Dishwasher detergent: types and reviews. What can replace dishwasher detergent? How to make your own dishwasher detergent

In our age of technological progress, almost every home has such an assistant in the kitchen as a dishwasher. Agree, this is a very convenient invention that brings peace to every family, since now there is no need to set up a watch in the kitchen and argue to a headache who will wash the dishes today. But with the advent dishwasher the question arises of how to wash dishes in order to extend the life of the magic unit and whether it is possible to make a dishwasher detergent with your own hands so as not to spend money on far from safe chemistry.

Fund types

To summarize, dishwasher detergents are represented by three main groups.

Powder detergents

They are the most affordable. If you buy in large packages, then the powder will last for a long time, since it takes an average of 25-30 g per cycle, and it turns out cheaper at a price.

Important! As disadvantages, you can indicate that:

  • powder can scratch the walls of dishes;
  • when placed in the compartment, the powder may spill out.

IN Lately concentrated and low-abrasive powders appeared, they even come with a dispenser so that you can not miss the amount of powder.

Gel detergents

Gels soften water, do not oxidize metals. They are often produced in the form of balls that are placed in the compartment of the machine. In addition, it is believed that the gels are the safest for the “health” of the unit.


One tablet per cycle. They occupy the first place in the ranking of detergents. But at the same time, they are the most expensive of all means - when using them, you have to turn on the machine on full cycle so that they can completely dissolve. But despite this, their reviews are the best.

Important! Now there are pills with dosing strips so that they can be “adjusted” to different amount utensils. Tablets are available in single-layer, multi-layer, and most convenient option- it's three in one. Three-layer tablet, which includes detergent, rinse and emollient.

Those housewives who have chosen the option without rinse aid, but they want to see their dishes without streaks and white spots, should get liquid rinse aid. It is he who prevents the formation of drops, forming a thin film on the dishes.

Important! Such dishwasher detergents are completely harmless, moreover, they are completely washed off during the rinse cycle. But if you do not completely trust them or there are allergy sufferers in your family, then experts advise running an additional rinse program, which is in every technique of a self-respecting manufacturer.

Do-it-yourself dishwasher rinse aid recipe

Do-it-yourself dishwasher rinse aid.

Option 1

The simplest option is Apple vinegar. Pour it into the compartment, and you're done.

The main thing is the proportions: for 6 sets of dishes there is 1 tablespoon of 9% apple cider vinegar.

Option 2

This recipe includes essential oil, lemon juice and glass cleaner. The ratio is:

  • 5 parts lemon juice;
  • 2 parts essential oil;
  • one piece of windshield wiper.

Important! For 8 sets of dishes there is 1 tablespoon of the mixture.

Machine care

In order for your dishwasher to serve you for a long time and not give you trouble, you need to provide it with thorough care:

  • Very dirty dishes it is better to pre-soak, wash off the remnants of food under running water.
  • Periodically it is necessary to clean the internal parts from scale. Then your "assistant" will serve you for a long time.

When choosing detergents, you need to consider what kind of dishes you will wash with them:

  • For capricious dishes, for example, crystal, silverware, earthenware, you need to choose special means for dishwasher. Well, for such dishes, you need to select the appropriate settings in the machine: cycle with minimum temperature and minimum wash time.
  • Do not wash dishes that have a sign indicating manual dishwashing.
  • Do not wash appliances containing wooden handles, wooden cutting boards, copper or pewter utensils.

Important! A lot of discussion is caused by the topic of washing children's dishes. Well, it's up to you to decide. There are no contraindications on this issue, and you can wash your baby's dishes with equal success both in the car and by hand.

How to make do-it-yourself dishwasher detergents? - The simplest recipes

If you do not trust detergent manufacturers and want to be sure that your dishwashing detergent is safe, then you need to turn to the recipes of our grandmothers. They may not have had dishwashers, but experience in manufacturing safe means more than enough for washing dishes.

Recipe 1

The easiest detergent tablet recipe is very simple: baking soda, borax, salt and lemon. Preparing this tool for the dishwasher with your own hands like this:

  1. Soda, salt and borax are thoroughly mixed and lemon juice is slowly added.
  2. This thick mixture is laid out in molds and left to dry completely.

Important! Such tablets are good because:

  • it's cheap;
  • you can be sure of their safety.

True, how well this tablet will wash dishes is another question. We check in practice.

Recipe 2

If we take a closer look at the composition of the tablet, we will see that it contains common surface-active substances (surfactants), salts, phosphates, enzymes, defoamer, fragrance, soda. Everything except soda is included in the usual powder for automatic washing machines, since it actually has the same function - to remove dirt, proteins and fats.

So, if we take washing powder and add soda there, you get a do-it-yourself dishwasher detergent.

dishwasher tablets

As we have already noted, it is tablets that, due to ease of use, are in great demand than other variations of detergent products. There are also recipes for making such a dishwasher detergent with your own hands.

Recipe 1

The composition includes washing powder and soda, in a ratio of 7: 3. As a binder, ordinary water is used.

We prepare a dishwashing detergent with our own hands:

  1. Mix baking soda with powder.
  2. Add water to make a thick paste.
  3. Then we lay out this mass in molds - here, as your imagination tells you.
  4. We let it all freeze.

Important! Keep in mind that the molds should not be large, otherwise your tablet will not fit into the compartment in the dishwasher.

Recipe 2

This dishwasher tablet contains:

  • baby powder - 8 parts;
  • soda - 1.8 parts;
  • detergent for dishes - 0.2 parts.

Important! The baby powder for this do-it-yourself dishwasher detergent is used due to the fact that it is less aggressive. But its minus is that it works at temperatures up to 40 degrees, that is, in the dishwasher you will have to set a cycle with a low temperature.

The cooking process is the same as in the first case.

Is it worth it to use homemade products?

Now let's see if homemade tablets wash the dishes well or if we are wasting our time. We carry out the experiment in practice and get the following result:

  • The first tablet washed the dishes tolerably, but worse than the cheapest tablet - not all places were washed well. This is most likely due to the strong defoamer in the laundry detergent.
  • The second composition proved to be better, since it included dishwashing detergent, albeit in a small amount.

Important! A natural question arises: is it worth it at all to be puzzled by home-made means, or is it easier to buy ready-made ones? Let's look at such an important factor as price.

Based on the minimum price of ready-made industrial tablets and the cost of those dishwasher detergents that you can prepare yourself according to the above recipes, the savings are about 80%.

Dishwasher gel recipe

In some older models of dishwashers, tablets are not included in the program at all. Here you have to use either powders or gels. Consider a recipe for a universal gel that is easy to prepare with your own hands.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 grams of soap chips;
  • 45 grams of soda ash (do not confuse with food);
  • Essential oils.

Cooking method:

  1. Bring water to a boil, add soap chips and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add soda ash and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. When the mixture cools down, add essential oils, you can even add a few drops of blue ink to enhance the whiteness.

Everything, the universal gel is ready.

More and more housewives in our country are starting to use a dishwasher, appreciating the convenience and saving time and effort that the "iron assistant" provides. At the same time, the use of a dishwasher generates additional costs, because you need to constantly buy salt and detergent, and all this is very expensive. From here, the housewives have a question: is it possible to replace the detergent with something cheaper, but just as effective, and if so, with what? We will answer the question in this article.

What dishwasher detergents does the manufacturer offer?

Currently, hundreds of different dishwasher detergents can be found in stores. But even if you choose the cheapest, with the constant operation of the dishwasher, 2000-3000 rubles of additional costs for the purchase of detergents per year come out. And still needed, which should also be attributed to absolutely necessary consumables because if you do not pour salt into the machine, it will quickly break down.

Manufacturers create and sell detergents in three main forms:

  • powder;
  • gel;
  • tablets.

The most popular and effective are tablets, they dissolve gradually layer by layer, providing great quality washing dishes. But you will also have to pay twice as much for this quality. With the active use of the dishwasher, you will need about 6,000 rubles worth of tablets per year. Agree, this is an amount that will make some think. The price of the gel is intermediate between tablets and powder, but the powder is the cheapest option.

For your information! When calculating, we proceeded from the prices of the cheapest tablets, gel and powder as of spring 2016.

If you use a powder or gel, then in order to avoid streaks on the dishes, you need to at least occasionally use dish rinse. Accordingly, we will have to add to 2-3 thousand rubles another 1000 per year for rinse aid.

We draw a conclusion. Minimum costs for store detergents for a dishwasher per year will amount to 2000-3000 rubles, plus about 1000 rubles will be the cost of salt, plus 1000 rinse aid. The result is 4000-5000 rubles a year. Approximately the same amount, on average, is spent by a family of 3 on electricity for 6 months. A bit too much, but what to do, because the car cannot be used without salt and detergents. You can try to look for a replacement for store-bought detergents, but there are nuances here.

Homemade dishwasher powder: pros and cons

As you know, “need for inventions is cunning”, our economical housewives got out of the situation here too, having come up with their own recipe for dishwasher powder. They assure that homemade detergent will cost you no more than 700 rubles a year. To prepare a homemade detergent, we need:

  1. soda ash or baking soda;
  2. ordinary dry mustard;
  3. the cheapest powder for washing white things.

The components should be mixed in the following proportions: soda - 100 g, mustard - 30 g, powder - 30 g. The resulting dry mixture should be stored in a tightly closed glass or metal container, in a cool, dry place. The mixture is stored without problems for 6 months. Before washing dishes, household detergent is poured into the powder compartment, and then you need to start the washing program as usual.

What are the benefits of homemade detergent?

  • Price. Homemade powder is very cheap, not at all burdensome for the family budget.
  • Environmentally friendly components. There are a lot of harmful chemicals in cheap store-bought powder, homemade powder is completely environmentally friendly.
  • Easy to prepare and store. You can prepare the remedy with your own hands, very quickly and without straining.
  • Homemade powder ingredients are readily available and are found in every home.

There are a lot of advantages to homemade powder, especially its cheapness attracts many, but there are also disadvantages that you should definitely pay attention to. Powder and mustard negatively affect the dishwasher. In the process of testing homemade powder, it turned out that after the third wash, the nozzles of the impellers of the dishwasher were clogged with mustard, and they had to be cleaned with a toothpick.

In general, the product is tolerable, if you alternate it with store-bought tablets or gel, it can be used for washing. The quality of washing dishes is not bad, but in order to avoid streaks on plates and cups, you need to use rinse aid. You can use the home remedy all the time, but in this case, you need to arrange regular cleaning of the dishwasher - about 1 time in 4-5 washes of dishes.

Important! With regular use of homemade powder, it is better to reduce the concentration of mustard in it to 20 g.

Looking for a dishwasher rinse aid replacement

If not everything is as smooth as mentioned above with the replacement of the powder, it has drawbacks, then it is quite possible to find a cheap and completely safe replacement for a store-bought rinse aid. The recipe is this, we take 100 g of water, add 50 g of any dishwashing detergent and 30 g of ethyl alcohol to it, mix everything gently and can be used. In no case should you shake the rinse aid, if it has been standing for some time, then it must be gently mixed again before use.

By the way, housewives who use homemade dishwasher rinse aid claim that in some cases it can also replace washing gel (if the dishes are not too dirty). It turns out a two-in-one product, both rinse aid and detergent.

Important! Do not increase the concentration of dishwashing detergent in relation to water, home rinse will begin to foam heavily. To prevent the product from foaming, you can add more alcohol.

How to make homemade dishwasher tablets?

We found out how to replace the powder and rinse aid, it remains to deal with dishwasher tablets. Is there an effective alternative to pills? Let's say right away, cook at home modern pills 3 in 1, which dissolve layer by layer during the entire washing program, will not succeed, but maybe this is not necessary. But it is quite possible to create a replacement for simple classic tablets (such as Finish Classic). What should be done?

Preparing ingredients for future tablets:

  1. 200 g of soda ash;
  2. 100 g of ordinary borax;
  3. 100 g Epsom salts;
  4. 100 g freshly squeezed lemon juice.

It is easy to prepare tablets from these components. First, pour soda, borax and salt into a bowl, mix everything. Then, continuing to stir, gradually pour in the lemon juice. The mixture will start to sizzle, but keep stirring and pouring in the juice.

As soon as the mixture stops sizzling, we take the ice molds from the refrigerator and put the resulting mass into it. Next, we need to take out the molds with the mixture under the scorching sun, in extreme cases, you can put them on hot battery but the sun is better. As soon as the mixture dries, you can pull out the finished tablets. Store tablets in a dark, dry place away from small children. Such a tool is ideal for washing dishes, simple cheap tablets can be safely replaced with them.

In conclusion, we note that home detergents can be a good substitute for store-bought powder, gel, rinse or tablets, and such products will cost quite inexpensively. However, it should be understood that using such products for your expensive dishwasher, you are at risk. Yes, and the manufacturer of dishwashers strictly forbids the use of handicraft detergents. In general, the choice is yours!

Harmful chemicals are everywhere: in food, soaps, shower gels and dishwashing detergents. In order to save money and maintain health, it is recommended that you treat plates, cups and other kitchen utensils with a hand-made detergent.

Composition features

Modern dishwashing detergents consist of the following components:

  • Surfactants (surfactants). Their main purpose is to foam the powder.
  • Acids. Needed to facilitate the removal of grease and dirt.
  • Liquid softener.
  • Expensive products contain sodium silicate. This substance helps to prevent the development of metal corrosion.
  • Flavorings.
  • Clarifiers.
  • Thickeners.

For a long time there were disputes about the effects of these substances on human body. It has been found that they are indeed dangerous when consumed in large quantities. Still, why risk your health and overpay manufacturers if you can make your own detergent from the substances that are on the shelf of every housewife?

Recipe #1 powder and soda

Soda is one of the elements responsible for the formation of a living organism. Its use in a minimum amount favorably affects its functioning.

This chemical component has the property of cleaning surfaces. Fine powder perfectly dissolves in water, does not scratch the dishes and does not damage the enamel. Making your own detergent from baking soda is quite simple. This requires:

  1. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup of water. You need to stir it for 30 seconds. As a result, a cloudy and homogeneous liquid should be obtained.
  2. A small amount of hydrogen peroxide should be added to it. Enough 1 - 1.5 teaspoons.

It is recommended to use natural composition immediately after cooking, so that no sediment appears. Baking soda is great for getting rid of burns and grease. They can process boilers, pans, pots, as well as small dishes and cutlery.

The resulting composition will be very liquid. When using it to operate a dishwasher, be sure to add 1-2 tablespoons of edible salt to it.

Prescription number 2 tablets

Most the best remedies to remove food contamination - tablets. To create them at home you will need:

  1. Baby powder "0+" - 8 teaspoons.
  2. In relation to this amount, you need to add 1.8 tablespoons of soda and 0.2 dishwashing detergent.

Important! Do not add dishwashing detergent in excess of the specified norm. It will foam a lot. This can damage household appliances.

  1. The composition can be adjusted independently by adding filtered water to it. As a result, a viscous consistency should be obtained.
  2. From the resulting slurry, you can create tablets of arbitrary shape.

For processing dishes, the product should be placed in a special box of equipment. It will begin to effectively cope with pollution at temperatures up to 40 degrees.

Features of use

In order for the dishes to be clean and fresh after washing, it is necessary not only to properly prepare the product, but also to comply with all necessary measures during this process.

  • The mechanism is designed in such a way that the jets hit from the bottom up. Accordingly, strictly vertically. Otherwise, streaks or dirt particles will remain.
  • If you use homemade dishwashing gel, then in a delicate mode.
  • It only needs to be added to the dispenser. It is strictly forbidden to throw it into the camera.
  • Detergent is added only once before starting work. In the future, it will not be required.
  • The exception is salt. It needs to be placed in a special compartment located at the bottom of the chamber.
  • Without fail, the tool must be a single consistency. There shouldn't be any lumps in it. Such a seemingly banal mistake in most cases leads to clogging of important parts of the mechanism, and subsequently to its breakdown.
  • After the equipment is completed, it is required to carefully examine the dishes. If there are plaques or remnants of a folk invention on it, then you need to additionally rinse it manually.
  • If the product is made in the form of tablets, then you do not need to make them too large, as they may not fit in the compartment.
  • Do not use soda in large quantities, as with its excess, the liquid may thicken in the compartment.

Important! When making dishwashing gel, wear gloves and a mask. Many components are very volatile, they can damage the skin of the hands or mucous membranes.


There are five most effective proven recipes folk remedies suitable for processing kitchen utensils. Why is it worth using a folk invention rather than using a gel that is sold in a store? Several reasons can be identified:

  • This is a very economical option. The cost of any homemade product does not exceed 100 rubles, and its volume will last for several months.
  • If it is over, then you should not run to the store. You can create a cleaning ingredient at any time.
  • The composition can be changed independently, depending on your own preferences.
  • This is a great option for those housewives who care about their health. She herself will see what is included in its composition. Make sure it doesn't contain any chemical additives.


There are several disadvantages of using a homemade liquid consistency.

  • It is more convenient to use the purchased goods. Simply open the cap and pour into required quantity liquid in a specialized compartment. Accordingly, the user does not have to spend his personal time preparing it.
  • It is not always possible to invent quality product. From an incorrectly created composition, raids may remain or pollution will not be washed off well.
  • The appearance of the resulting consistency may not look aesthetically pleasing.
  • When using some ingredients, such as mustard, on cutlery.
  • The most important disadvantage is the possibility of damage to the equipment if the composition is not mixed correctly and lumps form in it.

Do you make homemade dish detergent or buy it from the store? There is no exact answer to this question and cannot be. Each hostess will independently determine what is more convenient for her to use, based on personal preferences, the amount of free time and financial situation.

Tablets used to wash dishes in the car cost a lot of money. This is one of the reasons to think about the alternative. The second reason - chemical composition. The tablets contain substances harmful to health and the entire ecosystem.

Homemade detergents from inexpensive and harmless components will help solve the problem. How and from what to make tablets for the dishwasher with your own hands?

Before proceeding with the manufacture of dishwasher tablets, let's find out what they consist of, and argue the feasibility of our undertaking. Most buyers do not look at the composition and buy funds, trusting advertising.

Manufacturers claim that the harm from household chemicals minimal, forgetting that with the combined effect of the components, it increases significantly.

The most dangerous components are chlorine and chlorine-containing substances, formaldehydes, phosphates and phosphonates, surfactants and hydrochloric acid. Many of them are included in dishwasher tablets. Even with repeated rinsing in hot water from chemical compounds dishes are not completely cleaned.

Statistics confirm that up to 0.5 liters of detergents enter the body of each person per year. This happens due to poor-quality rinsing of dishes.

Chlorine and its compounds can cause a number of diseases such as hypertension, allergies, anemia and other common ailments. For this reason, certain substances containing chlorine are prohibited in the EU countries.

surfactant- substances that connect water and fat molecules, so they clean surfaces well, but at the same time break down human sebum. They are divided into three types:

  • anionic - the most effective, cheap, but also harmful, as they tend to accumulate in the body;
  • cationic - cause less harm and have a bactericidal effect;
  • non-ionic - the most harmless, decomposing by 100%.

Frequent and abundant use of household chemicals containing surfactants leads to a decrease in immunity, degreasing and aging of the skin, and the development of allergic reactions. The action is enhanced by phosphates, which promote the penetration of substances through the skin into the blood.

Accumulating in vital organs, they lead to dysfunction. By sanitary standards, the amount of surfactants should not exceed 5%.

Making tablets for PMM with your own hands

After reviewing the composition of the tablets, we come to the conclusion that this remedy is not harmless and it makes sense to spend time making it yourself.

Baking soda and juice squeezed from a lemon in the composition of the tablets make them absolutely harmless. Soda ash can also be used as a detergent component.

Homemade detergents are also cheaper than factory ones.

Ingredients for homemade preparations

For home-made dishwasher tablets, you will need simple and affordable components:

  • Baking soda - 2 cups.
  • Water - 1 glass.
  • Salt - 1 cup.
  • Citric acid - 1/2 cup.

For the formation of tablets, silicone or plastic containers for ice are needed.

One glass of soda is poured onto a baking sheet and the oven is placed for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. So that the soda does not burn, it is stirred during heating. Removed from the oven, it acquires a looser and matte consistency suitable for tablet formation.

The ingredients for the preparation of tableted detergents must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous plastic mass, from which it is easy to form tablets of the desired shape

Soda from the oven is poured into a bowl, a glass of ordinary soda, citric acid and salt are added there. Everything is mixed and a little water is added. The mixture will foam, you need to wait until the foaming process stops and add a little water again. This is done several times.

Then everything is thoroughly mixed and laid out one or one and a half teaspoons in ice molds. This must be done quickly, as the mixture thickens quickly. Leave the molds for half an hour, then take out the homemade tablets and put them in a jar, close with an airtight lid.

Popular baking soda recipes

To create tablets according to this recipe, it is taken:

  • 150 g of soda;
  • 500 g of magnesia (epsom salts);
  • 200 g borax (sodium tetraborate);
  • 40 g lemon juice.

A mixture of dry ingredients is mixed with lemon juice and poured into molds.

Tanks are installed in a dry place. Dried tablets are ready for use. You can also add children's washing powder to the composition, one glass is enough. A pleasant fragrance will give the detergent a few drops of any of essential oils better than citrus.

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Consider a few more recipes for dishwasher tablets.

Recipe #1. Take 7 parts of regular powder and 3 parts of soda ash. It is recommended to use dish detergent and filtered water as a binder. Fill the molds with the mixture. After drying, the tablets are ready for use.

Soda ash is a natural product obtained in several ways: from natural or nepheline raw materials, by carbonization of sodium hydroxide and by the ammonia method

Recipe #2. Baby powder - 8 parts, soda - 1.8, dishwashing liquid - 0.2 parts. Mix everything and form tablets, filling the molds with the mixture. Baby powder is less aggressive, removes protein contaminants at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. Tablets from baby powder are used in a mode that does not exceed the specified temperature.

Eco-friendly washing powder for children's things does not contain phosphates, surfactants, zeolites and other harmful components. The basis of the powder is a safe natural soap

Recipe #3. Combine washing powder (160 g) with soda ash (40 g), add glycerin (5 g). Mix and spread into molds.

Recipe #4. A mixture of two tablespoons of finely ground mustard powder and one tablespoon of soda combine with 1.5 lodges hot water, stir, arrange in molds.

One of the options for preparing a drug from a mixture mustard powder with soda is shown in the video:

Recipe #5. Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of salt with 2 tbsp. spoons of powder and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of concentrated 70% vinegar.

Comparison of factory and homemade tablets

The main differences between ready-made and home-made tablets, as already noted, are the composition and price. Household chemicals of industrial production contain harmful components and are much more expensive.

The substances that make up the compressed tablets do not dissolve at the same time, but at a certain moment. When using them, the dishes are washed and refreshed, the machine is cared for

  • Relatively inexpensive basic tablets, consisting of three components.
  • Ecological biodegradable tablets without phosphates. Perfect option for allergy sufferers.
  • Capsules - tablets in a dissolving shell.
  • Universal multi-component tablets, to the basic composition of which are added components for washing crystal, antimicrobial agents, rinses, fragrances, etc.

Expensive pills are more effective and safer than cheap analogues of industrial production.

Wash Quality Testing

Wash quality homemade remedy closer to basic tablets. When testing home-made tablets, it was found that their effectiveness is almost as good as inexpensive factory-made products. Biodegradable eco-friendly pills, like those made by hand, do not contain harmful substances, but they are much more expensive and guarantee excellent results.

Modern 3 in 1 or 7 in 1 tablet detergents are effective, provided they are used in new-style machines that have the ability to recognize them. Most Popular trade marks– Finish, Frosch, Bio mio and a number of others

Capsules provide high quality washing, are convenient in that the soluble shell provides protection against accidental ingress of moisture. Comparison of the results of washing with multicomponent tablets is not in favor of homemade ones. The former are much more effective, as they contain basic and additional components.

Assessment of the component composition

The cleanliness of the dishes and the machine itself as part of the tablets is ensured by:

  • detergent as the main component;
  • salt to soften water and protect the inside of the machine from scale, in the absence of it, stains, whitish deposits and smudges remain on the dishes;
  • rinse aid, enhancing and fixing the effect of the detergent;
  • descaling agent that prevents the formation of limescale if the water in the tap is hard;
  • a degreaser that breaks down the greasy layer deposited inside the machine;
  • deodorant that eliminates unpleasant odors;
  • additional substances of various actions.

The composition of homemade tablets is limited to a set of improvised tools used in the household.

Soda, citric acid and other ingredients are versatile tools that do an excellent job

The components in the composition of the factory tablets act sequentially, being included in the work at the right time. Do-it-yourself tablets do not have this technology.

Homemade dishwasher tablets are cheaper, safer, and can be adjusted to suit your needs. There is also a downside to this:

  • too much liquid dish detergent will Negative influence on the quality of washing and can harm the machine;
  • an excess amount of soda will cause the tablets to dissolve poorly;
  • Excess citric acid can damage plastic parts.

The dosage of industrial tablets, unlike home-made ones, is regulated in accordance with GOST, TU and other standards.

Other features to match

Do-it-yourself pills have imperfect appearance- this is another argument not in favor of home-made analogues. Factory-issued products look much more aesthetically pleasing.

When choosing factory-made tablets, you do not have to spend your personal time on the selection, search for ingredients and manufacturing.

When mixing the mixture for tablets, you need to take care of safety precautions. Gloves and a mask will protect you from the aggressive effects of soda and powder on the mucous membranes.

An ordinary tablet weighing 16 grams, obtained industrially, costs 9-10 rubles. Multi-component products are even more expensive. The cost of homemade tablets, based on the price of the ingredients, is much lower. A simple calculation shows that you will spend 54 rubles on 31 tablets, that is, one tablet will cost 1.75 rubles.

Both types of tablets are worthy of attention

Dosage packaging, industrial and homemade, have a number of common advantages. They cannot be scattered, spilled or loaded over the norm. They do not take up much space and are easy to store. Ready-made tablets are stored in their original packaging, hand-made - in a closed glass jar or plastic container with lid.

Do not use hand dishwashing detergents in machines. At the same time, the active substances of tablets, powders and gels used in dishwashers have a negative effect on the skin of the hands.

How to make detergent tablets quickly at minimal cost:

If you trust manufacturers and believe in magic formulas that ensure your dishes are perfectly clean, and you don’t care about the price, choose ready-made tablets. There is another option: for one evening, stock up on inexpensive tablets for washing dishes in the dishwasher. How aesthetic they will be depends on the correct ratio of ingredients and the forms in which the mixture will be laid.

Do-it-yourself dishwasher tablets? Why not! You will need the most elementary components to make a cleaning agent that is not inferior in effectiveness to its store "colleagues".

Whoever has this miracle unit knows that without tablets it is impossible to thoroughly clean dirty dishes. It is quite natural that the more often the equipment is used, the more "improvised means" it consumes. Unfortunately, they cannot be attributed to the cheapest products in the category of household chemicals. But there is good news: for those who want to save money, there is a way out - homemade dishwasher tablets. How to make them with your own hands? There is nothing difficult in this.

What will be needed?

Contrary to popular belief, making dishwasher tablets does not require any complex, “secret” ingredients that are inaccessible to the layman. We need a set of simple and well-known products, namely:

  • 2 cups of baking soda;
  • 1 glass of salt;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1/2 cup citric acid;
  • it is also necessary to prepare containers for ice - plastic or silicone.

How to make do-it-yourself dishwasher tablets?

  1. First you need to change the consistency of part of the soda we have prepared. Sprinkle 1 cup of baking soda on a baking sheet and place it in an oven heated to 200 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. Stir occasionally so that the baking soda doesn't burn or stick to the metal. Once removed from the oven, it will be more fluffy and matte, making it an excellent base for homemade dishwasher tablets.
  2. Pour the heated baking soda into a bowl. Send the remaining soda, salt and citric acid. Stir lightly with a spoon, then add a little water. The substance will begin to foam, so subsequent portions of water must be added when the foaming process stops. This is necessary so as not to provoke leakage of the entire mixture outside the vessel. Mix well.
  3. Put 1-1.5 teaspoons of the mass into ice molds. It is necessary to quickly distribute the resulting substance into containers, since it tends to thicken rapidly. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. After this time, remove your handmade dishwasher tablets from the molds and transfer them to an airtight jar.
  5. Use them as needed.