Making a drilling machine from a drill with your own hands is not difficult. Create a drilling machine from a drill with your own hands, drawings to help! Make your own drill stand

A drill is a multifunctional tool, but in human hands it is difficult to achieve special drilling accuracy. A do-it-yourself drilling machine from a drill according to the proposed drawings may come in handy. If the drill is an everyday tool, it can be secured to the bracket with clamps. When a power tool is included in a permanent composition, the ballast assembly of the machine can be removed.

When is a drilling machine needed?

The drill press is used by those who create homemade items. They are made with imagination; it is difficult to find the necessary parts in the store and the meaning is lost. Craftsmen love to create everything themselves. Often such a craftsman is faced with the question of the accuracy of the holes that he must drill. Everyone knows that there is no way to accurately perform work under a canopy or on your knees. You will need a holder to secure the tool with the equipment.

Which drill to use depends on the nature of the craftsman’s hobby. The production of electronic circuit boards for radio amateurs requires a drill cross-section of 0.3 mm, manually at the slightest deviation from right angle the drill will burst. Only small drilling machine will save the situation, but it is expensive. There is only one way out - to do it yourself.

On your own machine, created from scrap materials, you can:

  • make through and blind holes;
  • drill a centered perpendicular hole in a thin workpiece;
  • cut a hole or tap a thread.

Main parts of drilling machine

The machine is a drilling machine, which means it is assumed to use a drill assembled with or a quick-clamping one. The tool must be mounted on a reliable vertical stand and have freedom of movement up and down. The stand must be installed vertically and secured to a massive plate underneath, which is called the frame. The tool is simple to describe, but in order to achieve precision in performing operations, it is necessary to create a well-calibrated design. In special publications and on the Internet you can find drawings of a drilling machine from a drill with your own hands from various materials.

Any tool created according to company standards is equipped with safety elements - protective screens, locks against accidental activation. When creating your tool, you need to take care of protection and take measures so that the machine does not fall into the hands of children.

Drilling is accompanied by strong vibration. Small shocks destroy the structure of materials; precise execution of operations cannot be achieved. Vibration is dampened by soft pads that are mounted in places where the tool is attached and a massive frame - vibration waves are dampened. Poor assembly, misalignment, and a shift in the center of gravity contribute to slight trembling of the instrument. All moving parts of a homemade drilling machine from a drill fit seamlessly, with minimal gaps.

We build a drilling machine according to drawings

To help the master who is building a drilling machine from a drill for the first time with his own hands, drawings are offered. Any person with basic carpentry skills can assemble a structure from wooden blocks using a furniture slab under the frame. The wooden structure is fastened with self-tapping screws.

Corners are used to fasten elements. The drill attachment unit can be made dismountable, on removable clamps, or the tool can be firmly built in. An important part of the device will be a movable sled device, along which the drill with drill moves during operation. Often, furniture telescopic guides are used to create runners. It is simply and clearly shown how to assemble a drilling machine with your own hands in the video:

The proposed option is universal and works equally well with metal, wood and other materials. But it is cumbersome and for small operations craftsmen make miniature machines using a tripod from a photo enlarger and a welded frame. In some cases, the steering column from the car is used. Metal frame structures require metalworking skills. How to make a drilling machine is decided depending on the availability of available parts and the purpose of the device.

An example of a completely unusual design of a small device for radio technicians is a machine made from an old school microscope and a windshield wiper motor of a UAZ car. The engine produces a lot of torque, but to use it you will need to lengthen the shaft. Its power and torque are sufficient to drill through foil-thin sheets of metal. The bracket itself needs modification - the fine adjustment and microscopic unit are removed and a miniature engine is mounted.

Fundamental points of working on a drilling machine

A newly manufactured machine requires additional adjustment. Test run carried out on a table where all irrelevant items have been removed. The machine is considered correctly assembled and ready for further work if:

  • the drill rotates along the axis without creating expanding sectors through rapid rotation;
  • the drill lowered down must fit exactly into the recess or designated point on the frame;
  • the movement of the drill on the slide is adjusted tightly, but without jamming or jerking;
  • For through holes A special substrate has been prepared so as not to spoil the frame.

When drilling, remember to heat up the device, periodically lift the equipment when deep drilling, liquid can be used for cooling.

Always remember, fast cutting tool is a source of increased danger. Changeover can only be carried out on de-energized equipment. Eyes should always be protected with goggles.

A selection of various drilling machines, created by the hands of masters, for all occasions confirms the inexhaustible ingenuity of folk craftsmen. You can buy everything in a store, but creating your own instrument is worthy of a master.

One of the options for a drilling machine from a drill - video

The drill stand allows you to expand the range of action of the tool. It won't be difficult to do it yourself. A drill placed on a stand, including a rotary one, becomes an effective multifunctional machine that can be used for a variety of technical work. This article and video will help you figure out how to make a stand for a drill with your own hands.

Pros and cons of creating a drill stand for a drill with your own hands

In building homemade drill stand, the following positive aspects can be highlighted:

  • V free access you can find drawings and videos detailing the stages of making a homemade drill stand with your own hands;
  • a machine made by yourself will cost less than a purchased factory model;
  • it is always possible to make a drilling machine of a certain design that will have the necessary functionality and characteristics, and will also be more convenient to use than existing models;
  • You can assemble a stand for a drilling device from components available at hand, for example, using elements of old broken equipment.

The homemade device also has a number of disadvantages, from which the following can be distinguished:

  • the elements of the drilling device are not adjusted as precisely as possible, as a result of which backlash may occur, which reduces the processing accuracy;
  • For the manufacture of certain parts you may need: welding machine, lathe and other equipment that increases the cost of manufacturing the rack;
  • a homemade stand has limited functionality and is unsuitable for working at an inclined angle.

Making a drill stand with your own hands

The drill stand can be made from various materials, which will definitely be found in household. To understand in more detail the steps of making a drill holder with your own hands, you can watch the video at the end of the article.

Assembling the main rack parts

The power of the drilling mechanism largely depends on functionality machine Diagram 1 shows possible variant assembly of the stand for the drill.

Scheme 1. Option for a homemade holder.

If you need a device that only performs standard drilling operations, then the structure can be assembled from wooden elements. If the assembled device must perform a variety of functions and be mobile, then its design must contain steel parts. The stand for the drill includes the following elements:

  • supporting frame for fastening the main elements;
  • a stand on which a drilling device with a carriage is mounted and moves along a vertical axis;
  • a handle that is responsible for moving the drill and the tool attached to it along the vertical axis;
  • special units that expand the functionality of the machine.

Using drawing 1, you can assemble one of the options for a homemade drill stand.

Drawing 1. Option for making a homemade holder.

This DIY drill stand is easy to install. Installation of additional components will allow the product to be used for various technological operations.

Assembly of the bed

In the manufacture of the bed you will need wooden plank from 20 mm thick or metal sheet 10 mm thick. The total weight of the frame depends on the power of the drill that will be used in the design. The size of the bed is selected depending on the type of work that will be performed on this equipment. The following general recommendations exist:

  • the product for various technical operations must have a size of 1000x500 mm;
  • the machine used in vertical drilling should have a size of 500x500 mm.

The bed consists of a fairly simple structure. Using a special support, the stand is secured in a vertical position. The structure is secured using screws.

Assembling the stand

Also suitable for assembling the base metal or wood. The rack contains guide elements for a manual drilling device and a clamp for fixing them. The stages of making a rack can be studied in the video at the end of the article. In general, you should follow a certain sequence:

  1. The support is fixed to the device frame.
  2. The stand is fixed to the base using screws and connected to the support.
  3. The guides, in the form of telescopic furniture devices, are fixed to the rack.
  4. The carriage and fastenings for holding the drill are installed on the movable section of the guides.

Guides for the machine should not have lateral play. The carriage is assembled from wood or metal, and its length depends on the dimensions of the drill. There are two options for attaching a structural unit with a movable stand for drilling:

  1. The drill is fixed with clamps. In this case, clamps are inserted into the drilled holes in the carriage. Tightening the clamps clamps the drill and securely fixes it to the surface of the carriage.
  2. The drill is fixed with a block. The block is a wooden bracket attached to the surface of the carriage at an angle of 90 degrees using metal squares. A hole is drilled in the block to secure the drill. The diameter of the tool should be 0.5 mm larger than the hole size. A slot is made that allows the tool to be installed in the hole.

A hole in the surface of the block is drilled in accordance with with the following steps:

  1. In accordance with the diameter of the drill, a circle is drawn on the block.
  2. Small holes are drilled in the circle, not touching its edges.
  3. The holes are connected using lines cut with a hacksaw.
  4. The edges of the hole are smoothed using a rounded file or file.

Assembling the driving mechanism for a vertical drill

For homemade machine you need to assemble a device that ensures the movement of the tool along vertical axis. The production of such a mechanism consists of two stages:

  1. Installation of a handle that will provide access to the drill to the part for processing.
  2. Installing a spring that will move the carriage to its original position.

The spring can be placed in the lower grooves of the carriage or connected to the handle of the device.

Installation of the spring attached to the handle is carried out in several stages:

  1. Two metal plates are secured with screws to the stand.
  2. The plates and axle are installed on the other side of the rack surface.
  3. The end of the spring is attached to the axle, the other end is fixed to the handle.
  4. A pin connecting the handle and the carriage is installed in the longitudinal groove.

When the spring is located at the bottom of the device, the handle is secured by two springs and moves using an axis. The springs, in this case, are placed in the grooves of the guide elements and are limited in movement using metal corners.

A machine with springs located at the bottom works as follows: the carriage with a drill, while drilling, lowers and presses on the springs. After the end of the action, the springs unclench and return the drill on the carriage to its original state.

Collection of additional components for a homemade machine

Installation of additional mechanisms will allow the machine to perform drilling at an angle and some simple turning and milling type operations.

For milling work, you will need to create a mechanism that moves the part along a horizontal axis. In this case, a movable table with a horizontal table top is used, which has a vice that secures the part. The movement of such a table can be ensured by a handle and a screw gear mechanism.

The machine can be used for drilling at an angle if you install a rotary plate with holes arranged in an arc on it. An axis fixed to the stand will rotate the plate. The carriage with the drill must be attached to this plate. Holes located in the plate at an angle of 30, 45 and 60 degrees fix the position of the head. The mechanism is assembled in the following order:

  1. Holes are drilled in the center of the surfaces of the rotating plate and the stand, which will allow the axle to pass through.
  2. Using a protractor, holes are measured and drilled on the surface of the rotating plate at the required angles of inclination.
  3. Using bolts and axial holes, the plate and the stand are connected.
  4. To secure the rotating plate, three holes are drilled on the rack for attaching pins that will give it direction.

To work on such a machine, a plate with a drill, at a certain angle, is fixed with pins. Such a machine can also be used for turning operations, placing a drill with a plate along the horizontal axis.

The machine, made by hand, has high versatility at work. But it is not suitable for working with details large sizes, since it cannot be equipped with a large cutting mechanism.

Is it possible to make such a device yourself? Before answering in detail, it is recommended to find out what elements it consists of. this device how they work on it. If you like to do homemade crafts, then this machine will be very useful. But sometimes it is not possible to install it due to installation difficulties.

Advantages and disadvantages

This device has certain advantages:

However, there are also some negative points:

  • assembly often requires elements that can only be produced in factory
  • conditions that affect the cost;
  • incorrect fitting leads to the formation of backlash, which causes inaccuracies in operation;
  • a stand prepared independently does not allow drilling at an angle.

Still, let’s figure out how to make a stand for a drill with your own hands, drawings and photos of which are presented below.

Universal stand option

With this option, it becomes possible to perform a variety of operations without damaging the drill motor.

To save money, many people make a frame from hardwood trees. The main stand with clamps is attached to it. All connections are made using screws and are mounted vertically in relation to the frame.

For everything to work properly, you need to make sure that there is no play in the guides. The drill can be mounted in two ways - on blocks or on clamps.

It will require a handle and springs. There are two ways to arrange everything: secure the return mechanism near the handle, or insert two springs into the carriage grooves.

Milling and turning types of work

For milling, it is enough to connect this stand with a vice to the machine, securing it horizontally. To ensure that the self-created mechanism functions smoothly, many people use an extended printer screw. This will allow you to achieve high-precision processing when choosing a groove.

To perform drilling at angles, a rotary device is used, the manufacture of which requires an additional plate. Holes are drilled in it along an arc.
The use of such a device instead of a lathe allows you to process only those parts that can fit in the chuck of an electric drill.
If you have skillful hands that work well with your head, then you can make such a frame without any problems. With its help, using a drill, you can perform large quantity operations.

“From the material presented by the author, you will learn how you can independently make a budget drilling machine from an ordinary electric drill.
Every craftsman would like to have such a machine in his household, because in comparison with factory analogues it will cost tens of times less, and if all the spare parts and components are available, then it will be completely free.

The author of this machine is Igor Stasiuk, for which I thank him very much, I shared step by step photos assembling the machine with the people. The design is quite interesting and at the same time simple. Corners and 4 legs are welded onto a base made of a 3 mm sheet of metal, a 500 mm rod from a professional square pipe is welded onto this plate, the slider is made of 2 corners welded into a pipe and placed on the lifting column with a gap so that the slider can move upward along the column and down. Lifting mechanism it is activated by a cable stretched from the top point to the bottom, and on the slider the cable makes several turns.

And so, let's take a closer look at what exactly the author needed to assemble the machine? And also the whole step-by-step process.

1. sheet metal 3 mm
2. fittings
3. corner
4. cable
5. drill
6. vice for workpieces
7. bolts, nuts, washers, engravers
8. drill clamp
9. paint
10. professional square pipe
11. drill

1. welding machine
2. grinder (angle grinder)
3. drill
4. file
5. vise
6. clamp
7. caliper
8. ruler
9. corner
10. level
11. sandpaper
12. brush
13. hacksaw for metal
14. emery

The process of creating a drilling machine from a drill.
And so, first of all, the author makes the base of the machine from sheet metal 3 mm, cuts out the workpiece using a grinder (angle grinder) and welds 2 corners and 4 legs from a steel rod or fittings into the lower part. The length of the legs should be the same so that there is no distortion of the frame.

The corners and legs are welded on.

Making a slider! Take 2 corners and apply them to a professional square-section pipe that will serve as a lifting column and tighten them with a clamp.

It is tacked along the edges by welding in order to simply attach it for now, and only then specifically weld the normal seam.

This is actually how the preparation turned out.

The lifting column is made from professional square-section pipe 500 mm long.

A bracket with a movable shaft is welded onto the slider body, onto which the cable turns will be made.

IN drilled hole thread is cut.

The handles of the lifting mechanism are made of reinforcement.

There is a head on the shaft that will serve as the base for the handles.

And so, 3 handles are welded on for the convenience of raising and lowering the drill through the mechanism.

Installed on a lifting column.

A loop like this is made at the end of the cable.

Attention! The cable is attached at the bottom using a loop, then several turns are made on the shaft and tension is applied in the upper part of the lifting column.

I hope the lifting principle is clear and without explanation)

A square pipe is welded onto the corner.

This is actually the mount for the electric drill.

Then the drill is installed and secured with a clamp of bolts and nuts.

Now let's go back to the lifting mechanism again.

At the top of the lifting column, a nut is welded and a bolt is screwed into it, a cable is attached to the bolt itself, and when the bolt is tightened and unscrewed, the cable is tensioned to the optimal level.

It is advisable to pre-lubricate the moving parts with grease or lithol.

These small vises can be purchased at hardware store in the tools section.

Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

For home craftsmen who actively use hand tools, additional accessories only help to simplify the workflow. We will tell you how to make a drill stand with your own hands using the provided drawings. This stand diversifies the working capabilities of this toolkit. Its creation will not take a lot of time and money, but the result will be noticeable immediately.

DIY drill stand

Advantages and nuances of the rack

By placing the drill on such a structure (can be of the same type or with the possibility of rotation), you can easily turn a regular drill into a functional drilling machine. And this, in turn, will allow you to perform many new technological actions, for example, creating.

A DIY drill stand has many advantages. But despite this, it is worth learning about its features in advance in order to operate with it competently in the future.

The advantages include.

  1. Creating such a design will cost several times less than buying a ready-made model for drilling in a store.
  2. To construct a drilling machine, you can use ordinary materials that you have on hand. Components can be parts of broken or unnecessary equipment. There is always plenty of this stuff in the garage or workshop.
  3. Schemes and practical videos easy to find on the Internet, so the base for creating a machine will always be available to you.
  4. If you have a great desire, you can always add to the design or create drawings according to your own characteristics. Perhaps such a model will be more convenient to use and will have more functionality.

Made in China simple stand inexpensive, but also impractical

But, like any other do-it-yourself design, such a stand has some nuances that should not be missed:

  • Not all parts can be made independently. Some require creation on lathe. In addition, you will need a welding machine and other specialized equipment. Of course, this increases the budget for creating this device;
  • Backlash occurs due to the fact that the equipment parts cannot be adjusted to the highest quality at home. The presence of play reduces the accuracy and quality of processing performed on the rack;
  • poor functionality. For example, you won’t be able to make a hole at an angle on such a homemade drill stand.

Low functionality is not an obstacle to performing many useful operations

Main parts of the drill stand

Before you start manufacturing, it’s worth understanding what basic elements form an integral structure. This is the only way you will get the maximum result with, for example.

Diagram of a stand for a home-made drill

If the creation of such equipment is necessary only to do only drilling, then the structure can be made from the very available material- wooden bars. But to create a mobile drill stand that will become more functional and versatile, you will have to use steel elements. For example, for subsequent operations during . Such equipment has the following design.

  1. Bearing frame. All the parts of the future drilling machine are attached to it.
  2. Rack. It is a guide for hand tools. It is on this stand that the drill will be mounted and moved vertically complete with the carriage (the movement is regulated by the handle and other parts).
  3. Pen. The part with the help of which the drill moves (feeds).
  4. Additional elements (nodes). They give the rack more functionality.

Homemade stand option

Installing a self-made stand for hand tools is quite simple. In order for the functionality to increase, it is necessary to equip the structure with additional components. In this way, you will create a versatile tool that can handle a variety of tasks in your workshop.

Necessary materials

If you want the drill rack you created with your own hands to be as correct and of the highest quality as possible, then you should carefully follow the provided manufacturing diagram. Below are instructions for making a simple drill stand out of wood. You'll need:

  • wooden boards 20 mm;
  • small box;
  • furniture guides;
  • a rod that is threaded (to organize a movable area of ​​the structure);
  • screws or self-tapping screws (about 20 short and about 30 long);
  • wood glue;
  • saw;
  • clamp;
  • screwdrivers;
  • drill;
  • sandpaper for final sanding of the structure.

Wood model drawing

Of course, there can be many options for its construction. You must focus on your own abilities and needs.


The supporting frame is one of the main elements of the entire structure. It is constructed from a sheet of metal (10 mm) or wood (more than 20 mm). The power and massiveness of this element should be calculated directly from the power of the drill model used. The parameters also depend on what exactly you will do with this equipment and what operations you want to perform. Traditional parameters are:

  • 50 x 50 cm – machine for vertical drilling;
  • 100 x 50 cm - equipment for performing various technological operations.

The metal frame must have corners

In fact, the bed has simple design, regardless of the material used. You can even make it from scrap materials. A stand is installed on top of the frame. In order for it to be reliable and stable, a special support is needed. The fastening must be as strong and reliable as possible. To do this, use screw connections.


The stand on which the tool guides will be placed can also be made of wood or metal. It is necessary to make not only guides for the drill (with their help the drill can move vertically), but also a clamp necessary for securely fixing the tool and ensuring a safe working process.

Assembly occurs according to the following scheme.

  1. It is necessary to fix the support on the frame, which serves as a stand for the entire structure.
  2. Next, you should fix the stand of the future machine on the base. To do this, use screw connections. The stand is then connected to the base.
  3. The guides are mounted on the rack. To fix them, you can use telescopic furniture devices.
  4. Then you should install the carriage, which should be placed on the movable part of the guides. This is where the mount for fixing the drilling tool will be located.

The stand can be made of metal profile

Choosing guides for homemade design for drilling, make sure that there is no transverse play in them.

The carriage, which can be made of wood or metal, has dimensions that directly depend on the parameters of the tool itself, which will be used to work on the machine. This design unit, which is installed on a drilling machine, can have several variations.

  1. The drill can be secured using clamps. In this scheme, such clamps must be threaded into the holes that must first be made in this carriage. Reliability of fastening is ensured by tightly tightening each clamp.
  2. The tool can be secured with a special block. It is the bracket on which the drill is mounted. Such an element can be made from a slab (wooden). It is placed near the carriage and attached to it. The angle should be 90 0, which is achieved thanks to metal corners. Before fastening, a hole is made with a smaller drill diameter of 0.5 mm. Then a slot is created through which you can insert the tool into the seating hole.

The hole in the block, which is intended to accommodate the drill, is created as follows.

  1. Mark a circle on the surface of the block you are using. Its diameter should be similar to the diameter of the drill used.
  2. Inside the circle it is necessary to drill holes with a small diameter, which are placed in a line. In this case, you should be extremely careful and stick to the basting line.
  3. Using a hacksaw or other suitable tool, cut the walls that were formed after drilling the holes.
  4. The resulting edges in the resulting hole under hand tool for drilling, they should be processed so that they become smooth and safe. To do this, they should be processed with a file. You can also use a semicircular file.

Stand and carriage made of wood on furniture rails

Creating a mechanism for drill movement vertically

If you have a homemade stand in your project, then you need to ensure that the tool moves in a vertical plane. Thanks to this, the drilling process will be complete and efficient. This structural unit consists of:

  • handles that bring the carriage with the drill placed on it to the part that is being processed;
  • spring, which is required to ensure that the carriage with the tool returns to its original position.

The creation of such a mechanism can be done in two ways.

Option 1. The spring is connected directly to the handle of the structure.

Option 2. Springs are placed at the bottom of the carriage. For this purpose, special grooves are provided in advance.

The first option can be done using the algorithm below.

  1. Two metal plates should be fixed to the structure’s post. Fixation occurs using screw connections. An axle is mounted between the plates. It is on this that the handle of the device will be placed.
  2. On the other side of the rack there is a similar structure with plates and an axis. It is on it that one of the ends of the spring is fixed. The second end is attached to the handle.
  3. The longitudinal groove that is made in the handle should accommodate a pin. Thanks to it, the handle is combined with the carriage of the structure.

Drill mounting options

By collecting available materials and spending some time creating, you can build useful device for your workshop. After all, a stand for a drill, designed with your own hands, as in the photo, is a completely doable task for everyone. With it, your hand tool will acquire many useful functions that will be useful to you.