A word of gratitude to subject teachers from graduates. Kind words to the teacher of drawing in prose

The last call is both joyful and sad. I am glad that school days are behind us, painstaking study, ninth or eleventh grade, but still sad at heart from parting with teachers and friends. There are exams ahead, which largely depends on which path you will take in your life. Ahead are experiences, admission to educational establishments... But while it rings last call, he drives away all troubles and adversities. Teachers are also rooting for you, as are your parents and family and friends. Let us congratulate them in prose from the bottom of our hearts on this solemn day - the last bell, and express our gratitude to the subject teachers, we will say for them an identical and sincere speech of gratitude. If you cannot express words of gratitude in your own words, we will help you with this.

Congratulations to the teacher of Russian language and literature

The last bell is not only goodbye to school. Despite the fact that exams and graduation are ahead of us, today's holiday is an excellent occasion to thank our beloved teachers, as well as refresh all the knowledge that, thanks to their professionalism and sensitivity, will help to pass the most important school test and become a springboard to a new life. One of these teachers is undoubtedly the teacher of the Russian language and literature. Thank you very much for teaching us to love our native language, to be proud of its beauty and wide diversity. You helped us feel the depth of the immortal works and get real pleasure from their deep meaning and vitality. You taught us how to express our thoughts correctly and navigate freely in the literary world. Thank you very much, because now we simply cannot imagine our life without this knowledge.

Thanks to the teacher of algebra and geometry

One of the most important disciplines for every student is algebra and geometry. Thanks to them, we learn not only to perform various operations with numbers, to navigate in the construction geometric shapes and their corners, but we also begin to better understand the space around us, learn to think logically and increase our IQ. Today, under the farewell ringing of the last bell, we begin to fully realize the invaluable work that you have put into us, our dear teacher, the importance of the knowledge gained and the huge role exact sciences in the life of every person who seeks to achieve success in this life. Thank you for your patience, responsiveness and sincere love for the subject. We will try to please you in the upcoming final exams and promise not to lose the knowledge we received from you in the upcoming new life.

Congratulations to the English teacher

The modern world is hard to imagine without constant communication and interaction different nations... Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of of English language that helps people of different nationalities fully communicate. This became possible for us as well thanks to the high professionalism of our respected English teacher. The last bell, preceding farewell to school, gives us an excellent opportunity to express our deep gratitude to our teacher. You helped us expand the horizons of communication, knowledge and increase the level of cultural enrichment. Thank you very much for your invaluable work and desire to pass on your vast knowledge. We are sure that we will pass the final exams with honors, in many respects, thanks to your high professionalism.

Congratulations to the chemistry teacher

Today's holiday, The Last Bell, gives us a great opportunity to thank the teacher who helped us master one of the most important subjects that reveal the essence of things - chemistry. Thank you very much for discovering for us the amazing secrets of the structure of various substances and their compounds, for unforgettable experiments during which we were able to feel like magicians, for helping to understand how a whole world of molecules can fit in a small test tube and atoms. We are immensely grateful to you for your patience, great love for the discipline taught and incredible professionalism. On the eve of the upcoming final exams, we want to promise you, show the maximum of our knowledge and try very hard not to let you down.

Wishes for the last call to the physics teacher

The Last Bell has arrived, which means that soon we will have not only exams, but also a graduation party, symbolizing parting with school and our beloved teachers, so today we want to express our deep gratitude to our dear teachers and, in particular, the physics teacher. It is thanks to the invaluable knowledge that you put into our heads that we know why we stand firmly on our feet, we understand that the creation of electricity is no less exciting process than the birth of a new life and that atomic Energy was created not to destroy people, but to serve for the benefit of man. These and other discoveries have become some of the most amazing in our life. The knowledge that you were able to convey to us will help us not only successfully pass the exam tests, but also simplify the solution of the tasks that life will pose for us.

A speech of thanks to the teacher of geography

Our beloved parents, when they brought us to the first grade, showed us how to navigate at school, but the geography of a huge planet called Earth was helped by our dear teacher of geography. Thank you for opening before us not only various cities and countries, but also the mysterious depth of the oceans and the immense latitude of the continents. There is no place on our planet to which we would not have made an imaginary journey under your careful guidance. We will try very hard to please you with our results in the upcoming exams and carry through life all the invaluable knowledge that we received thanks to you.

Congratulations to the history teacher

There is not a single person who would imagine his future and the future of his country without knowledge of history. We try to learn from the mistakes and achievements of our ancestors, which we learn about thanks to our dear history teacher. Today, on the day of the Last Call, we sincerely want to thank you not only for the fact that we are perfectly oriented in what was happening many years ago, but also for the opportunity to be proud of the history of our country, its many heroic victories, unsurpassed minds and people, like you, selflessly loyal to their homeland. We know that we also participate in the creation of history, so we will try to leave only a bright mark in it and start small - we will pass the exams with excellent marks.

Thank you to a biology teacher

The last call opens the door to a new life for us, future graduates. After passing the exams, we will plunge into the unknown world of new acquaintances, fresh knowledge and stone jungle. It will all be bright and amazing, just like our biology lessons. Thank you very much to our dear biology teacher for making the world of wildlife and plants around us more understandable, close and dear, for helping us, our students, to feel part of an incredible and amazing community of living beings and to delve into the intricacies of their existence ... We will try to put all these feelings and knowledge into practice during exams and always remember you with respect.

Wishes to the labor teacher

Today, thanks to the Last Call, we have a great opportunity to express our deep gratitude to our respected labor teachers. This item is undoubtedly one of the most important, because on it we learned that we can create things necessary in everyday life with our own hands, learned how to cook deliciously and sew beautifully. Thank you very much, our dear teachers for the golden hands and bright minds who were able to pass on important knowledge to us and taught the craftsmen to use various household tools. We are sure that these skills will be useful to us in the future and we will always remember you with gratitude and love.

Social studies and sociology teacher

The last bell is not only goodbye to school, waiting for exams and High school prom, it is also an opportunity to evaluate your knowledge, to realize how much teachers have invested in us. One of these teachers, undoubtedly, is the teacher of social studies. This subject and your competent attitude towards teaching it helped us to correctly arrange life priorities, taught us how to navigate the twisted corners of the law and developed the ability to stand up for ourselves. We are very grateful to you for your sensitivity, attention and deep knowledge in the subject taught. We are confident that this knowledge will serve us well not only in exams, but in later life.

Gratitude speech to the teacher of physical education

We all know that full-fledged human development includes not only deep knowledge, but also physical health, therefore, today, under the melodic ringing of the last bell, I especially want to thank our respected physical education teacher. Without your professionalism and love for the subject taught, we would not have been able to grow up to be full-fledged and physically developed people... You instilled in us a love of sports, talked about the importance of thinking through future steps and showed how important it is to strive to achieve the highest results. We promise you that the desire to win will burn brightly in us not only on passing the final exams, but also in a new, so exciting life.

Words of gratitude to the teacher of OBZH

Today, on the day of the last call, we can say with confidence that we are ready to leave our native school walls and plunge into the sometimes dangerous adult world. We do this easily and boldly, because we are perfectly able to take care of ourselves and know how to act correctly in any, even the most difficult situation. This became possible thanks to the invaluable knowledge that we received in the lessons of life safety. Thanks to our dear teacher for the understanding that there is a way out of any difficult situation, for the ability to stand up for oneself and help others in an emergency, for the ability to quickly navigate in changing conditions. We know that we can take care of ourselves and maintain a presence of mind, including on such a serious test as final exams.

I would like to sincerely say my gratitude to the teacher! Thank you for the lessons and knowledge that lead us into adulthood. For help and care, attention and guidance, for criticism and discussion, for support and complicity. You are a wonderful teacher! Be happy!
Thank you lovely and kind teacher for your work and your efforts, for understanding and kindness of soul, for correct knowledge and perseverance, for warm words and wise advice, for great mood and support. Be genuinely happy and healthy.

Your paintings, your portraits
Masterpieces, let them roam the world forever,
And we are just students
They are so far from your genius.
Congratulating you, just draw
We do not yearn for a real canvas.
We wish you free creativity
And I really want to wish you happiness!

They taught us not only to draw,
But to see the world with open eyes.
We were taught to understand beauty
And show with one or two strokes.

Brushes and pencils serve you,
Magician, drawing teacher.

Who believes that drawing
Not an important item
He is not at all worthy of attention -

Surprising everyone with her talent!
Let the rainbow shine in the sky -
We sincerely congratulate you!

We will all do our best
So that we can do it
Quickly comprehend the science of drawing
And drawing is top class!
Thank you for helping us,
That you teach us.
May whatever you wish for yourself
It will come true right there with you.

Glare of shadows, shades, colors
We will notice the overflow
With full precision from the light
Reflections depicting.
How to draw objects
You have cleverly taught us,
Into the world of landscape and portrait
You have opened the gates for us.

Dear Teacher! Thank you for your hard days, when day after day you filled our heads with knowledge and invaluable practice. You are a master of your craft. Well, we, your students, will try to carry the fire of knowledge further through life and will always remember you with gratitude!

Thank you we say
Because we love painting.
We all want to congratulate you
And wish you success and health.

A few years ago
We did not know how to hold a brush in our hands.
But today we know perfectly
And now we can draw beautiful things.

We received all this knowledge only from you.
Please accept our gratitude.
And also sincere congratulations
In honor of the holiday that we are celebrating now.

Stick, stick, cucumber -
So the little man came out.
Man goes to school
Learns to read and write.
It is only very important in life
only very much needed in life,
That this little man
learned to draw.

You nurtured the soul -
You need to say thank you!

Teacher! We sincerely thank you for your knowledge and experience, for your sensitive attitude to us and an individual approach to everyone, for your warmth and understanding.

Please accept congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Master of strokes and lines
Brushes and pencils serve you,
Magician, drawing teacher.

Here's a sketchbook and a pencil
And our teacher is with us.
He is an art teacher
He, the artist, his knowledge

He is trying to inoculate us.
We will not be "van goghs".
Congratulations to you today,
We wish you bright colors.

You are always with great feeling,
Very expressive
Instilled in us to the arts
All fine,
Developing our tastes
The thrill is amazing;
Not even a shadow touched
Your aspirations;
Well take this day
Our congratulations!

Who believes that drawing
Not an important item
He is not at all worthy of attention -
Even a cartoon, not like a portrait!
Continue to please our world,
Surprising everyone with her talent!
Let the rainbow shine in the sky -
We sincerely congratulate you!

Thank you, teacher, for the fact that every time I received wise advice and a kind word, loyal support and gallant parting words, your exactingness and praise. I will try to meet all your expectations, I will achieve a lot in my life and I will prove that your efforts and efforts were not wasted. Thank you!

A world of thin lines, bright colors
You have opened for us.
Pencil or gouache
Completing your story.
We wish you inspiration,
Patience with us, kindness.
May every day be beautiful
And dreams are always sunny.

Own pencil and brush
You tried to teach us.
Instill a love of landscape, still life,
To distinguish Van Gogh from Gauguin.
We wish you a bright and colorful life.
May you be lucky with your students,
Vivat, gouache, and a simple pencil!

You told us how beautiful the world is
About all the artists in the world
Taught to see beauty
In everything on our little planet!
We congratulate you, wish you success,
Let inspiration never leave you.
Wonderful beauty lessons -
The best school moments.

I want to say thank you very much, kind and the best teacher. I sincerely thank you for your brave patience and sensitivity of your soul, for your sincere understanding and necessary help, for your faithful knowledge and great parting words, for your wonderful advice and your support.

We wanted to present you a portrait for a holiday,
Which we decided not to paint with paint,
A in the best words love and respect,
We wish you health, luck and patience!

How many times already, teacher,
You hear speech in your address,
I need to worry less
That the heart should be protected.

That diseases will not pass by
When suddenly it gets tired
That everything in the world is replaceable
And your heart is one.

But your heart is like a bird
Strives for children here and there,
To those hidden in the chest
To the same beating hearts!

How quickly children grow up.
Having strengthened, in spite of all the winds,
Will leave, keeping forever
Your warmth!

You are our first teacher for centuries,
And we will never forget you!
How reverently they taught us to write,
Read, count fungi and apples.
Thank you for giving the good with warmth,
That they found their language and their approach to us!
Days, weeks and years are flying inexorably,
We will definitely never forget your work!

Our gratitude is immense! After all, there is no measure of goodness, love and wisdom that you gave us.

Will come again Golden autumn, you will open the door again wonderful world knowledge before timid first-graders, and your spring will repeat again! May there be more joyful and happy days in your life, smart and talented students and less frustration and sleepless nights. Thank you, teacher!

Once, many years ago, I refused to become a teacher, fearing this colossal responsibility for children's souls. Now I have my own children and I perfectly understand our teachers, each of whom, in addition to his family, also has a school family - his many students.

In conclusion, I would like to read the poems by Andrey Dementyev dedicated to teachers. Perhaps these words will seem a little harsh to you guys, but they make you think about our attitude to the teacher, to his hard work, listen to them, please:

A child, reading poetry, involuntarily becomes imbued with their meaning, and perhaps it is at this moment that he suddenly feels most acutely that another most important stage has been passed in his life, and uncertainty awaits again ahead.

How difficult it is to say goodbye to you
My first teacher!
Can't be expressed in words
The sadness that I feel!

I will never forget
Your wise, kind look,
I will remember our lessons -
They cannot be brought back.

Very soon, schoolchildren will celebrate the holiday of the last bell. He will send some guys on the long-awaited vacation, while others will draw an even line under a long-term marathon of disciplines, assignments, tests, control works, exams. In any case, this day is equally emotional for every student of his school and touching to tears ... Sad or joyful! It is worth preparing for such an event in advance and picking up not only an outfit and a bouquet, but also poems for the last bell for the patient class teacher, favorite subject teachers who have become family classmates, and even cozy school walls. In such a good old way, graduates of grades 9 and 11 can congratulate each other, thank the teachers, and simply diversify the solemn line.

Beautiful poems for the Last Call to teachers from graduates

The last bell sounds differently for everyone: for first graders - festive, for junior and middle grades - fun and perky, for graduates - solemn and a little sad. With the same sad trills, he echoes in the souls of parents and teachers, letting the next generation of "kids" out of their arms. But even despite the sad looks of the teachers and the farewell tears of the graduates, the Last Bell is a bright holiday that opens the way for the children to a new life. In addition, this day gives the 11th grade pupils the last opportunity, as adults, to express gratitude to their beloved parents and dear teachers. To this end, graduates prepare in advance beautiful and sincere poems for teachers for the Last Call and buy pleasant gifts and magnificent flower bouquets... And even if you can't do without material surprises at the prom, at the school line it is still better to congratulate your mentors with spiritual gifts. And you can choose the most beautiful poems for the Last Call to teachers from graduates in our collection.

Examples of the best poems from alumni for teachers on the last call

The last call, there are tears in our eyes.
School, childhood dreams are over.
We hasten to say thank you to the teachers,
I wish you patience and success in your business.

You are like parents, like relatives,
Forgive us, dear teachers,
For nerves, for running away from lessons,
For the fact that the family did not do it.

May the disciples bring joy
Let the graduates praise you,
After all, you, like no one else, are worthy of honor.
Health, success for many years!

We do not know whether your hopes were justified:
After all, the final exam is still so far away,
In the meantime, we invite you to visit us
On our holiday, merry - Last call!
And please forgive all the sins,
What we have accumulated by the last day:
And control ones with a load of wrong decisions,
And indistinct answers, and chatter,
But you should know one thing: we will remember the school
And not only in these excited words.
We will never forget our teachers,
And your work will be reflected in our affairs.

We went to first grade, we sat down at desks
And many do not remember their first lesson.
And every spring, every time it came closer,
Our sad, sad, farewell call.

The school called us, we were attracted by the sciences
And it was boring for us to play in the yard.
Have become habitual, lessons for a minute,
How many good things are in school.

Here we were taught and raised
There were good teachers here.
We leave school for new children,
Goodbye and see you my school.

Touching to tears poems to the class teacher from graduates on the Last Call

Of course, graduates of the 9th and 11th grades are considered to be the main characters of the lineup for the Last Bell. But this significant day belongs not only to them. Not less attention deserves a class teacher. It is he who is considered the second mother of every student in the class, and there are good reasons for this. The class teacher daily cheers for the academic performance of his pupils, regularly conducts educational conversations, controls the atmosphere in the classroom, tries to eliminate conflicts between children in a peaceful way and brighten them up in every possible way school life cultural events. Touching to tears poems to the class teacher from graduates on the Last Call - an elementary tribute of gratitude for all the work done and every grain of the soul invested in your favorite business.

Texts of touching verses for the last call from graduates to the class teacher

Today memory turns back the clock -
Oh, how many joyful events there were!
For your invaluable work, we hasten to say
Thank you, our class teacher!

Thank you for always pushing us
Forward, making you believe in strength,
We managed to unite our class by friendship
And they taught the unchanging truths.

Patriotism, honesty, goodness,
Love and mercy ... Forever
To you, our teacher, we are in debt
For instilling humanity in us.

Health to you, success day after day
We wish the last one to the trill of the bell!
And know that we will not let you down,
That we remember, adore and miss!

You spared no time for us,
Sharing trouble and joy with us.
They entered the bright class with a smile,
Forgiving all antics and pranks.

You taught us to be friends and to love,
They gave me warmth and understanding.
We can never forget
Those days that we spent with you.

Thank you for your kindness.
For your knowledge, lessons, warmth.
For everything that you taught to see us.
You were in a hurry to teach us for everything!

You have always tried to understand us,
Forgive for stupidity and pranks,
We shared joy and misfortune with us,
You taught us to work and work.

We are so glad that life has tied us,
That we are in your class.
We wish you a lot of fun.
Always have a great mood!

Poems "to tears" to subject teachers from graduates on the Last Bell

At the solemn meeting dedicated to the last bell, not only graduates are in a hurry to share their ability to recite touching "to tears" poetry. Thus, first graders thank their parents for a new open door, middle school students share so much fun school experiences they lived in Last year with their friends, high school students, through poems on the Last Bell, express their gratitude to the subject teachers for the science they have received. Each member of the line, who has prepared poetry that is sad or funny to tears, has its own important goal.

Poems "to tears" to subject teachers from graduates on the Last Bell are most often short and laconic. After all, you cannot offend any specialized teacher with attention, and the time of the event is often strictly limited. Best options poems for subject students, see below.

The best tearful verses for subject teachers on the Last Bell

Thanks. Even though this word is simple
Will not express all the feelings of these years.
Thank you for putting up with us so much
And we have withstood so many troubles.

We're leaving today - relief.
But we see tears in your eyes.
For so many years, following our life,
You still loved us so much.

Taking us from the hands of mothers, grandmothers and aunts,
You brought up, carrying knowledge.
They gave eternal, reasonable, as well
We gave each of us ourselves.

Let me hug you, second moms.
Those who showed the way of life.
Today we must say goodbye to you,
But we promise: we will visit.

From "two-two" to complex equations
We have traveled a very interesting path.
To the present day from the ancient teachings
You brought this science to us.

Thank you for everything you have learned,
For the cargo conveyed to us of knowledge.
We wish you that in your life there were
All numbers only with a plus sign

Here Bach's fugues sound quiveringly,
Here the sun of life, the smell of the sea
Mozart's sonatas speak to me.
I'm glad the school has a teacher
Whom I love the most.
For my music, born of the piano,
I thank him from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for your kindness and affection,
For a bright moment of luck
And the crying of false notes
For the contests, an exciting fairy tale.
Let the Music lesson last forever!

Farewell verses for the last bell 11th grade about school

Farewell poems about their native school on the Last Bell from 11-graders are a kind tradition, strengthened for decades, worthy of continuation in every generation of future graduates. Only high school students, having gone through a difficult path of study and becoming many times smarter, are able to look at teachers with respect and sincerely thank them for the invaluable life experience... Only high school students can say goodbye to school not joyfully, anticipating an imminent vacation, but sadly, with a sad look and tears of parting. Only high school students, letting go of the last strings of childhood, genuinely suffer from a quick parting with cozy classes, perky breaks, cheerful school holidays and friendly staff of the "second home".

Take the trouble to choose in advance the farewell verses for the Last bell of the 11th grade about school, so that at the right time you can convey in poetic form everything that has been said so far in prose.

An example of farewell verses about school for the last bell of grade 11

The last call won't ruin the weather
Balls in the sky soars a wreath ...
So the school years are over,

They come to school today without laziness.
Joy - the painful period ends
Girls, boys, liberation!
At school today is the last call.
Rejoice! School will not be for you anymore!
Why aren't you running as fast as you can?
A bell rattles you monotonously:
At school today is the last call.
They won't give you homework,
Don't wake up for the first lesson
Only something made me feel sad.
At school today is the last call.
School is now in the past for you,
You have summed up a very important conclusion.
The school will be remembered only for the good.
At school today is the last call.

The last bell rang.
How quickly time flies.
More recently in the first grade.
And the sadness in my heart grows.

We were together recently
But we will scatter in all directions.
Each has its own path.
Goodbye school years!

The last call accompanies
Into an adult, big life.
A tear involuntarily comes out.
We will keep the school in our hearts.

Call. Last. Everything. Will not
Shifts, desks, teachers ...
And the wind, the free wind blows!
Well, let him blow harder.

We will scatter like pollen over a meadow.
But everyone will say, just like me:
We will be honest with each other.
We are all one, we are one family.

Someday, winter or summer
Someone will hear: “Bah! Blimey!
Seryoga, God, is it you? "
Spaces and years will separate us.

The last call, my last class ...
Will the first graders remember us?

Poems of Russian classics for the last call from grade 9 to teachers, director, head teachers

School time is incredibly poetic in itself. It is not surprising that dozens of Russian classics have portrayed it so colorfully and emotionally in their stanzas. In them, and the first love, and genuine friendship with a bosom neighbor on the desk, and a wise teacher with reasonable views of life, and the difficult overcoming of a bumpy path through school sciences. So why not prepare poems by Russian classics for the Last Call from Grade 9 to teachers, director, head teachers. Surely such poetry will become the best gift and an expression of universal respect for the teaching staff and school administration.

The best poems of Russian classics for the director, head teachers and teachers for the Last bell from the 9th grade, we have collected and placed in this section.

Classics' poems about school years for teachers, principals and head teachers from 9th grade students

Good luck, rural and urban dear teachers,
Good, evil and no captains on the bridge of the ship!
Good luck to you debutants and aces, good luck! Especially in the morning
when you enter school classes,
Some - as in a cage, others - as in a temple.
Good luck to you, busy with things that you can't complete anyway,
Firmly shackled with instructions and shouts from the town hall.
Good luck, looking different, with and without any undertakings,
loving or hating these - whether they be thrice ... - children.
You know I still believe that if the Earth is left to live,
Teachers will one day become the highest dignity of humanity!
Not in words, but according to the things of tradition, which will match tomorrow's life.
A teacher will have to be born and only after that - to become.
In him there will be talented and daring wisdom, he will carry the sun on his wing.
Teacher is a long-range profession,
Home on Earth!

From class to class we will go up the stairs,
And the main thing here will be the working class,
And the first duty we, of course, will cancel
Exploitation of us by our teachers!

Long live the new school!
The teacher will drop, and you raise!
Here are children of both sexes
They will become huge people!

We're building a school to chew on science boldly
We will destroy everything from within and revive,
We will whiten the gray and scrape it to a shine,
We will block all shadows with light ones!

So bring up a school for us, builder, -
For our children's souls a greenhouse, a greenhouse, -
Where they study - everyone, where the teacher -
Himself in something else a student!

To knock on every heart
Those whom you decided to teach
And the secret door will open
To the souls of those
whom I could love!

And some
sleeping boy
Will be late for the first lesson
And the mischievous woman in the past
Will invite you to the last call!

And many more years will pass
Someone's fate may be
And pain and adversity will disappear,
Shooting will stop everywhere!

In the meantime, there will be weekdays of study
And the answers are heard at the blackboard,
Peace without violence and without malice
And the petals of the roses!

Mark Lvovsky

Poems for the Last Call is not only a dry tribute to traditions, no matter how it may seem at first glance. Touching to tears poems for the class teacher, principal and subject teachers are the appearance of gratitude, respect and deep gratitude from graduates of grades 9 and 11.

Travel to the island In a room designed like a desert island (in the background: palm trees, vines, nari ...
Island trip

In a room designed to look like an uninhabited island (in the background: palm trees, vines, a painted lake, large soft toys of tropical animals; in the center: a mat, on it an imitation of a fire and a small toy spider; in the foreground: on the right in front of the curtain there is a bench, on the right - singing; behind the scenes simulations of the sun and the moon, as well as a bottle of water) teachers, parents, guests, students gather.

The presenters enter the stage:

We have a special day today
And we are slightly happy and sad
We have solemnly gathered today
At the "Last Call" holiday.

We invite graduates to the last holiday in their school life - the holiday of "The Last Call"

/ To music and applause, graduates enter the hall and sit down /

In the rain or in the heat, but on time
Each new spring there is a last call
He's like an exam, he's like a new dawn,
He sums up the results of ten school years
He is the prelude to entering the infinity of roads
He will call on the doorstep in any weather
He is beautiful, desperate, ready to become a springboard,
It signals the beginning of the main steps in life.
How many promises are in it! This ringing calls into the distance,
It contains the bitterness of goodbyes, a million hopes
Last call, farewell call
Everything is ahead, everything is behind:
From your doorstep, school
All paths begin.

Dear graduates! Today a special bell will ring for you, unlike any previously sounded. It is like a boundary between childhood and adulthood.

And you keep looking with a blurred gaze
In anticipation of new ways and roads
It will be heard again in all the corridors
Sad, farewell last call.
We can't get away from these minutes
And each of us is familiar with this feeling
And that means not only school childhood
Leaves us with the school bell.

Fairy tales end like a Christmas tree holiday
Dreams end like a tape in a movie.
No longer hoping for someone's clues,
We ourselves must solve all the problems.

The floor is given to the headmaster ... ..

The floor is given to the head teacher of the school ... ..

Teachers have come to congratulate you: ...

Mothers, lovely, kind mothers
We want to say thank you
For work, for being with us
All are ready to pass the exams.
You passed from class to class,
They gained knowledge and grew,
Everything we were taught at school
You helped us to master everything.

The floor is given to the parents of graduates: ... ..
And now, dear graduates, junior schoolchildren congratulate you.
/ Students of primary grades enter to the music "They teach at school" /.

And now the floor is given to the tenth graders, future graduates of our school.
/ Transfer of the symbolic key from the school /.

And now the answer is given to our graduates.

Voice behind the scene:
"Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! We are glad to welcome you on board our plane on the flight" Childhood - Adulthood. "

Scene one.
(In the airplane separate group people (three guys are sitting on a bench))

1st: Guys! Well, I don't want to fly into this adult life! Just think: (begin to enumerate) the institute!
2nd: Wife!
3rd: Work!
1st: Children!
2nd: Guys, I have a plan!

(They confer, with joyful faces go to their places behind the scenes).

Scene two.
(Actors jump out from behind the curtains).

The fallen dust themselves off and begin to look around, the song "The Island of Bad Luck" begins. Everything:

All covered with greenery, absolutely all,
We have an Island of Learning in the South.
The lovely ones live here
Schoolchildren -
All the guys are local
The tongue is sharp.

They have been walking around foolishly for ten whole years.
They are trying to drum into them that learning is light.
They try to hammer in them,
That learning is light.
And they always try
Kind to give advice.

Everyone on this island is looking for a treasure
Algebra and physics are crammed day and night.
Study chemistry and history.
Where is the treasure?
Nobody knows this.

They run and jump, learn languages
They write essays and submit poetry.
They study Russian,
They sing songs
The cards make up,
If they are looking for it, they will not find it.

Here they believe in omens, in their holy lies.
As you get knowledge - you will immediately find the treasure!
How do you get the knowledge, and you're at the edge,
Maximum efforts - dreams will come true.

1st: And this, in your opinion, is adulthood?
2nd: Something is hard to believe!
3rd: I won't survive here! I'm going to die here! I do not want…
1st: (competently) Calm down! Everything will be fine! We will arrange everything here, just like our beloved headmaster arranged our school. Calm down, everything will be OK!
(sings, and the rest, scattering to places and dancing, pick up)

Song to the tune of "Chunga-Changi":

We live merrily in our school
We are happy to go to our school,
And the director will meet at the door
With a smile, we say "Hello!" her.
I tried everything, found out
I didn't forget anything
Our school was equipped by the director.
And thank you very much
For work and care,
For attention and severity,
Our director!

(thanks to the director):

"Dear ....! We have always been fascinated by your optimism and spontaneity. Thank you for saving us from the final savagery when we found ourselves on desert island; for being an example for us in everything! I wish you happiness, love, health! "

Scene three.

Everyone calms down a little, they sit down and here:
Masha puts her hand down, hits the spider and, throwing it closer to Karina: A !!! He bit me! He bit me! Take it away! Ugh! Take it away!
(Karina) Well, why are you screaming !? Did it bite you? (puts the spider on the microphone) This harmless little spider? Do you remember, in our biology lessons…. told? Small harmless spider, arachnid detachment, Krestovik species. Do you remember how in the classroom we listened with inspiration to her stories about these cute creatures?

All together, lining up at the microphones:
Song-verse (Winnie the Pooh):

The leeches are in alcohol - it doesn't matter!
The ecology is okay - yes, yes, yes!
Let's dig in all the flowers and put them in pots!
To cure sick kidneys is nonsense!
We have always loved biology!
Cro-Magnons were found - yes, yes, yes!
Fleas, lice and cockroaches
Monkeys and bananas -
We will remember those lesson forever!

(thanks to the biology teacher):

"Dear ... ..! You taught us to see the invisible, hear the inaudible, understand ourselves. Happiness, health, longevity!"

Scene four.

(A student comes out, holding a model of the moon at head level).
1st: Something began to get colder!
2nd: Yes, indeed!
3rd: We need to make a fire. Do you guys have any matches?
No, no!
1st: Well, as always! How to run for school at breaks you always have them! And when you need to ... you have to make a fire with improvised means. (a little thoughtfully) I remember in physics lessons ... .. she said something about the force of friction ...
All converge tightly until the first: puts a mock fire behind them, the music begins, everyone disperses to the microphones.

To the physics teacher to the tune of Zemfira's song "Proved":

In distillation with wires,
With coils and conductors.
And we counted the amplitude,
They wrote works for five.

Science is far from simple
The subject is not easy, we know
But you explained it to us,
You helped us understand.

And we decided at Rymkevich's school,
You sat around, helped us in everything,
You taught us the most important thing, yeah!

And we also decided to Stepanov,
It didn't work out - they decided everything anew,
Dreamed of becoming Newton, Hooke and Maxwell, yeah!

(Thanks to the physics teacher):

"Sweetheart ....! Your charm, attractiveness and passion for the subject helped us to wade through the jungle electrical wires, schemes and magnetic field... I wish you success in everything, kindness and warmth! "

Scene five.

Someone walks away to warm up by the fire:
1st: - Yes, now I would like to eat something!
2nd: - And in the dining room now, probably, pasta with cutlets!

The song of the dining room for Chicherin "Heat" begins to sound, for the introduction, everyone makes 2 circles one after another around the fire, without turning their backs to the hall, and run up to the microphones:

Which lesson we want
We run into the dining room at the speed of light.
Breathing hard, we chew pizza,
And again for a lesson with Coca-Cola together!

Food, food! Thanks to the dining room and the chefs!
Food, food! Thank you, thank you all!

(Words of gratitude to the employees of the canteen):

"Dear Canteen Workers, We have always been amazed at your dedication and dedication to your work, patience during our siege at recess. Thank you for delicious breakfasts and lunches. Happiness, joy, peaceful sky over your head! "

Scene 6.

1st: Guys, we ought to cover the fire with stones so that there would be no fire. Let's search?
Everyone disperses in search of stones, then everyone brings it and puts it around the fire.

The music of the song is played to the OBZh teacher on Strelka "Dislike":

We wrote tests regularly,
Safety comes first!
Matches are not toys for us, we knew
Nothing was sprayed anywhere.
But as often in life,
It suddenly happened to everyone and always,
We will begin to impose a tourniquet on the neck,
We will save you harm from any.
LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS! It will help us in life.
LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS! And we won't be phosgene
We poison our enemies' lives!

(words of gratitude to the OBZh teacher):
"Dear ... ..! You helped us out in difficult times with your versatile knowledge of school subjects. You carried the burden of household worries on your fragile shoulders. Remain as energetic and full of enthusiasm!"

Scene Seven.

A student with the moon goes backstage, another appears on the stage with a model of the Sun and takes the place of the moon.

1st: Guys, it's getting light. It's time to put out the fire!
2nd: How to find an algorithm for extinguishing this fire!
3rd: Didn't you teach computer science at school, or what?

1st: No!
3rd: Well, let me explain it to you. Look. So, the beginning of the program is the presence of a fire, then comes the task of variables - these are stones and sand. Then there is a cycle, i.e. the program itself (everyone blocks the fire and knocks it over from behind, and then everyone disperses, and the student hangs the sun on the wall and goes backstage) And as a result - an extinguished fire!
Everyone moves a little away from the microphones, 2 students come up to them (they only sing together until the chorus, after which everyone else comes in):

Don't look for me virus:

Basic, Turbopascal and TP7,
We dream of a cycle and END,
Now we will write a hundred programs,
And someone will come up with their own Internet.

You are in computers,
But, unfortunately, sometimes it happened that way,
What is the program for us
Well, it seemed completely incomprehensible.
Only years will pass
Though we will miss and cry
Microsoft will create,
And then we will not forget about you.

Words of gratitude:
Dear ... ..! Thank you for teaching us how to think logically and understand the confusing world of programs. I wish you happiness and boundless warmth!

Scene 8.

The student runs out from behind the curtains with a lively face:
Oh, guys, I found this there! Go help me get him out!
the boys go after her and after half a minute carry her out like a statue of a student who endured the sun. They put it between the microphones a little sideways.
1st: Wow, what is it?
2nd: Yes, what is it called?
1st: ... What are you? Don't you know? It's a little Minesweeper named Zinnober! What did you listen to in the MHC lessons?
(others) Middle ear!
1st: It can be seen!

The music for the song to the MHC teacher (A. Pugacheva "Love, like a dream") sounds, everyone approaches the microphones:

The world is huge, multifaceted and often rude.
Without culture, our life is an empty vessel.
And fill it with light and warmth,
Make life colored
We must be with you.

You cannot forget something and get tired.
Your business is to bring joy to people.
If dawn breaks in people's hearts,
So you didn’t work in vain. Not in vain!

Let life rush like stars
Like a cometary dance of stars.
Culture to live from century to century
As long as a person breathes!

Words of gratitude MHC teachers and music
"Romantic…. And ……! Your refinement of perception of the world could not leave our hearts indifferent. Thank you! Tenderness, love, success, inspiration!"

Scene nine.

1st: I want to drink something. Nobody has water?
1st: And where, then, to look for water?
2nd: In the reservoir.
1st: Yes? Where is the reservoir?
2nd: Where there is water, there is a reservoir.
1st: Witty. Let's go look!

They leave to look for a reservoir. For a while they are looking for him, then they see a model of a reservoir on the wall, the Pupil stretches out her hand behind the curtain, the other gives her a bottle of water. Everyone approaches the microphones to sing a song to the geography teacher to the music BI-2 "Nobody writes to the Colonel":

Big cities, capitals and seas,
Where are the coal deposits, as well as the demand and business,
And thanks to you, we know all this.
Now we are not afraid of exams and crisis.

And everyone writes geography
And everyone knows the economy.

We will draw up a business plan quickly and easily,
Let's not forget what you taught us.

Thanks to the geography teacher:
"Dear ... ..! You showed us this big planet, explained to us the structure of our economic system... Now we know without geography - we are nowhere. Thank you! Happiness, joy, success! "

Scene ten.

The student goes backstage and pulls out a model of a rock with some hieroglyphs.
- Look what I found!
- I wonder what is written there?
- Yes.
“If our historian had been here, he would have told us.
- Yes, I had to learn history.

The song begins to the history teacher to the music from the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" - "Alexandra":

Not everything worked out right away,
Moscow was not built in a day.
The history of homeland
Keeps many secrets.
Reforms are radical
National problems.
They didn't believe the textbooks
And they believed only you.

Ah, historian, our historian,
This class was ours with you.
We were his fate,
But the goodbye came.
Whatever it was in the beginning,
We never got bored
Now we are parting
And thank you for everything.

Thanks to the history teacher:
"Dear Vladimir Petrovich! You taught us to assess the situation soberly, to compare the present with the past. Happiness, health, years life! "

Scene eleven.

The student climbed onto the counter covered with a model of the rock and shouted from there to everyone else:
- Guys! Look how high I am!
1st: Well, you, Sash, are just an athlete!
2nd: Get off from there quickly!

2 students by this moment are already sitting on the bench with guitars. And after last words begin to play together a song to the teachers of physical education to the tune of the song Chizh and Co. "About love":

Shouldn't we sing a song about nat-re,
Why not invent a standard
Shorter rope, softer mat,
And then we will hand over the exercises.

And we will become top class athletes,
A lot of money, medals - everything.
We will remember you with gratitude
And we will understand that we passed the cross for a reason!

Words of gratitude to physical education teachers:
"Dear ... and ....! Your lessons are always a holiday for us. We were glad to find good friends in you. Happiness to you!"

Scene twelve.

The student with a wild cry falls from the cliff, everyone rushes to him:
- What's the matter with you, Sasha!
- Leg! Leg!
- We need a doctor! Urgently!
- Call the nurse!

Poem for a nurse:

Kind doctor Aibolit
Sits in the cabinet.
Come to him for treatment
Pupil and student.
She will give you pills
She will make the mantu.
She never sleeps
In a responsible post.
He will check everything, he will know everything
And he will keep his health.
And, perhaps, everyone knows
We will not forget her hands!

Thanks to the nurse:
"Dear ... ...! You are a person who was responsible for our health. Thank you for your work, we will not forget your concern. We wish you strength, good spirits and inexhaustible health!"

Scene Thirteen.

Do you think there is still life on this island?
(Everyone else, pointing to the audience) There she is !!!

At the end of the hall are the Papuans: and their leader. The first goes out with a spear for reconnaissance. With a suspicious look, he examines those around him, checks them, then runs to the microphones and says to the others with a wave of his hand: Ooh! The other two Papuans lift the leader in their arms and carry him out to the stage with the others, while the rhythm of Queen's song "We will rock you" is tapped out. Three Papuans stand in a row and start looking around, scratching themselves and doing all sorts of nonsense. Seeing this, the leader, making a definite gesture with his hand, says harshly: Ooh! Everyone aligns. Another "Ooh!" and they all follow the command "Attention!" two in the direction of the leader, the leader in the opposite direction.

Disciple: Wow! Interestingly, and they know how to speak some language, understandable to us?
Papuan: Russo tourist.
Disciple: (almost squealing with pleasure) Oh, my God, how lovely!

Pupil: squeals and starts jumping, clapping her hands, everyone else, with the exception of the leader and the Papuans, picks up.

Student: Can you speak English? Do you speak English?
(Leader, in broken English, absolutely no expression) We are from Iceland.
Disciple: From island! Oh! They're from the island! (To general applause) Wow, how lovely! What is your name? (Making appropriate hand gestures) My name is…. And what is your name?
(Chief) Ooh! (pointing her finger first at her, then at himself) Masha! Ooh! Masha! Ooh!
Disciple: His name is Ooo! My God, what a charm after all! We want to be your friends! Friends. (holding out his hand to the leader, shaking his hand) Seat, seat!

Everyone steps back, sits on the mat and sways in one direction to the singing of the girls. The rest are standing behind, holding hands and swaying rhythmically from behind in the opposite direction from those sitting on the mat.

Song to English teachers based on Whitney Houston's song "I will always love you":

If we could stay and
Begin our studding again.
So, we go, but you know
We will never forget you
In our soul.

And we will always love you,
Will always love you.

You, our teacher you.

Our knowledge, memories -
That is all we "re taking with.
So, goodbye and, please, don "t cry,
And thank you for everything you did!

Thanks to the teachers of the English language:
"Dear .... And ....! Your love for new textbooks and new programs is as boundless as our love for you. Enthusiasm, energy, health to you!"

Scene fourteen.

The Papuans are leaving.
Disciple: Yes, well, of course, here: we have friends now, we can live, we have already checked this, but still I miss you a lot. Shall we write a letter to them?
2 student: takes out a paper and a pen, sits down more comfortably:
What to write something?
- Well, write that we miss you
- We want you to come for us, so that you save us.
- We want to eat!
- Leg hurts.
“I don’t want to die here!”
- Come soon!

2 the student folds the letter.

Are you sure you wrote everything correctly?
2 student I'm sure, but ... probably not.

Everyone gets up to the song to the teacher of literature (to the tune of the romance "The Golden Grove Dissuaded"):

Dissuaded by Lermontov and Pushkin
A great and mighty tongue.
And sadly leaving your lesson,

And sadly leaving your lesson,
We will regret him more than once.

We know we didn't learn in vain
The ability of poets to understand.

You have opened a wise and wonderful world to us.
And we want to thank you.

Thanks to the teacher of literature:
"Dear ... ..! Human, sublime, lyrical nature. We have always admired you. You opened the doors for us to the wonderful world of literature, and most importantly - to the world adult life, in which we have to stay, but now, without you! Thank you for everything!"

Scene fifteen.

And how good it was with… and….!
- Yes!
- How much easier!
- Yes!
- How much dearer!
- Yes!
- I wonder if they will come for us?
- Yes!

Sing a song class teachers to the tune of Boyarsky's song "Thank you":

Many years will flow away
Another class we believe
Will also stand
Here and talk like we do
That someone in their turn
He will also sing to you.
We are leaving now
And we whisper to you relatives:

"Thank you for the day,
Thanks for the year,
Thank you for your knowledge and work,
thanks for all
And we ask you
Please do not forget us. "

Thanks to the class teachers:
"Dear ... and ...! You are our cool mothers, our beacon in the ocean of school life. Kind, sympathetic, calm, confident hands led us through the labyrinth to adulthood! Your optimism, unique sense of humor, never-ending energy that you drop by drop poured into us, made school life especially interesting! Thank you! We love you! "

Scene sixteen.

Do you think they will come for us?
- Must…
- I really hope for it.

The noise of an approaching helicopter is heard, everyone screams with joy, new faces appear on the stage in the form of our classmates who have flown in after us, everyone rushes to each other.

Next to the stage, on both sides of the curtain, the rest of the graduates come up (on the right - 11 "A", on the left - 11 "B"). Thank you speech to all teachers:

"You are strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive. You led us through the years of childhood and adolescence, you gave us your warmth and love. You made sure that our knowledge and skills grew from year to year, taught us to be necessary and the right people... If someday, suddenly, we find ourselves on a desert island - we know we will not be lost! Thank you for your hard work and bow low to you! "

The final song to the tune of the song of the group Zemfira "Goodbye!" Sounds:

The years go by - it happens
Graduated from school.
And they let us go
Certificates are awarded
And a cool photo.
And everyone understands:
Not long left
We study at school.
And from the first class
It seemed so much -
Eleven whole years!

Goodbye school, goodbye!
We have already got into your chronicles (oo-oo-oo-oo!)
Expectations, tears and goodbyes
And memories of the years gone by (ooh-ooh!)!

Then institutions, other concerns -
We continue to study.
And after work and only about school
We will remember more often.
From first grade to graduation -
Let's not forget anything.
And we'll meet again
Later in our life
Eleven whole years!

The presenters come out and close the holiday:
"Dear graduates!
Not every path will be smooth
Not all trials will be easy
And life lies in front of you like a notebook,
In which there is not a single line yet.
The links are over the past and the present,
Over everything that I have saved and that I have not,
The rings are over your leaving childhood
Sad, farewell last call!

The right to give the last call is given to a student of grade 11 ... and a student of grade 1 "B".
On this, dear graduates, our holiday is over.
Good luck, friends, all the way,
The paths of searches, plans and accomplishments!
Bon voyage and happiness! "