How to design a personal diary inside and out. Interesting things for a personal diary. How to make a personal diary, photo. Recipes and favorite food

How to issue Personal diary? Perhaps such a question came to the mind of each of us, if not in youth, then certainly in adulthood.

And in this, in fact, there is nothing surprising. Why? The thing is that, according to experts, the desire to streamline their thoughts in written (or printed) form sooner or later arises for many, although, of course, not everyone is ready to organize themselves to keep such records every day.

However, this article will not only tell you how to design a personal diary in practice. The reader will learn in more detail why it is worth making it a rule to write down the most important events, how it affects decision-making and what makes such notes look so pleasant that you want to return to them, reliving again what happened yesterday, the day before yesterday, a year or a decade ago.

Section 1. What is a personal diary? We define the concept

According to the data obtained thanks to modern encyclopedias, a definition can be formulated. In accordance with it, a diary should be understood as a series of fragmentary entries that are kept for oneself. Typically, notes of this kind are made regularly, dated, and reflect events in the life of the author, his feelings and thoughts.

Before talking about how to design a personal diary, I would like to note that in general it is a written genre that forms your “I”, experience and personality. Simultaneously with this direction, the forms of autobiography and memoirs are developing.

Section 2

They say that, say, pictures for a personal diary are easy to pick up. This, if desired, can not be done at all, but with some nuances, in fact, many have some difficulties.

So where do you start? How to arrange the pages of a personal diary so that the desire to fill it with the events of one's own life does not disappear, say, after a couple of weeks, or even days?

Of course, we are not talking about electronic records or a blog, but about a paper diary. How to arrange a personal diary inside, in the first case, it is more or less clear, because in the virtual space there are a lot of all kinds of templates.

Have you ever thought about why, in principle, there is a desire to keep your personal records? Psychologists say that teenagers, for example, most often begin to do this spontaneously and unconsciously. As you get older, you see things differently.

Someone sees in the diary an understanding and trusting interlocutor. For such people, the question of how to arrange a personal diary outside is very important. It should be beautiful, neat and evoke positive emotions.

For some, this is an opportunity to realize their lives, understand mistakes and become better. And for others, this is a memorable book about some stage of life. Each has its own purpose.

Most likely, there is no certain criterion for how to properly draw up a personal diary. True, this is for the best, otherwise all records of such a plan would be completely devoid of creativity and originality.

In general, any paper base can become a diary:

  • simple paper sheets on which thoughts are written, and then they are fastened in a separate folder;
  • a diary bought in a store, or a notebook made by oneself;
  • general notebook, designed to your liking.

In general, the choice of the appearance and form of the diary remains with its author.

When to keep a diary? Everyday activities really take a lot of time, but you can always set aside moments for writing. This activity does not require commitment. You need to work with the diary when you want it. Otherwise, it may subsequently cause irritation.

Someone likes to record their events daily, while someone remembers the diary once a month. This is a private matter of its owner. In any case, writing down your thoughts or a quote from your favorite book is not so difficult, but it is also an important part of life.

Section 3. Are there specific rules?

When working with a diary, there are no concepts of “right” or “wrong”. This is a creative process when it is best to be alone and relax. You don't have to think about yourself appearance and other people's opinions. Even spelling is not required special attention. And let there be mistakes in the text.

However, there is one important point which needs to be determined. A personal diary is an item that can become available and accidentally fall into the hands of other people. For example, children, relatives, etc.

Decide if you would like this. If not, you should find a hidden corner for the diary, or you can not hide it, just writing down your thoughts and events. But in the latter case, of course, it will not be secret.

Section 4. How to draw up a personal diary (photos, pictures and press clippings) and is it worth it?

The design of the inside of the diary depends on the desire and free time. If you feel creative, you can, of course, implement it on the pages.

What to record in a diary? Ideas for filling:

  • present today's case and describe emotions at this moment, you can even display all this in a drawing;
  • praise and write yourself a compliment;
  • paste your favorite photograph, paste a recipe from a magazine or a movie ticket where you went with your soulmate;
  • write down the text from your favorite song, an anecdote or the titles of books you read;
  • draw your anxieties and fears;
  • paste an envelope and put letters or important notes there;
  • I liked the dress - make a sketch of it in your diary;
  • make a fun collage of magazine clippings or draw your dream;
  • a simple painting of the sheet with a black marker will help to get rid of the negative.

A personal diary can contain everything that is important at that time to its author. Appearance- also in the hands of its creator. For this, magazines, photographs, colored pencils and paper, packaging, ribbons, etc. will come in handy. DIY decorative covers will give your diary a new look.

Section 5. What to remember?

Although there are no specific rules on how to design a personal diary, general recommendations are still present.

  • You should decide on the form of the diary (notebook, notebook or electronic form). In any case, it must be good quality to keep for a long time.
  • Guarantee yourself the availability of high-quality and convenient stationery (pen, pencil).
  • Set aside time for notes. This will help make journaling a habit. To immediately write down your thoughts, it is better to choose a pocket notebook, and at the end of the day transfer it to general notes.
  • The setting matters a lot. To get started, you can write to different time and in different places. So it will be possible to find convenient option. The main thing is that nothing interferes and it is comfortable.
  • Fix the date and time. This will help in the future to clearly recreate the picture of the recorded events. The diary is a source of information that helps to analyze the situation and mistakes.
  • Write down thoughts as they arise. If difficult, describe the important events of the day. It is not at all important that the thought is correctly formulated or that there are no mistakes in the text. Feel free to write down all your thoughts and feelings. Feel free to express whatever you think. This is the purpose of the diary.
  • Creativity is needed. Use different writing styles, make sketches or collages.
  • Decide on the volume of records to leave something for tomorrow. It is important to stop on time.
  • Reread your notes. This will help to analyze the situation and amend the notes.
  • Keep journaling. Try to write regularly. The more information it contains, the more valuable it becomes.

Section 6. Personal diary of a student. Rules and Tips

  • From the very beginning, the student needs to determine the purpose of the diary. It may contain a training schedule or timing of events, impressions of books read, etc. The diary can be kept on the instructions of the teacher.
  • Attention must be paid to adherence to the maintenance schedule. Don't leave tasks to the last day. You can set an alarm or ask an adult to remind you.
  • Date each new entry.
  • Begin your recording with a preamble. When filling out the diary on the instructions of the teacher, the learned topic and the application of the acquired knowledge are first described. The most important passages from the books are quoted and accompanied by personal opinion.
  • In conclusion, impressions about the task are described. For example, if you need to write about a book you read, then share your opinion about its characters or events.
  • The diary is kept in the first person ("I", "mine" or "mine").
  • Stick to the length of your entries. Usually the entry contains 200-300 words.
  • Make a conclusion. The entry must be summarized. For example, “Today I learned that…”, “I would like to learn more about…”.

Section 7. Electronic diaries

An electronic diary helps to talk about something and make new friends. You can keep it only for yourself or open it to a certain circle of users.

In general, this is an excellent tool for resolving internal conflicts. The tags created for the entries make it easy to find the information and date you need. Such a diary will not be lost and will not fall into the wrong hands. There are no restrictions on the volume of records and storage time. Pictures and photos can be attached to posts.

Section 8. The role of the diary from a psychological point of view

The diary helps to analyze your actions, look at yourself from the outside. This allows you to find your strengths and weaknesses. On paper, you can reflect fears and negative emotions without spilling them on others, which will avoid a real conflict.

The diary, according to experts, is simply necessary to increase your self-esteem and understanding of life.

  • Start writing and don't rush. After a break in the notes, do not try to fill this gap. Keep writing the events of the present time, and the necessary memories will come to mind and get on the pages.
  • If you are overwhelmed with negativity, you should not get hung up on this, because at that time there were good moments.
  • Use direct speech.
  • Stop promptly.
  • Summarize your day.
  • A successful diary can become the basis for a memoir.
  • Fix dates and times.
  • Include contact details of friends in your entries. It's interesting to read in the future.

Any girl at least once in her life began to keep her personal diary. Whether out of interest, the need for communication, self-expression. Be that as it may, not everyone can keep a personal diary all the time. In addition, it is not always possible to buy a really beautiful and pleasant notebook for a diary. What if you make it yourself?

Don't know where to start? Then we will tell you how to make a personal diary with your own hands. In addition, we will try to figure out how and why to keep a diary and make it interesting.

What is a personal diary?

Let's first talk about what a personal diary is. In fact, this is a notebook or notebook where a person writes down his feelings, sensations, memories. They trust their secrets, joys and sorrows to a personal diary, tell him about their plans, pour out their souls.

For some, a personal diary - best friend, which they trust everything, for others - a notebook in which they describe every day of their lives, for others - a collection of the best memories.

In any case, this is a notebook in which a person writes down his thoughts and actions, whatever they may be.

Why keep a personal diary?

So, we briefly touched on the question of what is the essence of a personal diary. Now let's pay a little attention to the question: "Why lead it?". Then we’ll talk about how to make a personal diary yourself. Agree, a do-it-yourself notebook is much nicer than a purchased one.

It is interesting that by keeping a diary, in the future you can analyze your behavior in a given situation, identify your shortcomings and try to correct them.

And if you have a bad mood and you have no one to speak out, tell about your fears, then there is nothing better than writing it down on paper.

What can you write in a diary?

Before we talk about how you can make a personal diary, let's find out another interesting point. So, you have decided that you will lead it. But the trouble is, you have not yet decided what exactly you will write into it. It seems that I don’t want to describe every day of my life, but it’s also interesting to have a special notebook for notes. So what else can you write in a diary?

Of course, you don't have to write every day. You can from time to time, when you have the appropriate mood, write in it your impressions of meeting friends, going to the cinema or going on an excursion, express your indignation at the act of this or that person.

The second option is to write down your dreams there. Then it will be possible to disassemble them and analyze if you are fond of this science.

The next option is to write down your poems or, if you do not know how to write yourself, your favorite works. At the same time, you can comment on them, telling what it was about them that hooked you.

And the last idea is to paste in the diary different things that remind you of a particular event in your life, and make a small inscription that would explain to you exactly what this or that object means.

What are personal diaries?

What are personal diaries? What are they generally made of? First of all, a personal diary can be easily bought at any stationery store. Such a diary will have colorful pages, markings, even a clasp so that a stranger does not fit into it and read your innermost thoughts.

The second option is to take a regular notebook and keep notes in it. Of course, such a diary will be much simpler, and it will not look very aesthetically pleasing. Although, you can colorize its pages, paste beautiful pictures, postcards and pictures.

The third option is to make a diary with my own hands which is much more interesting and better. After all, this way you can show your individuality and sense of taste, and at the same time that you can create unique and beautiful things with your own hands.

There is also an option to install a special program on a mobile phone or tablet. This will allow you to record directly to mobile device. But, you see, such a diary has no personality and soul. Therefore, we will focus on the diary, which is kept by hand.

We make a diary with our own hands. The main components of the diary

So, you have decided that it is best to make a diary with your own hands. But where do you start and what materials do you need to purchase?

So, the diary itself consists of three main parts - a cover, inner sheets and a clasp or lock for it (optional).

Therefore, in order to create a diary, you need to purchase paper, cardboard, ribbon (or a special fastener, lock). You may also need fabric.

Step one. Diary cover

The cover for the diary is made of cardboard and fabric or paper. We will analyze the design with the help of fabric.

First you need to cut out two covers from cardboard, it is desirable that their edges are a centimeter larger than the main sheets of your diary.

Then we take the fabric and cut out pieces from it also a couple of centimeters larger than the covers. It is desirable to lightly process the edges of the fabric with glue so that they do not fray. Then you should tuck the fabric and glue it to the cardboard. Pieces of fabric sticking out from the inside can be cut off.

When the glue dries, it is advisable to sheathe the cardboard with a cloth so that it holds more firmly.

You can then decorate the cover with postcards, herbarium, beads, and more. We offer those who are interested in how to make a personal diary, photos of finished covers:

Step two. Diary pages

The filling of the diary, that is, sheets, can also be done independently. To do this, you need to find a stack of sheets of paper - it can be ready-made cut A5 paper. This is the easiest option, as it does not require additional effort. Sheets can be printed with margins and a background applied using a color laser printer.

You can also take colored paper and cut sheets of the same size. For those who do not know how beautiful it is to make a personal diary, we note that some craftswomen even use blank postcards to create pages. Which sheets are best for your diary, you decide.

When you have a stack of sheets that you are going to use as a filling for a notebook, then you should make holes in it with a hole punch or with an awl (depending on what exactly you are going to sew the sheets and cover with).

Step three. Close the diary

Method one. When assembling the cover, sew on a loop on each of the halves of the cover. Then get a small padlock and close your diary on it.

Method two. Just tie the diary on ribbons sewn to the cover. Of course, this will not save you from curious people, but it will give the notebook a special charm. That's all, now you know almost everything about how to make a personal diary with your own hands. It remains only to write a few words about how to collect all parts of the diary.

Step four. Product assembly

When you have the cover and sheets ready, they need to be neatly gathered together and folded. Next, we sew the product.

In order to fasten everything together, ribbons, threads, iron rings, springs are suitable. It is advisable to immediately decide which assembly method you choose.

If you will sew the sheets with threads, then we advise you to choose a thick thread, and make holes in the sheets of paper and the cover with an awl.

When tying the sheets with ribbons, make several holes with a hole punch. The same goes for springs and iron rings.

Try to keep all the sheets lying flat, make neat, small holes, and you will have a great notebook for personal notes.

So, now you know how to make a personal diary. The instructions given by us should help you with this.

Now you have a personal diary made by you. Of course, it is up to you to decide how to keep it and what exactly to write into it. But still we dare to give some advice.

1. Write down only the necessary and useful things. Do not pay attention to unimportant trifles, do not pour water for the sake of the volume of the record.

3. When starting a new recording, get rid of strangers, pour yourself a cup of tea, turn on your favorite music, relax and start recording.

4. Hide the diary from prying eyes and do not say that you are keeping it. It is not a fact that parents or friends will not want to read what exactly you think about them and about your life in general.

Making the diary more interesting

Let's also talk about how to make a personal diary more interesting? How to diversify it? There are many ways, but we will consider only a few of them.

Try to highlight thematic pages in the diary, for example: my dreams, my plans for the summer, my successes, etc.

Paste a variety of photographs into the diary, tickets from the cinema after visiting the movie you like, any other small things that will remind you of this or that event.

If you can draw at least a little, then you should decorate the pages of your diary with drawings, even if not quite professional ones. Remember that sometimes even the most clumsy drawing can bring a smile and an attack of nostalgia.


This thing is quite interesting and useful, although not everyone can lead it. Someone does not have enough time, someone has patience, and someone simply does not like to trust their thoughts to anyone.

We talked about what a personal diary is and what its benefits are, figured out how to make a personal diary with your own hands, and also said a few words about how best to keep it. We hope you found this article useful and interesting.

Almost all great people kept diaries, where they wrote down their thoughts, experiences and observations. If you want to follow their example and put your feelings on paper, then be sure to read this article. In it you can get interesting ideas for a personal diary, as well as learn creative design and learn how to keep records.

Who needs a diary and why?

Each person needs a personal space where even the most close person. The diary is the very corner where everyone can describe their feelings and secret thoughts without censorship. Such records allow you to look at yourself from the outside, assess the current state of affairs and draw the necessary conclusions. It is not for nothing that psychologists and psychotherapists recommend that their patients keep notes and then read them out during sessions.

What can we say about teenagers, who are influenced by adults from all sides. Parents, school teachers, tutors and coaches require high results, excellent grades and exemplary behavior from young people. To relieve strong psychological stress, teenagers need to express themselves. And for this purpose, regular record-keeping with a description of your feelings and experiences is the best suited.

Electronic diary

What ideas for a personal diary are especially popular with modern teenagers? Of course, these are electronic records. Internet sites, social networks and specialized computer programs entice their users with interesting suggestions for keeping personal notes. Thanks to progress, each person can design their page in an original way, add photos and videos, 3D wallpapers, 3D backgrounds and audio inserts.

The indisputable advantage of this form of keeping a diary is that no one can read it. To do this, you just need to put a password on the program. If you are not an advanced user and you are afraid that you will not be able to install enough strong protection, then it is better to contact a specialist. Now you will be absolutely calm about the safety of your records and will be able to enjoy complete confidentiality.

However, when keeping electronic diaries, there is one big disadvantage - you cannot hold them in your hands, flip through the pages or inhale the smell of ink.

Read the interesting ideas for a personal diary, which we describe below, and try to bring them to life. Imagine how pleasant it will be for you to read your childhood records in a few years and smile, remembering the difficult school years.

As a rule, boys are embarrassed to have notebooks or notepads marked “Personal”. They prefer to express their emotions in more active species activities or hide in the wilds of the World Wide Web. But every girl at least once in her life tried to keep personal records. Traditionally, diary ideas can be divided into the following categories:

Ideas for designing a personal diary

  • Record your thoughts with pens, pencils, felt-tip pens and markers of different colors.
  • Supplementing handwritten text with pictures cut from glossy magazines.
  • Description of the events that happened using small drawings or comics of our own production.
  • Creation of thematic pages. For example, you can choose the topic “Plans for the fall”, “What do I want to learn this year?” and add to them at any time.
  • Sheet zoning different colors: mix shades and complement them with drawings. Against this background, the recordings will look especially interesting and expressive.
  • Making pockets for storing things dear to the heart - notes, movie tickets and photos.

Ideas for a personal diary can come up every day. For creative people we are sure it will not be difficult. For those who are just starting to navigate the sea of ​​new ideas, we advise you to look at the photos of the original pages and draw inspiration from them.

  • Write down all the thoughts that come to you. Do not be shy about emotions of anger, resentment or envy. By pouring these unpleasant feelings into the pages of the diary, you can relax and switch to something more pleasant.
  • Try not to take long breaks in the notes: the regularity of the reference will help you better assess the current situation.
  • Collect new ideas for a personal diary: feel free to learn from your girlfriends or friends, and look for inspiration on the Internet.
  • Don't be boring: describe the full range of your emotions, enhance them with your own drawings and use a variety of means of expression.


As you know, a personal diary is a secret and intimate part of the soul. It cannot be kept in plain sight or shown to everyone you know. Agree with loved ones that they do not take your notebook without permission and in no case read the notes you made.

In case you do not trust them, arrange a hiding place and keep the diary in it. In addition, you can come up with a secret cipher and keep records with it. This method will take a little longer, but gradually acquire a special appeal.

Probably every little girl had her own personal diary. There, in childhood, we wrote down the most secret things that we didn’t want to share with anyone, even with our best friends or mom. In the notebook, we also wrote about the joys of first love, complained about the injustice of teachers or misunderstanding of parents.

Now we have grown up and began to write in LiveJournal or in social networks. Only now we do not write for ourselves, and we do not hide what is written behind beautiful cover. We write to boast about something or complain, and sometimes just like that, to express our thoughts. But we are definitely waiting for someone to evaluate these thoughts, comment, press “like” and “tell friends”. And the personal and intimate still remains with us, only hiding in the depths of consciousness. We no longer look for the causes and consequences of our actions, and we don’t feel the same experiences that we had when writing the diary, we don’t express our real feelings, because they may not get “likes”.

Writing for myself has become stupid and not an interesting activity we felt sorry for this time. Why, and what to write in a personal diary?

Keeping a buried diary on paper can be helpful for making important decisions, can help to see the situation from the outside. And it will also help relieve stress, relax, take in important and intimate thoughts. The paper will also take over secret dreams and desires, which it was scary to admit even to yourself.

What to write in a personal diary?

innermost thoughts

The basis of paper diaries is most often personal, intimate thoughts. On paper, you can write down your experiences, joys and disappointments, anger and misunderstanding, or you can write about joyful anticipation. When you write it down on paper, you re-experience events more deeply and meaningfully and can more easily let them go. Later, after reading what was written in a few days, months or even years, you will be able to rethink your emotions, look at them differently, or just smile while plunging into the past.


Write down your short-term and long-term goals, and make notes about how you intend to achieve them. If, for example, you want a slim figure, then you can make a note - I do exercises every day for 15 minutes. So you will quickly understand what you really want and what steps to take to achieve it.

Results of the month, year

It is very interesting to sum up the results of the past month or year on paper. Describe what you have learned last month, what event did this time, what goals did you achieve or vice versa did not achieve and why. Here you can be honest with yourself and not be afraid that someone else will see your mistakes. So you will learn to analyze your actions, rethink your actions and be able to achieve your goals faster and better.

Small pleasures

Impressions from books, films and music

After reading a book or watching a movie, write down your emotions. Describe your favorite moments. Write how you would end this book or movie. When writing down such small reviews, you will be able to rethink the information received, to understand it. Write short reviews of art and educational books, films, music. Now, in order to remember what this book or film was about, you just need to open the notebook and read what was written. And you can easily recommend something new to your friends. Also in the diary you can create a list of movies and books for different moods.

Fill your diary with articles and sayings that amaze and inspire you.

You can stick clippings from articles in a notebook, as well as write down interesting statements and quotes. Describe what effect they had on you and why you liked them. Now, when you run out of inspiration, you will know where to get it - just open the diary and read a couple of quotes.

Or maybe you liked some advice on self-care, a small recipe for a skin scrub or a choice of cosmetics, so as not to lose it, write it down in your diary.


In a small notebook that has become your diary, you can just dream. You can dream not only about the future, but also about the past. On paper, you can dream about what would happen if, for example, you moved to another city, went to study at another university. And you can add even more unreality to dreams. What would happen if you could fly, read minds, foresee the future, conjure? or possessed another superpower. So it’s not far from writing your own novel.

Travel impressions travel diary description

As a rule, if we go somewhere, then the days are filled with a bunch of events, but as a rule, over time, they begin to merge into one whole and we forget a lot of details. While the memories are fresh, write down your impressions. You can attach train tickets, a couple of photos, draw a small travel map to these pages.

You can write whatever you want in your personal diary. Choose to record only information that is important to you, the one that you want to re-read in a year or two. And also stick or draw different pictures in it, decorate the pages beautifully. May you want to take it in your hands as often as possible. And to protect the diary from prying eyes, you can choose a notebook with a lock.

Everyone wants to tell a little about themselves, their mood and goals. After all, it will show other people: friends and strangers, what we are, what our views on life are and what we strive for. But a personal diary can also be used for another task - to relax and have fun. This is especially important for girls, and especially if she is 12 years old. And for this there are pictures for a personal diary. Simple, beautiful and light drawings in the diary is a special style that is pleasant to follow.

What does our site offer? Drawings for ld for sketching. This is a great help for anyone who cares not only to fill the space, but to give their records a presentable look. What will help decorate the diary by designing it in beautiful drawings and images? Our selection of amazing pictures!

  • Always fresh ideas;
  • Only light drawings, pictures: by cells for a personal diary;
  • For girls and boys options;
  • And what will please many: laconic pictures for ld in black and white.
For you, our dear visitors, the choice! You can download and print, as well as draw different drawings.

Ideas for illustrating your entries

What are the pictures for a personal diary? For example, consider size. What kind of illustrations do you want? Small or big? On a full page or as an addition to the text? Pencil drawings or something bright? Exclusive that displays your own world or a template understandable to many? or maybe they should be cute or, in keeping with the theme, are your drawings for a personal diary for sketching cool?

And we have quite a few versions, and they are all quite interesting and varied. The main thing is that all this beautiful pictures for ld, with a plot feed. Our team understands that all our guests are different, with a huge range of interests and with all sorts of desires, bright talents and opportunities. And for everyone we try to prepare our own ideas suitable for their personality for ld.

Only for you! Cell drawing option

Only relevant options for pictures for ld, what everyone is interested in this year, what everyone wants to put in their personal diary. Here's what we offer. To do this, we have simplified your task to a minimum, we have cell drawings for a personal diary. With this technique, copying is very easy. Just take and print out light and beautiful pictures for drawing for drawing.

Drawings by cells for a personal diary is a great help for those who want to do the work on their own, but are not proficient in the art of painting. Then it seems that all sketches are easy, if you move step by step to get pictures by cells for a personal diary. The repetition technique, which allows you to get high-quality cell drawings for a personal diary, is quite popular. The style is so light that the result is sure to please.

Illustrations on a different topic

Pictures for ld for sketching, which is in the collection of our site, are suitable for both girls and boys, both for very young little girls and boys, and for older young people. The different themes provide many opportunities for those who want to style their recordings by giving them interesting view. Drawn versions of a story about yourself and your interests are what is so important in order for the plot of any story to be more intriguing and visual, and, if necessary, more frank and sincere.

A written story is better perceived and remembered. Whatever the story is about, it will be presented not sparingly and dryly, exclusively only in the literal version, but also with the help of painting that conveys images.

Black and white images

How to draw by cells, we easily understood and learned. And now you can move on to more interesting versions. For example, here is a task for you, draw a picture without paints, only with a pencil. It's a pretty interesting business. But it is better if you do it with us, using those models that are presented in finished form on our resource. This way you can see the end goal and it is easy to understand how to work.