What to do if the orchid does not bloom. Why do the leaves grow, but the orchid does not bloom? The orchid has faded, what to do with the peduncle

The orchid is a perennial herbaceous plants, the family of which includes about 30,000 species. IN natural conditions it does not grow in the ground, but is fixed on trees. Orangeries and botanical gardens were replenished with orchids in the middle of the 18th century. The flowers of this plant fascinate with their beauty and variety of forms. But attempts to grow them at home often lead to the fact that only the roots and leaves of the plant develop intensively. To find out why an orchid does not bloom, you need to understand the features of its breeding.

Why the orchid does not bloom at home

The natural habitat for orchids are areas with a tropical climate. If the conditions of the plant are very different from natural, you can wait for flowering for a long time. The main reasons for the lack of flowers are:

  • Lack of minerals. Orchids usually grow in small pots where the soil is quickly depleted. Periodically, the plant must be fed. Mineral fertilizers should contain nitrogen to a lesser extent, it ensures the growth of green mass, and potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus are required for the formation of peduncle buds. Pre-soil abundantly watered with water so as not to burn the roots. An aqueous solution of low concentration is made from dry fertilizers; an excess of minerals is also detrimental to the orchid.
  • Wrong watering. The orchid has rather wide leaves, from which moisture quickly evaporates. During the period of active growth, it is necessary to water the plant quite often, about 2 to 3 times a week. IN winter period on the contrary, the soil should not be too moist. Water for irrigation should be soft. It is better to use boiled or filtered water. room temperature. If the roots are wet, drops of condensate are visible, there is no need to water the plant. Excess moisture contributes to the formation of foci of rot on the roots.
  • Violation temperature regime and lighting. Orchids are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations. The difference between day and night should not exceed 4°C. In the warm season, the optimum air temperature is 18 - 25°C, in winter - not lower than 15°C. Lighting should be sufficient, but it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight so as not to cause burns on the leaves.
  • Unsuitable soil mix. Orchid soil should provide a minimum of moisture around the root and free air circulation. For this reason, plants are never planted in garden soil. The pot is filled with a substrate consisting of moss, peat, coarse sand. It is better to purchase a ready-made soil mixture designed specifically for growing orchids.
  • Look at the root: features of the location of the root system in a pot. The orchid puts out strong strong roots covered with spongy tissue. In nature, they allow you to gain a foothold on tree trunks. At home, a pot helps to keep the plant upright. It must be made of transparent material to allow access sunlight. Be sure to have holes on the bottom for water drainage, and on the walls - for air ventilation. The roots should be loose in the pot, often sticking out. Clear plastic pots are best for orchids. Through it you can clearly see how it develops root system. When transplanting a plant, such a container can be easily cut so as not to damage the roots during extraction.

How to make an orchid bloom: the most effective tricks

In tropical forests, orchids grow under a cover of dense foliage, for them there is no concept of a change of seasons. The most unpretentious species is phalaenopsis. It can bloom continuously for 11 months. But to achieve such a result at home is not always possible. If a favorable climate is created, but the orchid does not bloom for 2 years, you can use some effective ways for forcing the peduncle.

  • A sharp drop in temperature. During the day, the plant should be in warm room, and at night you can open a window or balcony to lower the temperature to 16 - 18°C. IN summer period a garden is perfect for this. The result is an acceleration of photosynthesis and the accumulation of carbon dioxide, which goes to flowering.
  • Creating arid desert conditions. It is necessary to increase the time intervals between waterings. In summer it can be 4 days, in winter up to a week. The roots of the plant must be dry. At correct application this way lower leaves will soften a bit.
  • Hot shower. Before starting the procedure, the bathroom is filled with steam, including boiling water. The plant is placed in a bath and poured with warm water for 15 minutes, the temperature of which is about 35 ° C. At this point, there is abundant absorption of moisture through the roots and intensive release through the leaves. After about a week, the orchid should release flower stalks.
  • Lighting improvement. For various kinds orchids require different light intensities. If the plant does not bloom, perhaps there is not enough light. You need to move the pot to a more lit place or purchase a special fluorescent lamp.
  • Pruning peduncle. Each peduncle contains several dormant buds. To achieve flowering, the arrow is cut off approximately above the third bud.
  • Transfer. The lack of flowering can be caused by soil depletion. This is noticeable in the leaves of the orchid. If the growing leaves are smaller in size than the old ones, or are deformed, then the plant must be transplanted into new ground.

Some types of orchids produce a peduncle only after reaching the age of three. If the plant has 5 - 8 shoots, then it is old enough and ready to bloom. Only healthy orchids can be forced to bloom. Weakened and diseased plants should gain strength to release a flower branch.

The orchid has released a peduncle: what to do next

From the moment the orchid shot the arrow, it will take about 2 months until the first flowers open. During this period, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions so that unopened buds bloom.

Next to the pot, you can put a small container of water for extra moisture air. If heating is working at home, the plant can be sprayed with warm water. Watering is done in the usual way, as the soil dries out.

In the cold season, the peduncle needs additional light. For additional illumination, you can use a phytolamp. It does not dry the air and provides a large amount of bright light. Daylight hours during this period should be at least 12 hours.

The orchid does not like movement and reacts to them by slowing down growth. When you need to rearrange the pot, it is placed with the same side to the light as it stood before.

Before the appearance of the first flower, you can feed the plant with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium, which have a beneficial effect on the formation flower buds. If the orchid has bloomed, there is no need for fertilizers.

How to care for an orchid after flowering

The period when the plants bloom lasts from 5 to 12 months. After the flowers have dried, do not immediately cut the peduncle. You should make sure that the orchid has stopped blooming. The arrow is carefully examined to determine the next steps. If there is a green tip, additional buds may appear.

If the peduncle turns yellow and begins to dry, flowering is over. But the plant continues to receive nutrients from the flower branch. Therefore, the arrow is cut off after complete drying.

The cut is usually made, leaving 3 lower buds, the stump should be at least 2 cm. During the summer on flower branch a young shoot may appear - baby. With its help, the plant is propagated. To do this, the baby is left on the stem for about 6 months, until the roots and 2 leaves grow. Phalaenopsis can develop 2-3 offspring on each peduncle.

Otherwise, caring for a plant after flowering does not differ much from other periods. During dormancy, you can reduce the amount of top dressing to 1 time per month. If the soil dries quickly after watering, and roots stick out from the bottom hole of the pot, the orchid needs to be transplanted. The period immediately after flowering is the most suitable for this procedure.

Before transplanting, the plant is watered abundantly, carefully removed from the pot. Roots should not be expanded. Blackened and dried shoots are removed. The soil mixture can be pre-calcined on fire to kill pests. To make drainage, a layer of granite rubble is laid on the bottom of the pot. In the new soil, the orchid is placed at the same level as before. After transplanting, watering is not needed. You can spray.

The dormant period lasts 3 - 6 months, then new flower stalks appear, and the plant blooms again.

Create favorable conditions for flowering orchids is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Surrounding her with care and attention, you can admire wonderful exotic flowers almost all year round.

Orchid, a delicate beauty, but her favor must be earned. Why does an orchid not bloom at home and how to create tropics in a separate apartment? The questions are not easy, but solvable. Otherwise, why does a neighbor's orchid bloom for six months? So, you need to love the stubborn and understand her.

Analysis of orchid conditions

When buying a flower, you need to ask a specialist for an explanation of what variety and features of its cultivation. , which tolerates light shading. But there are orchids for which the south window is suitable, and even the summer heat is well tolerated by them. The orchid does not bloom if the containment conditions are violated.

Next to the orchid, you should always put a saucer with boiled water. Put a clove of garlic into the substrate.

If the flower was purchased at the store, and it has already bloomed, and the arrow has turned yellow, then the rest period can last up to a year. If the plant is grown from children, then it will take more than two years to wait for the first flowering. By this time, the root system will gain strength and the orchid will release 5-6 sheets. early flowering weaken beauty.

Why does an orchid not bloom at home after a transplant? When to expect the first arrow? The transplanted plant initially builds up the root mass within six months. After aerial roots develop, leaves grow. Flower buds are laid in the axils. The initial period of development of the plant in favorable conditions contributes to the laying of more flower stalks.

Recall how to properly contain an orchid:

  1. The roots are well developed, green, some of them are located on the walls of a transparent pot, some at the top, absorb moisture from the air.
  2. The substrate does not contain fresh bark, sawdust or manure.
  3. Lighting is best kept diffused.
  4. The difference in day and night temperatures when laying peduncles should be at least 5 degrees.
  5. Top dressing, depleted in nitrogen every 10 days before the release of the arrow.

The conditions for laying flower buds are listed, but the biological requirements for.

What to do if the orchid does not bloom, develops well? You will need to provoke the release of the arrow. The aerial root and arrow look the same at first. But the tip of the arrow is rounded, and at the root it is sharp, as in the photo.

How to make an orchid bloom

Orchid is a plant of the tropics that does not know what winter and summer are. But she distinguishes between the season of warm tropical rains and drought. Climate change can trigger flowering. The condition of stressful actions is the health of the plant. A weakened flower can be destroyed.

The use of stimulants in the form of Epin, succinic acid, daily morning spraying on the aerial parts and weekly watering with the addition of the drug can add energy, and the plant will throw out the arrow.

If you water orchids from above, then the water is filtered and takes out excess salts. Simultaneously with water, oxygen is delivered to the roots.

Why does the orchid not bloom, but the leaves grow? So, in the diet they gave an excess of nitrogen. A well-managed dry season can help. After a month or two, flower buds will appear if you create a lack of moisture, but at the same time the temperature should not be higher than 30 0 С:

  1. Increase root dry time between waterings to 4 days in warm conditions, up to a week if the room is cool.
  2. Do not carry out spraying, top dressing, fight so fight!
  3. A peduncle will appear and resume, only exclude fertilizing watering.
  4. Organize proper lighting, in winter, additional lighting at a distance not higher than 40 cm from the crown.
  5. If the "drought" is carried out correctly, the peduncle will grow and the lower leaves will become softer than usual.

What to do to make the orchid bloom after the "rainy season"? We use it for water procedures only water heated to 35 degrees. There are many ways to induce an orchid to bloom.

Water 3-4 days in a row, then let the plant dry out for two weeks. After that, care should be carried out as usual.

Three times a day for a week from a spray bottle with warm water with Epin or succinic acid in a week.

In a warm steam room, water the plant from the shower with water at 35 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Let the bathroom cool down with the flower so that the steamed plant does not catch a cold.

You can use only one of the methods to accelerate flowering.

The question of why an orchid does not bloom at home may have an unexpected answer. You smoke, and the flower cannot stand the smell of tobacco smoke. Do you always have a bowl of fruit on your table? But the flower does not like ethylene, which is released by ripening fruits. When harvesting, the flower is rearranged from place to place? Can't wait to bloom. When purchasing a flower, you need to notice how it stood, and keep the orientation as possible.

Quite often you can hear the story of how a donated or bought orchid begins to wither after just a few weeks. In such a situation, it remains only to wait, next year, because the plant can bloom again, but the expectations are in vain.

An orchid is a demanding flower and there is nothing surprising in the fact that it begins to wither as soon as it gets into the home. In order to maximize the flowering period and prevent the plant from simply dying, you first need to deal with the causes of wilting and try to solve them by creating favorable conditions.

Why is the orchid not blooming?

There are times when a flower stops blooming while continuing to increase its green mass. As a result, you can get a live orchid, but with an unpresentable look. There can be several reasons for such development of the root system and green mass:

  • lack of light;
  • bad light;
  • rest mode is broken;
  • improper watering;
  • sudden changes in temperature.

lack of lighting

A small amount of lighting is one of the main reasons that a flower at home begins to fade. Some types of orchids, such as phalaenopsis and paphiopedilum, can tolerate a lack of lighting, but all other varieties begin to die even in partial shade.

Most often the creation artificial lighting or setting the pot in place with big amount sunlight solves flowering problems. Too much sunlight in some cases it harms the orchid, so you should follow it for the first weeks and find the optimal middle required amount ultraviolet.

You can determine the abundance of sunlight by foliage. If it is light green in color, then there is enough sunlight for flowering and growth of green mass. Yellow indicates a large amount of ultraviolet a, and in this case it is better to reduce its concentration by setting the pot in partial shade. leaves with bright green color indicate a lack of sunlight.

Root system diseases

The root system for any plant is the center life force. If the plant begins to wither, it means that the disease of the root system can be one of the reasons. P there can be a lot of problems with roots, but it is even more difficult to identify and overcome the disease in a timely manner. After the roots begin to rot, the orchid continues to bloom for some time.

Problems can start at any time and for a variety of reasons, but the most common culprit is improper watering. If you constantly pour a flower, then this almost always leads to the fact that the roots of the plant begin to rot and stop developing. Another way to determine the disease of an orchid is to carefully examine all the leaves. If they begin to decrease in size over time, then the rotting of the roots is to blame.

Root rot can be avoided by permanent transplant plants. Firstly, it is simply useful for the orchid, since it will not linger in the old substrate, and secondly, it will be possible to visually determine the state of the root system.

flowering period

Not always diseases or improper care can cause poor flowering of the plant. In some cases, the owners simply do not know the flowering period of the orchid. This the flower has its own mode, and this is due to the unique climatic conditions in their homeland.

For example, you can take phalaenopsis, which, like all other plants, begins to grow actively in the summer. Peduncle in phalaenopsis at the same time comes only at the end of autumn, and flowering begins in early or mid-spring.

Each type of orchid is distinguished by its mode of active growth, flowering and rest. Therefore, it is recommended that you learn more about these nuances from flower growers before buying a flower.

How much and when the orchid blooms

Many novice growers or just amateurs indoor plants in vain they sound the alarm when the orchid does not bloom. To get rid of anxiety it's important to know biological rhythm this plant and rely on him during the care period. For example, if a flower has just been planted, then the first flowers can be expected only after 2 years. The period for excitement usually comes when the young orchid has already released 6 leaves.

The whole process of plant growth can be divided into several stages.

  1. An orchid, after planting in the ground, begins its development instantly, but it takes at least 6 months to strengthen the root system.
  2. Further, leaves, aerial roots and a flower stem begin to develop. The development of these parts of the orchid indicates normal growth.
  3. As soon as the first leaves begin to form, you need to carefully monitor the flower. During this period, not only the green mass is formed, but also the buds of the peduncle are born. Further flowering will depend on the quality and health of the kidneys.

Care during the formation of the buds of the peduncle mainly consists in proper feeding plants. Common substances are suitable as fertilizer for orchids. Mostly orchid species such as phalaenopsis requires a large amount of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, but as little nitrogen as possible. That's why potash fertilizers fit the best.

Many are concerned about another question, namely the timing of the flowering of phalaenopsis. No one will tell you the exact answer, because each variety and even each the flower has its own individual mode, which adapts to the conditions of the area. More specifically, factors such as temperature fluctuations, amount of sunlight, and watering can significantly change the timing of flowering.

In most cases, the formed plant blooms once a year, while the flowering period does not exceed 2-3 months. Although there are varieties of orchids where it starts blooming in summer, and the end of flowering occurs in early spring. Some varieties bloom 2-3 times a year. You can determine the exact mode of your orchid in one year, most importantly, remember or write down all the changes that occur with the flower.

If the orchid simply refuses to bloom for a year or two, then this is clearly a deviation from the norm, and the reason for this phenomenon should be found.

How to make an orchid bloom

There are at least two ways that can help stimulate a plant to flower. As a rule, this is the creation of favorable, but extreme conditions for the orchid. From the methods of stimulation, there are:

  • temperature changes;
  • drought.

For example, we will take the most common Phalaenopsis variety, which does an excellent job with such extreme conditions. It is only important to remember that such measures can be used only after the plant has gained enough strength and rested from the last flowering. It is impossible to force a plant to bloom immediately, after the previous flowering, because due to a lack of strength, it can simply die from artificially created extreme conditions.

Using Temperature Change to Promote Flowering

It is possible to stimulate the flowering of phalaenopsis with the help of temperature changes, but not in any season of the year, but only in spring, when the air temperature at night warms up to 16 degrees. At that time an orchid is installed on the street or on an unglazed balcony. In the daytime, the flower is kept at home at room temperature. You can leave the plant on the street, but, most importantly, avoid direct sunlight.

Temperature fluctuations cause the onset of day and night. With this option, the orchid receives a large amount of carbon dioxide, which stimulates flowering and the growth of green mass.

It takes only 2 weeks for the stimulation with temperature changes to help the orchid bloom. Similar the procedure can be carried out in the summer, but here the temperature drops are not so sharp, which means that the procedure itself stretches for 3-4 weeks.

Using drought to stimulate flowering

Forcing an orchid to experience dry conditions is possible only when the flower is in a period of active growth. Actually stimulation in this case just slightly shifts the timing of flowering. Negative consequences can occur only if the air temperature is above 30 degrees.

The essence of the technique is to water the plant as little as possible. If earlier it was necessary to water immediately, as soon as the soil became dry, then in case of stimulation, you need to wait 3-4 days and only then water the flower.

This method should not be used too often, as drought adversely affects the amount of green mass and the root system.


The orchid is able to decorate any situation in the house, but this flower requires care and care. To stimulate flowering watering and creating a temperature regime should be subject to all the rules and recommendations. You should not forget about the orchid, because in this case it can easily die within a few weeks.

Orchids are one of the most flowering plants in the houses of flower growers. unusual shape buds and a variety of colors attract the eyes of others again and again. But often the plant does not want to please flowering. Explanations why this happens, tips on how to make capricious beauty to bloom at home, to solve the problems that arise when caring for a plant, our publication is called upon.

Why Orchids Stop Blooming

Florists do not skimp on compliments to the orchid: they call it beautiful, exquisite, exciting ... The bizarre forms of its flowers are compared with butterflies, doves, and all kinds of insects.

But not all owners of exotic beauties delight with flowering. However, they should not be blamed. It is worth carefully analyzing what miscalculations in care prevent the beautiful tropicans from blooming regularly and profusely. At correct content flower stalks appear constantly, in some species flowering lasts up to six months.

Orchid flowers amaze with a variety of shapes and colors.

There can be several reasons for the lack of flowering. Among the most common:

  • inappropriate temperature;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • waterlogged substrate (especially at low temperatures);
  • dehydration;
  • inappropriate soil and pot;
  • drafts;
  • falling buds;
  • pests and diseases.

Solutions to major problems

To achieve flowering, the orchid needs to provide conditions close to those that exist in its natural habitat.

Achieve optimum temperature

Orchids need a difference between day and night temperatures of 3 to 5 degrees. Minor temperature fluctuations during the day are also beneficial to the plant.

Too high daytime temperatures are a big obstacle to flowering. The critical upper mark is +32 ° C. If the heat is too high, the leaves begin to evaporate a lot of moisture, become rough and wrinkled, and eventually get sick and collapse.

In the summer, shade the orchid from direct sunlight to save it from burns and overheating. Even the most light-loving orchids must be protected from direct sun. Do not forget that under natural conditions, orchids grow in the shade of trees.

Summer daytime temperatures:

  • For heat-loving orchids (phalaenopsis, vanda, dendrobium, oncidium), the temperature in summer should be within + 21–29 o C.
  • For species of moderately warm content (Cattleya, Odontoglossum, Miltonia) optimal temperature are +18–24 o C.
  • For plants that love coolness (lelia, paphipedilum, Australian dendrobium), the summer temperature should not exceed +21 o C.

Night temperatures in winter:

  1. Heat-loving orchids in winter should not remain at temperatures below + 15–18 ° C.
  2. Orchids of moderately warm content require at least + 12-15 o C.
  3. For orchids that love cool content, in winter the most comfortable night temperature is + 7-10 o C.

In winter, orchids should not be placed near heating appliances. The flower needs to be moved to a cooler room. If this is not possible, then you should ventilate the room more often. One more possible cause overheating in winter are too low hanging lamps for illumination, in such conditions the flower can even get burned.

The critical lower temperature mark for orchids is +5–8 ° C. At lower values, the orchid may die.

Do not place the orchid pot directly on the windowsill in winter, the soil should not get very hot or cool. Place a foam plastic or stand under the flower container.

Get the right lighting

Orchids need diffused but bright light for 12-16 hours a day. Longer daylight hours have a negative effect on the possibility of flowering.

Oncidium and Dendrobium are unlikely to bloom unless they are completely protected from any source of light (even a table lamp) at night.

In winter, when there is insufficient lighting, it is necessary to illuminate the orchids with fluorescent lamps, which are recommended to be installed in such a way that the light falls on the plants from above, and not from the side. To better reflect light, mirrors can be installed on the sides of the window.

Orchids are placed on the southern and eastern windows, the northern ones do not suit them at all.

Orchids do well on south or east windows.

Do not transfer the orchid from a shady place directly to bright light. Adapt to brighter light gradually over several days.

There are specialized phytolamps for plants on sale: fluorescent, LED, induction. Created lamps with different light spectra: for growth and for flowering. For orchids, it is better to use universal fitolamps that are close to the solar spectrum.

Causes of both waterlogging and dehydration

Both of these problems are most often associated with improper watering. You can not water an orchid just from a watering can. She is watered by placing the pot in a container of water.

How to water correctly

  1. cook right size bowl or basin, pour warm water.
  2. Drop the orchid pot in there. When the roots become bright green, you can remove the flower from the water.
  3. If the substrate was too dry, after a short period of time, once again lower the orchid into a container of water.
  4. After watering, place the orchid pot on a vessel or grid to excess water glass.
  5. From a watering can you can add water to the substrate, if it upper layer stayed dry.
  6. To prevent the substrate from drying out too quickly, put sphagnum moss on it. It needs to be changed three times a year.

As a general rule, orchids should be watered 1-2 times a week during the growth period, and twice a month in winter. However, this is not a dogma, when deciding to water an orchid today or wait until tomorrow, one must take into account the dryness of the air, the temperature, and the condition of the substrate. Old soil retains moisture longer than new soil.

There are orchids that need a dormant period, and there are those that do not need this or do not need it at all. This must also be taken into account. During dormancy, the flower should be watered so as not to dry out the substrate.

How to determine when to water an orchid? If there is no condensation on the walls of the pot, and the roots of the orchid become gray-green or silver-gray, this is a signal that the flower needs moisture.

The orchid on the left is sufficiently moistened, the roots of the plant on the right have already brightened, but there is still a lot of condensate - you can wait with watering

You can not water the orchid with cold and hard water. Use boiled or filtered. If necessary, warm it up to a temperature slightly above room temperature.

It is very good to water the orchid with rain or melt water. The latter can be obtained by placing ordinary water in the freezer.

Video: watering orchids


Dehydration can be avoided by spraying the plant regularly. Do this in the morning so that by the evening there is no water left on the leaves, and especially in the leaf axils, blot them if necessary cotton swab or a napkin. It should also be sprayed only with warm soft water.

Two more ways to humidify the air:

  • Put the pot with the orchid in a container, on the bottom of which a layer of pebbles (3–5 cm) is laid and water is poured.
  • Install an electric humidifier.

Substrate composition

It is very important for the flowering of an orchid in which substrate it grows. Mixtures with the addition of peat, polystyrene, earth, sphagnum moss, and coconut flakes are completely unsuitable for this plant.

The soil intended for orchids should be at least 80% bark.

It is possible to add:

  • birch coal;
  • expanded clay;
  • a small number of pieces of ceramic tiles;
  • large perlite;
  • pieces of mineral wool.

There should be drainage at the bottom of the pot. Do not use polystyrene for this purpose: it does not absorb water, but when watering, it can squeeze the flower out of the pot.

An important condition for good flowering: there should be no voids between the roots of the orchid. The substrate should fit snugly around the roots.

Of the ready-made substrates, the Seramis mixture made in Germany has proven itself very well. It successfully grows all types of orchids.

Which pot to choose

It must be transparent, since the roots of the orchid need a constant supply of light. In such a pot, the state of the roots is clearly visible and it is easy to determine whether it is time to water the plant.

It is in such unsightly pots that orchids feel best.

If you don't like the look, choose a suitable planter with holes, remembering that there should be no obstacles for air and light to reach the roots.

The choice of a pot depends on the humidity of the air in the room. In a dry microclimate the best option there will be a container with slots at the bottom. When wet - with slots at the bottom and sides. The side holes should not be too large, and the bottom ones should be sufficient to draw in water well when watering.

You can use a wooden planter, but first process it by special means to prevent mold.

The perfect combination for an orchid is a transparent pot and a beautiful, openwork planter

How to properly ventilate

Drafts are harmful not only to human health, but also to the condition of orchids. However, the tropicans need Fresh air, therefore, be sure to ventilate the room in which your flowers are located, but do not allow drafts. Should not fall directly on the plant and cold air.

In a stuffy room, you can use a fan. Put it in front of the orchid and turn it on to the minimum mode.

What can cause bud drop

Maybe so: the orchid finally bloomed, and suddenly the buds began to fall off. What could be the reason?

  • a sharp change in conditions of detention, overheating or hypothermia;
  • moving a flower from one window to another;
  • malnutrition;
  • diseases or pests.

Seeing that the orchid is about to bloom, try not to rearrange it to another place.

Strong overheating leads to the death of the kidneys, and a sharp cooling leads to the fall of all the buds. Therefore, carefully monitor the temperature and do not allow either overheating or hypothermia of the substrate.

Proper feeding

Usually, orchids are fed at every second watering. Use only special top dressing for orchids. Never exceed the dosage.

It is important to feed the orchid from the time when it began to plant a flower spike until the moment the first flower appears. While flowering is in progress, you do not need to fertilize the orchid.

Video: how to feed orchids at home

Flowering stimulator - cytokinin paste

Orchid flowering can be stimulated with the help of a phytohormonal preparation - cytokinin paste.

The effect of cytokinin paste on flower stalks:

  • awakens sleeping kidneys;
  • stimulates growth;
  • forms viable shoots;
  • accelerates flowering;
  • regulates the metabolism of the plant (especially when growth has stopped), preventing aging and dying off.

You need to apply the paste at the end of winter or at the beginning of spring.


  1. Gently remove the scale covering the kidney with tweezers.
  2. With a toothpick, apply a small amount of paste to the kidney and spread the ointment over its surface.
  3. The result can be expected in 7–10 days, which can manifest itself both in the appearance of a flower, a new peduncle (branching), and in the formation of a new baby.

You can use the paste on no more than three buds of one orchid. During the application of the drug, it is necessary to feed the flower with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Cytokinin paste is an excellent flowering stimulator

Cytokinin paste should not be used:

  • when the plant is sick or affected by pests;
  • use on children and young plants;
  • apply to roots and leaves.

Do not try to artificially force a young specimen to bloom, which still has few leaves. You will be able to achieve flowering, but the plant itself will weaken - it will hurt and give few buds. Wait for the orchid to grow more than 5 leaves.

Video: how to stimulate orchid flowering

Table: care errors

Symptoms Cause elimination
  • leaves are paler than usual;
  • yellow-pink bloom;
  • dry spots from sunburn
Too much light
  1. Shade the orchid.
  2. Hang tulle on the window.
  3. Move from the south window to the east
  • leaves are darker than usual, without shine;
  • new leaves become narrower
lack of light
  1. Move the flower to the lightest place or to the south window.
  2. Keep window panes and orchid leaves clean. Wipe the leaves from dust with a soft cloth
  • death of the tips of the leaves;
  • the appearance of indentations and spots;
  • cessation of root growth
Substrate salinization Transplant your orchid to a new substrate
  • shedding of flowers;
  • the appearance of cracks on the bulbs;
  • new sprouts are soft and loose
Too much nutrients in the soil
  • Do not fertilize the plant during flowering.
  • Avoid overdosing on fertilizers.
  • Feed only with special fertilizers for orchids (according to the instructions)
  • the appearance of spots on the leaves;
  • wilting of leaf blades
Waterlogging of the substrate
  • Remove the orchid from the substrate, completely remove all rotten parts of the plant and transplant into a new substrate;
  • For symptoms of rot, treat the flower with fungicides (Trichodermin, Fundazol) and Fitolavin.

Table: flowering problems

Problem Causes and elimination
Orchid not blooming after transplant Fertilize your orchids
Flowers withered
  1. Perhaps you overcooled the flower or it was in the heat. When supercooling, monitor the temperature of the substrate. You can warm the substrate with warm water.
  2. In case of overheating, remove the flower from a hot place, spray the leaves
Orchid long time does not bloom
  1. Arrange a dormant period for the flower.
  2. Ensure temperature difference
Only leaves and roots grow, flower stalks do not appear
  1. Arrange flower stress: dry the substrate a little longer than usual.
  2. Perhaps the plant is still young. Orchids bloom at the age of one and a half to three years
The orchid has released an arrow, but the buds do not develop
  1. Most likely a lack of lighting. Put the flower in the brightest place.
  2. Provide illumination with a phytolamp

Help blooming orchid

The flowering time of an orchid is the crown of the vigilant care of its owners. But even in the triumph of flowering, the plant cannot do without the attention and help of the grower.

What to do when the orchid has released a peduncle

  1. Feed the orchid until the first flower appears. Usually this is about two months.
  2. Take care of the support of the peduncle in order to subsequently tie it to this support. Can be used bamboo stick or special holders that can be built on as the peduncle grows.

Holder options for orchid peduncles

What to do if the peduncle is broken

In the case when the fracture is small, treat it with an antiseptic (for example, ground cinnamon or powder activated carbon). Tie with a soft ribbon or narrow tape.

When the fracture is serious, carefully cut it with a sharp sterile knife and treat the cut with an antiseptic. In some types of orchids, a broken piece of the peduncle can be rooted.

What to do with the peduncle after flowering

Peduncles after flowering should be cut off only when they dry out. You can cut the flower spike into a couple of buds. As a result, the plant will begin to produce lateral peduncles, on which the buds will develop faster than on the main one, that is, flowering will continue.

Pruning a peduncle can awaken dormant buds

Video: the appearance of a second peduncle with a flower after pruning the old one

What to do if new children began to grow on the peduncle

Wait until the children give roots, and then separate from the peduncle and plant in a separate bowl, feed with nitrogen fertilizer.

Is it possible to transplant a blooming orchid

This can be done only in the most extreme case. At the same time, it is advisable to cut the upper flower buds so as not to overload the plant, which will experience stress after transplantation.

Try to create the most comfortable conditions for your orchid. In this case, you most likely will not have to use coercive measures to make it bloom.

The orchid belongs to perennial herbaceous plants, the family of which includes about 30,000 species. Under natural conditions, it does not grow in the ground, but is fixed on trees. Orangeries and botanical gardens were replenished with orchids in the middle of the 18th century. The flowers of this plant fascinate with their beauty and variety of forms. But attempts to grow them at home often lead to the fact that only the roots and leaves of the plant develop intensively. To find out why an orchid does not bloom, you need to understand the features of its breeding.

Why the orchid does not bloom at home

The natural habitat for orchids are areas with a tropical climate. If the conditions of the plant are very different from natural, you can wait for flowering for a long time. The main reasons for the lack of flowers are:

  • Lack of minerals. Orchids usually grow in small pots where the soil is quickly depleted. Periodically, the plant must be fed. Mineral fertilizers should contain nitrogen to a lesser extent, it ensures the growth of green mass, and potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus are required for the formation of flower buds. Pre-soil abundantly watered with water so as not to burn the roots. An aqueous solution of low concentration is made from dry fertilizers; an excess of minerals is also detrimental to the orchid.
  • Wrong watering. The orchid has rather wide leaves, from which moisture quickly evaporates. During the period of active growth, it is necessary to water the plant quite often, about 2 to 3 times a week. In winter, on the contrary, you should not moisten the soil too much. Water for irrigation should be soft. It is better to use boiled or filtered water at room temperature. If the roots are wet, drops of condensate are visible, there is no need to water the plant. Excess moisture contributes to the formation of foci of rot on the roots.

  • Violation of temperature and lighting. Orchids are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations. The difference between day and night should not exceed 4°C. In the warm season, the optimum air temperature is 18 - 25°C, in winter - not lower than 15°C. Lighting should be sufficient, but it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight so as not to cause burns on the leaves.
  • Unsuitable soil mix. Orchid soil should provide a minimum of moisture around the root and free air circulation. For this reason, plants are never planted in garden soil. The pot is filled with a substrate consisting of moss, peat, coarse sand. It is better to purchase a ready-made soil mixture designed specifically for growing orchids.

  • Look at the root: features of the location of the root system in a pot. The orchid puts out strong strong roots covered with spongy tissue. In nature, they allow you to gain a foothold on tree trunks. At home, a pot helps to keep the plant upright. It must be made of transparent material to allow access to sunlight. Be sure to have holes on the bottom for water drainage, and on the walls - for air ventilation. The roots should be loose in the pot, often sticking out. Clear plastic pots are best for orchids. Through it you can clearly see how the root system develops. When transplanting a plant, such a container can be easily cut so as not to damage the roots during extraction.

How to water orchids (video)

How to make an orchid bloom: the most effective tricks

In tropical forests, orchids grow under a cover of dense foliage, for them there is no concept of a change of seasons. The most unpretentious species is phalaenopsis. It can bloom continuously for 11 months. But to achieve such a result at home is not always possible. If a favorable climate is created, but the orchid does not bloom for 2 years, you can use some effective methods for forcing the peduncle.

  • A sharp drop in temperature. During the day, the plant should be in a warm room, and at night you can open a window or balcony to lower the temperature to 16 - 18 ° C. During the summer, the garden is perfect for this. The result is an acceleration of photosynthesis and the accumulation of carbon dioxide, which goes to flowering.
  • Creating arid desert conditions. It is necessary to increase the time intervals between waterings. In summer it can be 4 days, in winter up to a week. The roots of the plant must be dry. With the correct application of this method, the lower leaves will soften a little.
  • Hot shower. Before starting the procedure, the bathroom is filled with steam, including boiling water. The plant is placed in a bath and poured with warm water for 15 minutes, the temperature of which is about 35 ° C. At this point, there is abundant absorption of moisture through the roots and intensive release through the leaves. After about a week, the orchid should release flower stalks.

  • Lighting improvement. Different types of orchids require different light intensity. If the plant does not bloom, perhaps there is not enough light. You need to move the pot to a more lit place or purchase a special fluorescent lamp.
  • Pruning peduncle. Each peduncle contains several dormant buds. To achieve flowering, the arrow is cut off approximately above the third bud.
  • Transfer. The lack of flowering can be caused by soil depletion. This is noticeable in the leaves of the orchid. If the growing leaves are smaller in size than the old ones, or are deformed, then the plant must be transplanted into a new soil.

Some types of orchids produce a peduncle only after reaching the age of three. If the plant has 5 - 8 shoots, then it is old enough and ready to bloom. Only healthy orchids can be forced to bloom. Weakened and diseased plants should gain strength to release a flower branch.

Orchids: mistakes in care (video)

The orchid has released a peduncle: what to do next

From the moment the orchid shot the arrow, it will take about 2 months until the first flowers open. During this period, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for unblown buds to bloom.

Next to the pot, you can put a small container of water for additional humidification. If heating is working at home, the plant can be sprayed with warm water. Watering is done in the usual way, as the soil dries out.

In the cold season, the peduncle needs additional light. For additional illumination, you can use a phytolamp. It does not dry the air and provides a large amount of bright light. Daylight hours during this period should be at least 12 hours.

The orchid does not like movement and reacts to them by slowing down growth. When you need to rearrange the pot, it is placed with the same side to the light as it stood before.

Before the appearance of the first flower, you can feed the plant with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium, which have a beneficial effect on the formation of flower buds.

How to care for an orchid after flowering

The period when the plants bloom lasts from 5 to 12 months. After the flowers have dried, do not immediately cut the peduncle. You should make sure that the orchid has stopped blooming. The arrow is carefully examined to determine the next steps. If there is a green tip, additional buds may appear.

If the peduncle turns yellow and begins to dry, flowering is over. But the plant continues to receive nutrients from the flower branch. Therefore, the arrow is cut off after complete drying.

The cut is usually made, leaving 3 lower buds, the stump should be at least 2 cm. In the summer, a young shoot may appear on a flower branch - a baby. With its help, the plant is propagated. To do this, the baby is left on the stem for about 6 months, until the roots and 2 leaves grow. Phalaenopsis can develop 2-3 offspring on each peduncle.

Otherwise, caring for a plant after flowering does not differ much from other periods. During dormancy, you can reduce the amount of top dressing to 1 time per month. If the soil dries quickly after watering, and roots stick out from the bottom hole of the pot, the orchid needs to be transplanted. The period immediately after flowering is the most suitable for this procedure.

Before transplanting, the plant is watered abundantly, carefully removed from the pot. Roots should not be expanded. Blackened and dried shoots are removed. The soil mixture can be pre-calcined on fire to kill pests. To make drainage, a layer of granite rubble is laid on the bottom of the pot. In the new soil, the orchid is placed at the same level as before. After transplanting, watering is not needed. You can spray.

How to make an orchid bloom (video)

The dormant period lasts 3 - 6 months, then new flower stalks appear, and the plant blooms again.

Creating favorable conditions for flowering orchids is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Surrounding her with care and attention, you can admire wonderful exotic flowers almost all year round.