier, they will buy all sorts of washing and washing machines, harvesters, vacuum cleaners and other ingenious devices - so that only everyday life does not seize the beloved woman. Unfortunately, there are few such men, but there are. In such families, the spouse really values \u200b\u200bhis beloved and tries to create harmonious relationships.

There are, of course, families in which the husband enjoys cooking, washing and washing dishes, raising small children. All acquaintances and girlfriends envy such a woman, how she managed to raise her husband and make him perfect. In fact, he is not at all ideal, he just has such a soft and feminine character, and the role of a householder depresses him, but in order to avoid scandals, he is ready to work alone for himself and for his wife. But if this skillful wife wants his "ideal" husband to be also the head of the family and a breadwinner, then she will be very disappointed. Such husbands lose self-esteem and are unable to achieve success in their work. In such families, the wife herself will have to learn how to earn a lot and think about solving all the problems in the family.

Therefore, family members can simply decide once and for all that there are things for men, women and for younger family members, and stop quarreling about this. It is better not to force your husband or adult son to wash the dishes and wash your clothes, they should do this in exceptional cases. But it is necessary to ensure that they do their part of the housework strictly. Immediately define your responsibilities for each family member: give men jobs that would not offend their male dignity - this is to clean the carpet, go to the grocery store, fix the faucet or equipment, rearrange furniture, hammer a nail, take out the trash, and the like. Of course, it is better for a woman to stand at the stove, wash and mop the floors. There can be no exact recipes for the idea of \u200b\u200bmale and female responsibilities, they are purely individual for each family. If the wife has a prestigious job and a decent income, and the husband has no job prospects, then better husbands cooking dinner, doing laundry and cleaning the apartment. After all, there are many cases now when the wife works, and the husband takes leave to care for a child under 3 years old. In such families, a compromise was found and the problem of division of domestic labor was solved in a way acceptable to them.


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Tableware and tea ware for children should be porcelain or earthenware, slightly smaller than tableware for adults. Children should not use a wooden spoon, as germs and dirt can linger in the pores of the tree.

Tableware is washed immediately after use. First dishes cleaned of food debris with a washcloth, and then washed with a washcloth or brush in a basin hot water, adding a pinch of soda or mustard to the water; dishes can be washed with soap... Washed up dishes rinsed in a clean hot water, doused with boiling water and placed upside down to dry, or wiped off with a clean towel.

The fork and knife used by the child are first wiped with paper to remove food debris from them. Then they are washed in hot water with soap, rinse and wipe dry. It is good to clean knives and forks with crushed brick or sand, and only then wash.

Dishesin which food is prepared for a child, should wash in the same way as the dining room. Dried or burnt food residues do not need to be scraped off with a knife, as this can damage the half or the enamel. Need to pour in dishes warm water and let it stand; after a while, food residues can be easily removed. Kitchen boards and rolling pins also need to be washed hot water and soda.

Children's tableware and tea utensils, napkins and towels, as well as cutlery - a spoon, fork and knife - should be stored separately from other household items and from other dishes, for example, on another shelf in the same cabinet.

After finishing cooking and washing utensils, you must wash thoroughly kitchen table hot water and soda, using a washcloth or brush.

The kitchen needs to be cleaned daily. Remove dust from furniture with a damp cloth. The floors and stove in the kitchen are washed with soap, soda or lye at least once or twice a week. In addition to a brush and rag, you need to have a dedicated bucket or basin to clean the kitchen. At least once a month should sweep walls and ceilings, and doors and window frames and wipe the window sills with a damp cloth.

No unnecessary items and especially clothes should not be stored in the kitchen. You should not go into the kitchen in outerwear and galoshes. For waste in the kitchen, you must have a working bucket with a tight-fitting lid and handle. Carry out waste and rinse the waste bin with soap and soda is needed daily. Do not leave kitchen waste overnight, as in a warm room, especially in summer, it can become a breeding ground for germs and flies.

Kitchen towels
Should always be dry, clean; naturally, for this they need to be changed more often.
Separate towels should be provided for tea and dining utensils.
Towel with which to wipe the nurserydishes, can not be used for common dishes.
By following these rules, you will create favorable conditions for your baby to grow up healthy and strong. Remember that cleanliness is the key to health.

The biggest cleaning specialist was Hercules. When he was instructed to clean the stables of King Augean, he sent the waters of the river flowing nearby, and the job was done. This was one of his twelve labors.

Our Cleaning games for girls did not reflect this story, but we will draw from it this conclusion: sometimes cleaning jobs can be considered a feat.

Our Cleaning games have these neglected houses ... Putting them in order is undoubtedly a heroic act. We hope that this does not apply to your apartment (or to your house) ... Look around - is everything fine in the room? Garbage and bits are not lying on the floor? If all is well, play our games.

Cleaning games for girls free

We will restore order and shine in different places - at home, at school, at work, in my father's car, etc.

You got into Barbie's room, she hasn't been cleaning for a long time. All girls and girls, as future housewives, should be able to put things in order and keep their rooms clean.

Cleaning games for girls talk about cleaning up virtual spaces, but they also have real meaning.
Girls who don't like cleaning their apartment, sweeping and mopping floors, dusting, arranging things and so on - they usually don't like cleaning games. They will make useless mistresses.

And those girls who value cleanliness and order in the house and willingly, not "out of hand", are engaged in such work, they know that having a party with friends - for example, celebrating a birthday - is interesting, but this is not enough. It is also necessary to eliminate the "consequences" of rest - to wash the surviving dishes, sweep the floors, and so on. When lazy people have to do it, they do it with such mental anguish, they suffer so much! And for hardworking girls this is a piece of cake!
By the way, they play games on this topic with pleasure.

We also have others

In each episode of the program, the hosts of the show, the popular singer Natasha Koroleva and her mother, Lyudmila Poryvai (formerly the conductor of the Kiev choir chapel, and now the owner of the school for gifted children), invite two participants to the studio for an honest competition. The purpose of which is to find out - who cooks better? - housewives or professional chefs.

But "Time for lunch!" is not just food controversy. This program is about each of us. Why do many people find homemade dishes tastier and more familiar? Where to look for useful and tasty food - in your kitchen or in a restaurant? “We are not at all cheating here, in real life Mom is also a supporter of homemade food, and if there is an opportunity, I would rather go to a restaurant than agree to cook, clean and wash the dishes, "confesses Natalya Koroleva.

For the sake of filming, Lyudmila Poryvai temporarily moved from Miami, which had already become a native, to Kiev. "It would be more logical, of course, to move to Moscow, closer to the set, but our grandmother, mother's sister and a lot of friends live in Kiev, so she will have something to do in her free time between filming," explains Natasha. According to the singer, she was very worried about her mother, for whom this is the first television experience. "Mom did not suspect that the work of a TV presenter is such hard labor. 12 hours in a row on heels, under hot spotlights - even an experienced presenter is not always able to do this. But you still have to be cheerful, fresh, keep the auditorium. But mine mom is a fighter, she did it! "

The program doesn't just boil, fry and serve. It talks about life, sometimes seriously, and often with humor. And, of course, they do it. Time for lunch! is the original Russian format, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is to collide home cooking and restaurant, - says the producer of the project Ilya Krivitsky. - We find out who cooks better: the chef with special education or an experienced housewife? To do this, we invite participants to create identical dishes. The first is offered by the housewife, the second - by the chef, and the dessert - by the creators of the program. A jury of professional experts, food critics, stars and ordinary people, decides who has done the best job. "

Family members and friends come to support the participants in the battle, and the jury members taste the dishes prepared by the participants in the fight. In the program "Time for lunch!" spectators are waiting not only for interesting recipes, but also valuable advice from chefs, renowned restaurateurs and fashionable nutritionists, and national dishes, their history and recommendations on how to prepare not only tasty, but also healthy dish.

“They say that two housewives in the same kitchen don't get along. But Natasha knows mine so well negative sides, and I her that we do not need to rub against each other, because we know everything about each other. This is important in such a complex work. Whether our duet will be successful - time will tell ”- says Lyudmila Poryvai.

Cooking show "Time for lunch!" goes to PBK on weekdays at 13:20.

A whole mountain of dishes accumulates, it seems that cleaning it from grease and dirt is a real feat. Try to make it easier for yourself with the one soapy sponge rule: Wash the dishes until the sponge lathers. When the product runs out, take a break and do something else. The secret is that the procedure, divided into several small stages, is psychologically much easier to perform.

2. Get some nice dishwashing utensils

Washing dishes is not the most inspiring task. But working with an ugly old sponge, a product with an unpleasant chemical odor and in an unattractive environment is even less desirable.

It is enough to surround yourself with beautiful accessories: soap with your favorite scent, an original dispenser or cute brushes, and the prospect of washing dishes will no longer seem so daunting.

3. And buy a pair of rubber gloves

Stop pretending to be Cinderella. Buy rubber glovesthat keep your hands dry, protect them from harmful effects chemistry and possible damage during dishwashing. You can definitely afford this luxury.

4. Save detergent

Instead of squeezing the product directly onto a sponge, try dissolving a small amount in a bowl of water and wetting the sponge in it. This will significantly reduce the consumption of detergent.

In addition, dishes that have not been touched by raw meat, eggs or butter need not be washed with soap. Rinsing is often enough.

5. Use life hacks to remove tough dirt

Burnt food in the bottom of a saucepan or pan - nightmare any dishwasher. Here are some tips to help you clean up dirt easier and faster.

  • Place empty, dirty dishes on the stove and select the highest temperature. After a while, drip water into the container. If a drop hisses and evaporates instantly, feel free to fill it with a whole glass of water. room temperature... As soon as the steam dissipates, rub off the dirt mercilessly with a wooden spatula.
  • Fill the dishes with water, add detergent to it and boil for 10–20 minutes. After half an hour, when everything has cooled down, start cleaning the contaminated surface.
  • Use the recommendations.

6. Don't litter the sink

We've all come across a situation where one dirty plate in the sink turns into a fetid pile of dishes. Of course, it is not always possible to wash everything and immediately, so you can use the following technique.

When you have a first and deep enough cleanser (like a saucepan or large bowl), fill it with hot water from detergent, place next to the sink (not in!) and put other dirty dishes in it.

So you, firstly, keep the sink empty, and secondly, prepare the dishes for express cleaning. Soaked in hot water, it will wash off faster, you will be less tempted to leave it for later, and the kitchen is unlikely to turn into Augean stables.

7. Don't wash everything in the dishwasher

Even if you are the lucky owner dishwasher, you still can't avoid washing dishes the traditional way... At least if you don't want to hurt kitchen utensils and expensive equipment.

Here's a list of things you shouldn't put in the dishwasher:

  • Cast iron products. They require more thorough and caring care.
  • Good knives. They will become dull faster if you wash them in the car, and not by hand.
  • Crystal. May crack or scratch.
  • Wooden crafts. May deform.
  • Non-stick cookware. It all depends on the brand: some models can be washed in a dishwasher, others not. If you don't know for sure, it's best to use good old hands. Otherwise, your pans risk losing their professional suitability.
  • Copper cookware. May change color.
  • Plastic. An exception is made of hard plastic products, on which the manufacturer has indicated that they can be washed in a machine.
  • Gilded dishes. The machine can spoil the noble finish.
  • Dishes with labels. High temperatures can come loose and clog the dishwasher.

8. Empty the dryer and dishwasher in time

You want to wash dirty dishes even less if you need to perform an additional operation before that: remove and arrange the previous batch. Therefore, before preparing dinner, make sure there is enough space in the dryer and the dishwasher is free.

9. Listen to something nice or funny

Instead of suffering over the sink, mentally making a to-do list for the next week, turn on your favorite music, radio, or a funny podcast. Time will fly by.

10. Meditate

We don't have much time to be. So exhale, relax and allow yourself not to think about anything. Even about dirty dishes... Just wash, wash ...

Do you use any life hacks for washing dishes? Let us know in the comments.