Southwest Asia characteristics. Economic and social geography

1. Using atlas maps, characterize the EGP of the Southwest Asia and North Africa region.

The region is crossed by the most important sea route between the Atlantic and Indian oceans... The Suez Canal, the straits of Hormuz, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles are of outstanding importance. The largest seaports are Alexandria, Istanbul, Izmir, Beirut, Haifa, Aden.

Southwest Asia occupies a peninsula Asia Minor, The Armenian and Iranian highlands, partly the Greater and Lesser Caucasus, Mesopotamia, Palestine, the Arabian Peninsula and the island of Cyprus. The natural landscapes are diverse, dominated by sun-scorched deserts, semi-deserts and mountain systems... The region is characterized by significant mountainousness of the Alpine age, high seismicity, as evidenced by the earthquakes in Armenia, Turkey, Iran, etc. The largest mountain systems of the region - Caucasus mountains, Iranian and Anatolian (Asia Minor) highlands. The region is rich in mineral resources... The main wealth is oil and gas. Most of the countries are members of OPEC (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, OAU).

North Africa unites the countries of the African Mediterranean - Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, and Sudan. The overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of this region are Arabs. Territory North Africa arid and semi-arid. Therefore, the problems of irrigation, domestic and industrial water supply are very acute here. The only waterway in the region is r. Nile. In the face of scarcity fresh water are of particular importance for the region The groundwater, especially in the Algerian Sahara and the Libyan Desert. Industrial areas are located mainly on the Mediterranean coast and near it (Cairo, Algeria, Tunisia, Rabat, Casablanca, etc.). large deposits oil and gas - in Algeria, Libya, phosphorites - in Morocco, etc. The countries of this region are among the most economically developed African states, they are more involved in the international division of labor.

2. Why do we consider the countries of South-West Asia and North Africa as part of a single cultural and historical region?

The countries of Southwest Asia and Africa have traditionally been studied separately. If from a natural point of view, such an approach is justified, then from a cultural and historical point of view, it raises doubts, since the Arab-Islamic world is “dismembered”. The common connecting element of the states and peoples of Southwest Asia and North Africa is Islamic civilization.

3. What is the role of geographic location and Natural resources in the development of the region's economy?

The region is characterized by an extremely arid climate. Here are the largest deserts in the world - the Sahara and the Arabian. River network in most of the region there are no permanent watercourses, which, together with the arid climate, limits the spread of agriculture. Large rivers - the Tigris and Euphrates, the Nile, which are used for irrigation, are very important for human life and economic activity; large hydraulic structures were built on them. The region's mineral resource base is significant, and its main wealth is the world's largest oil and gas reserves. It was they who determined the place of many countries in the region ( Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain) in the international division of labor. The reserves of oil and gas in North Africa (Libya, Algeria) are noticeably more modest, but they are also considered large. In addition, the subsoil of the region contains ore minerals - chromites (Turkey), copper (Turkey, Iran), iron ores, manganese, polymetallic, phosphorites, etc.

4. What is the ethnic composition of the region's population?

The modern population of the region belongs mainly to three ethnolinguistic groups: the Iranian group of the Indo-European language family (Persians, Talysh, Afghans, Baluchis, Kurds); the Semitic group of the Semitic-Hamitic family (Arabs, Aysors, Jews) and the Turkic group of the Altai family (Turks, Azerbaijanis and Turkmens of Iran).

5. What are the features of the region's economy?

Worldwide economic importance the region is determined by its colossal oil resources of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Libya, Egypt. The main places of oil production are the territories of the countries adjacent to the Persian Gulf and shelf zones. In terms of production, Saudi Arabia has left far behind all the countries in the region and is the leader in the world (more than 500 million tons). However, there is a large gap between the level of oil production and the capacity of the local oil refining industry. Crude oil is mainly exported, mainly to Western Europe and the United States. On the basis of local raw materials, enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy have been created (Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey, Iran), phosphorites are being processed (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt), enterprises for the production of mineral fertilizers... In many countries, textile production and national crafts are developed - carpet weaving, leather dressing.

The main sector of the economy in terms of the number of people employed remains agriculture, where crop production plays the leading role. In the Mediterranean countries, vegetable growing, fruit growing, viticulture, and the cultivation of olive trees are developed. A significant part of the products of these industries is exported. The leading place among export crops belongs to cotton, the main plantations of which are located in Egypt. The main direction of animal husbandry is meat and wool sheep breeding.

Automobile transport is of the greatest importance in the region; pipelines have been built in the areas of oil and gas production.

6. Set the correspondence:

1) Turkey; 2) Saudi Arabia; 3) Israel; 4) Iran; 5) Egypt; 6) Oman. A) Riyadh; B) Istanbul; C) Tehran; D) Jerusalem; E) Muscat; E) Cairo.

1 - B, 2 - A, 3 - D, 4 - C, 5 - E, 6 - D

7. Set the correspondence:

1) Jews, Arabs, Aysors; 2) Kurds, Baluchis, Afghans; 3) Turks, Azerbaijanis.

A) Indo-European language family; B) Semitic-Hamitic language family;

B) Altai language family.

1 - B, 2 - A, 3 - C

8. Remove unnecessary name:

a) Alexandria; b) Istanbul; c) Aden; d) Jerusalem.

9. With which countries of the region under consideration does Russia maintain close economic and cultural ties?

Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Iran, Syria

11. Give the economic and geographical characteristics of one of the countries in the region.

Turkey is a country of South-West Asia and borders on 8 states. In the east - Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran; in the south - with Iraq and Syria; in the west - with Greece and Bulgaria. The country is washed by four seas: Black, Mediterranean, Aegean and Marmara. A feature of Turkey's EGP is its coastal position, which provides it with access to the Black and Mediterranean Seas. The country controls the strategically important straits of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles. Turkey is Ukraine's southern neighbor: the distance between Odessa and Istanbul is 690 km, and from the Crimea to the Turkish coast is 250 km. Turkey is located in two parts of the world. Railways and highways connecting Europe with the countries of Asia pass through Turkey. The country is located at the crossroads of two continents and has been a strategically important part of more than one great empire the world. From the V century. n. NS. to the XI century. - Byzantine empire; in the XI - XVII centuries. - Ottoman Empire. Thrace is the European part of the country, accounting for 3% of the territory, located in a subtropical Mediterranean climate. Anatolia - the Asian part makes up 97% of the area, which has a variety of climatic conditions, from Mediterranean to moderate continental. The country plays an important geopolitical role. Turkey is a NATO member and an associate member of the European Community and at the same time is part of the larger Islamic world and Turkic-speaking countries.

Considering specific features this subregion, it is necessary to pay attention, first of all, to its extremely important, nodal economic, political and geographical position at the junction of Europe, Asia and Africa, at the crossroads of sea and other communications of great international importance. The Black Sea Straits (the Bosphorus - Sea of ​​Marmara - Dardanelles system) and the Suez Canal are of strategic importance.

Political Map Southwest Asia was largely formed in the middle and in the second half of the 20th century, and at present, various forms of government are represented on it, including several types of republics (with various political regimes) and monarchies - absolute and quite close to them (including, as already noted, theocratic monarchy - Saudi Arabia).

This subregion is the most important component the Arab and Muslim world, which significantly affects its international position. It should be remembered that it was here that the "homeland" and the basis of the Arab Caliphate were located, that the shrines of Muslims all over the world - the cities of Mecca and Medina (in Sa-

Arabia), and in a number of countries (also Saudi Arabia, Iran, United United Arab Emirates and others) Islam is the state religion. The subregion contains half of the countries of the League of Arab States, a political and economic organization created in 1945; in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) is the headquarters of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, created in 1969 and uniting most of the Muslim states of the world. The Gulf Cooperation Council, an economic organization uniting Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman, has a narrower membership.

Jerusalem occupies a special place in this sub-region of Asia - the religious ("sacred") center of Jews, Christians and Muslims.

The diversity of the countries represented here is also expressed in their differences in the level of socio-economic development. Thus, according to the World Bank classification (by the level of per capita income; 1997), the group of countries with a low level of income includes: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan and Yemen; Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, as well as the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (territories of the Palestinian Arabs) have a slightly lower average income level. Per capita incomes are slightly above average in Bahrain, Oman and Saudi Arabia. Finally, to the group of countries with high level revenues include Israel, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. "

During the entire period after the Second World War, Southwest Asia was a "burning spot" of the planet, a territory "saturated" with numerous problems and conflicts of an interstate, interethnic and other nature.

Let's highlight only a few of them, the most acute and long-term ones.

7.2.1. Palestinian problem

The essence of this multifaceted problem lies in the self-determination of the Arab population of Palestine and the formation of their independent state in accordance with the well-known UN General Assembly resolution of November 29, 1947 (No. 181).

During the war of 1948-49. with neighboring Arab countries, Israel seized most of the territory of Palestine, which, according to this resolution, was intended for an Arab state, and the rest was under the control of Jordan

210 __________________________________ CHAPTER VII. POLITICAL MAP OF ASIA

(West Bank of the Jordan River) and Egypt (Gaza Strip, on the eastern Mediterranean coast) and was captured by Israel during the wars with Egypt, Syria and Jordan in 1967 (Fig. 7.1).

Long time Palestinian Arabs did not recognize the partition of Palestine, UN General Assembly Resolution 181 and, therefore, the existence of the State of Israel. For more than 40 years, they fought a political and armed struggle for the liberation of all of Palestine, refusing to negotiate with Israel.

On November 15, 1988 in Algeria, at the XIX session of the National Council of Palestine (NSP - the Palestinian parliament in exile), the creation of an Arab state - the State of Palestine - was announced. At this session of the NSP, Israel's right to exist was actually recognized, but the demand was put forward for its withdrawal from all Palestinian and Arab territories occupied by it since 1967, as well as the elimination of all Israeli settlements created there over the past years. Thus, the geographical framework of the proclaimed State of Palestine included the West Bank. Jordan (5,878 sq. Km) and the Gaza Strip (379 sq. Km), home to an estimated nearly 2 million Palestinian Arabs and over 100,000 Israeli settlers. In addition, up to 4 million Arab Palestinians are found in neighboring Arab countries and elsewhere in the world. East (Arab) Jerusalem was declared the capital of the new state.

7. 2. Southwest Asia _________________________________________________ 211

It is characteristic that as early as November 18, 1988, the Soviet Union announced the recognition of the "proclamation of a Palestinian state," and in January 1990, an embassy of the State of Palestine was created in Moscow. It has observer status in the UN and some other international organizations, has more than 100 representations in various countries of the world.

However, Israel did not recognize this act, and in fact the State of Palestine does not yet exist, since it does not possess state territory. At the same time, since 1991, Israel began to take part in the negotiations on a Middle East settlement, as a result of which, in September 1993, Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which is the core political structure the Palestinian national liberation movement, concluded an agreement on mutual recognition and signed a declaration, on the basis of which the Palestinian Authority in the Gaza Strip and the Jericho region (West Bank of the Jordan River) was established in 1994. In October 1994, Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty (such an agreement was signed with Egypt back in 1979). Thus, Israel's relations with neighboring Arab states are gradually normalizing and conditions are being formed for the national self-determination of the Palestinian Arabs. As of the beginning of 1998, problems remain unresolved in the Syrian-Israeli and Israeli-Lebanese tracks.

7.2.2. Kurdish problem

This is also one of the most acute and long-term problems of the subregion - the problem of national self-determination of the Kurds, one of the many peoples of South-West Asia (their total number, according to mid-1992 estimates, was about 18 million people).

The historical fate of the Kurds developed in such a way that

after the collapse of the Turkish (Ottoman) Empire and the appearance in

this subregion of new states, the area of ​​their settlement, Kurdish-

; stan, divided among themselves by Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. But,

Despite the absence of an independent Kurdish state

and attempts at violent assimilation, the Kurds managed to keep

1 their language, their customs, developed their national culture.

During the XX century. national liberation

movement for autonomy and statehood, covering the entire



7. 2. Southwest Asia

So, in Iran, where about 5.6 million Kurds live, in 1945 the Kurdish Republic was created with its center in the city of Mehabad, in the north-west of the country, defeated by the Iranian army.

The uprisings of the Kurds in the struggle for autonomy were also brutally suppressed in Turkey, where 7.5-8 million Kurds live, mainly in the southeast of the country. In 1986, in Turkish Kurdistan, it was virtually forbidden to teach children in school in the Kurdish language, as well as the publication of books and newspapers.

A kind of "autonomy" was granted to the Kurds in Iraq in 1974: the most oil-rich lands in northern Iraq, around the historical capital of Kurdistan, Kirkuk, were taken away from the Kurds, and the city of Erbil was appointed the capital of the autonomy instead. There is information that in suppressing the uprising of the Kurdish people in 1988, Iraq used chemical weapons of mass destruction, as a result of which 5 thousand innocent people died in Iraqi Kurdistan 2.

A significant part of the Kurds were forced to migrate to neighboring (Armenia, Georgia, Lebanon, Azerbaijan) and other countries (the largest Kurdish diaspora is in Germany, about 240 thousand people).

7.2.3. Cyprus problem

This is the problem of the split of the Republic of Cyprus into two parts, due to the combination of political and interethnic contradictions in this country and is closely related to the ethnic composition of the population, in which 78% are Greek Cypriots and 18% are Turkish Cypriots: two communities, two languages, two religions (Orthodox Christianity and Islam).

The island of Cyprus, located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea and belonging to the subregion of South-West Asia, has been the possession of Great Britain since 1878, gained independence in 1960. The granting of independence was formalized by the Zurich-London agreements of 1959, which limited the sovereignty of the republic: Great Britain, Greece and Turkey became the so-called. guarantors of the independence, territorial integrity and security of Cyprus; Greece and Turkey also received the right to maintain their military contingents on the island, Great Britain retained an area of ​​99 square meters under its full sovereignty. miles, where two large military bases are located.

However, the 1959 agreements failed to ensure the unity of the country, prevent ethnic division and intercommunal clashes.

These contradictions became especially acute in 1974, when, under the pretext of restoring constitutional order (an attempted coup d'etat in the country was made) and protecting the Turkish Cypriots, Turkey introduced its troops to the island, occupying about 37% of its territory (the island's territory is 9251 sq. km). This led to the actual split of Cyprus into two separate parts. In 1974-75. almost all Turkish Cypriots moved to the part of Cyprus occupied by Turkish troops, and Greek Cypriots - to the south of the island.

On November 15, 1933, on the Turkish-occupied part of the island, the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" (TRNC) was proclaimed, recognized only by Turkey. Global community condemned this separatist action aimed at splitting Cyprus.

Thus, for almost a quarter of a century this island has been divided by the so-called. the green line is the border between the Turkish and Greek communities, guarded by the UN peacekeeping force. Of 737 thousand people. population of the country 176 thousand live on the territory of "TRNC". The capital of the country, Nicosia, is also divided by the "green line" (in the Greek part - 177 thousand, in the Turkish part - about 30 thousand inhabitants; 1996).

The resolutions of the UN Security Council emphasize the inadmissibility of dividing the island, point out the need to eliminate the foreign military presence and end interference in the internal affairs of the republic. With the mediation of the UN Secretary General, negotiations are being held between the communities. The main principle of the settlement of the Cyprus problem remains the existence of a single state, which includes two politically equal communities.

7.2.4. Problems of the Transcaucasian states

Difficult is the geopolitical position of the three states of the Transcaucasus, the former union republics of the USSR - Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia; their relationship with each other and with Russia is characterized by considerable difficulties and contradictions.

The internal political situation remains extremely difficult in Georgia. I did not find a solution to the status problem South Osse


7. 3. South asia

tii, whose leadership proclaimed its independence and, referring to the results of the referendum held here in January 1992, raises the question of its secession from Georgia. Deepening is vital integration processes between both parts of Ossetia - South and North Ossetia - Alania, a republic within the Russian Federation.

Georgian-Abkhaz armed conflict 1992-94 led to the de facto separation of Abkhazia (the Abkhaz Autonomous Republic) from the rest of Georgia. Thus, arose challenging problems determining the political status of Abkhazia and, consequently, preserving the territorial integrity of Georgia.

In 1988-89. a conflict arose between Azerbaijan and Armenia, then union republics USSR, about Nagorno-Karabakh, historical region in Transcaucasia, inhabited by Armenians and Azerbaijanis, on the territory of which in 1923 the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous District was formed as part of Azerbaijan. This conflict led to armed clashes, which in 1993 escalated into large-scale hostilities that ended in 1994. The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) supported by Armenia, but not recognized by the international community, was proclaimed, which occupied part of the territory of Azerbaijan outside the Nagorno-Karabakh and the border with Iran, as well as along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border).

The Karabakh (Armenian-Azerbaijani) conflict is one of the most acute within the CIS; they are trying to resolve it with the help of the mediating states - the United States and Russia, with the assistance of the CSCE. According to political scientist V. Nikonov, the Karabakh conflict has turned into a "Karabakh impasse": he believes that "Armenia and the NTC will not agree to a formula for the vertical subordination of Karabakh to the authorities of Baku (that is, its preservation within Azerbaijan as an autonomous entity. - M.G.), and Azerbaijan will not put up with the independence of the NKR or its annexation to Armenia "3.

7.2.5. Afghanistan's problems

Over the past 20 years, this country has been going through a period of almost continuous civil war, interethnic and other internal conflicts accompanied by strong outside influence.

In December 1979, by agreement with the country's leadership (and to support it in the fight against the opposition), Soviet troops were brought into Afghanistan, which was later assessed as an illegal and criminal act that led to the strengthening of the opposition movement, an extreme aggravation of tensions in this country. The United States, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and some other states were involved in the flared up conflict, in one form or another.

The entire period of stay in Afghanistan Soviet troops(their withdrawal was completed in 1989) the opposition in this country continued its armed struggle for power, rejecting all proposals to start a peaceful dialogue with the government.

After the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan and the termination of The Soviet Union and the US military supplies to the warring Afghan sides (since 1992), deep divisions persist between government forces (and their allies) and opposition groups that control much of the country. Thus, the permanent civil war in this country does not actually subside, continuing to shake one of the least economically developed states in the world, causing military and political tension at the southern borders of the CIS. In this regard, the protection of the Tajik-Afghan border has become especially important.

The characteristics of the region of South-West Asia and India are as follows: on the territory of South-West Asia are the Arabia Peninsula, the plains of Mesopotamia and the Syrian-Palestinian Mountains. V geological structure has its own characteristics: Eastern the territory is a foothill trough of alpine age, and most of the land is a fragment of the African platform.

Characteristics of the South-West Asia region: climate, fossils

A feature of the climate is that continental, tropical air masses are widespread here, often little precipitation and high temperatures are the main reasons for the location of deserts and semi-deserts here. The largest reserves of oil, minerals and gas are located here.

One of the main territories is Mesopotamia, which in turn is divided into Lower and Upper. It is considered one of the hottest places in Eurasia, in the southern part of the tropical climate, and in the northern part of the subtropical. Mesopotamia is an area of ​​cultural landscapes.

The Syrian-Palestinian Mountains are located along the Mediterranean Sea. The bulk of the population is located on the coast, and the eastern regions, which belong to the Syrian Desert, are deserted and empty.

Temperatures rise from north to south and precipitation decreases. The most important sources the waters are the rivers El Litania, Jordan and Lake Tiberias. And the Arabian island is recognized as the largest in Eurasia.

A significant part of the territory is located in the tropical zone, and the extreme north is in the subtropical zone. More than 90% of the territory is tropical deserts with poor vegetation.

Characteristics of India: position, population, nature

The territory occupied by the country stretches from the peaks of the northern Karakorum to the southern Cape of Kumari, from Bengal in the east to the western deserts of Rajasthan. The lands are washed by the Arabian, Bengal and Laccadive Seas and the Gulf of the Indian Ocean.

India borders Nepal in the northeast, Bangladesh in the east, the Himalayas in the north separate India from Bhutan and China, and in the west it borders Pakistan. The capital of India is Delhi, and the name of the region is associated with the name of the Indus River, which crosses its territory.

India is federal republic, which contains 25 states and 7 union territories. The state language of this country is Hindi, and the head of state is the president, who is elected every 5 years.

The majority of the population is Hindu. Ethnic composition India is represented by Indo-Aryans, Dravids and Mongoloids. The climate in this region is subequatorial, monsoon, and there is a tropical climate in the south. The wettest place on Earth is in India, the Shillong Plateau.

A significant part of the territory is occupied by forests, there is a swampy jungle and monsoon, mountain and coniferous forest. Palm trees, date trees, coconut trees, and bamboo grow everywhere. The fauna of India is represented by 500 species of mammals and 3000 species of birds.

The material contains information about the territory occupied by Southwest Asia. The article tells about the composition of the region's population, the prevailing religion and economic potential the majority of states. Indicates the specifics and features of the geographical location of the territory.

Southwest Asia

The region geographically belongs to the regions of Asia.
It includes:

  • Transcaucasia;
  • Kopetdag;
  • Asia Minor Highlands,
  • Armenian Highlands;
  • Iranian Highlands;
  • Mesopotamia;
  • Arabian Peninsula.

Southwest Asia also contains the Arabian Peninsula, the Syrian-Palestinian Mountains and the Mesopotamian plains.

The total area of ​​the territory is a figure equal to 6.8 million km. sq.

Rice. 1. Region on the map.

The specificity of the region's geography lies in its special geological structure - the region is a fragment of the African Platform.

According to some researchers, this is a controversial region in terms of its localization and belonging to the countries of South-West Asia and their territories. Some researchers attribute some states to South-West Asia, and some scientists orient these powers towards the Middle East.

List of countries that make up the region:

TOP-3 articleswho read along with this

  • Afghanistan;
  • Bahrain;
  • Cyprus;
  • Iran;
  • Iraq;
  • Israel;
  • Jordan;
  • Kuwait;
  • Lebanon;
  • Oman;
  • Qatar;
  • Saudi Arabia;
  • Syria;
  • Turkey;
  • Yemen;
  • Palestine;
  • Armenia;
  • Azerbaijan.

From an anthropological point of view, the population of South-West Asia almost entirely belongs to the southern groups of the Caucasian race.

The population is unevenly distributed throughout the region. Significant areas include deserts and semi-deserts. However, for the coastal areas washing the territory of the seas, in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and adjacent oases, an increased population density is characteristic.

Many of the capitals of the countries in the region represent the largest economic and political giants on the world stage.

This part of the land, like no other on the planet, boasts states with high resource potential in terms of the extraction of oil, precious metals and stones suitable for use in jewelry production. The list of countries in the region is constantly changing economically - more and more developing countries are added to the list.

The bulk of the peoples of Southwest Asia uses languages three linguistic groups:

  • Semitic;
  • Iranian;
  • Turkic.

The dominant religion in the region is Islam.

Rice. 2. Haram Mosque.

These cultural and historical sites serve as places of compulsory pilgrimage for millions of Muslims.

Climate of Southwest Asia

The climatic conditions are quite dry here. This explains the influence on the territory of the tropical and subtropical climatic zones. In the areas of central and southern localization of the Arabian Peninsula, the temperature maximum rises to + 55 ° C.

Rice. 3. Desert areas of the region.

Only on the Black Sea and Mediterranean coasts there is a zone of hard-leaved forests and shrubs. 4.8. Total ratings received: 147.

The video tutorial allows you to get interesting and detailed information about the countries of South-West Asia. From the lesson you will learn about the composition of South-West Asia, the characteristics of the countries of the region, their geographic location, nature, climate, place in a given sub-region. The teacher will tell you in detail about one of the main countries of South-West Asia - Turkey.

Rice. 1. Southwest Asia on the map ()

South asia- a cultural and geographical region in Asia, which includes, from a geographical point of view, the Transcaucasia, Kopetdag, Asia Minor, Armenian and Iranian highlands, Mesopotamia, the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant. From a political point of view, Southwest Asia includes the Middle East, Transcaucasia and the Middle East.


1. Afghanistan.

2. Bahrain.

6. Israel.

7. Jordan.

8. Kuwait.

12. Saudi Arabia.

14. Turkey.

17. Palestine.

18. Armenia.

By the form of government, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia are monarchies. According to the form of the administrative-territorial structure, the UAE is a federation.

The most powerful economies in the region are Turkey and Iran. In terms of GDP per capita, Qatar is in the lead (almost $ 100,000).

All the countries of South-West Asia are characterized by the traditional type of population reproduction. It has some of the highest birth rates in the world.

In most countries, mining, agriculture, nomadic cattle breeding, oil and gas industries, petrochemicals, and mechanical engineering are widespread. Tourism is actively developing in Turkey, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan.

Resources: oil (the largest reserves in the world) and gas, salts, sulfur, non-ferrous metals.

Turkey. Full title - Turkish Republic... Formed in 1923 as a result of the collapse Ottoman Empire... The main part of the country's territory falls on the Anatolian Peninsula and the Armenian Highlands, a smaller part - on the Balkan Peninsula between the Black and Mediterranean Seas. In 2000, it acquired the official status of a candidate country for membership in the European Union. The capital is Ankara.

Rice. 3. Flag of Turkey ()

The area of ​​the country is 779.5 thousand square meters. km. Part of the territory of Turkey - 97% - is located in Asia and 3% - in Europe. The maximum length of the Turkish territory from west to east is 1600 km, from north to south - 600 km.

There are more than 100 types of minerals on the territory of Turkey. The country has many types of ore, mining chemical, fuel and energy raw materials. First of all, we should mention chromium, tungsten, copper ores, borates, marble, coal, etc. Turkey accounts for 25% of the world's mercury reserves.

The share of industry in the country's economy is about 28%, Agriculture- 15%, construction - 6%, services - 51%. In total industrial production greatest weight has a manufacturing industry (84%, including construction). Developed textile, leather, food, chemical, pharmaceutical industries, energy, metallurgy, shipbuilding, automotive and production of electrical household goods. Tourism is a dynamically developing industry. In recent decades, tourism has played an increasingly important role in the Turkish economy. More than 20 million foreign tourists visit Turkey annually. Most of the tourists come from Germany, Russia, Iran, Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Azerbaijan. According to the Turkish Statistical Office, in 2011 foreign tourists replenished the state budget by $ 23 billion, which is 10.6 percent more than in the previous year.

Rice. 4. Hotel in Antalya ()

Population. The main population of the country is Turks, in second place in terms of population are Kurds (according to some sources, they are up to 18% within the country), a significant proportion of Crimean Tatars and Arabs. Most people in Turkey are Muslims. Religion is separated from the state. Most Big City Turkey - Istanbul, whose population, according to some sources, exceeds 10 million people.


The main

1. Geography. A basic level of. 10-11 grades: Textbook for educational institutions / A.P. Kuznetsov, E.V. Kim. - 3rd ed., Stereotype. - M .: Bustard, 2012 .-- 367 p.

2. Economic and social geography the world: Textbook. for 10 cl. educational institutions / V.P. Maksakovsky. - 13th ed. - M .: Education, JSC "Moscow textbooks", 2005. - 400 p.

3. Atlas with set outline maps for grade 10. Economic and social geography of the world. - Omsk: FSUE "Omsk Cartographic Factory", 2012. - 76 p.


1. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M .: Bustard, 2001 .-- 672 p .: ill., Maps .: color. incl.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements ().

2. Federal portal Russian Education ().

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical compilations

1. Geography: a reference book for high school students and those entering universities. - 2nd ed., Rev. and finished. - M .: AST-PRESS SHKOLA, 2008 .-- 656 p.

Literature for preparing for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam

1. Thematic control in geography. Economic and social geography of the world. Grade 10 / E.M. Ambartsumov. - M .: Intellect-Center, 2009 .-- 80 p.

2. The most complete edition of typical options for real assignments of the Unified State Exam: 2010. Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M .: Astrel, 2010 .-- 221 p.

3. The optimal bank of tasks for preparing students. Unified State Exam 2012. Geography: Tutorial/ Comp. EM. Ambartsumova, S.E. Dyukov. - M .: Intellect-Center, 2012 .-- 256 p.

4. The most complete edition of typical versions of real USE assignments: 2010. Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M .: AST: Astrel, 2010 .-- 223 p.

5. Geography. Diagnostic work in the format of the Unified State Examination 2011. - M .: MCNMO, 2011. - 72 p.

6. Textbook on geography. Geography Tests and Practical Tasks / I.A. Rodionova. - M .: Moscow Lyceum, 1996 .-- 48 p.

7. The most complete edition of typical versions of real USE assignments: 2009. Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M .: AST: Astrel, 2009 .-- 250 p.

8. Unified State Exam 2009. Geography. Universal materials for training students / FIPI - M .: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 240 p.

9. Unified State Exam 2012. Geography: Typical exam options: 31 options / Ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M .: National education, 2011 .-- 288 p.

10. USE 2011. Geography: Typical exam options: 31 options / Ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M .: National education, 2010 .-- 280 p.