How to make a do-it-yourself cranberry harvester drawings. Make your work easier: blueberry harvesters - do-it-yourself production, factory options

In the summer, all gardeners and summer residents are engaged in picking berries. Someone does it the old fashioned way - with their hands, and someone uses special devices. They greatly facilitate and speed up the assembly process. So, blueberry harvesters can be used to harvest blueberries. You can buy them or make your own.

Picking berries

Picking blueberries by hand is painstaking. Much faster to do this with a combine. This is due to the fact that the named berry is very small and densely growing.

Having made a harvester, you can safely gather for blueberries. With it, in just a few minutes, you can collect a full bucket of delicious, beautiful berries. At the same time, it should be remembered that best time to pick blueberries is a day without rain. Picking berries after rain or watering is not worth it.

factory harvester

You can also simplify the work with a factory-made tool, although it is easy to make a blueberry harvester with your own hands. Either option can speed up the work of picking berries five times.

The factory apparatus is a container, at the end of which there are long curved teeth that look like a comb. With these cloves, the bushes are literally combed. All berries on them remain on the device. Branches, leaves freely pass between the teeth, located at a distance of about half a centimeter from each other.

In the manufacture of factories, the most different materials. Combines can be made of plastic, metal, wood. When making your own, dense rubber can also be used. And for the teeth, wire is most often used.


Before you make a harvester yourself, you need to prepare. It is worth starting the preparation by drawing up a diagram of the device. For ease of use, it is recommended to make paper templates, according to which it will be easy to make individual parts of the tool.

metal harvester

You can make blueberry harvesters on your own. For this you will need the following materials:

  • fasteners;
  • Metal sheet;
  • plywood;
  • wire 3 mm.

By making this do-it-yourself blueberry harvester, you can quickly harvest. The device will last more than one year. So let's get started!


The device consists of a body, a comb, a handle for holding the device and a partition. In general, all blueberry harvesters consist of a handle, a body with a bottom. A comb is provided to prevent the berries from falling out.

The design also has a partition, which allows you to collect a large number of berries with the device. For ease of use on upper part handle is mounted.

Construction assembly

Before proceeding with the design, drawings should be made. They describe in detail all the dimensions, details of the device. Then the bottom of the apparatus and its body are cut out of the metal.

As soon as the bottom and body are ready, a comb is made. It is recommended to make it from a three-millimeter wire. The length of the pins should be no more than ten centimeters.

An edge is bent at one end to securely fix parts.

From the front, blueberry harvesters are covered with a piece of metal. Holes are made in it to accommodate the rods. Between the teeth, a distance of about four millimeters is maintained. The edge of the metal plate is bent. This is necessary in order to prevent the collected berries from falling.

Wire rods are fixed to the base of the apparatus.

Side parts can be of any height. It is chosen at will. They are connected to the bottom and front of the structure.

A handle is attached to the top of the device. It can be made of metal or wood.

wooden harvester

Many are wondering how to make a blueberry harvester from a tree. In fact, it is much easier to perform than from metal. You will need a piece of plywood. The body of the device will be made from it.


The harvester will consist of two side parts, a bottom with teeth, a rear part and a top. It is also worth installing a partition that will prevent the berries from falling out.

The bottom will rectangular shape. On one edge, cuts are made with a circular saw. Their length should be about six centimeters, with a gap between the teeth of five millimeters. If available grinding machine, then you can make an impromptu bending of the teeth.

Sidewalls should have one oblique cut. The bottom will be longer than the top. Next, the cover is made and back wall harvester size.

In order for the collected berries to remain inside the device, it is necessary to install a latch on the front wall. It can be made from soft iron, plastic or rubber. On the bolts, this part is planted in such a way as to be able to open. The back part should also open so that the berries can be unloaded into the container.

A lot has been invented for harvesting the berry crop. special devices. They are produced at factories, and craftsmen make such devices to order on their own. To choose a model for a wild rose, you need to familiarize yourself with the types and photos of devices. For personal use, many of them can be made with your own hands.

Types of devices for picking berries

Devices designed for picking berries in the garden, in the country or in the forest save time and optimize the entire process. No need to stretch or bend over each individual berry, you can remove several pieces at once. Some devices invented specifically for wild rose do not speed up the collection, but only make it more comfortable. For example, the purpose of some is to protect their hands from thorny branches. A simple classification of devices that are used to collect a variety of berries looks like this:

Attention! On the forums, many gardeners speak out negatively against the use of fruit pickers. In their opinion, special scoops and rakes negatively affect the integrity of berry bushes and trees.

Simple devices for removing rose hips from branches

So that during the harvesting of a useful crop the branches do not prick your hands, you should stock up on a simple device that is made from ordinary plastic bottle. It could be a container drinking water, shampoo or liquid soap. First of all, it must be washed and dried well, and then:

  • cut off the bottom, make 4 sharp cloves on the edges. The height of each of them is 4 cm;
  • put the bottle neck on a stick;
  • for reliability, fix with a nail or screw.

Advice. This model is suitable for collecting almost any berries that hang on branches. For rose hips, you can increase the number of cloves, making them more frequent, and also use a container made of dense plastic. Then it will not be deformed during operation.

An even easier way to make a rosehip picker is to simply cut off a plastic bottle. It should be freely worn on the hand and have a slightly narrowed neck. It is cut off together with the bottom of the container. IN finished structure the hand is pushed in such a way that the narrower part of the bottle is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers. The device protects against prickly rose hips, allowing you to comfortably pick off each berry.

For the same purpose, you can make a tin ladle. It is suitable for harvesting not only rose hips, but also gooseberries, which are also known for their "inhospitability" (sharp thorns). To do this, a blank is cut out of a sheet of tin, resembling a drawing of an unfolded scoop with sharp teeth on both sides. Approximate parameters:

  • height - 40 cm;
  • bottom width - 5 cm;
  • the height of the teeth (2 on each side) is 2 cm. They are drawn outside the bottom contour;
  • handle width at the top - 10 cm.

Rose hip

Having cut the workpiece with scissors, it is bent: the upper part of the handle is folded across the width, making it voluminous for convenience. Then the bottom is turned inside, both sides are connected above it with cloves - they form the front part, which will remove the berries.

Devices that make picking berries faster

To stack berries taken from a bush, they usually use a basket, bag, bag, jar, etc. As an alternative to any of these containers, craftsmen have come up with several inventions to speed up the harvest. For example, simple in execution, but functional tray. It is made of slats, the bottom is made of a sheet of plywood or a piece of tarpaulin. The second option is even better if you plan to collect not rose hips, but currants or gooseberries. In this case, the berries will not be beaten.

The structure is placed under a bush, and the cut berries are dropped directly onto it. Approximate tray dimensions:

  • length - 80 cm;
  • width of one side - 80 cm, the other - 45 cm.

Berry Picker Helps Reduce Harvesting Time

The narrower side of the tray is not made straight, but in the form of the letter V. This will allow you to move the device close to the base of the bush. According to reviews, such a device speeds up the collection of berries by 1.5-2 times.

The same function is performed by a net for harvesting. A cover is sewn from the fabric in the form of a cap, but they do not put it on a stick, but make a slit on one side. A hand is inserted into this hole, and picking off the berries, they immediately drop them into a cloth bag. You can trim the top, as well as the hole for the hand with a metal strip. A small ring (retainer) is also often made from it for index finger which makes the device easier to use. With such devices, you do not need to be distracted by placing each fruit in a basket or jar.

Do-it-yourself berry harvester: video

Harvester for picking berries, a device that will be discussed in this article. This is a scoop or comb, the special design of which is very well adapted for manual picking of berries in the forest.

The harvest of the forest in the old days was not collected by hand. For this, there was a scoop for picking berries, which, of course, was made independently. Such a special inventory was completely wooden. A little later, it could already be metal or combined.

Almost nothing has changed since then, only the berry picking tray (lingonberry blueberry cranberry) has become more convenient. Moreover, you can order a harvester for picking berries, and not go anywhere for it, all the more there is no need to make it yourself. This saves time and again is convenient.

Container for picking berries - principle of operation and description

The berry picker is designed to remove wild berries from the bushes by hand. The principle of its work is to detach the berries from the branches of the bush. These berries are usually:

  • blueberry,
  • cowberry,
  • cranberry.

The tearing process itself is carried out with the help of teeth, with which it is necessary to pick up the berries, and pull the harvester for picking blueberries and lingonberries forward or upward. In principle, any other hand movement that is convenient in the situation will do. The task is not so difficult that even children can cope with it. That is why there are children's equipment for sale.

It is appropriate to highlight several characteristics, when considering which, you can decide how to choose a harvester for picking berries. Thus, the main parts of the design of lingonberry harvesters will be highlighted and their description will be made.

The device for picking blueberries and lingonberries consists of teeth and a scoop into which torn fruits roll down. In addition, a manual blueberry harvester is necessarily equipped with a handle.

There can be two types of elements for holding berry pickers in the hand:

  • the first option, when the handle is located on the top and a box with this type of device is used to pick berries from bushes growing taller. Although this characterization of the bushes is less than correct. Since none of the above berries grows high. It would be more correct to say that it is located very low;
  • therefore, a blueberry harvester can be not only with a manual top, but also with an elongated one. And attached by the example of a flat cutter. That is, such a tool is used in cases where the picker does not have the desire or ability to bow low to each berry. Having firmly attached a wooden handle more often than from another material, the comb will already be called a rake for collecting lingonberries and blueberries. Still such devices, with a handle like a rake, are simply called rakes.

The teeth also have some variety. Looking at the products in the berry picking containers section, you will notice that they do not have the same appearance. What is it connected with? The fastest with the nature of the growth of the berries themselves. Some of them ripen above the ground and are clearly visible. And others are level with the ground, and even hide under foliage and moss. Cranberries behave the fastest. That's why:

  • located in the middle of the scoop. Its principle of action will certainly not allow the berries to wake up after they have fallen into the container;
  • such a box is not a faster device, but a convenient and efficient berry harvester with a shutter. Which, with its internal damper, will prevent crop losses more than once. After all, it is not realistic to collect small, albeit bright, berries that have rolled under the leaves and natural crevices on the ground;
  • be fastened in such a way that it opens freely in the middle. That is, at the slightest inclination, it simply sagged. And the berries rolled into the apparatus. But when tilted to reverse side, that is, forward, the fruit picker with a shutter for collecting blueberries and lingonberries will not be able to lose a single berry. That is, the damper will freely block their path to falling out.

And about the largest, and no less important part in the design. The equipment of which is also arranged with meaning. It has a comb for cranberries and a tray for collecting blueberries. This is a shoulder blade or a rectangular piece into which intermediate portions of berries are collected. The scoop itself for collecting cranberries and blueberries, into which the fruits roll, can be with a bottom:

  • whole,
  • with holes.

A fruit picker with a shutter and with holes at the bottom of the bucket, is considered universal efficient fixture for forest harvest. What are these holes for? As it turned out, they perform a very important function. The thing is that during the described lesson, together with the berries, we get a lot of unnecessary particles in the form of leaflets into the berry picker. As well as branches and other debris. Which in any case will have to be selected. And what is typical, will this be done by a berry picker or this operation will be done only with the help of hands, there will still be garbage. But the less the scoop for blueberries accumulates, the less time it will take to screen it out later.

What else you need to pay attention to when it's time to buy a manual berry harvester? Of course, on the material of its manufacture. The fastest you will find on any website of the online store are berry pickers from:

  • plastic. It is lightweight and durable material
  • metal. It can be food steel with paint coating. In terms of strength, it is naturally not inferior to plastic. But heavier in weight.

All designs of berry pickers present on Russian market do not damage plants when applied. That is, after picking berries with their help, next spring the forest berry bushes will bloom again profusely. And in order for you and I to be able to enjoy prepared vitamins in winter, which are abundant in lingonberries and other berry representatives, we will consider the rules for picking berries in the forest.

Benefits of lingonberries, blueberries and cranberries

There is frankly a lot of information about how useful these fruits are. But since the presented type of product is directly related to its collection, let's recall some interesting details about forest gifts in the form of berries.

storehouse useful properties that blueberries have:

  • a large amount of vitamin C - our body will be able to resist many diseases. One of them is colds in winter period;
  • healthy nutrients will help improve vision. And constant use in food will serve prophylactic against visual impairment;
  • useful fibers regulate the metabolism in the human body. With digestion, people who eat blueberries will never have problems;
  • The antioxidants present in the pulp help to stay healthy and young longer.

Cranberry and its benefits:

  • flavonoids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • the genitourinary tract will be more protected from infections, doctors say. At the same time, it is necessary to drink a glass of natural sugar-free daily. cranberry juice;
  • to maintain oral hygiene - a glass of cranberry juice. Proanthocyanidin will prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth. No bacteria - no caries.

Useful properties of lingonberries are necessary for expectant mothers:

  • the iron content allows you to save the child being born;
  • help to relax nervous system strengthen the immune system and prevent the development infectious processes;
  • infusion of leaves relieves swelling, reduces pressure and strengthens blood vessels.

It is always convenient to have a fruit picker with a shutter when harvesting lingonberries in the forest. As can be seen from the described properties that forest gifts possess, it is necessary to stock them up to maintain health. To collect strawberries, you also need to devote enough time. If there is an opportunity and desire, why not take advantage of the gifts of nature.

Summer is the time when sweet berries ripen and it's time to pick them. When difficulties arise during work, a lingonberry harvester will help you, which you can do yourself. With the help of such a device, you can easily collect whole fruits from your garden. The manufacturing process of the device will not bring any difficulties, and harvesting will become very convenient and interesting.

Materials and design

Such a do-it-yourself harvester for picking berries is somewhat reminiscent of a scoop.

In order to make such a simple apparatus for small berries with your own hands, you need the most ordinary materials, tools that are in every home:

  • Sheet steel;
  • fasteners;
  • tree branches;
  • drill;
  • metal wire.

The design of the device is quite simple, so you can easily make it. It will become simply irreplaceable in use. Now you can quickly and easily collect the fruits of not only lingonberries, but also blueberries, cranberries and other berries (Fig. 1):

  1. The whole design of this device is a body with handles and a bottom. To prevent the berries from falling out again, a comb is provided.
  2. She has a special partition (Fig. 3), which facilitates harvesting in large quantities. The main advantage of this device is that lingonberries do not spoil at all at the time when they are harvested.
  3. Before starting work, in addition, you need to purchase plywood or plastic, from which the main part is cut (Fig. 1). The rest is done with wire.

Manufacturing technique

  1. In order for the berry picker to serve you for more than 1 year, you need to carefully carry out calculations, draw up all the drawings and diagrams, which describe in detail the dimensions of all parts of the device.
  2. Next, use special scissors to cut out the body and bottom of the combine from a metal piece (Fig. 2).
  3. Then proceed to the manufacture of parts for the comb, which is made of wire with a diameter of 3 mm. Prepare several such pins no larger than 100 mm in size.
  4. Bend galvanized steel from one end, you will get a hard edge, at a distance of which a straight line is drawn, perpendicular to the long side of the plate.
  5. Make several holes, the diameter of which is equal to the caliber of the rods. They are located on the sides of the plate. The most suitable distance between the teeth is 4 mm (Fig. 3).
  6. Bend the ends of the plate so that you get a side. The detail prevents the collected berries from falling; insert the rods into the holes made and fix them wooden lath.
  7. The rods should be soldered to the base of the apparatus.
  8. The sidewalls must be cut separately from the bottom of the structure, and their height is chosen as desired. The edges must be bent at right angles to the inside. Attach the bottom to the fold lines, and make rods on the sides to make the device a little stiffer.
  9. To give the handle a peculiar shape, use a small amount of galvanized steel. Release a few centimeters from the edges of the strip and bend at an angle. Attach the handle to the top side of the part base. Another version of the handle can be made from a metal rod and welded.
  10. In order not to harm your fingers, wrap everything with electrical tape.

Now picking berries will not cause any trouble.

Of course, metal appliances are the most durable, but there are options for making a combine from other materials.

How to make a berry harvester (video)

Other options for creating a device

If you do not know what material to use for the combine, then pay attention to the tree. The manufacturing method is quite simple and practical. What you will need:

  • skewers for barbecue;
  • large branches of a tree (approximate diameter of branches 10-12 cm);
  • saw;
  • chisel;
  • drill;
  • drill;
  • glue.

To start with a saw, make 2 identical circles from branches. Then, using a chisel on one wooden figure, make a hole indented from the edges by 1 cm. The resulting parts must be properly sanded and get rid of splinters and burrs.

After that, proceed to the creation of the comb. For this purpose, you will need a drill and a drill, the diameter of which must match the caliber of the barbecue sticks. Drill holes in the circle.

Optimal distance between the holes - no more than 5 mm, so that the berries do not fall to the ground when harvested. When the holes on the first figure are ready, repeat the same with the second. Next, lay one rounded part on top of the other so that their holes match. Using barbecue sticks, pull both figures from each other at a distance of 15 cm and fix the frame with glue. The combine harvester is ready (Fig. 4).

The easiest way to assemble a harvester consists of a durable plastic bottle. For this design, you will also need a knife, stick, rein, etc.

Ketchup containers, which are known for their strength, are best suited. container for mineral water can quickly fall into disrepair. The bottle itself must be small size, with a large throat to easily get the collected berries.

Make marks on it, a small flag with a couple of teeth. Using a sharp knife, a hole is cut along the contour, after which the bottle is tied to a stick with a cord or fixed with tape.

Harvester for harvesting blueberries and lingonberries (video)

    As it was correctly noted here, the principle of creating any combine for picking berries, including for blueberries, is the same: a box with a small capacity (about a liter or two), the bottom of which is a comb or comb. A handle is welded to the box - long, short, at your discretion. The distance between the teeth of the comb should be maintained optimally: so that the berries do not fall through, and so that the bushes do not tear out, do not spoil the plants.

    By the way, experienced berry pickers say that with certain skills (hold bushes with one hand, pick with the other), this method is no less gentle than, for example, manual picking.

    blueberry harvester

    A blueberry harvester is no different from a harvester for lingonberries and similar berries. Yes, it is believed that picking berries with such devices causes significant damage to the plant, injuring the stems and leaves, but picking berries with such a combine turns out pretty quickly.

    I will not load you with the intricacies of the drawings and suggest that you familiarize yourself with the drawings of such combines here (you will also find a drawing of a device for cleaning berries here)

    There is such a simple option - this is a bucket and rods welded to it.

    But still it would be better if the harvester is made of plastic - this will cause less harm and it is more convenient for them to work.

    You can also buy a harvester for picking berries by ordering it in an online store or buying it in the household department.

    By the way, if you are still going to pick berries with a combine, then read the rules on how best to bush, keep it, etc.

    Acquainted with detailed instructions for the manufacture of a blueberry harvester can be found here. With it, it is much more convenient and faster to pick blueberries.

    But I prefer to pick berries with my hands, the result is less, but more interesting!

    Attention, using a blueberry harvester is illegal!

    Homemade harvester is not complicated in the device. The main part is a place for picking blueberries, the so-called bodyquot ;. You can use a tin box or something else. Get a comfortable handle. You also need a combquot ;, with which you will peel off the bushes. It can be cut from tin, you can use a hard wire.

    The harvester, of course, will help you pick blueberries very well and quickly, but in the process you will be united with nature and have many pleasant moments, because picking blueberries with your hands is pleasant, the smell and feeling of berries in your hands bring a lot of pleasure. And to make a combine, you just need to take something like a planer and adapt a rake at the exit, it will turn out convenient and not expensive.

    You can do it, but this is an administrative violation, for which you can be held accountable (in Belarus, 20 basic units, which equals 2,000,000 Belarusian rubles).

    for the manufacture you will need aluminum tin, metal scissors, metal screws and steel wire section 2-3mm. Here's what should happen:

    It is known that harvesting blueberries with a combine is illegal and is administrative offense. In this case, I fully agree with the authorities (at least in some ways care for nature is manifested). Think for yourself, blueberry bushes (like lingonberries) grow for a very long time, and you can easily damage them with a combine.

    At least watch out when picking berries with a combine, so as not to spoil the blueberry bushes. Thanks to such a combine, you can even collect gooseberries.

    The main element of this device is In fact, all other details are already secondary.

    • can or buy in in a similar way Or make your own out of wood. In this case, the length of the teeth should be approximately 60mm, and the gap between individual teeth should be 5mm. It is advised not to use metal, cutting combs, as they are more likely to damage the bud of the plant and berries in next year can't see from this bush.
    • In addition to the comb, it would be convenient if there was a small box / drive where the collected berry would roll. Let the box be not very large, so that it is more convenient for her to wield.
    • Well, for complete convenience, you can attach a handle to the drive, holding on to which it will be more convenient to pick berries.

    In fact, there is nothing complicated in this device, and you can make it from improvised means - from plastic or wood. The most important thing is the distance between the teeth, and the rest is a matter of comfort / convenience.

    You can peep at the existing combines, how all the nuances are implemented there. For example, you can look here or also here

    Some berries take a very long time to pick with your hands, including blueberries. Therefore, people came up with a special harvester for harvesting blueberries.

    For the manufacture of such a combine, plywood is used and not soft wire. The harvester is a kind of bucket, in the lower part of which the same wires are located at a certain distance from each other (so that the blueberries are captured and do not slip through them). The meaning is that the blueberries are captured between the wires, some effort is applied and the berry comes off the bush and falls into the depths of this combine.

    You can see how to do it and what proportions you need to observe in the video below: