Thuja root system: features, photos, sizes. Tui, types and varieties with photos, names Tui cone-shaped, two meters high

To begin with, your attention is presented with a photo and a description. western thuja, whose homeland is the eastern part of North America.

Western thuja in the photo

It is a lush tree up to 20 m in height and 70 cm in diameter with a pyramidal crown. Cultivated everywhere - from Black Sea coast to Arkhangelsk, from Siberia to the Far East.

The western species of thuja have opposite scaly needles, flat flattened shoots and peeling bark. Plants are monoecious, that is, they have both male and female flowers... Male - sit in the sinuses of the needles. They have stamens with 4 protruding anthers. Female spikelets are located at the tips of the branches. Each scale has 1–2 ovules, except for the upper pair.

Look at the photo - this variety of thuja has small cones, up to 1 cm in length:

Western thuja cones
Western thuja cones

They have an elongated oval shape. Ripen in the year of flowering, open and fall. In June, the cones are green, and in October, when they ripen, they are brown.

Seeds are flat, narrow-winged. When describing the western thuja, it is worth noting that its entire appearance, resembling a cypress, differs from other trees by the dense and dense branching of the pyramidal crown, with shoots branching in the same plane.

An exceptionally hardy plant, but in case of flooding in summer, the root system can suffer in winter, up to complete death. Prefers moderate humidity, but grows well on dry slopes with sandy loam soil. He loves fertile loams very much, where it grows extremely luxuriantly. It tolerates drought better than any other tree. Almost does not suffer from damage by pests and diseases.

Thuja western tolerates haircuts and transplants, which should be done in early spring or in September - October.

She has many decorative forms, greatly differing in height, outlines of crowns and shade of foliage.

Thuja western
Thuja western

Thuja western- fragrant plant. Plantings exude her extraordinarily pleasant aroma freshness, which indicates the rich content of phytoncides and other physiologically active substances. It is no coincidence that during the heyday of homeopathy, thuja was in the lead as a means of combating skin diseases, heart and vascular ailments.

Traditional medicine also does not neglect thuja raw materials. The bark, leaves, fruits of thuja are curative.

Thuja leaves contain essential oils with a characteristic strong camphor smell - a valuable raw material for the perfumery industry. Thuja preparations stimulate the immune and central nervous system, cardiac activity.

The role of thuja as an air conditioner is undeniable. It not only cleanses it of harmful substances, but also enriches it with useful ones, always remaining, even in the most polluted places, fresh, viable and decorative. This is because, according to its biological requirements, thuja is very unpretentious plant, however, deserves to be treated with attention to her biological needs.

Thuja "Aurea" in the photo

"Aurea"- a collective name, under which several forms with a golden yellow color are hidden. Typical is the form growing as a single-stemmed tree up to 2.5 m high, with a pyramidal crown. The needles of this variety of western thuja are bright yellow, green in the shade. Most intensely colored from mid-summer to the beginning of cold weather. Well cut and shaped, suitable for molded hedges. Effective in a single planting and as part of coniferous groups. Beautiful in combination with conifers, contrasting in crown shape and color. Winter hardy, weather resistant.

Thuja "Belokonchikovaya" ("Albospikata") in the photo

"Belokonchikovaya" ("Albospikata")- reaches a height of 2.5 m, a wide-conical crown, with obliquely ascending shoots. The needles are medium in size, white and variegated at the ends. Especially intense White color manifests itself in the first half of summer, by autumn it becomes somewhat discolored.

In some years at high humidity and intense solar activity, the trees look just magical, as if illuminated from the inside. This Western thuja variety is completely winter-hardy, beautiful both in a single planting and as part of coniferous groups and compositions. Well-cut and shaped, suitable for creating highly decorative hedges.

"Emerald"- according to the totality of qualities, it is the most demanded of the pyramidal forms. The crown is made up of short fan-shaped branches, densely adjoining and together making up a narrow cone up to 3 m high, with a diameter of no more than 0.8 m. Advantages: unbreakable bottom, persistent emerald color of scaly needles in all seasons, winter hardiness, constantly neat appearance. Finds universal use in gardens.

As you can see in the photo, this variety of western thuja is beautiful both in a single planting, and as part of coniferous and coniferous-shrub groups, and in the alleys:

Planting thuja
Planting thuja

Quite quickly, it achieves decorativeness and optimal growth, remaining attractive until old age.

"Globoza"- a spherical shape, which does not lose its popularity, with a height of 1-1.2 m, in shading it can stretch slightly higher with a less dense crown. Has a dense, almost perfectly spherical crown that arises spontaneously without formation. The needles are medium in size, green in summer, slightly brownish in winter. A dense ball is formed by the age of 5-7 years, after which it continues to grow in breadth and thicken until the age of 18-20. Hardy and hardy. When describing this variety of western thuja, it should be noted that it looks good both singly and as part of coniferous groups.

"Globoza Nana"- one of the most decorative spherical thuja, not exceeding half a meter in height. Advantages: unpretentiousness to growing conditions; extraordinary density of the crown in combination with a consistently green color of scaly needles.

Fits perfectly into a wide variety of compositions: traditional mixborder, coniferous-shrub groups, coniferous monosads. Good in a line fit in the form of borders different density up to a sheared rectangular profile. It is organic in rocky gardens of different styles: alpine slide, mountain slope, flat or landscape rockery, Japanese garden etc. Very desirable in all kinds of ceremonial places.

"Kristata" ("Comb")- in adulthood it has a wide-pyramidal crown up to 3.5 m high.When describing this variety of thuja of this variety, it should be especially noted distinctive feature- small scaly dark green-gray needles, collected in dense flat, upright twigs, reminiscent of bird feathers.

In youth, it grows in a columnar manner, then it spreads out somewhat in breadth. Frost resistant. Good singly, in groups and alleys, well-cut, suitable for formable and natural hedges.

"Zolotokonchikovaya"- has a thin broad-pyramidal crown up to 4 m high and up to 2 m wide at the base, formed by ascending straight branches. Young shoots are thick, light brown or yellowish. As the name of this variety of thuja suggests, its large needles have a deep golden color at the ends. It grows very quickly, reaching its maximum size by 15-20 years. Very hardy and hardy.

In different years, the intensity of the color of the ends of the branches ranges from light yellowish to bright gold, then the tree is unusually spectacular. Good in single planting, on the edges of groups of tall coniferous and deciduous trees. From it, unusually elegant molded hedges are obtained. Suitable for curly haircuts.

Reingold- extremely attractive with an unusual color of needles, for most of the year it is light-golden, in autumn it acquires a copper-yellow color, and in spring - a pinkish tint.

Plant height up to 1 m or slightly more, the crown is spherical at first, somewhat shapeless with age, consisting of thin, densely woven shoots, but at the same time dense and compact. The needles are of two types: at the ends of the shoots - small-scaled, in the crown - heather-like. Hardy and cultured.

The "Rheingold" variety of the western variety of thuj is indispensable for creating coniferous groups and gardens, where it goes well with other conifers, both with vertical and flat crowns. Good next to stones, on the slopes, in a Japanese garden.

Danica- one of the most popular forms of thuja. It is valued for its dense spherical, slightly flattened crown, formed by many ascending, pressing flat twigs. Height 0.6 m, with a width of up to 0.8 m. Winter hardy and unpretentious to the soil.

Pay attention to the photo - this western thuja fits well into a wide variety of compositions with the participation of decorative deciduous shrubs, conifers and perennials:

Ornamental-leaved shrub thuja

"Teddy"- when open, it has an almost spherical crown about 30 cm high. This is the smallest form of thuja with many advantages. The needles are acicular, short, thornless, dark green, completely uncommon for thuja, brownish from autumn to spring. Moreover, it never "burns out" and does not lose its decorative effect.

The crown is dense, formed from an early age. Plants very quickly (by 5-6 years) reach mature size and remain elegant until old age.

The dwarf growth and unusual appearance open the way for the plant to a variety of gardens and compositions from a small rock garden and mixborder to coniferous gardens and groups with shrubs and trees. This western thuja variety grows well in containers.

By densely planting many plants, you can create something like an evergreen coniferous lawn for turfing foregrounds, slopes, etc. Loves fertile loams, and grows poorly on dry sandy loam soils.

"Filiformis"(threadlike form) - an original, completely unusual appearance for a thuja. The shoots of this thuja are long, cord-like, practically unbranched, arched to the crown periphery. The needles are scaly, tight to the twigs, brown in winter. The crown is sparse in youth, very thick with age, with a rounded profile. This form of thuja shows winter hardiness, unpretentiousness, extraordinary appearance. It is very interesting singly on the lawn and as a tapeworm in small gardens, it goes well with vertically growing conifers.

"Elegantissima"(the most graceful) - has a dense, broad-conical crown about 4 m high, which it reaches only by the age of 30-40.

The needles are fresh green, scaly, the ends of the shoots have a whitish tint, which, in combination with a beautiful silhouette, gives the tree an extraordinary showiness. By autumn, the white color fades to yellowish, but the plant continues to be attractive. During the winter, the needles become somewhat discolored, and in the spring they acquire a bright color again.

Requires an open location. Good singly, in groups, alleys. Desirable in all kinds of ceremonial places.

"Elvanger Aurea"- has a slightly flattened spherical crown with separate protruding shoots, up to 70-90 cm high. The branches are thin, the crown is dense. The needles are golden-colored, heather-like inside the crown, scaly, small at the ends of the shoots. In some periods of the year it is very similar to the "Reingold" shape, but the color of the needles is more stable. During the summer, it is bright golden, slightly bronze by autumn. Good in a variety of gardens and compositions. Very interesting in coniferous groups.

"Erikoides"(heather) - a small tree about 1 m high, with an irregular multi-peaked crown formed by numerous thin, slightly branched shoots. The needles are needle-like, 6-8 mm long, soft. In summer, it is two-colored: yellowish-green above, dark green below with gray bloom; in winter it takes on a brownish-purple hue. Does not form seeds, but propagates well by cuttings.

In unfavorable winters and springs, it can burn. It is very interesting in the composition of group compositions in the back of higher shrubs and trees, especially conifers, contrasting with it according to external data: prickly and Canadian spruces, pyramidal junipers and thuja, etc. It is good in large tracts on the slopes.

"Europe Gold"- a slow-growing shade-tolerant shrub, reaching a height of 4 m. The crown is dense, narrow-pyramidal at first, acquires a conical shape with age. As follows from the photo and description of this variety of thuja of the western type, its needles are orange when blooming, in winter they are golden yellow. Tolerates haircuts well. Used in single and group plantings, hedges, suitable for creating alleys.

"Sunkist"- a tree 3-5 m high, the diameter of the conical crown is 1.5-2 m. The needles are golden-yellow. It grows very slowly, tolerates haircuts, and is photophilous. It is possible to board in groups and singly.

"Dumoza"- shrub form, its height and diameter are within 1 m. The crown is flattened or slightly rounded. Used in heather gardens and rock gardens.

"Douglas Pyramidalis"- similar in appearance to a cypress. Height up to 15 m. The needles are marsh-green. It is very shade-tolerant, but on the lower branches the needles dry out early and partially fall off. This form of western thuja is suitable for hedges, in single and group plantings.

"Holmstrup"- shrub up to 4 m high, conical crown diameter up to 1 m. Scaly needles, dense, green. In some plants, the needles turn brown in autumn and winter, with a rusty tint. Used in single and group landings.

Here you can see a photo of the western thuja varieties, the description of which is given above:

Western thuja varieties
Western thuja varieties

Western thuja varieties
Western thuja varieties

Now, photos, names and descriptions of varieties of the eastern variety of tui are presented to your attention.

Thuja eastern in the photo

Thuja eastern (or eastern biota)- another type of thuja, common in landscaping along with the western one.

This tree in nature up to 8 m in height, comes from China. Maybe a bush.

As you can see in the photo, the eastern thuja has an ovoid crown, consisting of many flat plates rising from the base of the trunk to the top:

The crown of the eastern thuja is ovoid

On the back of the flat, scale-like needles, there are resin glands, which distinguishes the eastern thuja from the western one. The abundance of aromatic resin allowed the ancient people to call it a "life tree", which in itself speaks of its extraordinary usefulness. When describing the properties of oriental thuja, suffice it to say that the essential oil contained in thuja is used in homeopathy as a powerful heart remedy.

Thuja blooms in May, the plant is monoecious. Cones in an immature state are fleshy, bluish-green. They ripen only in the 2nd year and then become dry, red-brown. Seeds are viable only in the lower and middle part of the bud. They are wingless and rather heavy.

There are many forms and varieties of eastern thuja, among which columnar, spherical, golden are common. Along with outdoor gardening, this plant is used both as a greenhouse and as an indoor crop.

Thuja "Aurea-variegata" in the photo

"Aurea-variegata"- variegated form with a spherical crown and golden needles.

"Compact-Ungeri"- also spherical, but with white shoot ends.

"Elegantus"- with a dense pyramidal crown, golden-yellow needles in the spring and greenish-yellow in the summer.

"Siboyadi"- undersized spherical shape with bright green needles.

"Nana"- a densely branched dwarf shrub with spaced leaves.

"Rosentalis compacta"- a dense shrub with an ovoid crown and golden yellow needles.

Biota propagates by seeds, stem cuttings and grafting.

Look at the photo of the oriental thuja varieties described above:

Thuja "Siboyadi"
Thuja "Nana"

Growing conditions and care for western and eastern thuja in the country (with photo and video)

After reviewing the photo and description of the eastern and western thuja, it's time to learn about the cultivation of these plants and their reproduction.

Care for the western and eastern thuja is the same, and the methods of their reproduction are the same. It is not difficult to grow thuja, you need to take into account only some of the features of agricultural technology.

One of the conditions for the successful cultivation of thuja is the use of the right soil. Trees grow best on strong, fertile, structural loams. Sandy soils are less suitable, but they can be improved by the introduction of clay and high doses of organic matter.

Despite the relative shade tolerance, for thuja in middle lane and in more northerly areas, completely open, sheltered from cold winds are preferred. When growing western and eastern thujas, uniform illumination from all sides contributes to the formation of the most decorative crown.

Thuja, unlike most conifers, tolerates transplantation well. In the first years, it grows slowly, then a period of more intensive growth follows, and again a slowdown in growth.

As shown in the photo, when caring for thuja, as well as for all conifers, the main thing is watering:

Thuja care
Thuja care

The first spring watering is carried out when the soil warms up and dries up. It should be combined with spraying the crown with water. During the spring and summer, give abundant watering, but not more than 2 times a month.

When growing and leaving, thuja does not like an abundance of fertilizers, which can even destroy it. Fertilizers in the first two years after planting are quite enough of those that were given in landing pit... However, if the soil is poor and fertilizers were not applied during planting, additional fertilizing is needed, but large doses of fertilizers are undesirable, their fractional application is better.

Young plants in the first year after planting in hot climates must be shaded, for which use gauze, agril or burlap. In this case, the material should not touch the branches. The most convenient thing is to have a lightweight folding frame covered with fabric. The use of such a protective cage makes it possible to reduce the number of sprays with water.

Also, a necessary technique for caring for a thuja in the country is mulching. Mulch (coniferous sawdust, peat, peat compost, humus) is poured into the trunk circle with a layer of 5-8 cm. When sprinkling, the mulch absorbs moisture, creating a microclimate with high humidity. Periodically, the mulch is loosened.

The fashion for thuja is growing every year. They go well with many other conifers (junipers, spruces), with ornamental shrubs and perennials. They are good in complex woody-shrub compositions, beautifully knock out the edges of groups of tall trees.

The video "Cultivation of thuja" shows all the main agricultural techniques:

Thuja propagates by seeds, cuttings. Seeds are harvested in September-October, when the scales of the cones turn brown and begin to open slightly. But we must prevent their rash. The collected seeds are dried in a ventilated area. Sowing is done immediately after harvesting without preparation. For spring sowing the seeds are mixed with wet sand and sown when they hatch. When thuja propagates, seeds must be sown in light or medium loamy soil.

Seedlings that appear in the 2nd year dive on the ridges, in which they stay for 2-3 years. For the winter, the soil in the beds is covered with spruce branches, leaves, or lightly sprinkled with humus. In the spring, the shelter is removed gradually and the plants are immediately shaded.

After 2-3 years, the seedlings are planted on permanent place or growing to a distance of 25x70 cm. Growing lasts 4-5 years, after which the plants are ready to be sold or transplanted to another place. A clod of earth must be preserved during transplantation. The crown of the thuja, especially the western one, forms itself, but once in the spring the branches extending beyond the habitus are slightly shortened.

Growing thuja

The garden forms of thuja are propagated vegetatively in order to completely repeat their inherent decorative properties. The main breeding method for thuja is green cuttings. They are cut or plucked with a "heel" of 5-8 cm in size. Dates of cuttings are different, from April to July.

The best survival rate is in spring cuttings planted in a warm ridge or greenhouse (a layer of manure, a layer of turf soil 10-15 cm and a layer of coarse river sand 1-1.5 cm). Cuttings are taken from young, well-developed plants. They are left in the beds for the winter, and in the spring, with well-branched roots, they are planted in a school, where they grow for 4-5 years. For growing large-sized thujas, one more transplant for growing is useful. After that, the material is standard for implementation.

Watch the video "Reproduction of thuja", which shows how to grow this tree from cuttings:

To make your beloved garden pleasing to the eye, you only need to observe a few canons - to arrange a lawn, pave a path, plant flowers, and settle gnomes. And the heart of any northerner gravitates towards the tree. It's bad that it takes years to wait for the moment when the forest beauty grows in breadth and upward. The corresponding charm is used mainly as a single decor, so many gardeners have long liked the thuja planting and care which is in many ways similar to traditional agricultural techniques.

Information about thuja has come to us since antiquity, when people used needles for various rituals. In particular, we are talking about incense, which in Latin is pronounced as "Thuja". However, the heroine of the theme is also well known to the peoples of America and Far Asia. Otherwise, no matter what other trees Cherry blossoms could pass the baton?

Although the definition of "tree" fits thuya only conditionally: today the "life" plant has more than 100 varieties, some of which are represented by the so-called. cultivated varieties. Their cultivation is relevant in landscape design, where there is no need to talk about century-old giants. But the corresponding segment only welcomes various coniferous dwarfs and cypresses higher. Well, thanks to the breeders, the thuja managed to transform different colors, size and even crowns. Regarding the last thuja, it happens:

  • Columnar;
  • Spherical;
  • Pyramidal;
  • Conical.

On a note

In spring and summer, thuja in the country and in the garden requires pruning, thanks to which the plant can also be given a certain "head of hair". But in a biological way, the shape of the thuja crown is influenced by its variety. He also determines the height. For example, columnar and cone-shaped varieties, as adults, can reach 8 or more meters in height, while globular shrubs are mainly 0.7-1.5-meter dwarfs ”

Compared to the thorny tree, the thuja needles, although needle-like, are soft. The latter feature is facilitated by the scaly arrangement of the needles, which is especially noticeable when the age of the shrub is many years. But the opposite position of small branches positively affects the decorative appearance of the coniferous culture.

The most grown western thuja - varieties

In Russia and the CIS countries, thuja western is widespread, which can easily withstand extreme frosts. The number of its varieties exceeds a dozen, but the most popular can be counted on the fingers of one hand:

  • Brabant;
  • Golden Globe;
  • Danica;
  • Columna;
  • Emerald.

The given five will not leave unanswered the most pressing questions: “how much garden thuja undersized? "," what is its height and diameter? "," does the thuja have non-green cultivars? " etc. From here it makes a lot of sense to get to know each representative better.

Thuya Brabant

Thuja western Brabant

First of all, great popularity western grade Brabant owes its size and ability to stay green in winter. The culture can reach a height of 7-12 meters, in diameter - 2-4 meters. These indicators, by default, tie Brabant to the columnar thuja category, which is very beneficial to use for creating a continuous coniferous hedge.

Brabant requires frequent haircuts. It is very frost-resistant, which negates its pre-winter preparation: only young cuttings need shelter with spruce branches. With high-quality agricultural technology, the tree becomes 30-40 cm taller every year.

Thuya Golden Globe

Thuja western Golden Glob

Not every thuja in landscape design is able to combine the shape of a ball and a golden color. Therefore, Golden Globe must appeal to gardeners looking for extravagant solutions. In particular, we are talking about rock gardens and colored compositions, which are very suitable for small gardens in Japanese or English style... Surrounded by variegated inflorescences and tall spruces, "golden" thuja will certainly delight.

Golden Globe develops up to 1 and 1.2 meters in height and diameter, respectively. The annual growth is 10 cm. The main thing is good lighting. Frost is experiencing 4+.

Tuya Danica

Thuja western Danica

Another representative of the spherical thuja family, but this time the representative is dwarf and green: the height of an adult Danica is 0.7-1 meter, the diameter is no more than one meter. The small size and green color make the variety relevant for planting in small groups, mainly 3 bushes each.

Like Golden Globe, Danica is welcome in rock gardens. You can also decorate large containers and patios with miniature needles, place them along the paths, coupled with flowers, creating wonderful mikborders.

Compared to Golden Globe Danica does not require landing in a well-lit area. With a good organization of the shelter, it winters favorably. It grows slowly - up to 10 cm per year, but retains the shape of a "soft pillow" without the need for frequent pruning.

Thuja Columna

Thuja western Columna

If the plot is large, made in the Art Nouveau or Art Nouveau style, then you should pay attention to the slender and dark green Columna. At 10 years old, it can reach a height of 3 meters and a diameter of 0.7 meters. Despite its narrow crown, the needles grow quite luxuriantly, which makes Columna suitable for single growth. But mostly it is chosen for the organization of high hedges. In addition to modern trends, narrow thuja is relevant in the creation of southern landscapes, in which Tuscan cypresses and poplars always take place.

Despite its characteristic south-facing lush image, Columna is hardy. Therefore, it remains green even in winter. The coniferous giant needs only good lighting. Columna is also responsive to fertilizing, regular watering and a haircut.

Tuya Smaragd

Thuja western Smaragd

The Smaragd variety closes the chain of leaders. The growth of this thuja and the narrowness of its top make it conical. At the age of ten, Smaragd reaches 2-2.5 meters in height and a meter in diameter. The western thuja in the garden does not stop at this, and continues to develop up to 4-5 meters. The appropriate height, coupled with a sharp top, make Smaragd an ideal tree for group plantings, if the garden is designed in a southern style, or for isolated cases when the undersized flower beds lack a giant.

The versatility of Smaragda is also manifested in agricultural technology: the variety is resistant to an unstable climate, never loses its magical emerald color, and can grow in partial shade.

Summing up regarding the common varieties of Tui, it will not be superfluous to review the characteristics of each representative, but already in a table format:

Table "Brief characteristics of Western thuja varieties"

Variety Variety Size of an adult bush: height-diameter Peculiarities Scope of use
Brabant Columnar 12-4.0 m Gigantism, frost resistance, fast growth, permanent bright green color Group plantings to create a solid hedge
Golden Globe Spherical 1.0-1.2 m Golden salad color, frost resistance, demanding light Rock gardens, colored compositions
Danica Spherical 0.8-1.0 m Dwarfism, frost resistance, unpretentious care Rock gardens, containers
Columna Conical 5.0-1.5 m Regular crown, frost resistance, permanent dark green color, survivability in partial shade
Emerald Conical 5.0-2.0 m Stately crown, frost resistance, permanent emerald color, survivability in partial shade Single growth, group planting in modern and southern landscapes

On a note

Some designers have learned to give a lush cone-shaped and columnar thuja a spiral shape by trimming the "tops". This look is best for modern styles... But the spherical thuja is convenient to set the image of animals, stars, etc.

Planting and caring for thuja

Reproduction of decorative needles is carried out by seed and cuttings. You can do it easier - buy an adult thuja or a more or less strong seedling in a large pot. But then you have to spend more money. In addition, a natural question arises: "how to choose thuja?" The tutorial here is simple:

  1. Firstly, the highest quality products are sold in themed establishments - nurseries, garden shops;
  2. Secondly, a good seedling gives off a pleasant aroma of needles, has a fresh and bright color that corresponds to the variety;
  3. Thirdly, the absence of dry needles, brittle branches and various spots indicates that thuja agricultural technology was carried out with a bang;
  4. Fourthly, when buying, you need to ask when the irrigation was done (root watering and spraying), is the land fertilized? This will allow you to maintain the correct care regimen for the thuja after its relocation.

Video "Tips for buying conifers - choose one"

Thuja planting time

Indeed, much still depends on the time of landing. The fact is that the heroine of the theme must take root in a new place. For this, she puts down fresh roots. In order for the corresponding process to proceed fruitfully, decorative needles must be planted in spring and summer, when the soil has time to warm up.

A hole is dug under each adult seedling. It should be twice the size of the earthen coma where the thuja grows. This is necessary so that the well can be additionally filled with a nutrient substrate from three equal parts:

  • Sod land - loosens the soil, equalizes the ratio of useful elements;
  • Peat - saturates the earth with nitrogen and contributes to the preservation of moisture;
  • River sand - stabilizes the drainage system.

If the groundwater is high, the hole must be made 15 cm deeper in order to be able to fill its bottom with rubble, pebbles or broken brick. This bed will guide excess water downward.

On a note

Adult thuja can also be purchased in autumn. But then it will have to be kept indoors or on the balcony throughout the winter. Moreover, the plant will have to be covered with a film so that it enters the hibernation period.

Planting by cuttings

The cuttings repeat the biological characteristics of the thuja from which they were plucked. Therefore, the cuttings method of propagation is widespread. Let's consider it in stages:

  1. First, thuja propagation by cuttings requires 15-20 cm seedlings 2-3 years old. Respectively, planting material must be taken from a long-term healthy thuja;
  2. Secondly, the cuttings should not be cut off, but broken off by pulling the bark so that a pod is formed at the end of the planting branch, which is also called "heel" or "foot". Last with back side has a large area for the growth of roots, which cannot be said about a straight cut;
  3. Thirdly, for planting, it is necessary to use a nutritious soil of three components (it was mentioned above);
  4. Fourth, before planting, the root is recommended to be dipped in a stimulant like Kornevin;
  5. Fifth, planting holes are best done at a 45-degree inclination. This will increase the grip of the "heel" by the earth and, accordingly, speed up the rooting of seedlings, so as not to once again ask the question: "How to plant thuja?" The depth of the holes themselves should be 5-7 cm;

Sixth, after planting, the seedlings must be poured with 10-15 liters of lukewarm water. The latter will not only give an impetus to the growth of the root system, but also warm the soil.

In order for the seedling to release more energy to the roots, 20-40% of the green needles growing along the edges of the branches can be cut off. In the future, she will still grow

Planting by seeds

At seed method reproduction of thuja varietal characteristics of the mother tree are not transmitted. Therefore, it is used primarily by breeders wishing to develop a new variety. To do this, they collect small brown thuja fruits in late autumn, which are formed at its tips, and then stratify them. That is, the bumps must first dry out completely and open up. So they are ready for wintering under a large layer of snow. Moreover, the fruits should be placed in bags, which will increase the level of survival in harsh conditions. In early spring, the seeds should be planted in centimeter holes. Surviving cones will sprout, and it remains to take care of them, as required by the thuja agricultural technology of seedlings.

On a note! When planting-transplanting thuja, a lot of attention will have to be paid to the quality of lighting. From February to April, being unprepared for an increase in daylight hours, thuja turns yellow and dries. Therefore, for the winter it is recommended to cover it with spunbond or spruce branches. The exception is light-loving varieties (Golden Globe, etc.). Thuja also turns yellow after winter due to a lack of minerals in the soil. To fill this gap, in the spring the top layer of the earth must be mixed with fresh peat. This must be done carefully, because thuja has superficial root system... Root feeding with fertilizer for war plants will not be superfluous

Thuja diseases and pests

In general, yellowness and dryness can serve as signs of both improper care and the invasion of diseases and pests. It is very difficult to see thuja pests with the naked eye, because among them there are:

  • Spider mite;
  • Coniferous aphid;
  • Bark beetle;
  • Leaf roll;
  • Clicker beetle.

Against the corresponding insects, the drug Fufanon has proven itself well. But the thuja of the disease is better treated with Acrobat or Fundazol. They do an excellent job with the following ailments:

  • Rust;
  • False shield;
  • Brown spotting;
  • Phytophthora.

On a note

To be effective, fungicides for fungal diseases and pesticides for pests must be alternated every month. Moreover, spraying is necessarily preceded by pruning of a thuja: it is necessary to remove all dried branches with a pruning shears

As a result, the main care for thujas after planting includes:

  1. Watering - every week (water consumption for each bush is 10-50 liters) or 2 times a week if it is hot;
  2. Spraying from a hose - every week (thuja loves to take a "refreshing shower") or 2-3 times a week in hot weather;
  3. Pruning - every 2-3 months;
  4. Top dressing - 2 times per season;
  5. Loosening - in the summer after each watering (you should try not to damage the surface roots);
  6. Preventive treatment - every month.

On a note

Preparation of thuja for winter is carried out if the culture is young or belongs to undersized spherical varieties. As already mentioned, spruce branches or spunbond are used for shelter. How to cut the needles will be told by its variety, as well as the style that the gardener strives for. The flight of fantasy is endless here

In pursuit of high-quality landscape design, it becomes clear how beautiful thuja planting and leaving seem difficult only at first glance. If you approach the matter responsibly, thuja will certainly thank you with wonderful coniferous charm!

Several centuries ago, this magnificent plant was called the tree of life. Thuja is always pleasing to the eye. Her evergreen needles all year round fills the garden with life and beauty.

It has a spicy refreshing scent that beckons to the garden to take a break from everyday problems. Thuja possesses wood that is resistant to decay. It is winter-hardy and heat-tolerant.

Thuja belongs to the cypress family and is represented in nature by trees, the average height of which is 12-18 meters (in rare cases, the tree reaches 75 meters), as well as shrubs of a wide variety of shapes and heights.

Thuja needles are scaly, young plants are needle-shaped. Due to the huge variety of garden forms, thuja forms the basis of most proposals for landscape design of a particular site.

In landscape design, thuja are divided into the following types, according to the application:

- dwarf (used in rockeries and);

- for hedges;

- tapeworm (for single planting).

For hedges, the following types of thuja are most often used:

Thuja western "Brabant"

This variety is highly valued due to its high frost resistance. This plant forms a dense and tall green wall and requires pruning twice a year, preferably in August and April.

"Brabant" grows rather quickly and can reach heights of up to 4 meters. As a hedge, the plant should be planted at a distance of 0.5-1 meters from each other, it depends on the required strength of the hedge.

Thuja western "Smaragd"

This plant with a narrow cone-shaped crown can reach a height of 6 meters. This variety of thuja has high frost and wind resistance. She is not particularly whimsical and does not need careful care.

Smaragd is ideal for hedges. Also used in single and group plantings.

Photo of thuja "Smaragd"

Thuja western "Holmstrap"

This plant forms enough solid wall reaching 2.5 meters in height. This variety grows very slowly and can reach the desired height only within 10 years.

Therefore, it is often used in small gardens for low decorative hedges. The plant must be planted at a distance of 70-80 cm from each other. This thuja does not need a haircut.

For rock gardens and rockeries, the following dwarf forms of thuja are used:

Thuja western "Dannika"

This variety has a crown spherical... It grows rather slowly. In height, as a rule, it reaches no more than 80 cm. The diameter of the crown is about a meter.

The spherical shape is retained even without trimming. Perfect for small garden areas, patios, container landscaping and rock gardens.

Photo of a spherical thuja variety "Danica"

Thuja western "Little Dorrit"

This variety, like the previous one, has a spherical crown. The height of an adult plant is about 80 cm. The crown diameter is 60 cm. It has a high winter hardiness.

Thuja western "Hozeri"

This plant, also with a spherical crown, grows up to 0.5 meters in length and 0.6 meters in diameter. Looks spectacular in rock gardens and low hedges.

For solitary planting, as a rule, the following types of thuja are used:

Thuja western "Reingold"

Slow growing variety that reaches 150 cm in height. The crown of the "Reingold" is spherical. The color of the needles is golden yellow, closer to winter and completely brown. Perfect for group and single plantings and alpine slides.

Thuja western "Sankist"

This shrub has a conical shape and golden yellow needles. It grows very slowly. Over a decade of slow and measured growth, it reaches a height of about 3 meters and 1 meter in diameter. Shearing is not required for this plant.

Photo of thuja "Sunkist"

Thuja folded "Kornik"

A conical shrub that grows fairly quickly. The height of an adult plant is 2.5-3 meters, and its diameter is up to 1.5 meters. This plant is somewhat moody and prefers fertile and damp places. It does not tolerate high temperatures very well and needs constant moderate watering.

Thuja belongs to those plants that do not lose their decorative look ... Thuja is especially beautiful in winter. In addition, such plants bring practical benefits - they soften the microclimate, restrain strong gusts of wind, cleanse the air from dust and enrich it with oxygen.

But it should be remembered that some types of thuja are highly poisonous and can cause severe burns and even a heart attack. Therefore, when choosing such plants, consult with specialists.

Almost all types of thuja are responsive to regular. They respond especially well to sprinkling. Although thuja is a shade-tolerant plant, it grows better in partial shade and in the sun (especially decorative forms). Doesn't like drafts. If you do not take care of the thuja, it loses its decorative effect, while it forms a huge number of cones and becomes dull, rare, unattractive.

You constantly need to monitor soil moisture and try do not overfeed young plants, otherwise they begin to grow so quickly that they also lose their original forms and charm that are inherent in all types of thuja.

For better crown formation, you should remove dry and excess branches every spring.

Thuja tolerates shaping well.

You need to feed it in moderation, starting in early spring, even in the snow, then in June -. On poor soils, they do not hurt.

To protect the needles and twigs of thuja from a very dangerous and difficult-to-remove pest - false shield - it should be sprayed with Aktellik or Karbofos in early spring (before bud break), as well as in early and mid-summer and autumn. Karbofos will also help with the massive appearance of thuja aphids.

Thuja species

In natural conditions, five types of thuja grow: Western, Japanese, Korean, folded (giant) and their countless varieties.

Thuja western (Thuja occidentalis)

The most popular species in amateur gardening. It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and winter hardiness. A huge number of all kinds of forms and varieties have been bred.

Thuja western "Golden Brabant"

Thuja occidentalis belongs to long-lived plants, some trees live more than 1000 years. Weeping, dwarf, miniature and variegated forms are especially popular with our gardeners. This species is suitable for most regions of our country, except for semi-desert zones in the south and areas with severe frosty winters in the north. They are engaged in breeding in all countries of Europe and the CIS. You can learn about the different varieties of this type of thuja and the experience of growing them from the publications:

Thuja Japanese (Thuja standishii)

Thuja japonica, or Thuja Standisha, grows in the mixed forests of the highlands of the Japanese island of Hondo. Occurs at an altitude of 1000-1800 meters above sea level. She has beautiful soft needles that have a multi-colored color: green on top, and white spots on the bottom.

The tree reaches a height of 18 meters. Differs in a pungent odor, similar to the aroma of spruce resin. Very frost-resistant, Japanese thuja takes root even in the Arctic Circle. She is unpretentious in maintenance and can do without water enough for a long time... We grow it everywhere, but in large cities with strong atmospheric pollution, it does not take root well. She needs clean air.

Thuja Korean (Thuja koraiensis)

A shrub that is quite rare in the forests of the Korean Peninsula. She has a wide crown with spreading branches and soft needles.

It is attractive by the unevenness of the needles: from dark green tones in the front to bright silver shades on the back. In Russia, it can only grow in the south, since it does not tolerate winter at all.

Thuja folded (Thuja plicata)

Thuja folded is also very sensitive to cold. In severe frosts, young shoots can freeze, but with the arrival of heat they quickly recover.

This tall plant rises up to 60 meters and has a diameter of up to 2 meters. This thuja has a dense pyramidal crown, emitting a very aromatic specific smell. It occurs naturally on the west coast of Canada.

Thuja oriental, or platypus orientalis (Platycladus orientalis)

(or, as it was previously called, eastern thuja) today is not considered as part of the Tui clan. His homeland is China. It has long been known for its medicinal and health-improving properties (it refreshes the air well, killing pathogenic microbes). Its branches are fan-shaped.

It has poor frost resistance, therefore it is grown mainly in the southern regions. In the middle lane it can only grow in the shade, under the shelter of large trees. You can learn more about it from the article.

The healing properties of thuja

Thuja preparations are well known in medicine. Inhaling the aroma of thuja oil and taking baths with it will help relieve nervousness, restore lost strength, restore vigor and good mood... With the help of thuja oil, they improve the functioning of the digestive organs, eliminate inflammatory processes in the kidneys, and also use it as a diuretic.

Thuja oil is used to treat skin diseases, rhinitis, inflammatory processes of the respiratory system with asthma, cough, adenoids. In a word, thuja is a very useful plant, charging with optimism, cheerfulness, activity.

Thuja western (Latin name Thúja occidentális) - evergreen tree family Cypress. Thuja is native to North America; the plant was brought to Europe in the middle of the 16th century by Spanish and Portuguese navigators.

general information

The name "thuja" in Greek means sacrifice or incense. The fact is that when burning wood of some species of thuja, a pleasant aroma is released, therefore it was used during divine services and sacrifices.

Thuja western (occidentális) is a tree with valuable, durable and durable wood and high decorative qualities, therefore it is bred everywhere, pursuing its own goals, which are different for gardeners, landscape designers, clergymen, woodcarvers and furniture makers.

Description: Western thuja grows up to 12-20 meters, has a compact pyramidal or oval crown, and a compact root system. It grows slowly.

In young thuja, the bark is smooth, red-brown in color, eventually becomes gray-brown, in old age it begins to peel off, separating narrow long strips.

The needles differ from the needles of other evergreen trees - they are scaly, in winter they acquire a brownish tint. Needles small size- 0.2-0.4 cm, tightly pressed against the branches. The needles live for 2-3 years, after which they fall off with small branches.

Fruits are small cones, 8-12 mm in size, scaly. Each of the cones contains two seeds with yellow wings.

The wood of almost all types of thuja is reddish, soft, but strong, with a pleasant coniferous aroma, has no resin passages, and is resistant to putrefactive bacteria.

Variety of varieties

In nature, various types of thuja grow, on the basis of which its various varieties were bred for planting in gardens and parks. In Russia, thuja western is represented by 10-14 winter-hardy varieties. We will name some varieties of western thuja, adapted to Russian conditions, and provide a brief description of them.

(occidentalis Brabant) is a tree with a columnar crown and green needles that turn brown in winter. The height is 4-5 meters, the diameter of the crown is 1.5 meters, during the year the increase in height reaches 30-35 cm, and in width - 15 cm.

Brabant is a frost-resistant variety that does not require complex maintenance. Can be planted in sunny or shaded areas, but must be protected from strong winds. It tolerates a haircut well, which allows you to form the necessary crown shape. Cones are brown, small - within 1 cm, ripen in autumn. The variety is suitable for planting in alleys and hedges.

Variety Smaragd (occidentalis Smaragd) is a tree with a dense structure and a conical crown. Up to 4.5 meters high. The needles are dark green, in winter the color remains the same.

It grows very slowly, so frequent haircuts are not needed, which greatly facilitates maintenance. Smaragd is a light-loving, frost-resistant tree, but it must be protected from severe frosts and drafts.

Variety Columna (occidentalis Columna) - the tree has a narrow, compact columnar crown and a height of about 7 meters, with a diameter of up to one and a half meters. The shoots are horizontal, dense, the needles are dark green, its color almost does not change in winter.

The growth in height is about 20 cm per year. It does not tolerate drought well - caring for it involves abundant watering.

The Holmstrup variety (occidentalis Holmstrup) is a low tree, up to 3.5 meters in height, with a columnar crown with a diameter of 1 meter. The needles are green, not changing depending on the season.

It grows slowly - about 12 cm in height and 3-4 cm in width, does not require frequent haircuts, and tolerates it well. It grows well in any soil, resistant to frost and temperature changes, it can be planted in sunny or slightly shaded places. All this makes caring for Holmstrup thuja quite easy.

The Fastigiata variety (occidentalis Fastigiata) is a winter-hardy tree with a columnar crown and branches compactly pressed to the trunk. The needles are soft, green, not changing depending on the season. It has a strong aroma. It grows up to 6 meters in height, with an annual growth of about 30 cm. The cones are small, brown in color.

Caring for fastigiata consists of frequent haircuts, watering, mulching the soil with needles, which eventually becomes a fertilizer for it.

Prefers moderately moist loamy soil, planting in marshy areas is allowed, but with a high-quality drainage system.

Variety Sunkist (occidentalis ‘Sunkist’) is a frost-resistant tree or shrub 3-5 meters high, with a conical crown with a diameter of 1-2 meters. The branches are dense, lush, the needles are bright, golden, with age it becomes lemon yellow, in winter it turns bronze.

The growth is slow, in 10 years it grows up to two meters in height. Easily transfers haircut and crown formation. Care is not difficult, but does not tolerate drought. With a lack of moisture, mass seed production begins, due to which decorativeness suffers. Lack of light negatively affects the quality and shade of the needles. Suitable for planting alone or with other trees and shrubs.

The Wagneri variety (occidentalis Wagneri) is a frost-resistant tree with a dense ovoid crown up to 3.5 meters high and about one and a half meters wide. The branches are vertical, drooping. Needles gray-green, turns copper in winter. The growth is average, the shape of the crown holds up well, so pruning does not have to be done too often.

Special care is not required, but demanding on the soil, can be planted in an open, bright place. The variety was bred for planting in alleys and in containers.

The Claude of Gold variety (occidentalis Cloth of Gold) is a frost-resistant shrub about two meters high and a crown up to 1.2 meters in diameter. The crown is conical in shape, the needles are needle-like or scaly, lemon-yellow or yellow-orange in color, in winter it acquires a copper color.

It grows slowly, care needs simple. It is better to plant a shrub in a bright place protected from winds and drafts, in the shade the needles fade. Grows well on moderate, alkaline fertile soil... Resistant to droughts, waterlogging does not tolerate well. The variety is suitable for planting in alleys, and in compositions with other shrubs and trees.

For planting and cultivation in Russia, not only western thuja is suitable, but also eastern thuja (Thuja orientalis) - aurea, whose homeland is the northwestern regions of China.

Description: thuja aurea - most often it is a tree 15-20 meters high. However, there are known specimens growing in the wild, the height of which reached 35 meters, and the diameter of the crown - up to 14 meters.

The crown of young trees is pyramidal in shape, in adults it becomes rounded, irregular shape, which is easily corrected by a haircut. Thuja eastern aurea is a multi-stemmed plant, but it can also grow as a shrub.

Eastern thuja cones differ from western thuja cones. In thuja aurea, they are juicy, fleshy and green, with kyuchko-like outgrowths. As they mature, they change color and turn brown, forming seeds similar to wheat grains.

Thuja aurea grows well on neutral, slightly alkaline and even chalky soil. The first two months, caring for her consists of watering, which is carried out every 10 days. If the seedling takes root well, you can do without watering. Thuja aurea is a long-liver plant, in favorable conditions able to live for 1000 years.

All types of thuja - both western and eastern, are suitable for the formation of hedges, alleys, rocky gardens, Mediterranean landscape. Despite some differences, almost all types of thuja are distinguished by frost resistance, decorativeness and good adaptation in a new area.


Thuja western is an unpretentious plant that can grow on any type of soil and in any conditions, but it also has its own preferences.

Thuja western loves bright places, but in the shade the decorativeness of its needles is better preserved. The tree grows well in dry soil, but planting is also possible in areas with high level ground water. In gratitude for the careful care and optimal watering, the western thuja will grow into a beautiful tree with a beautiful luxurious crown.

Propagated by cuttings, seeds or seedlings. Since thuja grows very slowly, the easiest way is to purchase ready-made seedlings in the nursery, however, if desired, the entire process of growing thuja from seed to a large tree can be carried out independently.

Thuja seeds rarely retain all the characteristics of the parent tree, especially for hybrid varieties, and seedlings in garden centers and nurseries are quite expensive. Therefore, it is best to propagate thuja by cuttings at home - only in this case you can get desired view with all varietal characteristics.

At the same time, you can experiment with seeds - perhaps many new specimens will have excellent decorative qualities and you will want to breed them in the future.

Seeds for planting are harvested in the fall, in winter the cones open, and the seeds fall out of them. The cut cones are dried in a room with a temperature of no higher than +7 degrees. When the scales are dry, the seeds can be removed and stored in a tissue bag. With the first snow, the bags are taken out of the room, laid on the ground and covered with snow with a layer of 30 cm - this is how the seeds undergo the necessary stratification.

Seeds are planted in spring, in grooves, with a distance of 10-15 cm.The seeds of thuja are small, so they are not deeply sealed - 0.5 cm is enough.The grooves for planting are poured with water, and after sowing the seeds they are sprinkled with dry soil, mulched on top needles or sawdust.

The seedlings are watered regularly, but in moderate amounts, at first they are shaded from the strong rays of the sun. Western thuja grows for a very long time - in the first year it grows by 4-5 cm, in the next two years by 10-20 cm and 25-40 cm.

Caring for seedlings consists in mulching the soil around them with peat or sawdust. Diving is carried out three years after sowing, landing in a permanent place is allowed after 4-5 years.

Thuja western from cuttings. Cuttings are cut in the spring in the morning or evening hours, as well as in cloudy weather. Cuttings are best taken from the apical lateral shoots of this year, from a tree aged 4 to 8 years. The length of the cuttings should be between 10-12 cm.

Cuttings are placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 24 hours. After that, planting is carried out into the soil to a depth of 5-6 cm, at a slight angle - 20-30 degrees. Cuttings can be planted in containers, pots, or open ground, but under the film, at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other.

Planting cuttings is carried out in a soil mixture of leafy soil, humus and sand, since the western thuja loves fertile, light soil.

Containers with cuttings are stored in the basement, and with the arrival of real heat, they are transplanted into open ground, preferably together with a lump of earth.

Cutting in spring allows cuttings to take root well in the first year and start growing. Summer cuttings are less fruitful - callus appears in such cuttings in the first year, but mass rooting occurs only in the second year.

Thuja western is a light-loving plant, it needs the sun 6-7 hours a day, otherwise it will begin to stretch, and the crown will be rare.

Planting seedlings from the nursery. The hole for this is made more than the pot in which the seedling is growing. Pour needles, a little humus and the top layer of earth into the hole, pour a bucket of water into the hole. The seedling is carefully removed from the pot, placed in a hole and the roots are straightened, after which they are covered with earth and watered again.

The first time you do not need to fertilize the seedling, this will interfere with its normal adaptation to the new place. V further care for a grown seedling should consist of watering, loosening the soil, weeding and fertilizing with nitrophos.