Date palm: cultivation and care at home. Date palm from the stone at home - how to grow and care

It is pleasant and prestigious to have a date palm at home, because an exotic houseplant will perfectly decorate any interior. It makes no difference what kind of species you have, knowing how to care for a date palm will be useful to all data owners indoor plants.

Even young bushes that do not yet have beautiful trunks are already proudly called a palm tree, therefore good care will surely make any nondescript sprout a real pride of the house, if it is correct and constant.

Date palm at home

AT wild environment date palm grows in India and Africa, scientists know 17 of its species. Among the hot sand, the tree lives for about 150 years and during this time many new plants appear around it, grown from its seeds and roots. Is it possible that a desert palm tree can also grow in our apartments without specific care?

  • Robelena (Phoenix Roebelenii) with a very beautiful dense crown no higher than 1.5-2 meters.
  • Canarian (Phoenix Canariensis) - height up to 2 meters, feathery trunks, hard straight and narrow leaves.
  • Fingered (Phoenix Dactylifera) - the most common form, not very beautiful, but relatively fast growing. The disadvantage of this plant is that its trunk will gradually become bare over time.

Growing a date at home requires a lot of desire and time, but it can be a great hobby for long years. Many are trying to grow date palms from, this is an excellent way out for everyone who is not able to purchase an adult seedling, which is relatively expensive.

How to care for a date palm

The date tree will not please with beauty for the first five years, its decorative value will appear only after 5-7 years. Do not expect that, having grown a date from a seed, it will be possible in a couple of years to have great decor your dwelling.

In order for your house to be decorated with an adult indoor date palm, caring for it throughout the years has several important points:

  • It must be constantly turned towards the sun so that the sun's rays reach all the leaves. Without light, the leaves stretch, develop unevenly and become brittle.
  • The plant is very afraid of drafts. Ventilating housing in the autumn winter period, you need to protect it from cold air currents.
  • When watering, do not allow stagnant water at the roots, therefore good drainagerequired condition. For irrigation, use settled, soft water without chlorine at a temperature of about 20 ° C.
  • The leaves need to be sprayed daily, as the tree needs moist air. Once a week, the plant will even need a real shower, but during the procedure, an earthen lump in a pot must be carefully covered with a film.
  • The leaves should also be regularly wiped with damp sponges so that they are not attacked by pests and just so that the palm tree has a well-groomed appearance.
  • In no case is it permissible to cut or break off the top of a palm tree. Pruning the top of the stem is fraught with the death of the plant.
  • Apply mineral and organic fertilizers twice a month during the warm period and once a month during the winter. Complex preparations for palm trees or for decorative and deciduous houseplants are suitable. They are applied only in wet soil, in a diluted form.

Date palm - transplant, transshipment

The plant often begins to hurt after transplantation. It is very difficult for her to endure, if everything is done traditional way. How to transplant a date palm, should it be done at all?

Young date palm (up to 4-5 years old) is transplanted annually, and mature plant- in 2-3 years. This is done in the spring. Every six months, it is recommended to remove the top soil layer and fill the vacant place with new soil.

A transplant is required only when the roots no longer fit in the pot and they are clearly visible through the drainage holes, so each transplant (more precisely, transshipment) is done into a pot 3-4 cm larger in diameter. To do this, the bush is carefully rolled over into a new container, and the voids are filled with soil.

Specialists in the care of date palms at home have noticed: the larger the pot becomes, the more intense the plant begins to grow. But you can not take too large containers, as in them the growth of the tree may stop.

For transplantation take store soil mixtures“For palm trees” or the soil is prepared independently based on:

  • 2 parts of light clay-turf;
  • 2 parts of humus-leaf;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part of rotted manure;
  • 1 part sand;
  • some charcoal.

The soil should be loose, soft, permeable to air and moisture. At the bottom of the pot must be placed good layer drainage so that it prevents water stagnation as much as possible. The pot should be chosen not wide, but high, so that long roots fit well.

Diseases of date palms

It would seem that the indoor date palm receives care, but it appearance not on high level- it dries, the leaves turn yellow, darken, curl. What could be the problem?

Consider what are the diseases of the date palm due to illiterate care:

  • If the leaves become completely dark, almost brown, the trunk is soft, a putrid smell is felt, then this indicates waterlogged soil. After the appearance of such signs, watering stops, you need to wait for the soil to dry.
  • Need to see what condition it is in. root system, for this the plant is removed from the container in which it grows. If all the roots are soft, watery, dark, then they have already died and it is impossible to save such a palm tree. If there are living roots, then they must be carefully protected from the dead by cutting and sprinkling crushed charcoal on the cut points.
  • If only their tips turn brown on the leaves, then this happens as a result of a lack of watering, dry air or winter drafts, and sudden changes in temperature. brown leaves below are not terrible - these are age-related changes. The darkened leaves have died off, so they should be cut off. sharp knife, you can't restore them.
  • If the date palm turns yellow, it means that it is watered either with hard water, or it receives less moisture and nutrients. From insufficient watering, the leaves fall down, and this defect cannot be corrected. You can lift them by tying them to a support.
  • A pale appearance indicates too much light or a red spider mite infestation. To protect the tree from bright sunlight, you need to lightly shade the plant.
  • If the date palm dries, the leaves fall off, darken, curl, brown plaques appear on their surface - the plant dies from pests.

Pest control - scale insects, mealybugs or spider mites is standard for all indoor plants. It is necessary to wash the leaves with a solution of laundry soap, sprinkle with garlic extract. If a severe lesion is observed, a solution of Aktellik (broad-spectrum insecticide) is applied - 1-2 ml per liter of water.

Today you learned what a date palm can be like at home, how to care for it, how to transplant it correctly, and what diseases can harm your pet. Do not stop there, let your first experience in growing exotic plants help you create a real greenhouse. Winter Garden at home is a dream that many fail to realize, but you can definitely do it! Good luck!

Looking at the oblong bones inside the dates loved by kids and adults, many indoor plant lovers wondered: “How does a real date palm grow from such a crumb, and what will happen if you plant a seed at home?”

Sweet dates sold in stores are the fruits of the Phoenix dactylifera palm. In nature, a powerful tree grows to a gigantic size, producing huge bunches of fruits famous throughout the world.

For indoor cultivation smaller, indoor-friendly species are offered. Such palms can be seen and purchased in flower shops. If you want to independently engage in the cultivation of date palm from the stone, there is a high probability of success.

Of course, waiting until the tree reaches its true height of 30 meters and gives the first harvest of dates will not work. But watch the growth and development unusual plant both parents and kids will love it.

How to grow a date palm from seed?

For planting, you need seeds that have just been extracted from ripe fruits. The bones from store-bought dates are quite suitable. The main thing is that they are healthy, not damaged by insects or mold and do not have time to dry, otherwise the probability of getting seedlings is sharply reduced:

Before the seeds are sunk into the ground, it is sometimes advised to scratch them gently to facilitate germination. It is much healthier and safer to germinate them in moist vermiculite. The seed container is placed in heat and observed so that the substrate does not turn out to be completely dry. In this case, after 10–14 days, as soon as the grower notices the first roots, the seeds are transferred to the soil and the pots are exposed to heat in a well-lit place.

If the sprout did not appear in due time, there is no need to despair. Perhaps the bone dried out before planting and it will take more time to “revive” it. Sometimes date palm seedlings were found even six months after the seeds were planted in the ground.

The date palm that has emerged from the seed is afraid of damage to the roots, so it is important to carry out all transplantation manipulations very carefully and carefully. Otherwise, a small seedling takes an extremely long time to acclimatize or may die altogether.

How to take care of palm trees at home? Unlike ordinary houseplants, for a date palm, even the first pot needs a very impressive size. A seedling with a single, still closed "baby" leaf is transferred to containers of 0.3-0.5 liters. The next transplant is carried out until the moment when the long tap root of the plant penetrates the drainage hole.

Seedlings need a bright place where the plant will not be in the dark, but it will not be disturbed by the midday sun. for date palm from the stone and after germination should be stingy. Waterlogging threatens with the development of rot and the death of a fragile plant, but it is not worth overdrying an earthen ball.

How to care for a palm tree at home?

Date palm, like other tree crops, does not differ in rapid growth. But the plant reacts immediately to discomfort and insufficient care for the palm tree at home. This is especially true for young specimens.

What conditions are needed for a palm tree to make the plant feel “at home” and respond well to care?

Whether it's a home-grown date palm from a stone or a plant brought from a flower shop, the culture needs to find a place with the right lighting. In nature, large trees easily tolerate the scorching sun, but light-loving indoor palm It's best not to be tested like this. The optimal location is in the back of a south-facing room, as well as on the east or west windows.

Since May, when the average daily temperature exceeds 12 ° C, nothing threatens the date palm. Therefore, plants are safely transferred to open air under the protection of larger crops, on a loggia or on a balcony.

If the grower does not have the opportunity to take the palm tree out into the air, the plant develops well with normal room temperature. But in winter time the optimal content will be in cooler air, warmed up to only 16–18 ° C. Cooling down to 12 ° C is considered critical for the date palm. In this case, growth stops, the palm tree stops eating and may suffer from root rot if watering is not stopped in time.

The plant has no special requirements for the humidity of the surrounding air. But in the hot season, as well as in winter, when the room is heated, regular care of the palm tree at home includes spraying the crown and wiping the foliage with a damp cloth.

The plant does not tolerate stagnant water. Therefore, when leaving at home, the date palm is watered so that the soil does not dry out, but is not constantly wet. In summer, watering is carried out more often; in winter, the intervals between procedures increase and focus on drying out 2-3 cm of the surface layer of the substrate. If irrigation water penetrates from the pot into the pan, it is immediately removed and the bottom of the container is wiped. Do not forget about the powerful drainage layer. The larger the date palm and the pot intended for it, the thicker the layer of expanded clay or brick chips at the bottom.

The date palm willingly accepts spring-summer dressings, for which they use liquid for large decorative and deciduous crops. If a palm tree is taken out into the garden for the summer, the plant can be fed with bird droppings at intervals of 7–10 days using a granular form or infusion.

The frequency of transplanting the date palm shown in the photo when caring for at home depends on the age and size of the plant. Young seedlings are transferred to a larger pot approximately once a year, and adult specimens try not to bother in vain. If transshipment is necessary, it is carried out after shedding the earthen ball well and trying not to damage the sensitive roots of the plant. Date palm transplantation is carried out in ready-made soil offered by specialized stores.

For arranging drainage, you can take brick chips or expanded clay according to the size of the drainage holes. If the roots of the date palm are still visible at the bottom of the pot, in the spring you can get by with replacing the topsoil. The old substrate is carefully removed, and fresh nutrient soil is poured in its place. After that, the palm tree is watered.

The experience of growing dates at home - video

Such decorative tree like a date palm (the photo is presented in the article below) pleases the eye with its long feathery leaves and looks great in any room.

As an exotic culture, it adapts perfectly to room conditions. We will talk about all the intricacies of planting and caring for a home beauty in our article.

Growing conditions

The date palm is not fast growing. Likes bright sunny color, however, on hot days it is necessary to create a shadow for it.

For uniform growth, it is useful to turn the date to the light on each side so that the tops of the leaves are directed deep into the room. natural views accustomed to dry conditions, but in the room it is still worth controlling the temperature regime.

The culture grows especially actively in the spring and summer, then it needs a moderate air temperature in the range from 20 to 25 ° C. In winter, the plant is able to grow normally at a cool temperature of 16-18 ° C.

It is important to know: the plant does not like "walking air" around the room, and it is unwise to place containers with date palms on a cold surface.

Indoor indoor palm prefers moist soil, the complete drying of the soil will negatively affect its growth. The date leaves will fall and this situation cannot be restored.

Waterlogging of the earth, especially at a cool temperature in the room, can provoke diseases. It is important to take into account the temperature of the water and monitor the frequency of watering.

It is necessary to control the composition and temperature of the water - the best option there will be soft water no higher than 20 ° C.

Home exotic is in great need of spring-summer top dressing, a liquid solution for large ornamental crops will be suitable, or bird droppings but not more than once every 10 days.

How to grow from seed

Only seeds collected from ripe fruits are suitable for growing from a stone.

Date kernels must be whole and not dried out, because in the end you may not grow the desired tree. Before planting the seeds, they must be immersed in warm water to separate the seed from the pulp (this can take from a day to 2 days).

Planting seeds is carried out in ready-made synthetic soil or in soil with peat.

Note: the soil should not be dry, but moist.

Until the sprouts appear, the date must be carefully looked after, do not forget to regularly water and ventilate the room. When the seedlings have sprouted, it is useful to monitor the amount of moisture in the growing container, because the resulting condensation must be removed.

The first shoots should appear in 10-14 days, then the seeds can be planted in pots and transferred to a sunny place. If two weeks have passed and sprouts have not appeared, it is possible that the seeds were dry and will need a little more time to germinate.

How to care at home

It doesn't matter if an exotic palm tree is grown from a stone or brought from a flower shop, it is necessary to find a place for it with moderate sunlight.

The date palm is a big home plant, so it should feel comfortable in its flower pot. The transplant culture does not tolerate well.

Young trees up to 5 years old should be replanted no more than once a year, and after 5 years - once every few years.

Keep in mind: in order for the culture to continue to grow well, you need to change upper layer land on fresh soil once every six months.

When the moment of transplantation comes, you can understand by the protruding roots from the drainage holes. A new pot is taken a little larger, 3-4 cm in diameter. Since the ornamental tree has long root shoots, tall containers should be preferred.

The transplant process must be careful. The focus plant is gently transferred to new pot and adding more land. The soil used is predominantly loose and soft, so that water and fertilizer quickly penetrate to the roots. The plant does not like stagnation of liquids at the roots; to avoid this problem, a drainage layer is formed at the bottom of the pot.

Diseases and pests

Often exotic plant succumb to disease if not properly cared for. As a result of waterlogged soil, dark leaves will appear on it, and the trunk will become soft, perhaps a putrid smell will be felt.

With such signs, you need to proceed with the following actions: stop watering and pull the crops out of flower pot. If the roots have darkened and become soft, there is nothing to be done. If there are living roots, it is recommended to cut off those that are rotten, and treat the cut points with crushed coal.

When the ground has become completely dry, the tips of the leaves become dark in color. However, if the bottom sheets Brown, then it is considered normal. Bright green color culture may change to pale, the cause may be an excess of light or the appearance of red spider mite. If pests are not noticed, it is worth removing the date in a dark place.

Take note: when the date succumbs to pest attacks, it begins to dry, the leaves become dark, curl, and eventually crumble.

There are two ways to deal with a scale insect, a mealybug, or in two ways: wash the leaves with water with laundry soap or garlic extract. If a folk methods did not help, you can resort to, dilute 1-2 ml of the substance per 1 liter of water.

Content Difficulties

Care at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, the main thing is to moderately water and periodically ventilate the room. However, warning signs may appear:

If you notice that the leaves have begun to dry, then the tree is in a room with a low level of humidity. Raising the humidity is easy - wash the date leaves or spray it with water. Lack of sufficient moisture will lead to the next stage - yellowing leaves.

It is important not to forget to water the focal plant so that it continues to please with its height and decorativeness.

If the room temperature drops below 16°C, the culture may stop growing. The roots of the flower under such conditions are not able to absorb nutrients.

Interesting to know: date will not bear fruit in room conditions, because for productivity he needs to overcome the mark of 30 meters.

In addition, the tree can lean to one side, this is evidenced by the deficiency of certain trace elements. Also, the reason for stunting can be hung, where there are no trace elements - manganese and iron. It is necessary to monitor the acidity of the soil, the pH should not be lower than 7.

Growing house palm, I want it to be healthy and grow faster, so you need to adhere to the main rule - the irrigation regime. There are several recommendations that should not be neglected:

  • It is impossible to allow the complete drying of the earthen clod, especially during the summer period, otherwise the roots will quickly begin to die off or dry out in a sunny color.
  • The decorative culture is adapted to high temperature conditions, but you should not water it during lighting, because the water that has fallen on the leaves leads to their fading in the sun. It is necessary to water with water in the evening or early in the morning.
  • During the summer period, it is not necessary to loosen the soil, but when there is less watering, it is advisable to do this with plastic devices so as not to harm the roots.
  • If the leaves began to turn black, and the petioles turn yellow, then the water has stagnated at the roots. It is necessary to let the plant dry, no more than 5 days.

Advice: organic compounds must be applied at intervals of 3 months.

If you wish, it is not difficult to grow an exotic beauty from a bone on your own. Suitable seeds can even be found in store-bought dates. And then, execute simple recommendations by the appearance of sprouts and watch how an exotic plant grows and develops.

How to grow a date palm from a seed, see the following video for detailed instructions:

Under natural conditions, date palms grow into a strong tree with a powerful trunk. The homeland of the plant is considered hot Africa and India.

It is known that a tree can live in conditions of heat and hot sand for up to one hundred and fifty years.

Optimal indoor conditions for growing

To grow a palm tree at home, it is necessary to provide it with the most comfortable conditions. The soil for the date palm is selected loose, well-permeable to moisture and air, soft and nutritious. You can purchase a purchased substrate for palm plants, you can cook it yourself. To do this, take sod land, humus or compost and sand in equal parts with the addition of superphosphate. A pot for a date palm is chosen, guided by height and depth, the main thing is that the long roots of the plant fit.

Did you know? Dates, along with buttermilk, are traditionally eaten by Muslims at the end of the Ramadan fast after sunset. Another Muslim tradition in Oman is that when a boy is born in a family, the father plants a date palm. The tree grows with the child and serves as a talisman for him.

Place and lighting for a palm tree

A palm tree in nature develops beautifully in conditions of the scorching sun and heat, but in an apartment, home plants are not adapted for such extreme sports. It is best to place the plant pot near windows facing south, east and west, but not in direct sunlight, the leaves should not get burned. Since the leaves always reach for the light, the palm must be rotated regularly around its axis so that the crown develops evenly, and not the leaves are stretched on one side. In winter, the palm tree needs to be provided with additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.

Important! Without proper lighting, the leaves of the date palm are deformed, strongly stretched, become brittle, brittle, fall down.

Temperature regime

The temperature regime for a palm tree in an apartment is 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius. AT spring period when the air temperature warms up to +12 degrees, the palm tree can be taken out to the loggia, gradually increasing the time of "walks". Plant loves Fresh air, so it is advisable to ventilate the room in which there is a pot of dates. In winter, the palm tree has a dormant period, it can be kept in cooler conditions, but not below 14 degrees Celsius. AT summer period palm tree tolerates high temperatures up to 30 degrees, but subject to maximum humidity.

Features of caring for a date palm at home

The date palm in its homeland lives and develops in drought conditions, but it does not remain without water, do not forget about long roots. At home, the plant requires attention not only when watering but also in nutrition maintaining the shape of the crown and increasing the area as it grows.

Let's figure out how to water a date palm at different periods of its life. If you planted a palm tree from a stone, then while the plant germinates, watering should be rare, on the verge of complete drying of the soil. When a young bush is formed, watch the top layer of soil - two to three centimeters, watering is carried out as it dries. For watering palm trees use separated water. Water that gets into the pan of the pot must be immediately drained.

Attention! In winter, the plant's life processes slow down, watering is minimized. If moisture stagnates, the root system will rot and the date will die.

Air humidity

The plant does not require specific indicators of humidity, but in winter it should be removed as far as possible from heating devices, it is advisable to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. This will perform several functions at once: it will give the plant additional moisture, clean it of dust, and serve as a prevention against insects. In summer, when the weather is dry and hot, date palm care includes spraying and warm baths once a week. During bath procedure soil lump around the trunk of a palm tree must be covered thick film and avoid getting water on it.

top dressing

Fertilizers for palms can be used purchased - complex preparations for large ornamental plants. The date palm responds equally well to organic matter and mineral fertilizers. In the warm season, the plant is fed twice a month, in the cold - once a month. Fertilizers for dates are desirable in liquid form. Feeding with potassium nitrate (10 g per 10 liters of water) is completely allowed. Available for sale complex formulations directly to palm trees.

Pruning palm leaves

It is important to know how to prune a palm tree so as not to destroy the plant. During the pruning procedure, dead leaves, damaged, leaning too low are removed. Also removed side shoots when they appear, for normal development and decorative look a palm tree should have one central trunk. When pruning, be careful: you can not damage the main shoot, otherwise the plant will die.

Important! Do not immediately remove yellowed leaves, the plant draws nutrients from them for some time. Do not remove more leaves than they have grown in a year.

Date palm transplant at home

Consider how to transplant a date palm. The timing of transplantation depends on the age of the palm and its size. A plant under the age of five years is transplanted every year, picking up a pot four centimeters larger. Plants over five years old are repotted every three years, or sooner if the roots are already visible through the drainage holes.

Date palm transplantation is carried out by transshipment, as its root system is quite fragile and requires careful handling. Before the procedure, the earthen ball is thoroughly watered so that it is easier to pull it out of the pot. The plant is taken out on spread paper, drainage is placed in the pot. For self-preparation of the soil you need:

  • soddy soil - 2 parts;
  • sheet - 2 parts;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • a handful of charcoal.
If the root system does not show through the drainage holes, you can get by with replacing the topsoil with a new one so as not to disturb the plant.

Possible Problems When Growing Date Palms

Date palm can be attacked by pests and most often with improper care at home. Due to strong waterlogging, palm leaves may darken to brown-brown, while the trunk will soften, the plant will emit bad smell rot. Stopping watering and completely drying the soil will help correct the situation. In this situation, a careful examination of the root system will not be superfluous: if the roots are soft, then the palm tree can no longer be saved. If there are live roots, then it is necessary to remove the rotten roots, process the cuts with crushed coal and dry the soil.

If only the ends of the sheet plates become brown, the reasons may be a lack of moisture, temperature changes as a result of a draft, dry air. In case of darkening lower leaves This is most likely due to age.

Most respect unusual flowers. To keep in my greenhouse healthy plant it is important to observe the subtleties of breeding. A capricious living creature requires a careful approach. In this article, the authors have tried to put together a few tips to avoid disappointment when breeding. rare plant. The secrets of growing many types of plants are not similar. It will be correct to determine for further actions to which family your pet is assigned.

Date from the stone: care and cultivation at home

Firstly, in the summer, the date palm should be watered without drying the earthen clod, in the autumn-winter period - you need to dry it a little. If I see that the tips of the leaves turn yellow or blacken, then I overwatered it and I need to let the palm tree dry out.

Here it is also important not to confuse the change in the tips of the leaves with the appearance of spots on the surface of the leaves, because. this already indicates an excess of lighting.

Secondly, optimal humidity air for her 40-50%. In summer, the palm loves spraying with rainwater (necessarily separated). It is better not to do this in autumn and winter, because. there is a risk of infection with fungal diseases.

Other than that, there were no problems.)

Leaving abroad, friends distributed plants, I got a date palm robelen.

I had a hard time with her, of course. After a while, as usual, she needed a transplant. Maybe my experience will be useful to someone. This is how I did it:

1. It is believed that best time for transplantation is April. Two days before transplanting, I watered the palm tree well.

2. Slightly removing the top layer of soil and separating the soil from the walls around the circumference with a wooden spatula, tilted the pot and holding it by the base, took out a palm tree with a lump. When transplanting, I cut off the roots that form a felt layer with a sharp knife so that the palm tree fits in a new pot.

3. In a pot bigger size poured some soil on the bottom (in equal parts soddy land, humus, leafy soil and sand). I placed a lump with roots on top and filled up the rest of the soil, crushing it a little with my fingers.

It is very important to monitor the level, because. palm trees cannot be buried. The soil level in the new pot (you can see the mark on the trunk) should be the same as before. The frequency of transplants depends on the condition of the plant and its age. For example, a young palm tree needs to be replanted every year, and an adult - 1 time in 3 years.

There was a problem with my Canarian date palm - there were spots on the leaves color pink. At first they appeared only on old leaves, but then I began to notice them on young ones as well.

Date palm: home care

Date palm: home care

Many flower growers call the date palm a "fun plant" because it is very easy to grow on your own. All you need is a fresh date pit. However, the emerging sprout of this plant requires proper care.

The most decorative value of the date palm is its beautiful leaves. At the end of spring, the palm tree throws out an arrow with flowers, but flower growers remove it even at the stage of bud formation.

The young date palm sprout needs warm air as this plant grows in the tropics. Some varieties of date palm (mature bushes) are able to withstand a short drop in temperature to 5 ° C below zero. The palm grows well in a room where the air is warmed up to 8-16°C.

A pot of date palm is kept in a place where direct sunlight cannot penetrate. Excessive lighting in the summer causes brown or yellow spots to appear on palm leaves. In order for the plant to have crown symmetry, the pot is rotated 180°C every two weeks.

In autumn and winter, watering is reduced, allowing a slight degree of drying of the earthen coma. Starting in April and throughout the summer, you need to make sure that the soil in the pot is always moist.

Date palm nutrition

The date palm is fed with fertilizer intended for flowering houseplants. Starting in April, the palm tree is fed every two weeks. During the growing season it is useful to do foliar top dressing trace elements. The appearance of a date palm will tell you what elements are missing in the soil.

Thus, stopping the plant in growth and the light green color of palm leaves indicates a lack of nitrogen in the soil. Bronze-colored spots on the leaves should alert - the plant lacks potassium. First of all, spots appear on old leaves and, if you do not feed the plant potash fertilizer, bronze spots will appear on young leaves. Also, translucent orange or yellow spots may appear on the leaf plate, which lead to necrosis. A magnesium deficiency will be indicated by a wide light yellow stripe stretching along the edge of old date palm leaves.

Manganese deficiency appears only on new leaves in the form of chlorosis. The young leaf is stunted and has large necrotic streaks. At low soil temperatures and its high acidity, manganese is poorly soluble in water, and the plant does not receive this important trace element.

Date care

When the heating is turned off at an air humidity of 40-50%, the date palm grows actively. In the summer, it is useful to spray it with warm rainwater. In autumn and winter, this procedure is not carried out, since sprinkling can lead to plant damage by fungal diseases.

The transplantation of the grown palm tree is carried out in April, while it is important to preserve the earthen clod. Young plants need an annual transplant, adults - once every three years. Special attention should be given to the location of the plant stem in a new pot - it can not be buried above the previous soil level.

Date palm at home

The date palm is a plant that looks equally beautiful both in its natural environment and at home. Its sprawling leaves and smooth trunk look very impressive, but in late spring, during the flowering period, buds appear on it. True, it is better to cut them off, because they do not always look beautiful. Not all flower growers know about such subtleties. But on the other hand, almost everyone would like to grow a palm tree from a small bone. How to do it? How does a date palm grow and develop at home? How to take care of her?

Optimal conditions for date palm

This plant is from North Africa. And therefore it loves warmth and sunlight. At different types date palm, respectively, a different temperature regime. The most frost-resistant varieties can withstand a short-term drop in temperature to -5 ° C. However, in most cases average temperature winter content is 13-16°C.

Date palms need sunlight, but only scattered. Plants need to be rotated regularly, every two weeks, so that the light evenly hits all the leaves, and the palm tree maintains symmetry. If brown or yellow spots appear on the leaves, then this indicates that the lighting is excessive.

It should also be noted that caring for a date palm at home involves moderate watering. However, in the summer, from the end of April to August, you need to water more often, without waiting for the soil surface to dry. In autumn and winter, watering may be more rare. If the plant receives too much water, then the tips of the leaves begin to blacken or turn yellow.

How to prevent nutritional deficiencies?

Date palms should be fertilized every two weeks. The consequences of nutritional deficiencies can be seen in the photo on the Internet or in specialized magazines. So, with a lack of nitrogen, palm leaves become lighter, and plant growth slows down. If bronze-colored spots appear on the leaf plate, this indicates a potassium deficiency. Sometimes this can even lead to the death of the leaf. At the same time, both potassium deficiency and magnesium deficiency manifest themselves in approximately the same way - first on older leaves, then on younger ones.

How is palm transplantation carried out?

Like any other plant, over time, the date will need a larger container. On the video you can get acquainted with the technology of palm transplantation. Usually it is carried out in April. For palm trees, it is not recommended to carry out the destruction of an earthen coma. It needs to be transplanted along with a layer of soil when the roots of the plant completely fill the entire container. Adult plants are transplanted every three years, but for young ones this should be done more often to ensure proper date growth.

Diseases of the date palm

The plant can be attacked by pests - caterpillars, beetles, aphids. All these pests are controlled with insecticides. As for diseases, there is pink rot. It develops in weakened plants that are already susceptible to pests or lack drainage. To cope with this, fungicides are used, with a treatment interval of a week. Do this until the plant is completely healed.

Diseases should not be confused with physiological problems of the palm. These include stunting due to changes temperature regime and lack of minerals. In addition, palm trees are sensitive to poor soil aeration. In such cases, their edges of the leaf plates may look burnt.