Stages of development of sociology of management. Development of the sociology of management by domestic specialists

Sociology, social work and statistics

Features and main reasons for the development of sociology in Russia The social life of Russia has largely determined the originality of its ideological theories in comparison with the social theories of the West and the United States. First, for a long time, the problems of social science were covered in Russia mainly with the help of artistic means poetry, prose, journalism, etc. The emergence of sociological thought in Russia is associated with the works of Yu. Vovtorov, the emergence of sociology in Russia as a completely independent field of scientific knowledge preceded ...

Domestic sociology of management: formation and development.

Features and main reasons for the development of sociology in Russia

The social life of Russia has largely determined the originality of its ideological theories in comparison with the social theories of the West and the United States. The main ones are as follows.

At first , for a long time the problems of social science were covered in Russia mainly with the help of artistic means (poetry, prose, journalism, etc.). It is no accident that Plekhanov, speaking of the great Russian critic Belinsky, characterized him as a "great sociologist." The emergence of sociological thought in Russia is associated with the works of Y. Krizhanich, M. Lomonosov, A. Radishchev, P. Chaadaev, with the ideology of the Slavophiles, as well as with the works of the Russian religious philosopher, poet and critic B.C. Solovyov. In their works, they showed brilliant examples of sociological analysis of Russian society and personality, proved that in understanding many issues of state structure and social relations, Russian thinkers are not inferior to their colleagues from other countries, and in some ways they are significantly superior to them.

Secondly , the emergence of sociology in Russia as a completely independent field of scientific knowledge was preceded by a preparatory stage, which coincided with the development of two ideological orientations: Westernizing and Slavophil. The first direction was focused on assimilation and development, already on Russian soil, of the ideas of the great European philosophers - Kant, Hegel, Fichte, etc. Slavophilism, however, presupposed, first of all, the comprehension of the historical fate of Russia, of its culture and place in world civilization. By and large, social scientists of Russia did not adhere to narrow frames, but strove for a synthesis of ideas, polemics with Western science.

Third and perhaps main featurethe initial stage of development of sociology in Russia was almost simultaneous emergence in the middle of the XIX century. two currents emerging on the basis of the ideas of the West - positivism and Marxism. And this is not accidental, since for all the originality of Russian sociology, its development basically proceeded in the general channel of the world movement.

The reform of 1861, which laid a dividing line between the pre- and post-reform stages of Russian history, sharpened the problems of economic, social and spiritual life. The decomposition of the feudal system and the development of capitalist relations resulted in: a) the weakening of the positions of communal socialism; b) the growth of bourgeois-liberal views: c) the strengthening of the influence of Marxist theory on the basis of active growth social base... There is also a clear need for understanding tradition and innovation in a rapidly changing social order.

Thus, the following factors contributed to the development of sociology in Russia:

  1. the growing interest of the intelligentsia in the social structure and social problems society;
  2. the rapid development of capitalist relations, the complication of the social structure of society and the growth of social mobility of the population;
  3. the development of humanistic theories that seek to help oppressed people.

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Sociology in its positivist version of Russia came from the West, but quickly began to accept its own original forms and develop in accordance with domestic socio-cultural traditions and political conditions. For the period from the end of the 60s of the XIX century. until the mid-20s of the XX century (until the moment from which the formation of Marxist sociology began), Russian sociology reached the level of theoretical and methodological formalization and integration, as well as high level empirical research and successful institutionalization (i.e. organization of teaching and research).
The emergence of sociology in Russia was determined primarily by the capitalist path of development, which Russia slowly but inevitably entered after the reform of 1861. This chronological boundary should be considered the beginning of sociology in Russia.

The first stage that Russian sociology went through in its development (the end of the 60s - the end of the 80s of the 19th century) was characterized by a kind of research passion and a lack of final elaboration and criteria for the scientific character of knowledge. Naturalism, which tried to solve all social issues based on biology, became widespread.

The second stage (1890s-1900s) can be called the stage of "theoretical and methodological criticism". During this period, there was an intense criticism of all the already established theories and a lively polemic between sociological schools, naturalism was sharply criticized, and an anti-positivist value approach was formed.

Neo-Kantian criticism of the positivists led to the fact that in the first decade of the XX century. At the third stage of the development of Russian sociology, a very strong neo-positivist trend was formed with a reliance on empirical research and behaviorist methodology, which was based on the denial of the scientific nature of value-subjectivist approaches and the approval of the main subject of sociological research of social "behavior" determined by environmental stimuli. Behaviorists included such a prominent sociologist of a world scale as P.A. Sorokin, who developed several fundamentally important sociological concepts: social stratification, mobility, cultural typology, history of sociology, etc. On a neo-positivist basis, the first woman-sociologist in Russia A.S. Zvonitskaya, as well as K.M. Takhtarev.
Thus, as characteristic features Russian sociological thought of the XIX - early XX century. the following can be noted: a close connection with the humanistic ideals of the Russian intelligentsia, a synthetic approach that combines sociology with economics, jurisprudence, political science, historical perspective and concern for the Fatherland.
The fourth stage (1920s - first half of the 1930s) In the first years of Soviet power, both in the field of sociological theoretical thought and in the field of institutionalization of sociology, there were intensive positive changes.

Fifth stage (mid 30s - second half of 50s). Formation in the country authoritarian regime and the administrative-command system of management of all spheres of society and the associated tightening of ideological and political control led to the gradual suppression and de facto prohibition of any non-Marxist sociological trends and developments.

Sixth stage (late 50s - first half of 80s). The forced break in the development of sociological thought continued until the end of the 1950s. Discussions about the status of sociology as a science gradually began to revive. However, this revival of sociological research met with resistance from the orthodox wing of the Marxist philosophers, who defended the old dogmatic idea of ​​the identification of historical materialism with sociology. The prevailing point of view continued to be that asserted that historical materialism being a theory social development, performs a general methodological function.

The seventh stage (the second half of the 1980s - until the present time) The ban on theoretical sociological research was lifted only after the XXVII Congress of the CPSU. Sociology was again restored to the "civil" rights of the science of society and the way was opened for theoretical and methodological pluralism in sociological research.

At present, Russian sociology has become one of the most active and socially significant branches of social science. Lively search and development of new theoretical models and increasing social significance the multitude of applied research carried out now on various topics make it possible to predict that this place will remain with her in the future. The modern period of theoretical pluralism is a prerequisite for creative and productive scientific development Russian sociology.

Stages of development of sociology of management.

Sociology of management as a branch sociological theory. Institutionalization of sociology as a science, basic theoretical approaches and concepts.

Sociology of management as a special sociological theory. Sociology of management in the structure of sociological knowledge. Subject, object and tasks of management sociology. Methods of sociology of management. The main conceptual and categorical apparatus of the sociology of management. The interdisciplinary nature of the sociology of management. Stages of development of sociology of management. Classical theories of organization and management (O. Comte, E. Durkheim, A. Touraine, M. Weber, R. Dahrendorf, F. Znanetsky). Applied School of Management (F. Taylor, A. Fayol, F. Gilbert and others). Empirical (pragmatic) school of management (E. Peterson, G. Simon, E. Dale and others). Humanistic approach to management (E. Mayo, F. Maslow, D. McGregor and others). Development of the theory of organization and management in the 70-80-ᴦ. years of the XX century (P. Drucker). The theory of "social capital" and the concept of "human resource analysis".

Sociology of management as a special scientific discipline took shape in our country in the 60-70s. XX century. In the USA and West. In Europe, this term is practically not used. Object sociology of management is social management, management activities associated with the leadership of people. In general, management is the object of study of many sciences, incl. and natural. That. object of sociology of management are the management processes occurring in society, its individual subsystems or organizations (enterprises, institutions, etc.), which are studied from the point of view of the interaction of the people participating in them, united in family, professional, territorial and other groups and included in various processes cooperation, mutual assistance, rivalry. Item sociology of management is the study, assessment and improvement of management processes in different types communities, organizations, social institutions and society as a whole. The isolation of the object and subject of sociology of management makes it possible to formulate the definition of this very specific branch of sociological knowledge. Sociology of management - a special sociological theory that studies the system and processes of management in various types of communities, organizations, institutions and society as a whole.

Sociology of management occupies a certain place in the system of sociological knowledge. It is a middle-level theory and belongs to the group of theories of social processes. Management sociology is closely related to other sciences. On the one hand, it interacts with general sociology and various private sociological theories(economic sociology, sociology of labor, sociology of organizations, communication, conflicts, etc.). Among other branches of sociological knowledge, the closest ones to sociology of management are the sociology of labor and the sociology of organizations. The sociology of labor, which studies the attitude of people to work, ways of stimulating them, the influence of the content of labor on personal development, provides valuable material in solving the problem of reconciling the interests of each employee with the governing goals of the team. Sociology of Organizations Reveals general patterns development and functioning of various organizations, the knowledge of which makes it possible to formulate rules for their management. The sociology of governance is related to social psychology, which helps to better understand such controls. As a leadership style, collegial decision-making, conflict situations. Also, the sociology of management is interconnected with economics, systems theory, legal sciences, which also solve management problems.

Functions sociology of management denote its role in the life of society. Cognitive. Its main goal: to study the main features of management as a specific sphere of labor activity, to determine its role and significance in the development of society and its subsystems, organizations, groups, etc. Methodological. Consists in the development and improvement of the principles and methods of management. Estimated. Its essence consists in assessing the extent to which (or, on the contrary, does not correspond) the management system existing in a given society, organization, to the main tendencies of this society, social expectations, needs and interests of the majority of the population; whether it is democratic, authoritarian or totalitarian, develops or constrains the initiative of individual individuals, their groups and communities. Prognostic. It is aimed at identifying the most probable and desirable changes in management activities within the near or more distant future, ᴛ.ᴇ. to determine possible trajectories of management development, to its forecasting. Educational (training). Its essence lies in the fact that on the basis of determining and assessing the significance of certain management concepts, tendencies of their development and improvement, forecasting their development in the future - to disseminate knowledge about management, ᴛ.ᴇ. about its main tasks, functions, implementation mechanisms. We are talking about the dissemination of knowledge through a system of educational institutions, various institutes and centers for advanced training, retraining and retraining of personnel, helping them to better understand what the essence of management processes is, to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities of the practical implementation of management activities. Management System Improvement Function - improving the efficiency of activity management: determining the average and optimal characteristics of management systems, identifying the reasons for lagging and reserves for growth developing new techniques and management technologies. Humanistic... Sociology of management allows a person to better understand his place, understand his capabilities and assess his role and his status in the system of social relations.

Methods sociology of management is divided into 3 large groups:

1) Organizational and administrative:

‣‣‣ System of legislative acts of the country

‣‣‣ System of normative documents on higher-level management structures

‣‣‣ System of plans, programs and tasks that are developed in a particular organization

‣‣‣ System of operational management: delegation of powers, redistribution of powers, incentives, sanctions. This operational management should be of three types: forced and externally imposed, that is, subordination from top to bottom; passive- relief of the employee's burden, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ associated with the release of him from decision-making; conscious- reasonable subordination.

2) Economic - based on the action of economic mechanisms of motivation. This includes tax policy, monetary, investment, social policy, a system of responsibility for the quality of work, a system to stimulate innovation.

3) Socio-psychological mechanisms - a set of specific ways of influencing a person, social group, social community, as well as relations and interactions between them in order to increase the efficiency of the controlled object

Stages of development of sociology of management.

The founder of the scientific foundations of management (the theory of rationalization) in the world sociological literature is considered an American engineer, production organizer and researcher UGH. Taylor(1856-1915). He developed a number of methods for the scientific organization of labor (based on the study of the movements of the worker using timing, standardization of techniques and tools) in four areas: 1) rationing (any work can be structured and measured); 2) the ratio of time and tasks (the result should be achieved by a certain moment, otherwise the remuneration should be reduced; 3) the selection and training of personnel (any entrepreneur striving for long-term success must constantly take care of improving the personnel of the company); 4) incentives (monetary remuneration is determined not for activities, but for the end result of labor). In the book "Scientific Organization of Labor" F. Taylor wrote that "the most important task of enterprise management should be to ensure maximum profit for the entrepreneur in conjunction with maximum welfare for each employee employed in the enterprise".

One of the classics of sociology is German M. Weber(1864-1920) contributed a lot to the enrichment of the scientific concept of management͵ having developed the "ideal type" administration, designated by him the term "theory of bureaucracy". According to the scientist, who attached paramount importance to the formally organized aspects of management, it is extremely important to divide all activities aimed at achieving the goals facing a particular structure into simple operations. This presupposes a strict definition of the tasks of each of the elements of the system. Management activity is based on the principles of administrative hierarchy, that is, subordination of the subordinate to the superior. Service in the management system should be based on the suitability of the employee's qualifications for the position held by him. The personnel policy is designed to form a “corporate spirit” among employees, to promote the development of their initiative, and to assert loyalty to the organization.

The most prominent representative of the Western European school of scientific management at the end of the 19th - 20th years. XX century was a French entrepreneur, organizer and scientist A. Fayol(1841-1925), who was the founder of the “Administrative School of Management”. He defined the content of five basic management operations: 1) to anticipate (to take into account the future and develop a program of action); 2) organize (build a double - material and social - the organism of the enterprise); 3) to dispose (to force personnel to work properly); 4) coordinate (connect, unite, harmonize all actions and all efforts); 5) control (make sure that everything is done according to established rules and the orders given).

A. Fayolle identified 14 (equally important) principles of management: division of labor, power, discipline, unity of command, unity of leadership, subordination of individual interests to common goals, remuneration, centralization, hierarchy, order, equality, personnel stability, initiative, corporate spirit. In his opinion, a manager should have a set of qualities such as intellectual and organizational skills, good general education, high competence in his field, the art of dealing with people, energy, independence, perseverance, a sense of duty and others.

In the 30s of the twentieth century, the theory of "human relations" arose, the main contribution to the development of which was made by the Americans E. Mayo, D. MacGregor, A. Maslow and etc.
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In contrast to the Taylor concept of the `` economic person '', which considered the main incentive for the employee's activity only material interest, this theory showed the great importance of such factors of the psychosocial activity of an individual as the cohesion of the group in which the person works, relationships with management, a favorable atmosphere in the workplace, employee satisfaction with their work. ...

The essence of the concept E. Mayo(1880-1949) was that the work itself the production process is less important for the worker than his social and psychological position in production. For this reason, the leaders of enterprises should put the social and psychological motives of the employees' activity at their service, focus more on people than on products, since this ensures the satisfaction of the individual with his work and the social stability of society.

In the course of five years of experiments, scientists from Harvard University have proved that labor productivity is influenced not only by technical and economic, but also by socio-psychological factors (group cohesion, relationships with management, a favorable atmosphere in the workplace, job satisfaction, etc.).

They act on it in two ways - either they increase productivity, then they lower it. In the experiment with a brigade of women, replacing an authoritarian leader with a democratic one led to an increase in output, while in the experiment with a brigade of men, scientists failed to achieve anything: informal norms that set a low level of productivity turned out to be an insurmountable obstacle.

D. McGregor(1906-1964) suggested in the theory and practice of leadership styles to take into account the fundamental difference between two dichotomous theories - ʼʼХʼʼ and ʼʼУ. The first of the theories, reflecting the traditional approach to management as an administrative-command process, focuses on three psychological and social factors: 1) an ordinary person is characterized by an internal rejection of work and he seeks to avoid it in any way: 2) ordinary person seeks to avoid responsibility and prefers to be controlled; 3) common man the need for protection is inherent and he has no ambition. In accordance with this, the manager must not only resort to coercion and control, but also take certain measures to maintain the good condition of the worker.

The starting points of the second theory, which is based on the perception of the employee as a person with certain intellectual abilities, are as follows: 1) people are not naturally passive, they become so as a result of the work of an organization that is poorly managed; 2) the expenditures of physical and intellectual forces in labor are completely natural for a person, in this regard, compulsion to work, the threat of punishment are not the only means to achieve the goal; 3) a person in the process of activity exercises self-government and self-control; 4) a common person under appropriate conditions, he is not only able to learn to take responsibility, but is also looking for an opportunity to show his abilities. In accordance with this, the task of management becomes qualitatively different: the creation of optimal conditions for the fullest development of a person's intellectual abilities as a guarantee of increasing the efficiency of his work.

A. Maslow(1908-1970) developed a hierarchical theory of needs, highlighting five levels of motives of behavior based on the dominant needs at one time or another: 1) vital, physiological needs (for food, clothing, housing, procreation, respiration, rest, physical movement, etc.) .d.); 2) the need for the safety of one's existence (confidence in the future, stability of living conditions, a certain constancy and regularity of the surrounding society, guaranteed employment, insurance against accidents, etc.); 3) social needs (in social ties, belonging to a team, identifying oneself with others, communicating, participating in joint labor activities, caring for others and paying attention to oneself); 4) the need for self-esteem (in recognition of the dignity of an individual on the part of “significant others”, career advancement, status, prestige, high appreciation, etc.); 5) spiritual needs (in self-expression through creativity, self-actualization, realization of one's own abilities, gifts, inclinations, talents, that is, full use of one's capabilities, which is the meaning of every person's life.

Only an unmet need organizes the behavior of an individual, forcing him to take the actions necessary to satisfy it.

An important role in the development of structural and functional analysis in relation to the problems of sociology and psychology of management belongs to the American R. Merton(1910 A.D.), who, along with the study of explicit and latent control functions, introduced the concept of "dysfunction". In his opinion, the content of the term “function” reflects the visible or latent consequences of management activities that contribute to the adaptation of a given system to the environment, and “dysfunction” is such observable consequences that reduce the adaptation of the system.

V last years innovation management is also developing, the essence of which can be defined as a method of management that helps a person to better use his own capabilities.

Founders pragmatic school of management: E. Peterson, G. Simon, R. Davis and etc.
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Representatives of big business took part in the development of the school. The specialists of this school did not deny the importance of theoretical principles and the use of the achievements of specific sciences, but considered it more important to analyze the direct experience of management. The contribution of the empirical (pragmatic) school is associated with the problems of professionalization of management. These problems were mostly of a private nature, but their solution was useful for the development of internal management, as well as for the preparation professional managers... The main contribution of the school to the development of managerial thought should be defined as follows: 1) the development of in-house management͵ incl. development of recommendations on management structures, on the organization of line and functional services, technical and information management systems and other management issues. 2) research and implementation in management practice of new, effective techniques training of managers. 3) the ideologists of the school made an attempt to develop a number of problems that became especially urgent in the 70-80s. 20th century (issues of centralization and decentralization of management, introduction of target management, classification of management functions, organization of labor for managers, etc.) 4) professionalization of management.

Stages of development of sociology of management. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Stages of development of sociology of management." 2017, 2018.

1. Development of Russian sociology of management in pre-war period 1

2. Formation of sociology of management in the post-war period 4

3. Development of factory sociology in Russia 5

4. Development of psychotechnics in the 20-30s of the XX century. 5

Advantages and disadvantages of psychotechnics 6

5 post-war stage of factory sociology 6

6.Academic and industrial sociology: status and structure 7

The relationship between academic and factory sociology 8

Comparison of two stages in the development of factory sociology 9

7 Applied Sociology and Market Relations 10

  1. The development of Russian sociology of management in the pre-war period

In Russia, serious attention was paid to management issues already in the 17th century.

outstanding Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov... Merits are great in reforming the Russian management system P.A. Stolypin, who since 1906 combined two posts - the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Prime Minister.

The movement for the scientific organization of labor (abbreviated as NOT) and management originated in Russia at about the same time as in the United States and European countries. According to the well-known Soviet theoretician and practice of NOT and production management A.K. Gastev ( Alexey Kapitonovich Gastev), already in 1904 “somewhere in the Urals, attempts were made to apply the principles of NOT” 12.

The first national scientific school of Professor N.I. Savin, who published the work "Cutting Metal", which in Western European literature was placed on a par with the works of F. Taylor. Pupils of this school were engaged in practical activities for the implementation of the principles of NOT at a number of factories, primarily at the machine-building plant "Ayvaz" in St. Petersburg. Before World War I, there were eight enterprises in Russia, the work of which was organized according to the Taylor system, while in France there was only one.

The movement for the scientific organization of labor and management is reflected in the literature. A special publishing house, headed by engineer Levenstren, arose, the journals Russkoe Bogatstvo, Mir Bozhiy, Zhurnal dlya vsekh were published, in which articles on this problem were actively published.

The crown of legitimization of F. Taylor's ideas in Russia should be considered 1913 - the year of the appearance of the world's first Taylorist magazine "Factory Business", in which a wide variety of information about the creator of "scientific management" was systematized. At the same time, attempts to implement the principles of NOT were in pre-revolutionary Russia mainly spontaneous, rather than systematic. The reasons that held back large-scale innovation in Russian industry were the country's economic backwardness.

During the First World War and "war communism" the scientific principles of the organization of labor could not be widely disseminated, they were used in a truncated form and only at individual enterprises of war production. After the end of the war, with the transition to the New Economic Policy, the movement for the scientific organization of labor and management rapidly intensified.

A powerful impetus to the process of formation of Russian scientific management was given by The First All-Russian Initiative Conference on the Scientific Organization of Labor and Production, convened on the initiative of L.D. Trotsky and began her work on January 20, 1921. Worked in 5 sections:

1) organization of work in mechanical production, in particular in railway workshops;

2) organization of work on railway transport;

3) organization of management and its parts;

4) reflexology of labor;

5) measures to combine the work on NOT and their practical implementation.

The process of formation and development of domestic scientific management took place in difficult historical conditions. During the recovery period, with an acute shortage of resources, science was primarily required to develop purely practical guidelines. The attention of scientists was focused on such particular problems as

    rational organization of the workplace,

    improving the structure of the management apparatus,

    simplification of office work,

    creation of simple and cheap forms of accounting and reporting,

    setting control over the execution of tasks, etc.

Many works have been devoted to the study of individual functions and methods of economic management.

In the 1920s. in our country were conducted and theoretical and methodological research... Discussions were held, for example, on such issues as the definition of the concept of "management", the possibility and necessity of highlighting a special science of management. The subject, method, ways of development of the latter were discussed. So, in the opinion of the majority of Russian scientists, production management could not be interpreted solely as an art, without noticing the presence of general principles in it. and cause and effect relationships. Management science was thought by Russian scientists to be interdisciplinary, and the development of scientific management from the very first steps was carried out by them in the organic unity of applied and general theoretical research.

Second conference on NOT

The need to determine the main line for the further development of organizational and managerial science led to the convocation Second conference on NOT, which began its work on March 10, 1924 in Moscow under the leadership of V.V. Kuibyshev ( Valerian V. Kuibyshev). The most numerous of its seven sections was the management section.

Much attention to practical problems.

In accordance with the developed line, the main tasks in the field of NOT were identified:

1) processing of the achievements of Western theorists and practitioners and exchange of experience with them;

2) linking research activities with the needs of production;

3) the establishment of a close relationship between the institutes and laboratories of NOT and their specialization;

4) the experimental study of labor in production and management, as well as the study of individual labor processes;

5) organizing schools to train instructors capable of implementing best practices;

6) introduction into work and study at all levels and in all types of schools of the principles of NOT.

After the Second Conference, applied research begins to dominate over theoretical and methodological, and the NOT movement is increasingly called rationalization.

Mass movement for the scientific organization of labor and management

developed in Russia in five main organizational forms:

research institutes and laboratories, the main task of which was the study of the problems of labor organization and management, the development of generalizing theoretical provisions, the creation of systematized concepts in the field of management. Here academic research was closely intertwined with practical work: most of the research institutes of that time were also centers of excellence. In addition to research and development and rationalization, many leading institutes carried out another function - personnel training. The triune interweaving of the above-mentioned functions was one of the most valuable discoveries of the Russian organizational and managerial thought of the 1920s, for it was the essence of the mechanism for the formation of domestic scientific management;

departmental organizations in the field of NOT and management(Initiative Commission for the organization of scientific production at the Supreme Council of the National Economy Council-F, the Central Bureau for the Organization of Production at the Technical Department of the Main Directorate of the Military Industry of the Supreme Council of the National Economy, the NOT section at the Supreme Technical Committee of the People's Commissariat for Railways, etc.). Unlike institutes and laboratories, the listed organizations performed primarily rationalization functions;

rationalization bodies of institutions and enterprises(experimental stations, organizational stations, organizing bureaus, rationalization bureaus), designed to “excite and push rationalization thought, practically carry out rationalization measures to improve the organization of production and management” 17;

self-employed public organizations(cells of the League "Time" - League "NOT", circles NOT, production circles), which were strongholds and sources of strengthening the activities of scientific organizations of labor and management;

central bodies that directed the entire movement for NOT and control and played the role of administrative and coordination centers. The XII Congress of the RCP (b), held in April 1923, decided to create a joint body of the Central Control Commission of the RKI (Central Control Committee of the Workers 'and Peasants' Inspection) and entrusted it with the leadership of the whole matter of rationalizing labor, production and management. The new commissariat was headed by Valerian Kuibyshev. At the board of the commissariat, the Council of the Scientific Organization of Labor and Management (Sovnot) was created, designed to coordinate, plan and coordinate all research and practical institutions and organizations on NOT. However, it was not possible to "embrace the immense": it soon became obvious, and in November 1926 Sovnot was abolished.

In general, the development of scientific management in our country was very successful, including thanks to the presence of bright, talented scientists who headed the original scientific directions:

A. Chayanov (Alexander Vasilievich Chayanov),

N. Kondratyev,

S. Strumilin (Stanislav Gustavovich Strumilin),

Alexey Kapitonovich Gastev,

Alexander Alexandrovich. Bogdanov.

Nikolay Andreevich Vitke,

Plateon Mikhailovich Kerzhensev,

Osip Arkadievich Yermansky

Alexey Feoktistovich Zhuravsky

Alexander Romanovich Luria,

Joseph Mendelevich Burdyansky,

I.N., Zimmerling dr.

In the 20s and 30s. XX century in the country there was a wide network of psychotechnical and psychophysiological laboratories, opened at factories and plants. There were laboratories that carried out comprehensive studies of the human factor and labor activity.

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Emergence and developmentsociologistsandmanagement


Management is one of the most difficult and at the same time the most delicate spheres of public life. Its importance is constantly growing.

Management is internally necessary both for society as a whole and for each of its parts, therefore, the degree of organization of management mechanisms can be considered as one of the essential indicators of the level of development of society itself, each of its spheres. First of all, labor activity, division of labor, joint labor presuppose, to a greater or lesser extent, management. And where the production process takes on the character of a socially organized one, a special type of labor, management, arises inevitably.

Any enterprise, any organization needs structures for management. And the whole thing depends on what structures they will be, what goals they will pursue. further destiny enterprises, organizations.

The sociology of management helps to choose certain methods and forms of managing social processes.

1 . History of the science of sociology of management

The first primitive elements of the science of management, that is, attempts at this phenomenon, can be found in Socrates, Xenophon, Plato, Aristotle.

Plato called management "the science of human nutrition", thereby emphasizing its critical importance in ensuring the material existence of society. The philosopher believed that laws should govern the country, but they are too abstract, and therefore a politician who knows the art of government should supervise their implementation. Moreover, depending on the circumstances, Plato distinguishes two styles of government: political and tyrannical. If citizens perform their functions in society and comply with the laws, then the style of government should be soft (political); if there is no proper order and harmonious relationships in society, then a management style based on force (tyrannical) is used. Thus, in Plato we find the origin of ideas about management styles and about the most "modern" nowadays situational approach to management.

Aristotle gave a lower assessment of managerial activity. He called management "master's science", the meaning of which is the supervision of slaves. And he gave advice, if possible, to entrust these troubles to the manager, and himself to engage in more noteworthy sciences: philosophy and other fine arts.

Given the historical approach, types social management can be classified in accordance with the stages of development of society: tribal management, management in slave, feudal, industrial societies. In conditions of tribal relations, the leaders of the tribe, endowed with power and enjoying authority, coordinated all the basic functions of the life of tribal collectives. In this mechanism of management, group consciousness, embodied in traditions, played an essential role.

In a slave-owning society, legislative principles are already emerging, the differentiation of power, a strict delimitation of the spheres of the subject and the object of government. If the tribal community was regulated by unwritten laws, then during slavery, written laws appear, for example, the laws of Hammurabi. Having studied the experience of his predecessors, Hammurabi found it insufficient to govern only on the basis of unwritten laws, popular law and customs. The famous collection of Hammurabi, containing 285 laws of state administration, is a certain stage in the development of management.

Under the conditions of feudalism, there is a great differentiation of management systems - political, legal, moral, religious, philosophical, artistic and others designed to ensure the appropriate principles of social behavior of people, social groups, society as a whole. Political power here was of an elitist nature (it was inherited), as, indeed, almost all forms of material and spiritual production (craft, medicine, agricultural culture, art, etc.).

In the context of the general democratization of public life, political power, having forever lost its hereditary character, becomes elective, and the ruling elite is formed from people capable of leading various parts of public life. The achievements of science and technology, as well as the reserves of human capabilities are used to the maximum. In each specific case, the organization of management has a clearly expressed purposeful character, at the same time being subordinate to the spontaneous forces of the market as a whole. Management of various types of material and spiritual production has become an independent profession that requires special education, experience, mindset and even character. A special science of management has been formed, which is based on economic research, sociology, psychology, mathematics, cybernetics, etc. The institute of managers - hired specialists in management has been formed different areas activities.

If we consider the emergence of management as a field of scientific research, the year 1911 is unanimously named in foreign historiography. This year Taylor's book "Fundamentals of Scientific Management" was published. This date is the starting point from which the science of management began to develop. The fact is that in Taylor's time the need for scientific management was caused primarily by the fact that the growth of labor productivity, in connection with the industrial revolution, had exhausted itself, and it was necessary to look for new levers to increase it. It was then that a breakthrough occurred in public consciousness regarding the role of management in the production process. The increasing complexity of industrial production required highly qualified mechanical engineers to service the machines. In this regard, highly educated, specially trained, thinking people came to production. They were interested not only in technical operations, but also in the process of organizing labor at an industrial enterprise.

Thus, a certain desire to integrate the technical and economic spheres of production appeared, and it was at the junction of these areas that a breakthrough took place, which singled out such an independent science as management. However, in the development of managerial thought, this is not a beginning, but a certain qualitatively new stage.

The classical or administrative school in management takes a period of time from 1920 to 1950. Henri Fayol is considered the founder of this school. Unlike the school of scientific management, which dealt mainly with the rational organization of the work of an individual worker and increasing the efficiency of production, representatives of the classical school began to develop approaches to improving the management of an organization as a whole. The aim of the classical school was to create universal principles management.

Fayol's merit lies in the fact that he divided all management functions into general ones, related to any field of activity, and specific ones, related directly to the management of an industrial enterprise. One of the shortcomings of the school of scientific management and the classical school was that they did not fully understand the role and significance of the human factor, which, ultimately, is the main element of the organization's effectiveness. Therefore, the school of psychology and human relations, which eliminated the shortcomings of the classical school, is often called the neoclassical school.

The formation of the school of management science is associated with the development of mathematics, statistics, engineering sciences and other related areas of knowledge. The School of Management Science was formed in the early 50s and is successfully functioning at the present time. The merit of the school of management science lies in the fact that it was able to identify the main internal and external variables (factors) that affect the organization. Modern management science is developing very intensively, at a rapid pace, it is a synthesis theoretical developments and reflection on the conclusions drawn from many years of practical activity.

Thus, the 50s of the XX century are characterized by the formation of a new stage in the development of management thought. Based on the synthesis of ideas put forward in previous periods, researchers came to an understanding of the need integrated approach to management. In addition, the idea was formulated that management is not only a science, but also an art.

2 . Subject and object of sociology of management

The subject of sociology of management is the patterns, forms and methods of purposeful management of social processes and groups to achieve a specific goal.

Often the term "management" is used as an equivalent to the term "sociology" of management. However, the sociology of management considers only the social aspects of management and in this sense is a superstructure of management. In general, the sociology of management and management have a lot in common - the same goals and objectives, solve the problems of managing objects and people, but have different methods and approaches to this problem.

In management, broader issues are considered: special socio-economic institutions, a special circle of persons (managers) employed in the field of management, technical, organizational and social aspects of production and people management. The social aspect of production and people management, managers-managers and other issues of social management coincide with management.

Sociology of management is interested in the social aspects of economic and scientific and technological development, social policy, the development and implementation of management decisions, the study of the process of self-government, the relationship between the leader and subordinates. The system of information necessary for the implementation of management activities is also considered.

Information processes are not an end in themselves, they are called upon to ultimately manage material flows, the interaction of material and information flows.

governance feudalism sociology aristotle

3 . Formation of sociology of management on the present stage

Management sociology is one of the young sociological disciplines. Obviously, this is largely due to the fact that it "still does not have its generally recognized place in the system of sociological knowledge and the existing conceptual apparatus."

The immaturity of its methodology is expressed in broad borrowing from the sociology of labor, the sociology of organizations, the foundations of management and other sciences and scientific disciplines.

The need for scientific reflection on the ongoing changes has become especially acute in the context of the transformation of Russian society, at the time of the transformation of basic institutions. Qualitative changes have affected the entire Russian institutional system: forms of ownership, laws in the labor sphere, economic rights of enterprises. At the same time, it was found that during the reforms there was a weakening of the integrity of the institution of enterprise management, manifested in the violation of "the mutual consistency and internal balance of management functions and end-to-end management processes, as well as innovation processes in this system."

Sociology of management is considered as an intersectoral sociological theory of the middle level. The object of sociology of management is "the process of joint activities of people, in which, under certain conditions, an artificial structure arises, the main functions of which are the coordination and programming of this activity." The separation of this artificial structure from the depths of joint activities is the process of institutionalizing social management. Management relations, the processes of their institutionalization and functioning, as well as social mechanisms optimization of management impact.

The point of view according to which management is regarded as social institution, becomes popular in recent times... Many authors use the sociological category “institution” in the analysis of management: G.V. Atamanchuk, A.I. Kravchenko, P.V. Romanov, V.I. Franchuk. The social institution of management represents stable types and forms of social practice, through which the stability and regulation of relations between the subjects of management relations are ensured.

A more in-depth idea of ​​a social institution can be provided by an analysis of its structure. Considering social institutions, most sociologists recognize the systemic nature of its structure. In the structure of a social institution, six elements are distinguished: a social group, institutions, customs, material tools, organization, a specific goal. The constituent elements of the structure of a social institution include the goal, functions, institutions and means of achieving the goal, social sanctions.

4 . Sociology in the service of management

Sociology in many countries has long and successfully been included in the mechanism of public administration, because it arms scientific knowledge about society. The effectiveness of management in modern conditions depends on the quality of information, its reliability, completeness, efficiency, etc. This is precisely what the modern technique of sociological research can provide. With a well-developed program, methodology and analysis procedures, the process of collecting and processing data becomes so formalized that a biased assessment of social phenomena is unlikely.

Sociology fulfills a variety of functions. First of all, it is able to diagnose the state of the control object. Any social system can be described by a certain number of indicators reflecting the vital important factors its functioning. For example, the level of social tension, dominant orientations of the population, loyalty to the authorities, etc. The implementation of the diagnostic function is carried out in the monitoring mode in the presence of a normative model, the need for which is due to the fact that data on a real object are meaningless for management if specific criteria are not developed. This model reflects the achieved level of social development, which can be considered the norm. Let's say the housing regulatory model means that each family has a separate comfortable apartment. Revealing the real situation with housing in society, sociologists compare it with the normative model and thereby determine the direction and magnitude of deviations. The combination of these deviations provides information for decision-making.

Sociology is needed by government bodies to perform a predictive function. Usually, two types of forecasts are developed: search ones, designed to show the possible state of a social object by extrapolating the observed trends, and normative ones, determining the forms, methods and timing of achieving the desired state of the object based on predetermined criteria. This function is realized through social modeling, design, construction and planning.

Social modeling is most often associated with the allocation of a limited number of factors affecting fundamental changes in people's lives. In the system of human relations, changes in one factor inevitably lead to changes in others. In everyday practice, it is not always possible to predict how, say, the social activity of civil servants will change, if after the adoption of the relevant law the factor “growth prospects” changes, i.e. each official will clearly know what awaits him in his material, professional, and official position. Moreover, this will not depend on the personal attitude of his boss towards him.

Thus, if the main factors that determine the system of human relations are known, their interrelationships are revealed, then by changing any parameter, it is possible to simulate changes in a social object. What does it do? The ability to make a decision, having previously tested it on a model and finding out its consequences.

Social design is the development of a model of a social object in clear qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Of course, it is possible to regulate relations at the farm level without a social project, but it will be very difficult to form the collective of a large joint-stock company. A kind of design is social construction. It is a general, speculative construction of human relations, not specified by specific parameters. However, no matter how competently the social structure is developed, it needs to be thoroughly tested. This is usually done through a social experiment.

Social planning acts as not only a method for determining the desired state of a social object, but also a tool for achieving it. The plan is a scientific justification of the goals, sequence and rate of change in human relations in close connection with the life of various social groups.

Recently, the role of the control and analytical function has been growing. We are talking about a sociological examination of draft laws and management decisions. Sociology is able to test how a solution will "work", how people, in particular, will perceive it.

The organizational and technological function is of particular importance. As a result of case studies, not only are social projects, but also the technology of their implementation. Essentially, this is a socio-engineering activity focused on the purposeful change of organizational structures that determine human behavior. Thus, it is directly related to the process of forming a new way of life of people with an effective socially oriented system of public administration.

Sociology performs a consulting function that optimizes the internal activities of administrative institutions. She is involved in improving organizational structures, decision-making processes, leadership style, selection, placement of personnel, etc. For these purposes, the achievements of sociology of organizations, sociology of management, sociology of public service are used.

Sociology also performs an image function, which is aimed at preserving or changing the image of a state organization, creating an atmosphere of trust and goodwill on the part of the public, and ensuring that the population is informed about the work of this organization.

The above managerial functions of sociology change the nature of the civil service. The very fact of the inclusion of sociology in the management mechanism is a kind of indicator of the state of democracy, testifies that the administrative-political elite is oriented towards civil society, towards ensuring the expectations and interests of people.

The solution to the problem of including professional knowledge in the organizational structures and methods of work of the civil service largely depends on the sociologists themselves, their active position and responsibility. First of all, we are talking about sociologists working in one team with officials as experts, advisers, assistants, etc. Often, the role of these specialists is limited to making an opinion on government programs and policies for their implementation. As a result, sociological knowledge has only an advisory, but not a decisive voice. It is necessary to overcome the stereotype of the secondary role of sociologists in decision-making. To do this, they must free themselves from the obsolete academic paradigm of distancing from practical orders. Sociologists should be more bold in acting as independent management consultants, which will allow them to use a specific methodology for involving officials in the process of understanding the problems and tasks of their institutions and finding ways to solve them. In this regard, it is important to develop and improve methods of sociology of "small forms", procedures for "rapid assessment", etc.

Sociologists are called upon to train civil servants. Here it is also necessary to rationalize some traditional forms of work, to offer new types of their "products". Organizational-activity games and trainings at the workplace may well become such. They are able not only to provide a certain amount of knowledge of employees, but also the maximum of their skill. Therefore, it is hardly worth discussing with officials what needs to be known and what needs to be done, but it is more useful to decide the main thing - what they should do in non-standard situations. All this will make it possible to intensify activities for the sociological support of the civil service.


Cognition, sociological substantiation and interpretation of management as the most important social institution is the main function of management sociology, which is experiencing a rebirth. This is all the more important in the context of social changes, when the institution of management existing and functioning in society cannot remain unchanged, and the transformations taking place in it are of a fundamental nature.

Thus, we can conclude that the sociology of management plays an important role in the management process, for solving managerial problems, when solving issues of reorganization, introducing new structural units etc.

With the help of social research, it is possible to identify optimal solutions to issues that arise in the production process and management of the organization.


1. Kapitonov E.A. Sociology of the 20th century. History and technology, - R. 2006

2. Kravchenko A. Sociology: General course. Textbook for universities. - M. PERSE; Logos, 2005

3. Tyurina I. Sociology of management: a fundamental course: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions... - M .: Academic Project, 2007.

4. Kravchenko A.I. Introduction to Sociology. Tutorial. - M. "New School" 2008

5. Radugin A.A., Radugin K.A. Sociology. Lecture course. - M. "Vlados" 2007

6. Sociology as a science. Tutorial Technical editor: T.A. Smirnova - Tver, 2009

7. Frolov S.S. Sociology. - M. "Logos" 2006

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