Form as a mathematical concept. Perception of the shape of objects

  • 11. The ratio of specially organized training, joint and independent activities in the organization of the mathematical development of preschoolers.
  • 12. Requirements for the organization of classes in different age groups.
  • 2. Gnostic skills
  • 15. Concepts for the development of quantitative representations.
  • 16. Peculiarities of perception of quantitative representations by preschoolers in different age groups.
  • Comparisons of sets by establishing mutual correspondence between them (using overlay and application techniques)
  • Reception of the imposition of cars.
  • 18. Methods of teaching quantitative counting in different age groups: stages, techniques and skills of counting.
  • 19. Improving numeracy skills by teaching counting from a larger number according to the model and the named number in different age groups.
  • 20. Improving counting skills through learning counting with the participation of various analyzers (counting sounds, movements, counting by touch) in different age groups.
  • 21. Formation of the concept of number as a quantitative characteristic of sets. Types of work to overcome the Piaget phenomenon.
  • 22. Connections and relationships between numbers of natural numbers. A teaching technique for comparing adjacent numbers.
  • 23. Methods for teaching ordinal counting in middle and senior preschool age.
  • 24. Methods of familiarization with the quantitative composition of the number of individual units in senior preschool age.
  • 25. The technique of familiarization with the composition of the number of two smaller numbers and the decomposition of the number into two smaller ones.
  • 26. The method of familiarization with the division of the whole into equal parts, the establishment of the relationship "whole" and "part".
  • 27. Methods of familiarization with numbers and arithmetic signs.
  • 28. Methods of familiarization with coins.
  • 2. Practical part
  • 3. Conclusion.
  • 29. Teaching methodology for solving and composing arithmetic problems: types, stages of work, various approaches to teaching methods for solving and compiling arithmetic problems.
  • 31. Properties of size, peculiarities of perception by preschoolers.
  • 32. Methods of comparison in size: direct, mediated, with the help of an eye.
  • 33. Teaching methodology for comparing 2 subjects in size in primary and preschool age.
  • 34. Teaching methodology compared from 2 to 5 subjects on average and 10 subjects in older preschool age, ordering (serialization) in ascending and descending order.
  • Assignments are given a playful character using games:
  • 35. Methods for teaching the measurement of the lengths, volume of liquid and bulk bodies by conventional measures and generally accepted measures in senior and preparatory preschool age.
  • 36. The concept of form and geometrical figure, peculiarities of perception by preschoolers.
  • 37. Program tasks and methods of familiarization with geometric shapes in younger, middle and senior preschool age.
  • 38. Methodology for the formation of generalized concepts of a quadrangle and a polygon.
  • 39. The use of various types of material in the formation of ideas about the form and geometric shapes.
  • 40. Orientation in space. Features of spatial representations in preschoolers.
  • 41. The system of work on the formation of spatial representations of preschoolers.
  • 42. Methodology for the formation of orientation in space in different age groups.
  • 44. Program tasks and methods of work on the development of temporal representations in different age groups.
  • 45. Acquaintance with the calendar as a system of measures of time.
  • 46. ​​Development of a sense of time in preschoolers.
  • Stage 1.
  • Stage 2.
  • Stage 3.
  • Stage 4.
  • 48. Features of the organization of work in different age groups.
  • 50. Features of work with gifted children.
  • 51. Communication between preschool institutions and families on the mathematical development of the child.
  • 52. Continuity in the work of a preschool institution and grade 1 of the school for the mathematical development of children: forms and content.
  • 53. Indicators of the child's mathematical readiness for school.
  • 37. Program tasks and techniques for familiarization with geometric shapes in junior, middle and senior preschool age.

    Objectives to familiarize children with the shape of objects and geometric shapes are in the organization of examination of objects different shapes manipulating them. Children should be taught to perform actions associated with finding objects of the same shape; it is necessary to create conditions for comparing objects in shape.

    As didactic tasks the following are formulated:

    Distinguish and name geometric shapes;

    Group shapes according to different characteristics (volumetric, planar, having corners and rounded);

    Compare objects in shape, understand the dependence of the shape on other qualities, signs;

    Name and show elements of geometric shapes (sides, corners, vertices, bases, side surfaces);

    Recreate and transform shapes (draw, draw, lay out, divide into two or four parts, etc.);

    Know the features of geometric shapes as standards in determining the shape of objects;

    Own different ways of comparing objects in shape, finding common and different;

    Develop an eye.

    The implementation of the Program depends on the age characteristics of the children.

    So, in the first junior group children get to know the ball and cube in the process practical action with them (lift, bring, ride).

    In the second junior group kids can be introduced to the square, circle, bar, consolidate their knowledge of the cube and the ball. The main content is teaching the techniques of examining the figure by the tactile-motor and visual way. Children compare familiar shapes, identical in shape, but different in color and size: circles, cubes, squares, triangles, balls, bars.

    V middle group the knowledge of children about already familiar figures is consolidated, and they also get acquainted with the rectangle and the cylinder.

    In the senior group, the formation of knowledge about geometric shapes continues... Children can be introduced to a rhombus, pyramid, oval. Based on the existing knowledge, children form the concept of a quadrangle.

    In the preparatory group children are offered only one new shape - a cone. However, children practice distinguishing and constructing polygons (five, six, heptagons).

    Table the content of the knowledge of children is presented (the program of raising children in kindergarten... Kiev, 2000.)

    Early age

    (1st younger group)

    Perform actions related to finding objects of the same shape. Exercise the child's hand in examining the shape of objects; to establish the similarity and difference of objects in shape; group according to pattern

    4th year of life

    (2nd junior group)

    Compare objects in shape using a geometric figure as a reference. Select and name geometric shapes: cube, circle, ball, square, triangle. Learn to examine geometric shapes by a visual-tactile-motor way

    5th year of life

    (middle group)

    Introduce the name and features of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, ball, cube, cylinder)

    6th year of life

    (senior group)

    Divide familiar geometric shapes into groups: flat (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, quadrilateral) and volumetric (ball, cube, cylinder) Compare objects by shape, using geometric shapes as reference

    7th year of life (preparatory group for school)

    Expand knowledge of polygons: triangle, quadrilateral, five-, hexagons. Name and display elements of geometric shapes (sides, corners, vertices). Divide geometric shapes, objects into two, three, four, etc. parts

    From age to age, there is not only an increase in the number of geometric shapes and an expansion of the volume of knowledge, but also their deepening, the ability to freely use them in different types activities.


    Familiarizing children with the shape of objects best happens when combined different methods and teaching techniques.

    Are used visual methods and techniques: "Look and find the same figure", "What does the figure look like", etc.

    They are widely used in teaching practical methods and techniques: "Find, bring, show ... lay out, draw, make a pattern", etc.

    Along with visual and practical, are used verbal methods and techniques: “What is it called, what is the difference, how is it alike; describe, tell "...

    N. A. Sakulina suggested methodical model of teaching children to examine subjects, defining shape as their main feature... This model stands out five components:

    1. a holistic perception of the subject;

    2.analysis of the subject - isolating the characteristic essential features, determining the shape of individual parts of the subject (round, square, triangular, long, rounded ...), assimilating this part to a geometric figure that is closest in shape;

    3. motor-tactile sense of form - circling movements with simultaneous pronunciation, that is, examination of the object;

    4. again a holistic perception of the subject;

    5. building a model from given shapes or parts.

    Based on this scheme for teaching children, specific technique - consistency in the formation of knowledge about geometric shapes(3. E. Lebedeva, L. A. Venger, L. I. Sysueva, V. V. Kolechko, R. L. Nepomnyashchaya):

    1. Demonstration of a geometric figure and naming it.

    2. Examination of a geometric figure through specific practical actions.

    3. Showing several more of the same geometric shapes, but different in color and size. Comparison of geometric shapes. At the same time, the attention of children is drawn to the independence of the form from the size and color of the figure.

    4. Comparison of geometric shapes with objects similar in shape; finding among the surrounding objects those that are close in shape to this figure.

    5. Comparison of objects in shape with each other using a geometric figure as a standard.

    6. Comparison of familiar geometric shapes, determination of common qualities and differences (oval and circle, square and rectangle, etc.).

    7. Fixing the properties of geometric shapes by measuring, sculpting, drawing, laying out, building, etc.

    Children should learn the basic steps for examining the shape of objects.

    Survey geometric figure is carried out through concrete practical actions(tracing along the contour). An important element survey is comparison of figures, different in shape and size. After the children have learned to compare geometric shapes with objects that are similar in shape, it is necessary to provide them with the opportunity to consolidate the properties of geometric shapes in drawing, modeling, appliqué, and design.

    Children should teach how to correctly show the elements of geometric shapes(corners, sides, bases, etc.).

    - When recalculating angles the child must indicate just to the top of the corner... The teacher does not explain what the top is, but shows the point where the two sides connect.

    - Showing sides, baby should run your fingers along the entire segment- from one vertex of the corner to another.

    - The corner itself as part of the plane is shown two fingers simultaneously- large and index.

    V volumetric figures children identify and name lateral sides and foundations.

    In each age group, the familiarization method with geometric shapes has its own characteristics.

    IN THE SECOND YOUNGER GROUP children learn to distinguish ball and cube; circle and square using pairwise comparison: a ball and a cube, a cube and a bar - a brick; circle and square; ball and circle; cube and square. In this case, the object should be held in the left hand, and forefinger with the right hand, circle it along the contour. To demonstrate geometric shapes, it is necessary to use shapes of different sizes and colors.

    Children examine and compare the ball and the cube, find common and different things in these objects (figures). Addressing a question to children, the teacher draws their attention to the features of the figures: "What is this?", "What color are the balls?", "Which one is smaller?"

    On the instructions of the teacher, one child picks up a small ball, and the other - a large one. Children pass balls in a circle: a small ball catches up with a large ball. Then the direction of movement changes. During these games, children clarify the features of the ball- he round, it has no corners, it can be rolled... Children compare balls different colors and sizes. Thus, the teacher brings them down to the conclusion that the shape does not depend on the color and size of the object.

    Similarly, the knowledge of children about the cube is refined and generalized.... Children take the cube in their hands, trying to roll it. It doesn't roll. The cube has corners and sides (faces), it stands steadily on the table, floor. From cubes, you can build houses, posts, placing one cube on top of another.

    The most important point when familiarizing children with the form is visual and tactile-motor perception of the form, various practical actions developing his sensory abilities.

    In the organization of work to familiarize children with the shape of the subject a significant place is occupied by the display(demonstration) the figure itself, and ways of examining it... The teacher teaches children, when examining an object, to hold the object in their left hand with the index finger right hand trace it along the contour.

    To develop in children the skills of examining the shape of an object and accumulating the corresponding ideas different didactic games and exercises... So, in order to master the name and clarify the main features of individual geometric figures, the teacher organizes games: "Name a geometric figure", "Magic bag", "Domino figures", etc.

    In the game "Magic Bag", the teacher teaches children to choose figures by touch, to find according to a model. Geometric figures familiar to children are placed on the table, and the same ones are folded into a bag. First, attention is drawn to the geometric shapes placed on the table. Children call them. Then, at the instructions of the teacher, the child finds in the bag one that is on the table and shows it. If the child cannot complete the task, then the teacher once again reminds the methods of examining the figure: with his right hand he slowly draws around the edge (contour) (you can also help with your left hand). When the game is played again, the number of geometric figures increases.

    In the games “Find an object of the same shape”, “What's in the bag?”, “Geometric lotto” children practice finding objects using geometric patterns. Such tasks are difficult, but generally accessible to children. They develop in them the ability to analyze the environment, to abstract when perceiving the shape of objects. The child, perceiving the print that hangs on the wall in front of him, is distracted from the plot of the picture, and only highlights the shape of the frame (square).

    In their free time, children of this age group are very fond of games with cut pictures, mosaics, building materials.

    In teaching methodology CHILDREN OF THE MIDDLE GROUP distinctive is an more detailed examination of geometric shapes... Children are introduced to new geometric shapes by comparing their models with already familiar ones or with each other: a rectangle with a square, a cylinder with a cube or ball.

    From direct comparison of objects with geometric patterns children cross over to a verbal description of their form, to generalization.

    How to view and compare shapes can be like this: what is it? What colour? What size (size)? What are they made of? What is the difference? How are they similar?

    Basic techniques may be:

    Practical actions with objects (roll, set);

    Overlay and attachment;

    Contouring, groping;

    Exercises in grouping and ordering - didactic games, exercises to master the features of geometric shapes;

    Comparison of the shapes of objects with geometric patterns;

    Analysis of complex shapes.

    Children are required detailed verbal designation of their actions(describe the shape of an object consisting of 2-4 parts: tumbler, car, etc.).

    L.A. Venger, L.I.Sysueva, T.V. Vasilieva developed 3 types of tasks in the field of familiarizing children of the fifth year of life with the shape of objects and geometric shapes:

    Assignments for mastering geometric shapes;

    Tasks for comparing the shapes of real objects with geometric shapes;

    Tasks for spatial analysis of a composite shape.

    IN THE SENIOR GROUP m methodology for the formation of geometric knowledge in a sixth year group life does not fundamentally change... but the examination becomes more detailed and detailed.

    Along with with practical and direct comparison famous geometric shapes, layering and applying, widely used as a methodical device measurement by conditional measure.

    All work on the formation of ideas and concepts about geometric shapes is built on comparing and contrasting their models.

    The models are first matched in pairs, then 3-4 figures of each type are matched at once, for example, quadrangles.

    Based on the identification of essential features of geometric shapes children are led to the generalizing concept “ quadrangles».

    So, introducing children with rectangle, they are shown several rectangles, different in size, made of different materials (paper, cardboard, plastic). “Children, look at these figures. These are rectangles. " At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that the shape does not depend on the size. Children are offered to take in left hand shape, and with the index finger of your right hand, circle along the contour. Children reveal the features of this figure: the sides are equal in pairs, the angles are also equal. Check this by bending, superimposing one on top of the other. Count the number of sides and corners.

    Then they compare rectangle with square find similarities and differences in these figures. Comparing a square and a rectangle with each other, children establish that all these figures have four sides and four corners... This is the number of sides and corners is a common feature, which underlies the definition of the concept of "quadrangle". However a rectangle is different from a square by the fact that all sides of a square are equal, and only opposite sides of a rectangle are equal, in pairs.

    Special meaning gets work on the image and recreation of geometric shapes: laying out from sticks, strips of paper. This work is carried out both with a demonstration (near the teacher's table) and handouts.

    At one of the lessons, the teacher lays out a rectangle on a flannelgraph from strips. “Children, what is the name of this figure? How many sides does a rectangle have? How many corners? " Children show the sides, corners, vertices of the rectangle. Then the teacher asks: "How and what shapes can be obtained from a rectangle (create smaller rectangles, squares, triangles)?" This uses additional strips of paper. Children count the sides in the received figures.

    In older preschool age, children develop the ability to transfer acquired knowledge into a previously unfamiliar situation, use this knowledge in independent activities... Knowledge about geometric shapes is widely used, refined, consolidated in the classroom for art, design... Such activities allow children to acquire skills in dividing a complex pattern into its constituent elements, as well as create drawings. complex shape from one or two types of geometric shapes of different sizes.

    So, during one of the classes, children are handed out envelopes with a set of models of geometric shapes. The teacher shows the application of a "robot" made up of squares and rectangles of different sizes and proportions. First, everyone looks at the sample together in sequence. It is determined from which parts (figures) each detail is made. In the same sequence, children create an ornament. The teacher shows two or three ornaments and invites the children to choose one of them, after carefully examining it, to lay out the same ornament.

    In volumetric figures(such as a cylinder, a cube) children highlight and name sides and bases... Moreover, they can be shown with a few fingers or the whole palm.

    Children perform practical actions, manipulating geometric shapes, redesigning their.

    In the process of such training the "mathematical" speech of children is enriched.

    Familiarization with the form, usually, takes part of the lesson in mathematics, as well as in design, visual activity.

    During classes are widely used overlay, attach, outline drawing, shading, measurement. Children cut out flat geometric shapes, volumetric ones - sculpt from plasticine, clay.

    This work is closely related to teaching children the elements of writing: outlining cells, drawing circles, ovals, drawing straight and oblique lines. Children get acquainted with notebooks in a cage, consider how the pages are lined in the notebook. The teacher invites the children to find and circle the cells in different parts of the page: above, below, left, right, in the middle; draw seven squares one cell in size with two (three) spaces between them. At the same time, he shows different ways of completing the task: designating the initial contour with dots, drawing lines from left to right and from top to bottom.

    Future schoolchildren learn to distinguish and name polygons(triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon), name and show their elements(sides, corners, vertices), divide geometric shapes into parts, compare with each other, classify in size and shape. The work is aimed primarily at improving the quality of this knowledge: completeness, awareness. Geometric material is widely used during classes as a demonstration and handout in the formation of numerical concepts, dividing the whole into parts, etc.

    Throughout the preschool age children are taught examine a simple and complex form subjects, adhering to a certain sequence:

    First, the general contours and the main part are highlighted,

    Then the shape, spatial position, and relative size of other parts are determined.

    You should teach them notice not only similarities, but also differences in shape subject from a familiar geometric figure. This is of great importance for improving the visual and other types of independent activities of children.

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    The original content of the concept of form are real objects surrounding reality.

    The form- this is the main visually and tactile property of an object, which helps to distinguish one object from another.

    Mankind created system of standards for designating the shapes of specific objects... it system of geometric shapes.

    A grouping of geometric shapes can be represented as follows:

    Flat and voluminous,

    Having corners and not having them, i.e., rounded,

    Differing in appearance.

    Thus, geometric figures act samples, standards of the form of real objects or their parts.

    Using geometric shapes held analysis of the surrounding world, the need for understand the variety of forms, in "what looks like". As a result, one object becomes similar to another in shape (it looks like a cucumber, like a window), etc.

    Classification of geometric shapes under construction both sensory and logical... At first, as special studies have shown, the child's perception of the surrounding objects does not mean the emphasis on form. First, the object itself appears, and only then its form.

    In the system of geometric shapes concentrated generalized experience of human sensory activity.

    The form is perceived by the visual-tactile-motor path... Familiarization of children with the form of objects has always been in the center of attention of psychologists, teachers and methodologists of the past and present.


    In the knowledge of the surrounding world, orientation in the variety of forms of objects (objects) and geometric shapes is especially significant.

    The form has a special place among the variety of properties learned in preschool age..

    Perceiving the form, child distinguishes the subject from others, recognizes and names him, groups(sorts) and correlates it with other subjects.

    Parallel or following this child learns geometric shapes highlighting first their form, and then - the structure.

    In the knowledge of geometric shapes preschool children it is customary to distinguish three stages:

    At 3-4 years old, geometric figures are perceived as whole and are distinguished by children mainly in shape;

    At 4-5 years old, geometric figures are perceived analytically, their properties and structure are established by children empirically (empirically);

    At the age of 5-6, children perceive geometric figures in a certain relationship in terms of structure, properties, and realize their commonality.

    As a result psychological research it became known that the process of children's cognition of form as a property is long and complex.

    FOR CHILDREN 2-3 YEARS OLD main identification figure signsurface, plane... They take the figure in hand, manipulate; run your hand along the plane, as if trying to discover the subject matter.

    In this age children emit among the others and called individual geometric shapes, using the words “ circle», « cube», « ball».

    Or compare the shape of a real object with geometric and use the expressions "This is like a cube", "This is like a handkerchief."

    Usually, they " objectify» geometric figures calling them " roof», « handkerchief», « cucumber" etc.

    Mastering the shape of objects and geometric shapes passes at this age in vigorous activity. Children put one cube on top of another, constructing a tower, put objects in cars; the figures are rolled, shifted; make up the ranks.

    CHILDREN 3-4 YEARS OLD start distinguish geometric shapes from objects, highlighting their shape... When naming the figures, they say: "A triangle is like a roof", "A handkerchief is like a square."

    Children examining the figures by the tactile-motor way trying hold your hand along the contour... At the same time, they willingly pronounce the words and expressions they like. Begin to perceive structural elements geometric shapes: corners, sides... When perceiving figures abstracted from color, size, highlighting their shape.

    but the child's visual perception remains fluent, his the gaze does not focus on the contour or plane... Because of this, children often confuse similar shapes: an oval and a circle, a rectangle and a square.

    CHILDREN 4-5 YEARS successfully examine geometric shapes by spending index finger along the contour. Moreover, they, as a rule, are called structural components : tops, sides, corners. Trace hand movement lines forming corners; detect intersection points of lines. Survey becomes accurate and effective.

    As a rule, at this age in children the images of the figures are addedreference ideas about them... They begin to successfully identify the similarities and differences in the shapes of objects with geometric shapes; to use the standards they have developed in order to determine any unknown form; display forms in productive activities.

    5-6 YEARS OLD children mostly visually perceive geometric shapes... Tactile-motor examination becomes unnecessary. In the process of visual perception they fix the contour and on this basis, include the figure in a certain group, allocate types of figures, classify, order and systematize objects by form.

    In older preschool age prevails visual recognition of figures and their distinctive signs, verbal characterization shapes of objects and geometric shapes.

    So, form perception by a preschool child carried out based simultaneous examination of it with a visual and tactile-motor method, accompanied by the naming of the main features of one form or another.

    For example, round - no corners; a quadrangle - it has sides, corners and vertices.

    Geometric figures become standards for determining the shape of the surrounding objects and their parts.


    Absolutely all objects around us have signs and properties. What is the attribute of an object?

    The feature of an object is a distinctive property of an object. For example: a green car: a car is an object, and a green one is a sign, a property that distinguishes it from other similar items (for example, from a red car).

    Objects differ in color, in shape, in size, in purpose, in smell, in the material of which they are made, and in other characteristics. To determine the attribute of an object, you can ask the question: what is it?

    Let's try to highlight the essential (that is, the main) features of an ordinary notebook. Tell us what kind of notebook it is: what material is it made of, what size, how thick, what is it intended for? If you were able to tell about a notebook, it means that you were able to highlight the signs by which it differs, for example, from a pencil. So, one of the main features of an object is color. We will designate the color as follows:

    And the first thing we need to repeat is the colors of the rainbow.

    Now name as many items as you can:

    a) red;

    b) green;

    c) black;

    d) blue.

    Look carefully at the picture and tell me which vegetables and fruits are colored incorrectly. How would you color them?

    Well, we made sure that you are familiar with such a feature of objects as color.

    The next important feature of an object is its shape. We will designate the form as follows:

    What shape are objects? Round, square, what else?

    Name as many items as you can:

    a) round;

    b) oval;

    c) square;

    d) rectangular.

    Take a close look at the table. Which of the fruits and vegetables lying on it are of the same shape as shown in the diagram: and this color:?

    The next important attribute of an item is size. We will designate the size as follows:

    Now name the big and small item correctly in a pair. For example, an elephant is a baby elephant.

    Highlighting signs of objects, for example, color - red, yellow; shape - round, square; size - large, small - we compare objects with each other.

    Now try with the notation
    indicate the signs of such objects: a blue cube, a large red ball, a tall yellow house. You can designate, for example, like this:

    - Red Apple.

    There are many more signs of objects. We have presented them for you in the table. Using this table, you can indicate the features of many objects.


    Show the objects in the picture that have a scent. Try to designate them using a table.

    We examined such important signs of objects as color, shape, size, got acquainted with the table of designations of signs of objects, tried to apply these designations. And now let's try to perform the CONTROL WORK. With her help, we will check how you learned the material.

    Task 1. Look carefully at the picture and complete the task. And adults who help you answer the test questions will enter your answers into a special answer form.

    Task 2. Guess the riddles about what Nyusha bought at the bazaar?

    1 riddle

    2 riddle

    3 riddle

    4. Make your own riddle about what grows in the garden

    Task 3.

    Task 4.

    Task 5.

    Task 6.

    Find the desired pattern in each window.

    1. What is an effective manager


      Strong properties human ... utterly obvious conclusion, what all ... sign ... So and without delving into the root of the problem. There are such ... so the same way, he singled out about those the same 4 percent items ... what happens, and then, what we want to happen in surrounding US ...

    2. What prevents you from being rich Alexander Sviyash


      ... utterly all no matter what the speaker will be. They will accept it so ... what all these super-expensive subjects a normal person does not need all then the same ... what you try on yourself all, what found in the surrounding life. Thus, you will more clearly define what the same ... properties ...

    3. People often ask me, "Does it hurt your marriage that Josh travels so much?" Or: “Isn't your relationship suffering from a busy lecture schedule?


      ... what I thought, what it should be perfect... And not only perfect ... subjects which are not really have ... surrounding. ... what, When we all-still sin, God forgives and accepts US ... what relationship is so the same disposable ". However, the distinctive sign ...

    4. Literature

      2. Item philosophy. 9 3. Substantial signs philosophical ... what the same such « item philosophy... items, properties, relationship, embrace all... they utterly special ... all dogmas, teachings, authorities, all values ​​that have

    Form is a sign of an object that is accessible to visual and muscular-tactile perception.

    More or less typical features stand out in the shape of an object: roundness or elongation, stability or dissection, symmetry of parts or asymmetry.

    The specific tasks of mental education when familiarizing with the form are:

    · Formation of ideas and knowledge about form as a sign of an object and beauty;

    · Development of the ability to see, distinguish, compare, group objects according to their shape;

    · Development of the ability to see the form in combination with other signs in life, in objects of art;

    · Development of vocabulary and coherent speech and teaching children to use the exact names of forms and their features, figurative, expressive words, generalized words-concepts;

    · Teaching children how to apply knowledge about the form in a variety of activities;

    · Education of cognitive interests.

    The child's ability to perceive, to see the form in an object is not innate, but is formed in the process of education and training.

    Familiarization of children with form as a feature of an object and a generalizing concept has a certain sequence, repetition and complication from one age group to another.

    Younger group.

    The teacher teaches children to see and distinguish objects by their shape, introduces them to the basic geometric shapes - a ball and a cube - and calls them himself. The teacher organizes visual and tactile-muscular perception, cognitive actions with objects, teaches methods for examining objects, testing them in games, in classes with building materials, with toys.

    In classes with an individual child or with a small subgroup, the teacher shows a ball and says: "This is a ball" - and performs actions with it, emphasizing its shape.

    Cognitive practical actions should be performed repeatedly. The period of practical testing should not be shortened. In repeated lessons, in games, the teacher again names the figure and its features.

    In subsequent lessons, in games, the teacher asks the children to show, to bring. Put the balls in the basket. By the action performed, he checks whether the children have learned the name and whether they relate the word to the object. In the future, he trains children in the name of the shape of the object.

    By organizing games with balls and other toys, the teacher trains children in distinguishing them by shape and at the same time includes a new thing in their familiar - color - and teaches them to distinguish balls by color. In the following lessons, the teacher offers balls different sizes- large and small, then calls the words "big - small" and uses the word to reinforce the difference.

    The teacher organizes many play actions with cubic objects - he encourages you to examine the cubes, rearrange, move. Visual-motor perceiving the cube, the child feels the edges and planes and practically learns the features of this figure.

    Determination of the shape and size can already be included in one lesson, since the previous development of the shape of the ball contributed to the development of children's attention, the ability to look and see. And in subsequent lessons and in games, the teacher exercises the ability of children to choose from building material the cubes are large and small.

    Then the teacher organizes the comparison of the ball and the cube as two different figures.

    Later, he reinforces the concept of a ball and a cube in various activities, in games.

    Thus, educator ml. gr. in accordance with the program teaches children to distinguish between the shape of a ball and a cube and call them the exact word, teaches to apply the assimilated ideas in different types of activity.

    Middle group.

    The teacher reinforces the idea of ​​a ball and a cube and improves the methods of sensorimotor examination of objects based on visual and tactile-muscular perception. Introduces children to new shapes: rectangle, square, triangle, cylinder - and teaches them to distinguish between rectangular, square, triangular objects. As the content expands and becomes more complex, the requirements for mental activity children, new qualities are formed cognitive activities... The educator teaches to see the same form in objects of different content.

    And in the middle group, the teacher first introduces objects in which various forms are expressed, and especially those that need to be introduced to children in accordance with the requirements of the program.

    The teacher introduces children to new figures in the usual and already familiar way to children.

    New quality of the form as common feature many of the surrounding objects should be disclosed to the content familiar to the child.

    Mastering ideas about the basic forms of objects, the ability to group objects according to their forms does not occur only in the classroom, in didactic games, it requires "practice" in life.

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    Chukur Lyudmila Vasilievna
    Geometric figures. Features of children's perception of the shape of objects and geometric shapes



    Prepared: st. educator Chukur L... V.

    1. Concept « geometric figure» . Features of the development of ideas about the shape of objects in preschool children

    One of the properties of others objects is their shape. Shape of objects was summarized in geometric shapes.

    Figure is a latin word means "image", "view", "Typeface"; this is the part of the plane bounded by closed line, or part of the space bounded by a closed surface. This term came into common use in the XII century. Before that, another Latin word was used more often - « the form» , also meaning « exterior view» , "Outer outline subject» .

    Watching over objects of the surrounding world, people noticed that there is some common property allowing to combine items in one group... This property has been named geometric figure. Geometric figure is a standard for determining the shape of an object., any non-empty set of points; generalized abstract concept.

    Itself the definition of the concept of a geometric figure was given by the ancient Greeks... They identified, what geometric figure is the inner area bounded by a closed line on the plane. Euclid actively used this concept in his work. The ancient Greeks classified everything geometric shapes and gave them names.

    Mention of the first geometric shapes found among the ancient Egyptians and ancient Sumerians. Scientists-archaeologists have found a papyrus scroll with geometric problems which mentioned geometric figures... And each of them was called some a certain word.

    Thus, understanding of geometry and studied by this science figures had people from ancient times, but the name, « geometric figure» and names for everyone geometric shapes given by ancient Greek scientists.

    Nowadays, acquaintance with geometric shapes begin with early childhood and continues throughout the learning path. Preschoolers, learning the world around them, are faced with diversity shapes of objects, learn to name and distinguish them, and then get acquainted with the properties geometric shapes.

    The form- this is the outer outline subject... Lots of forms endlessly.

    Representations of the shape of objects occur in children early enough. In the studies of L.A. Wenger, it is clarified whether it is possible to distinguish shapes of objects by children who have not yet an act of grabbing has formed... As an indicator, he used the tentative reaction of a child at the age of 3-4 months.

    For children were presented two volumetric bodies of the same steel color and size (a prism and a ball, one of them was suspended above the arena in order to extinguish the approximate reaction; then a pair was again suspended figures... One of them (prism) the reaction is extinguished, the other (ball)- new. The little ones looked to the new figure and fixed it with a gaze for a longer time than the old one.

    L.A. Wenger also noticed that on geometric figure with a change in spatial orientation, the same visual concentration arises as on a new geometric figure.

    Research by M. Denisova and N. Figurin showed, what infant on shape to the touch defines the bottle, pacifier, mother's breast. Children begin to distinguish visually shape of items from 5 months... In this case, the indicator of discrimination is the movements of the hands, the body towards the experimental object and grasping it (with food reinforcement).

    Other studies have found that if items differ in color, then a child of 3 years old selects them form only if, if item familiar to a child from practical experience (experience of manipulation, action).

    This is also proved by the fact that the child recognizes straight and inverted images in the same way (he can view and understand familiar pictures while holding a book "upside down", subjects painted in unusual colors (a black apple, but a square turned at an angle, that is, in the form of a rhombus, does not recognize, since the immediate similarity disappears object shape, which is not in experience.

    2. Features of perception by children preschool age shapes of objects and geometric shapes

    One of the leading cognitive processes of preschool children is perception. Perception helps to distinguish one subject from another, highlight some subjects or phenomena from others similar to him.

    Primary mastery the shape of the object Item shape as such is not subject precede practical actions. Actions of children with subjects at different stages are different.

    Research by the psychologist S.N. Shabalin shows that the geometric figure is perceived preschoolers in a peculiar way. If an adult perceives bucket or glass like subjects having a cylindrical shape then into it perception turns on knowledge geometric shapes ... In a preschooler, the opposite occurs.

    Children 3-4 years old objectify geometric shapes since they are in their experience presented inseparably with objects are not abstracted. The geometric figure is perceived by children as a picture. like some item: a square is a handkerchief, a pocket; a triangle - a roof, a circle - a wheel, a ball, two circles next to it - glasses, several circles next to it - beads, etc.

    At 4 years old objectification of a geometric figure occurs only when a child collides with an unfamiliar figure: a cylinder is a bucket, a glass.

    At 4-5 years old, the child begins to compare geometric figure with subject: says about the square "It's like a handkerchief".

    As a result of organized learning, children begin to distinguish familiar geometric shapes, compare object with a figure(the glass is like a cylinder, the roof is like a triangle, learns to give the correct name the geometric shape and shape of the object, words appear in their speech "square", "circle", "square", "round" etc.

    The problem of acquaintance of children with geometric shapes and their properties should be considered in two aspects:

    In terms of touch perception of shapes of geometric shapes and using them as standards in cognition shapes of surrounding objects;

    In the sense of knowledge features of their structure, properties, basic connections and patterns in their construction, that is, actually geometric material.

    Circuit subject is a common beginning, which is the source for both visual and tactile perception... However, the question of the role of the circuit in shape perception and formation a holistic image requires further development.

    Primary mastery the shape of the object carried out in actions with him. Item shape as such is not perceived separately from the subject, she is his essential feature. Specific visual contour-tracking reactions subject appear at the end of the second year of life and begin precede practical actions.

    Actions of children with subjects at different stages are different. The little ones tend to grab, first of all, item hands and start manipulating him. Children 2.5 years old, before acting, in some detail visually and tactilely - motorically get acquainted with subjects... The importance of practical action remains the main one. Hence, it follows that it is necessary to guide the development of perceptual actions in two-year-old children. Depending on the pedagogical leadership, the nature of children's perceptual actions gradually reaches the cognitive level. The child begins to be interested in various signs. subject including the form... However, for a long time he cannot isolate and generalize this or that sign, including shape of different objects.

    Sensory perception of the shape of an object should be aimed not only at see, learn shape, along with its other features, but be able to abstract shape from thing, see her in other things too... To such the perception of the shape of objects and its generalization and contributes to the knowledge of standards by children - geometric shapes... Therefore, the task of sensory development is shaping the child's ability to recognize in accordance with the standard (one or another geometric figure) shape of different objects.

    The experimental data of L.A. Wenger showed that the ability to distinguish geometric figures are possessed by children 3-4 months. Focusing on the new figure- evidence of this.

    Already in the second year of life, children freely choose figure modeled on such steam: square and semicircle, rectangle and triangle. But children can distinguish between a rectangle and a square, a square and a triangle only after 2.5 years. Selection by sample more complex shapes available around the turn of 4-5 years, and reproduction of a complex figure carried out by children of the fifth and sixth year of life.

    Under the teaching influence of adults perception of geometric shapes is gradually being rebuilt. Children begin to perceive geometric shapes as standards., with the help of which the knowledge of the structure subject, his shape and size is carried out not only in the process perception of one or another form of vision, but also by active touch, feeling it under the control of vision and designation with a word.

    Collaboration of all analyzers contributes to a more accurate perception of the shape of objects... To know better item, children tend to touch it with their hand, pick it up, turn it; moreover, viewing and feeling are different depending on shape and constructions recognizable object... Therefore, the main role in the perception of the object and the determination of its shape has an examination, carried out simultaneously by visual and motor-tactile analyzers, followed by designation with a word. However, preschoolers have a very low level of examination. shapes of objects; most often they are limited to fluent visual perception and therefore do not distinguish between close ones by similarity figures(oval and circle, rectangle and square, different triangles).

    In the perceptual activity of children, tactile-motor and visual techniques gradually become the main way of recognizing the form... Survey figures not only ensures their holistic perception but also allows you to feel them peculiarities(the character, directions of the lines and their combinations, the resulting corners and peaks, the child learns to sensually highlight in any figure the image as a whole and its parts. This makes it possible to further focus the child's attention on meaningful analysis. figures, deliberately highlighting the structural elements in it (sides, corners, tops)... Children are already consciously beginning to understand properties such as stability, instability, etc., to understand how tops, angles, etc. are formed. figures, children already find commonality between them ( "The cube has squares", "The bar has rectangles, the cylinder has circles" etc.).

    Comparison figures with the shape of an object helps children understand that with geometric shapes you can compare different objects or parts thereof... So, gradually geometric figure becomes a benchmark determining the shape of objects.

    3. Peculiarities examinations and stages of learning examinations children preschool age shapes of objects and geometric shapes

    It is known that cognition is always based on sensory examination, mediated by thinking and speech. In the studies of L. Wenger with children 2-3 years as an indicator of visual discrimination the forms of objects served the child's object actions.

    According to research by S. Yakobson, V. Zinchenko, A. Ruzskoy, children of 2-4 years old learned better objects in shape, when it was suggested to first touch the object, and then find the same one. Lower results were observed when the subject was perceived visually.

    T. Ginevskaya's research reveals peculiarities hand movements during examination objects in shape... Children were blindfolded and offered to get acquainted with the subject by touch.

    At 3-4 years old - executive movements (roll, knock, carry)... Movement is sparse, inside figures, sometimes (once) along the centerline, many wrong answers, a mixture of different figures... At 4-5 years old - setting movements (gripped in hand)... The number of movements doubles; judging by the trajectory, focused on size and area; large, sweeping, groups of closely spaced fixations are found, belonging to the most characteristic features figures; give better results. At 5-6 years old - survey movements (contour tracking, elasticity check)... Movements appear that follow the contour, but they cover the most characteristic part of the contour, other parts are unexplored; movements within the contour, the amount is the same, high results; As in previous period, there is a mixture of close figures... At 6-7 years old - movement along the contour, crossing the field figures, and the movements focus on the most informative signs are observed excellent results not only when recognizing, but also when reproduction.

    Thus, in order for the child to highlight the essential features geometric shapes, their visual and motor examination is necessary. Hand movements organize eye movements and this needs to be taught to children.

    Stages of Learning Survey

    The task of the first stage of teaching children 3-4 years old is sensory perception of the shape of objects and geometric shapes.

    The second stage of education for children 5-6 years old should be devoted to formation of systemic knowledge about geometric shapes and the development of their initial techniques and ways« geometric thinking» .

    « Geometric thinking» it is quite possible to develop even in preschool age. In development « geometric knowledge» children have several different levels.

    The first level is characterized by the fact that the figure is perceived by children as a whole, the child does not yet know how to distinguish individual elements in it, does not notice the similarities and differences between figures, each of them perceives apart.

    At the second level, the child already selects elements in figure and establishes relationships both between them and between individual figures, however, is not yet aware of the commonality between figures.

    At the third level, the child is able to establish connections between properties and structure. figures, the relationship between the properties themselves. The transition from one level to another is not spontaneous, parallel to the biological development of a person and depends on age. It takes place under the influence of focused learning, which helps to accelerate the transition to more high level... Lack of training inhibits development. Therefore, training should be organized in such a way that, in connection with the assimilation of knowledge about geometric shapes children also developed elementary geometric thinking.

    Cognition geometric shapes, their properties and relationships broadens the horizons of children, allows them more accurately and versatile perceive the shape of surrounding objects, which has a positive effect on their productive activities (e.g. drawing, sculpting).

    Great value in development geometric thinking and spatial views have conversion actions figures(make a square from two triangles or add two triangles from five sticks).

    All of these types of exercises develop spatial representations and beginnings of geometric thinking of children, form they have the ability to observe, analyze, generalize, highlight the main, essential and at the same time educate such personality traits as purposefulness, perseverance.

    So, at preschool age, the mastery of perceptual and intellectual systematization takes place. shapes of geometric shapes... Perceptual activity in cognition figures outstrips the development of intellectual systematization.

    Bibliographic list

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