Radish than to process. How to treat flea radishes with folk remedies. Plant care

Every gardener growing a crop on the site met with radish pests. In nature, there are enough people who want to feast on the juicy roots of insects.

Often the gardener does not pay attention to the condition of the plants. Damaged tops - you think, enough for everyone. Some adhere to the rule: plant enough to be enough for yourself, friends and enemies.

Sometimes there are too many of the latter. By the time of ripening, there is nothing to remove: the radish is small, corroded, tough. Who is guilty? Pests!

Common signs of pest damage to radishes

The gardener should inspect the plantings during the entire period of ripening of the root crop. It is recommended to be alert when:

  • damage to the growth point on young plants;
  • perforated leaves;
  • oppression of seedlings;
  • slow development and growth of tops;
  • damage to the protruding part of root crops.

Even in isolated cases, it is necessary to identify the pest and carry out work to protect the culture.

The main pests of radish and how to deal with them

The radish belongs to the Cruciferous family. She has common pests with cabbage, turnips, rutabagas. When related crops are affected, attention should be paid to the state of the crop planting.

Cruciferous flea

A very dangerous pest. It is able to destroy seedlings before real leaves grow back.

This is a bouncing bug. It hibernates as adults under uncleared plant debris. When warm weather approaches, it becomes active. Before crops cultivated plants lives on wild representatives of the Cruciferous family. After sprouting of radish, turnip, radish feeds on young leaves.

In delicate plants it gnaws through holes. On the harder ones, it makes indentations. Period of activity: from morning to 1 pm and from 4 pm to 6 pm Hot weather encourages reproduction.

The flea lays eggs in the ground. The larvae live on young roots. They also feed on them. Landings disappear.

  • remove plant residues;
  • dig deep into the ground in the fall;
  • bring in mineral fertilizers into the soil;
  • observe crop rotation;
  • fight weeds;
  • apply sealing planting of protective plants.

Gardeners dust the ridges with ash and tobacco dust. V difficult cases it is recommended to use insecticides.

Caterpillars of the white butterfly

This insect is familiar to every adult. Children and townspeople are touched by him. The butterfly itself is not harmful to the radish: it feeds on the nectar of flowers (alfalfa, dandelion, clover).

But she lays her eggs on the tops. From them, voracious caterpillars develop, which feed on leaves. In advanced cases, they completely destroy the radish tops. The root crop stops developing.

The gardener should regularly inspect the plantings. Pay attention to the back of the leaves. Dispose of egg and caterpillar clutches immediately.

Exists folk methods protection of plants from whites. Sticks with halves are stuck along the perimeter of the ridge eggshells... The butterfly does not like competition and flies to lay its eggs elsewhere.

Some gardeners thickly sprinkle the plantings with sifted furnace ash. Belyaka is clean. Will not multiply on dirty leaves. After rain and wind, the protection is renewed.

Spring cabbage fly

Refers to the type of flower flies. Mass years begins with the blooming of the bird cherry and cherry, ends after the lilac blooms.

The fly itself feeds on nectar. She pollinates the plants. But its larvae harm gardeners. The fly lays its eggs in the soil under the radish plantings. The hatched larvae gnaw through tender roots, build passages. Outwardly, the radish looks depressed, the tops begin to wither.

At the first signs of damage to plantings by a flower fly, it is necessary to start a fight. Damaged roots should be dug up and burned. Treat the soil with an insecticide.

Prevention gives excellent results. Weeds must be removed from the site. Protective measures:

  1. It is recommended to plant plants with a pungent aroma around the perimeter: marigolds, celery. They will scare away the fly.
  2. The ridges should be mulched with coarse wood chips or covered with dark non-woven fabric: The fly has nowhere to lay its eggs.
  3. Stretch a net with fine meshes over the landings: the fly will not overcome the obstacle.

Some gardeners thickly sprinkle the ridges with stove ash: this prevents the pest from laying eggs.

Cruciferous bug

The cabbage bug hibernates under plant debris. When the heat comes, it flies out and lives on the weeds cruciferous plants... After the emergence of cultural moves on to them.

The female lays eggs on the back of the leaf. The larvae feed on the juice of the foliage. Small dots are visible in the light, they turn into spots. The leaf dies off, the plant weakens.

To combat the pest, insecticides are used. Excellent results gives prevention: destruction of weeds, digging the soil before winter.

Some gardeners attract the cabbage bug to the site: the variegated fly phasia and the egg-eating trisolcus. They naturally reduce the pest population.

Cabbage moth

This is the inconspicuous butterfly beige colour... She feeds on nectar. But its caterpillars are capable of destroying the radish harvest.

As soon as the pest begins to flutter over the ridges, the fight should begin. It is recommended to inspect the back of the leaves and the middle of the rosette. The caterpillars must be collected and destroyed, the eggs must be washed off with a solution of green soap. In case of severe lesions, the planting of the radish should be treated with insecticides.

Some gardeners reduce the pest population by using traps. A long-drying substance (pine resin, glue, grease) is applied to a piece of yellow cardboard or plastic. Butterflies stick to the composition. Insect traps are destroyed and replaced with new ones. This method helps to identify other winged pests of the radish..

Cabbage moth

This is a night pest. The butterfly is painted dirty gray. She lays on the underside of the egg. Young caterpillars make holes in the leaves of the radish, while the stronger ones gnaw right through the bot. Then the caterpillars go underground to winter.

To get rid of the pest will help preventive actions... You should dig deep into the soil, remove weeds, observe crop rotation and neighborhood rules.

Some gardeners, to scare away a butterfly, lay out pieces of synthetic material soaked in kerosene or tar among the plantings. Insecticides should be used with caution for early varieties of radish.

Rapeseed sawfly

The insect's ovipositor is similar to a serrated saw. With this, the female pierces the leaves on the underside and lays eggs. The caterpillars hatch. They eat the tops. After them, veins remain from the leaves.

Most active in warm dry weather. Precipitation and cold snap are destructive for them. The larvae wait for a short rain on the underside of the leaves.

The rider wasp is the sawfly's natural enemy. She lays eggs in the body of the caterpillar. Beneficial insects should be attracted to the site.

In rainy weather, the caterpillars must be collected and destroyed. In case of large populations of the pest, it is recommended to use insecticides.

Rapeseed beetle

A shiny blue-green beetle. Hibernates in the ground. When the soil warms up to 10 degrees Celsius, it comes to the surface.

Active from May to the end of June. Eats out the buds from the inside. Prefers rapeseed, but damages any cruciferous plants (and radishes too). Able to destroy 70% of the crop. At the first signs of planting, it is recommended to treat it with an insecticide.


Damage to the tops and parts of root crops protruding above the soil surface. They eat at night. During the day they hide under the boards, plant remains.

Aphids should be washed off the leaves with a green soap solution. To attract ladybirds marigolds, calendula, chamomile are planted next to radish ridges. Spraying with infusions of tobacco or orange peels will help scare off aphids.


A shiny green bug. Spends winter in the upper layers of the soil, under manure, plant heaps. When warm weather comes, climbs up.

She gnaws at the leaves. The plant weakens and stops developing. Additional harm: transfers fungal and bacterial diseases to healthy plants.

Gardeners are fighting babanukha in different ways:

  • harvested by hand;
  • try not to miss the date of planting the radish;
  • spray the ridges with insecticides.

To reduce the risk of pest infestation, crop rotation should be followed. vegetable crops and remove plant residues.

Preventive methods of protection

Pest control takes a long time. The gardener spends energy on spraying and manual collection of insects. Much more effective prevention... Required:

  • free the site from weeds;
  • attract beneficial insects;
  • observe the crop rotation of vegetable crops;
  • plant nearby friendly plants;
  • observe the sowing time;
  • apply mineral fertilizers.

Hello dear friends!

Radish is one of the first crops to produce succulent roots in the beginning summer season, allowing you to fully enjoy the taste and benefits of spring vitamin salads. In order for plants to develop well and fruits to form in the ground, plantings must be protected from the main pests of all cruciferous crops- cruciferous flea beetles and white beetles. So, the topic of the article is radish pest control on the site.

Cruciferous flea beetle harm

Most often, young shoots of radish suffer from the invasion of cruciferous flea beetles - small dark-colored bugs jumping from place to place. They feed on the aerial part of young shoots, damaging the leaf apparatus.

The main sign of the presence of a pest in plantings is the appearance of a large number of holes in the tops. When the critical mass of leaf damage is reached, the plant lags behind in growth, practically does not develop, and may even die. At the same time, the underground part of the seedlings does not grow, so you can not count on the radish harvest.

A special distribution of pests is observed in dry weather and summer heat that are on the territory middle lane are usually installed from the end of May. Early sowing of the crop can give a full harvest before the mass distribution of cruciferous fleas.

Biological solutions and formulations against radish pests

To avoid the accumulation of toxic substances in the fruit, fans organic farming treat crops with natural agents that are completely decomposed into environment but toxic to insects.

Spraying on the leaves with an infusion of ash has proven itself well. To prepare a biological insecticide, 2 cups of plant ash (sifted) and 40 g of liquid or grated bar soap are diluted in a bucket of water to improve the adhesion of the composition.

The ash infusion should stand for 24 hours in the barn, after which it is filtered, poured into a spray bottle and the plantings are irrigated (abundant). To enhance the action of the solution, add a few drops to it essential oil fir, the scent of which fleas cannot stand. The treatments are repeated several times with an interval of 2-3 days.

Instead of ash, you can use tobacco dust. The solution is prepared in the same ratio. Tobacco has powerful insecticidal properties, repelling and destroying voracious insects.

How to process the crops of radish from the caterpillars of the whitetail

The second most dangerous enemy of radish is the leaf-gnawing caterpillars of the whitetail butterfly. They feed on juicy young radish greens and do the same harm as cruciferous fleas.

A combined solution of ground red pepper and table salt is used against the whites. For a standard bucket of water, take 2 tablespoons of mustard and salt and 1 heaped teaspoon of chili powder.

Spraying is performed in dry weather in the early morning or evening, so that the sun's rays do not burn the leaf plates through drops of liquid. If it rains after the treatment, irrigation should be repeated after the end of the rainfall.

Some plants planted along the perimeter or at the ends of the beds, as well as in the aisles of the crops, help scare off butterflies from radish crops. We are talking about perennials: mint, lemon balm, tansy, wormwood.

The described compositions work against cruciferous flea beetles and white beetles not only on the radish plantation. They are used for planting cabbage and its seedlings, as well as other crops belonging to the cruciferous family.

Watch a video about growing and controlling pests and diseases of radish (U Tatiana Info channel).

Effective radish pest control in the beds with the help folk recipes help you achieve good spring harvests! See you, friends!

Did you know? Due to its high content useful vitamins(A, B1, B2, B3, B6, E, C, P, PP), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium) and phytoncides radish is able to restore immune system a person after a long winter period.

With the mass distribution of babanukha, insecticides that are allowed for the treatment of radish are used - "Aktellik" and others.

Perhaps the most common and dangerous pest radish is a cruciferous flea. This is a small (2-3 mm) insect of a dark color (blue, black, green) with metallic luster that quickly jumps from plant to plant. Harmful to radish leaves by eating holes in them. It is capable of severely damaging the leaf plate, which disrupts the process of photosynthesis. As a result, the plant stops growing and may even die. The flea is especially dangerous for young radishes in the first two weeks after germination, since it is capable of completely destroying them. A favorable period for attacks of this pest is a dry hot summer.

Larvae overwinter in plant debris and soil. With the arrival of spring, they first settle on weeds belonging to the cabbage family, and when cultivated crucifers sprout, they massively migrate to them. Eggs are laid in the soil in early to mid-summer. One generation of the cabbage flea develops per season.

Control measures. To prevent damage to flea beds, radish is fertilized with slurry. You should also destroy weeds in time and carry out a thorough autumn cleaning and digging of the garden. In the process of growing a plant, it is necessary to feed it as much as possible, loosen the ground under it more often and water it. All this will accelerate the growth of radishes, and for a strong and well-developed plant, the flea will no longer pose a strong threat. Also, in hot weather, radish seedlings are covered with burdock leaves, fir branches.
Before sprinkling flea radishes with insecticides, you can try gentle folk methods. So, against this pest, treatment with a solution is used wood ash... It is prepared from 2 glasses of fresh ash, 50 g of grated laundry soap(1 tbsp.spoon liquid soap) diluted in 10 liters of water. The solution is left overnight, and early in the morning (before six o'clock), when the flea has not yet gone out to fish, leaves are treated with it. Pre-infusion must be filtered. Also, the solution is used immediately after watering.

You can just scatter wood ash over the garden. This procedure is carried out two to three times with an interval of four to five days. In the same way, radishes are treated with tobacco dust, ash, tansy powder (1 Matchbox/ 1 sq. m), celandine. Scare off the flea and infusions of garlic, tomato tops. After watering or rains, the treatment with these means must be repeated.

Important! When processing radishes folk remedies it must be transferred to drip irrigation. Otherwise, the solutions will wash off and do not have the desired effect.

Some gardeners cover the beds with agrospan, a white non-woven material, not strongly affected by young shoots. Or the crops are placed under plastic bottles... This helps to stop the flea from spreading for a while. After the seedlings get stronger, they must be opened and treated with an ash solution.

Sticky traps are also used. For this purpose, for example, flags made of fabric, plywood or paper, smeared with non-drying caterpillar glue, are placed near the plants. In the process of movement, fleas stick to the adhesive surface.

In the event that biological methods do not help and the threat of crop loss is great, they resort to the use of insecticidal preparations for cruciferous flea beetles. "Inta-Vir", "Aktellik", "Fufanon" will help to overcome it. Processing is carried out only in early dates development of radish.

Important! The use of insecticides for the treatment of radishes is an extreme forced measure when other methods in the fight against the pest proved to be powerless. Spraying is carried out no later than 20 days before harvest.

Belyanka - butterfly white with dark wingtips. It has a length of 20-25 mm, a wingspan of 40-50 mm. The butterfly itself does not harm the vegetable. But its larvae belong to the leaf-gnawing pests of radish. They eat leaves from the edges or gnaw through holes than cause serious harm to the plant. Caterpillars of a white wave of green color with light stripes reach a length of 30-40 mm. After emergence in March-May, white butterflies lay their eggs on the leaves of cabbage plants. 1-5 generations can develop during the season.

Control measures ... The main measures to combat these radish pests are:

  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • early sowing;
  • destruction of cruciferous weeds;
  • manual collection of caterpillars;
  • spraying with a solution of salt, mustard and ground pepper (2 tablespoons of mustard, 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of red or black ground pepper / 10 liters of water);
  • treatment with biological and chemical preparations (in case of mass destruction).

The number of pests can be reduced by planting dill, carrots, onions, fennel next to radishes. These plants are capable of attracting insects to the natural enemies of the white beetle.

Control measures. You can scare off the cabbage fly by sprinkling tobacco dust on the beds and plants at the base of the stem. You can use a mixture of tobacco dust with slaked lime or ash (1: 1). Processing is carried out every week. Also, the pest can be frightened by planting in the immediate vicinity of the celery radish.

It is important to follow the rules of agricultural technology: in particular, to loosen the soil after watering and rains, top dressing, weed control. To not give the fly pupae a chance to survive in winter period, in late autumn, it is necessary to carry out a deep digging of the earth in the garden. Early planting of radish is recommended.

Did you know? Not only the root vegetable of the radish is eaten, but also the leaves. They are used for making salads and soups.

Often, gardeners have to deal with such a pest as a cruciferous bug. It is this sucking insect that causes the leaves of the radish to turn yellow, and subsequently wither and die. The bug sucks the juices from the leaves. Spends winter under fallen leaves and plant debris. Control measures. With an invasion of a cruciferous bug, spraying with infusions of dope or henbane will help. They are prepared this way: a pound of dry flowering leaves pour a bucket of water, insist for 12 hours. Before use, stir in 30-40 g of soap. Chemical processing is undesirable. In extreme cases, Actellik or other drugs are used.

The cabbage moth is a moth of a gray-brown protective color. Its dimensions with a wingspan reach 14-18 mm. The butterfly leaves in May. She lays eggs on the bottom of the leaf plate. A week later, green caterpillars about 1 cm long appear from them. They feed on the pulp of radish leaves.

Control measures ... First of all, it is necessary to scare away butterflies so as not to give them the opportunity to lay eggs. Spraying with a tobacco solution (200 g dried leaves tobacco / 10 liters of boiling water), a decoction of citrus fruits, lavender.

Top dressing with superphosphate with calcium chloride has proven itself well. If necessary and mass destruction of plants (more than 10%), biological and chemical preparations are used. However, it should be remembered that during the ripening of the fruit, spraying the radish with such means is prohibited.

The moth caterpillars of the cabbage moth feed on the leaves of radishes and other cruciferous plants. They carry out their harmful activities throughout the month. They overwinter in the soil. It is easy to recognize the moth - it is dark yellow in color with dark spots on the front wings. With a wingspan, it reaches a size of 2.5 cm. Eggs are laid on the underside of the leaves. Its caterpillars are yellow with light stripes on the sides. Control measures. You can fight a fire rat by attracting it with a bright light, and then catching it. Weeds must be destroyed. Digging the ground in autumn. Radishes are best sown before the butterfly leaves.

In case of minor damage to eggs and caterpillars, it is necessary to destroy mechanically... You can apply foliar and root dressing with potassium and phosphorus. When overcoming the threshold of harmfulness of 10%, it is recommended to use insecticides ("Lepidotsid", "Bicol", "Fitoverm", "Agravertin", etc.).

The rape sawfly is able to completely gnaw the leaves of the radish, leaving only veins. Also damages buds and young shoots. Thus, it prevents the fruit from setting and provokes the death of the crop. Control measures... It is necessary to follow the agrotechnical rules for caring for vegetables: loosening the soil, eliminating weeds, observing crop rotation, getting rid of plant residues.

Although there are not so many pests, and the ripening period for it is so short that they do not have time to really harm, nevertheless, sometimes the crop is spoiled. To prevent this from happening again, you need to know how to protect and how to spray radishes from pests. Let's talk about this.

How to deal with radish pests?

The main pest of radish is the cruciferous flea. This tiny dark-colored beetle jumps dexterously and, despite its diminutive size, can have a significant negative effect on radishes. Fleas eat the leaves of the plant, leaving holes in them. And when they reach a certain size, the radish stops growing.

Naturally, the root crop does not ripen and sometimes even dies. It is necessary to pay attention to this pest already at the germination stage, since young plants are not able to resist the invasion of the pest for a long time. Cruciferous fleas are especially active in dry and hot weather.

So, how to treat radishes from these small pests:

  1. You can spray the leaves of the radish with a solution of wood ash (2 glasses of fresh ash in a bucket of water with the addition of 50 g of laundry soap).
  2. Ashes can not be diluted in water, but simply sprinkled on the garden bed so that it falls on the leaves. You can do the same with tobacco dust.
  3. For greater efficiency, young seedlings can be treated with the Inta-Vir insecticide. Spraying of neighboring cultivated plants will not hurt either. However, this should be done only as a last resort, since there is a risk of destruction of crops.

Advice: after processing the radish, it must be watered very carefully, best of all - by a drip method, so as not to wash off the applied control agents from the leaves.

Another enemy of the radish is the white woman, or rather its larvae. It's best to fight her without chemicals... For example, treat the beds with a solution mustard powder, table salt and ground pepper.

To prepare the solution, you need to take 2 tablespoons of mustard powder and salt and 1 teaspoon of red or black ground pepper. Dissolve this mixture in 10 liters of water and water the garden with radishes.

In addition to fighting radish pests, it is necessary to carry out preventive work - to remove weeds on time, observe the correct crop rotation, not be late with sowing seeds, early stages apply light covering material, water in a timely manner, loosen the plants in order to accelerate their growth.