How to clean the frying pan from soot at home. My aluminum frying pan. How to wash the pan from soot and fat

Every housewife often experiences great grief when watching her dishes, which are regularly exposed to temperature effects, that is, pots and pans. The most sad over the years, the most beloved, the most “pancake” pans, cast iron, begin to look. By sad appearance second place is occupied by aluminum. They are not as "adult" as the old ones, still grandmother's, but they also tend to acquire unnecessary layers. Most of the people recognized them as hopeless. The people refrain from throwing away "nagar" utensils only for reasons that modern utensils, although they have undeniable advantages, are in some ways very inferior to the old ones.

Where does soot come from

Sooner or later, everyone who uses their kitchen, and does not eat exclusively in restaurants, is faced with the question of how to wash pans from soot. Let's first understand why it appears on the dishes. This “coating” looks like a dark, often black layer on the walls of pans, and sometimes pots. Inside it is quite dense, but its surface is loose and peels off quite easily. Soot is formed as a result of the burnout of fat remaining on the walls from previous cooking. It grows after each cooking, intensively attaching all new, albeit thin, layers of fat deposits that have not been washed out after the previous cooking. Six months later, you begin to really seriously think about how to wash the pans from soot. Remarkably, such a disaster threatens not only old, cast-iron or aluminum vessels, but also quite modern ones - ceramic and Teflon ones.

Method of physical impact

This is the easiest, but also very laborious way. What is easier - we take and clean! How to wash pans from soot? Yes, it is very accessible - a scraper is taken and the vessel is scrubbed. A metal washcloth is fine. At the same time, craftsmen improve even such a primitive method: they use grinders, drills and other electrical appliances. If you are interested in how to clean frying pans from soot with the least effort, try to make this process easier for yourself. The easiest way to make cleaning easier is to soak the dishes in hot water with soap or dish detergent added. Many cleaners advise boiling pans before cleaning. There is another option on how to wash aluminum frying pans from soot (it is also suitable for cast iron): ordinary coarse-grained kitchen salt about a centimeter thick is poured into the dish, and the container is put on fire for calcination. All excess layers are then much easier to clean off.

Folk tricks to help

So from soot it is far from always easy and simple, craftsmen have come up with a lot of ways to facilitate and speed up the unpleasant process. The people recommend all the same preliminary boiling, but with the addition of silicate glue and soda (caustic) to the water. A very popular solution is to use a tool to “break through” clogged waste pipes"Mole" type. Although this is for complete extreme sports! There is a slightly softer way to clean the pan from soot - boil water mixed with baking soda, vinegar and dish detergent in equal proportions. In most cases, ugly layers are separated by themselves, you just need to remove especially “harmful” residues. The bad thing is that you can’t clean the dishes with this: the entire surface will be removed along with soot.

For wood stove owners

The stove does not have to be in the house itself; the one that is, for example, in the bathhouse will do. Let us clarify that a pan washed in this way cannot in any way be modern - the method is only suitable for cast iron or aluminum. The soot in the pan is removed very easily if you put it for five minutes on hot coals. Then a metal brush or washcloth is taken and everything superfluous is cleaned off the dishes. Those who have used this method claim that the dishes become like new. True, you need to be careful with aluminum: deep scratches in the pan will provide you with a regular formation of soot.

Gentle way

Boiling is still the preferred method. To wash the pan from soot (moreover, users assure that the Teflon will not be damaged in this way), a planed piece of laundry soap (200 g) is dissolved in a large saucepan in water. Some people think that detergent will do, but most advise soap. Soda ash is also added there. Everything is stirred until dissolved, put on fire, and the affected pan is placed in the container. It will take a couple of hours to boil (on a small fire, so that it only gurgles slightly). AND main secret how to clean soot from a frying pan in this way is that you need to wash it later under a stream hot water soft cloth (sponge). The entire surface must be constantly wet.

Gentle methods are suitable even for "gentle" pans

Since it is difficult to wash pans from soot without damaging their integrity, you can first experiment with methods that will definitely not harm your dishes. Start with ordinary vinegar - however, you will have to buy not a table one, but a more concentrated one (9%). It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, poured into some other vessel and slowly boiled for several hours. Disadvantage: exfoliated soot will still have to be cleaned off with a stiff brush. Advantages: it will take relatively little time, the layer of fat is removed quite simply, the surface of the dish is not scratched.

A similar, but more expensive option is to buy activated charcoal tablets at the pharmacy, ceiling them and pour them on the "burnt" parts of pots and pans. After about thirty minutes, the coal will corrode all the extra layers, and they can be easily removed with an ordinary sponge (if they have not yet eaten into the metal).

If you trust chemistry

There are, without a doubt, ultra-modern options for how to clean a frying pan from soot. No one has canceled the cleaning products that chemical production provides us with. However, there are some - and very significant - limitations that do not allow them to be applied always, everywhere, to any type of dishes. So, non-stick options require a reverent attitude, so neither iron wool nor aggressive chemistry will help you if you are going to clean inner surface. But if you are thinking about how to clean the pans from soot from the outside (and it is here that it is especially plentiful and difficult to remove), then you risk little - in this case it does not matter how damaged the coating is - nothing will be fried on it anyway. Here you can use "evil" means. Will go and "Shumavit", made in Israel, and the domestic "Shumanit", and alternatives offered by Amway. There is no special advice to offer here; the only thing that can be recommended is to read the instructions, since all companies have their own compositions and their own considerations on how to use them. For all of them, there is only one thing in common and mandatory - to use them only with rubber gloves and open windows wide open. Surprisingly edible!

The way for the decisive

And it is suitable only for "old" dishes! Neither Teflon nor ceramics will survive it. But after such processing, no plaque will remain. True, it will have to be done somewhere in the yard, not indoors, and you need to acquire it in advance. There should not be any objects, liquids and substances that can ignite nearby. The indicated lamp processes contaminated surfaces, after which everything is cleaned with a brush or sponge, and the dishes are then washed in the usual way.

Teflon also sometimes burns

Such pans rarely cause problems. However, given how carefully they must be handled, and how infrequently these precautions are taken, it is easy to assume that the question of how to clean a Teflon pan from soot arises quite often. Those who have a dishwasher in their household cope with it without difficulty - “washing” can be repeated several times, and this will not damage the dishes at all. But those who do not have such a miracle of technology will have to be confused. A 50 g bottle of silicate glue is mixed with half a glass of any dishwashing detergent, a full glass of soda (you can use food, you can use soda) and two to three liters of water. The affected pan is boiled in this mixture for two hours (maybe longer). Alternatively, you can simply soak the vessel in the composition for a day - it is quite possible that this will be enough. The remaining layer is washed off with warm water.

big sink

There is a very cardinal method for completely “stoned” or not cleaned dishes for a long time. All the same silicate glue, but already in the amount of 2 tubes, is dissolved in water with a package of caustic, a bar of laundry soap is crushed there, and everything is put on the person who does this available funds personal protection. At a minimum, gloves, an apron, a rubber hat (even a swimming hat will do) and a medical bandage (but a respirator is better). In a container where all this will boil and a solution is prepared, crap dishes are laid, windows open, the hood (if any) is turned on, and everything should boil for an hour or two over low heat. Pots and pans are removed from the mixture while it is still hot, but washed from the remnants of soot only after cooling.

Better to prevent than to "cure"

In any case, if you decide how to clean the frying pan from soot, it means that you did not follow it well before. There was a moment when grease or stuck food residues were not washed off, when the container remained unwashed until tomorrow or was not cleaned too thoroughly. Cardinal actions can be avoided if you just look after your dishes well and on time. In the end, if you don’t have the strength, water or courage to wash the pan, you can at least soak it until morning in water with something soapy. A with modern means it's not difficult at all!

Thousands of housewives around the world are wondering how to clean the frying pan from soot. In ordinary daily worries, we do not notice how the dishes lose their original luster. Of course, this can be avoided by cleaning the pot or pan after each preparation. But nowadays it is rather problematic.

Why soot forms

Nagar is a complex of old deposits of fat and soot. Together, this explosive mixture releases a large amount of carcinogens when heated strongly. It is not always possible to wash the dishes after cooking, and then each layer of oil or fat accumulates on the previous one, which forms a thick soot.

Scientists have proven that a dirty layer of accumulated oil can cause oncological diseases GIT. So cleaning kitchen appliances should become a mandatory procedure in every home.

Cleaning cast iron cookware

Until the 21st century, women mainly used cast iron utensils. Some families still have such pans. They are considered durable, and the food is much tastier than in other stewpans. But often such pans are covered with a thick layer of soot, and it is impossible to wash it without special tools.

Enamelled finish

Enamelware is very popular among housewives. During cooking, food does not acquire foreign odors in it. Besides enamel pots and stewpans have a beautiful appearance.

A noticeable drawback of such utensils is the formation of burning on the outside of the product. If it is not washed in time, a carcinogenic coating is created that releases harmful substances when heated. So how to clean the frying pan from carbon on the outside and not ruin the enamel coating?

How to clean aluminum frying pans from soot

There are some problems with these products. Due to the fact that aluminum is considered a soft metal, it should not be rubbed with iron brushes or chemicals with abrasives. The surface will lose its luster and become covered with scratches.

Stainless steel is simply indispensable in everyday life, because it does not oxidize and does not corrode. Over time, the metal begins to darken and becomes unkempt. To prevent this from happening, learn in advance how to clean the pan from soot and fat and give it a new life.

Cleaning a ceramic pan

Fired clay dishes are suitable for cooking in the oven or microwave. Such dishes should be carefully looked after.

Teflon coated pans

Sony are considered the most affordable and convenient in cooking. Cannot be used when using stir food with a fork, spoon and other metal utensils. Only a wooden spatula will do. Teflon is quickly damaged even by coarse salt. It is better to throw out frying pans with severe scratches immediately, because harmful substances are released in them during cooking. How to clean such dishes?

How to avoid stubborn pollution on kitchen utensils?

Quick cleaners

  • Bagi Schumann.

It is sold in the form of a gel or liquid. Designed for washing gas stoves, tile and grill. The product will help get rid of old plaque in the pan.

Alkaline substance (alkali) is volatile and extremely harmful to the human body. When using, wear gloves and a respirator. Ventilate the room. Better to clean dishes outdoors. Do not neglect the precautions!

Apply the product to the dirty surface of the utensils and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then wipe with a damp sponge or cloth. If the dishes are not completely clean, the procedure can be repeated. Rinse the container afterwards large quantity water and leave in the open air for a day until completely volatilized harmful substances. The effect of Schumannite is visible immediately after you clean the pan from heavy carbon deposits.

Cooking food is a responsible and creative process. Special requirements are placed on ingredients and dishes. In this regard, many housewives do not know what to do when black soot forms in the pan. Burnt fat on dishes even visually causes unpleasant perceptions, not to mention burnt pieces of food in the mouth. The question arises, how to quickly and effectively clean the pan from a thick and greasy layer of burning? The most important thing is not to panic and trust folk recipes for all occasions.

The formation of soot on the outside

First of all, let's figure out what soot is and how it forms on dishes.

Nagar- a black or brown layer of burnt fat, which has a loose structure inside. During the cooking of fatty foods, plaque is deposited on the surface of the pan and becomes covered with a thick crust.

Soot is formed as a result of constant cooking of food and has the appearance of black layers along the edges and on the bottom of the pan. We turn to the description of methods for cleaning kitchen utensils.

How to clean a cast iron pan from years of soot?

Cast iron pan was used by our grandmothers. Even despite the fact that high-quality dishes have been serving for decades, they are still vulnerable to soot. However, black plaque can be removed with folk remedies:

  • soda and glue.

Ingredients: 5 liters of water, 3 cups of calcium soda, 2 bottles of stationery glue.

  1. Prepare a large container, such as a basin.
  2. Fill the container with water, add baking soda and glue. Stir the solution and put on fire.
  3. After boiling, the liquid will be ready for processing the pan. Place the dishes in the solution and leave for 2-4 hours.

Attention! During boiling, the agent distributes bad smell. To avoid trouble, open the windows during cooking and ensure the flow of fresh air.

  1. As soon as the pan gets wet from strong soot, you will have to wash the dishes in clean water. There will be no trace of the former pollution with fat!
  • Laundry soap.

Using soap allows you to wash even the most hardened soot from the pan.

All you need is half of laundry soap and a large container of water:

  1. Take a knife and cut a bar of soap into the water. Put the container on the stove and bring the composition to a boil.
  2. Place the cast iron skillet in the soapy solution and let it soak for 30-40 minutes.
  3. After the specified time, remove the dishes from the solution and process the remaining soot with a brush. Eroded plaque is not difficult to clean, so all you have to do is rinse the pan in cold water.

How to quickly clean a Teflon-coated pan?

Teflon coated pans- it modern version cookware with a built-in carbon flaking sensor. But in some cases, areas with fat get to the Teflon coating. In this case, there is a universal cleaning recipe:

  1. Take a Teflon pan and pour hot water into it.
  2. Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda or Fairy detergent.
  3. Cleaning pans with baking soda and a degreasing solution breaks down greasy areas. After settling in the liquid, go over the Teflon coating with a hard sponge or rag.

Attention! When cleaning a frying pan from burning, do not use abrasives. These substances break off the Teflon coating, as a result of which the entire structure of cooking in the pan is disrupted.

How to clean stainless steel pans?

Stainless steel repels rust, but attracts numerous scratches and soot. We offer you several ways to clean a steel pan at home:

  • Salt.

Take 0.5 cups of table salt and sprinkle it on the bottom of the dish. Softened soot can be easily cleaned mechanically with a sponge or washcloth. This is better than tearing off a hard crust in a dry way.

  • Soda.

Spray the sides of the pan with water and apply a thick layer of baking soda. Leave the dishes for 2 hours, and then simply peel off the burnt plaque with a brush.

  • Vinegar and lemon acid.

Pour in the vinegar and citric acid then put the pan on the stove. A gradual increase in temperature will thaw the soot. As soon as you see thick steam, remove the pan from the heat and start cleaning. The acid reaction helps to get rid of the old soot.

Do not forget to keep the surface of the pan clean and remove black deposits in time. Now you know how to clean the frying pan folk ways. If it makes sense to resort to chemicals, then it is best to use the following liquids:

  • Dr. Beckmann;
  • Master Cleaner;
  • SanitaR;
  • Domestos;
  • Shumanit.

Advice! As a preventive measure against the appearance of burning, it is recommended to wash the pan immediately after cooking. Do not put off washing dishes for later and you will keep their original appearance without greasy streaks.

The cast iron skillet is durable. It is important to properly care for the thing and remove carbon deposits from it in time, to prevent it from becoming rusty and covered with mold. It is easy to remove carbon deposits with a knife if you heat the pan.

A good recipe from the times of the USSR: soda + 72% soap + silicate glue.

Many housewives are interested in the question of how to clean cast iron. And soot, rust can ruin it. Using our tips, you can remove them.

Some people think that a cast iron skillet is needed every time.

This is not entirely true, but it is better to clean it immediately after contamination. Soot is a layer consisting of oil with fat, and it is already non-stick. This surface is perfect for frying steak, french fries and anything you want.

After use is best or other cast iron cookware under running hot water. You can use a sponge or cloth, but no cleaning products are needed. The item must be dried immediately.

If there are any solid food residues in the pan, then you can get rid of them. in one of several ways.

  1. Take a sponge or brush with nylon bristles. Pour hot water or Coke into a frying pan.
  2. If you want to quickly remove solid food from the bottom or sides of the pan, then you need to pull the dishes out of hot water, pour in kosher salt and rub using paper towels. The movements during rubbing should be circular. With the help of salt, the iron is also cleaned. Do not believe it, but coca will similarly remove food debris.

If you know from experience that the stain is difficult to remove using the above methods, fill a cauldron or other container with water, boil it, and the soot will fall behind. You can pour a thin layer of vegetable oil into the pan after washing.

How to remove rust?

Rust appears on the surface of the pan if the dishes are not dried in time or if they are placed in a place that is too wet for storage.

Go over the dry thing with coarse sandpaper. Polish the dishes gently with fine-grained sandpaper. So you remove rust from cast iron.

Cleaning with Coca-Cola

Not everyone believes, but coca will really remove soot from the pan. The liquid dissolves old fat.

Dip the container in the drink, or pour it into the kitchen utensils and soon the soda will eat away at the fat. Cleansing with Coca-Cola is an easy procedure.

Methods for firing a cast iron skillet

Soot in the pan appears due to the fact that fat and food residues are burnt. Over the years, if the kitchen utensils are not cleaned, a decent layer can accumulate.

It is removed by burning. Some of these methods can be implemented at home, while others are too dangerous because they threaten with fire.

Method number 1

Choose the burner that has the largest fire. Turn it on full power and heat up one side of the pan.

So you can clean the cauldron. After 2-3 minutes, you need to remove the dishes from the fire and try to remove the layers of soot with a strong knife.

Does not work? Continue heating the same side for 2-3 minutes. Removed from this region? Do the same for the other sides.

Wash the pan with a soapy sponge under warm running water. Pat dry with disposable paper towels.

Method number 2

Here, a blowtorch is used to remove carbon deposits. The fat that makes up the soot burns and turns into soot.

It is easily removed. So they clean the cauldron, removing soot, men. They wear flame retardant mittens for protection like welders and do it in garages.

Rust is removed with sandpaper.

In a house or apartment, refrain from such experiments. There may be a fire.

Method number 3

Are you going to update the cauldron, remove carbon from your favorite frying pan? Do it right on the fire.

For example, this procedure can be performed in nature, if you light a fire, throw a cauldron or a frying pan there. If it has a cast-iron handle, then the entire container is placed in the fire.

If the handle is wooden, plastic, remove it and only then can you leave the pan for 15 minutes in a fire.

Then remove with a stick and remove carbon deposits with a knife.

If the procedure did not bring the desired result, place it again in the fire and heat it again. Work diligently with a knife, removing old soot.

There are other ways to clean cast iron. For instance, chemicals. Let's consider them.

Effective chemicals

Let's figure out what household chemicals you can remove the soot. Use such funds.

  1. If the layer of fat in the pan is small and you bought it not so long ago, then wash it with a washcloth with a dishwashing detergent, such as Fairy, or another similar high-quality detergent.
  2. Have you been using a cauldron or frying pan for years? In the evening, rinse the container with grease remover, and then apply the product that is used to clean the oven. Wrap the greased pan tightly in a bag. Let it lie down until the morning. All stains will disappear in half a day. If they remain somewhere, rub lightly with a metal washcloth (rust is also removed with it).

When you treat the pan with strong chemicals, do it with rubber gloves.

If scratches remain on the pan after using a metal scraper, you can clean them up using fine-grained sandpaper. It is convenient to clean and iron.

Universal solution since the times of the USSR

At times Soviet Union housewives passed on to each other this recipe:

  • 0.5 kg of soda;
  • a bar of 72% soap;
  • silicate glue - 2 pcs.

To boil the pan, you will need a boil-out or other capacious container.

The handle made of wood or other material must be removed. But the iron should be wiped with a sponge moistened with a solution. Rust will be removed with sandpaper. For kitchen utensils, stick to the following instructions.

  1. Fill a container with water and put it on the stove to heat up.
  2. Grate the soap on a coarse grater and add it to the water. Now pour soda with silicate glue.
  3. Mix all the ingredients of the recipe and immerse the pan in water.
  4. Put a frying pan into boiling water for 15 minutes. Now turn off the water and close the container with a lid. By the way, coca can be used instead of water.
  5. Let the pan lie there for 2 to 3 hours. Then you need to take a sponge and wash off the tan with it. In difficult places, walk with a metal scraper.

The smell with this method will not be the most unpleasant. It is best to carry out such a procedure on the street, if this is not possible, open the window wide open or turn on the hood.

When you finish simmering or frying, immediately rinse and dry the pan. If kitchen utensils are not dried before storage, mold can form on them.

Keep equipment in a dry and cool place. The iron will not deteriorate with any humidity.

If you live in an area where high humidity When putting an item for storage, do not cover it with a lid. Otherwise, it may become rusty and have to be cleaned.

Now you know how to properly care for a cast iron skillet at home. Rust is removed with sandpaper, Coca-Cola can remove carbon deposits. Care carefully, and your dishes will serve you faithfully for many years.

Any hostess at least once in her life faced with an unpleasant problem the appearance of soot in the pan. After all, soot has been and remains a constant companion of all culinary specialists! Even the most accurate ones.

Note that removing soot is not the most pleasant job. It is so difficult to get rid of it that often, in order to get rid of soot, you just want to throw it away. old frying pan and buy a new one instead! However, for most zealous housewives, this option is not acceptable. But the Teflon and ceramic-granite coating, which modern frying pans are equipped with, reliably protects the dishes from the formation of any soot or greasy deposits.

It is generally quite difficult to smoke or “burn” such dishes, unless, of course, the frying pan or brazier is used longer than the prescribed period provided by the manufacturers. Modern frying pans are generally very easy to handle thanks to non-stick coatings. And they don’t weigh much at all, unlike their heavy cast-iron predecessors.

Of course, modern pans also have their drawbacks. Among such shortcomings, first of all, can be attributed the taste of dishes prepared on them. On a non-stick coating, the food turns out to be not so fragrant - it does not have the notorious and familiar "fried" taste.

Secondly, the vaunted safety of today's newfangled non-stick coatings continues to cause serious controversy. And some pundits generally talk about the dangers of such coatings (note, not unreasonably). Most likely, this is why many of us continue to use traditional cast-iron pans for cooking cutlets, goulash and pancakes, which burn and blacken over time. Therefore, we suggest that you still figure out how to wash the pan from soot.

How is soot formed?

According to a Kurdish folk proverb, it is necessary "first to know the strength of the enemy, and only then to fight with him." Therefore, dear hostesses, before taking on the battle with our enemy, soot, let's get to know him better: both the notorious phenomenon of soot, and the reasons that cause it to appear.

So, according to dictionaries, soot is nothing more than a dense layer of brown-black color inside and loose outside. This layer appears on the surface of the pan during its use. In fact, this is ordinary burnt fat that has eaten into the surface of the pan, which was used for cooking.

Time after time, layer after layer, carbon builds up after each use of the pan and even with thorough laundering. Gradually, a hard, firmly adhering scale appears on the bottom and sides of the pan, which is very difficult to remove. The formation of soot is an ongoing process. If you do not take any special actions to get rid of it, then very soon you can completely forget about the impeccable appearance of your pan.
But to get rid of the pan from soot, you can use different means and take different actions.

Removing carbon deposits using modern chemicals

Ordinary household chemicals can be an excellent way to clean the frying pan from carbon deposits. It just needs to be used wisely. It is best to use household chemicals for preventive purposes. After all, it is much easier to prevent the appearance of soot than to scrape off this hated black layer in the sweat of your face.

Fairy detergent is very popular with housewives. It really has proven itself as a reliable grease cleaner. Not worse than this tool, the no less famous “Mr. Muscle anti-fat”, as well as its counterparts, cope with the task. Tools such as the usual "Sanita", "San Klin", "Domestos-cream" or "Shumani" will also help return the pan to its lost appearance.

And yet chemistry is chemistry, albeit household! And these means are aggressive. So think carefully before spending a lot of money on the purchase of miraculous products sung in advertising. After all, you will use them to wash and clean dishes in which food is cooked. If the aggressiveness of household chemicals does not scare you, and its use is the only affordable option clean the pan from soot, then use protective equipment. put on latex gloves and protect yourself with a respirator. And if you consider these actions unnecessary, then at least clean the pan in a room that is well ventilated or equipped with a powerful hood.

How to wash the pan from soot using folk remedies?

Do without aggressive and not harmless household chemicals will help time-tested folk remedies getting rid of soot. Note that other "prehistoric" means may seem very extravagant and even extreme. For example, you may simply be shocked by the way to remove carbon deposits using blowtorch. However, they have used it before and not without success.

The first thing to remember is that the “rite of purification” is carried out only on open space. There should be no buildings, no animals, no people nearby. This method is not at all suitable for women's delicate hands and no less tender spiritual organization. Therefore, involve a man in extreme experiments.

All that is required of you is to stretch out your hand, in which the handle of the pan is clamped. Let the man do the rest. And he will need to activate a blowtorch and direct its torch to a frying pan disfigured by soot. Five minutes of such a torch action - and any soot will disappear from the surface of the pan! However, especially advanced ladies may well do without male participation. Have you used a blowtorch yet? So now is the time to get started!

Do not risk burning carbon deposits with a blowtorch torch? Then get by with "little blood." Just heat up your cast iron skillet by leaving it on medium heat for a few hours. To heighten the effect, the pan can be filled with clean sand. True, the side effect will not please you - the whole process will be accompanied by a child and the smell of burning. But the result will please you! A frying pan that has been rid of soot in this way will shine like new.

As in the first case, it is desirable to carry out this procedure for cleaning the pan in an open space. After firing, all that remains is to lightly tap the pan, and all the soot will come off it with a fur coat.

Ordinary vinegar will also help wash the pan from soot. How to do it? It is necessary to mix table vinegar (9%) or vinegar essence diluted to such a concentration with water (for 1 part of vinegar - 3 parts of water). Then this mixture is poured into a pan and put on a slow fire, where it is left for several hours. At the same time, one must not forget that the water boils away, therefore, as necessary, update the vinegar mixture in the pan.

After such a bath, carbon deposits can be easily removed from the pan with a stiff brush. The method is effective, but also with side effect. The strong smell of vinegar will remain after this procedure, not only indoors. The pan will also smell like vinegar. But you can always ventilate the room, and in a pan you just need to boil water in soda or lemon juice.

Another tool that will help rid the pan of burning is Activated carbon. How to use it? It is necessary to grind 10-15 tablets and sprinkle pollution with the resulting powder. Just don't forget to pre-moisten the pan with water. After about an hour, the soot can be easily removed by cleaning the pan with any dishwashing detergent.

From Soviet times, such a method of removing soot also came to us. Pour a bucket of water into a large tank or boil. Next, you should cut or grate the usual laundry soap and add it to water. Mix a pound of soda ash and 100 g of silicate glue, and then dissolve the resulting mixture in soapy water. Then you need to put a tank of water on the fire and immerse all the smoked braziers and pans into it. After half an hour of boiling, all soot will easily move away from the pan.

If for some reason all of the above methods do not suit you, then only one thing remains - it is long and difficult to scrub the pan with a metal sponge. Seven sweats will come down, but the soot will lag behind. True, such a merciless rubbing is possible only for cast-iron pans. If your frying utensils are ceramic, Teflon coated, or made from lightweight aluminum, then you should do otherwise.

How to clean a non-stick pan?

For cooking food non-stick coatings just perfect. And soot in such pans appears only when they are used in violation of the rules of operation (scratched with metal spatulas or simply heated very much). But we usually don’t have time to read instructions, and they don’t always work.

Therefore, quick-witted housewives managed to come up with a few pretty effective ways cleaning of teflon, ceramic-granite and ceramic frying pans from soot, no matter how thick this layer is. The main thing here is to learn one rule! From the same Teflon coating, carbon deposits should be washed very carefully!

The first way to help clean the Teflon pan from soot is to boil for two hours in a special solution. The composition of this magic solution is as follows: two hundred grams of any effective remedy for washing dishes (for example, "Gala" or "Fairy"), three handfuls of soda ash. All this must be mixed and dissolved in three liters of hot water. After that, you just need to lower the pan in need of cleaning into the solution and boil for about half an hour. Such boiling will delicately remove carbon deposits from a thin non-stick coating, which will not be damaged.

if you have Dishwasher, then just use it to rid the pan of soot. Fast and hassle free! True, you will have to repeat the cycle several times. Because how to wash Teflon or ceramic frying pan from soot is not at all easy.

Just remember that non-stick coatings are very fragile and do not tolerate rough handling. Therefore, only delicately, only, only gently clean the carbon deposits and in no case expose the dishes to sudden temperature changes.

And even knowing how to clean the pan from soot, do not forget to wash off greasy deposits after each cooking. Only then is there a chance that the soot will not appear too quickly.