Useful properties of violets. Description and medicinal properties of tricolor violet

Tricolor violet (tricolor) or popularly known as Pansies- famous not only for its delicate beauty, but also for its ability to heal various diseases. The ancient Greeks knew about its medicinal properties, who insisted the leaves and flowers of the plant on wine. It was believed that such a drink gives strength to the sick and promotes a quick recovery. Today, more is known about this plant than in antiquity, the composition of the plant has been studied, so its use for treatment has become justified. What medicinal properties Violet tricolor shows, are there any contraindications to it? We will discuss these issues right now.

Violet tricolor - a wonderful healer

tricolor violet - herbaceous plant, growing mainly in the meadows of the Caucasus, Western Siberia and in Europe. In all countries where this flower grows, it is used in traditional medicine. Besides, beneficial features violets are recognized in traditional medicine- it is used in pharmaceuticals for the manufacture of a number of drugs and homeopathic remedies.

The chemical composition of the plant is quite diverse and saturated. In the aerial part of the flower, scientists have found salicylic acid and a number of its derivatives, which can have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the mucous inclusions, this variety of violets effectively treats coughs. In the composition of the leaves and stems of the plant, the following substances were found - ascorbic acid, tannins, coumarins, essential oils, flavonoids, tannins, polysaccharides, as well as acids (ursolic, tartaric).

Thanks to this composition, Pansies are successfully used to treat arthritis, gout, acne on the skin and dermatitis, cough and other diseases, including digestive tract.

Healing properties of violets

One of the most pronounced medicinal properties of the flower is its anti-inflammatory effect. No wonder teas and decoctions from Pansies are recommended for use by people suffering from diseases of the joints and kidneys. In a similar way, violet helps with purulent inflammations - furunculosis and acne, as well as with difficult-to-heal wounds and ulcers. With such diseases, the grass not only relieves inflammation, but also inhibits the reproduction of harmful bacteria, and disinfects the skin.

Violet tricolor is an indispensable cough remedy, and it is used even for serious respiratory diseases - tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis. Decoctions from the aerial part of the flower help to improve the discharge of the resulting mucus and soften the airways.

The sedative effect of the plant allows it to be used for insomnia, nervous disorders and overexcitement. Teas and decoctions help to get rid of disturbing thoughts and relax. At infectious diseases intestines and inflammatory processes in the digestive organs, the herbaceous part of the violet is also effective. The use of decoctions and infusions of Pansies helps to eliminate harmful bacteria and relieves pain.

Readers of "Popular about Health" should know that tricolor violet is also useful for hypertensive patients - it can lower blood pressure. This plant also has a diuretic effect, so it is recommended to drink it for diseases of the genitourinary system and edema of various origins. With cystitis, baths from a decoction of the aerial part of the violet will help.

How to use the plant

The official instructions for the tricolor violet herb contain information on how to properly prepare an infusion from this raw material. If you bought the herb in filter bags, then brew 2 bags with a glass of boiling water in a teapot or thermos. Leave for at least 3 hours. Ready infusion drink a tablespoon three times a day. This dosage is indicated if you use raw materials as an expectorant or diuretic.

If the raw materials in the box are not packaged in bags, then the recommended dose for brewing in a glass of water is 1 teaspoon (3 grams). Accordingly, 2 tablespoons of raw materials are taken per liter of boiling water.

Violets contraindications

Despite all the abundance of useful properties, tricolor violet has contraindications. For example, decoctions and teas with its addition should not be drunk by pregnant girls, as this plant tones the uterine muscles. This is dangerous - it is fraught with miscarriage or premature labor. However, it is not forbidden to use the plant externally.

If you usually have low blood pressure, then you should not take drugs and decoctions that contain tricolor violet. If an allergy to this plant is identified, it is also impossible to be treated with any means containing components of the tricolor violet raw materials. Doctors do not recommend children under 12 years of age to be treated with this medicinal plant. Contraindications also include the following conditions - gastric ulcer in the acute phase, cholelithiasis, as well as the lactation period.

Such a delicate and cute flower, tricolor violet, shows its healing properties quite brightly, but there are a lot of contraindications to it. Therefore, do not start treatment thoughtlessly without consulting a doctor. Perhaps some health problems that you have will be aggravated when you begin to be treated with Pansies. To avoid this and get the expected effect from taking drugs based on this plant, you need to have some knowledge and experience in the medical field.

violet flowers- multi-colored flowers of a plant whose Latin name sounds like "Viola". Violets have become very popular as indoor plants. The flower is considered a family amulet, in a house where there are many well-groomed violets, love and comfort reign. Africa is considered the birthplace of violets. The plant is a small bush with beautiful flowers. different shades(see photo).

Legends say that the violet is a nymph turned into a flower who asked Zeus for protection when Apollo began to pursue her. Another legend says that one day the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite decided to take a dip in the grotto. Several men decided to look at the beautiful body of the goddess, but they were noticed by her. The enraged Aphrodite demanded from Zeus that he punish the men for their curiosity and sentence them to death. Zeus took pity on the unfortunate and turned them into beautiful flowers, which to this day resemble prying eyes. In the people, field violets are often called "pansies".

According to astrologers, violet belongs to the zodiac sign of Taurus. small plant very sensitive to mood swings in the household and the general psychological microclimate in the family. Like Taurus, violets are a symbol of harmony and stability. Violets are considered excellent vegetable "cleaners" of space. Due to its zodiac connection with Taurus, the plant brings prosperity to the house. Violet cleanses and aligns the energy in the house. violets white color recommended to breed people who are in a state of nervous breakdown. These flowers symbolize purity, peace, tranquility.

  • White flowers are perfect for little kids, they help toddlers to overcome aggression. If you are a vulnerable person, be sure to get a white violet: this plant will help you not worry over trifles and become less anxious. White violets will cleanse the soul of quarrels with a loved one and help to survive parting.
  • Red and pink violet flowers will help you stay healthy. In a house where such flowers grow, people practically do not get sick. Red violets help to overcome bad habits, for example, to cope with overeating. In addition, these plants are ideal for pessimists and people who are not satisfied with their lives. These flowers perfectly "pull" a person out of depression, change his attitude to life. Red and pink flowers help to understand the whole wisdom of the phrase: “if you can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards it.”
  • Purple flowers most suitable for teachers, teachers, psychologists. Purple symbolizes wisdom, awakens spirituality. Such violets contribute to the establishment of psychological contact, mutual understanding. Violet is a combination of aggressive red and calm of blue color, it helps to focus on meditation, its connection with the human intellect is also known.

Care and cultivation

Growing violets is one of the most rewarding activities for balancing the spirit. Breeding violets is recommended for old lonely people or those who lack spiritual warmth. A pot of violets is perfect for a bedroom or for a child's room. These flowers are very unpretentious, even a child can grow a flower.

Violets are propagated by cuttings (this is the easiest way). The first step in growing violets is rooting the leaves in water. Leaves take root in an average of 2-4 weeks, depending on the variety. At the bottom of the container where the violet sprouts, it is better to put a charcoal tablet: this will help maintain the necessary microflora. Next, the violet is transplanted into a pot and placed in a sunny place.

Plant care consists of regular watering. Violets should be watered with settled water at room temperature. As a rule, violets often bloom and do well even with minimal care. The plant is very afraid of drafts, so it is better to put a pot of violet in a secluded place.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of violet flowers are due to its rich chemical composition. Violet contains salicylic acid, which makes it effective tool for the treatment of skin diseases. In medicine and cosmetology, the plant is used advantageously in the form of an extract. Violet has a calming effect, gives the skin radiance, makes it well-groomed. The plant is shown in the presence of peeling on the skin. Violet is a plant phytoestrogen that protects the body from the harmful effects of stress. Violet extract is often included in oily skin care products. At home, you can prepare a decoction of violets, which will cleanse the skin and help fight excessive oiliness. The plant is great for treating acne, as it contains antibacterial components. Violet miraculously relieves any inflammation, prevents signs of aging.

Violet extract is added to shampoos in order to tone the scalp, this component can be used to reduce inflammation in hair loss and dandruff.

Use in cooking

In cooking, violet flowers are used for cooking original desserts. It is known that the candied flowers of this plant were the favorite delicacy of Elizabeth of Bavaria, the Austrian queen. The tradition of using violet petals to make desserts dates back to 1906 in France. Until our time, violet is used for culinary purposes, however, now more as a flavor for drinks and sweets. Violet petals are added to sugar to give it pleasant aroma. The flowers of the plant perfectly complement cakes, pastries, pastries. Violet is also used to make jams and marmalades. Some housewives add these flowers to marinades. Violet petals frozen in ice cubes are great for garnishing drinks or cocktails.

Violet flowers have a sweetish taste, making them ideal for desserts. These modest flowers go well with ice cream, fruit jelly, cake. It is best to collect flowers for food purposes in the morning. Before use, the flowers must be washed in cold water and dried on a paper towel, it is important to ensure that the delicate petals are not damaged.

Candied violet petals it's very easy to cook. one cup fresh flowers violets are covered with beaten egg whites and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Flowers can be used to make any desserts.

Violet flower benefits and treatment

The benefits of violets are known for diseases of the joints. An infusion of flowers will help relieve pain syndrome with gout. To do this, flower petals are brewed and taken as tea. A few tablespoons of dry raw materials are poured with boiling water for 2 hours and they drink half a glass 3 times a day. It is customary to collect a three-leaf violet when it is flowering, the collected plant is dried in a cool room, and a finished plant can also be bought at a pharmacy.

Tricolor violet is used as blood purifier, which helps with rashes, boils and other skin problems. A tablespoon of raw materials is poured with boiling water and wrapped for several hours until cool. The infusion should be taken half a cup up to 4 times a day. The infusion is also effective for colds, diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. The plant can be used as a diuretic. To do this, the tricolor violet is brewed and drunk as tea. The drink helps with kidney diseases, effective for gout.

Based on violets, traditional medicine recommends using an infusion that will help cleanse the uterus and blood after childbirth. To do this, a drink is brewed from violets, as well as string, strawberry leaves and walnuts. All herbs are mixed in equal proportions, so that 50 grams of raw materials are obtained. Such tea will help to recover after a difficult birth. Take a drink in half a glass up to 6 times a day.

Harm of violet flowers and contraindications

Violets can cause harm to the body with prolonged use, with an overdose, a rash and nausea may occur. AT fresh Violet tricolor can be toxic.

Violet tricolor: medicinal properties and uses

Good day to you, dear readers of my blog. Surely you have heard of this medicinal plant like Violet tricolor?! Today we will talk about its medicinal properties and use in traditional medicine.

Tricolor violet |Víola trícolor| violet

● The plant is known by several folk names: Pansies, Ivan da Marya, Kamchug, Magpie, Triflower, Scrofula. A simple plant with delicate and lovely flowers will not leave the soul of a person in love with nature without sensual attention. No wonder in many regions of Russia and the CIS countries they gave a wonderful name - pansies. Violet tricolor - one of the early plants and, like snowdrops, immediately after the snow appear here and there, although no other plants are visible around.

● An annual herbaceous plant with a straight stem, the lower leaves are ovoid on petioles, and the upper ones are elongated and almost without petioles. The main distinguishing feature of the tricolor violet is its large flowers with a spur. The corolla of the flower consists of five petals: one lower white-bluish with stripes, a yellow mouth, two upper ones are purple, two side ones are blue. An amazing beauty with a small stature - 15-20 centimeters. Violet begins to bloom early - from April until August itself (quite a long time!). During these months it is harvested. For medicinal purposes, the entire aerial part of the plant is used. And you need to look for a violet on the outskirts of fields and meadows.

Medicinal properties of tricolor violet and its use in traditional medicine

● In the old days in Russia (especially in the countryside) people often suffered from scrofula. To treat this disease, healers used a string, its decoctions and bathing children in them. Then they began to add bittersweet nightshade to the series, as a result of which the result of the treatment improved. Well, when they began to add a tricolor violet, called Averin tea, to the collection, things went smoothly very quickly.

● Averin tea: chop four parts of tricolor violet and string, one part of bittersweet nightshade herb. Pour one tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. After straining, take 3-4 times a day before meals for a tablespoon.

● Violet tricolor has a beneficial effect on hacking dry cough. Infusions of the plant increase the secretory activity of the bronchial glands, thin the sputum, thereby improving its expectoration. Infusions activate metabolic processes, improve urine and sweating. These properties were discovered during the treatment of scrofula tricolor violet. When using the roots of the plant, only their laxative properties were identified. Thus, it is more expedient to use tricolor violet for those accompanied by a coughing problem, as well as for skin diseases, primarily with scrofula.

● In the treatment of skin diseases (pustules, rashes, acne), infusions should be taken orally, and decoctions should be used for external use (washing). The expectorant and antitussive effect of tricolor violet turned out to be so effective that in official medicine they began to produce a drug from it called trivolin.

● In the nature around us, you can encounter a plant that looks like a tricolor violet. This is a field violet, which, unlike the first, has small, whitish-yellow flowers. There is no tricolor in the field violet - tricolor. Please note that excessive consumption of field violets can lead to discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract and even.

Recipes for infusions and decoctions of tricolor violet

● Fill with a liter cold water three tablespoons of the plant, bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour. Insist 10 minutes and strain. Use for baths and douches for skin diseases.

● An ancient remedy for lubricating skin areas affected by scrofula. Grind and mix one tablespoon of budra and two tablespoons of tricolor violet herb. Boil the resulting mixture for ten minutes in 150 ml. sunflower oil, insist 24 hours and strain.

● For a wider range of actions in the treatment of skin diseases, use the following recipe. Grind and mix equal parts centaury and tricolor violet, equal parts, hoof leaves, bittersweet nightshade grass, herbs. Two tablespoons of the collection pour half a liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and strain. Take three times a day for half a cup before meals.

You can find more information about tricolor violet on Wikipedia.

Stay healthy and God bless you!!!

Violet (lat.Viola) is a genus of plants belonging to the Violet family. There are about five hundred species of them, and according to some sources - about seven hundred. The most common of them are: tricolor violet, fragrant violet (pansies, three-flower, Ivan da Marya), field violet.

Most representatives of the genus are one- or two-year-old herbaceous plants with a thin root and several hollow stems from ten to thirty to forty centimeters high. Violet stems rise and end in single flowers two to three centimeters long. They are simple or branched, and may be erect or nearly recumbent. The leaves are alternate, blunt-toothed, have short hairs and large stipules. Its lower leaves are broadly ovate, petiolate, and the upper ones are oblong, almost sessile.

The field violet has yellow petals, the size of its corolla is smaller than the calyx. Violet tricolor has multi-colored petals, which are located on long peduncles. As a rule, the two upper petals are painted in purple, and the three lower ones are white or yellow, the central part is yellow-orange, its corolla, unlike the field violet, is larger than the calyx.

Representatives of the violet genus bloom from mid-spring to late autumn, begin to bear fruit in June. The fruit is an oblong-ovoid capsule, which cracks into three wings. Seeds obovate, yellowish-brown. Violet grows in dry meadows, roadside meadows, pine forests on forest edges and glades, grain crops, and it also grows in ditches, ditches, gardens and parks. Distributed in almost all parts of Europe and Asia. It can often be found in the Caucasus, Belarus, the Far East, Ukraine, Western and Eastern Siberia.

Procurement and storage

The raw material is violet grass, which is harvested from spring or the first half of summer (it all depends on the species), and until the last month of autumn. During its flowering period, with a knife or sickle, at a distance of five to ten centimeters from the surface of the earth, they are completely cut off. above-ground part, discarding unnecessary bare lower stems, after which it is put into bags or baskets without compacting. Each type of violet is placed in a separate container.

The drying process is carried out in natural conditions: in attics or in sheds that are well ventilated. To do this, the grass is laid out in a thin layer (from five to seven centimeters) on a cloth or paper, periodically turned over. The raw material is considered dried if, at the time of bending the stems, they break easily. Then dry grass is placed in bales or bags and sent for storage in dry, well-ventilated warehouses, where they will stand on racks or pedestals. Dry raw materials can be stored for up to two years. Harvesting should be carried out no more than once every two years.

The composition and medicinal properties of violets

The grass of most members of the Violet family contains flavonoids, carotenoids, saponins, essential oil (with salicylic acid and methyl ester), ascorbic acid, tannins, violaemetin alkaloid. Also, it contains up to 25% of mucous polysaccharides. This plant is officially considered medicinal and is widely used in medicine.

  1. Violet has a choleretic, antimicrobial, sedative, diuretic, diaphoretic effect. It refers to plants that are used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, with the normalization of metabolism, with gout, rheumatism. Useful for enuresis, urethritis, cystitis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.
  2. Violet-based preparations have an expectorant effect, due to which they are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, cough, bronchitis, pleurisy, whooping cough, tuberculosis. A decoction is prescribed for gargling with flu and sore throat, as well as with throat cancer.
  3. Preparations containing violet grass are recommended for hysteria, insomnia, epilepsy, convulsions, headaches, nervous seizures, and also for palpitations.
  4. The plant in the form of a decoction is used as a method of treating skin diseases, festering wounds, exudative diathesis, furunculosis. Compresses soaked in steamed violet leaves are used in the treatment of neoplasms of various origins, including tumors of the uterus and intestines.
  5. Preparations from violet seeds irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system, in large doses it has an emetic and laxative effect.
  6. Application in traditional medicine

    A decoction to cleanse the blood, with bronchitis and skin diseases

    Pour a tablespoon of pre-shredded plant with a glass of boiling water, put on fire and cook for three to five minutes, then let it brew for about ten minutes. Then strain through cheesecloth and drink a glass two to three times every day. From the decoction, you can make compresses for skin diseases, applying them to the affected areas of the body.

    Infusion for inflammation of the kidneys and organs of the digestive tract, for colds

    Pour a tablespoon of violet leaves (5 g) into enamel pan and pour a glass of boiling water, cover, then put for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. Refrigerate for 45 minutes at room temperature and strain. Squeeze out the rest well. Take internally half a cup several times a day.

    Tea for skin diseases, gout, rheumatism, blood purification

    Pour two teaspoons of raw materials with a quarter liter of hot boiled water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Drink three glasses every day. In the treatment of skin diseases, this tea should be washed with the affected areas.

    Tea for the prevention of colds

    Take a tablespoon of violet leaves and linden leaves and pour them with one glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Drink three glasses daily.

    Tea for cleansing the blood

    Prepare a mixture consisting of: 10 grams of violet leaves, 15 grams of dandelion root, 5 grams of fennel fruit, 5 grams of elder flowers, 10 grams of buckthorn bark, 5 grams of horsetail. Pour a teaspoon with a slide of the resulting mixture of herbs with a glass of hot boiled water and let it brew in a warm place for half an hour, previously covered with a lid. Drink warm, one glass in small sips two to three times a day.

    Herbal Infusion for Acne

    Mix in equal parts violet grass, Veronica officinalis herb, tripartite herb. Dial the mixture in two tablespoons and pour it with a quarter liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Take after meals, drinking a glass at a time. The recommended daily dose is 800 ml.

    Infusion of a mixture of herbs for angina

    One tablespoon of the mixture, consisting of equal parts of violet, string, strawberry leaves and nettle corollas, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Drink a glass three times a day.

    Violet petal juice for rectal prolapse in a child

    Crush fresh violet petals until juice appears, which must be mixed with large quantity honey or sugar and give the child a drink.

    Violet leaf compress for mastitis

    Grind fresh herbs in such a way that a slurry is obtained. Apply it to the affected area and bandage it. After three or four days, change the compress.

    Infusion of violets with exudative diathesis

    A tablespoon with a slide (4-8 g) of dry violets pour one and a half cups of boiling water and put on all night. In the morning, bring the infusion to a boil, then let it cool and, adding a little sweetened milk, drink it on an empty stomach. Take in the morning for two to three weeks.

    Violet oil in the treatment of skin diseases

    Mix half a glass of vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) with 10 g of violet and 5 g of ivy budra leaves. Bring to a boil and leave to simmer for 10 minutes, then insist and strain. Take a napkin, soak it with the resulting oil and attach it to the affected area.

    Tea from a mixture of herbs for children's diathesis

    Mix the following ingredients: four parts chopped violet herb, four parts string and one part bittersweet nightshade. In a tablespoon, collect the mixture and pour boiling water (one glass), let it brew until completely cooled. Take a tablespoon three times a day after meals.

    Contraindications for use

  • There are no contraindications to the use of violet-based preparations, however, when they are used for a long time or in large doses, abdominal pain, as well as diarrhea and vomiting, may occur.
  • In some cases, with prolonged use of violet tea, an allergic rash may appear, which disappears after stopping the intake.
  • If it is necessary to continue taking violets, the course of treatment should be interrupted for one month, after which the reception can be resumed.

Few people know that tricolor violet among the people has many names: pansies, funny eyes, kamchuk, earthflower, and so on. Pansies have served since ancient times folk remedy from many diseases, such as cough, gout, rheumatism, thrush, furunculosis.


This annual plant, listed in Latin like viola tricolor, reaches a height of 20-45 cm. The stem of the violet is straight, branched, deciduous and recumbent.

Leaves can be elongated and oval. The flowers of the plant are quite large and differ not only in shape and appearance, but also in color: blue, purple, light blue and purple. You can find yellow and white flowers. The flowering period lasts throughout the summer, from May to August. In June, the elongated three-headed top of the plant begins to ripen, storing seeds in itself that contribute to the further reproduction of the flower. Violet tricolor is much smaller than the usual garden counterpart and is always painted in three different colors.


The plant is widely distributed in the countries Far East, throughout Europe, in some parts of Siberia and Central Asia. Violet tricolor prefers to grow in places of fertile soil, in valleys and pastures, between bushes, in mixed and coniferous forest glades. Having chosen the loosened soil, the plant can be placed on grain crops and upland. Many lovers of bouquets often pluck these flowers, not even realizing how many useful and healing properties they have.

Distinctive characteristics

Violet is a herbaceous plant. The rod-shaped root has a characteristic brown tint. From the root, several stems can grow at once, branched into different sides. Often the stem, like violet leaves, is bare, but sometimes it is covered with small hairs. lower leaves grow in the form of long petioles, and the upper ones have small petioles and 2 stipules. The flowers of the plant on oblong stalks grow to about 1.5 cm in diameter. They are known as one-pair, five-membered, irregular, with multi-colored petals.

Chemical composition

All parts of the plant, including flowers, stem and leaves, contain many elements: essential oil, vitamin C, dyes and tannins, polysaccharides, flavonoids (vitexin, orientin, rutin), saponins, coumarins and carotenoids. Ascorbic, ursulic, tartaric and salicylic acids are also present in violets. Plant roots have various alkaloids (nitrogen-containing organic compounds) in their composition. In addition, the plant contains mucus, which helps to relieve coughing fits.

Useful and medicinal properties

It is quite difficult to determine the main direction of the plant's action. The wild violet flower is used both in folk and official medicine.

Violet tricolor promotes expectoration, which occurs due to the mucosal fluid and essential oil. In addition, violet helps in the fight against a number of such diseases: diathesis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, rheumatism, gout, pleurisy, runny nose, helps with inflammation of the bladder and lungs. Various drugs with violet have an antispasmodic effect, are used in the fight against thrush. The powder prepared on the basis of a plant serves a good remedy against a variety of skin diseases such as dermatitis, lichen, eczema, furunculosis and others. In addition to the powder, the doctor can also prescribe violet tincture. It is worth noting that an overdose of the plant can provoke vomiting, and this remedy is prescribed quite rarely, which is caused by the absence of directed active substances in violets.


The scope of violet is determined depending on the specific part of the plant. For example, the leaves are used as various poultices, and the flowers are used for tinctures. In traditional medicine, violet is used as an expectorant, and in folk plant used in the fight against venereal and nervous diseases, with cystitis, arthritis, stuttering, problems of the gastrointestinal tract and angina pectoris. Violet tricolor is used for dental purposes, prevents inflammation and has an antiseptic effect. In pharmacies, violet is sold in the form of various syrups, extracts, gelatin capsules and powders.

Traditional medicine recipes

Violet tricolor grass has been used in alternative medicine for centuries as various tinctures, decoctions and teas that have a beneficial effect on patients:

  • an infusion from the plant was taken orally at the rate of 10 g of dried herb per glass of water. Drink 2-4 times a day after meals for cough, gout, bronchitis, whooping cough and cystitis. A decoction of 200 g of water, in which 20 g of the plant is brewed, is recommended to be used on the skin in the form of lotions, for various rashes, abscesses and itching. A bath, the water in which is diluted with a decoction, is advised to take with diathesis;
  • the most common is water infusion (napar). About 20 grams of herbs are steamed in a glass of water, after which they consume a quarter of the total throughout the day. An overdose in this case can cause intestinal irritation. Such a solution cleanses the blood well;
  • very popular teas based on violet tricolor. Preparing tea is quite simple: 50 grams of dried flowers are steamed with 1 liter of water. Take this tea should be 5-6 times, drinking half a glass at a time. Women recovering from a difficult birth process are advised to drink tea, which includes tricolor violet. The components of this and other plants such as string, strawberry and Walnut, added to the tea of ​​the woman in labor, which helps to cleanse the uterus. In addition to women in childbirth, people who want to increase the activity and activity of the kidneys, patients with rheumatism, rickets, scrofula and articular rheumatism, drink tea based on tricolor violet. The use of such tea in medicine is quite rare;
  • to purify the blood, the following infusion is prepared: 10 g of tricolor violet and buckthorn bark, 15 g of chicory grass, 5 g of horsetail, fennel fruits and elder flowers are thoroughly mixed. Then, taking 1 teaspoon of the mixture, steam it with 250 g of water and, having covered it, insist for 15 minutes. Drink in small sips of 1-3 cups during the day, warm or chilled.

Violet tricolor, whose properties are very versatile, perfectly interacts with other plant forms, allowing you to cure many different diseases.

For example, with cystitis, you can prepare a bath with such a collection of herbs: five parts of birch and currant leaves, two parts of tricolor violet, 3 parts of oregano, 4 parts of thyme and 1 part of eucalyptus leaves mix well. Then 3 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into 1 liter of water and brought to a boil. After the remedy has been infused, it can be consumed.

Violet tricolor shows its beneficial properties in the treatment of many diseases. The product is prepared from fresh flowering plants. It is prescribed for various eczema, skin rashes, thrush and itching in the vagina. Tincture gives positive results in the fight against sweating and rheumatism.

Cosmetology: application of tricolor violet

Thanks to the mucous and moisturizing components, the plant is widely known in cosmetology. Tincture and lotions are used in the treatment of diseases of the sebaceous glands of the skin of the face and head, with purulent inflammation and acne.

Often violet is insisted for several hours with vegetable oil, after which it is ready for the treatment of dry seborrhea. By combining violet with plants such as chamomile, dandelion and others, you can get a healing and healthy decoction that is applied to the skin and hair of the head after the next wash. Many people suffering from dry skin prepare the oil of the plant by combining violet with regular oil and heating it for half an hour. Thereafter ready mix used as a means of moisturizing and healing the skin, which is based on tricolor violet. The medicinal properties of the herb are widely used in various fields of cosmetology and medicine.

plant harvesting

The process of harvesting and collecting a flower begins in the flowering season or at the time of bud formation.

Violet tricolor, the use of which is very wide, is plucked by hand or cut with scissors. Flowers and leaves are dried in a dry and protected from sunlight place. Previously, the heads and leaves of the plant are laid out on a cotton cloth or other clean material. Dried flowers need to be turned regularly. Dry flowers of violet tricolor should be stored in a wooden or glass container over the course of 2 years.

Side effects

Not all people tolerate teas and infusions from tricolor violet well. For some, allergic reactions begin to appear during prolonged use, disappearing immediately after stopping the intake. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before treatment and use of violets. This will help confirm the diagnosis, avoid the manifestation of a negative reaction and make sure that the chosen course of treatment is correct.


Some people experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and rashes with prolonged use or increased doses. It is not recommended to combine the usual violet and tricolor. Do not forget that the tricolor violet, the use of which can be found almost everywhere - poisonous flower Therefore, compliance with established doses and norms plays an important role. The poison contained in the seeds of the plant can harm animals and humans by causing upset and irritation of the intestines. In the case when long-term use of violets is necessary, you need to take a break for 1 month, after which you can continue taking the remedy. It is also not recommended to use violets fresh because of their toxic properties.

It is worth noting that tricolor violet, the beneficial properties of which are known throughout the world, lends itself successful cultivation on the suburban area, balcony or even on the windowsill. Having previously taken care of the seeds and soil, the plant is sown in late June or early July. The first sprouts will appear after two weeks, and already in the third week, when the sprouts stand up, they are transplanted from each other at a short distance. The plant easily tolerates frost, so it does not need additional insulation. Regular watering, fertilizing and care will provide long flowering and the fragrance of any garden, balcony or flower bed.