Types of electrodes for inverter welding. The choice of electrodes for inverter welding

When the task is to buy electrodes, of course, it is better to understand this issue thoroughly: what are the types of metal, how do they differ, what metals are intended for, and what types and brands of electrodes are there.

Now, in order to start practicing seams as quickly as possible, an easier way of choosing will be considered.

As for the choice of store, it is preferable to buy in a specialized store that sells welding equipment and Consumables, and not in a regular hardware store, because in a specialized store, most likely, sellers understand this topic and will be able to suggest something.

In the same place where everything is sold, most likely, the sellers do not have the necessary competence in the selection of welding electrodes.
In addition, it often happens that prices are higher in ordinary hardware stores. Perhaps it is implied that the person who buys such materials in the non-specialized does not understand the issue well enough to have a good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow much they cost.

When you come to a specialized store, it is enough to say that you need ordinary quality carbon steel, or ordinary carbon steel.
Each type of electrode can have several grades. For example, table 5 with E46 type electrodes is given.

A typebrand
E46MP3C; ANO-21, ANO-4; OZS-4, OZS-6, OZS-12, etc.

Sometimes the letter "A" is placed in the marking - for example, E46A. This means increased ductility of the weld.
Since type E46 is taken as an example, further explanation of the principles of selection will take place on the example of the same type of electrodes. There is a wide range of electrodes brand ANO (21, 36, 4, etc.), OZS, MP-3.

It is unlikely that the store will have the entire "line" of a certain marking. Most likely, there will be one or two options. It makes sense to buy the smallest portion that they can offer, and try which electrodes will produce the highest quality seams in this particular situation.

It also makes sense to try to cook with UONI 13/55 electrodes, this is type E50. It differs from the E46 type, in some situations it will be possible to obtain a better weld with their help.

In any case, you first need to try: buy a small batch, and then, if you get a high-quality result, you can take required amount for all welding jobs.

The principle of operation of the electrode

The figure shows a diagram of the manual arc welding (MAW) process.

An electrode is a metal rod coated with a coating or coating.

Welding current - very important parameter, on which the quality of the finished welded joint largely depends. It is sometimes difficult for novice welders to understand the variety of settings offered by GOSTs. After all, in order to correctly set the strength of the welding current, everything is taken into account, and even features that are not obvious to a beginner, such as the thickness of the metal.

In this article we will tell you how to choose the welding current parameter based on the diameter . In writing this material, we were guided by our own experience and . Previously, novice welders were forced to calculate all the settings themselves using formulas. Now you can use the ready-made recommended settings.

Separately, we want to note that in this article we will talk about setting the current for arc welding using an inverter, as the most common and simple type welding equipment.

The current strength when welding with an electrode must be selected based on many parameters. , be sure to read it to understand the essence. In general, the welding mode consists not only of the current strength and the diameter of the electrode. It also takes into account the brand of the electrode, the position during welding, the type of welding current and its polarity, as well as the layers of the future seam. It is important to understand what end result you want to get. That is, what quality of the seam, its size and other characteristics are fundamental for you. Based on this, already adjust the welding mode, and the current strength in particular.

All this seems a little confusing, but we will help you choose the right welding current. The “iron” rule always applies here: in order to determine the optimal current strength, you must first of all look at the diameter of the electrode with which you are going to cook. Naturally, this is not the only option, but it is the basis, the basis for further settings.

The selection of electrodes, in turn, is also a very important stage. The diameter is selected based on the thickness of the metal. The greater the thickness, the greater the diameter. In parallel, you need to look at what spatial position the electrodes you have chosen are intended for. Perfect option- welding with electrodes in the position for which they are intended. But we all understand that not every welder (especially a home welder) can afford to buy different electrodes to make different seams.

This problem can be easily solved. For example, you purchased electrodes designed for down-position welding, but you need to weld . To do this, reduce the amps by 10-15%. This method also works for welding. , reduce the amps by 25-30%. But keep in mind that when welding ceiling joints, the diameter of the electrode should not exceed 4 millimeters.

Thanks to these settings, the metal will melt more slowly and, accordingly, will not flow down much. As you understand, welding current and electrode diameter are always interconnected.

Setting the current strength depending on the electrode

Now let's go directly to the electrodes and current settings. As we wrote above, the electrode diameter is selected based on the thickness of the metal. If you need to weld a part with a thickness of 3 to 5 millimeters, then use electrodes with a diameter of 3-4 millimeters. If the thickness is up to 8 millimeters, then an electrode with a diameter of 5 millimeters will be enough for you.

What about current strength? Everything is simple here.

When welding metal with a 3 mm electrode, the welding current should be from 65 to 100 amperes. You might be surprised by this a big difference in numbers, but don't worry. You yourself will choose a convenient value depending on the metal and its characteristics. For beginners, we recommend setting 80 amps, this is the most universal value.

The strength of the welding current when welding with a 4 mm electrode can be from 120 to 200 amperes. This electrode diameter is the most popular, because it allows you to weld a wide variety of seams. It is widely used in industrial and home welding. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn how to adjust the welding current in this range.

If you plan to use an electrode with a diameter of 5 millimeters, then quite large values ​​\u200b\u200bof the welding current will be needed here. Minimum 160 Amps. The recommended value is 200 Amps. In order for the work to be continuous and the arc to burn stably, we recommend using a semi-professional transformer.

But what if you are going to work with thick electrodes? Let's say 8 millimeters. Here you can not do without professional powerful equipment. The minimum current value should be 250 Amps. But, most likely, in your work you will have to use much larger values, up to 350 amperes.

Separately, we want to say about compact inverter welding machines, which are now sold in every specialized store. They are loved by many home welders for their simplicity, compactness and reliability. But there is also a drawback: often such devices are able to work only with a small diameter wire, up to 2 millimeters. For such devices, a current of 40-50 amperes will be sufficient. We recommend purchasing models of such devices that are able to smoothly regulate the current. Then the error will be minimal.

Do not set the amperage at random or based on the unreasoned advice of other welders. This issue must be given due attention, otherwise the metal will either not melt to the desired depth, or it will burn through. In any case, the quality of the seams from such work cannot be called good or even tolerable. Your main adviser is GOSTs and other regulatory documents, in which all settings are clearly defined. Study them, only in this way you can get the right information.

Below you can see tables that will help you adjust the welding current depending on the diameter of the electrode used. Set the welding machine to the settings from the first table if you plan to weld butt welds.

The settings from the second table, which you can see below, are more universal. With them, you can start your first attempts to set up the welding machine. Such a table of welding currents will definitely come in handy, so write it down or memorize it.

Instead of a conclusion

The choice of welding current is one of the key steps in setting up the machine. But don't worry about possible mistakes. When welding with an inverter, many parameters are set up intuitively, and in modern welders, the welding mode can be set in an automated mode (for example, many inverter models have the ability to auto tuning arc voltage).

To avoid mistakes, have simple tables at hand that you have already seen in our article. Better yet, just memorize all possible combinations of settings. Believe me, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In time you will find your personal experience and start tuning the inverter based on its errors. You will also know the characteristics of the metals you will be working with, making it easier to set up your welding machine. Share in the comments your experience of setting the welding current depending on the diameter of the electrode.

The choice of electrodes for welding is an essential moment in such processes. modern building seldom do without the use of this type of work. Moreover, this applies to low-rise buildings (private and country houses) and large commercial buildings.

The quality of welding, first of all, depends on the quality of the electrode with which the work was performed, therefore, its choice must be approached very carefully and responsibly.

Frames, containers, bases for garages and sheds, roof elements - all metal parts of these structures are interconnected by means of welding. In order for the seam to turn out to be of high quality, reliable and durable, it is necessary to have good equipment and consumables. Therefore, the choice of the electrodes themselves for welding is one of the main ones in the preparation of work. The quality of the welded joint depends on how correctly the electrodes are selected.

Welding equipment

There are several ways in which welding is performed:

  • gas press;
  • contact;
  • roller;
  • electrostepping.

But they distinguish gas-pressing and contact. Gas-pressure welding uses an oxy-acetyl flame. This method is chosen if it is necessary to achieve high productivity of the work performed. Therefore, the industries where gas-pressure welding is used are oil and gas when laying main pipelines over long distances.

In resistance welding, the process is carried out using electric current with low voltage and high strength current. This method is performed manually or mechanically. In this case, contact welding can be performed butt, overlap, parts can be applied to each other at any angle. The choice depends on how the seam is made. necessary equipment. As a result, the quality of the work performed depends on the choice of the electrode, welding units.

The choice of welding equipment should be approached from the specific conditions of the work. Namely:

The supply voltage of the domestic welding machine is 220 V.

  1. Supply voltage. Under production conditions, it is 380 V, in household conditions - 220V. With frequent power surges, it is more rational to use an inverter, which can protect the device from such influences and ensure reliable operation.
  2. Types and grades of metals to be joined. The direct current required for welding cast iron or non-ferrous metal parts can be provided by a welding generator or rectifier. The transformer is used for welding ferrous metal elements.
  3. weight of the welding machine. Not always big weight indicates the duration of full use. Modern welding units, having a fairly low weight, can serve for a long time, performing all the tasks, unlike weighty outdated models. This is especially true when frequent movement is required both between objects and within the construction object.
  4. Operating time without possible overheating. This passport characteristic, which is indicated in the documentation for the equipment, indicates how long the device can operate without interruption in order to prevent the threat of overheating. For example, if the numbers 5x20% are indicated, then this means the possibility of continuous operation for 1 minute, and then a break of 4 minutes is necessary.
  5. Output characteristics of the welding machine. With lower output characteristics of current and voltage, they make it possible to work with thick metal. However, in such devices, the winding heats up faster, therefore, the thermostat can quickly turn off the welding unit.

In addition to welding equipment in the process of welding 2 or more metal parts electrode is involved. A choice that must be approached responsibly. Not only the quality and durability of the seam, but also the amount of deposited metal, its composition depends on it.

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The manufacturer of welding equipment most often gives recommendations on which brands and types of electrodes can be used in combination with it. The wire that underlies the electrode must be of high quality initially. Further, the determining parameter for the use of a particular type of electrode is its coating.

The choice of electrodes must be made based on the parameters and characteristics of the surfaces to be welded. In this case, it should be borne in mind that each of the brands of electrodes has its own application features. If the wrong type of electrode is used, the weld may not work.

Electrodes, according to regulatory documents, can be divided into several parameters:

  • purpose of use;
  • type of coating and its thickness;
  • mechanical properties and composition of the coating.

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Electrode coating

Wire coating can be:

  1. Rutilov. It is made of titanium dioxide, which is used as a powder for spraying onto the wire. The use of this coating allows you to get a high-quality weld. Such electrodes contribute to stabilization during combustion. This grade is used to connect rusty or wet parts. A small amount of spatter formed during welding contributes to low metal consumption during work, while the seam is neat. They are able to work both when using equipment operating on a constant, and on alternating current. Their cost is quite high, but the breadth of application of this type fully justifies it.
  2. Ilmenitov. When coating the wire, iron is added to the titanium dioxide. When working, a strong elastic seam is formed.
  3. Main.

Carbonate and fluorine compounds are used as coating materials.

They are resistant to changing temperatures environment. But a significant disadvantage of this type of electrodes is that their use is limited only to parts that do not have a rusty edge. However, they can be used when working in any position and direction (top down, bottom up). They are used for welding structures that will later be operated at low temperatures with variable or shock loads. A feature of the use of these electrodes is that they can only be used in welding work, which are conducted by direct current of reverse polarity.

In addition, there are also rutile-basic and rutile-cellulose coatings. The electrodes that are covered with the first of them are used when laying pipelines for any purpose of medium or small diameter. The second coating is applied to the wire that will be used in welding the thick coating.

A strong and reliable connection of metals depends on many factors, the main of which is the correspondence of the electrode and the workpieces to be welded. Before choosing electrodes for welding, you need to determine the chemical composition of the parts, as this will help you choose optimal combination coated products and blanks. Also very important right choice coating, which is applied to the electrode and is at the same time a flux with alloying additives. This coating has a significant impact on the welding process and its correct choice in relation to specific materials provides the best indicators of strength and durability of the welded joint.

With a qualified selection of the welding mode, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the welding unit, which make it possible to use best electrodes and the most preferred conditions for fusion of parts. There are several types of welding, using consumable coated products, non-consumable tungsten or semi-automatic feeding methods using wire with special properties.

Equipment for welding is divided into the following types:

  1. AC step-down transformer or DC rectifying circuit;
  2. DC inverter device;
  3. device with inverter , with a refractory tungsten electrode and manual feeding of the welding wire into the melt zone;
  4. semi-automatic unit with wire feed into the weld zone.

Each device has technical properties by current strength and voltage, which dictate the selection of products of the appropriate diameter and coating composition. It should be noted that the wire, which is the electrode for semi-automatic and manual feeding into the melting zone, also serves the purpose of best matching the composition of the parts to be welded. The choice of electrodes depends on the method of welding by direct or reverse voltage connection, since the penetration depth is related to polarity and the diameter selection directly depends on this.

The coating of the rod, as well as the composition of the wire, serves to implement certain tasks:

  • the use of carbon oxides protects the weld pool from the action of atmospheric oxygen;
  • facilitates ignition and stabilizes the arc discharge;
  • promotes the removal of oxygen from the melt zone, deoxidizing the seam;
  • with the help of impurities, it has an alloying effect on the seam.

It is these requirements that determine the selection of good coated electrodes for specific applications. The Russian industry produces a wide range of products for welding various metals and alloys. For domestic purposes, it is necessary to choose priority materials for welding. As a rule, this is the welding of ferrous metals, cast iron, stainless steels and alloys of aluminum and copper. Sometimes, they resort to welding workpieces of dissimilar composition, and here, one should choose an electrode with the closest parameters to the main composition of the parts.

It is important to ensure that the joint is clean from the oxide layer, since all kinds of contamination create a fragile, porous joint, and this negatively affects the quality.

Popular types of electrodes

Produced different kinds products for welding, which are selected taking into account the characteristics of the materials to be joined and the welding methods. In the case of argon arc welding, a refractory tungsten rod is used, and a wire is manually fed into the melt zone. When working with the use of semiautomatic devices, the electrode for inverter welding is a wire different composition supplied through a variable speed burner. The most common method is the use of piece consumable electrodes, the coating thickness of which is especially thick (D), thin (M), medium (C) and thick (D).

The choice of coating thickness by the welder creates conditions for changing the degree of impact on the seam to protect it from the influence of atmospheric oxygen, traces of pollution and the oxide layer. According to the composition of the coating, the electrodes are divided as follows:

  • the main type for welding with direct current and obtaining a plastic seam;
  • type with an acidic coating to ensure the ductility of the metal in the area of ​​the weld pool;
  • impact resistance is provided by a cellulose coating, these products are also used on a vertical seam;
  • rutile coating contributes to stable ignition of the arc;
  • special electrodes for welding copper and aluminum, as well as their alloys.

When choosing a product, it is necessary to take into account the thickness and composition of the workpieces, the welding current and the diameter of the electrode, these parameters must be linked to the characteristics of the apparatus. For welding steel 1 mm thick, electrodes with a diameter of 1.2 to 2 mm are selected, while a current of 45–55 A is required. For workpieces 2 mm thick, a diameter of 2.5 mm and a current of 60–80 A are required, parts from 3 up to 5 mm need to use a diameter of 3 to 4 mm and a current of 70 to 130 A. Thicker workpieces are welded with an electrode of 5 mm and a current of 210 A and above. The most popular products, especially for beginners, include rutile and basic coated rods, although the choice largely depends on the composition of the material being welded.

It is important to remember that the coating material is sensitive to moisture content, so the rods must be baked before welding, and they must be stored in a dry, ventilated place.

The main coating of electrodes of the UONI brand allows inverter welding, both in direct and reverse polarity, and the rutile brand MP-3 makes it possible to use alternating and direct currents and is characterized by easy arc ignition.

Metals to be welded and choice of electrodes

For high-quality welding, a certain experience is required, as well as knowledge of the chemical composition of the workpieces. Therefore, before choosing welding electrodes, you need to find out what kind of metal or alloy you are going to connect. For different types of metals, corresponding products have been developed with different kind coatings and many of them are analogues. Various reference literature, advice from sales professionals or experienced specialists can help here. In most cases, they work with carbon, stainless steels, cast iron and copper and aluminum alloys. Welding of galvanized steel, dissimilar workpieces and nickel-plated parts is quite popular.

The high strength and durability of the seam is achieved by the exact selection of the material of the consumable electrode and its coating to the metal or alloy to be joined and consists in the following recommendations:

  • structural low-alloy, carbon steels are very well welded using grades MP-3M, UONI-13/55, OMA-2, OZS-30, VI-10-6, ANO-21 and VSF-65U;
  • high-strength alloyed steels are welded using EA-981/5, EA-395/9, NIAT-5, OShZ-1 and NIAT-3M;
  • heat-resistant alloys and heat-resistant steel are combined with the grades TsL-39, ANZHR-2, TML-3U, OZL-35, IMET-10 and KTI-7A;
  • for corrosion-resistant and stainless materials, electrodes IZH-15S, NIAT-1, UONI-13NZh, TsT-15 and EA-400/10T are suitable;
  • parts from dissimilar materials are welded with grades ANZHR-2, EA-391/15, VI-IM-1, TsT-28, OZL-32, NII-48G, IMET-10, V-56U and;
  • for special steel grades OZL-44, ANV-20, EA-112/15 and NII-48G are used;
  • for cast iron blanks, TsCh-4, OZZHN-1, OZCH-2 and MNCh-2 are used;
  • aluminum alloys are welded using OZA-1, OZA-2, OZANA-1, OZANA-2;
  • copper and its compounds are brewed using ANTs / OZM-2, OZB-3, Komsomolets-100, OZB-2M is suitable for bronze;
  • for nickel alloys, OZL-32 and V-56U are suitable;
  • for cutting metal, they use the brands ANR-2M, OZR-2 and OZR-1.

When welding thin-walled plates, it is sometimes necessary to reverse the polarity in order to reduce the penetration depth and eliminate the risk of burning through the workpieces. In this case, they resort to inverter welding with high-frequency, pulsed alternating current.


We talked about the basic principles for choosing coated electrodes for welding using various devices. When choosing a brand, it is necessary to take into account the type of coating and the diameter of the rods, the current strength and the composition of the parts. With the acquisition of some experience and skills, effective work will not cause difficulties.

In the process of choosing electrodes for welding, you need to pay attention to a number of the most important characteristics. Only by correctly selecting these devices, you can count on high quality and welding performance. Therefore, it is recommended to approach the process of choosing welding electrodes as responsibly as possible.

The whole welding process depends on the quality of the electrode, so when choosing electrodes, you need to know following conditions: physical continuity of the weld metal, operational strength, manufacturability of electrodes, characteristics of electrodes and others.

Choosing the right electrode diameter for welding

One of the main characteristics of electrodes for welding is their diameter. When choosing a suitable value, you need to focus primarily on the thickness of the products to be welded, the metal grade, its chemical composition, the selected type of connection, the shape of the edges and other parameters. During the selection process, you can focus on the following data:

Scheme of the electrode for welding: 1 - rod; 2 - section of the transition; 3 - coating; 4 - contact end without coating; L is the length of the electrode; D is the coating diameter; d is the nominal diameter of the rod; l is the length of the end stripped from the coating.

  1. Electrodes for welding with a diameter of 1 mm - used to work with products up to 1.5 mm thick. The current strength should not exceed 25 A.
  2. Products with a thickness of 1.6 mm, in accordance with the regulations, are intended for welding alloyed and low-carbon steels. They can have a length of 20 or 25 cm. With their help, metals with a thickness of no more than 2 mm are boiled. Permissible current strength - 25-50 A.
  3. Electrodes for welding with a thickness of 2 mm are available in a length of 25 cm, it can also be 30 cm. They are used when working with alloyed and low-carbon steels. The maximum allowable metal thickness is 2 mm, and the current strength is 70 A.
  4. Products with a diameter of 2.5 mm are designed for welding alloyed and low-carbon steels. They can have a length of 25-30 cm, a length of 25 cm is allowed, elements up to 3 mm thick can be welded at a current strength of 70-100 A.
  5. The most widely used are electrodes with a diameter of 3 mm. They are also used when working with alloyed and low-carbon steels. There are products with a length of 30, 35 and 45 cm. Metals up to 0.5 cm thick can be welded at a current strength of up to 140 A.
  6. Products with a diameter of 4 mm are suitable for both household welding units and professional equipment. The length can be 35 and 45 cm. Suitable for any kind of steel. The main thing is that the thickness of the metal does not exceed 1 cm, and the current strength is 220 A.
  7. Five-millimeter electrodes can only work in conjunction with equipment of fairly high power. Alloyed and low-carbon steels are welded with electrodes 45 cm long, and high-alloyed ones - 35 cm. The thickness of the elements can reach 1.5 cm, and the current strength is 280 A.
  8. Professional equipment usually works with six-millimeter products. When working with alloyed and low-carbon steels, welding electrodes 45 cm long are used, and when welding high-alloy steels - 35 cm. They can cook at a current of up to 370 A.
  9. high performance industrial equipment it is completed with welding electrodes with a diameter of 8-12 mm. Alloyed and low-carbon steels are welded with electrodes 45 cm long, while high-alloyed steels can be welded with 35 cm electrodes. They are used when working with metals thicker than 8 mm. The current strength can reach 450 A.

It is important to note the fact that the current strength range depends not only on the diameter of the electrode, but also on its brand. For example, a three-millimeter UONI 13/55 operates at a current of 70-100 A, and an MP-3, which has the same diameter, at 80-140 A.

Electrodes for different current modes

On the modern market equipment for welding presents a fairly large selection of various electrodes. And picking up suitable type, you need to pay attention to a number of specific parameters. Among them, one of the most important is not only the diameter, but also the current mode with which the work will be carried out. It can be constant and variable.

Among the electrodes for operation on direct current, products of the brands MP-3, UONI 13/55, ANO-6, OZS-12, OZCH-12, TsL-11 and many others are most often used. If we compare them with other analogues, then the products of these brands are characterized by high operational properties and ease of use. Their main advantages include providing a stable arc and ease of re-ignition. Cooking with such electrodes allows you to get neat, even seams.

As for the electrodes for working on alternating current, they can be safely called a relic of the past. Previously, direct current was not very common due to high cost such works. In order to save money, I had to use alternating current and sacrifice quality. This was prompted by the fact that rectifier elements designed to work with high welding currents, until recently, were very bulky, had a low efficiency and were expensive.

However, with the advent of the first high-efficiency semiconductor rectifiers in a compact size, the situation has changed dramatically. And after inverters were created, almost everyone could afford manual arc welding. However, the alternating current did not disappear without a trace. The wealth of experience accumulated over decades of use and improvement of such devices has found its application in inverter welding.

Among the most popular electrodes used when working on alternating current, one can single out MR, ANO and OZS. They differ not only in chemical composition but also by type of coverage. For example, ANO-6 and MP-3 have ilmenite and rutile coatings.

The remaining electrodes for operation on alternating current have a rutile coating. They can be used to weld low-alloy, low-carbon and carbon steels. The advantage of such welding electrodes is their versatility, which allows them to be used for both AC and DC.

Universal electrodes

  1. Increased welding productivity.
  2. Sufficiently high economy.
  3. Low spatter.
  4. Pretty good separation of the slag crust.
  5. The ability to cook even contaminated, corroded, oxidized and wet metal with high quality.
  6. Minimum requirements for welding machine and operator.

In addition, such products provide a good and stable arc. They are equally well suited for long gap welding, short seam welding and spot tack welding.

Each type of electrode corresponds certain kind works.

If you plan to give your choice in favor of universal welding electrodes, then you first need to decide on the tasks ahead and, based on this, choose and purchase electrodes of a particular brand. So, there are the following brands of universal electrodes:

  1. ANO-6 and ANO-4. They are designed for welding mild steel.
  2. Products of grades OZS (4,6,12), MP (3 and 3C) and ANO-21 are suitable for working with carbon steel.
  3. If you have to cook low-alloy steel, then you should opt for universal electrodes of the OZS-6 and OZS-4 brands.

Universal electrodes cost a little and allow you to get welded joints of very high quality. This makes them very popular.

For example, such products have found their application not only in domestic welding, but also in laying communications, construction, etc.

Electrodes for welding different materials

When choosing welding electrodes, be sure to take into account what kind of materials you will be welding. For example, for steel, the most popular products are the brands MR, UONI and OZS. They have performed very well. Such electrodes contribute to obtaining high-quality results and increasing productivity.

When working with products of these brands, you do not have to worry that hot cracks will appear, the bath will boil, material will splatter, overheating will appear at the welding site, etc. Each of these brands has its own characteristics that you need to know about. Features are as follows:

  1. UONI electrodes are characterized by good slag separability and low metal spattering.
  2. MP brand products are characterized by excellent welding and technological performance. They are easy to use, provide easy re-ignition of the arc and good slag separation, metal spatter is minimal, welding is carried out at low currents, the unit can be powered from an ordinary household electrical network, do not require high qualifications from the welder, are inexpensive, provide high quality even when working with budget equipment.
  3. OZS grade electrodes can even be used for melting oxidized metals. They create good appearance seams and self-removing slag crust.

Carbon steels are usually boiled using ANO grade products. They contribute to easy re-ignition of the arc, eliminate problems with the separation of the slag crust, and spatter the metal to a minimum.

OZL electrodes are suitable for cooking stainless steel. When used, a reliable seam of heat-resistant metal is formed. It is able to normally tolerate temperatures up to 1000 degrees. In addition, the seam is characterized by high resistance to intergranular corrosion. If there are no elevated temperatures during operation, then products of the TsL brand can also be used for cooking. They also provide a weld that is resistant to intergranular corrosion.

Cast iron is brewed using OZCH electrodes. They have a copper base containing iron powder. Thanks to this composition, a very strong seam is created while maintaining plastic properties and viscosity.

In addition to the types of electrodes mentioned, there are still a lot of different highly specialized varieties. But to fulfill household tasks they are unlikely to be needed, and an experienced welder who performs highly specialized work knows perfectly well what electrodes he needs.

Focusing on the above information and recommendations, you can easily select the highest quality electrodes that are suitable for solving your specific problems. Treat this event as responsibly as possible. Good luck choosing!