When can I transplant flowers according to the lunar calendar. When is the best time to repot indoor flowers? What day

The moon influences all living organisms on earth, this is noticeable by the ebb and flow of the tides. Indoor flowers and plants also depend on the influence of lunar rhythms, as they contain water. Are there favorable days for transplantation indoor plants? Consider what phases of the moon are best for transplanting flowers, and when tubers should not be disturbed and root system.

Since ancient times, people have noticed the impact of planetary biorhythms on animals and vegetable world. Knowledge has been accumulated over the centuries that can help in the care of our beloved indoor flowers and plants. For example, in the first half of the lunar month (from the new moon to the full moon), vital juices go up - to the leaves and inflorescences. It is this time that is most favorable for transplanting plants.

Note! If you collect fruits from plants, then in the first half of the lunar month they will be the most juicy and tasty.

If a lemon or other tree grows in your house, you need to collect fruits only during the increase in the lunar disk. Hilling and loosening the soil is best done on full moon days. At this time, you can add soil to the bare roots, add fertilizer.

It is more correct to change the earth in flowerpots on the growing moon. Gardeners recommend carrying out this manipulation in the spring season (April-May), summer time (July-August) or autumn at a favorable time. If you need to change the earth in winter, this can be done in the month of December during the growth of the lunar disk.

However, the time of the growing moon must be distinguished from the new moon. A new moon is two days from the beginning of the lunar month when the disk is not visible in the sky. These days, the vital juices of flowers accumulate in tubers and roots, so they cannot be transplanted.

The new moon is ideal for forming the crown of bushes and cutting branches. On the new moon and on the waning moon, seeds are collected: in them is the concentration of the force of growth. Planting seeds collected at the specified time will ensure rapid germination and rapid growth of seedlings.

Lunar eclipses are a special time period. Flower transplantation and other manipulations are not allowed. Let the plant rest for a few days before and after the eclipse. It is believed that the influence of eclipses begins a few days before its onset and lasts for some time after.

View the plant manipulation calendar for 2018:

Moon in the signs of the zodiac

The lunar disk is like through 12 signs of the zodiac, which exert their influence on the biorhythms of the night star. For gardeners, it is important to know the following information:

  • waning Moon in Scorpio and growing in the sign of Capricorn - tubers and flower bulbs can be transplanted;
  • waning moon in Cancer and waxing in air signs, Scorpio and Pisces - decorative leafy plants can be transplanted;
  • waning Moon in Sagittarius and Virgo, growing in Gemini - you can transplant vines and ampelous plant species.

Note! Favorable zodiac signs for working with plants are Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces. Unfavorable signs are Aquarius and Leo.

If the moon passes through the constellation Aries, the plants do not perceive nutrients - top dressing is useless.

The Leo constellation is also not favorable for fertilizing, watering plants and treating pests.

It is best to plant seedlings and sow seeds when the growing moon passes through the constellation Virgo or the waning moon is in the constellations of Cancer or Scorpio.

Pruning and pinching is best done when the waning moon crosses the constellations of Gemini or Aquarius.

Unfavorable and neutral days

What can be done with plants in adverse lunar days? It is best to leave them alone, because any manipulation will bring stress to our pets. Especially unfavorable are the days of eclipses - both lunar and solar. Transplanting flowers at this time can simply destroy them.

What can you do on neutral days lunar calendar? At this time, you can feed the plants, spray with pesticides, water and loosen the soil. The plant may not survive radical changes. However, in emergency cases, the plant can also be transplanted on neutral days - if the flowerpot has broken or the plant has been attacked by pests.

Plants always delight us with their flowering and beauty of leaves. Proper care- the key to a long life of green beauties. Remember that transplanting flowers is best done in the warm season of the year: this time is completely favorable for working with soil and tubers.

If you need to transplant a flower in late autumn, you must strictly observe the lunar phases and take into account favorable days. In winter, it is not recommended to disturb the plants, their life processes are at rest.

If you transplant a plant, taking into account the change lunar phases, this will not bring stress to the tubers and twigs. Flowers take root faster in a new flowerpot and do not lose their attractiveness.

If you transplant a plant without taking into account the influence of the lunar phases, it can get sick and wither. Therefore, always check your action plan with the lunar calendar and the advice of specialist astrologers. Then your flowers will always delight with lush flowering and a healthy look.

Indoor plants are not only a living corner in the house, but extremely useful inhabitants for our health. If you want indoor flowers to please with lush foliage, plentiful and long flowering it is necessary not only to water, to observe temperature regime, fertilize plants, but also transplant in time.

Flower growers noticed that the position of the Moon in relation to the Earth affects the survival of plants after transplantation and began to allocate favorable and unfavorable days, keeping records in the lunar calendar. Today we will find out how and at what time it is better to transplant home flowers according to the 2018 lunar calendar.

Observing the behavior of indoor plants before and after transplanting, flower growers noticed the influence of three factors on the survival rate - this is the current lunar day and the phase of the moon, as well as what sign of the Zodiac it is in. Any of these factors determines the energy of the day, affects the processes occurring inside a living organism.

You need to remember:

  • On the new moon and full moon a day before and after, it is impossible to carry out work related to transplanting, as well as transshipment of plants.
  • If the Moon is in the Growth phase, you can do work on the propagation of indoor plants (leaf, shoot, cutting).
  • When transplanting plants, pay attention to which zodiac sign is currently fertile or infertile.
  • Pisces and Cancer are the most favorable signs for transplantation. Scorpio and Taurus are signs that are distinguished by good fertility, plants take root easily and tolerate transplantation.
  • Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini - signs with negative energy, infertile.
  • Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn are semi-fertile.

When is a lunar transplant necessary?

  1. If the roots of the plants begin to ask out, growing through the holes in the bottom of the pot or do not fit in the planter, then you need to take care of a new home for the plants.
  2. The soil in the pot is hard, powdered with a white, bad-smelling bloom - this indicates an increased acidity of PH, which inhibits plant growth.
  3. According to the biological parameters of the growth and development of the flower, it becomes necessary to transplant it into a new soil.
  4. A plant purchased at a flower shop most often has an artificial substrate, which must be replaced with soil recommended for this crop.
  5. The flower sheds yellow foliage, grows poorly, does not bloom, looks painful.

It's important to know:

  • A large pot is more likely to cause a plant to feel unwell than a small one.
  • If not necessary, it is best not to transplant plants during the colder months. Spring is the best time to bring your green pet into new pot.
  • Despite the heat, there is no ban on transplanting indoor plants in summer.

It is forbidden to transplant and transship during flowering. If the plant is infested with pests, first get rid of the source of the problem (aphids, thrips, spider mites, mealy mites, nematodes in the soil ...) and only then transplant.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for January 2018

It is worth transplanting to the young moon:

  • in the sign of Pisces (January 20)
  • in Taurus (January 25, 26)

Do not plan work on propagation and transshipment of flowers into new pots for January if there is no need (updating the substrate for new settlers, urgent transplantation when the plant is in a depressed state).

January, the month of rest for plants, they gain strength before spring, vital processes slow down

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for February 2018

  • in Pisces (16, 17, 18 February)
  • in Taurus (February 21, 22)
  • in the sign of Cancer (25.26 February)

Transplanting home flowers according to the lunar calendar is best done at the end of the last month of winter. The sun warms, the life rhythm of plants changes, we begin the chores of choosing a substrate (for each type of plant, its own), we prepare pots, fertilizers.

Orchid transplant: lunar calendar 2018

If your favorite orchid needs to change the substrate or the pot becomes too small for the roots, it needs to be transplanted. Flower shop consultants advise replanting the plant two, maximum three years after purchase.

For transplantation, you will need a transparent pot, an orchid is an epiphyte jungle plant that lives in crevices in the bark of trees, on trunks, branches. Roots in natural, natural conditions open, participate in the process of photosynthesis and absorb moisture from the surrounding atmosphere.

We choose a pot with a slight increase in diameter and holes in the bottom, for watering into the pan. For an orchid, an unusual substrate is used in our view. It is purchased at a flower shop or collected independently using:

  • needles of gymnosperms (spruce, pine, fir)
  • pieces of wood and bark that have been charred or immersed in water for a long time
  • expanded clay
  • small stones
  • sifted sand

Pour boiling water over everything and mix. We carefully transfer the orchid to a new pot, after removing the old roots, we fall asleep with a man-made substrate.

Video: Transplanting orchids

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for March 2018

  • in Taurus (March 21)
  • in Cancer (March 25.26)

The first month of spring is great for transplanting and propagating flowers on your windowsill:

  1. If the plant is young, it is advisable to replant it every year; it is forming and rapidly growing root mass, and if it is an adult, it is enough once every few years.
  2. For small crops, pots should not be purchased for growth and exceed in diameter by more than two to three cm.
  3. Large giant plants are transplanted very rarely, once every 8-12 years.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for April 2018

  • in the sign of Pisces (April 17.18)
  • in the sign of Cancer (April 21.22)
  1. In April, plant strong orchid sprouts from an adult plant.
  2. The lunar calendar for transplanting violets (Saintpaulia) is spring (early) and autumn (late)

Growing and propagating violets is not at all difficult. It is necessary to be careful when working with the plant and choose the optimal time for better survival. If the mother bush forms small daughter offspring with developed roots, this is the oldest and easiest way to get a new plant by planting. With a spatula, we separate the process from an adult plant and plant it in the soil from the store or prepared with our own hands.

If there are no daughter bushes, it’s not scary, violet, just like gloxinia, is propagated by a leaf with a petiole or a piece of a leaf. Carefully, with a blade, cut off the petiole with the leaf blade and lower it into the water, and after the formation of the roots, we determine it into the ground.

We transfer the flower to a new substrate, first remove the drooping leaves, the dried petiole with the flower.

Video: Rejuvenation and transplantation of violets

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for May 2018

  • in Scorpio (May 26, 27, 28)

The last month of spring is characteristic abundant flowering if your green pet is blooming, refrain from transplanting.

  1. We transfer indoor plants to balconies, loggias.
  2. Begonias, coleus, geraniums can be planted directly in a flower bed or in outdoor flowerpots, we keep it in the garden for a week, in the shade, so that there is no burn of the leaves.

A beautiful paunsettia plant (the most beautiful euphorbia or a Christmas star) blooms when the main group of indoor plants is in a state of suspended animation, winter dormancy. It is recommended to transplant euphorbia in the last month of spring - May.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for June 2018

  • in Cancer (June 15, 16)
  • in Scorpio (June 23, 24)

At the beginning of summer, it is good to transplant coniferous indoor crops, as well as azaleas, camellias. These plants are difficult to transplant, so we do the work carefully. Reliable way- this is a transshipment, the roots are little injured, and quickly take root.

We remove the plant from direct sunlight in the shade, for better adaptation.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for July 2018

  • in Scorpio (July 20, 21)

The middle of summer is a lot of work and it's rare for anyone to plan to transplant houseplants, although this is a great time to update the substrate in a pot with date palm, ficus, asparagus, as well as for transshipment of lemon and tangerine tree. Who did not have time to transplant the azalea and conifers - July is the right month.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for august 2018

  • in Scorpio (August 18, 19)

If you planted a houseplant in a flower bed, before returning to the house, you need to update the substrate in flower pot. Over the summer, the flower adds to the green mass, gives offspring, so when transplanting, you can divide the bush and plant it in several pots or a flower box.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for September 2018

  • in the sign of Scorpio (September 13-14),
  • in Pisces (September 22)

In the first month of autumn we begin autumn transplant flowers so that they can easily endure the winter, cold, time. We change the soil and increase the volume of pots for crops in the active stage of growth. September - good time for autumn transplantation of violets, orchids, if the plants have not yet bloomed or have already shed their color.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for October 2018

We transplant to the young moon:

  • in Scorpio (October 10, 11, 12)
  • in the sign of Pisces (October 1.20)

We continue the autumn transplantation of indoor plants. Throughout the year, flower growers are engaged in crops that require special attention. In October, a lot of free time appeared, the plants are preparing for winter dormancy, unpretentious crops of tradescantia, chlorophytums, asparagus can be transplanted.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for November 2018

We transplant to the growing moon:

  • in the sign of Pisces (November 16.17)

In November, it is not advisable to transplant plants, only if this emergency and only by transshipment, so as to leave as much earth as possible on the roots. It is especially not recommended to touch the bulbous crops, which accumulate nutrients in the bulbs and will grow during intervention.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for December 2018

  • in the sign of Pisces (December 16)
  • in the sign of Taurus (December 19, 20)

In the first winter month, flower growers do not transplant plants; almost all flowers are at rest and cannot tolerate being disturbed. The only thing is that lovers of cacti (succulents) can start transplanting their pets, which are diverse in number.

Anyone who grows cacti knows how prickly a plant it is, which is difficult to transplant:

  1. For transshipment of large specimens, we use special gloves that do not allow injuring hands.
  2. If mature plant with children (small cacti on the mother's body), we tear them off and place them in pre-prepared soil.
  3. Some types of succulents have young plants with aerial roots, which makes it easier to establish.

For houseplant owners, biologists and astrologers strongly recommend transplanting flowers according to the lunar calendar. Try it, the result will exceed all expectations!

Video: Cactus transplant

Flower care is best done on certain days. Many indoor plant enthusiasts grow them at random, especially beginner gardeners. And they face the problem of insufficient growth, poor survival after transplants - up to the death of plants.

Meanwhile, most problems are easy to avoid if you approach the matter correctly. You can get all the information you need about the technology of transplanting indoor plants in the calendar for gardeners. It indicates the time favorable for activities such as watering, fertilizing and changing the soil. The flowers transplanted these days take root easily and grow actively.

Receptions of the correct transplant

A potted flower transplant is required when the leaves wither, the soil becomes raised, and flowering disappears. More often than not, the soil needs to be replaced. A new pot should be taken about 4 cm larger than the previous one.

To remove the flower, gently moisten the soil and carefully remove the plant along with the soil. At the bottom of the new pot, lay out the drainage with a layer of about 1 cm. If the container is large, the layer thickness can reach up to 5 cm. The earth is poured from above in the form of a mound and the plant is strengthened.

About the most favorable days for transplanting indoor plants

It is impossible to place a flower in the sun, as well as fertilize immediately after the procedure. Transplantation should be done in the absence of flowering, taking into account a certain time of the year. The most suitable periods for this procedure are March-April and September-October. It should not be forgotten that any of the plants has individual characteristics, can bloom and grow actively at completely different times.

The best time to change soil is when the sap is moving towards the stem and leaves. Plants with reduced elasticity of the root system take root in the new soil. When transplanted, they are less prone to breakdowns and other negative effects.

We determine the optimal timing

It is recommended to change the flower soil in the growing phase of the moon. You can determine it by looking at a special lunar calendar. Experts recommend changing the soil at specific periods. These are the spring months - March and May, the summer months - July and August, the whole autumn without restrictions (on favorable days), from the winter months - December.

These tips are based on years of research. It is believed that on the dates mentioned, the change of habitat occurs less painfully, negative impacts are little perceived by plants.

What is the lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants

It is compiled by specialist researchers in order to simplify the task of caring for representatives of the plant kingdom. The lunar calendar contains information on loosening, watering and other care. There are detailed descriptions of the days when the habitat of the flower should not be changed.

Compose it according to the lunar phases. If you follow the above recommendations, transplanting indoor plants according to the lunar calendar, your flower will not have problems getting used to a new pot. It will actively grow. There are also days in the calendar when any manipulations with plants are highly discouraged. The risk of damage during transplantation for a flower is quite high, and in order to avoid it, you should listen to the advice of specialists.

Below we provide a lunar calendar for indoor plants and flowers for 2017.

Moon phases and our flowers

The state of the moon is considered a major factor influencing the process of growing flowers. The stem actively elongates and feeds on sap in the growth phase. When the celestial satellite is in the full moon phase, changing the habitat of the flower should be avoided. This is because the root system is currently actively feeding.

On the days of lunar eclipses, nature provides moments of rest and accumulation of strength. All living things are slowly reborn, and therefore work with the earth during this period is not recommended. It is on such data that astrologers rely when compiling a lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants.

About the signs of the zodiac

When caring for plants, it is recommended to take into account which of the zodiac signs the moon is in at one time or another. Favorable signs include Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces. When the moon is "visiting" Leo or Aquarius, work with the earth is not recommended. All other signs, according to astrologers, do not have an active influence on flowers.

All of the above is quite understandable from a scientific point of view. After all, the position of the moon affects the state of the water, sea tides and tides. The nature of our entire planet, together with the process of vegetation growth, depends to a large extent on the lunar phases.

How does this happen

Those dates of the lunar calendar, which are indicated as auspicious days for transplanting indoor plants, coincide with the period when the juice moves to the stem and leaves, that is, to the top of the flower. At the same time, the root system experiences a decrease in turgor, a slight dehydration of the cells, as a result of which they become less brittle. That is why transplantation under these conditions is tolerated as easily as possible, as is the process of taking root in new soil. Then you can successfully propagate flowers by cuttings, using the most auspicious days for transplanting indoor flowers.

What is described above coincides with the growth phase of the moon. When it decreases, the opposite happens - the roots are filled with moisture. At this time, they should not be disturbed. Thus blooming and healthy looking indoor garden much easier to achieve by referring to the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

In an emergency

We do not consider cases where an emergency transplant procedure may be required. Pests can suddenly appear, pots sometimes break, and stems break. If necessary emergency rescue flower, of course, they no longer pay attention to the schedule. A similar procedure is recommended outside the plan and in case of crushing and yellowing of the leaves, a long absence of flowering.

If the plant has bloomed, it is undesirable to transplant it even on one of the favorable days for transplanting indoor flowers. It is very likely that the green pet will get sick for a long time as a result, and it will be very difficult to cure it.

What to do at other times

There are also unfavorable days for transplanting and planting plants, as well as relatively neutral ones. This time can be filled with procedures of a less radical nature. We are talking about top dressing, loosening, watering, processing from pests. But on those dates that are indicated on the calendar as completely unfavorable, it is better to leave the flowers completely alone. No type of care at this time will benefit the plant.

The most unsuitable days for transplantation are those when lunar and solar eclipses(including partial). The vulnerability of flowers at this time is increased, and even the most minor injury can destroy the plant.

Why do you need a regular transplant

There may be several reasons for this:

1. Overgrown roots no longer fit in the usual container. The earth begins to rise, making it difficult to water.

2. Due to hard water, salts accumulate in the soil, making it difficult for the flower to feed.

3. The soil is depleted, its organic component decomposes. As a result, feeding does not give the desired effect.

4. Due to soil compaction occurs oxygen starvation roots.

The function of indoor plants is not only decorative. They are able to significantly improve the microclimate of the living space by humidifying and conditioning the air, as well as neutralizing the positively charged ions emitted household appliances. Many types of flowers save the owners from harmful emissions of finishing and furniture materials by absorbing toxins.

Even in the absence of strict adherence to the requirements of the lunar calendar, the plant will tolerate transplanting better when they are done in the spring, during the warm season. It is then that they determine permanent place residence for rooted cuttings. If, for some reason, you decide to have an "operation" in the fall, the care in observing favorable days for transplanting indoor plants is even more important.

Using this approach, you will accelerate the growth of your favorite variety and get a lot of little "babies". Self-compilation of the lunar calendar is a rather difficult task. Ordinary amateur flower growers, as a rule, cannot do it. After all, professional astrologers in their work take into account a large number various factors: from lunar day and months before the position of the sun and moon in certain signs of the zodiac.

Flowers in spring and winter

All work with houseplants is resumed, as a rule, in April - due to warming and an increase in the length of daylight hours. In the last month of spring, juices actively circulate in flowers, metabolic processes (respiration, photosynthesis) accelerate, greenery begins to grow intensively. Such days are good for rejuvenating overgrown bushes and moving to a new place.

Winter transplanting is not recommended. This is due to the fact that in the cold season a calm period sets in and any process in the living organism of a flower tends to slow down. In order to avoid harm, flower growers try not to touch the plants in winter.

By following these simple recommendations regarding favorable days for transplanting indoor plants and carefully adhering to the lunar calendar, you can surround your green pets with real love and care. And then your efforts will pay off handsomely!

Home plants require care in winter. Some of them slow growth, while southern and tropical flowers are often ready to bloom and bear fruit. Consider lunar energy so that your winter garden remains a source of pride.

February 2-3: the infertile Sign of the Virgin will not contribute to the active development of plants. These days you can do soaking seeds, watering and spraying plants. To make your flowers pleasing to the eye, use mineral supplements and do not forget to loosen the soil in a timely manner to allow oxygen to reach the roots.

February 4-5: the influence of the constellation Libra will have a beneficial effect on plants. These days you can do transplant overgrown flowers, sow seeds or acquire new plants. Astrologers recommend paying attention to tropical flowers that need more frequent watering. Spray them to rid the leaves of dust and maintain the necessary humidity.

February 6-8: under the influence of Scorpio, one of the fertile Signs, you can start planting seedlings. Under the influence of the waning moon, plant roots will develop rapidly and give strong shoots that are resistant to climate change and disease.

February 9-10: under the influence of the energy of Sagittarius, sowing and planting seedlings vegetable crops better to postpone. It will have abundant greenery, but will give a small amount of harvest. These days it is worth paying attention to climbing plants and making supporting fasteners for new shoots.

February 11-13: the influence of Capricorn on plants these days will be positive. Under the influence of the waning moon, flowers slow down growth, but the root system continues to develop. Use mineral fertilizers to keep your conservatory in top condition.

February 14-15: the influence of the Aquarius constellation allows experiments with plants. You can cross-breed flowers to get new shades of inflorescences, as well as graft existing ones. citrus trees. Transplanting and planting new plants is fraught with their diseases, but the sprouts that have taken root will have beautiful leaves and produce tasty fruits.

February 16-18: During the New Moon on the 16th, plants need a break. Plant care under the influence of the Pisces constellation is possible in the following days, however, it is better to refuse transplanting and planting new flowers in favor of loosening the soil and spraying the stems from pests.

February 19-20: the influence of Aries with the growing moon will negatively affect the development of plants. This infertile Sign will not encourage the growth of flowers in your home garden. Let them rest and start preparing the earth mixture for future plantings.

February 21-22: the influence of Taurus will favorably affect the growth and development of plants. This fertile Sign helps flowers develop and resist disease. These days, you can do any work in your home garden without fear of harming your plants.

February 23-24: plants these days will be influenced by Gemini. This period will make it possible to quickly grow new flowers, but they will be weak. Astrologers recommend not using Friday and Saturday for sowing and transplanting. These days, make sure that the plants receive enough light and moisture.

February 25-26: the winter garden under the influence of Cancer can be transformed. This fertile Sign helps plants develop quickly and resist pathogenic bacteria. These days, it is possible not only to care for flowers, but also to plant seedlings of vegetable crops that will give excellent harvest during the summer period.

February 27-28: last days The Moon will spend February in the constellation Leo. This Sign negatively affects the development of plants, so planting and transplanting can lead to diseases and even death of flowers. At this time, it is worth taking a break and limiting yourself to watering the plants, if necessary.

Each plant reacts to weather changes, so in winter it is especially important to maintain a favorable climate in living quarters. If you have dry air, then place containers of water next to the plants, and do not forget to spray them with clean warm water. We wish you good luck and wonderful winter garden, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Just planting a flower in a pot is far from the only condition for it. successful cultivation. When and how to transplant indoor flowers correctly is a question that interests not only beginners, but also experienced flower growers. From the right time for transplanting, it will depend on how quickly the plant adapts to a new place and begins to grow green mass.

In this article you will find helpful tips and recommendations for transplanting indoor plants, as well as learn what transshipment of flowers is and how to carry it out correctly.

How to transplant indoor flowers

All cultures, including indoor ones, are constantly evolving. So that your favorite flowerpot is not cramped in an old pot, you need to know how to transplant flowers at home correctly.

There are several reasons for the need regular transplant (picture 1):

  • In cramped pots, crops are more susceptible to pests and diseases;
  • The roots become crowded, so the leaves and stems develop much more slowly;
  • The compacted earth in a pot contains much less nutrients and passes air to the roots worse.

Figure 1. Signs by which you can determine the need for a transplant

In addition, a grown specimen that is cramped in a pot can easily break. That is why you need to regularly change the containers and the substrate in them.


To know how to properly transplant home crops, you need to decide on the main types of transplant. It is complete and incomplete. In the case of a complete transplant, the flower is moved to a new pot, completely replacing the old substrate and cleaning it from the roots. With an incomplete transplant, part of the soil remains on the roots, forming an earthen clod, and the fresh substrate is partially added to the new pot.

Alternatively, you can simply replace upper layer soil so that the crop receives more nutrients.

Transplant rules

In order for the flowers to feel comfortable in a new pot, you need to properly transplant. It is desirable to carry out the procedure quickly and with all cultures at the same time. And best time early spring is considered for transplantation, when most species, including exotic ones, have not yet entered the stage of active growth, or are at rest.

The basic rules for transplantation are(picture 2):

  • The flower is gently removed from the pot so as not to accidentally damage its roots;
  • It is important that the flower is healthy, as specimens weakened after illness or intensive flowering do not tolerate transplantation well and may even die;
  • If the culture has formed a dense earthen lump, it must be carefully cleaned of part of the substrate and placed in a new container;
  • It is important to ensure that the roots do not protrude from the drainage holes in the bottom. If this still happened, you need to pick up an even larger container or carefully cut off the extra roots.

Figure 2. Rules for transplanting plants

When the flower is placed in a new pot, it is sprinkled with a new layer. fertile substrate, watered and lightly compacted the soil. This is necessary so that it quickly forms a new earthen ball and receives all the necessary nutrients (Figure 3).

These rules apply only to compact views. Large varieties are difficult to transplant completely. If the pot normally accommodates the root system, you can simply replace the top layer of soil. But, if the culture has become cramped, you can carry out transshipment, which will be discussed below.

When is the best time to repot indoor flowers?

The most suitable time for transplantation is considered to be spring, when all cultures come to life.

Note: If you did not transplant one or more copies in the spring, the procedure can be carried out later if there is an urgent need for this.

In fact, transplantation cannot be carried out only in winter. Therefore, if you decide to move your pets to pots bigger size, try to carry out this procedure from March to September. In March, they are just beginning to emerge from the state of winter dormancy, and in early September they begin to prepare for winter, and they will normally transfer the transplant.

Figure 3. The main stages of transplantation

It is important to consider that not all species require an annual transplant. This condition is relevant only for young crops that are actively growing green mass and need nutrients. It is enough to transplant adult specimens once every 2-3 years or as the roots outgrow.

Transshipment of indoor plants

Transshipment of plants is carried out if they are too large, and it is impossible to completely clear its roots from the ground. In addition, such a procedure is necessary for species that have been in the old pot for too long, and their roots have formed a dense lump (Figure 4).

What it is

The main difference between transshipment and transplantation is that the earthen ball in which the roots are located is not disturbed. In fact, the flower is simply transferred to a new large pot and part of the substrate is replaced.

Figure 4. Stages of transshipment of home flowers

Transshipment is a great way to renew potted soil with large specimens. For large specimens, a regular transplant is not suitable, since it is physically impossible to remove all the soil from the roots.

Why do you need to transfer

The main purpose of transshipment is to enable crops to grow normally, develop and bloom regularly.

Transshipment is carried out much faster than transplanting, so the flowers do not experience serious stress and practically do not suffer from the procedure. Let's consider what features transshipment has, and what rules to follow during its implementation.


A characteristic feature of transshipment is the low invasiveness for the flower itself. As a rule, transshipment is carried out for large species, which simply cannot be lifted, cleared of the ground and moved to a new pot.

In addition, the roots are not injured during transshipment. They are simply taken from old container and moved to a new pot along with an earthy clod, and the free space is filled with a new nutrient substrate.


To carry out transshipment correctly, you must strictly follow the rules of procedure. First, you need to try to carefully remove the plant from the old pot. To do this, slightly loosen the soil along the edges of the container and carefully remove the plant. If the transshipment is carried out for a very large crop, it is better to put the pot on its side, loosen the ground and simply remove the pot from the earthy coma.

Secondly, you do not need to clear the roots from the ground. Gently holding the plant by the lower part of the stem, it is rearranged into a new container so that the earthen lump is in the center. After that, the free space of the pot is filled with fresh nutrient substrate, slightly compacted and watered. It is important that the plant is firmly fixed in the ground. If this does not happen, it makes sense to choose a more capacious container or add another layer of soil.

When to transplant indoor flowers in spring

Many flower growers are interested in the question of when it is better to transplant indoor flowers. Despite the fact that this procedure can be carried out almost all year round, except for winter, spring is considered the most suitable time.

In March, the plants have not yet fully awakened after hibernation, but have already accumulated enough strength to endure the transplant well. Therefore, it is recommended to plan the transplantation of young plants for March, and other crops can be transplanted later, when necessary.

Transplanting indoor flowers in spring: video

If you have never transplanted plants yourself, or you want to get more practical advice for this procedure, we recommend watching the video. In it, you'll find expert repotting tips and learn how to move flowers to new pots with minimal plant stress.