Standard lead generation as a business process in a company. Lead generation in simple terms

What is lead generation and what is its essence? What are the types and methods of lead generation? What services provide lead generation services?

Hello dear readers! Alexander Berezhnov, the author of the HeatherBober magazine, is with you again. Today I will tell you about a new direction in Internet marketing - lead generation.

Every entrepreneur wants to bring as many customers to the business as possible. Satisfied customers are the key to prosperity. And you are ready to give 100% for them. But where to find, how to attract these people?

Think about it - while your competitors spend budgets on expensive TV and radio advertising, you can overtake them and build successful business. And all this - with the help of a competent system to attract potential customers.

1. What is lead generation - a complete description of the concept

The concept of lead generation Lead generation) came to us from Western marketers as a tool for managing the flow of potential customers.

Note that a lead is not yet a client, but it can become one if you manage to attract him.

An ordinary person will turn into a lead if:

  • see information about you and your services online or offline;
  • will need these services, i.e. reach your target audience;
  • visit the site or make a call;
  • leave a request or contacts for feedback subscribes to the email newsletter.

Natural questions - what needs to be done to attract as many applications as possible? Where to look for them? How to make millions of users your leads? How to express yourself in order to capture their attention? These problems are solved by lead generation - the process of attracting, or generating leads.

Before talking about this new business process, I would like to make one important remark:

Lead generation will not work on its own - it needs an appropriate “environment”: high-quality content on the site, viral mailings, interesting offers, corporate identity and other marketing support tools.

2. Types and methods of attracting customers (leads)

If you think that lead generation is only suitable for large companies, holdings and other giants, you are wrong. A coffee shop around the corner, private dentistry, an eco-product store or a cleaning agency will need lead generation just as well.

So where are we going to get our leads from? Most often - from the Internet, because it is this method that allows you to control the flow and conversion (the ratio of potential customers to real ones). And that means the cost of attracting each client.

The most popular traffic sources (channels for attracting customers from the Web):

  1. contextual advertising. The user searches the Internet for goods and services. If his needs coincide with your offer (he is looking for children's orthopedic shoes, and you sell just such shoes), the search engine will helpfully provide this particular advertisement. Whether he clicks on it or not depends on the attractiveness of your offer. Typically, ad impressions are free of charge, payment is made only for the actual click on the ad. The most popular sources of contextual advertising: Yandex.Direct, GoogleAdwords. We have already written in more detail about how it works and how it works.
  2. Targeted advertising. Is your audience - women from 25 to 35 who live in Samara and studied at SamSU? Thanks to targeted (from the word target - goal) advertising, your ad will be shown only to them, and to no one else. You are right in your target audience. Targeted advertising is available on social networks, where users disclose their data: age, gender, social status: Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki.
  3. Blogs and Other Internet Marketing Tools. Good article by a respected blogger, interesting e-mail newsletter, a tempting offer in the community feed.
  4. Sites-aggregators: Yandex.Market, Ozon, Carprice, Avito, Mednow, other specialized or general sites that collect ads and offers.
  5. Lead Exchange. A place where contacts are sold and bought (yes, that's as simple as that). Lead sellers are popular bloggers with a large number visitors, aggregators that have huge databases with people's contacts. The main requirement is that all these contacts must be interested in a product or service. If you are practicing law, then your leads should have made a request for legal services somewhere and left their data (participate in a survey or promotion, subscribe to a newsletter). Such data are objects of sale and purchase on lead exchanges.

All these sources, correct use will lead potential customers to prefabricated networks.

These include:

  • Landing Pages or in other words, one-page presentation sites where people go by clicking on your ad. If you trade points, and in summer period If you are launching the “sunglasses as a gift” promotion, you can create, in addition to the main site, a separate one-page page, where the types, types, colors of sunglasses will be described in detail, and your promotion will be presented. The purpose of such a page is to encourage the visitor to leave an application or at least their data - phone number, email, log in through a profile in social networks. So a previously unfamiliar person becomes a lead. A landing page is also necessary for calculating the cost of an advertising campaign.
  • Main site settings. A pop-up window with an online consultant, an offer to order feedback, a request for authorization through a social network - all these are “tricks” of lead generation to collect contacts of potential customers.

The described methods are suitable for finding and attracting leads on the Internet. There are offline methods: TV and radio advertising, banners, paper letters and other types of familiar advertising. Their main drawback is the inability to calculate the cost of attracting one client, because traditional advertising is most often addressed to an unlimited circle of people and deprives us of the opportunity to contact each one personally.

3. Practical examples of lead generation

To show you how lead generation works in practice, let's look at a few practical examples.

Example 1. Advertising campaign "Sunglasses - to the masses!"

The company "Points for All" is successfully developing. She has 5 points of sale in shopping malls Moscow, online store. To summer season It was decided to hold the action "Sunglasses - to the masses!" in order to increase sales, increase brand awareness, and attract new customers to the rest of the products.

The first thing a company's marketer starts with is making a list of keywords. The "" keyword impression statistics service returns the following combinations for the query "Sunglasses":

  • sunglasses - 60 thousand requests;
  • sunglasses - 17 thousand requests;
  • buy sunglasses - 2 thousand requests;
  • men's sunglasses - 1 thousand requests;
  • women's sunglasses - 1 thousand requests.

Since the online store delivers goods throughout the country, it is not necessary to select regions separately. Now users who have entered these phrases in Yandex will be shown a pre-approved ad: " Buy sunglasses with a 50% discount until July 1, 2016».

This ad was shown 400 times in the first month. 100 times it went to the site (every fourth user). These 100 people can become our leads in the near future, provided that they like the price, delivery terms, website design, etc.

Out of 100 people, 3 made a purchase, 1 called the office, 2 left their e-mail in the feedback form, 3 contacted an online consultant. In total, we received 9 leads (3 of which are already clients).

Example 2. Advertising campaign "Lenses"

The same glasses company decided to boost sales.

The result seemed insufficient to the management of the company. Or maybe it knows the motto of lead generation: “There are never too many clients”? Decided to try other traffic channels. For this purpose, an advertising campaign "Lenses" was chosen, which will be implemented on the social network Vkontakte.

An ad was created here "On the birthday every second lens is a gift." The target audience has been selected: women over 18 years old, living in Russia, who have a birthday in the next week. The payment for clicks on an advertisement has been determined.

During the week of placement, 300 people clicked on the ad, 6 bought lenses for the promotion, 5 took part in the survey, 5 called the office. All 16 people are leads, of which 6 are successful clients.

Example 3. Advertising campaign "Glasses with diamonds"

Management liked the new ways to attract leads and wanted to try another option. This time it was decided to take a risk and buy leads on the stock exchange. For these purposes, the third advertising campaign "Points with Diamonds" was created.

Having registered on one of the exchanges, the marketer submitted a purchase request, indicating the following parameters:

  • gender: any;
  • age - from 30 years;
  • region of residence: Moscow and St. Petersburg;
  • required contacts: telephone and e-mail;
  • availability of work (desirable);
  • marital status: have a partner;
  • interested in buying high-quality and beautiful glasses.

The exchange set a price per lead of 600 rubles. 50 contacts were provided. The marketer sent them offers to buy glasses with diamond-encrusted temples, advertising them as a possible birthday present for their significant other or themselves. Called potential clients. As a result, 11 people made an order.

Below, in practical examples I will give calculations that reflect the results of each of the 3 advertising campaigns.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of lead generation

Like any human creation, lead generation is imperfect. It should be considered as one of the ways to attract customers to your business. One of the ways, but not the only one.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of lead generation in the form of a table

If you are a professional in Internet marketing, know how to work with numbers and find the right channels to attract customers, then this tool will help you, as a marketer or business owner, increase profits and recoup advertising costs.

5. Calculation of the cost of leads on specific examples (CPL-model)

The main advantage of online lead generation is the ability to calculate the price of each potential client. How to do it?

In Internet marketing, there are several ways to calculate payment:

  1. CPA-model (Cost per Acquisition). Purchase payment. The lead must make a purchase or leave a request on your site. In some cases - to take part in the voting, subscribe to the mailing list, otherwise leave your contacts.
  2. CPC-model (Cost per Click). Pay per click. Everything is much simpler here - the user clicks on your ad - the amount is debited from the account. What this user will do next - leave a request or immediately close the page - the seller does not care.
  3. CPL-model (Cost per Lead). Payment for a client's contact, or rather, for contact details and a social portrait of a future client. CPL is the main indicator of the quality of lead generation that meets the requirements of the market. There is a contact - there is a payment. The lead "broke", leaving no information about himself - the money remains with you.

If you attract customers to your business using lead generation, it will be useful for you to learn how to calculate the cost per lead using the CPL model.

In order to track the number of deals made with clients attracted using this marketing tool, it is recommended, in addition to landing (one-page site), allocate a separate phone number that will be displayed only within a specific advertising campaign. Then you can accurately count the number of leads from your landing page and the number of calls made by potential customers.

Let me remind you that not all applications become clients. The CPL model considers the cost of leads - potential customers. The cost of converting a lead into a client is a separate expense item and another topic.

So, we calculate the cost of one lead using the Sunglasses advertising campaign as an example.

Known data:

  • the number of clicks on the ad (reflected in the metric) - 100 clicks;
  • cost per click (CPC, set in the advertising campaign settings) - 150 rubles;
  • the number of leads (the number of applications on the site plus the number of calls is counted. This requires a separate landing page and a separate phone number) - 9 leads.

Action 1. Let's calculate the budget for the "Sunglasses" campaign: it is enough to multiply the number of clicks by the cost per click. We get: Budget=100*150=15000 (rubles).

Action 2. Calculate the cost per lead (CPL). Everything is simple here - the budget must be divided by the number of leads: 15000/9=1666 (rubles per application). So, the cost of a lead is 1666 rubles.

Is it a lot or a little? Legitimate question. Depends on the markup in the average check. If it does not exceed the price of a lead (not even a client, but only a lead), urgently change either the traffic source, or the ad text, or the cost of the transition.

It helps to navigate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. An indicator such as conversion (CTR)- the ratio of the number of visitors to the site (page) to the number of contacts - people who left the application. Calculate it for the "Sunglasses" campaign:

Action 3. Clicks - 100, leads - 9. Conversion (CR) = number of leads / number of visitors = 9/100 = 9 (%). So, the conversion is 9%.

Everything is known in comparison, and the effectiveness of the source, too.

Make up comparison table all customer acquisition channels.

For example, let's take our "Sunglasses" that was promoted with the help of context, and also add the campaign "Lenses" and "Glasses with diamonds"

Indicators Sunglasses lenses Glasses with diamonds
1 CPL (cost per click)150 rub.45 rub.600 rub.
2 Number of transitions100 300 50
3 Budget15 000 rub.13 500 rub.30 000 rub.
4 Number of leads9 16 11
5 CPL (cost per lead)RUB 1,666844 rub.RUB 2,727
6 CR (conversion)9 % 5,3 % 22 %

What do we see? "Glasses with diamonds", despite high cost click (as much as 600 rubles) and the high cost of one lead (2727 rubles), showed a very, very good conversion.

Lenses "lose" in terms of conversion, but the cost of attracting one application is low. Our "Sunglasses" turned out to be the most ineffective advertising campaign - the budget is higher, as is the cost of a lead.

To have full information, it is better to observe the situation in dynamics. Make a similar table for advertising campaigns for several months to see the progress. Discard ineffective solutions immediately or adjust depending on the season, competitors' actions, etc...

6. Where to buy leads - lead generation agencies

You received general idea about lead generation, and, while reading the article, they most likely tried this tool on their own business.

  • Is contextual or targeted advertising right for you?
  • Do you want to do lead generation yourself?
  • Are you ready to explore a new area?

If yes, then you can skip this section. Your future plans are learning the basics SMM and SEO.

But if employment does not allow you to plunge into this fascinating process with your head, it is better to hire a company that will provide A complex approach– incoming leads from all traffic sources, from the creation of a landing page and content, to Yandex.Direct and social networks.

Such firms are called lead generation agencies . How are they different from stock exchanges? The main task of the exchange is to bring together the buyer and seller of applications in one place, to help them find each other, receiving their commission for this. On the exchange, you simply buy leads. The agency offers lead generation services from all sources, including the same exchanges.

If you are thinking about buying turnkey applications, such agencies are suitable to do the “rough” work for you: select keywords, compose and place ads, create a landing page, track performance. But there are things that you still have to do yourself if you want the costs to pay off:

  1. Thoroughly check the list of keywords. Feel free to enter each suggested key in Wordstat to compare the number of requests.
  2. make a portrait target customer , to which this or that advertising campaign is oriented.
  3. Check if ads are correct before launch. If a third-party manager, due to a flaw or out of ignorance, gives false information, you risk not gaining, but losing customers and reputation;
  4. Control the cost of one lead and the effectiveness of the funds spent. Feel free to ask, ask again, ask again. Your money, your rules.

And most importantly - ruthlessly part with ineffective advertising campaigns, managers and agencies! Remember: all order generation services should be focused on profit. You don’t need to receive targeted applications for a “tick”, and “to be like all serious companies”.

7. How to start a lead generation business

Have you tried to attract customers to your business and did you like it? Moreover, you are doing very well, did you get carried away and decided to develop a new direction? Are you wondering where to start? You have several options:

  • Lead sales: create a website with quality content, promote it in the search, creating a flow of visitors and readers. Sell ​​these contacts to interested buyers through the exchange, agencies, freelancers. Main problem: quality texts require time, professionalism and patience. You will have to work for a long time, but the flow of applications will be of high quality.
  • Open a lead generation agency, providing a service to attract potential customers on a turnkey basis. You will have to master all traffic sources, learn how to work with them. But the main task is to find customers. To do this, as you already understood, you can use your favorite generation of applications. Main problem: find clients rich enough to afford integrated marketing, but not so poor as not to afford at least lead generation.
  • Teach everyone this art. You can record several videos with free lessons by posting them on Youtube. Of course, develop a landing page and attract applications to it. Main problem: to convince people that they can earn money in a new profession and not be branded as a "divorce". By investing in education, people want to get turnkey solution and you give them "merely" the means to find that solution.
  • Create an exchange for the sale of contacts of potential customers. You will have to first purchase the data, selectively check its authenticity, and then put it up for sale. The scheme is the same: a website (landing page), attracting potential customers, buying and selling. Main problem: torn between sellers who think their leads are perfect and buyers who think otherwise.

The business must be profitable. So take your time, anyone successful project requires preparation:

  1. Drawing up a business plan. Who are you planning to sell your services to? At what price? Who are your clients? How are you going to attract them? How much investment do you need to make and how quickly will they pay off? Quantity, quality of staff. Optimistic and pessimistic forecasts. I have previously written about .
  2. Enterprise registration. IP or LLC? Taxation system. Overhead costs, non-sales and sales costs, the structure of services. or we wrote in previous articles.
  3. Market Research. Who are your competitors? Which of the strengths and weak sides? Market capacity, segmentation, niche you plan to occupy.

An important part of preparation is training. Identify knowledge gaps and address them. If accounting can be transferred to, then the main activity for the first time is your responsibility. Where can you learn how to generate customers? This will be discussed further.

8. Lead Generation Academy and other available ways of learning

How can I get complex complete knowledge on all the nuances of lead generation? - Learn from proven masters who will explain, chew, show and tell. Most often, training takes place online, and consists of lessons and homework.

Among the major educational projects, the Academy of Lead Generation stands out. “Delicious” offers, promises of millions, excellent feedback from participants - I want to go to study right now.

But there is no magic. Will you be studying at the Academy, or any other educational institution, remember: the salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. In order for the training to give results and not bring disappointments, follow these simple recommendations:

  • do not expect ready-made recipes from teachers that will lead you to a brighter future without investment on your part. You will have to work hard on your own, experiment, make mistakes, develop your own methods. And if you still decide to start your own business, you will also need material investments.
  • decide what you want to do, find your business, idea. Will these be lead generation services, or do you intend to attract customers to your existing business, open a new one? Without an idea, lessons will only be half useful.

Another effective (and free) way of learning is self-education. The Internet is filled with articles, blogs, video tutorials that will give you a complete understanding of this Internet marketing technique, and your perseverance, patience and practice (more practice!) will gradually make you a professional lead manager.

Then you will begin to understand who is who, where you can turn for advice and give money for experience.

9. Conclusion

Lead generation is a growing area in marketing, the task of which is to attract customers to business . This is relevant both for the marketers of the company and for its direct owners (managers).

Leads- these are potential customers who are interested in the service and have provided their contacts for feedback.

This contact method potential buyers will only be useful if used correctly. It is necessary to carefully study the tools, and most importantly, to calculate the effectiveness in terms of money.

Sources of mass lead generation: social networks, blogs, lead exchange, contextual advertising. All of these channels should lead potential customers either to your main site or to a landing page created specifically for the advertising campaign.

Those who have mastered the wisdom of this Internet marketing tool with right approach can open several types of business at once, listed above in the article.

Basic Mastery Recipe new specialty: hard work, practice and idea that you will bring to life through the generation of applications. Ready recipes not a single training center and the most professional lead manager will give. All in your hands!

If you found this article helpful, please leave your feedback in the comments. This is very important for us, thank you in advance.

Basic information

Lead is the act of registration in response to an advertiser's offer, containing contact information and, in some cases, demographic information. There are two types of leads - customer leads and targeted leads.

Consumer leads are generated based on demographic criteria such as creditworthiness, income, age, market concentration index, etc. These leads are often resold to different advertisers. Customer leads are usually developed through phone calls from sales managers. Such leads are usually used only in the mortgage, insurance and financial industries.

Target leads- special leads generated for unique offer advertiser. Unlike consumer leads, targeted leads can only be sold to an advertiser whose offer is accepted by the buyer. Because transparency is necessary condition targeted lead generation, targeted lead generation campaigns can be optimized by verifying the validity of their sources.

How does lead generation work?

The essence of lead generation is entirely dependent on the decision of the buyer.

For complex products and services requiring complex decision making, key moment- identifying the most likely buyers and then developing and preparing them before using more expensive sales resources. Development benefits buyers, preparation benefits seller. This gradual lead cultivating can go on for months and involve several people at once in evaluating the solution.

For commodities, the "meeting problem" is that the 2 parties are looking for each other, but are hindered by time, distance, or attention. In essence, there is a set of well-chosen candidates to buy a product within a larger set of ill-chosen candidates. Well-selected candidates are what they look for in the process of effective lead generation.

Although there are different methodologies and ways of implementation, each deals with one of the 2 main "meeting" strategies: mailing or concentration. - Mailing involves communication with a large number of candidates and waiting for a statistical response to the marketer. Advertising is a classic example of a broadcast marketing meeting.

Concentration involves identifying and creating situations that concentrate well-selected candidates into a set of mailing lists. Market segmentation and trade shows are classic examples of a "meet" concentration marketing strategy.

Lead Generation Types

Lead generation includes different marketing methodologies:

  • Newsletter
  • Online lead generation
  • Direct mail
  • Events and trade shows
  • Seminars and training
  • Publicity or Public Relations (PR)
  • Reports and special literature
  • Email marketing
  • Internet Marketing (Search Engine Optimization or Buying Online Advertising)

Online lead generation

Since 2000 all large quantity merchants have started channeling their direct marketing budgets into the online space. The Internet allows for the development of highly targeted lead generation campaigns and offers geographic, demographic and contextual targeting services.

Although the online space is growing extremely fast, where search marketing and PPC advertising own the majority of online advertising budgets, the demand for well-trained search marketers remains strong. There are also many tools software, allowing individual search marketers to more effectively manage their paid search campaigns.

This means that the cost of keywords becomes more expensive. A 2007 report from Doubleclick Performics Search shows that in January 2007 there were six times as many keywords with CPCs over $1 than in 2006. Cost per keyword increased by 33% and cost per click by 55%. Most of these clicks were the direct result of fraud. According to Click Forensics, the percentage of fraud in the pay-per-click industry is up 15% since 2006. In the near future, rapid growth is expected in the field of online lead generation. A GP Bullhound Research report reports that online lead generation is 71% annual growth, so it is growing 2 times faster than the market online advertising. Rapid growth is primarily driven by the requirement to increase ROI (return on investment). This is a trend that is expected to dominate in a crisis. The most common types of subscriptions are:

  • AdUnitX - X banners: allow the advertiser to transfer CPM advertising to the CPL - cost per lead scoring model.

These banners eliminate the need for users to go to a landing page to sign up. The user enters information directly into the field placed inside the banner. Contact information is transmitted automatically from the partner to the advertiser via the server.

Lead generation is profitable marketing strategy, which allows companies to find customers who are interested in purchasing their products or services. Typically, the lead generation process consists of several key steps:

To bookmarks

Lead generation.

1. Marketing campaigns

Two methods of lead generation are most commonly used: online and offline generation. The basis of these methods is the development of a good marketing strategy.

Your company can develop an effective marketing campaign either on its own or with the help of agencies and companies that professionally generate leads for a fee.

In the event that your company has chosen online generation as a basis, then the advantage will be given to marketing campaigns conducted on the Internet. The most effective directions are:

  • Conducting social media campaigns
  • Maintaining a corporate blog
  • Creating Landing Pages
  • Email campaigns
  • contextual advertising
  • Online demos, presentations, etc.
  • Create forms on landing pages with additional integration in CRM

Example: Lead acceptance form on

If you prefer offline generation, then the main directions of your marketing campaign will be:

  • distribution by mail
  • marketing journalism
  • carrying out promotions.

It would not be superfluous to mention the possibility of integrating offline and online resources when conducting marketing campaigns.

2. Counting and screening leads

As a result of marketing campaigns, your business will receive a certain amount of potential leads. However, this does not mean that all the contacts received are exactly what you need. On the this stage it is important to weed out the resulting leads.

In the event that you initially entrusted the generation of leads to an agency, then the selection of consumer or target leads, as well as their further counting and screening, will be the responsibility of the agency. This will be followed by selling them to your business.

If you yourself were engaged in marketing campaigns, then as a result you will also receive a certain number of potential leads, which in the future will need to be divided into high-quality and "unpromising".

At this stage, it is appropriate to use special CRM databases and programs that will help optimize the lead counting process and their storage.

Example: The place where information about Leads from the site is displayed

3. Support campaign

As soon as you get "promising" leads, start a campaign to support them: it is important not to lose a lead and properly prepare it for buying your product or service. Lead generation is much more efficient if you contact people within five minutes of providing contact information.

As a rule, the following mechanisms are used as a support campaign: email newsletters, webinars, reports, blogging and podcasts, publications in the media, holding various events. Consider in what sequence and in what period of time certain mechanisms will be used.

As an example, the following algorithm can be given:

  • The first day. The visitor has downloaded a report (on a product or service) that interested him from your site. (for which he had to leave his email and name on the site, i.e. you got a lead).
  • Day three. You send a letter to the lead’s email thanking him for downloading the report and inviting him to attend a thematic webinar.
  • Day seven. The lead attends the webinar. You send an email to the lead, specifying whether he is interested in learning more about the product/service.

If the lead responds positively, then you've got a qualified lead.

If the answer is no, the support campaign should be continued (for example, send out periodic emails with offers to attend webinars, read published articles on a website or blog, etc.)

4. Sales support

So you've got a lead ready to buy. The task of your company is to make the purchase process as convenient and simple as possible, as well as carefully work out the procedure for communicating with customers after they make their first purchase.

As a result, you will get not only an increase in sales and a satisfied customer, but also a greater weight in the market for goods and services. Alternatively, a satisfied client can always leave a comment about your activity positive feedback online or recommend you to friends, which will have a positive impact on the company's sales.

Material presented with the support of the company: STDESK

Email: [email protected]

You probably often hear such concepts as leads, lead form, lead qualification, and perhaps even vaguely imagine what exactly they mean. But what if you start using them confidently?

Today we will tell you all about the process of generating applications. This is mandatory knowledge for everyone who runs their business not only online, but also offline. Read to the end!

Lead generation tools

Lead generation (from the English. Lead generation) is the process of creating a database of potential customers, leads (contacts), using various tools internet marketing. The presence of leads guarantees future sales with the right interaction with them.

The list is very wide separate ways attracting customers can be found based on individual characteristics business. Below we will offer what really works. Try it and see for yourself.

Offline Methods

1. Telemarketing. Calling the database of potential customers has always been a popular tool to increase sales. If you want to make this process more efficient, first determine the needs of your target audience. Today, outbound telemarketing only works if you prepare for calls by learning what to offer the person on the other end of the line.

2. Organization of meetings, presentations, exhibitions, public performance are great helpers in attracting leads. For many users, this is an indicator that the brand can be trusted. With a successful development of events, you can then use the role of "opinion leader" for lead generation by publishing expert opinion on guest sites, for example.

Direct marketing

1. Email newsletters. Attracting customers through cold databases is perhaps even more difficult than using cold calls. Most users send such emails to the Spam folder if it doesn't automatically end up there. Therefore, try to send letters regularly (but not every day), while composing an interesting text of the letter, indicating the subject and, of course, a link to your website or landing page.

2. SMS marketing. Works on the principle of "cold calls". Identify needs, try to interest the recipient and do not spam.

Content Marketing

1. Create interesting selections, offering to receive them in exchange for the user's contact information. One of the Australian companies Quoteroller used this method. Their SEO directory brought in about 1,000 visits, but not a single lead. They added a form where they asked for their email, and began to receive about 5 leads per day. And this database is no longer for "cold" mailings.

2. Video clips can bring a lot of applications. A number of studies have shown that more than 60% of users identify themselves as visuals. This means that they prefer visual presentation of information. By playing on this, you have a chance not only to get more leads, but also to convert them into real buyers. Just don't make the video too long!

3. Guest posts also give enough leads. However, it makes sense to publish only on large sites that have earned trust, which means that bad content should be excluded. Create interesting posts on the topic of your business and casually mention your services - it works.

1. Work on appearance section "About the company". Clearly, CTA placement is most appropriate on home page, but this element can also be placed in the brand history section. Include a value offer in the title and write an interesting text about you, dividing it into blocks. This will encourage the visitor to fill out the lead form.

2. Not blogging yet? It's time to start! This is one of the obvious truths of inbound marketing. We all know that a blog is effective tool lead generation, but few companies use it. Don't be left behind, create a consistent and interesting content plan, hire an author or two, and publish articles at regular intervals. But even after driving traffic to your blog, your work is not over. Invite readers to fill out a lead form after each post, thus helping potential customers move up the “sales funnel”. A reader interested in the posts will also subscribe to the mailing list.

3. Create content that is called "evergreen". This name was given to the type of materials, which occupies a high position due to its constant relevance. As a rule, these are highly specialized and “deep” articles. Right choice Themes are the key to success.

Marketer David Cheng suggests the following way to determine the direction of evergreen content is to analyze existing articles, identify the most popular and commented ones, update them and add calls to action.

One of the most effective ways attract leads - landing page. This is the page where your Unique Selling Proposition is posted, but it can be used for other marketing and business purposes as well.

The main components of a quality one-pager:

  • the offer is necessarily unique and attractive, the effectiveness of the entire one-pager depends on it;
  • lead form - by filling it out, the consumer gets access to the offer, and the company gets contacts for further communication;
  • CTA - call to action - as a rule, a button with inviting text.

Below is the LPgenerator page, where all the components are used:

Lead generation through social platforms is one of the obvious methods. Using social networks, you can really expand your subscriber base at times. Choose the platform where your target audience is theoretically present.

You can use the infographic below for the most popular social networks in Runet.

Lead Qualification

So, now that we have dealt with the concept of lead generation and its main tools, it's time to find out - what is lead scoring? In short, this indicator helps determine the level of readiness of the lead to move to the stage of closing the deal.

Most often, qualification depends on how the lead data is obtained. We have listed a few examples for you below:

1. Lead on a job search site

The most popular job search services (HeadHunter or SuperJob) offer to fill out a detailed resume with contact information, work experience and personal qualities. A user registered there is highly interested in receiving vacancies and is ready to accept the newsletter.

2. Lead who downloaded the discount coupon

A consumer who left his contacts in exchange for a discount coupon, although he provides little information about himself, is considered to be interested in the company's offer. Marketers of such a service can divide the lead base depending on the coupon for which services a particular visitor ordered, and offer him relevant information.

3. Lead who received free content

A user who left his contacts in exchange for free content is most often not a direct potential consumer of your goods and services. Perhaps your interaction will end precisely on the receipt of materials. Weed out an uninterested audience, for example, by conducting webinars, and select the leads you really need.

Lead qualification allows you to understand whether you need to further interact and “grow” contact in real client, or it is not worth the material and time costs.

Required metrics

Every marketer knows that without tracking lead optimization and other metrics, it’s hard to keep up quality lead generation work.

Here are a few metrics to track:

  • profitability;
  • click-through rate on emails;
  • the number of leads in the sales funnel;
  • lead price;
  • average transaction price;
  • number of converted leads;
  • the ratio of leads ready to make a deal to the total number of potential customers;
  • activity on the landing;
  • return on investment.

We propose the following model, which works in 99% of cases:

We explain. There is a specific offer and a unique selling proposition - what you sell to the user. Through different ways and lead management, the offer is converted into sales.

In this model, there are no extra segments that make the scheme heavier and hinder bids.

More about lead management. We suggest the following process:

  • evaluation of leads by their readiness to move to the next level;
  • lead nurthing of leads not yet ready for the next action;
  • evaluation of results.

Do not save time by redirecting unfinished leads to the sales department, this is a mistake of more than half of marketers (especially if you work in the B2B industry). Only 27% will ripen later, you will lose the rest.

Instead of a conclusion

Lead generation should not be done "at random" - so it will not bring any results.

If you need help in organizing the flow of clients, LPgenerator Digital specialists will be happy to help you, check out our services and leave a request to get advice..