How to choose the right non-stick pan? How to choose a non-stick pan

Fry pancakes or scrambled eggs, sauté onions and carrots - all this cannot be done without a frying pan. At the same time, it should not be anyhow, but with a good coating, a safe handle and the right size. How to choose a frying pan? Below you will find not only recommendations on this matter, but also options for which pans are the best.

Cast-iron pan

Before choosing a particular frying pan, it is worth studying existing varieties. Cast iron belongs to the universal category. It turns out not only excellent pancakes, but also pies in the oven. The cast iron pan is not afraid of acids, so you can safely add vinegar or lemon juice. In addition, this material is safe for health and even a little useful, because in the process of cooking it fills the food with iron. An excellent choice in terms of price and quality are Lodge pans, of which there are many good reviews.

The main advantage of any cast iron utensils is the natural non-stick coating formed by the absorption of oil into the pores of the material. The downsides include the following:

  • the material is heavy and requires special care;
  • the cast iron pan cannot be washed in the dishwasher;
  • food in such dishes should not be stored for a long time, because the material rusts;
  • modern detergents destroy the natural protection of cast iron.

Frying pan for induction cookers

If it is fashionable to choose any frying pan for a gas stove, then it is not so with an induction one. Its glass-ceramic surface heats the dishes by electromagnetic field while remaining cold. For this reason, the cookware material must conduct electrical currents well and include magnetic alloys. A frying pan for induction cookers can be as follows:

  1. Pig-iron. Such a frying pan has a long service life, does not lend itself to rust, but at the same time it is fragile, because it can crack when dropped.
  2. enamelled. It is made on the basis of cast iron or alloys. It is resistant to oxidation and corrosion, but is prone to chipping and cracking due to improper use.
  3. Aluminum. Differs in ease, high thermal conductivity, low price. Its minus is susceptibility to deformation due to low strength.
  4. From stainless steel. Does not oxidize, retains more nutrients in food. Cons - it heats up for a long time due to the double bottom, it can cause allergies due to the nickel that is part of it.

Frying pan with marble coating

If you decide to choose a marble-coated pan, then know that it consists of the same Teflon, in which marble chips are simply added. This material is distinguished by lightness, uniform heating and a longer cooling process, which cannot be said about Teflon and ceramics. In addition, a marble pan is less susceptible to mechanical stress and temperature changes. The disadvantages include the high price, as well as the lack of a cover in the kit.

Stainless steel pan

Many professionals recommend choosing steel pans without any non-stick coating. They preserve the taste and even the color of the products as much as possible. Grill utensils are also often made of stainless steel. It is not scratched by forks or knives, and washing will not harm it either. The disadvantages include the difficulty of cooking eggs and some other products - you need to constantly monitor that the food does not stick. The top stainless steel pans are De Buyer, Fizzler, and Lagostina. They are highly priced. The products of the manufacturer Silampos are inexpensive.

Frying pan with non-stick coating

The most popular is the non-stick frying pan. She has several different types. The choice of a non-stick pan is made from the following options:

  1. Teflon - the first most popular coating for aluminum pans. Such dishes are light, not picky in care, but at the same time they have temperature limits - up to 200 degrees. The exception is Tefal. If you choose her pans, they can be heated to 260 degrees.
  2. Ceramic. Another type of non-stick coating, which is a composite polymer containing sand nanoparticles. Such material calmly heats up to 450 degrees, without releasing harmful substances. Their main disadvantage is the “fear” of mechanical damage. You can choose from the brands TVS, Moneta, Fissler - there are a lot of good reviews about them.
  3. Titanium and diamond. The price of such coatings is the highest, but it is justified by reliability and other advantages - fast heating and wear resistance. The disadvantages are just the cost and the inability to use in induction cookers. Popular firms are Swiss Diamond, Risoli, Woll.

Frying pan with granite coating

Non-stick cookware also includes a granite frying pan. Its other name is marble or stone. Along with titanium and diamond, it has a high price. Such a cost is justified by resistance to mechanical damage and a long service life. In addition, granite chips are completely environmentally friendly and safe for health. The disadvantage is the low resistance to temperature extremes.

Titanium Coated Frying Pan

The titanium frying pan also has a non-stick coating. If it is real, then it has a very high price. But such a high-quality frying pan will last a very long time. Manufacturers indicate a period of almost 100 years. The downside is that sometimes various additives of cheaper raw materials are found in the composition. It could be nickel that oxidizes and adversely affects food.

aluminum frying pan

The simplest option is an aluminum frying pan. It is very light, but at the same time brings more frustration in cooking. Food quickly burns, sticks and becomes unusable. In addition, aluminum is afraid of overheating and scratches. It is difficult to choose such dishes. Its bottom should be thick, i.e. not less than 5 mm. This thickness is considered optimal for frying meat.

How to choose a good frying pan

In the kitchen, you can not do without a frying pan. For this reason, any housewife sooner or later has to face the problem of buying such dishes. How to choose the right frying pan? Several nuances should be taken into account at once:

  • for the preparation of which dishes will be used utensils;
  • appearance;
  • cover and handles;
  • optimum thickness and the weight of the product;
  • the material itself and the type of coating.

Lids for frying pans

A necessary attribute of any frying pan is a lid. It allows you to accumulate more heat, due to which the products are cooked faster. Under the lid, the products are more juicy. It also uses less electricity and gas. You can choose lids for frying pans, taking into account the following factors:

  1. Material. The metal ones heat up quickly. With glass it is easy to follow the cooking process.
  2. The tightness of the pan itself. This is important to create an airtight environment. Lids with a metal rim fit well. Their diameter is also important, which should fit the pan. In stores you can find covers from 16 to 30 cm.
  3. Exhaust hole. It will protect against thermal burns.
  4. Pen. It should be comfortable and not hot.

pan handle

An equally important detail is the handle for the pan. The best option if it is cast. In this case, it will be convenient to use the product and it will not be scary that it will fall off. Ideally, if the cast handle is also additionally covered with plastic or wood, or it will be bakelite. So it doesn't get hot. If the pan is more often used for baking in the oven, then good option there will be a removable handle, otherwise the dishes may not fit.

What is the best pan coating?

The choice of a particular pan coating depends on many factors. It is more pleasant to cook on ceramic, because it glides more strongly. But Teflon retains non-stick properties longer. It is convenient to cook stews in a deep cast-iron pan, and fry fish or meat in a ceramic pan. Flat Teflon is suitable for everyone's favorite pancakes, and the same, only in the form of a stewpan or brazier - for stews. For this reason, it is impossible to determine exactly which pan coating is best. It all depends on personal goals and preferences.

How to determine the diameter of a pan

One of the first requirements is a suitable pan diameter. For this indicator, values ​​\u200b\u200bof 24 or 26 cm are more familiar. This diameter is considered optimal for most stews or fried foods. If you often cook cutlets for a large family, then you can take a 28 cm frying pan. It is more spacious. For a simple omelette or pancakes, a very small one is also suitable, i.e. with a diameter of 24 cm.

The best frying pan

If you use a frying pan more often, then the best option will be cast iron. It heats food evenly. On aluminum, food burns quickly. The Teflon pan does not require the use of oil, so it is great for those who follow a healthy diet. For fast frying, ceramic is recommended. What is the best pan for frying? Fans of meat steaks are better off taking a square one. For fish, oval or round form. The size depends on the number of family members you will cook for.

Pancake pan

Where you definitely cannot do without a frying pan is when frying pancakes. Cooking utensils should be of the right size and shape. How to choose a pan for pancakes? Its bottom should be flat, without rifts and at least 5 mm thick, and the side should be about 1 cm high. Optimal size- 15-16 cm. Such pancakes are better baked. If they are stuffed, then better fit diameter 20 cm.

Price per pan

Buy a good frying pan difficult as there are many different factors to consider. Last but not least is the price. It depends on the material of the product, shape, size, availability of a cover and manufacturer. New frying pans can be ordered or immediately bought in the online store. Directly on the site in the catalogs are presented all the characteristics of the products. In simple dishware or shop household appliances You can also buy a frying pan. Sellers can offer you a wide range and help you choose a specific option. You can see the approximate price range in the table.

From state kitchen utensils the quality of culinary masterpieces depends - every good housewife knows about it. Having a good frying pan will provide a variety of dishes and excellent frying. If you have a good frying pan, pancakes will appear in the house much more often, the hostess will delight the family with delicious steaks and quick desserts. But in order to achieve the desired goal, you need to choose a good frying pan. It should be durable, the surface of the pan should not burn, the dishes should be washed without much difficulty. To choose high-quality kitchen utensils, you need to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the pans.

How to determine the size and shape of the pan

When we want to buy a frying pan, we certainly go to the cookware store. There are different types of frying pans. different sizes, shape and diameter. Therefore, first of all, you need to decide what you are buying a pan for.

If you cook pasta in a pan and fry cutlets, think about whether you need a large dish. That is, if your family consists of 2-3 people, a medium-sized frying pan will be enough. In large families of 5 or more people, you should buy large and deep frying pans. They can also fry some voluminous dishes, for example, chicken. Remember that a small pan heats up faster, and a large pan can fry more food at a time. Sometimes there can be several frying pans in one family. Small for cooking frying, for heating cutlets. Medium pan - general purpose. Large frying pans are used for cooking guests. frying pans large diameter, but with small sides - for pancakes. Choose dishes according to your needs.

Also be sure to pay attention to the handle of the pan. It can be monolithic, screwed or removable. A screwed handle usually loosens over time - it is considered short-lived. The removable handle is much more convenient - the pan can be used not only for frying, but also for cooking in the oven. In addition, frying pans with a removable handle are much more convenient to store in a kitchen cabinet. The monolithic handle is the standard of strength and reliability; such pans almost never break. Pan handles can be made of metal, plastic or iron. wooden and plastic handles no need to hold on with an oven mitt, like metal parts, because this material practically does not heat up. However, with a strong roast, the fire can damage the wood and melt the plastic, but nothing will happen to the metal handle. Don't forget to pay attention to the thickness of the frying pan. The thicker it is, the stronger and more durable the pan.

What material are pans made from?

Depending on the material of manufacture, frying pans can be divided into several groups.

Cast-iron pan

This is a classic that older generations are used to. A good cast iron skillet will never cause food to stick to the surface of the cookware. Cast iron heats up for a long time, but much stronger than conventional pans. Cast iron cookware allows you to fry food at higher temperatures, the material warms up perfectly, not only the bottom, but also the sides. In addition, cast iron also takes a long time to cool down. Even after removing the pan from the heat, the food is steamed for some time and languishes in hot dishes, which makes the meat even softer and the cutlets juicy. Therefore, cast iron pans are especially appreciated for cooking dishes that require a long heat treatment - for example, meat, hard cereals, etc.

Before using a cast-iron pan for the first time, it must be washed, greased with vegetable oil and calcined over low heat for about half an hour. This will allow you to use cast iron for a long time, this procedure will protect food from sticking.

Cast iron is the right of iron and carbon, the material does not react with food when heated, does not react to acids. But cast iron pans have disadvantages - one of which is that cast iron can rust. To prevent this from happening, after washing, the cast-iron pan should be wiped dry, put on fire for about 5-7 minutes, and only then put away for storage. Another disadvantage of cast iron is its big weight. This is especially noticeable if you cook pancakes in such a pan - the dishes have to be raised more than once.

Stainless steel
This is an environmentally friendly tableware, the material of which does not react with food. These frying pans have a beautiful design, bring the spirit of professional cooking into the kitchen. The stainless steel pan heats up quickly, it is used for high-speed frying or reheating ready meals. If the food burns and the pan overheats, the steel does not emit any unpleasant odors and harmful substances. Such frying pans weigh little and do not rust. If you have an induction cooker, it is recommended to use steel cookware, as it attracts the pan with a magnetic field.

However, such a pan also has disadvantages. If you hold it on fire without food, green and blue spots, divorces. If oil is burnt in a pan, it is quite difficult to wash it, besides, steel is afraid of abrasive cleaners - the coating deteriorates, as a result, food begins to burn.

An aluminum pan can be cast or thin-walled. The advantages of such dishes are low cost and light weight. If a good coating is used in the manufacture of the pan, food does not stick to such dishes, does not burn. The metal quickly heats up, quickly distributes heat over the surface of the brazier. But the aluminum frying pan also has disadvantages - it easily bends and even deforms. You don't have to worry about the surface of the pan if you stir the food with hard iron spatulas or even a sharp fork - such dishes are not afraid of scratches. Unfortunately, without a special coating, the food in such a pan will constantly stick to the bottom.

copper pans
V modern kitchens you can see copper pans more and more often. They are quite durable, but copper can react with food (especially acidic) and change the taste of cooked dishes. That is why a copper frying pan must have a high-quality coating.

Ceramic frying pans
These are modern models of kitchen utensils, which are widely used. A frying pan can only have a ceramic coating or be entirely made of ceramics. This is an environmentally friendly product, food after cooking in such dishes absolutely does not absorb extraneous tastes, odors and chemical substances. Ceramics allows you to heat food above 400 degrees Celsius. Ceramics have disadvantages - the most important is that this material is afraid of sharp temperature fluctuations. That is, after cooking, do not rush to put the pan under the stream cold water- it can crack. Also, ceramics should not be soaked in water for a long time. But ceramic products allow you to choose a frying pan to match the interior of the kitchen - they can be presented in any shades.

These are the main types of materials that are used to make pans. But in frying pans, the main role is given not to the material itself, but to the coating.

It depends on the coating how heat is distributed over the surface of the pan, and most importantly, whether food will stick to the dishes. Among modern models of braziers, the following types of coatings are distinguished.

  1. Titanium coated. To date, titanium coating is considered the most durable, strong and high quality. Food does not stick to such a coating, the material is not afraid of sharp and hard objects, it can be cleaned with abrasive products. Food in a pan with such a coating does not burn, it can be fried without oil. Titanium coating is quite light. The only negative is the high price of products.
  2. Teflon. Manufacturers recognize that Teflon coating cannot be called absolutely safe and environmentally friendly. Food in such a pan does not stick, however, when heated, the Teflon coating can release harmful chemical compounds into the food.
  3. Ceramic. To date, a ceramic coating is applied to the same ceramic products, to pans made of cast iron or steel. Ceramics are quite dense, but with a sharp and sharp blow (if, for example, a mug or knife fell into a pan), ceramics can crack or break off in pieces.
  4. Marble coating. It is also called diamond or stone. This is very durable coating, which perfectly distributes heat over the surface. However, in order to avoid scratches with such a coating, only wooden and plastic spatulas should be used; such dishes cannot be cleaned with abrasive products.
  5. Enameled finish. Most often, saucepans or braziers are covered with enamel. The coating is not afraid of scratches and scuffs, but with a sharp blow, chipping can occur. The enamel coating is not considered non-stick, most likely, it is more designed for the extinguishing process.

Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of a particular coverage, you can easily choose what suits your needs and financial capabilities.

When choosing a pan, pay attention to some of its features. In addition to classic dishes different size and diameter, there are special pans, for example, for pancakes. They are quite light, with low sides, and have an excellent non-stick coating that allows you to flip pancakes even in the air. There is also a grill pan with a ribbed bottom. She will certainly find her place in your kitchen if you often cook meat or fish, bake vegetables. This frying pan allows you to fry food in own juice, not soaked in oil, the food after cooking is well behind the dishes and it turns out incredibly appetizing with characteristic stripes, like after barbecue. In the struggle for the versatility of dishes, you can buy a brazier - this is a cast-iron pan, most often with a lid made of the same material. The brazier has a large volume - you can cook dinner for the whole family. It can be used for baking dishes in the oven, the roaster perfectly replaces the roaster and the baking dish. The food in the brazier is perfectly fried and does not burn. But for some, the brazier may be unacceptable due to too short handles, which, moreover, heat up.

Some housewives find it more convenient to use multifunctional utensils that can replace a pot, a ladle, and a frying pan. If you are one of these ladies, be sure to buy a saucepan. It can be fried, boiled and stewed. It is especially convenient to use a saucepan if the dish involves different stages of preparation. For example, pilaf - first the ingredients are fried, then boiled, and at the end the rice comes to steam readiness. The saucepan comes with a lid and an additional elongated handle.

One more modern model that can be used as a frying pan is the wok. In fact, the shape of this pan resembles a simple cauldron. This kitchen utensil comes from South Chinese cuisine and resembles a simple bowl. In such a pan, frying occurs very quickly, but the food must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn. The advantage of this pan is the high speed of cooking. Due to short-term heat treatment, products retain their natural taste, are not digested, and do not absorb a lot of fat and oil. It is a pleasure to stir food in such dishes - high sides do not allow it to fall out.

Buying a frying pan!

Once you decide on the shape, size, model and material of coating and manufacture, you need to find out about the manufacturers. In order for kitchen utensils to serve you for more than one year, try to choose proven brands. Today, the most popular and in demand on the market are pans from manufacturers such as Gipfel, Tefal, Risoli, Rondell, Fissler, Vitesse. Among domestic manufacturers, one can single out excellent frying pans of the brand "Neva-metal dishes".

The cost of frying pans is very scattered and depends on the material of manufacture. Cast iron products cost about 1,500 rubles on average. The price for utensils with ceramic, Teflon, diamond and titanium coating can reach up to 12-15 thousand rubles. Modern grill pans, woks and stewpans are quite expensive, simple models can cost 5-7 thousand, the price tag of branded dishes can reach up to 25 thousand for one product.

The right pan is not only delicious dishes, but also a good mood of the hostess. And what could be tastier than food prepared with pleasure? Therefore, it is better to invest once in high-quality dishes that will serve you for decades.

Video: how to choose the right pan

A wide range of kitchen utensils, although it allows you to find the perfect fixture, often puts housewives in a state of stupor. How to choose a grill pan and what is the difference between outwardly similar analogues? Teflon and ceramics - which is better? Or maybe even choose a product with a stone or titanium coating?

Can I use the same pans for electric and gas stoves? Which dishes are suitable for stainless steel models? The answers to all these questions must be found before going to the store. Only if you initially decide on the coating, purpose and material of the fixtures, there is a chance of a successful purchase.

Types of pans and their characteristics

Our grandmothers did not think about how to choose a pan for pancakes, stewing vegetables or frying meat, and they did not hear anything about the induction cooker. At the same time, everyone successfully coped with the tasks set and prepared excellent dishes. Today there is no need to be limited to one product. If desired, you can choose individual tools to create specific dishes. At a minimum, you need to know what pans exist and how to use them correctly:

  • Classic. Everyone should have such a frying pan at home. If necessary, it is used for frying or stewing foods, sautéing components and baking dishes. Modern products usually equipped with a non-stick coating that simplifies the process of their operation. Before buying, you should clarify which plate the tool is intended for. Appliances for induction, conventional electric or gas stoves may vary slightly.

  • Grill. Before choosing a grill pan, you should decide on the type of its work. Today, such products are divided into two large groups: grill gas and classic. The former have a special shape, gratings and a hole inside through which heat flows from a gas burner. The second option differs from a conventional frying pan only by a ribbed surface. It is difficult to say which option is better, each has its own advantages. If you want to always get the perfect result, it is better to choose products with a non-stick coating. In this case, it will be possible to refuse the use of vegetable oil.

  • Brazier. Not every housewife keeps such a tool at home; it already belongs to the professional equipment of the kitchen. Traditionally, the item is made of stainless steel with the addition chemical elements guaranteeing an even distribution of heat. Optimum results are achieved when using the item on an induction or glass ceramic hob. The bottom of a real brazier is made of three layers different materials, which guarantees high-quality frying of products and a minimum risk of their burning.

Tip: Electric frying pans that do not require a stove at home are in vogue. Unfortunately, the cons of such products so far outweigh the pros. Items are not yet perfect and using them can lead to an accident.

  • Wok. As the popularity of Asian cuisine has increased, so has the demand for such appliances. They are usually used for frying ingredients and making soups. The product looks like a bowl with high sides and a narrow bottom. Due to the characteristics of the bottom, this is not the most suitable option for glass-ceramic or gas stoves. But on induction or conventional electrical surface the instrument will perform at its best.

  • Item with narrow specialization, which was designed specifically for making pancakes. Most often it is made of thin stainless steel in combination with a non-stick coating, but other options are possible. The bottom of a good crepe maker is perfectly even and flat, the sides are low, and the weight is small.

  • This frying pan is similar in shape and volume to a small saucepan. Most often it is used to prepare various sauces and creams, but if you choose the right product, it can be adapted for boiling soups and frying eggs. The ideal option would be a design with a marble or stone surface layer of thickened stainless steel or lightweight cast iron. The impressive thickness of the walls will ensure uniform distribution of heat. If the work will be carried out on an induction hob, it is better to take a model with a relief bottom, this will reduce the risk of burning the contents.

From time to time new types of pans appear, but they are in any case an "improvement" or a slightly modified analogue of one of the basic options.

How to choose the best frying pan material?

Despite the variety of pans, their base material is usually represented by one of the following alloys:

  • Cast iron. The thick walls of the device guarantee uniform distribution of heat and its long-term maintenance. Cast iron cookware is heavy, but better than others for stewing and long-term simmering of ingredients. The device must be properly maintained. The cast iron pan should be cleaned regularly, otherwise the ingredients will start to burn. After processing, the metal surface must be dried, otherwise rust cannot be avoided. But for the storage of ready meals, such material is not suitable. And one more specific point - food in such dishes should be mixed with wooden or silicone spatulas.

Tip: For stoves with a glass-ceramic surface, you should select pans whose bottoms are the same size as the diameter of the burners. And it does not depend on what material the product is made of and what kind of coating it has.

  • Aluminum. Lightweight and affordable pans that are equally convenient to use on induction, gas, electric or glass-ceramic stovetops. It is worth considering that aluminum is not suitable for frying; with this type of component processing, it smokes a lot. Cheap metal is rarely accompanied by a non-stick coating. But with stone, titanium or marble coating, such products are increasingly common. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find good pure aluminum cookware. So it is better to use different hybrids.

  • Stainless steel. Stainless steel products are the most popular. This is due to the fact that they are not afraid of mechanical, chemical and physical impact, which in the case of other materials can be destructive. Regardless of which surface the tool is heated on, induction or electric, cooking can be started in just a few seconds. It is important to remember that stainless steel products are prohibited long time heat empty. Because of this, stains can go on their surface. If used correctly, the device will not adversely affect the texture, taste and smell of the food being prepared.

Do not purchase a product that does not list a material or some unusual alloy on the label. It is these products that are usually taken as the basis, but the presence of impurities is allowed to increase the practicality of products. And do not confuse the main raw material with the coating. For example, there are no ceramic or titanium instruments. Such materials are used exclusively as a coating.

Types of pan coating and their features

Before choosing ceramic frying pan you need to read the label carefully. Ceramics on such a product should act only as a coating, otherwise you won’t get any trouble with it. Today, for processing pans, the most different types spraying. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Teflon. It remains a fairly popular coating, despite the emergence of more environmentally friendly counterparts. In terms of non-stick properties, the material can surpass even a cast-iron surface. This raw material is now covered not only with stainless steel models, but even with aluminum. The main thing is not to scratch the coating, otherwise the evaporation of harmful substances will begin. It is worth considering that such items do not last more than 3-4 years.

  • Ceramics. It heats up quickly and evenly and cools down slowly. Its neutral composition has no effect on the quality of the food. It is better for owners of an induction cooker not to use such a device, it may crack.

  • Enamel. Even if the pans are made of cast iron or stainless steel, the enamel on their surface can crack from impact. But such products have an attractive appearance, are not capricious in terms of care and do not emit an unpleasant odor.

  • Titanium. One of the most resistant, durable and undemanding coatings. Such frying pans are universal, they are ideal for any stove, they will cope with all types of work. Finally, it is one of the most environmentally friendly materials, which will not lose its properties even after 25 years.

  • Granite. Another type of reliable and durable coating that heats up quickly and evenly. In the case of this coating, even the weakest fire can be used, and the food will still be cooked well. Despite the characteristics of granite, such frying pans are quite light and convenient.

  • Marble. Products with marble coating are very popular, but only because of their unusual appearance. In fact, this material does not have any significant features.

  • A rock. Stone-coated pans have only one obvious plus - their environmental friendliness. But they are not always suitable for glass-ceramic surfaces and are not suitable for induction cookers.

Frying pans with marble and stone coatings are different high cost which is not always justified. Sometimes it is better to prefer a simpler model with a non-stick coating, which, in terms of functionality, will meet all expectations.

Important nuances of the selection process

When choosing non-stick, highly specialized or universal products, you must adhere to a number of rules. Compliance with these nuances will reduce the risk of buying a poor quality product:

  1. Price. If you wish, you can find a frying pan for 500 rubles, but you should not hope that it will last longer than a few months. On the other hand, items costing from 10,000 rubles can be considered professional. The optimal range of prices is from 3,000 to 8,000 rubles, depending on the type of product.
  2. Country of Origin. The quality of Chinese goods has improved markedly over the past few years. But when choosing pans, it is better to traditionally give preference to dishes from Switzerland, the USA, Great Britain, France and Italy.
  3. Dimensions. Often this indicator is ignored, which is why later in the process of cooking there is discomfort. You should initially ideally choose the product for the burner so that the quality of the food does not decrease.
  4. Appointment. Profile items, although they will cope with their indirect purpose, perfect result it is not guaranteed. When buying a pan for baking pancakes, it is best to use it for this.
  5. Plate type. A self-respecting manufacturer must indicate on the label a list of plates for which a particular tool is suitable. Ignoring the recommendations can lead not only to a decrease in the quality of food, but also to damage to dishes and household appliances.

Before using the frying pan, you should carefully read the instructions for its use. It may contain many important information, with regards to the preparatory stage, care for the object, the features of cooking food in it.

Probably no person can imagine a set of kitchen utensils without a frying pan. But when buying a new model, questions may arise which coating is better.

What is the best coating for a frying pan: materials

What is the best coating for a frying pan: Teflon

Teflon is a modern and common material that is used not only for coating kitchen appliances, but also in electronics and textile production. The material of such pans is aluminum and steel. Inside the container can be embossed or smooth. Benefits of Teflon Coating:

1. Ease of cooking. Food does not burn or fry.

2. Minimum oil for frying. It's savings and fewer calories.

3. Light weight and easy to use.

But there are also disadvantages.

1. Food should not be turned over or stirred with iron forks or spoons; wooden spatulas are best suited for this purpose. Otherwise, Teflon is easily damaged and of little use.

2. You need to take care of such a frying pan carefully and carefully.

3. Yes, and the safety of this material is in question, so many are interested in what coating the pan is better with and try to find a more acceptable material.

Cast iron

The good old cast-iron pans have proved to be the best as appliances for long-term cooking (frying and stewing). The pan gets very hot, and this ensures good cooking. In cast iron containers, products should not be stirred often: a natural non-stick fatty film forms on the walls of the appliances.

Cast iron should not be washed with detergents. It is best to ignite it and rinse it with cold water. After cooking, it is better to transfer the dish to another dish.


Ceramic coating is a greeting from the distant past. Despite this, such a coating has many advantages, and the only drawback is the price of such devices. By their own positive characteristics they are on par with teflon, but differ in safety and durability of use. Dishes in ceramic containers do not burn, but acquire a delicious crispy crust.

Do not forget that ceramics react negatively to shocks and sudden changes in temperature. Such executions will lead to the fact that the pan will be covered with a mass of microcracks.

The kitchen pan is perhaps the most desired item in the House. The versatility of use makes this dish indispensable in everyday life. Even the most inexperienced culinary specialist will be able to fry a banal scrambled egg if there is a frying pan in the house. Therefore, choosing the right utensils is very important for a complete and high-quality cooking.

In the article we will talk about how to choose the right pan by contacting the distribution network. Consider a rich assortment of kitchen utensils and analyze different types of dishes in order not to make a mistake when buying.


Choosing a multi-purpose pan is quite simple. The very first requirements are the bottom diameter and wall height. In everyday life, medium-sized dishes (d 24-26 cm) with sloping edges 5-6 cm deep are most often used. A frying pan of this volume is optimal for cooking most fried and stewed dishes. Its diameter is also quite suitable for the size of standard burners.

But a good hostess can never get by with one type of dishware. This is especially important if she has a large family. When cooking, it is more convenient to use different utensils special purpose. To know how to choose the right pan, you need to decide for what purposes it will be used.

So, for baking delicious pancakes, the dishes should not have a very thin bottom and low sides. And for stewing vegetable stew, it is better to take a deep saucepan with a thick bottom and a lid. Cooking chicken tobacco or juicy chops will require the use of a heavy frying pan with a ribbed bottom. And so it is possible to enumerate for a very long time.

The presence of a large number of pans is mandatory for specialized catering establishments, and in home cooking for the convenience of cooking, it is enough to have 4-5 items for various purposes, size and quality.


Which pan to choose so that it has an attractive appearance and lasts a long time in the kitchen? According to highly experienced culinary experts, it is worth buying enameled dishes. The protective layer will provide the kitchen assistant with durability, practicality and resistance to external damage.

When choosing, you should be very careful, because you can mistakenly buy a pan with a varnish coating. Outwardly, it looks like enamel, but its quality is much worse. Lacquerware quickly loses its appearance, burning and being damaged during cleaning.

Handles are an important detail

How to choose a frying pan with a suitable handle? Our advice: it is desirable that it be cast. One-piece holder provides reliability and confidence in use. It is very convenient when it is covered with wood or heat-resistant plastic. Such a frying pan can be safely picked up without oven mitts, without any fear of burns.

If the hostess often bakes dishes in the oven, then she should buy dishes with a removable handle. This is also convenient when the pan has big size. In this case, the handle may simply not fit in the oven.

Optimal Thickness

How to choose a good frying pan so that there is no hassle when using it? Reviews of experienced housewives suggest that you should definitely pay special attention to the thickness of all surfaces. A heavy pan with a thick bottom has many advantages:

  • uniform heating of the entire surface of the dish;
  • sure stability;
  • no deformation during overheating;
  • slow cooling.

The bottom thickness of a good frying pan should be at least 5 mm, and the walls - at least two. The inner surface is absolutely smooth, without flaws. Well, if the outer side of the bottom has a relief pattern or ribbing. This circumstance contributes to uniform heating and long-term maintenance of temperature.

Suitable weight

Do not opt ​​for too light products with thin walls and a bottom. Despite the fact that such pans are usually cheap, they break down very quickly. The bottom in such products is easily deformed, which does not allow even frying of products. The minimum weight of dishes should be five hundred grams.

There are special weight requirements when buying a pancake pan. What kind of dishes to choose for these purposes? Heed our advice: too thick bottom provides unnecessarily large weight of the entire pan. It will not be easy to constantly lift and turn it over in your hands. So best solution will become aluminum cookware with a bottom thickness of 2-3 mm and a wall height of 1.5-2 cm. Such a frying pan will help to evenly fry thin pancakes and easily wield it. The diameter should be chosen based on your preferences.

Teflon coating

Many modern housewives prefer non-stick cookware. One of them (Teflon) is a special type of polymer material, characterized by high strength characteristics. Successful chemical development for more than eighty years. The authorship of the idea belongs to American scientists. The high popularity of Teflon pans is due to a lot of advantages:

  • reduced consumption of fat;
  • the impossibility of sticking products to the frying surface;
  • resistance to acidic and alkaline environment;
  • the possibility of strong heating without compromising the quality of the product;
  • easy way to wash.

If you choose a pan with a Teflon coating for the household, then you should remember that it has only one significant drawback - short term services. This is due to the fact that the non-stick coating loses its qualities very quickly, burning out from regular use. You can also shorten the life of a Teflon pan using metal spatulas, which easily damage the coating.

How to choose a Teflon coated pan? Our advice: when buying, you should pay attention to the condition of the bottom. The surface can be perfectly smooth or embossed. It is better to choose a bottom with convex patterns. Such a pan is more suitable for frequent use, since it significantly reduces the risk of burning food.

In addition, in such dishes you can cook vegetables without using oil. A large amount of moisture contained in the products does not evaporate immediately, but remains in the grooves between the volume projections. This allows the vegetables to cook without sticking, while retaining their juiciness and flavor.

Ceramic pans

Cookware with a new type of non-stick coating has become widespread not so long ago. Despite the fact that ceramics as a material has been known to people for more than one thousand years, its use as a coating is a new invention of mankind.

How to choose a ceramic frying pan? You can finally answer this question after we find out what these kitchen products are. The name of the pan reflects only part of the essence of the production process.

The composition of the coating is a nanocomposite material based on a ceramic compound with the inclusion of titanium elements. Its obvious advantage is high environmental friendliness. Unlike Teflon, the ceramic layer is not afraid of overheating (you can freely heat up to 450 ° C) and is not able to emit harmful substances. An innovative material is fused into the base metal of the pan, increasing its strength, durability and resistance to mechanical damage. Ceramic dishes do not like sudden changes in temperature, so it is undesirable to place food in it that has not undergone preliminary thawing.

When choosing a new type of kitchen utensils, it is important not to make mistakes. Therefore, answering the question of how to choose a ceramic frying pan, we will give practical advice. In the store, you should carefully consider the proposed product. There were cases when negligent sellers tried to issue aluminum pans with a thin enamel layer for ceramic. You also need to pay attention to the weight of the dishes and the price: a fake will cost less than the original product.

When deciding which coating to choose a pan with, you should evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different types of spraying. The price of products, purpose and expected service life are taken into account. When using any non-stick coating, it is advisable to use devices made of gentle materials: wood or soft plastic.

Cast iron products - a symbol of reliability and durability

When buying a new frying pan for the household, it is not at all necessary to opt for newfangled products. You can turn your attention to the good old grandmother's cast iron pans. It is on them that the most delicious meatballs and never burn chicken legs. Housewives usually do not have difficulties with how to choose a cast-iron pan. The question can only be in the definition right size and depth.

This perfect option cookware, because cast iron is a good conductor of heat and gets quite hot. The porous structure of the metal contributes to the formation of a natural non-stick coating on the surface of the pan - a fatty film. Cast iron products are not recommended to be washed with the use of modern chemical detergents that destroy natural coating. Wipe the pan dry with paper towels after use.

When using cast iron cookware, you should be very careful: it is characterized by increased fragility. This is perhaps the only significant drawback traditional look kitchen utensils.

Stainless steel products

Which frying pan to choose for supporters of cooking delicious and healthy food? Our advice is clear: you should look to stainless steel products. An ideal medical alloy of iron, nickel and chromium guarantees complete safety for the prepared dishes. This is achieved due to the fact that stainless steel does not enter into any chemical processes With constituent parts products.

Consumers invariably have another question: "How to choose a frying pan?" Reviews of fans of steel products speak in favor of a thick bottom. The greater the number of layers pressed in a pan, the higher the strength, the greater the weight of the product and the duration of heat retention.

With regular care of steel utensils, it is necessary to wipe them dry after washing so that stains do not appear on the surface.

Aluminum - winged metal

Lightweight and inexpensive products made from this material serve well in the kitchen, quickly gaining temperature and slowly cooling down. Alas, their service life is short. How to choose an aluminum frying pan so that it lasts longer? We advise customers to take those dishes that have a thick bottom - at least 6 mm. This will prevent the pan from deforming under strong heat. As a rule, thick-walled products are made cast. We do not recommend buying a stamped aluminum frying pan at all - this is an unnecessary waste of money.

ringing copper

Copper pans get good reviews from hostesses. People have been using metal utensils since ancient times. In a copper frying pan, food is well fried without burning, without loss of taste and nutritional qualities.

At the time of buying metal products you should pay attention to the fact that the bottom is covered with a special layer of stainless steel. To avoid oxidation, do not wash copper utensils with detergents. For cleansing, it is better to use mustard and salt, and then wipe thoroughly.

What oven do you have?

When choosing a new frying pan, you should think about whether it will fit the type of stove you have. For gas installations there are no obstacles - you can safely fry on them in any dish. If you have an electric stove, you should refrain from using stamped aluminum pans, in which the bottom will immediately bend. Other types of cooking utensils should be selected and used in accordance with the diameter of the electric burners. A frying pan that is too wide will not allow the food to be evenly fried.

Glass-ceramic ovens are becoming increasingly popular in modern kitchens. To prepare dishes on them, you need to select dishes with a perfectly flat thick bottom. For induction hobs the use of cast aluminum or stainless steel pans is optimal.

Summing up

Having considered and analyzed the main types of modern types of frying utensils, we can draw some conclusions:

  • First, before choosing a frying pan, you should think carefully about the purpose of the new product and its size.
  • Secondly, you need to take into account the type of stovetop on which you are cooking.
  • Thirdly, do not give in to the call to buy a newfangled product that has some incredible properties. Most likely it's just good publicity in order to earn high profits.
  • Fourth, you should look carefully at the brand and give preference to well-known and proven brands.

We sincerely hope that our advice will help you make the right choice of a frying pan and the cooking process will be a great holiday for you.