How to eliminate plastic smell. How to get rid of plastic smell in an electric kettle: review of the best products

Food containers are convenient containers for storing food. However, the real problem may be the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The cause of the odor may be the material from which the container is made. In addition, the unpleasant odor may be due to food that was stored in the container. As a rule, such odors are quite persistent. Exist various ways to eliminate unpleasant odors. Use liquid soap, vinegar and baking soda, as well as other substances that absorb unpleasant odors. With some effort, you can eliminate the unpleasant odor. Read this article and you will learn how to do it correctly.


Using soap and water

    Remove any leftover food. If the unpleasant odor is caused by food in the container, remove any remaining food from the container. If you have difficulty, use a spatula or similar kitchen utensil to remove any remaining food. You can also pour warm water into the container and remove any remaining food.

    Soak the container in a solution of water and dish soap. Soaking the container helps get rid of the most stubborn odors. Fill a sink or large bowl with warm water and add a generous amount of dish soap. Leave the container in the water for 30 minutes.

    • If soaking the container in water does not work well, take a brush and thoroughly wash the container while it is still in the water. The dishwashing detergent in the container will help eliminate the unpleasant odor.
  1. Dry the container. Remove the container from the soapy solution. Rinse it in clean water. Dry the container with a cloth or paper towel. Then evaluate the result. Determine whether you managed to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

    Place the container in the dishwasher. Make sure your plastic container is dishwasher safe. Place the container in the dishwasher and run the wash cycle. The high temperature in the dishwasher will help eliminate the unpleasant odor that the above method could not get rid of.

    • Place the container on top shelf to prevent it from deforming.

Using Vinegar and Baking Soda

  1. Prepare a solution of vinegar and baking soda. If you are unable to remove the odor using the above method, you will most likely have to resort to stronger products. Take a large bowl or pan and pour a glass of white vinegar into the container of your choice. Then add ¼ cup of baking soda. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

    Place a plastic container into the solution and add water. Place a plastic container in a bowl with vinegar and baking soda. Don't forget the lid. Then add sufficient quantity water so that it completely covers the container. Take a large spoon and stir the solution.

    Soak the container in the solution. Leave the container in the solution for 24-48 hours. During this period, a solution of baking soda and vinegar will remove the unpleasant odor.

    Place the plastic container in the dishwasher. A solution of baking soda and vinegar will remove the unpleasant odor. However, be prepared that a lingering vinegar smell may linger. Therefore, place the container in the dishwasher immediately after you remove it from the solution.

    • If you don't have dishwasher, wash the container thoroughly with water and dishwashing detergent.

Absorb and mask odor

  1. Remove odor with salt. If the above methods do not bring the desired result, try using substances that can absorb unpleasant odors. Place such substances inside the container. Salt is one such substance. Place a small pinch of salt inside the container. Place a mound of salt in the center of the container. Then cover the container with a lid and leave overnight. Be sure to remove the salt from the container when you decide to use it.

  2. Place the crumpled newspaper in the container. The newspaper will absorb the unpleasant smell plastic container. Take several sheets of newspaper, then tear and crumple them. Place the sheets in a container. The paper will absorb unpleasant odors if you leave it in the container for 24 to 48 hours.

    • Wash the container after you remove the newspaper from it, as the sheets may be dirty.


To remove the smell of plastic and its taste from drinks, boil it by adding natural lemon juice, citric acid in bags or peels. If you add lemon juice, then squeeze the juice from 3-4 lemons, pour into the kettle, add water to the maximum level, boil, leave the solution for 12 hours, boil again, drain the solution, rinse the kettle running water. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

To remove plastic odor using citric acid, fill the kettle with water to the maximum level, pour in 2 25 g bags of acid, boil the kettle, leave the solution overnight, boil the kettle again in the morning, drain the solution, rinse the kettle under running water.

If you want to use lemons, then fill the kettle halfway with the peel, pour water to the maximum level, boil, leave the solution overnight or for at least 12 hours, boil the kettle again, remove everything from it, rinse with running water.

In addition to these products, you can use vinegar or vinegar essence. To do this, pour water into the kettle, add 2 tablespoons of 70% vinegar essence (or half a glass of 9% vinegar), heat the kettle, but do not bring it to a boil, since when it boils, the solution will float out (a reaction occurs), that is, it will pour on top of the kettle. Heat it several times, drain the solution, and rinse the kettle under running water.

Baking soda also helps get rid of plastic smells. Fill the kettle with water, add 3 tablespoons of soda, boil the kettle, cool, boil again, drain the solution, rinse under running water.

Helpful advice

If none of the above methods can overcome the smell of plastic, then you will simply have to change the kettle to a better device. For example, teapots made of stainless steel and glass are odorless and completely safe for health, but they cost several orders of magnitude more than Chinese plastic teapots, which have materials of dubious quality and are unsafe for health.


  • The kettle smells like plastic, what should I do?

Sometimes, after buying a new one electric kettle, housewives notice one unpleasant feature - the smell of plastic inside the electrical appliance. This smell is also transmitted to the water that is boiling in the kettle, darkening not only the joy of the purchase, but also the process of drinking tea. There are several ways to get rid of an unpleasant odor.

Fill the new kettle with water. Squeeze the juice of 3-4 lemons into the water. Turn on the electrical appliance and boil water. After the water boils, leave in this solution for 12 hours. After the time has passed, boil the solution again and pour it out. Rinse the kettle with running water. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated again.

The second method of disposal involves using citric acid in bags instead of lemon juice. Fill the electric kettle with water to the line and add citric acid from two bags (25 g each) into it. Boil the solution and leave for 12 hours, then boil again and wash the kettle.

The third method is similar to the first two, only instead of juice or acid you can use lemon peel.

As an oxidizing agent, you can use vinegar essence or table vinegar. Add two tablespoons of essence (70%) or 100 g of table vinegar to an electric kettle filled with water. Boil the solution two or three times in a row, then drain and wash the kettle thoroughly.

You can use baking soda to remove unpleasant odors. Pour 3 tablespoons of soda into a kettle filled with water and boil the water, then cool, drain and wash the kettle.

More and more often, housewives complain about the unpleasant smell of plastic coming from a kettle, plastic dishes, food containers, and baby bottles. Unfortunately, it is increasingly difficult to find products made of high-quality plastic that do not have a “chemical” aroma. Sometimes there can be a plastic smell in the apartment, coming from nowhere, which is also unpleasant. To enjoy the comfort of your home, you need to get rid of the plastic smell.

Removing plastic smell from an electric kettle

A new kettle is a reason for joy in every family, but what to do if the device smells like plastic? Simple proven methods will help you remove this unpleasant aroma.

Before you begin work on removing the unpleasant smell of plastic from the kettle, you need to wash it cold water. Then use one of the following methods:

  1. Take a few lemons and squeeze the juice into a teapot. Fill the kettle with water to the maximum limit. Turn on the kettle and let the water boil. Leave the water in the kettle for 10-12 hours, then boil again. Repeat the procedure several times.
  2. Some professionals recommend using lemon peel rather than juice. To remove the smell of plastic from a kettle, you will need a lot of peel; you need to fill the kettle with it to the middle. Then pour water into the kettle to the full mark, turn it on, and boil. If the smell of plastic remains, repeat the procedure several times.
  3. You can use improvised means. For example, acetic acid. It is necessary to fill the electric kettle with water, add 2-3 tablespoons of table vinegar (9%) to it. Boil the kettle. Repeat the procedure several times, then rinse the device several times.
  4. Baking soda will help remove the unpleasant smell of plastic from an electric kettle. Fill the device with water, add a few tablespoons of soda to it, and boil several times. Then rinse several times - only then can you use the device for its intended purpose.

Getting rid of plastic smell in containers and bottles

Plastic containers and bottles can be found in almost every home, so it is important to know how to remove the aroma of plastic from these dishes quickly and efficiently.

Simple recommendations will help you forget about this unpleasant smell. Before starting the procedure, you should wash the dishes hot water with your usual detergent. Then use one of the simple means at hand.

  1. Newspaper. An ordinary newspaper will help eliminate the smell of plastic in a food container. It is enough to put finely chopped newspaper inside the dish and close the lid tightly. The newspaper actively absorbs all the unpleasant aroma, so after a few hours not a trace will remain of it.
  2. Coffee. It can be used as a flavoring agent in the apartment to eliminate bad odors in plastic dishes. Coffee is an ideal absorbent, so it is actively used to combat unpleasant odors. You need to add 1-2 spoons ground coffee into a “fragrant” container, close it tightly, and leave for 5-6 hours. After this, throw away the coffee (under no circumstances should you brew or drink it after this procedure!) and rinse the dishes thoroughly with water and detergent.
  3. Lemon. The container and bottle can be rinsed with water and lemon juice to remove the plastic smell. You can use citrus peels for the container. Leave the dishes overnight with the peel inside.
  4. Soda solution. Baking soda is an excellent way to combat plastic odors. Enough to cook soda solution and use it to process dishes. You can pour the soda solution into a bowl and leave it there overnight. After the specified time, you need to thoroughly wash the dishes with water and detergent.
  5. Charcoal. To remove plastic odor, a small amount charcoal must be placed in a clean container. Close the lid and leave in this position for 7 hours. After this, wash the dishes using the usual method.
  6. Acetic acid. Pour warm water into the container, add 5 tablespoons of 9% vinegar and 15 ml. detergent, close the lid tightly. After 5 hours you need to wash the dishes.
  7. Vanillin. Add a spoonful of vanillin to warm water. Close the lid of the container, leave for several hours, then shake. Then you need to wash the dishes in the usual way. Throw away the vanillin and do not use it for food!
  8. Sunbathing. You can get rid of the unpleasant smell of plastic using sunlight. This method suitable not only for the container, but also plastic bottle. Place the dishes in direct sunlight and leave for several hours. By evening, you will be pleasantly surprised by the lack of plastic smell.
  9. Overnight soaking. The simplest and most effective method remove plastic smell. Pour warm water into the dishes, then add a few drops of dishwashing detergent, shake until foam forms - and leave in this state overnight.

Getting rid of the smell of burnt plastic

Salt will help get rid of the smell of burnt plastic. Pour a small amount of salt onto the stove and turn on the heat to minimum.

Eliminating the smell of plastic in the apartment

The smell of plastic in the apartment poisons your good mood, so it is necessary to get rid of it. It is enough to spread orange and lemon peels around the apartment and thoroughly ventilate the room.

Let the smell of plastic become a thing of the past for you!

How to get rid of the plastic smell in an electric kettle: 3 reasons for the unpleasant odor

There are many folk and traditional ways to eliminate the smell of plastic in an electric kettle A new kettle has a plastic smell, this is a common thing for household appliances. As practice and the experience of users show, it is very easy to get rid of the discomforting smell of plastic, the main thing is to remember all the household wisdom and apply them in practice. The smell may be intrusive or barely emanate from the equipment, but it is not associated with the material itself, but with the chemical additives that are included in its composition. Of course, the more expensive the equipment, the better the quality of the material and the less odor. But what should you do if you encounter this problem?

Why a new kettle smells like plastic: what to do with the appliance

Of course, you can immediately return the new kettle to the point of sale, but why not try to cope with the task at hand first? As mentioned above, the plastic itself never smells, but the plasticizer and dye, which are sufficient in this material, emit an obsessive technical aroma.

A new kettle may smell like plastic if it is cheap and made from poor quality material.

If you follow the instructions, the user who purchased the equipment must boil water in it at least 3 times in order to completely eliminate the unpleasant aroma, as well as the oils or liquids that remain there.

As for the origin of the smell, there are most often 3 of them:

  1. If your equipment smells like plastic, it's bad sign. Most likely, poor quality materials were used during the production process. If this smell does not disappear even after you have boiled water in the kettle several times, this indicates elevated level plasticizer. This purchase will not be useful, the smell is unlikely to disappear and will be felt in all drinks, and the chemical itself can enter your body.
  2. There is process oil left in the kettle. This will also cause a bad odor, but it will usually go away quickly with hot water.
  3. Dyes that are included in the composition or other chemical components. They do not pose a danger to your health and will disappear very soon, just boil the water several times in the appliance.

As you can see, there aren’t many reasons, but it’s better to play it safe and be more careful about what you buy. In the same way, you can try to remove not only the smell, but also remove the burning residues that water leaves behind a stainless steel kettle. It is enough to do this once, and your kettle will no longer stink if there was mold in it, and there will be no trace of the taste left.

How to get rid of plastic smell in a kettle using lemon

Perhaps the oldest, but reliable the folk way To eliminate the smell in the kettle is to use lemon. The most budget option will be the use of citric acid. For an electric kettle, literally a few packets of this substance are enough.

The process is very simple. Pour water into the kettle to the last line, add lemon and boil. After this, the kettle is left in this state for half a day and boiled again. At the end, the equipment is washed under running water.

Thanks to lemon, you can quickly and permanently eliminate the smell of plastic in the kettle.

An alternative is to use lemon juice or the peels of several lemons. The actions are exactly the same as when using citric acid. At the end of the work, you need to drain the water through the spout, this way you can clean both the filter and the lid of the kettle.

There are situations when citric acid eats away at the joints. Yes, this happens, but only with low quality teapots. The kettle, made of high-quality plastic, will not deteriorate under any influence.

The acid contained in lemons can completely clean and shine a teapot. Main positive quality This method is that it is completely environmental and does not contain chemicals.

The kettle smells like plastic, what to do: use a bay leaf

If you don’t have lemon or citric acid on hand, and the unpleasant smell is overwhelming, use bay leaf, which is always available in any kitchen. Laurel also does not contain chemicals, and among the methods to combat unpleasant smell, he is a leader.

Bay leaf vs. citric acid or lemon can deal with foreign odors much faster and more effectively, and you won’t have to worry about the condition of your equipment.

An effective remedy for eliminating the smell of plastic in a kettle is a regular bay leaf.

In order to get rid of the smell you will need half a package. bay leaf into a kettle and fill it with water, bring this consistency to a boil, and then leave for several hours. After this, the kettle is boiled again, the water is drained and washed with running water.

Don't forget to check the kettle for any traces of laurel leaves at the bottom under the heating element and in the filter.

It is very important to remove all remnants of bay leaves, as they will then impart an unpleasant odor to the drinks. It is also a good idea to ventilate the device to ensure that the smell is eliminated.

Radical methods: how to remove plastic smell from an electric kettle using vinegar and soda

A common household cleaner is baking soda. Moreover, its use is the most in a safe way for appliances and utensils. Baking soda can effectively remove the unpleasant odor from the kettle.

As in previous methods, you will need to pour required amount water and add a few tablespoons of baking soda. After this, the composition is stirred until completely dissolved and the kettle is boiled. The technique is the same, after boiling it should stand for about an hour and boil again.

Cheap and effective means A solution of vinegar and soda can help eliminate the smell of plastic in the kettle.

Everyone knows that soda is an alkali, which is why it can effectively combat various unpleasant odors.

If you don’t have soda at home, you can use vinegar or vinegar essence. The actions differ from the previous options. Here you need to add 150 ml of vinegar to the water, and then turn the kettle on and off, not letting it come to a boil. After such actions, rinse the kettle thoroughly.

Tips: how to get rid of the plastic smell in an electric kettle (video)

We tried to reveal the most popular ways to clean a kettle. If you have already purchased equipment and it has a strong unpleasant smell, try to get rid of it using one of the methods, because you are unlikely to enjoy coffee or tea with a chemical aroma. If the smell cannot be removed, then you can try to return the equipment back to the store or use it, but for other technical purposes.

The joy of buying an electric kettle can be overshadowed by its unpleasant smell. To solve the problem, manufacturers recommend boiling water repeatedly, pouring it from the tap each time. This doesn't always help. Today we will talk about why a new kettle smells like plastic and what to do in this case.

Main causes of odor

The smell from technical oil residues and tight packaging will easily disappear if you thoroughly rinse the kettle

They can be different, for example:

  • Factory packaging. Manufacturers wrapped the kettle too tightly in the container, which is why the aroma of plastic was concentrated in the body.
  • Low quality plastic. This is the most common and dangerous reason. Household containers that come into contact with water and food must be made from special food-grade plastic. Unscrupulous manufacturers, in an effort to save money, ignore this rule.
  • Plasticizers and dyes. They are added to make the product last a long time and look beautiful. If these materials are of low quality, they can also cause a specific odor.
  • Traces of technical oil. It is used in the manufacturing process, so residues are sometimes found on the finished product.

Clean water should not smell like anything - this is the rule and sanitary standard which should not be neglected.

How can this be dangerous?

To remove the unpleasant odor from the kettle, boil 2 liters of Sprite in it.

The toxins released by an aromatic electric kettle are dangerous whether they are inhaled in the air or consumed in the water. Health effects can range from allergies to cancer.

Many chemical additives dissolve in water at elevated temperatures, giving it a plastic aroma and making the liquid filled with various compounds. Using such equipment to heat water is hazardous to health.

What to do

If the problem is not low-quality plastic, then lemon will help get rid of the smell

It's worth trying to give the device some freshness. Exist different ways do this:

  • Fill the kettle with water, add the juice of 3 lemons, boil and leave overnight. In the morning, turn it on again and bring to a boil, then drain the water. If the smell has decreased but not disappeared, you can repeat it.
  • Dilute a couple of large spoons of vinegar essence in a small amount of water, pour into the kettle, fill with water to the top and turn on. After boiling, drain and then rinse the plastic container.
  • Pour in 2 liters of water, stir 0.5 cups in it baking soda, boil. Wait until it cools down, drain everything and rinse the kettle well.

As a rule, the smell disappears after this.

If all methods fail desired effect, you can try boiling a kettle with a solution of water with detergents containing surfactants.

In this case, after the procedure it is necessary to rinse the kettle very thoroughly.

If you purchase low-quality equipment, you can return it to the store within two years or exchange it for new equipment.