When is the best time to transplant indoor plants. Transplanting indoor plants. Types of transplanting indoor flowers

Houseplants live in many houses and apartments, which require some care and attention. In order for the plant to please with its flowering and appearance, it is necessary to transplant it from time to time. For everything to be successful, you need to know some of the rules for plant transplantation.

Options when you can transplant indoor flowers:

  1. When roots are visible from the ground or drainage holes.
  2. If the plant did not release new leaves during March.
  3. If the leaves become small and the plant grows slowly.
  4. Unsuitable soil.
  5. The roots are not in very good condition.

Many budding growers are wondering when to transplant potted flowers. The best time for this is from the end of February to May. The plant came out of winter dormancy, began to grow actively, and therefore it will be easier for him to transfer the transplant, and this will also give him a powerful impetus for development in the new season.

Is it possible to transplant flowers in the summer:

Is it possible to transplant flowers in winter:

In winter better flowers do not transplant, since they are all in winter dormancy. But if suddenly pests appeared in the soil or it began to sour, then it is better, of course, to transplant so that the plant does not die.

Lunar transfer

Many breeders are guided by the lunar calendar. It is better to transplant during the full moon or during the waxing moon stage. This period lasts 12 days, this time will be enough to transplant a flower. But if you see yellowed leaves or there is no time to wait, replant and do not wait for the desired full moon phase. There are also gardener's calendars for beginners, which will make it easier for them to control the growing, waning or full moon.

Rules for choosing a flower pot

Exists Golden Rule when choosing a pot for a plant that has grown from an old one: when placing an old pot in new pot there should be a centimeter between them. Many people choose a pot "for growth", that is, with a large margin, this is also wrong, since it is fraught with stopping flowering or accumulation of excess liquid when watering, the earth can quickly "sour".

What pot material to choose:

  • The clay pot is the most environmentally friendly, and the moisture evaporates twice as fast. But this is not the most economical option.
  • Plastic pots are economical, lightweight and come in a variety of colors.

Soil for plants

When replanting indoor flowers, the most difficult stage is choosing the soil for the plant. You can stop thinking and buy a universal one. Better to find a special soil for the plant that you are replanting. Whether to cultivate this land for you, it's up to you to decide. If you don't trust the manufacturer, then better handle it. Place the earth in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 100-120 degrees. But remember that during heat treatment, everything useful from the soil will disappear.

The factor of buying drainage for the plant is also important. The best way- this is expanded clay. A centimeter layer is enough. Experienced growers also sprinkle the surface of the ground to prevent the formation of mosses and mold. Also, as a drainage option, brick (split), polystyrene (finely crushed) can act.

Transplant rules

Once you have prepared the drainage, soil, and pot, you can start transplanting. If you have planned this action in advance, then it is better to water the flower abundantly on the eve of this, so that the next day the soil is not completely wet and easily separates from the pot. This is especially convenient if you decide to completely transplant the plant, ridding it of old soil, for example, if mold appears or the soil is acidic. This is called a full transplant.

If you are completely satisfied with the land, and you decided to transplant the plant, because it just grew out of a pot, then this method is called transshipment (or partial transplantation).

The transshipment method is less traumatic for the plant, since it moves with its old "home". It will be easier for him to settle down. But this method is not suitable for plants with bad, spoiled soil.

There is also a partial method, here the upper (old) layer of the earth is simply replaced with a new one. This is done if the pot was originally large.

  1. When starting the transplant, first we fill the drainage at the bottom of the pot, 1 cm is enough. They fall asleep in order to eliminate the disadvantages of watering.
  2. To prevent the soil from washing out of the pot, you can put peat or moss on the drain.
  3. After we fill up a small amount of earth, then we directly put the flower and carefully add the earth from all sides.

After transplanting, it is better to place the flower in the shady part, away from direct sunlight. So he quickly adapts to new conditions with the least stress.

It is not worth watering the plant abundantly after transplanting, since at this stage new roots begin to actively grow, and the old ones can be damaged. And damaged roots can start to rot with abundant watering.

These simple rules will help you to transplant it quickly and with the least stress for the plant, as well as extend its life, create for a flower favorable conditions... Simple advice and experience will help you in creating an indoor garden or ennobling a site at home. By creating mini-gardens around you, you will receive positive, oxygen and good mood from plants.

It is quite natural that when planting or buying a new plant in a pot, vegetation lovers have the question "When to transplant indoor flowers?" The answer can be obtained by looking at appearance flower and earth around it.

Plant transplant: reasons

First of all, it should be noted that indoor flowers do not always need to be transplanted from one container to another. This process causes severe stress in the plant, which later needs some time for rehabilitation and "development of a new home".

So, why and when do you need to transplant indoor flowers from one pot to another? It is enough to look at the plant to understand that at the moment it is necessary:

  • the soil in the pot is practically invisible - it is completely entwined with the roots of the plant. You can check this by watering the indoor flowers a little, and after an hour, carefully taking them out together with an earthen lump;
  • sometimes there is too little space in the pot - the roots begin to crawl out through the drainage holes and the edges of the container;
  • the roots themselves look like those affected by diseases or insect pests: they are soured, withered, damaged;
  • the growth of the flower slows down or completely stops, there is a yellowing of its individual parts, wilting, falling leaves;
  • biological need - for example, small indoor cacti of some varieties are advised to be replanted once a year.

Do not forget about this important factor as unsuitable soil.

Since this lesson is quite stressful, it is necessary to mention the cases when indoor flowers in no case should be transplanted and, in general, should be disturbed once again:

  • if you just bought a plant and brought it home, it needs to get used to the new surrounding microclimate. Wait 2-3 weeks before replanting from a pot to your own;

  • during the flowering period - the transplanted flower will throw its resources on getting used to the new pot and recuperating, so the flowers will quickly fade. In addition, you can injure the inflorescences during transportation from one container to another;
  • during illness - if indoor flowers are affected by any disease, or they are now recovering from illness, do not give them additional stress.

Of last rule there is one very serious exception - replanting your green pets is simply necessary if the disease has struck the roots. In this case, it is also necessary to remove the infected areas and change the soil.

And in general - while your ward feels comfortable in his own pot, it is better not to touch him. Sometimes this is even beneficial: there are cases when plants growing in cramped vessels bloom more magnificently and beautifully than their relatives in free dwellings.

Time calculation for transplant

Transplanting indoor flowers, as a rule, better in spring when the active awakening of all living things from sleep begins. Don't be surprised - indoor plants respond to changes weather conditions outside the window just like the street ones.

Therefore, if you want your pet to feel most comfortable in a new place, it is better to carry out the idea from the end of March to mid-April. So early date is explained as follows: at home you do not have to worry about the fact that the flower may fall under sudden spring frosts.

According to the same principle, it is also possible to transplant the green inhabitants of an apartment in the summer, during the period of active growth of all living things.

However, there are times when indoor flowers need to be transplanted urgently - due to root disease, for example. In such cases, you can be guided by lunar calendar which will prompt auspicious days each month when you can do the job better.

The influence of the moon on flowers has long been proven by many experienced farmers. For example, it was noticed that during the growing moon, the juices inside the plant are directed up the shoots, pouring out from the roots and ensuring active growth. That is why, during such periods, accidental damage to the rhizome during transplantation from pot to pot will be less painful.

How to transplant flowers?

There are 2 main ways of replanting plants: full transfer, when indoor flowers are removed from one container and transferred to another, and partial soil replacement. The second option is used when the soil itself is not bad, but now the living organism needs additional feeding in the form of fertilizers.

Soil preparation

Both the first and the second methods need to prepare the soil in the same way. First, familiarize yourself with the natural growing conditions of the flowers that you want to transplant - this can be done with the help of special literature, read on the Internet or consult at the place of purchase of the flower.

Depending on the data obtained, form the soil of a certain composition: at your disposal is the soil near the house, sand, clay. You can also buy ready-made substrates from hobby gardeners.

The next step is to disinfect the substrate prepared with your own hands - getting rid of possible fungal and animal pathogens. Steam the soil in a closed container in a water bath for about 2 hours. After that, it must be calcined in an oven preheated to 40 degrees above zero Celsius for half an hour.

Cooled down to room temperature the soil can be saturated with the necessary fertilizers and used as intended.


Before choosing a pot, familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the shape of the root system in those plants that you will transplant.

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Room climbing plants for the most part, they are quite unpretentious. They are shade-loving, so take this into account when placing them in this or that place of the apartment. Water and spray regularly. And what else you need to know about your favorites, this article will tell you.

Many amateur gardeners do not know why houseplants need to be transplanted. Everything is actually very simple, this procedure is carried out so that the plants feel good and can continue to grow healthy. This procedure should be carried out approximately one to three times a year.

It all starts with the fact that the gardener needs to check all the plants in the house and determine which plants already have dough in a given pot or the soil no longer carries any advantages for a given plant. As soon as you decide on the plants and find out which ones need a new soil or pot. The question arises of how to do this correctly and how not to harm the flower in the process of transplanting a plant.

You will find all the necessary answers and recommendations for this question in this article. So if you do not want to harm your flower or another plant, you just need to spend a few minutes reading and then nothing will threaten your plant.

Here are some of the main reasons a flower needs to be transplanted into a different pot or soil.

  • Plants that have grown out of their pot are more susceptible to various diseases and attack by pests than other plants.
  • The root system can already normally be located in this pot, because of this, the flower looks sick, faded and ugly.
  • The soil in the ground has become unsuitable, it has become dense, over time the earth no longer possesses its former reserves of nutrients, they are significantly reduced every year. Also, over time, the land becomes barren.
  • Due to the fact that the earth has settled down a lot from a large amount of water and long stay in the pot, air begins to flow poorly into it, which is necessary for the root system.
  • If a flower has already grown out of its pot, then it can easily fall and break.

These are the five main reasons why it is necessary to transplant a flower to its new place of residence. There are also many other signs for transplanting plants, but they are much less common.

When is the best time to transplant plants

As a rule, all plants must be transplanted in the spring, since at this moment nature is only beginning to come to life and the amount of forces and substances needed is needed to please the eyes of people. These rules also apply to houseplants. Since the flower will need more space and strength to bloom again, and best of all, it will pass in new soil or soil.

But this rule should not be unconditionally followed, since this procedure can be carried out at any time of the year, when you yourself gather your strength, and you will have enough free time to do this. Many people wonder if it is possible to transplant indoor plants in the winter or spring time of the year. We will answer this question a little below.

Certainly best time for plant transplantation is the period from March to September. If you transplant plants in September, then it is better to choose the beginning of the month. Since this month the weather is still warm, and the plants are not yet harvested during the dormant period.

Of course, this can also be done at other times of the year, but the best thing for a flower will be if you have time with the transplant before the end of July. You can also try to transplant the plant in winter, but this is the worst time to transplant. Since you can harm the flower. During this period, he is in hibernation, and as you know, no one likes it when he is disturbed during sleep.

In total, some plants will like the winter transplant, such plants include, for example, calla lilies. Other plants are also transplanted in winter time... To find out when to transplant a flower, you need to know its flowering period. On average, the transplant should be done at least 3 months before flowering.

Also, not every plant needs an annual transplant, for some it is enough once every two, three years. In the case of large and old flowers, it is even easier. Since they have enough space, it will only be necessary to update upper layer soil.

What day is it better to replant your plants? If you are asking a similar question, then you shouldn't even look for an answer to it. Since such a day or week simply does not exist. The main thing for your flower is good soil and a neatly performed transplant procedure. So that he would not be harmed or otherwise crippled. You can choose such a day, starting from your free time.

But it is better to choose the phase of the moon, since plants develop best during the growing moon. So before transplanting, you can check the lunar calendar and choose any day, from the new moon to the full moon.

Which soil is better

During the transplant, you need to change as much as possible more soil but try not to damage the roots, otherwise your plant may simply dry out. Since the roots can no longer give away required amount substances. The best choice your plant will acquire a substrate that is great for many plants.

Also, before choosing a soil or substrate, you need to find out as much as possible about your plant. This is done in order to accurately select the most good land for him. Since many plants need different composition land.

During the transplant procedure, the bottom layer in the pot must be covered with gravel or expanded clay a few centimeters. Thanks to this, water will be better served from the soil, and your plant will be protected from waterlogging. Thus, the roots of the plant will not start to rot, and your plant will stand for a very long time.

You need to pour soil into the pot approximately to the very edge of the pot, from edge to ground level there should be at least 1-2 centimeters. Expanded clay can be used as the topmost layer, it will save your soil from lime deposits.

As we said earlier, some plants require a certain soil composition, but most houseplants are not particularly picky about the soil they choose. So almost any will suit them. But below will be presented the three most the best soil for your plant.

  • Peat, it goes well with almost every plant. Most of all he is loved by such plants as: fern, dracaena and so on.
  • Heavy clay, this soil is very nutritious, but not suitable for everyone. It is best suited for Tradescantia, Kalanchoe.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the acidity of the soil, since if you have plants such as gardenias or heather, then they feel very bad if sodium carbonate is present in the soil.

In most cases, land from the garden is used, but it must be carefully checked before using it. Since very high risk bring weed seeds together with the soil, then the plant will not receive the required amount of nutrients.

In addition, such soil is not suitable for most roots, as it is much heavier than the soil sold in the store. If you decide to choose substrates, then there is nothing to worry about. Since such a soil is pre-processed and assembled from various necessary components. They will only help your plant develop. Also, the roots grow in it much better than in any land.

When transplanting, you cannot choose a very large pot. Since the plant will have too much space, and it will not be able to grow normally. So you should take a new pot two three centimeters larger in diameter than previous place plants. Also, do not chase the beauty of the pot. Since it would be best to take a regular plastic pot with holes for water drainage.

When to transplant flowers

Spring is a time of renewal, including for indoor plants... Many of them have depleted the soil in which they grew during the winter. Some, with the beginning of spring, not only did not release new shoots, but also began to lose old leaves. If you see that the plant did not come to life in spring, but, on the contrary, froze and does not grow, transplant it.

Transplanting in the spring has an encouraging effect on most plants, so in late February or early March, you can devote one or two days to transplanting plants that need it.

In spring, almost all plants can be replanted, especially those that bloom in spring or summer.

Flower transplant - disease prevention

At the end of summer, some flowers also need to be updated. A transplant is needed for those of them that have grown very much over the summer. For example, I plant balsams in small pots, then they bloom faster and bloom longer, but by autumn their fast-growing root system fills the entire pot. Therefore, I transplant them in the fall again. Or, to be precise, I am overloading, since I do not clean the roots from the remnants of the old soil during the autumn transplant.

The roses planted in the garden for the summer in the fall I again move to a pot with fresh soil.

Some flowers found all summer long fresh air, sometimes they catch an infection, and in order not to bring it into the house and not infect the rest of the flowers, I renew the plant with the help of a transplant, cutting off all damaged areas in its process and treating the plant with medications.

Of course, not all plants can easily be transplanted twice a year, but fast-growing asparagus can be transplanted as many times as you like at any time of the year.

The flower is crowded - we transplant

The diagnosis "urgently needs a transplant" is made to plants in several more cases, and then this procedure has to be carried out, regardless of the season. For example, if the roots have filled the entire pot and protruded onto the surface of an earthen coma or protrude from the drainage hole, do not wait for spring, transplant the flower, otherwise it will not have enough strength to winter. In order for the plant to endure this procedure as easily as possible, use the transshipment method.

In addition to this case, it is worth transplanting a flower:

  • if within a month after the onset of spring the plant does not release new leaves and peduncles;
  • if the soil dries out very quickly, that is, it is filled with roots;
  • if you bought a flower in a store that was planted in a temporary peat substrate (the plant will not live in such soil for a long time);
  • if the pot burst.

There are plants that are not even transplanted every year. For example, palms, cacti, adult orchids should not be disturbed so often. You can change their place of residence no more often than once every two years.

Rules for transplanting indoor plants

Prepare a new flower pot. It should be only 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Test: The old pot should fit easily into the new one.

Before removing the plant from the pot, water it well, then it will be easier to separate the earthen lump from the walls of the flowerpot.

For the transplant procedure, you will need a new earthen mixture corresponding to the genus of the plant, drainage (best of all, expanded clay). Fill the volume of the pot with drainage by one third, then fill the soil with a layer of 2-3 cm. Turning the flower over, carefully remove it from the pot, clean the roots from the old earth, if you intend not to transfer, but to transplant the plant. Place the roots as carefully as possible in a new pot and cover them with fresh soil.

Place the flower in the center of the pot and, holding it with one hand, sprinkle the earth with the other. To compact the soil, I tap the pot on the table and gently press the soil with my fingers. Then I water the plant and forget about it for a while, giving it a chance to recover from the stress.

Replacing the topsoil

If for some reason you do not want to replant the plant, you can simply partially renew the soil in the pot. For this, 2-5 cm of old soil is cut off and fresh soil rich in minerals and microelements is poured in its place.

And the last ... After transplanting, the plant must be watered only with settled water. If it is young and weak, cover it with foil so that the plant is like in a greenhouse, and then the flower transplant will be extremely beneficial.

Just planting a flower in a pot is far from the only condition for it. successful cultivation... When and how to properly transplant indoor flowers is a question that interests not only beginners, but also experienced florists... The correct time for transplanting will determine how quickly the plant adapts to a new place and begins to grow green mass.

In this article you will find useful tips and recommendations for the transplantation of indoor plants, as well as learn what the transfer of flowers is and how to carry it out correctly.

How to properly transplant indoor flowers

All cultures, including indoor ones, are constantly developing. So that your favorite flowerpot is not cramped in an old pot, you need to know how to transplant flowers at home correctly.

There are several reasons why regular transplant (picture 1):

  • In cramped pots, crops are more susceptible to pests and diseases;
  • The roots become cramped, so the leaves and stems develop much more slowly;
  • The compacted soil in the pot contains much less nutrients and is less conductive to the roots.

Figure 1. Signs by which you can determine the need for transplant

In addition, an overgrown specimen, which is cramped in a pot, can easily break. That is why you need to regularly change the containers and the substrate in them.

Features of the

To know how to properly transplant home cultures, you need to decide on the main types of transplant. It can be complete and incomplete. In the case of a complete transplant, the flower is moved to a new pot, completely replacing the old substrate and cleaning it from the roots. With an incomplete transplant, part of the soil remains on the roots, forming an earthen ball, and the fresh substrate is partially added to the new pot.

Alternatively, you can simply replace the topsoil to give your crop more nutrients.

Transplant rules

In order for the flowers to feel comfortable in a new pot, you need to correctly transplant. It is advisable to carry out the procedure quickly and with all cultures at the same time. Moreover, early spring is considered the best time for transplanting, when most species, including exotic ones, have not yet entered the stage of active growth, or are at rest.

The basic rules for transplant are as follows(picture 2):

  • The flower is gently removed from the pot so as not to accidentally damage its roots;
  • It is important that the flower is healthy, since specimens weakened after illness or intense flowering do not tolerate transplantation well and may even die;
  • If the culture has formed a dense earthen lump, it must be carefully cleaned of part of the substrate and placed in a new container;
  • It is important to ensure that the roots do not protrude from the drainage holes in the bottom. If this does happen, you need to pick up an even larger container or carefully cut off excess roots.

Figure 2. Plant transplant rules

When the flower is placed in a new pot, it is sprinkled with a new layer. fertile substrate, water and slightly compact the soil. This is necessary so that he quickly forms a new earthen ball and receives all the necessary nutrients (Figure 3).

These rules apply only to compact species. It is difficult to completely transplant large varieties. If the pot fits normally root system, you can simply replace the top layer of the primer. But, if the culture has become cramped, you can carry out transshipment, which will be discussed below.

When is it better to transplant indoor flowers

The most suitable time for transplanting is spring, when all cultures come to life.

Note: If you did not transplant one or more specimens in the spring, the procedure can be carried out later, if there is an urgent need for this.

In fact, the transplant cannot be done only in winter. Therefore, if you decide to move your pets to pots bigger size, try to carry out this procedure from March to September. In March, they are just beginning to come out of the state of winter dormancy, and in early September they begin to prepare for winter, and will normally undergo a transplant.

Figure 3. The main stages of transplantation

It is important to bear in mind that not all species require an annual transplant. This condition is relevant only for young crops that are actively growing green mass and need nutrients. It is enough to transplant adult specimens every 2-3 years or as the roots overgrow.

Handling indoor plants

Transhipment of plants is carried out in the event that they are too large, and it is impossible to completely clear its roots from the earth. In addition, such a procedure is necessary for species that have been in the old pot for too long and their roots have formed a dense ball (Figure 4).

What it is

The main difference between transshipment and transplanting is that the earthen lump, in which the roots are located, is not disturbed. In fact, the flower is simply transferred to a new large pot and some of the growing medium is replaced.

Figure 4. Stages of transshipment of home flowers

Transshipment is a great way to renew soil in a pot of large specimens. For large specimens, the usual transplant is not suitable, since it is physically impossible to remove all the soil from the roots.

Why do you need to do the transshipment

The main purpose of transshipment is to enable crops to grow normally, develop and bloom regularly.

The transshipment is carried out much faster than transplanting, so the flowers do not experience serious stress and practically do not suffer from the procedure. Let's consider what features the transshipment has, and what rules to follow during its implementation.

Features of the

A characteristic feature of the transshipment is the low injury rate for the flower itself. As a rule, transshipment is carried out for large species, which simply cannot be lifted, cleared of the ground and moved to a new pot.

In addition, the roots are not injured during transshipment. They are simply extracted from old container and transferred to a new pot along with an earthen clod, and the free space is filled with a new nutrient substrate.


To carry out the transshipment correctly, you need to strictly follow the rules of procedure. First, you need to try to carefully remove the plant from the old pot. To do this, slightly loosen the soil around the edges of the container and carefully remove the plant. If the transshipment is carried out for a very large crop, it is better to put the pot on its side, loosen the soil and simply remove the pot from the earthen coma.

Secondly, you do not need to clear the roots of the soil. Gently holding the plant by the lower part of the stem, it is rearranged into a new container so that the earthen ball is in the center. After that, the free space of the pot is filled with fresh nutrient substrate, slightly compacted and watered. It is important that the plant is firmly fixed in the ground. If this does not happen, it makes sense to pick up a more capacious container or add another layer of soil.

When to transplant indoor flowers in the spring

Many flower growers are interested in the question of when is it better to transplant indoor flowers. Despite the fact that this procedure can be carried out almost all year round, except for winter, spring is considered the most suitable time.

In March, the plants have not yet fully awakened after hibernation, but they have already accumulated enough strength in order to tolerate the transplant well. Therefore, it is recommended to plan the transplanting of young plants in March, and other crops can be transplanted later when the need arises.

Transplanting indoor flowers in spring: video

If you have never transplanted plants yourself, or if you want to get more practical recommendations for this procedure, we recommend watching the video. In it, you will find expert transplant advice and learn how to move flowers into new pots with minimal plant stress.