The best varieties of peach and growing features on the site. Where are peaches grown: growing conditions. Cons of how to grow peaches in the country

At peach cultivation it is very important to comply with all agrotechnical measures, plant protection and variety selection. A huge role is played by regular pruning and the correct formation of trees. Peach- valuable fast-growing and high-yielding culture. vaccinated peach plants when landing on permanent place they begin to bear fruit in the 3rd year, grown from seeds - in the 3-5th, and when planted with seeds in a permanent place - in the 3-4th year. One tree gives 30-100 kg of fruits.

The life expectancy of trees for obtaining industrial crops is short: grafted plants live 15-20 years, grown from seeds - 25-30 years. Its varieties are extremely valued - the hairless peach, or nectarine, and the flat-shaped peach, the so-called fig.

Peach- the culture is thermophilic, which is the main problem in growing. Therefore, its cultivation in Ukraine is best possible in the Crimea and the southern regions. The forest-steppe of Ukraine is the northern limit of growth, and the conditions are extreme. Peach trees are very damaged not only by low winter temperatures, but also by the impact of their abrupt changes. In the central and northern regions of Ukraine, every winter is a risk for southern fruit trees; in some years, freezing occurs not only flower buds but also escapes.

Peach loves abundant watering, but it is necessary to take into account the moisture capacity of the soil, for example, on drained and light soils, water does not stagnate, and therefore, in dry weather, during fruit set, trees are watered in May, June (2-3 times) until early July, 2 buckets of water each on a plant. However, on loams and chernozems, the amount of water can be reduced. During maturation, the plants are not watered.

Planting a peach

The place for planting a peach should be sunny, protected from drafts, and not swampy.

Landing pits are dug with a size of 0.7 × 0.7 m, 10 kg of rotted manure or compost, 150 g of superphosphate mixed with soil are added.

This amount of nutrients will provide a tree for 5-6 years of life. The garden is planted according to the 4 × 4 m scheme. The seedling is placed in a hole, straightening root system, and fall asleep with prepared fertile soil.

The trunk circle is compacted from the edges to the center, watered well (4-5 buckets) and mulched with a layer of compost (8-10 cm). At autumn planting mulch the root zone and pour it to the trunk to a height of 20-30 cm.

Diseases and pests

The main peach diseases are leaf curl, clasterosporia, moniliosis, powdery mildew.

To prevent infection with fungal diseases, “blue” spraying is carried out 2 times a year with a 3% Bordeaux mixture - in autumn, when the leaves have fallen, and in spring, when the buds have not yet opened. Against fungal diseases, the fungicide "Skor" has proven itself well - a systemic drug that has a preventive (8-10 days) and therapeutic effect (5 days). safe for people and environment, low toxicity, 1 ampoule (2 ml) is designed for 10 liters of water and 1 weave or 2 liters of solution per tree. Usually, processing is carried out in the spring once, but more is possible, a maximum of 3 times (not more often than after 30 days). Of the biological products against fungal diseases, they use: "Trichodermin", "Gaupsin", "Planriz", against pests: "Lepidotsid", "Gaupsin". Processing is carried out in spring and autumn.

The main pests of peach are aphids, weevils, flower beetles, mites, fruit moth, oriental codling moth. Used against them preventive measures: cutting and burning damaged shoots, collecting and destroying carrion, loosening the soil under the crowns, laying trapping belts on trunks and skeletal branches, removing weeds and root growth, cleaning up the lagging bark on the stem and skeletal branches. Negatively affect these pests mineral fertilizers.

crown formation

The most important reception successful cultivation peach - correct shaping and annual pruning. The culture is noted for its high shoot-forming ability. Especially in the first years of fruiting and from the first years, thinning and shortening of the shoots are carried out to improve the illumination of the inner part of the crown.

During thinning, remove branches that thicken the crown. The annual shortening of the shoots increases the growth in the lower and middle parts of the main branches, which prevents the trees from becoming bare. Annual pruning is a necessary tool that regulates the growth and fruiting of a peach. You can not skip pruning even for one year. In the southern regions of Ukraine, a peach is formed on a trunk, and in the northern regions - in the form of a bowl or a bush, which increases its winter hardiness (when one trunk freezes, there will always be a replacement.

One year old peach seedling before pruning.

One year old peach seedling after pruning

3 year old peach seedling before pruning.

3 year old peach seedling after pruning.

peach care calendar



Fruit medium size, weight 90-110 g, large - 120-150 g, round-oval, slightly flattened on the sides, very attractive.

The main color is light cream, a blush in the form of strokes and dots occupies almost the entire fruit. The pulp is white, juicy, high palatability, separates well from the bone. Ripening time: mid-July - early August.


The fruits are medium, weight 60-70 g, rounded, cream-colored with a carmine blush, which occupies almost the entire fruit. The pulp is white, juicy, sweet, of high taste, freely separated from the stone. Ripening time: beginning of August.

As children, we believe in miracles. And then we become adults and for some reason we stop believing in them. We begin to feel so significant and omniscient that sometimes you can even burst from pomposity. That's why miracles don't happen.

And I continue to believe, and many also believe. Who had dreams in which you fly? And after all, you believed that it was possible, and not just believed - you flew! If a dream is a reality, then what is happening in reality cannot be an empty sound.

And then one day, resolutely getting off at a stop from an adult train, I also wanted my own small miracle- plant a peach in the country. Of course, mentally, I also prepared. Well, to a different kind there “What are you?! He won't grow here! or “You have nothing else to do, or what?”. Since there is just something to do for a change - I want to plant a peach in the country. And it’s not for nothing that this mysterious one exists ... How is it there? .. Perhaps. But what if?

In 2016, for the experiment, I planted a peach in the country. Or rather, peaches. different varieties. It was funny myself, especially since I'm an ordinary amateur. The purpose of the experiment was not at all global: to find out how peaches planted spring and autumn.

spring varieties were planted: Golden Jubilee, Krasnocheky, Golden Moscow, fig Vladimir and Ruby nectarine.

autumn cultivars were planted: Harrow Diamond, Moudlin Pouillet, Ambassador of the World, fig Belmondo, another Vladimir, and White Meadow Honey nectarine.

I did not deepen the seedlings, although it might have been worth it. Non-buried seedlings develop better, and for buried seedlings, when the above-ground part freezes, when restored from under the ground, it will most likely come out varietal shoot, not rootstock. Or both at once.

In the spring, one can observe such a picture. I transplanted the whole young rootstock to another place.

To complete the experiment, in the fall I planted six peach pits in the ground, brought from Krasnodar and taken from a tree that itself grew from a pit.

Another hope at a depth of 5 cm

Spring peaches gave good growth, and by autumn they gained mass and a red-burgundy color of the bark. I read that a darker burgundy color of the bark indicates greater winter hardiness.

I received autumn peaches at the very end of September, and after a couple of weeks the temperature dropped below zero for the first time. And the seedlings stood with a green, slightly reddening bark.

For the winter, I covered all the seedlings in my favorite way - with the help of spruce branches. But, unlike blueberries and magnolia, peaches were also tied spunbond.

Alas, in the spring of 2017, autumn peaches, with the exception of Harrow Diamond and Vladimir, died a long time.

True, a rootstock has grown from the seedling of Moudlene Pouier, on which it will then be possible to graft a peach.

Of the spring seedlings, Krasnocheky died, but he also released a stock nearby.

The trunk is dead, but the stock will come in handy in the future

The fact that at the end of April and in May there were already three frosts, plus one in June, also played a role.

And what about the sudden return of snow? Well, it's been a year!

The surviving peaches regained their strength: buds blossomed, new branches began to grow.

The branches grew stronger and stretched upwards, becoming more and more powerful. But first, the leaves acquired a rich green color.

Time passed, and I had already planted a lawn under the garden. The grown rootstocks did not lag behind the peaches in growth.

In the meantime, the beginning of the season turned out to be very cold, the rains kept coming and going, and still going. Can't do any mowing.

So, by mid July Golden Moscow stands about a meter high, the trunk should become one and a half times thicker by autumn, and the branches, due to their scarcity, should ripen well.

Fig peach Vladimir behaves similarly and shows great promise.

The rest of the varieties are in a satisfactory condition in the recovery phase, keeping the growth small, so it's too early to guess.

Nectarine Ruby. Surprisingly, it grows, although in winter it stood in the most open place.

But the Golden Jubilee fell ill leaf curl, therefore, it was urgently necessary to remove all the leaves and ends of the infected branches, and also treat the tree with Bordeaux liquid. It was not easy to do this, since it rained two or even three times a week. But still new leaves appeared already healthy.

By the way, last week the first sprout appeared from the planted seed.

So, in general, I am satisfied with my experiment. Until recently, apricots did not grow well, but now these are the strongest trees on the site.

And the cherries, just like the peach, froze above the snow level in the first year, and now they stand two and a half meters high.

Always admire their leaves

There is still half of the season ahead, and then winter. Well, let's hope and believe. For those who don't know, it often helps. In any case, any further development of events is the result. You need to go to your goal, even with snail's steps, because it's worth it.

And then surely...

P.S. A father with a little daughter was walking past my site. Dad had already gone ahead, and the girl, quite tiny, stopped at a huge puddle and called: “Dad, dad, is the puddle deep?” And with a foot in flip-flops, he carefully touches it from above - and removes it back, afraid. "Dad, huh, dad?" And dad answered her: “I don’t know, daughter. Come and find out."

I continued to pick strawberries when I suddenly heard an enthusiastic cry: “Dad, they are not deep!”.

So the goal is worth striving for.

The entry is posted in sections:

Among all fruit trees, which are grown in a region with a temperate climate, the most beloved and delicious is the peach. Basically, these plants are intended for the southern regions. But with the help of selection, experts brought out frost-resistant varieties. Peach loves careful and timely, warm place and attention.

Peach is a tree perennial which belongs to the Rosaceae family. It is widespread on almost all continents and is 10 on the list. fruit trees which are grown commercially. Its fruits, juicy and sweet, are a favorite delicacy all over the world.

Building features:

  • The height of the tree can reach 4 meters, but usually stunted varieties are grown in gardens, and bushy varieties in cold regions.
  • The trunk is of medium thickness, the maximum diameter reaches 25 cm, it bends with growth.
  • Branching is average, the width of the crown can reach 6 meters.
  • In regions with severe winter frosts, peaches are grown in the idea of ​​undersized wide bushes. This is done in order to simplify the warming of the plant for the cold period.
  • The branches are strong, bend well, painted reddish or green tone a. The leaves are lacent, oblong, slightly curved, have a pronounced central vein. On the branches are arranged alternately on thin and short petioles.
  • The leaves are painted in a dark green or green tone from the outside, and light green, muted - from the bottom.
  • The buds usually open before the leaves appear. Externally, the peach tree during flowering resembles almonds. The flower consists of 5 rounded petals, has a medium size and is colored in pink. The buds are located one by one along the entire length of the branches, sessile, the peduncle is absent.
  • Peach fruits can be large up to 600 grams in weight and small, about 60-80 grams. Their shape is most often rounded, oval, slightly elongated. There are also flat, slightly flattened peaches, but mostly these are hybrid varieties. Their flesh is firm, sweet and juicy.
  • In the middle is a large bone with a grain inside. The fruits are colored in yellow, pink orange and red tones with different sides. The skin is thin, with a velvety coating, there are also sweet fruits, but they belong to nectarines.

early varieties:

  • Kyiv early. The variety is intended for regions with in early spring. The fruits of this peach are the average size, rounded, the pulp is juicy, sweet and very fragrant. The skin is dense, thin, painted in a light yellow hue with a pinkish side. It takes root well in almost any soil, is demanding on care and at the same time gives a high yield. The variety is resistant to.
  • Redhaven. good grade adapted to temperate climates. The fruits are juicy, tasty, weighing up to 150 grams. The shape of the fruit is oval, the skin is thin, painted in a light orange tone with red patches. pulp yellow color, pleasant to the taste and very fragrant. The variety is resistant to common and well tolerates spring and autumn frosts.

Middle and late varieties:

  • Cardinal. Strong variety with high yield. The fruits are medium in size, the largest reaches only 140 grams. The fruits are round, dense, the skin has a colorful red color. Mixed yellow and orange tones. The pulp is juicy, unique taste and aroma, the variety is among the best in terms of taste characteristics. Cardinal is resistant to diseases, but it does not tolerate frost well, therefore it needs special care.
  • Kremlin. This variety is the most common and popular in temperate regions. The reason for this is that it adapts to almost any living conditions. The fruits are large, the skin is painted in an orange-yellow tone with a red barrel. The flesh is firm, juicy, and sweet.

The peach is a southern plant that needs constant warmth and sun. Therefore, growing it in regions with variable temperature regime, it is necessary to pay more attention and care to the plant.

Peach trees do not respond well to strong winds and cold, so the choice of a planting site must be approached with special responsibility.

In this regard, the plant is very capricious and spring drafts, frosts, can lead to shedding of color and a barren year. The place must be protected from all sides, have good lighting almost all day, so that the soil warms up well. This is especially important during the spring months.

But peaches are unpretentious to the soil and grow and develop well in almost all regions. The only exception is soil with a high content of limestone, which can cause diseases in a tree. Also, the soil should be well-drained, and the landing site is on a hill. Waterlogging of the soil also leads to peach diseases and plant death.

Watering peach:

  • Peach is demanding on watering, especially after and during the period of growth and fruit set. But do not get carried away, as the tree does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil.
  • From the middle of summer, it is held only when necessary, for example, if the summer is dry and hot.
  • After watering, it is recommended to soil the soil to retain moisture and periodically water the crowns with a hose and a sprayer.

Top dressing is carried out organic and in spring period. It will be useful to make nitrophoska after winter, and after flowering, a solution is added under the tree. Such procedures are recommended to be carried out 2 times a month.

For normal growth and development, as well as for abundant fruiting, proper pruning is necessary. No tree needs this process like a peach. At a young age, mostly in adult trees, during the annual spring pruning, diseased and old branches are removed, and excess young are cut off, leaving a few stems for future replacement.

In regions with a warm climate, peaches are grown in the form of a tree. Pruning is carried out appropriately. Usually in gardens tall trees are not grown, many summer residents have adopted this experience, and are trying to prune so that the branches do not grow vertically, but horizontally.

To do this, the central part of a young, but not small, tree is removed, that is, the main trunk at the required height, about 1.5-2 meters.

Leave a few strong side branches that will form the crown. All subsequent pruning is carried out in order to remove diseased and old branches and thin out the crown.

In cold regions, the peach is initially formed as a low bush. For this:

  • Almost the entire trunk is cut off, leaving only 3-5 buds from the bottom.
  • In subsequent years, from each side branch form small tree with several fruiting stems so as not to overload the plant. Basically, one bush should have no more than 10 fruiting shoots.
  • Next, the old branches are removed, and young branches are left to develop in their place.

A prepared, healthy and strong peach seedling can be planted in spring and autumn period. In warm regions, planting is recommended after the leaves fall on the trees, but no later than October, so that the young tree has time to take root and strengthen the root system in a new place. The place of permanent peach growth must first be prepared.

The size of the planting hole depends on the root system and can reach up to 1 meter in diameter and 75 cm deep.

All seedlings must be inspected from top to bottom, diseased and rotten roots removed, and all healthy ones shortened to 30-35 cm. The tree is placed in a prepared hole, the roots are spread over the entire bottom area, sprinkled with fertile and fertilized soil from above. After the peach, it is necessary to pour abundantly with warm water and install a support to which to tie the trunk. The distance between plantings should be at least 2.5-3 meters. A peach can coexist with any other fruit trees.

In warm regions, peaches do not need warming, and many varieties are specially bred to be frost-resistant. But in cold regions, without such a procedure, you can lose the garden, so gardeners grow peaches in the form of bushes, for the convenience of shelter and warming.

In order for the tree to survive the winter well, foam shields are placed around it, the thickness of which must be at least 10 cm.

On top of everything is covered with a film and when the snow falls, it will serve as an additional shelter. In the spring, after the end of severe frosts, the film is slightly opened so that air gets to the peach, and awakening begins. Shields are removed only when the risk of night frosts is gone.

Peach can be propagated in three ways: grafting, and. If the first two methods require special knowledge, then even a beginner can grow a tree with the help of seeds.

Propagation by seeds:

  • To collect seeds, it is necessary to pick up well-ripened, even overripe, large fruits. Separate the stone from the fruit and wash thoroughly from the pulp.
  • You can sow in the fall, directly to the place of permanent growth.
  • The soil must be fertilized, loose and disinfected.
  • For the winter, after watering, the planting site is covered with compost and leaves, this will provide additional nutrition and protect the bone from freezing.

But many gardeners recommend wrapping the collected bones in a damp cloth and placing them in a dark, cool place, such as the vegetable section of the refrigerator. The fabric should not dry out, so it is periodically moistened. Thus, the bones pass. And in the spring, when the sun has already warmed the soil enough, the seeds can be planted in the ground. Young trees need regular plentiful, therefore, the planting site must be constantly moistened before pecking and during the growth of the peach and prevent the soil from drying out.

Peach cuttings:

  • For choose adult healthy branches, the lower part of which is already stiff. The stems should not be thick, the middle part is selected.
  • One cutting should have at least 4 healthy buds. The lower part can be evenly cut, separated from the tree along with the "heel" and with a hammer-shaped bottom, cut along with part of the twig.
  • It is recommended to harvest cuttings in the autumn after the leaves fall before the winter frosts. During this period, the tree accumulates a large amount of all the substances necessary for growth and development, which will help the cuttings to take root well and develop buds into growth. The length of one cutting is approximately 30 cm.
  • After cutting, the cuttings are tied together and placed vertically in a box of wet sand and transferred to the basement. The sand should not dry out completely, so it is periodically moistened. By spring, on some branches, the beginnings of roots should already appear, all cuttings with disinfectants and stimulants.
  • Rooting can be done in open field by planting cuttings during the period when the soil is fully warmed up. Or prepare special containers with a fertile loose substrate and start rooting in early spring in order to plant ready-made seedlings for warmth.

Spend in the spring with the help of green cuttings. The process is quite complex and lengthy and is used mainly by professional gardeners. You can graft a peach on any young apricot tree.

The peach is often attacked by aphids. She likes to settle on young shoots, this can be seen from the twisted and spoiled leaves. If you do not get rid of the pest in time, then the aphid can infect the entire tree. Preventive treatment is recommended in the spring, and special preparations should be used when aphids appear on trees.

Of the diseases, peaches are susceptible to fungal diseases.

Powdery mildew often attacks the plant, it primarily damages the tops of young shoots and young leaves. It can be seen by dense white bloom, which is formed on the plant, and if measures are not taken, the disease will spread to neighboring trees. Therefore, upon discovery powdery mildew on any plant, it is necessary to treat with special not only a diseased tree, but the entire area.

Peach fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body. This fruit is classified as a dietary product, it contains carbohydrates, proteins, sugars and fiber, which improves digestion. Also, with the help of juicy and sweet peaches, you can restore the normal level of iron in the body, because this substance in them is 2 times more than in apples.

Raw peaches are used for food like any other fruit. Compotes and jams are also made from it and rolled up for the winter. Peaches are considered among the most delicious fruits on the planet. Also peach and its stone are used in cosmetic production. They are part of creams, shampoos, masks and scrubs.

More information can be found in the video.

The peach is a light-loving and heat-loving tree that belongs to the Rosaceae family. The peach tree grows quickly and already in the third year after planting it can please with juicy and tasty fruits. This tree is a hardy crop, but for it to grow and bear fruit on garden plot, you need to know how to grow a peach.

A place to plant a peach

Peach should be planted on the south side of the site, in a place protected from the wind and sufficiently lit. Taller trees should not be planted next to the peach, so that they do not shade it, the lack of light negatively affects the formation of wood in young shoots in spring and summer, and this is expressed in a decrease in yield and poor fruit quality.

Soil for planting peach

Peach can grow on all types of soil, the main thing is to provide the tree good drainage. For its device, the bottom of the landing pit is covered with brick crumbs, and then with gravel and stone. The soil must be loosened and all weeds removed from it. If you allocate poor soils for peach, then a year before planting, mineral fertilizers should be applied to this land: 200 g of superphosphate, 100 g of nitrogen and potassium, and organic fertilizers: 300 g of ash, 7 kg of humus and compost.

Planting a peach

The most favorable time for planting a peach seedling is March and early September, this is a dormant period fruit crop. The distance between seedlings should be three meters. It is good if a peach is planted near the wall of a barn or house, or near a fence with a slight slope towards the building. So the tree can be protected from the wind, improve its exposure to the sun, besides, the heated wall will provide the peach with additional warmth.

landing technique

A pit for planting a peach is arranged with a size of not less than 0.5x0.5 meters. Under the root of the seedling in the pit, an earthen clod is constructed, then the root system is straightened and covered with fertile soil. After planting, compact trunk circle, pour four buckets of water and mulch with 8-10 centimeters of manure. In autumn, the earth should be raked 20-30 cm to the trunk. It is also important to treat peach seedlings from diseases: leaf curl, powdery mildew, brown rot.

peach care

Peaches are responsive to abundant watering, without stagnant water. During fruiting and in drought, peach trees should be watered every ten days under each tree with two buckets of water. Peach and annual complex mineral dressings are needed, which must be applied to the soil over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe root system. Peach pruning should be done in the spring.

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