We sew a mattress with our own hands. Making a mattress with your own hands: a task that everyone can do. Mattress cover: purpose

Bought a new one orthopedic mattress but instead of the expected comfort, do you feel uncomfortable during rest and sleep poorly? Or is the old mattress worn out and uncomfortable?

Perhaps your sleeping place does not have the required degree of rigidity. Is there any way to fix this?

Increasing the firmness of the mattress - is it for everyone?

In what cases should the firmness of the mattress be increased and should it be done? Increasing the stiffness is recommended:

  • in the presence of excess weight, impressive build;
  • if you have a habit of sleeping on your back or stomach;
  • with health problems in the upper spine, stoop;
  • at adolescence, when the correct anatomical position of the spinal column and the exclusion of the likelihood of its curvature is very important;
  • at the age of 25-45 years, even in the absence of health complaints.

How to change the stiffness of the berth

It is impossible to make the mattress itself harder. But change the stiffness of the berth with additional funds is quite real. To do this, you can buy a thin mattress with orthopedic properties, or an orthopedic mattress topper.

The product may have different heights (3-10 cm) and have varying degrees of rigidity. To prevent slipping, it is attached to the main mattress with special elastic bands.

Coconut mattress topper (topper) is the best solution

One of the most effective ways increasing the rigidity of the berth is the purchase of an orthopedic mattress topper (topper) with a layer of coconut coir - long fibers growing on a coconut shell that prevent the nut from cracking if it falls. Coir of coconut is environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic.

Topper fillers are made in two versions:

Important! orthopedic mattress toppers with a layer of coconut coir must not be bent and twisted - this can lead to breakage of natural fibers.

Benefits of coconut coir toppers

Coconut mattress toppers not only improve the orthopedic effect of the mattress, but also have whole line other benefits. They are well ventilated, waterproof, not subject to decay processes, have an antibacterial effect, microorganisms do not multiply in them.

Have high degree strength and strength, smooth out irregularities. At correct use are not deformed. Coconut topper prolongs the life of the main mattress, as it protects it from various dirt and dust, hides existing defects.

While sleeping on a mattress with a mattress topper made of coconut coir, the human body takes a comfortable position, in which there is an even distribution of the load on the entire body, muscle relaxation, correct location spine.

Attention: store coconut fiber orthopedic toppers strictly horizontally!

Making the right choice of topper

When choosing a topper, you should pay attention to the color of the coconut fibers. High-quality, ripe coir is dark brown, with elastic and strong fibers. Inexpensive mattress toppers are often made from unripe coir.

The thickness of the filler affects the orthopedic properties of the mattress topper. If the filler contains 100% coconut fibers, the topper should have a thickness of 3-8 cm. If the layer of coconut fibers is less than 3 cm, additional fillers should be included in the composition.

When choosing, it is also worth considering the weight of the person for whom the mattress topper is purchased. Weighing, not exceeding 90 kg, it is enough to have a topper 3 cm thick... If weight over 90 kg, then you need a mattress topper with a thickness 6-8 cm.

Advice: to increase the service life of the coconut coir mattress topper, it is necessary to turn it over periodically.

However, not all people are shown to use hard mattresses. Contraindication here is diseases of the lumbar spine, age over 50... In these cases, the opposite effect can be obtained - an increase in the existing pain, a feeling of discomfort, bad dream... Therefore, people who fall under these categories need to choose a mattress with great care.

Increasing the rigidity of the mattress with the help of an orthopedic (topper) made of coconut coir will allow you to get a comfortable sleeping place that can give a feeling of comfort, sound sleep, healthy spine and eliminates the need to purchase a new, more expensive mattress.

Unfortunately, nothing is eternal in this world. The same applies to mattresses, which over time begin to lose their original characteristics. They sag or bulge in some places. Sleeping on such mattresses is no longer very comfortable. Therefore, you decide to buy a new one.

And what about those whose financial situation does not allow purchasing another mattress? Or for those who love original and unusual things? There is a way out - to make a mattress with your own hands.

It is clear that you will not be able to build an orthopedic mattress on your own. But nevertheless, you will definitely succeed in reconstructing the old one, making it more convenient.

Before embarking on this peculiar procedure, you need to prepare. First, set aside free time for work. And secondly - stock up necessary material... You will need:

In the event that you are going to reconstruct a stationary mattress, then in addition to everything, you also need to prepare:

  • wooden slats,
  • springs,
  • arm yourself with big nails,
  • hammer,
  • and, of course, with a stapler.

First you need to decide on the stuffing, that is, what kind of material you want to use.

To do this, you need to know exactly how you will use your mattress in the future - whether it will be removable or stationary. As a rule, for removable models, soft padding (foam rubber, synthetic winterizer) is used, which will allow them to be easily folded during operation.

Step-by-step process of working with a removable mattress

So, spread the foam rubber on the work surface, and apply the markings you need. You can use two options: cut the foam rubber lengthwise into two parts or leave it in one piece, and also cut the foam rubber into 2-3 squares. Thus, it will be easier to fold it, pack it and put it in a secluded place in the event that you intend not to use it constantly.

This option is very convenient as a backup, for example, for guests. For the procedure of cutting the foam rubber, it is better for you to use the help of a friend who will help you stretch the material, and at that time you can carefully cut it according to the markings.

So, the foam rubber is ready, it remains to correctly cut out the blank for the cover. Remember to leave allowances for the seams as well as the thickness of the padding itself. Take the correct measurement of the foam blank and let it go a few centimeters on each side.

A good alternative is a removable cover that can be easily removed for washing during use. For this, along the length of the pattern, you must also leave 20 cm, which in the future will play the role of an overlap. You can sew a Velcro tape or a zipper to the overlap - at your discretion.

Let's start sewing the cover. The process must start with cross-sections. After that, sew the cover along the length, while laying the corners in the middle. Expand it with seams in the middle and put it on the prepared foam rubber. If you don't have it removable, sew the raw edge with a sewing machine or by hand.

If you prefer soft padding or synthetic winterizer, then first you need to sew the cover.

In this case, you need to carefully measure the size of the bed and add the thickness of the future mattress to this. Make a pattern according to measurements, leaving seam allowances. Sew the seams on the sewing machine and the cover is ready.

Fill it up soft upholstery taking into account the fact that it will soon begin to be nailed and become thinner. So that it does not get lost in lumps, it is recommended to stitch the mattress with strong thread in several places, attaching dense pieces of fabric to both sides. Such mattresses are softer, while the service life is much shorter than their foam counterparts.

How to remodel a stationary mattress with your own hands?

Now let's consider the option of creating with my own hands stationary mattress with springs. Let's say your old mattress is worn out. Here and there, the springs protrude, the cover has already acquired an untidy look, and you decided on drastic changes - to reconstruct the mattress.

Here you can do in two ways - tighten the old springs with strong twine, replace some of them, change the packing and, if possible, the cover. But you can radically reconstruct your mattress, and ultimately, find a completely new product - one that you made yourself. Such things are valued more than anyone else!

To do this, prepare the spring blocks, the number of which must correspond to the required size. Spread them upright. Make sure that the outer level of the springs is even. You need to fix their lower part on 2-centimeter slats, which are not more than 7 cm in width and thickness. Prepare nails and drive them from the end side of your sleeping place at the level of all spring rows. Start tying the springs.

First of all, the transverse row. Then along the row and finally diagonally. Check the top level of the springs again - it should be level! At this stage, lay the material prepared in advance on top. Almost any thick fabric will do. Place the padding, for example, a synthetic winterizer. And, the last layer is upholstery. It is better to fix it with a furniture stapler.

The mattress is ready!

That's it - your homemade mattress is ready! The best part is that you managed to do it yourself, spending a little time on the process, while saving significantly from a financial point of view. In addition, you sewed a mattress cover from a fabric that you and your family like to color.

You no longer need to run around the shops in search of the colors you need - this also has its advantages. And, do not despair if on the first try you did not manage to do everything the way you would like it. Any business requires practice, and you have already passed the first stage. Now you can offer your help in the reconstruction of mattresses with your own hands to your loved ones, relatives and friends. Enjoy your stay.

DIY foam mattress - who might be interested in this topic? First of all, for those who plan to become a professional furniture maker in the future and are already trying themselves in this business. Also for those who want to save money on buying a new orthopedic mattress. Making an item for sleeping with your own hands eliminates the need to pay for work - you will have to spend only on materials. And, finally, for those who just love to tinker, create, are not afraid to take on the unknown and want to understand “how the world and everything in it works”!

We create a comfortable mattress ourselves

Having made the decision to create an orthopedic mattress with your own hands, you need to take into account a number of points.

  • Quality. It is quite possible to make a mattress with your own hands. It can even be fun. However, if you intend to get a quality product, you cannot do without accuracy, perseverance, patience and scrupulousness.
  • Theory. If there is only a desire, but there are no special skills and even theoretical knowledge, it will not hurt to read several articles about the types of modern fillers and their properties, the required degree of mattress rigidity and the materials used for sewing covers.
  • Materials. The search for the materials themselves - blocks or layers of filler, special glue and fabric for upholstery - is a crucial moment. The difficulty of finding quality, durable and safe materials will depend on the region in which you live. Big city - great opportunities where assortment is plentiful. Residents of small towns and villages will have to spend time searching for a decent manufacturer on the Internet and pay extra for delivery.
  • Instruments. Next, you need to take care of the availability of the tools necessary for the work.
  • Case. If you do not know how to sew, you need to think about who will help with calculating the amount of fabric for the cover and who will be able to make it.

With quality materials and a careful approach to business, you can count on a pretty good result!

DIY foam mattress

Foam (polyurethane foam) is a material ideal for beginners. To create a monoblock foam mattress a minimum of knowledge of the technological process and a minimum amount of materials are required to create it. In addition, PPU blocks are relatively available product... It is possible to choose the size of the block, the desired height, density and stiffness.

Selection of foam rubber for the mattress (foam density)

V modern production orthopedic mattresses foam rubber, or as it is also called, polyurethane foam (PPU) - the main filler that provides comfort and durability of products for sleeping. In spring models, it insulates spring block, in springless performs load-bearing functions.

Thanks to scientific and technological progress and new technologies, the properties of foam rubber for last years managed to improve significantly. Now it is not at all the same: crumbling, yellowing, quickly losing elasticity, sticking together material, and improved - in some brands, literally beyond recognition.

Reference! Foam rubber - soft, flexible polyurethane foam (PPU). The name foam rubber is nothing more than the transition of the name brand(Norwegian company Porolon, which supplies polyurethane foam to Soviet times in the USSR) into a common noun.

Furniture foam brands are conventionally divided into 6 categories. PPU marking is read as:

  • letters at the beginning - a brand of foam rubber;
  • the first two digits are the density of the material (kg / m³);
  • the second two digits are stiffness (resistance to compression).

Standard (ST) made from one polyol. The stiffness of a material is determined by its density. The density 35 (ST 3542) is considered suitable for mattresses in the ST category.

Reference! Even with a density of 35 ST, it is not designed for people with a large weight (optimally up to 80 kg).

High hardness (EL)- Reinforced, reinforced with polyurethane foam, with the addition of stiffness polyol to the standard. Due to this, at the same density, a more rigid material is obtained. An excellent option for a quality mattress is EL 3245.

Extra hard (HL)... For example, HL 4065 is a brand with high density and stiffness. Long-lasting, reliable, expensive foam rubber for a mega springless device designed to withstand extreme loads in the form of weight pressure of very obese people.

Highly elastic (HR) made from four polyols. The production process is quite laborious, which, accordingly, affects the price. Long lasting with greater load-bearing capacity. HR 5535 is a noteworthy brand with a service life of up to 15 years.

Reference! Brand HR * 6030 LL - WATERLATTEX - highly elastic, with increased comfort. It feels almost impossible to tell the difference between waterlatex and natural latex.

Viscoelastic (VE)- MEMORY - newest product in the production of polyurethane foams. Expensive, but fully justifiable material. It is considered one of the best due to its durability, reliability, quality, high anatomical effect. The EL 5020 brand has proven itself well.

Advice! Before deciding to purchase the VE brand, test the properties of the material by lying on it. Although in most cases the reviews on the characteristics are enthusiastic, not all 100% of those who tried it like the enveloping effect.

Preparation of materials and tools

You will need:

  1. Foam rubber of increased rigidity (HL) with a thickness of at least 5 cm - for the mattress frame (around the perimeter). When the mattress for full of man It is made of HL foam rubber, there is no need to make an additional frame. Ready-made mattresses in the line for overweight are equipped with a Euro frame.
  2. The main filler of one of the following grades: EL, HR, HR *, VE. The budget HS brand is generally not recommended for the manufacture of mattresses. The ST brand is suitable for an item that will rarely be used, such as: a guest place, a summer cottage option.
  3. Layers of coconut coir are optional. As interlayers (to increase rigidity) or on top of one of the sides of the mattress (to create a product of double-sided rigidity).
  4. Roulette.
  5. Marker or felt-tip pen - for marking.
  6. Long ruler or rail - for drawing straight lines.
  7. Sharp knife - for cutting foam rubber.
  8. Plywood sheet - as a substrate for cutting.
  9. Special glue for gluing foam rubber (you can consult in furniture store, or on the website for the sale of PPU).
  10. Fabric for sewing the cover - preferably specialized. It can be jacquard, a quilted version with a softening backing or insulation, bamboo fiber, terry with a waterproof membrane base.
  11. Long zipper (or 2 shorter), threads.
  12. Scissors - for cutting the cover.

Making a mattress

Below is the step-by-step instruction production of the simplest model of a mattress from a polyurethane foam block.

  • To begin with, make accurate internal measurements of the bed box.
  • Then, strips are cut out of extra-rigid polyurethane foam - for the mattress frame. The height of the strips is equal to the future height (thickness) of the mattress. A rectangle assembled from stripes along the outer perimeter must correspond to the inner dimensions of the bed box.

Reference! How is polyurethane foam cut? First, markup is performed with a felt-tip pen or marker. A sheet of plywood is placed under the place of the cut so as not to damage the surface on which the cut is made. Needed very sharp knife, preferably with a replaceable blade (otherwise you will have to constantly sharpen). The knife is held vertically, the movements must be precise and strong. If the thickness of the foam is greater than the length of the knife blade, the foam is cut to the thickness of the length of the blade, then spread apart and advanced deeper, again holding the knife vertically. The appearance of bullies on the foam is a signal that the blade needs to be changed, or sharpened.

  • The strips are glued together by laying them on a flat surface.
  • An accurately cut base from a PU foam block of lower rigidity is laid inside the frame. The ends of the mattress are glued with internal parties foam box-frame.

Important! The base unit must be solid.

Optionally, one side of the mattress can be fitted with a latex coir board glued to the surface!

How to sew a mattress cover?

To sew the cover you will need:

  1. Take accurate measurements of the finished mattress: length, width, height (thickness).
  2. Calculate the amount of fabric based on the size of the mattress and the width of the sample of the fabric you like.
  3. Cut out two rectangles (top + bottom) with seam allowances for stitching the side strip along all four cuts.
  4. Cut out a strip around the sides of the mattress. It is better that the cover is removable. For this, the strip surrounding the sides of the mattress is cut along the middle. On one side (long or short) it is cut tightly. The other three are connected with a long zipper (or two) sewn in - according to the principle of a suitcase fastener. In the version with a zipper, it is important not to forget to give additional allowances for attaching the zipper.

Important! The cover must be very tight - so that it has to be worn with outside help, but not small.

How to sew a mattress topper?

Mattress cover. The principle of sewing a mattress topper is similar to the algorithm of sewing a mattress cover. With the difference that the mattress topper does not have to fit the mattress as tightly as the cover.

With corner elastic bands. You can restrict yourself to sewing a simplified thick anther mattress cover with corner elastic bands.

With elastic around the perimeter. Another one uncomplicated model: a mattress topper with sidewalls, held by an elastic band pulled into the drawstring (along the perimeter).

How to shrink the mattress at home?

If for some reason the finished mattress cannot be returned, but you need to reduce in size (shorten, narrow), you will need to perform 5 simple steps.

  1. Open the trim on the desired side.
  2. Use a marker and a long plank to mark.
  3. Cut off the springless block (if necessary, disconnect part of the spring block).
  4. Shorten (narrow) the skin accordingly.
  5. Sew up the cover carefully.

How to make the mattress harder or softer?

Topper - a thin mattress - a product that helps to correct firmness. Models made of latex, soft polyurethane foam or holofiber will add softness to the sleeping surface. Latex Coir is a hard filler.

Reference! Like a mattress, a topper can be made by yourself.

Summing up

As you can see, making a mattress with your own hands is quite a feasible task. What is needed for this?

  1. Desire to see things through and a determined attitude.
  2. Determination of needs (size, height, desired degree of rigidity).
  3. A little theoretical knowledge (about the types of fillers, adhesives, fabrics for upholstery).
  4. Availability of quality materials.
  5. Accuracy in work, precision of movements, patience, perseverance.
  6. The cover and mattress cover can be sewn independently or to order.


Comfort during sleep is important for a person. And in any case, you sleep on a bed, or on a sofa - you cannot do without a mattress. Mattresses are different: orthopedic, wadded, latex, foam, synthetic fluff, and so on. So that the mattress does not get dirty, it serves longer, and pleases the eye - the question arises: how to sew a mattress topper with your own hands. You can, of course, do time-consuming sewing, but you want to sew a mattress topper quickly and easily.

How to sew a cover for a mattress in a baby stroller or a crib is very simple! The filler for the mattress can be made of foam rubber, batting, synthetic fluff. Quilted batting (found at a fabric store) is great. Our master class will tell you how to make a cover for a mattress filled with foam rubber.

Standard sizes for a mattress in a stroller are 80/40 cm.For a mattress in a baby bed - 140/70 cm.

I would like to say a little about the fabric from which we will sew the mattress topper with our own hands. It is better to soak the fabric in warm water 40 grams in advance, and iron it with an iron. This applies to all natural fabrics. Otherwise, after the first wash, the cover may "get hooked" and not fit on the filler.

For work you will need:

  1. A piece of foam rubber 80 cm long and 40 cm wide.
  2. Cover fabric.
  3. Zipper in the color of the fabric, length - 18-20 cm.
  4. Sewing machine (in the absence of - you can sew by hand, with a seam "forward needle").
  5. Scissors, ruler, pencil, drawing paper.

We take a sheet of paper and draw a drawing finished product... We will have 2 rectangles on the piece of paper. The first rectangle is the size of your product (80/40 cm). From it on the sides to lay aside narrow strips with a length equal to the length (80 cm) and a width equal to the thickness of the foam + 2 cm for allowances. The second rectangle is a 80/40 cm rectangle + 2 cm on each side.

First we sew in the zipper. To do this, fold our 2 parts face to face, and scribble small areas in the places indicated by a bold line on one side and on the other (see the photo).

We leave a hole equal in length to the zipper. In the future, we will louse a lightning into this place. Sew 2 parts of the mattress along bold lines.

We apply the zipper to the middle. We check how much space we have left for the lightning.

We pin the zipper with pins, and sew in the zipper. The zipper should be sewn on the wrong side. We remove the pins.

Next, we sew together narrow strips of fabric, which were laid from the very beginning in the drawing, in the first figure - in the corners. Then we will sew 2 main details on the three remaining sides. We turn out the mattress cover, put it on foam rubber.

We decorate the corners with pompoms.

So a do-it-yourself mattress cover is ready, sewn for a baby stroller.

The next variant of the cover is a cover with an elastic band. Suitable for both cotton and orthopedic mattresses. A simple pattern, and the mattress topper will be sewn quickly, in one evening. In order to sew a mattress cover with an elastic band, it is better to take a dense, non-fading fabric, a new thick sheet will do. It is better to buy a sheet in euro-size, usually it is 240/280 or 240/220 cm.Before buying, measure your mattress and estimate what size of the sheet will fit, taking into account the hem from the bottom.

For work you will need:

  1. Cover fabric (any thick fabric will do).
  2. Elastic band or elastic band.
  3. Safety pin for threading an elastic band.
  4. Sewing machine.
  5. Centimeter, ruler, pencil.

In order to draw our future cover on a piece of paper, you need to measure the length (a) of the mattress, width (b), and the height of the side (h). We draw a pattern on a piece of paper.

We draw our drawing. The fold line means our piece of fabric is folded in half. Set aside ½ the width of the mattress from the fold. Dimension b is the length of the mattress. We have got a rectangle ½ ab. Around this rectangle, set aside to the left, to the right, and from below set aside h + 15 cm. On the hem.

Continuing the lines with a stroke, we get shaded squares. We cut out with scissors, leaving a seam allowance of 1 cm. This is the final version of our scheme, according to which we will cut the cover.

Fold the fabric in half along its entire length. We transfer all our sizes to the fabric with a pencil and a ruler. Carefully cut out according to the intended pattern. Next, we fold together with the front sides, and grind on one and the other side the segments c and c1. We will have 4 corners. We process the edge of the cut of the seam so that the fabric does not fall out. Next, we need to process the bottom cut of the product. Tuck the edge 2 times, and sew a hemming seam. The width of the hem should be such that it is convenient to insert the elastic there.

We retreat from the corner of 50 cm, and with a safety pin we thread an elastic band, or elastic band. Fasten the ends of the elastic with stitches. We get the assembly only in the corners, in the rest of the cover - just a hemming seam.

It turns out that a mattress with your own hands can be made even from the same pillows. To do this, we put an even number of pillows in a bag, divided into parts by seams, and we get children's mattress, on which you can wallow and play. Velcro is sewn onto the edges of the mattress so that it is convenient to keep it folded.

Interesting modular pillows are simple matching pillows with side zippers. To sew such a mattress, you will need pillows, pillowcases, and zippers of the same size and color. For example, if there are 6 pillows, then 12 zippers will be needed.

And this is a four-pillow mattress.

Nowadays, making a mattress with your own hands can be more profitable than purchasing it in a store. No wonder: the cost of the materials required to sew it is significantly lower than the cost of the finished factory product. The only thing that will be needed in large quantities is time.

Foam filler

The most common filler for homemade mattresses is polyurethane foam (also known as foam rubber). There are many types of this synthetic material. All of them have different rigidity, density, elasticity and, depending on their properties and characteristics, are used in various areas of production.

Characteristics of high-quality foam rubber for mattresses:

  • The material must be soft and resilient;
  • Foam rubber quickly returns to its shape after loading.

The main indicator of the quality of polyurethane foam is density. The density of the foam rubber for the mattress ranges from 25 to 40 kg / m³.

Making a product from pillows

The advantage of this mattress is that it can be transformed into an armchair, and also serve as the basis for a children's "house". And even a novice seamstress can make a mattress out of pillows with his own hands, because for sewing only straight lines need to be sewn.

So, for work you will need:

  • Several pillows;
  • Threads and needles;
  • Ready-made pillowcases or just fabric;
  • Scissors;
  • It is advisable to use a sewing machine, but not necessary.

There are two ways to sew a pillow mattress:

After prolonged use, the soiled mattress cover can be removed and washed in the washing machine.

Children love these mattresses very much, because they are very comfortable when playing, for day and night rest. In addition, it is lightweight, and the child can move it himself to places for games or rest.

Homemade orthopedic mattress

To make an orthopedic mattress with your own hands, you need the following materials:

  • Dense polyurethane foam (for edge styling);
  • Main filler;
  • Cover fabric;
  • Glue (it is important that it is safe, does not emit toxins and a pungent odor, it will be needed to glue the layers of filler).

The main filler will be foam rubber. It would be best to lay it in a whole piece. Layer-by-layer application of coconut fiber together with PU (polyurethane foam) will improve the usability of the bed. This is one of the ways you can do the mattress is tougher, because the moderate firmness of the mattress is very beneficial for the spine. Thus, mattresses of different hardness can be made. To do this, it is necessary to lay coconut fiber on one side, and foam rubber on the other.

Another solution is to use struttofiber, a dense material with vertical fibers, together with polyurethane foam. It will also support the spine with high quality. You can place the struttofiber on both sides, and fill the middle with polyurethane foam, or you can alternate it with coconut plates.

The cover is traditionally sewn from dense natural fabrics. The best for these purposes are coarse calico and natural linen..

Manufacturing workshop

Before the production process begins, it is necessary to die out the dimensions of the bed. To do this, you can use a tape measure. Then you can proceed to the assembly of the holding box (frame). The material for it will be dense polyurethane foam with a thickness of 50 to 100 mm.

It is desirable that the mattress is at least 14-15 cm thick. If the thickness is less, it will be uncomfortable to sleep on it.

It is necessary to achieve accuracy in the dimensions of the bed and the components of the mattress. It depends on how strong and dense the product will be at the exit. In addition, scrupulousness in size is needed so that it fits snugly on the bed and does not slip on the sides, and the sleeping bed is stable.

After that, the filler is laid. If you manage to get a large one-piece piece of polyurethane foam of the required thickness, you need to measure the free space in assembled frame and using a clerical or boot knife, cut the required fragment exactly.

If the mattress for the bed will consist of several layers of foam rubber, then the sheets are glued together. Otherwise, the product will not have the required density. The mattress will "walk" under the person lying on the bed.

How to sew a cover

After the padding is made and placed in the box holding it, you can start making the mattress topper. The pattern should consist of two pieces of fabric with a margin for seams and side parts (usually about 3 centimeters from all sides).

The cover must be very tight so that it can be put on with a certain effort, this will add strength and elasticity to the mattress. All seams must remain inside. To sew a durable and high-quality case, you only need to use natural fabrics and thick threads. You shouldn't skimp on your health and comfort. Often, to put on a cover, someone's help is required, because one pulls thick fabric just hard enough.

After the cover is pulled, it can be sewn up. However, for convenience, it is permissible to sew a zipper on one side. This cover is considered permanent, not removable. But on it you need to sew a removable one, which will be equipped with two zippers. It is very convenient, because it can be removed and washed at any time.

If you don't want to bother and sew a cover at home, you can buy a mattress topper suitable size... True, it may need to be adjusted (if you have a child or custom size product).

The made mattress will need to be aired for fresh air... This will get rid of unpleasant odors foam rubber or glue.

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