When can peonies be replanted? How to feed peonies in spring and summer. Planting peonies in open ground

Peonies can grow in one place for many years, but sooner or later gardeners are faced with the question of replanting the bushes. At first glance, this is a troublesome matter, but in practice everything is different. You just need to remember the timing and choose the right transplant method.

Suitable time to transplant peonies

Features of transplanting peonies in spring

In early spring Peonies are replanted as a whole bush; division is not done during this period. The survival rate of plants is good, since there are many suction roots on the roots. But success depends not only on this - it is important to constantly keep the soil moist. It’s good if the weather is damp, but in a dry spring you will have to water the plantings regularly.

You need to start replanting when the snow has completely melted from the flowerbed, but the bushes have not yet begun to grow. The soil in a new place is prepared in advance: it is loosened, fertilized with sand, humus, and compost.

Important! Fresh manure cannot be used.

Transplant instructions:

1. The old bush is completely dug out of the ground, trying to preserve the lump.

2. Water the planting hole abundantly, install a peony bush and sprinkle it with soil.

3. The soil is compacted, watered and mulched with organic matter.

If in landing hole mineral fertilizers were applied, they must be mixed with soil. Peony roots are fragile and can burn.

The best time to transplant peonies in the summer is August. The heat is no longer so intense, the bushes will tolerate the procedure more easily and adapt to the new place.

The planting pit for summer transplantation is prepared six months in advance. It must correspond to the size of the root system, its width is at least 50 cm, and its depth is about 80 cm. The bottom of the hole is well drained, filled halfway with compost or humus, watered abundantly and left until the end of summer. By the time of planting, the soil will have completely settled, and the roots will not be exposed after watering.

In August old bush peonies are dug up, divided into parts, thinned out. New divisions must have at least 6 buds each. Before planting, the divisions are washed under running water and kept in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Important! If the root needs to be divided with a knife, then the tool is disinfected in advance.

During planting, the roots are buried 5 cm into the ground, after which they are sprinkled with fertile soil and watered. Planting depth is very important, otherwise the plant will refuse to bloom. In the future, the peony is cared for as usual.

How to replant peonies in the fall

Peonies transplanted in the fall will bloom next spring. Over the winter the bush will rest and gain strength. The transplant is planned for warm days, when there are still two weeks before the expected frost. This is exactly the period needed for rooting bushes in a new place.

In each region, the timing of transplantation is different. In the Urals and Siberia, the time for planting is from mid-August to mid-September. In the Moscow region and middle lane planting must be completed by September 25. In the south of the country, the procedure can be extended until the end of the month.

Instructions for replanting in autumn:

1. Prepare a hole measuring 40 x 50 cm, at least 20 cm deep.

2. Trim old shoots to a height of 15 cm.

3. Dig up the bush with a pitchfork so as not to damage the roots.

4. Remove rotten or dry areas of roots, divide into parts if necessary.

5. Plant the plant in a new place, deepening the buds by 7 cm. Planting deeper will lead to rotting of the roots.

Use a mixture for planting fertile soil With mineral fertilizers or humus.

Instructions for replanting peonies to bloom

In order for a newly transplanted bush to bloom, you need to plant it correctly. First, choose a place where the peony will be grown. This should be a well-lit, dry area without drafts. It’s good if the sun hits it in the first half of the day, and in the midday heat the bush will be in partial shade. This will extend the flowering period. The eastern side of the site is best suited.

Important! Peonies are planted away from trees or shrubs, as they block the plant with their shadow. The full development of the bush will be disrupted, and flowering is out of the question.

Peonies develop well only in loose, loamy soil. They grow poorly in heavy soil. The depth of rooting depends on the soil on the site. If the soil is heavy, then the cuttings are buried only 3–5 cm. On light soils, the planting depth is increased to 7 cm. If planted deeper, the peonies will not bloom.

When transplanting peonies, you need to properly plan the flower bed. Distance between bushes for low-growing varieties they make about 80 cm, for others up to 110 cm. Tree peonies planted at a distance of 1.5 m.

Caring for peonies after transplantation

On next year after transplant experienced gardeners It is recommended to pick off the buds so that the bushes get stronger. Then next season the flowering will be abundant.

After autumn replanting, the bushes are mulched with a thick layer of humus to prepare the peonies for winter. If this is not done, the roots may die. In spring, the soil under the bushes is loosened.

When caring for peonies, do not forget about pruning the shoots. Many gardeners do it wrong. The shoots are pruned in late autumn, from mid-October to early November. After two weeks, the bushes are fed with phosphorus and potassium.

Important! Early pruning of shoots weakens the bush; it does not tolerate winter well.

When pruning a bush, the shoots are cut completely level with the soil. If there is no rain during this period, then the soil around is watered abundantly. The cut areas are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. All plant residues are removed from the flowerbed and burned; they can cause diseases.

Peonies are unpretentious flowers that are easy to grow. If you follow all the instructions, then abundant flowering guaranteed every year.

can only be replanted in the fall, this makes it easier for them to take root in a new place, and in the spring they will grow strong, healthy bushes. But practice shows that transplanting peonies to another place in the spring also gives positive results, only the plants will require more attention: changeable spring weather can complicate establishment.

It should be taken into account that peonies generally do not like to be transplanted, especially at the wrong time for this, so we must try to create all the necessary conditions for them in the new place.

When choosing, pay attention to some key factors.

Where to choose a place to transplant a peony in the spring?

The gardener should carefully consider the choice of site so that the transplanted peony bush can become powerful and durable, long time delight its owner with abundant flowering.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account:

  • the site is chosen to be sunny or slightly shaded in evening hours(lighting by morning rays is especially favorable for peony);
  • groundwater should not be less than 1 m deep, since peony roots grow up to a meter long;
  • Digging of the soil is done deeply and thoroughly, all perennial weeds are removed;
  • most best composition the soil is loam, so heavy, dense soil must be diluted with sand, and clay must be added to the sandy soil, and a nutrient composition must also be added;
  • It is advisable that there are no buildings near the growth of peonies, the walls of which, when heated, will contribute to overheating of the flowers;
  • there should also be no trees or tall shrubs nearby that would take away moisture and nutrition from the peonies;
  • plants do not tolerate acidic soil; ash will need to be added when preparing the hole, or dolomite flour.

It is preferable to choose an area protected from the wind, so that when there are gusts, large buds do not break and fall off prematurely.

Preparing to transplant peonies

You can begin replanting peonies in the spring to another place after the snow has melted and the night temperature has reached no lower than zero, and the daytime temperature has reached 10 degrees.

Experts say that a hole must be dug deep and wide enough, 60x60, to add a drainage layer, and add sufficient quantity light 3-4 year humus (10 l), compost (5 l), bone or dolomite meal (300 g), superphosphate (100 g).

A layer of structured soil (peat, turf soil, clay or sand, compost in equal quantities) is poured on top, compacted, and watered abundantly. The peony root system develops slowly; for the first 3-4 years it will obtain food in the surface layers of humus. It is recommended to prepare the hole for planting 2 weeks in advance so that the soil settles and compacts well.

The process of replanting peonies

Peony roots are very fragile; you will have to dig very carefully so as not to damage them. It is better to do this with a pitchfork, digging up the ground around the bush at some distance without damaging the overgrown tubers. The earth is loosened with a pitchfork near the root so that it can be pulled out without resistance.

When replanting in spring, the rhizome does not need to be washed under running water and disinfected; the bush also cannot be divided - this is a feature of spring replanting. The dug up plant is carefully transferred to a new place, placed in a hole, covered with a layer of earth, simultaneously compacting it. You should make sure that the buds are buried no more than 4-5cm, otherwise they will not bloom. The transplanted plant needs to be watered abundantly.

Along with replanting, old bushes are rejuvenated by slightly pruning the rhizome, especially the upper part. This procedure is optional; the gardener needs to determine from the condition of the bush whether there is such a need.

A distance of one to one and a half meters is maintained between the bushes so that they have enough space to grow. Since transplanting peonies to another place in the spring is stressful for the plants, they may not bloom this year.

Along with replanting, old bushes are sometimes rejuvenated by slightly pruning the rhizome, especially the upper part.

Caring for peony bushes transplanted in spring

It doesn’t take much time to care for the flowers; they need infrequent but abundant watering and loosening the soil around the bush. Making care easier, the gardener can achieve moisture retention, the soil remains loose, root system does not overheat, suppresses weed growth.

The first year there is no need for fertilizing if fertilizers have been added to the planting hole.

Transplanting peonies in spring sometimes leads to wilting lower leaves, it is advisable to pinch them immediately before they are affected by diseases.

If, however, buds appear on the bushes during the year of planting, it is better to cut them off, giving the plant the opportunity to fully take root and grow stronger.

VIDEO: how to plant peonies in spring?

In this video you will learn about general rules spring planting of peonies, including the preparation of the hole, which is necessary before transplanting:

Planting peonies in the summer is necessary so that the plants become stronger and can bloom next year. Usually this process is carried out towards the end of the season, in the last days of August.

In addition to planting, during this period the bushes are transplanted and divided. This method is most often considered by gardeners as a method of propagating this crop. This allows the overgrown bush of a perennial plant to be thinned out, and the separated parts can be replanted and a new flower will grow from them.

Botanical description of peony

Peonies are the name given to 32 species of plants that belong to the genus of the same name. Among them there are both perennial herbaceous and shrubby ones, the height of which can reach a meter. The powerful roots of the plant are thickened and have a knobby appearance, due to this the rhizome itself, in general, turns out to be large and reliably holds the peonies on the soil.

Flowers grow singly, each of them consists of:

  • 5 leathery sepals, which can be either green or red;
  • fleshy disc-shaped base;
  • 5 or more petals, which are many times larger than the sepals, the outer edges are often chipped;
  • many stamens;
  • pistils, their number can vary from 1 to 8.

After flowering, fruits appear on the plant in the form of a star-shaped multileaf. Hidden inside them are shiny, round-shaped seeds. Their color can vary from black to dark brown.

Flower propagation

Peonies can be propagated in summer in several ways.

  1. Dividing the bush.
  2. Using layering (pressing shoots to the ground).
  3. Through cuttings, they can be either root or stem.
  4. Pieces of rhizome with 2-3 buds on them.

The last 3 types of reproduction must begin in mid-spring, as they are quite long-lasting. A new plant may not produce flowers until half the season, or even more, since before this process it needs to strengthen and take root in a new place without a parent.

For summer period The first breeding option is best suited. So, in this case, the perennial plant will not bloom during the replanting season, and this process takes place closer to the beginning of autumn. Due to this, the peony will gain strength and calmly survive the winter. And next summer, new peonies will be able to begin flowering without hindrance.

This landing occurs in 2 stages:

  1. Dividing the bush.
  2. Planting a separated plant.

This operation is quite simple to perform if you first study the short instructions.

Peonies can be divided in August. To do this, you need to dig up the entire bush, and then divide it with a shovel, however, this must be done correctly.

Before digging up the bush, cut off the outer stems, this will make it easier to pry it with a shovel and lift it above the ground.

After the flower is dug up, its rhizome must be shaken, getting rid of large pieces of soil. Smaller lumps must be washed off with water. This is necessary in order to determine the exact size of the rhizome. If it is large, then a stake is driven into its center for the convenience of dividing the plant into smaller parts. When dividing, it is important to take into account that each seedling has roots no more than 20 cm and they have 3 or 5 buds.

Rotten parts of the root system must be removed immediately, since weakened fragments separated from a plant with such a problem may turn out to be diseased or even die.

Once the division is completely completed, planting can begin.

Planting peonies, preparing the soil

Like division, planting peonies can take place in the summer, towards the end of this season. Before you start replanting separated parts of the plant, you need to choose the right place where the peonies will feel comfortable.

First of all, it is worth remembering that flowers do not like overheating, which they can receive even when standing next to the heated walls of the house. Therefore, peonies should be moved away from buildings by at least 2 m. In addition, the place where the plant will need to be planted should not be in a windy area and at the same time should be in the sun for most of the daylight hours.

Once the location has been chosen, you can begin planting the plant. When transplanting, no additional fertilizers are added to the ground. These flowers are unpretentious, so they can take root in ordinary garden soil. The exception is areas with clay soil, then before replanting it must be diluted with peat or sand.

However, it is still worth remembering that flower roots do not tolerate large amounts of moisture in the soil. Therefore, if there is groundwater, the level of which is higher than 90 cm from the ground level, it would be more correct to plant plants on raised beds to protect them from rotting.

In addition to preparing the soil, it is also important to properly dig a hole in order to plant the peony in it.

Pit parameters

First of all, it is worth pointing out the depth of the hole, which should not be less than 70 cm. This is necessary so that the plant can form a larger and more powerful root system. For the same reason, the distance between the recesses should not be less than 90 cm.

The length and width of the hole should correspond to its depth.

In order for the flower to settle down faster, the soil dug out of the hole should be thoroughly mixed with compost, humus or manure before backfilling.

At the bottom of the hole you need to place a layer of drainage. Old broken bricks or expanded clay may be suitable. After this, the drainage should be covered with earth. A flower is planted on top of the resulting cushion. At the end of the process, it is covered with the rest of the excavated soil.

The final stage is compacting the soil; this can be done using your own foot. After the planting is completed, the peonies are watered, but you should not be overzealous with this, since the flower does not like large amounts of moisture and begins to rot.

Preparing plants for wintering

Since peonies are transplanted towards the end of summer and they are perennials, they must be properly prepared for winter so that the plant can easily survive the cold season.

You can start preparing from the landing itself. So, when caring for peonies in the summer, they should be given fertilizers with a high potassium content. This will allow the flower to strengthen in a short time, even before the first November frosts. The solution must be prepared at the rate of two tablespoons of fertilizer per 5 liters of water. It will be enough for several waterings of the plant.

On winter period, as soon as the first frosts appear, the flower must be surrounded by cardboards. Such an improvised “fence” will protect the plant from strong winds and at the same time preserve its own warmth.

In the spring, as soon as the severe frosts pass and the wind becomes warmer, the plant is opened. And in order to help it recover after wintering, the flower can be fed with solutions of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. The proportions of these solutions are identical to those that need to be given in autumn period: 2 tablespoons of substance per 5 liters of water.

Bottom line

Planting peonies at the end of the summer period is necessary so that the plant can get used to wintering. In addition, a flower planted at the end of August begins to bloom much earlier than those planted in the spring.

Herself summer transplant plants are quite simple in essence. After all, the plant can be planted in almost any soil. The main thing is to know correct order actions and a few small nuances. As a result, for the next few years a beautiful flower will appear in the garden plot, which does not require special attention.

Welcome to the site tips for gardeners. Peony is very unpretentious plant, and if all conditions were met during planting, then the flower can grow in one place without compromising its decorative effect for up to ten years.

But if you need to rejuvenate the plantings, you need to know how to do it correctly. After all, replanting a peony at the wrong time can cause the death of the flower.

Time to transplant peonies

When can peonies be replanted? A question that many novice gardeners are looking for an answer to, since the wrong timing can destroy its fragile beauty.

The most best time for peony transplantation completion summer season and the beginning of autumn. If there is no opportunity to “move” the plant within this time frame, then it is better to postpone the event until spring.

When to replant peonies in the fall? Perfect time to renew flowers - the last ten days of August and the first half of September. During this period, the weather is still warm, and prolonged autumn rains have not yet begun.

The plant will take root much better and faster in its new location. In this case, flowering can be expected the next season. The root system will go through an adaptation period during the winter and in the spring will begin to actively supply the bush with the necessary nutrients.

If necessary, you can move the peony to a new place in the spring. But in this case, the plant will be sick for a long time and you should not expect color from the plant. Experienced gardeners practice spring planting peonies only in exceptional cases. For example, if moles or mice begin to gnaw the roots of the plant.

Late spring, and especially summer, is the worst time to transplant. The rhizome of the plant no longer has suction roots, and the peony simply will not be able to receive the nutrition it needs from the soil.

Replanting peonies: doing it right

The answer to the question: “When to replant peonies?” has been received. Now you need to get acquainted with the stages of the process in more detail.

The peony is replanted with bushes, unless, of course, a decision has been made to divide the rhizome. But more on that a little later.

How to replant peonies correctly? Planting stages:

1. Dig up the bush around the entire perimeter. Before removing it from the soil, the stems must be cut at least 1/3 of the length and lightly tied with a rope. Now the plant is removed, loosening the bush using a garden fork. The flower must be removed carefully so as not to damage the fragile root system.

2. Then water is poured into the planting hole and the bush is placed in it. The plant is installed strictly vertically. Now you can start backfilling. First comes the earth, but it is desirable that either peat or humus be used for the top layer. Then the transplanted plant is watered again.

Choosing a location and preparing a hole for replanting peonies

You need to decide on the location in advance. Peonies love lots of light. That is why it is worth giving preference open areas land, but they should not be blown too much by the winds. Also don't forget to read how and when to prune peonies.

Peony grows well in relative shade, but in this case, due to a chronic lack of light, the plant will develop quite slowly. Also, you should not expect large flowers, as they will become smaller every year.

The flower is not too picky about the composition of the soil. And yet, it feels much better on loamy lands flavored with a generous portion of fertilizers and nutrients. When choosing, it is worth remembering that the selected area should be moist (but in moderation), since plants do not tolerate either excessive drought or moisture.

You need to prepare the pit for transplantation in advance, about a month before the transplantation. Then the soil will be able to sink thoroughly.

It is quite enough if the depth of the hole reaches fifty centimeters. If there is no natural drainage, then you need to deepen it another twenty centimeters. Expanded clay or brick chips are suitable as drainage materials.

Nutritious soil mixture prepared from the following components (1:1 ratio):

  • The land is turf;
  • sand;
  • peat;
  • ready humus.

It is also necessary to add fertilizers such as:

  • Any superphosphate (100 grams);
  • bone meal (350 grams);
  • ash (350 grams).

All fertilizers must be mixed first. If it is not possible to prepare a hole in advance, then you need to adhere to the following planting technology.

Do not bury the cutting, but simply lay it on the surface of fertile soil (with which the hole was filled) with the buds facing up and hill up. After the ground settles naturally(after two weeks), the tubers will sink to the required depth on their own.

Peony division, how to do it correctly

Plants aged 3–4 years are especially suitable for division. They are the easiest to dig out. In addition, the yield of healthy planting material is much greater than when dividing older plants. Also, if you don’t know how to care for peonies.

Almost always, simultaneously with replanting a peony, it is also divided, since this procedure rejuvenates the plant. But there is another important reason: the transplanted plant, which has a large rhizome with numerous “eyes,” gets used to the new place much worse and may even die.

A standard viable division should have three good growing points and a pair of adventitious roots (five centimeters in length and a centimeter in girth). This is perfect planting material, which can provide the young peony with all the substances necessary for growth and development.

Before dividing, the rhizome must be washed under running water, which will expose all growth points. It is then left in dark place for two days to dry. During this time, the rhizome will slightly wither and will no longer break when dividing.

A sharp knife is used for cutting. When dividing, you need to remember that the more buds on the division, the large quantity it must have roots. The cutting area should be minimal.

If a rotten place is discovered, then it must be cleaned to healthy tissue and sprinkled with crushed coal. The prepared cutting is left for three days in a cool room to dry the cut areas. Then it can be planted.

Peony is the oldest plant. It so happened that ancient peoples (Egyptians, Babylonians) laid out gardens in which they specially grew plants brought from other countries. The Persians and Greeks cultivated gardens for educational purposes. It was during those times that the first descriptions of peony were found. In its beauty and splendor, the peony competed with the rose. He was loved both in ancient Europe and in ancient China. Legends were made about him and miraculous properties were attributed to him. For example, in Greece there is a description of beads made from pieces of peony, which were worn around the neck from infancy. It was believed to heal and ward off evil spirits. Every year, peonies are becoming more widespread due to their large lush flowers and wonderful aroma. White peony has been bred in Europe for a long time. There are herbaceous peonies, in which aboveground part dies every year, and the tree-like trees that preserve it all year round. Beautiful flower peony is a fairly unpretentious plant that can bloom without requiring replanting for up to ten years. However, there are times when a flower still needs to be replanted. If you want to propagate a plant or rejuvenate it, you should know when it is best to replant peonies and how to do it correctly. In our article we will talk about the autumn transplantation of peonies.

If we talk about when it is better to plant peonies, then the optimal period for planting is the time starting from mid-August and ending at the end of September. At the time of transplantation, the plant should have fully formed renewal buds located on the peony rhizome, but there should be no small suction roots. This state of the rhizome indicates that the plant is completely ready for replanting. But this is a fairly short period, lasting no more than one and a half months. Excessively hot summers or long droughts can cause delayed development of renewal buds. Then it would be more prudent to postpone the planting of the peony to a later date. For complete rooting, the peony needs 6 weeks. And a plant planted in October or later will not have time to take root. But with proper planting and covered with a thick layer of mulch, the plant will be able to take root in the spring.

Choose time by lunar calendar. It is important that the planting is carried out on a waxing moon, when the weather is rainless, dry and warm. Usually at the end of August there are several days that are considered the beginning velvet season, at this time it is best to put the flower beds in order. When you spend autumn transplant, the plant will bloom as usual next year, even with larger flowers. After planting, do not forget to water the bushes intensively and feed them with mineral fertilizers for better growth of the root system.

Why replant peonies in the fall

Replanting in autumn is necessary:

  • to propagate the variety you like;
  • if flowering does not occur or the flowers become smaller;
  • when changing the garden layout.

For successful wintering and subsequent growth, the young plant requires a well-developed root system. Active formation the underground part begins when the heat subsides, daylight hours decrease, and plants begin to prepare for winter. From the leaves and stems there is an outflow of nutrients to the root, as a base for flowering in the next season. Replacement buds are laid for several years to come.

Future flowering in the spring directly depends on the development of the root in the fall. Peonies transplanted in September - October have time to adapt to a new location, build up a sufficient root mass and a network of adventitious absorbent roots that provide nutrition to the entire bush. Young plant may bloom in spring.

It is important to avoid unfavorable precursors: trees, shrubs, large perennials, which greatly deplete the soil. You cannot plant a peony immediately in the same place where another peony just grew. In such cases, you need to let the soil rest for at least 2 years or completely change the soil at the planting site. Where you want to plant peonies, the area should be free of tree roots, shrubs and large perennials. And don't forget that the bushes will grow over time. Planting in lowlands that are flooded for a long time by spring waters and heavy rains is unacceptable. To plant peonies correctly, as practice shows, you need to ensure water drainage from the garden bed.

Peonies can withstand flooding in the spring for no more than 4-5 days. When choosing a place for planting, remember that the groundwater level should be at least 70-80 cm below the surface level. For peonies designed for long-term planting, more than 6-7 years, this norm should be 100 cm.

The optimal soil acidity is close to neutral. Peonies can grow even weakly acidic soils(lacty-flowered peonies), but preferable (especially for hybrids of all types and species) are neutral and slightly alkaline soils with an acidity index of PH 6-7.5.

How to divide a peony bush

How peonies are divided:

  • The stems of a plant intended for division are cut off, cutting is done almost at soil level.
  • Carefully dig in the peony in a circle at a distance of 20 cm from the bush.
  • The bush is loosened using a pitchfork and a crowbar if the plant is large.
  • Carefully remove the peony from the ground and place it on a platform where it will be convenient to work with it.
  • The soil is washed off from the extracted roots with a gentle stream from a hose.
  • The bush is left outside in the shade so that the roots wither a little, so the rhizomes and eyes will be less fragile and will not break when dividing.
  • The roots are examined, the places of their connection with the root collar and the location of the eyes are determined - it would be better to make cuts here.
  • With help sharp knife division is carried out so that each division has from 2 to 5 well-developed buds with large and small roots. Larger pieces of rhizome do not take root well, and smaller pieces do not bloom for a long time.

Peony transplantation in autumn

Site selection, soil preparation. Peonies grow well in open sunny places. They tolerate light shade, but bloom little or not at all in the shade. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant peonies near trees, large shrubs and buildings. They suffer from lack of nutrition and moisture and from an unfavorable microclimate.

Peonies prefer cultivated soils rich in humus. They do not tolerate damp wetlands, where the roots remain in the water for a long time, as a result of which they appear. various diseases, often leading to the death of bushes. The first step is to prepare holes for planting in advance (about 2 weeks in advance), with a diameter and depth of about 0.5 m and at a distance of about 1 meter from each other.

If you want to create artificial drainage, then you should dig the holes a little deeper, about 15-20cm. Place small pebbles, gravel or sand at the bottom and add water to help the soil settle better. The freshly transplanted rhizome should be surrounded by rich, fertilized soil. It should also be prepared in advance - mix black soil in equal parts with sand, humus, peat, manure and ash. You can also add a little fertilizer (double superphosphate, urea, inkstone). We fill all this before planting in the hole and mix it with garden soil.

We cut off the stem, leaving a tail, approximately 15 cm long, and remove the rhizome from the old place using a fork. By removing the rhizome with a shovel, you can chop the roots. Carefully dig around the bush at a significant distance - if you feel an obstacle, then retreat a little further. After removing the root from the ground, wash it and inspect it. Cut off any existing traces of rotting with a knife and disinfect with a solution of potassium permanganate. Tools and any cuts are also disinfected, and it would not be superfluous to place the entire rhizome in potassium permanganate for a while and then dry it. If you replant the peony in the spring, then no treatment is necessary. The peony rhizome can be divided into two or more independent bushes. Count how many buds are on the plant; if there are more than 6, then feel free to start dividing. How many peonies you end up with depends directly on the age of the bush. However, you should always adhere to the rule - there must be at least three buds on each divided plant. Each division is placed in a separate hole, so that the buds are at a depth of about 3-5 cm from the surface. If the root is higher, the plant will freeze in winter, and if it is deeper, the peony will not bloom.

Diseases and pests

Peony is affected by latent ring spot, tobacco rattle, raspberry ring spot, cucumber and alfalfa mosaics. Listed viral diseases spread by contact, through the soil, with insects, and with poor-quality planting material. The plant can be affected by fungi: gray rot, rust, various types spotting. Warm and humid weather favors the development of diseases. Weakened plants may not survive the winter or may not bloom. next year. To avoid such troubles, great attention should be paid to prevention. It is necessary to purchase healthy and proven planting material from proven and proven the best side manufacturers. Compliance with optimal agricultural technology and favorable conditions will strengthen the plant’s self-defense. If trouble does come garden plot, the affected parts of the plant must be cut out and burned. The remaining shoots are treated with Bordeaux mixture, zineb, foundationazole, and copper oxychloride.

Pruning peonies in autumn

Mostly autumn care for peonies involves pruning shoots. Before winter it is mandatory. If you leave pruning until spring, you will find it difficult: softened shoots are difficult to trim with pruning shears. As a rule, it must be carried out in late autumn, at the end of October - at the beginning of November. This kind of pruning of peonies in the fall is recommended to be done after the first frost, when the peony shoots begin to lie down on the soil.

When pruning your favorite flowers, shoots should be cut at ground level so that stumps are not left behind. If you intend to conduct autumn pruning peonies in dry weather, do not forget to water the root area of ​​the soil generously.

Caring for peonies planted in autumn

First and foremost important rule care involves regular weeding and loosening. After heavy rain or watering, you need to cultivate the soil. As weeds appear, you need to carefully weed them out, since excess grass takes away nutritious minerals, water and contributes to the spread of diseases that will injure the peonies. Caring for these flowers in the fall is very important. Their flowering next year will depend on it. You need to loosen the soil to a depth of about fifteen centimeters. Avoid the formation of a rough crust on the soil. During the first three years of growth, loosening and removing weeds is the basis of caring for peonies. Subsequently, it is necessary to trim the buds on the stems, leaving only one or two central ones. This approach will help the flowers become large.

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Sheltering peonies for the winter

Fertilizing and pruning are not all the care that peonies need in the fall. It is necessary to properly plan the preparation of the plant for wintering. This is especially important for those flowers that grow in regions with harsh winters. The first step is to assess the depth of the buds. If they are located at least 3-6 cm, then it is very important to lightly sprinkle the peonies with soil.

  • compost;
  • sawdust;
  • peat;
  • spruce branches;
  • fallen leaves.

In this case, it is not allowed to use leaves cut from peonies for covering. The thing is that this material will become a comfortable environment for the reproduction and residence of fungi. As a result, the plant will simply die. When forming a coating, you need to create a protective layer ranging from 10 to 15 cm. This approach will reliably protect peonies from severe frosts and winds. When the snow melts, water the ground around the peony bushes with a solution of potassium permanganate. After the active growth of shoots begins, feed the plantings with ammonia fertilizer. From the second week of May, young plants begin to be watered once a month with mineral fertilizers, to which experienced gardeners recommend adding a little regular washing powder(thanks to this, the mixture will not flow into the ground along the foliage). Fertilizers are also applied during the budding period.

Here are some simple recommendations for replanting peonies in the fall. If you did everything correctly, then the peony will delight you even more long years with its flowering. And finally, taking into account that peony is a perennial plant, the root system of which is quite delicate, when planting in open ground, care should be taken in the vicinity of suitable perennials. Companion flowers should be in harmony with the peonies in color. So, lilac speedwell, oak sage, catnip, popovnik or cuff will suit white or soft pink peonies. An excellent combination is achieved when planting peonies next to miniature conifers. Growing perennial plants next to peony bushes, it should not depress the bushes and interfere with the formation of the root system.

How to replant peonies in the fall