What are the benefits of pine baths for the body? Coniferous baths for babies: how to make

Many, while relaxing in the resort area, noticed the beneficial effects of salt air among conifers on the body.

But how do these components affect when taking baths?

Such physiotherapeutic water procedures using pine needles and salt not only help you relax and gain strength, but are also very beneficial for the skin and health of the body.

Impact on the body

The effect on the body is determined by water pressure, temperature, composition of water and concentration of substances in it. When immersed in water, the influence of gravity on a person decreases.

This allows you to maximally relieve bones and muscles, relieving tension. The baths are divided into very low concentration, low, medium and high concentration.

Salt and pine needles have their own positive sides and many elements that will benefit the body.


Taking a bath with salt has a positive effect on the body:

  1. Normalizes work nervous system;
  2. Activates metabolism;
  3. Improves the activity of the excretory system;
  4. Strengthens the body's protective functions;
  5. Salt draws excess moisture from the body;
  6. The function of the digestive system is restored;
  7. Hormonal processes are regulated;
  8. Relieves inflammation;
  9. Has a beneficial effect on the skin and gives it firmness and elasticity;
  10. Restore the nail plate.


The needles are a storehouse of many minerals and essential for humans.

The effect of pine needles on the human body:

  • Essential oils calm the nervous system, including having an immunostimulating effect;
  • Eliminates fatigue;
  • Pine needles contain many disinfectants and antibacterial substances;
  • Increases tone;
  • Since the needles contain an analogue of the female hormone - phytoestrogen, it stabilizes hormonal background women and has a good effect on the reproductive system;
  • The presence of carotene, folic acid, as well as vitamins K, E and B, accelerate the metabolic process, which removes waste, poisons and toxins from the body. They also rejuvenate the body, activating regeneration processes, and improve the functioning of the circulatory system and heart;
  • Once in the mucous membranes and respiratory tract, the needles have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • The needles contain many trace elements - copper, iron, cobalt, etc. They improve the condition of the skin, improve the functioning of the circulatory system and the musculoskeletal system;
  • Antioxidants perfectly bind various pathogenic substances and free radicals.

How to carry out the procedure correctly

The procedure can be carried out both in specialized conditions and at home. First you need to figure out what the ratio of medicinal substances and water should be.

If you prepare a bath using only pine needles, you can use:

  1. pine extracts (liquid, dry). In this case, the substance is dissolved in water, 100 ml of liquid or 70 g of dry extract is taken per volume of 200 l;
  2. pre-prepared needles (pine, spruce, cedar or fir). A decoction is made with 500 g of dry or 700 g of fresh twigs. Pour in 5 liters of water, put on fire and bring to a boil and hold for another 5-10 minutes. Warm decoction brown tint strain and pour into the bathroom.

To carry out a salt bath, it would be good to use sea salt, but you can also use regular table salt (not “Extra”). In this case, the packaging contains instructions on how to use it.

The percentage of concentration is determined by what problem a person is struggling with and what his individual characteristics are.

To prepare salt pine bath you need to take 100 ml of pine needle extract or 100 g of dry concentrate and 300-500 g of salt. If you use fresh branches, then take more than 500 g of them, brew, boil and infuse.

For infants, take 2 tbsp per 30 liters of water. tablespoons of salt and 5-10 g of pine extract, and if you use an infusion, then 1 glass.

There are certain rules for carrying out a bath procedure. The head, neck and heart area should be above the water. Such baths should not be taken on a full stomach, and you should not eat too much after the procedure.

Since baths relax the body, it is good to take them 40 minutes before bedtime. Positive influence will provide both one-time therapy and a course.

Duration of procedure, water temperature

The time of taking a pine-salt bath should be regulated by your well-being and should not exceed 20 minutes. It is very important that the water is not very hot, its temperature is optimal - 36-37º C.

If a child is taking a bath, then the procedure should be carried out for no more than 10 minutes, at a water temperature of no more than 35º C.

After taking a bath, it is better to rinse for 10-20 seconds and lie down.

Pine-salt baths are very useful for skin diseases, rickets in children, nervous disorders, for joint diseases and neurodermatitis. But such baths should be prescribed or supervised by a doctor to exclude contraindications.

Irina Andreeva

Fir is an aesthetic coniferous tree that grows almost throughout Europe. In some countries it is used as the main one, since fir longer than the Christmas tree retains freshness, and its needles do not fall off. The healing properties of the needles of this tree are also known. It is prepared from it using the steam distillation method. The shoots of young trees are also used; those growing in Siberia and the Carpathian Mountains are selected.

Fir oil: properties and applications

The use of fir oil in many areas helps achieve the desired results. So, it is used in medicine in the following cases:

to reduce intensity and relieve pain for rheumatism, osteochondrosis and muscle sprains;
to normalize blood pressure;
for tonsillitis, sore throat, colds and to get rid of a runny nose;
to get rid of female diseases and erectile dysfunction;
for the treatment of skin diseases, including fungal ones;
when – to normalize mental balance;
for insomnia and problems with excessive excitability.

The use of fir oil is thus multifaceted. This healing product relieves various diseases, is used in their prevention and restores mental balance, which becomes possible thanks to the pine aroma.

The pharmaceutical product is also used in cosmetology. The following properties are valuable for the skin:

normalizes water-fat balance;
relieves inflammation and eliminates pathogens;
tightens pores and draws out impurities;
smoothes out folds and wrinkles.

Fir oil is used in the skin care of teenagers suffering from rashes and oily sheen, and mature ladies in need of a tonic and rejuvenating cosmetic product.

It is also used for hair. The essential oil copes with problems such as hair loss, oiliness, etc.

In everyday life, fir oil is used in detergents. It is added to water and an aromatic disinfectant composition is obtained, which is used for wet cleaning.

This ether is also used in aromatherapy. The smell of pine needles improves mood, increases performance, and gives the feeling of breathing easier.

Features of application: restrictions and contraindications

Fir oil medicinal properties It also exhibits in tandem with other ethers. This property is used in cosmetology when prepared with olive oil or patchouli.

Contraindications to the use of natural ether are:

individual intolerance;
pregnancy and breastfeeding;
kidney disease;
gastritis and ulcers;
children's age (up to 3 years).

Fir essential oil for skin is used only after allergy tests. Moreover, this type of oil requires a more thorough check. First, a drop of the composition is applied to the skin; the reaction of the skin should be observed for half an hour. Afterwards, the oil is applied to a cotton pad, the essential vapors are inhaled for 3 minutes, and then the general condition is assessed.

These contraindications remain in force for all categories of people and with another method of using ether - baths with a healing composition.

Fir essential oil for baths for colds

Hippocrates himself noted the benefits of fir ether for cleansing the respiratory tract. Healing properties This natural composition was fully explored by him and described in the works of the Father of Medicine that have survived to this day.

The benefits of fir oil are manifested in its ability to cure colds. The pharmaceutical composition is also used for prevention in the autumn-winter period, when it rises. In this case, a bath with fir essential oil becomes a means of increasing the body’s resistance to infections and strengthening the immune system. Doctors recommend resorting to this method for prevention once a week.

A special feature of fir oil is its ability to eliminate swelling. Thanks to this, both volume and weight are lost with excess fluid. Therefore, fir oil is used for baths and for this purpose. For one bath, take 20 ml of oil and dissolve in warm water. Do not overuse this recipe and take fir baths every 7 days.

How else can you use fir oil for a bath?

By reducing the dosage of the oil, it can be turned into an excellent aromatic addition to a relaxing water treatment before bed. Add 7 drops of ether to the water and enjoy the smell of pine needles. Fir oil can be used as lavender oil, but the total amount of aromatic oils used should not exceed 7 drops. Such hygiene procedures will help restore peace of mind, reduce symptoms, and relieve depression. A bath with fir oil will help you fall asleep faster. Try this method of relaxation after a hard week at work.

Use fir oil in the same dosage if you want it to have a beneficial effect on the skin of the body. This natural ether will help eliminate puffiness, restore tone and cure acne. To treat acne and rashes on the back, it can also be used spot-on, applied to damaged areas.

A bath with fir oil can also be prepared according to a special recipe - using a special homemade emulsion.

Emulsion recipe for fir bath

This method can be called more sophisticated compared to simply adding a few drops of oil to warm water. To create a homemade emulsion for fir baths, follow the instructions.

Take one glass of water and add 30 grams of salicylic acid to it.
Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil.
Grate on a coarse grater baby soap. You need to use 1 tablespoon of this ingredient.
Without removing the future emulsion from the heat, add soap to it. Stir the mixture until the pieces dissolve.
Remove mixture from heat and cool. Then add 200 ml of fir oil to it.
Store the resulting product in a container with a tight-fitting lid.

You can take baths with this emulsion once a week. At the same time, add half a tablespoon to warm water (again, the temperature should be no more than 40 degrees) healing composition. With regular use of the product, your general condition will improve. You will feel less tired and your risk of catching a cold or flu will be minimal. The condition of the skin will also improve. She will become fit, elastic and toned.

Homemade fir oil

You can prepare a healing composition for bathing yourself. It will come in handy if you regularly create an emulsion, because the consumption of aromatic agents in it is high. In addition, the oil prepared at home will be environmentally friendly, containing the required concentration of components.

The way to create a healing product is as follows.

Fill a two-liter jar with finely chopped shoots and fir needles. There should be approximately 5 cm of free space left from the top of the vessel. Pour sunflower oil into the jar up to this mark.
Cover the jar with a lid (not completely), place it in a saucepan and fill it halfway with water. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then turn the heat to low and simmer the pine needles for 4 hours. Watch the water level. As it evaporates, add more.
Remove pan from heat and cool. Pour the oil into another jar, squeeze out the pine needles. Then throw away the last one.
Repeat the procedure described above. Put the same amount of pine needles and shoots into the first jar, fill them with oil from the second jar and bring to a boil in the pan again. After this, cool the mixture again and separate the oil from the needles.
The oil is ready for use. Store the resulting product in a jar with a lid. Choose cool and dark place for these purposes.

Homemade fir oil takes quite a long time to prepare, but it is cheaper than what is sold in stores and pharmacy chains, and the benefits of its use are enormous.

January 11, 2014

Foot health is an important daily task for any person. Not everyone manages to keep their legs in good condition throughout their lives, and often by the age of thirty, both men and women suffer from all sorts of leg diseases. Why is this happening? Firstly, poorly selected shoes. Take a closer look: what do our women wear? High heels, and for men: sneakers and tight shoes. Very rarely do people choose the right shoes, and the health of their feet depends on them. Frequently wearing high-heeled shoes leads to curvature of the foot, deformation of the foot bones, varicose veins, and constant wearing of sneakers makes our feet sweat frequently (which leads to bacterial infections), tight shoes also harm the health of the feet.

Doctors recommend choosing shoes that are comfortable to walk in, that do not sting, and that fit softly. When choosing shoes, it is advisable to buy shoes from genuine leather. Of course, the price of high-quality leather shoes significantly higher than for shoes made of leatherette, but health comes first, and leather shoes lasts much longer than substitutes.

For foot diseases, it is recommended to wear low-soled shoes that completely follow the structure of the foot. These shoes include moccasins. Soft, comfortable, breathable and pleasant on your feet, they will become simply indispensable shoes in spring and summer. Buy moccasins It is possible both in professional shoe stores and online stores.

And to improve the health of the legs, to restore blood circulation, to treat varicose veins and excessive sweating of the legs ethnoscience and modern cosmetology recommend making pine foot baths. This procedure is very pleasant, calming and after
A hard day's work is simply necessary for tired legs. And for those people who spend almost their entire day on their feet, these baths are simply necessary.

So, to prepare these medicinal foot baths you will need 2 tbsp. spoons of pine needles and 1 glass of boiling water. The needles are brewed in a thermos with boiling water in the morning, and in the evening the strained infusion is poured into a warm small bath, and tired legs are lowered into it. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Then the feet are simply dried with a terry towel, and it is advisable to immediately go to bed. It is not recommended to exercise your legs by walking after a bath.

You will feel the effect of pine foot baths after 3 treatments. The legs seem to be charged with energy, small cracks, calluses, and corns disappear. And after 2 weeks of regular pine baths, chronic leg fatigue disappears and sweating disappears.

Even in ancient times, pine needles were used by our ancestors to treat all kinds of diseases, they made kvass and beer from it, treated inflammation of the throat and nose, strengthened the immune system, took pine baths, but for some reason in our time, our grandmothers’ recipes are practically not used, but in vain. After all, natural treatment is better than any antibiotics.

Friends, a huge hello to everyone.

I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas, due to the fact that the main attribute of these joyful holidays is the Christmas tree, I suggest we talk about

pine baths - indications and contraindications for their use for our health. After all, the New Year's fun will end very soon, and numerous green needle-shaped beauties will end up in a landfill, which I personally consider unacceptable blasphemy and careless negligence. Both spruce branches and pine needles are a real storehouse of vitamins, microelements and healing essential oils, allowing you to create a real spa within the walls of your own bathroom. Of course, use the sim natural wealth it needs to be done correctly, but that’s exactly what we’ll be talking about in today’s article. Let's start with the question,

What are the benefits of pine baths?

To understand why pine baths are so beneficial for our health, let's take a look at the vitamin and mineral composition of our New Year's heroine, the evergreen beauty spruce. Its fragrant needles and twigs contain:

  1. Vitamins - groups B, C, E and carotene, and the latter is approximately the same as in carrots.
  2. Micro - and macroelements - magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt and many others.
  3. Nitrogenous substances – amides and peptides.
  4. Bioactive substances - peptins, essential amino acids, essential oils, ash, resins and alcohols.

By the way, according to reviews of herbal therapists and herbalists, spruce is the only coniferous plant that really stays awake all year round. This means that the components present in it are always in an active state. Although, personally, I think that this is just a hypothesis, and other coniferous trees are no worse, especially since the composition of all of them is almost the same.

Consequently, the effect of pine baths, whether made from spruce, pine, fir or juniper, will be equally beneficial. Indeed, thanks to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, pine needles have the following properties:

  • Strengthening and maintaining general immunity and defenses of the body;
  • Activation of regenerative processes of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Normalization of the functioning of the lungs and upper respiratory tract;
  • Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system by activating general blood flow;
  • Reducing high blood pressure and improving microcirculation in the vessels of the brain;
  • Cleansing the blood and the entire body from toxins and pathogens (when taking pine decoction orally);
  • Normalizing the state of the nervous system and increasing its resistance to stress;
  • Relieve painful manifestations in joints and muscles;
  • Provide a general anti-inflammatory and healing effect on internal organs and the entire body as a whole.

All this allows you to use pine baths not only as a procedure for pleasure, but also as a treatment for many diseases. Thus, it turns out that spruce, pine and any other needles are also a medicine that has its own indications and contraindications that you need to know.

Pine baths - general indications and contraindications

Since it is easiest to arrange a classic procedure at home, first of all I will list the indications and contraindications for pine baths, consisting only of a decoction of pine needles and warm water. If fresh pine needles are not available, it can be replaced with spruce, pine or fir extract, concentrate or dried raw materials. Indications for taking such baths will be:

  • Reduced immunity and general fatigue;
  • State constant stress, depression and chronic bad mood;
  • Respiratory diseases are primarily bronchial asthma and bronchitis with status asthmaticus;
  • Tendency to frequent colds, flu and acute respiratory infections;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, especially if there is a tendency to high blood pressure;
  • Metabolic disorders, such as obesity, gout, hypothyroidism;
  • Diseases of the skin and mucous membranes - dermatitis, dermatoses, psoriasis, eczema, various allergies and acne;
  • And a simple desire to soak in a healing bath and give yourself pleasure.

As you can see, this natural and pleasant procedure is perfect for both people with illnesses and absolutely healthy home spa lovers. It can also be made as shared bath, and as a local hand or foot bath. Below I will tell you how this is done and give the dosages, and now a few words about contraindications; pine baths have very few of them:

  • General increase in body temperature;
  • Oncological neoplasms, both on the skin and in internal organs;
  • Atherosclerosis, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • With caution if there is a tendency to drop blood pressure in diabetes mellitus and chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, especially when increased acidity gastric juice.

But even if you do not have the listed ailments, and you are absolutely healthy man, I still advise you to consult a doctor, for example, your local therapist, before taking a pine bath.

Now let's get acquainted with other types of this wonderful procedure and consider which of them can be done in which cases and in which it cannot be done.

Pine baths - indications and contraindications depending on the type of procedure

Of course, it is best to take such mixed baths within the walls of a sanatorium, but if you really want to, they can be arranged at home. In the following sections I will tell you my thoughts on this matter, but now let’s look at the pros and cons of each of these types.

Coniferous pearl baths - indications and contraindications

This interesting procedure was born from the union of a classic pearl bath and granular extract of coniferous plants. They call it pearl because of the swirls in the water. air bubbles, externally very reminiscent of pearls. And the bubbling is achieved by pumping air using a compressor and passing it through a special stand with small holes.

Such medicinal bath available in the arsenal of many sanatoriums and resorts. It is also prescribed to people with various diseases, and just lovers water procedures. Here is a list of what is included in the list of indications:

  • Hypertension 1st and 2nd degree;
  • Many skin diseases, especially at an early stage;
  • Diseases of the lungs, bronchi and upper respiratory tract;
  • Chronic fatigue and general fatigue;
  • Impaired blood supply and nerve conduction in capillaries and peripheral nerve fibers;
  • Just a desire to take a break from physical activity and problems psychological nature, improve mood and appearance.

Under the beneficial effects of a pine-pearl bath, the body is enriched with oxygen and antioxidants through the skin and inhalation of healing esters. The skin becomes clean, healthy and elastic. The vessels dilate, and blood begins to flow better through them, which leads to an improvement in overall well-being. However, here, like other medical procedures, there are contraindications, namely:

  • Individual intolerance and allergy to bath components;
  • Serious disorders of the cardiovascular system, for example, grade 3 and 4 hypertension, various arrhythmias and vascular insufficiency in an advanced stage;
  • Kidney pathologies;
  • Women's diseases other than menopause;
  • Chronic diseases of the stomach and small intestine.

It is better to take this procedure in the evening, closer to bedtime, because it has a general calming effect, helps solve the problem of insomnia and relieves physical and emotional fatigue accumulated during the day.

Indications and contraindications for pine-salt or pine-sea baths

To use this type of pine baths, it is enough to dilute sea or table salt and liquid extract of spruce, pine, or fir in warm water. The ease of preparation allows you to take this procedure without leaving the walls of your own bathroom. It is indicated primarily for such ailments as:

  • Various dermatitis, dermatoses, neurodermatitis, eczema and other skin scourges;
  • Pain in muscles and joints;
  • Osteochondrosis, scoliosis, radiculitis, arthritis and arthrosis;
  • All kinds of neuropsychic and emotional overload
  • Atonic and asthenic syndrome;
  • Obesity and other metabolic disorders.

But you should not take this bath only if you have individual intolerance and high blood pressure. By the way, by following the link, you will find out that the healing pine-sea bath will also become available to you.

Pros and cons for pine-oxygen baths

You can get such an interesting procedure by adding pure oxygen to an ordinary pine bath. The easiest way to do this procedure is while relaxing in a sanatorium, but you can also do it at home if you tweak it a little. This procedure is indicated primarily for heart and pulmonary patients, but in principle it will be useful to everyone without exception. In addition, according to doctors, there are practically no contraindications for this bath, except for individual intolerance and allergy to conifers, but this is such a rarity.

The benefits and harms of pine-valerian baths

Imagine, there are others like that. They were born from a symbiosis of an ordinary pine bath and a decoction of valerian root. It is not difficult to prepare this mixture, so to take this beneficial water procedure, all you need is a little free time, personal desire and an ordinary home bathroom.

This procedure is recommended for anyone who has lost their nerves, is overcome by constant physical fatigue and emotional tension, is tormented by stress, headaches or migraines. Also, this bath is recommended for everyone who suffers from diseases of the heart, lungs and skin, because beneficial features pine or spruce needles have not disappeared anywhere here and are working at full capacity. There can be no harm here, except perhaps in case of individual intolerance to the components. By the way, such a pine-herbal bath can be arranged with chamomile, and with calendula, and with, and with many others medicinal plants. Just look at their main properties and contraindications and create combinations that suit you.

Coniferous salicylic baths - what is it, who can and who can’t

And this combination of pine decoction and salicylic acid is an amazing medicine for sore muscles, joints and spine. It is also better to receive them within the walls of a sanatorium or day hospital, but if desired, they can also be arranged at home. For this, there are ready-made liquid extracts and dry ones. ready-made mixtures, which just need to be diluted in warm water according to the instructions indicated on the package. Such benefits are sold both in pharmacies and natural cosmetics stores, and baths with this composition are indicated, first of all, for:

  • Arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Scoliosis and osteochondrosis;
  • Rheumatism and gouty joint pain;
  • Myositis and myalgia;
  • And many other joint and ligament diseases.

Salicylic acid also has a beneficial effect on the skin and effectively helps in the treatment of various skin ailments. Also, under its influence, the permeability of pores improves, sweating decreases and the activity of the secretion of the sebaceous glands decreases, which helps get rid of oily skin and hair, acne and seborrhea. However, this bath, like all other procedures, has its contraindications, namely:

  • Individual intolerance to components or allergy to one of them;
  • All of the above contraindications to the classic pine bath;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Children's age up to at least 12 months, and preferably up to 12-16 years.

With children, in terms of coniferous procedures, there is a special song, let’s figure it out too.

In general, it is not necessary to give any special baths to healthy, normally growing and developing children who sleep and eat well until they are one year old. Perhaps with chamomile or a string for better healing of the umbilical cord and general disinfection, but this is only for the smallest babies. As for coniferous water procedures, you can start them only after the baby is one year old, after consulting with the pediatrician who is observing him. However, sometimes doctors themselves prescribe such baths for a child, and the following diseases and unpleasant conditions may be the reason for this:

  • Disorders in the development of the musculoskeletal system, for example, rickets, hip dysplasia, muscular torticollis;
  • Sleep disorders, when the baby takes a long time to fall asleep, sleeps in short intervals, and often wakes up at night;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system, especially bronchial asthma or bronchitis with status asthmaticus;
  • Weak immunity, frequent colds and acute respiratory infections, general physical weakness.

Of course, such young children most often receive a classic pine bath without any additives, or with the addition of salt, so the contraindications here will be the same as those described in this procedure for adults. And it doesn’t matter who is giving the bath, healthy or sick, infant or adult, it must be taken correctly, as we read below.

Methods for conducting pine baths at home

Despite the fact that there are quite a few types of coniferous water procedures, for all of them there is a set of basic rules that are important to know and strictly follow. These rules are divided into two categories - for adults and for children, we will consider each of them in detail:

General rules for taking pine baths for adults

  1. The water temperature should be no lower and no higher than 36-38 degrees;
  2. Body position, half-lying - half-sitting, head on the side, and a roll of a towel under the neck, legs straight, feet touching the side opposite the head;
  3. The water level is slightly above the waist, but everything above the 11th rib should be on the surface, especially the heart area;
  4. The time of one procedure is 10-20 minutes;
  5. The general course is 10-12 procedures, which are carried out every other day;
  6. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, ideally before bedtime; if the bath is taken during the day, then after it a rest of 30 to 60 minutes is necessary, excellent if you can sleep;
  7. The procedure must be carried out either 1 hour before a meal, or 1.5 hours after a meal, otherwise there will be an unpleasant feeling in the stomach.

General rules for taking pine baths for children

  1. This procedure should be carried out only as prescribed by the observing pediatrician, this is especially important for infants;
  2. Body position – sitting on a special bathroom chair;
  3. The water level should be such that the baby sits in it waist-deep, but not higher;
  4. Bath temperature is approximately 34-35 degrees;
  5. The procedure is carried out in a completely passive state of the child, games and active actions are excluded; if the baby is capricious or no longer wants to sit quietly, the procedure is stopped;
  6. If the child behaves normally, the time of one procedure is 10 minutes;
  7. The full course is equal to 10-12 procedures performed every other day.

how to make a classic pine bath

For this procedure, we will need a decoction of spruce or pine needles in a volume of 5 liters for an adult or 2.5 liters for a child. He is preparing like this, in great enamel pan pour in 500 g of pine needles, pour in 5 liters of water, bring the mixture to a boil and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. If we are preparing a decoction for bathing a baby, then reduce the volume of ingredients by half.

When the decoction is ready, filter it and pour it into the bath, and then use warm water from the tap to bring the volume of liquid to the required amount according to the rules given above. Be sure to measure the water temperature; it should not exceed 38 degrees for adults and 36 degrees for children. If the temperature is normal, we climb into the bath and time it for 15-20 minutes for an adult or 10 minutes for a child. After the bath, adults only dry themselves lightly with a towel, and children also rinse before drying off. clean water, after which both of them go to rest for about 30 minutes.

Attention, you need to collect needles for water treatments only in environmentally friendly places, away from roads and cities, or buy them at a pharmacy. The best needles are those collected in the cold season, from about mid-November to the end of March, because during these months the accumulation useful substances in green needles the highest. The peak of activity occurs in December - January, therefore, the New Year tree is the best raw material for such therapeutic baths.

If you were unable to collect or buy pine needles, you can use pharmaceutical products such as:

  • Liquid extract – 60-100 g;
  • Dry particles of pine or spruce – 700 g;
  • Pressed tablets 2 pieces;
  • Concentrate – 100 g;
  • Coniferous balsam – 50-60 g.

The dosage is indicated for 1 procedure for an adult. If the bath is intended for a child, the volume of pine ingredients is halved. The liquid extract and balm are added directly to the bath, the tablets and dry concentrate are first diluted in a glass of warm water, and a decoction is prepared from the dried particles of pine needles, as indicated above. The time and temperature rules are the same as for using live needles.

Recipe with sea salt for general use and for feet

This type of water treatment is suitable for both adults and children. You can prepare such a bath either using the natural decoction described above or using a pharmaceutical extract. It is done both as a general procedure for the whole body and locally for the legs in order to get rid of the fatigue accumulated during the day, treat cracks, calluses and corns.

Shared bath

For the version with a decoction, prepare a regular pine bath according to the principle described above, and add 200 g of sea salt from the pharmacy, this is an option for adults.

For children 30 liters. Take 1 glass of water and 50-80 g of salt. The procedure time for adults is 15-20 minutes, for children no more than 10. The course consists of 10-12 procedures carried out every other day. At the end of the procedure, you must rinse off with clean running water to wash off the remaining salt from the skin, and go to lie down for 30 minutes.

If live pine needles are not at hand, it can be replaced with an extract or concentrate. Dosage for adults – for 200 liters of water, 100 g of salt and 3 tbsp. l. concentrate, which is diluted in a small amount of water, and then poured into shared bath. For children, 2 tbsp is enough for 30 liters of water. l. Salt and 10 g of extract, previously diluted with a glass of warm water.

For feet against fatigue, calluses and corns

For such a local bath, take 2 tbsp. l. Pine needles, which we place in a thermos and fill with 300 ml of boiling water. We seal the thermos tightly and leave it for 12 hours, for example, steam it in the morning and open it in the evening. When the healing infusion is ready, filter it into a small basin, add plain water to a liter volume, dilute 1 tbsp. l. Sea salt and put our tired legs there for 15-20 minutes.

After the specified time has passed, we rinse our feet with running water, dry ourselves, put on cotton socks and go to rest for at least 30 minutes. If you do such aromatic baths daily for 7-10 days, you can easily heal skin cracks, get rid of calluses and corns, and the pleasure will be considerable.

how to prepare a pine-pearl and pine-oxygen bath at home

These two types of water procedures are, of course, easier to obtain within the walls of some resort, but with a lot of desire and a little tricks, they can be built at home. Here's how to do it.

For pine-pearl joy

We will need a classic pine bathtub, at the bottom of which we will place a hose that circulates air. You remember that pearls are air bubbles. How to get them? There are 2 options for this:

  1. Splurge on a home compressor for such baths, which is quite expensive;
  2. Think about what you can use as a compressor from the equipment available in the house.

You will laugh for a long time, but I found a way out, and it turned out to be old vacuum cleaner with blow-in and blow-out openings. If the hose is screwed into the blow-in hole, the unit vacuums, and if it is screwed into the blow-out hole, it blows a strong stream of air. This unit can work much longer than the 15 minutes we need, so we screw a clean hose with one end to the blow-out hole, lower the other to the bottom of our bath, press the button and enjoy the pearls.

I agree, the bath will be a bit noisy, but you can tolerate it for 15 minutes. You can also plug your ears with cotton wool or earplugs, and then you won’t care about any sounds. Upon completion of the procedure, you need to pat yourself dry with a towel and go to a warm bed for an hour. You can take such baths daily or every other day, a course of 10-12 baths.

Recipe for a homemade pine-oxygen bath

There are also two ways to saturate coniferous water with oxygen:

  1. Mechanically pumping oxygen into it from a cylinder under a pressure of 1.5 atmospheres, 35-40 ml of gas is needed per 1 liter of water;
  2. Chemically, placing 100 g in a pine bath. Baking Soda, 2.5 g copper sulfate(caution, the substance is highly toxic) and 200 ml. 30% hydrogen peroxide.

When choosing the first option (by the way, it is safer), 200 liters of water will require 7 liters of oxygen; I saw such cans of compressed gas on the Internet. They are very small, but cost from 300 rubles for 4 liters to 1600 for 16 liters of oxygen. They are intended primarily for breathing and oxygen cocktails, but I think they will also work for home water treatments. You can lie down in such a bath immediately after filling it with gas.

In the second method, the indicated chemical substances, and exactly in the order in which they are written. When they react, a large amount of oxygen is released, and after 10 minutes you can take a healing bath.

Regardless of the preparation method, during the procedure you need to cover the water with a cotton or linen sheet, leaving only your head on the surface. This way, volatile oxygen will evaporate more slowly and be better absorbed through the skin pores and respiratory tract. The duration of this procedure is 15-20 minutes, the course consists of 10-15 procedures. When combining such a bath with proper nutrition, aerobic exercises and, you can get good help for losing weight and forget about many chronic diseases.

That, my dears, is all for today about pine baths and their indications and contraindications. Now you know that you shouldn’t throw away the New Year tree, but rather use it for your health, which is what I wish for you with all my heart. I welcome all questions, suggestions and additions in the comments and mail for “thank you” if you click on the social network buttons located just below. That's it, I say goodbye until new posts, with love and most Best wishes your Tatyana Surkova.

Increasingly, in the list of services of beauty salons you can find body care procedures based on the use of materials and substances of natural origin. Not only the specialists, but also you and I, the clients who turn to these specialists, have been convinced that this vector is correct. For rejuvenation, preservation of beauty and health, the use of plant extract is encouraged, essential oil, infusions and extracts. One example is the use of processed parts of coniferous trees: needles, cones, resin. Pine baths and others coniferous procedures(compresses, masks, infusion baths) have proven themselves to be the best not only in the treatment of many diseases, but also from the point of view of cosmetology. Their indications are very extensive, and contraindications are negligible.

The use of pine needles in rejuvenating baths (including pine-salt and pine-pearl) is due to the presence in its composition of a number of biologically active substances, namely:

  • Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, C, E, K, P, PP, biotin, folic acid; in pine needles there are much more of them than, say, in spruce)
  • Essential oils
  • Phytoncides (have an antiseptic and calming effect)
  • Phytohormones estrogen (prevent the appearance of sagging and dry skin)
  • Antioxidants (prevent premature aging caused by free radicals)
  • Carotene (separated from vitamins, since it belongs to the fat-soluble group)
  • Trace elements (copper, cobalt, iron, manganese, aluminum)

These substances are involved in the synthesis of collagen, elastin, improve metabolic processes in skin(B vitamins), protect cells from the effects of free radicals, enhance skin regeneration (vitamin E).
The presence of so many useful substances, which almost all conifers have, has made it possible to have a beneficial effect on the appearance of any person, since the indications are common to everyone, and contraindications are quite rare.
To enhance the effect, you can also do pearl baths at the same time. Their essence is to saturate the water with oxygen bubbles, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, saturating and massaging it. Pearl baths have virtually no contraindications.

Pine baths: efficiency

From a wellness point of view, pine baths have the following indications:

  1. Insomnia
  2. Joint diseases
  3. Metabolic disorders
  4. Respiratory diseases
  5. Nervous system disorders
  6. Overwork
  7. Decreased body tone
  8. Reduced immunity
  9. Arterial and venous capillary insufficiency
  10. Osteochondrosis
  11. Neurodermatitis

In cosmetology, pine baths have the following indications:

  1. Obesity Treatments
  2. Removal of toxins and wastes
  3. Increasing stress resistance of the skin
  4. Improved skin tissue nutrition
  5. Improving the external condition of the skin
  6. Body contour correction

The mechanism of action of pine needle baths is simple: temperature effects affect the speed of blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body; the chemical effect is to influence the olfactory centers of the aroma of pine needles. At the same time, through numerous nerve endings of the skin, blood flow in the capillaries is activated, and the process of cell regeneration is accelerated. To increase the intensity of the processes, you can make pine-salt baths - add 1 kilogram to the water sea ​​salt. The indications for this procedure are even more numerous.
The procedure is carried out in specialized clinics, but with approximately the same level of effectiveness it can be used at home. This does not require special equipment or expensive drugs. But to determine indications and contraindications, we recommend consulting a specialist.
If you want to take pearl baths with pine needles, it is better to use the services of beauty salons.
A course of treatment completed in accordance with all the rules will provide you with obvious positive results.

Requirements for needles

For cosmetic purposes, you can use the needles of fir, juniper, spruce, pine, cedar - almost any coniferous plant. However, the most effective is the use of pine needles for caring procedures. If you plan to conduct pine baths, collect pine needles in winter - they contain almost 2 times more vitamins than in summer.

Needles need to be collected as far from the road as possible. You can carefully cut off the young pale green ends of the branches or just the needles.
It is best to use fresh pine needles. If this is not possible, you can take a dry one. Better yet, put the branches in the freezer section of the refrigerator. At temperatures close to zero, all the beneficial properties of the plant are preserved.

To take a bath, you need to let the pine needles steep in 2 liters of boiling water for 30 minutes.

To carry out the procedure, you can use not only coniferous parts, but also a mixture of needles, cones and thin pine branches. It needs to be boiled for 30 minutes in 7 liters of water, and then infused in a closed vessel for 12 hours.

It is also possible to use natural coniferous pine extract in solid and liquid form. Here is the dosage of pine needles in different states; The presented quantity is required for one session:

  1. Dry coniferous pine particles – 700 grams
  2. Fresh pine needles – 500 grams
  3. Pine needle extract in briquettes needs 60 grams
  4. Pine extract tablets – 2 pieces
  5. Liquid pine extract – 100 milliliters.

The most convenient way, of course, is to use purchased pine extract. Before purchasing, make sure that it is natural, without synthetics.

How and who can take pine baths

The procedure is quite simple, preparation takes little time:

  • Fill the bathtub with water without adding 10-15 centimeters to the edge. Temperature should not exceed 37 degrees
  • Dissolve required amount pine extract or prepared decoction
  • Immerse yourself in the water so that the heart area remains on the surface. Relax, rest your head on a towel laid out on the side of the bath
  • After 15-20 minutes, leave the bathroom, put on a robe and lie down for 30 minutes. At this time, it is better not to read or watch TV. Try to meditate

You need to undergo 12 procedures, carried out every other day. After the course, be sure to take a break for 6-7 months, determine whether you still have indications for it.
Take pine or pine-salt baths an hour before or after meals and 1.5 hours before going to bed at night.

The procedure has the following contraindications:

  1. Oncological neoplasms in the body (including benign ones)
  2. Cardiovascular diseases
  3. Chronic diseases

Despite such a short list of contraindications, before conducting sessions you need to consult a doctor whose opinion you trust.
Pine baths will not only improve the condition of your skin and help you lose weight, but will also bring peace and regularity into your life. Don't waste time on useful procedures for your body and soul.