Which was adopted in 1992. Start of economic reform

The reforms began with the liberalization of prices in January 1992, which led to the filling in the domestic market with food and industrial goods. However, during the year, prices rose ten times. Most of the population received meager salaries and pensions, and cash savings depreciated. The remaining non-government funding of free medicine, education and science was destroyed. Russia faced unemployment. All this led to a mass impoverishment of the population.


In the post-transient transition period (1992-1993) after political design new power In 1991, the economic and constitutional foundations of the new state structure of Russia occurs. At the same time, the main task of the country's new leadership has seen in fixing political changes in Russian society. The Russian economy, its constitutional device was supposed to be in line with the new political build Countries that implied the transition to a market economy, its demonopolization and privatization, the creation of a class of private entrepreneurs and owners, strengthening the power of the president.

On the V Congress of People's Deputies Russian Federation (October 1991) B. Yeltsin made a program of radical economic reforms providing for the liberalization of prices and salaries, freedom of trade and privatization. Given the established serious economic situation, the deputies generally approved the program and even endowed the president with additional powers to her. On November 6-8, 1991, the Government was formed headed by B. Yeltsin and two vice-premieres: Burbulis (replied to political issues) and E. Gaidar (Minister of Economics and Finance, who supervised economic reform). The Government also acted the Institute of Advisors, where the leading role belonged to the American economist D. Saxu.

On January 2, 1992, the first step was made on the way to the market economy - the liberalization of prices and trade was carried out. According to Vice-Prime Minister E. Gaidar, it was supposed to return the role of a spontaneous price regulator and production, lead to the destruction of the monopoly of intermediaries in the trading network. However, the underestimation of the monopolization of production, as well as the sustain of the government from control over the formation of prices, led to their uncontrolled surge. In January 1992, the rise in prices was 1000-1200%, and by the end of the year they increased at least 26 times. At the same time, the increase in salary in 1992 occurred only 12 times. The reform was not provided for the indexation of savings deposits of the population, which led to the one-time depreciation. The hopes of the government and the Western widespread care of the West were not justified. Under these conditions, the Government of Yeltsin-Gaidar could not fulfill the promised social guarantees during reforms. The policy of "shock therapy", not supported by Western loans and investments, nevertheless continued, and the main goal was declared the stabilization of the financial system, creating a defilitious budget due to the cessation of subsidies to unprofitable enterprises and sectors, a decrease in social benefits to the population. The stabilization of the finance of Russia was to be called, according to Gaidar, the growth of external and internal investments in the Russian economy.

I.S. Ratkovsky, M.V. Walking. History of Soviet Russia

Threat hunger

To solve the issue of the liberalization of prices, Russia's leadership approached in a kind of situation, the most important features of which were as follows:

- denial of a significant part of the population idea of \u200b\u200bintroducing free prices,

- distrust of any measures for social protection and maintaining life levels,

- Waiting for hunger,

- Growth of discontent.

The survey conducted in November 1991 showed that more than half of Russians do not support the transition to free market prices, only a quarter approves this measure. Only 9% of citizens - survey participants are waiting for improving the situation. Specific traits consumer behavior The population is an attractive demand, flight from money ...

The situation with the supply of food cities in 1991 resembles the tragic realities of 1917. From Novgorod reported: "Flour funds on the second half of the year were highlighted by 6500 tons less than the actual expenditure of last year. All this forced to introduce everywhere normalized (card) bread leave to the population, at the rate of 400 grams per capita." Y. Luzhkov reported in November 1991: "The Moscow government brings to your information that the supply of the population by food products continues to be critical ... due to the lack of resources in the amount of 40 thousand tons and the cessation of the shipment of the oil of the animal from Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia and Moldova trade is carried out periodically, the remains of the oil of the animal are absent. By the Union contract, 20 thousand tons of animal oil was purchased. It is necessary to send the whole purchased volume to Moscow ... in January 1992 Moscow may remain without food. " Information from the Chita region: "Flour is allocated for 260 g per person. This is lower than the norm of military time, the situation with the provision of bread critical."

The difference between 1917 and 1991 was in the Spirit of Time. In 1917, the world dominated the idea that strengthening the influence of the state on economic life - Fortunate. The base of such beliefs were social problemsgenerated by the beginning of modern economic growth, industrialization. In the benefit of direct state regulation at the beginning of the twentieth century, everyone believed: experts, high-ranking officials, politicians. Excluding this is difficult to understand why the royal government, the temporary government, the Government of the Bolsheviks with varying degrees of efficiency and cruelty conducted a food policy, which was based on the forced seizure of grain from the peasants at prices that do not relevant market conditions.

On this intellectual background, the idea of \u200b\u200bV. Lenin about the campaign to the village for bread with machine guns did not seem to be something exotic. He only brought to a logical completion, what the qualified specialists of the time on the food case thought.

In the autumn of 1991, when Russia faced the similar problems of food supply of cities, with a threat of hunger, the intellectual atmosphere in the world was different. The belief in the beneficiamentation of state regulation of the economy has ceased to be a symbol of faith. In Russia, the conviction is that state bodies are able to effectively solve problems facing the country in the context of the crisis, was undermined by the 70-year-old state alliances. The idea that, facing a grain deficiency, you can get it, sending armed troops into the regions rich in bread, the government was seriously discussed. Bread large cities It was necessary. It is impossible to confiscate it. Currencies to buy it abroad, no. One thing remains: get food, paying the price that will be acceptable for its manufacturers. Actually, this is the essence of the liberalization of prices, the path similar to those who went by V. Lenin in 1921, when it was faced with the threat of power loss.

As it, in itself, the liberalization of prices in 1991 did not give guarantees to solve the problems of supplying cities with food. The key was the question: Will the village sell the city grain for unreliable, depreciable rubles? It was from this that depended whether the catastrophic scenario of the events of the Russian revolution of the beginning of the twentieth century will repeat.

In the fall of 1991. russian authorities They decided not to send the prospects to the village, but to form a free food market, without having guarantees that the monetary proposal would be able to keep under control, inflation will not reach the level at which grain producers will refuse to sell bread in the city.

In October 1991, we assumed that it was possible to postpone the liberalization of prices until mid-1992, and by that time to create levers of monetary circulation in Russia. A few days after the start of work in the government, reading the picture of the food supply of large Russian cities, was forced to recognize that the deferment of liberalization until July 1992 was impossible. In this case, by the summer of 1992, we will be about the same way where the Bolsheviks were in the summer of 1918. The only possible line in economic politics remained, which gives the chances of preventing disasters - the liberalization of prices, reducing the state of expenses, the early separation of the monetary system of Russia from the monetary systems of other post-Soviet states. It was about the development of events in a nuclear power, the stability of which was largely dependent on what will happen to the food supply of cities. The decision was one of the most risky in world history.

The materials of the first meeting of the Russian government formed in November 1991, clearly show that no one knew in those days how to solve an intractable task. Hence the fluctuations on when and how to liberalize prices, how to combine with ensuring control over cash circulation. It was only clear that the country was in an extreme situation ...

Assessed the idea of \u200b\u200bsending products to the village, the government could take only one solution: to introduce market prices for food. As the experience of 1917-1921 showed, if free trade does not interfere, even when the money circulation is disorganized, there are chances that the supply of cities will be satisfactory. Will it work in practice - no one could know, but there was no other way out. Nadezhda that the market will work, was the motive of the decision on the liberalization of prices on January 2, 1992.

The fact that this decision will be unpopular understood almost everything. This was confirmed by the survey conducted by the WTCIOM in January-February 1992. But this decision saved the country. Note that the Union Guide, faced with economic crisis, having an army, the KGB, heading the multi-million party, did not solve the price liberalization. It chose to close the eyes and hope that the situation will be resolved by itself.

E.T. Gaidar. Universities and institutions

Liberalization of prices and the resignation of Gaidar

From January 2, prices for the overwhelming majority of goods (with the exception of bread, milk, alcohol, as well as utilities, transport and energy carriers) were released, and adjustable - elevated. 28 percent value added tax has been introduced.

In addition to price liberalization, import restrictions were temporarily abolished, a zero import tariff was set. It is free imports in early 1992 played the role of a catalyst in the development of private market trading.

On January 29, 1992, President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree "On Freedom of Trade". In accordance with this decree, enterprises regardless of the forms of ownership and citizens were granted the right to carry out trade, mediation and procurement activities without special permits. The exception was trade in weapons, explosives, poisonous and radioactive substances, drugs, drugs et al. All this led to a gradual saturation of the consumer market and the growth of commodity reserves in retail.

At the same time, such negative phenomena appeared in the economy of the country as the crisis of mutual non-payment of enterprises, cash shortages, which caused acute social tension, reducing tax revenues to the budget, inflation.

In his speeches, on the eve of Liberalization, Gaidar spoke about the upcoming initial increase in prices for 200-300%. In fact, in January 1992, their growth compared to the previous month amounted to 352%.

In April 1992, at the VI Congress of People's Deputies of Russia economic policy Governments underwent sharp criticism. On April 11, the congress adopted the decision "about the progress economic reform In the Russian Federation, "in which: noted whole line Problems in the economy: decline in production, destruction of economic relations, decrease in the life level of the population, the growth of social tensions, a lack of cash; He proposed to president of Russia to make significant adjustments to tactics and methods for the implementation of economic reform, taking into account comments and proposals.

On April 13, Gaidar announced the resignation of the government, motivating it because the decision on the course of reforms adopted at the congress actually means disagreement of deputies with an economic course conducted by the government, and the additional budgetary costs envisaged by them will not allow this course without catastrophic consequences.

In this situation, a compromise was found: the congress adopted the Declaration on the support of economic reforms in which the norms of the adopted decision on the progress of economic reform were mitigated.

After the VI congress, the "medium-term economic concept of the government began to be developed, which provided for the decline in the share of regulated prices and volumes of government procurement, the deployment of mass privatization, bringing energy prices to the global level only for 2 years.

In fact, under pressure from deputies and directors of state-owned enterprises, financial Policy It became less tough. In combination with the seasonality essential for Russia, the non-marketing of financial relations with the CIS countries, which led to the simultaneous functioning of many ruble emissions centers, not by the government of the Central Bank of Russia, this led to the end of the period of relative financial stability and the development of a new inflation round at the end of summer - early in the early autumn of 1992.

In the fall, the government has been criticized with the requirements to restore price regulation and increase the direct state intervention in what is happening in national economy processes.

In December 1992, the VII Congress of People's Deputies Egor Gaidar was not approved for the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers. After approval by the head of the government of Viktor Chernomyrdin, Gaidar was resigned.

Hydar's activities are rapidly ambiguous. On the one hand, its price reform in January 1992, which actually mean refusal to state prices for most of the goods, including the essential goods, allowed almost instantly to fill the shelves of the stores, completely empty in the preceding years. However, while maintaining incomes of the population unchanged, it led to a catastrophic drop in the standard of living.

Reformers managed to reduce the deficit of the state budget and translate the Soviet planning economy to rails free market, but by-effect Their actions were hyperinflation and economic crisis.

Specialists are still arguing that the crash caused russian economy In the early 1990s, the reform of Gaidar and his supporters or the previous decades of ineffective Soviet rule.

The Chinese have long noticed that periods alternate, bizarrely binding characteristics. They collected their knowledge to the treatise, known as the Chinese Zodiac. To sort it up in his nuances, we will analyze an example. Here, 1992 - what kind of animal? What is it characterized and, most importantly, is different from others? How affects people born during this period.

1992 - who is the horoscope?

Start with the fact that Chinese horoscope Forms a combination of twelve animals with four elements. But that's not all. Next, any sign obtained from this plexus is painted specific color, giving a period of additional features. So, if we consider 1992, what kind of animal, the elements and colors he, then we will receive the answer: Monkey, water, black. Only three signs. But these are key characters, pushing out of which and create all other characteristics for 1992. Eastern horoscope Allows you to describe those who are born during this period that he will bring other people how to spend it and so on. Let's look at gifts and underwater stones of the year.

Characteristics of personalities

The monkey gives his own features of those in whose dates of birth is 1992. What animal neither take, there are generally accepted characteristics. So, a monkey in our imagination is associated with cunning, energetic, some

To a certain extent, people who have emerged during this period adopt such qualities. Only they strengthen the elements of water, what the Chinese horoscope interprets. 1992 presented the world of personalities of purposeful (this is not from the monkey), restrained and very talented. They are friendly, have all the opportunities to become a soul company. TO professional activity Relevant responsible, fulfill their duties quickly, skillfully, observing the dates and norms. Appreciate knowledge. Learn all my life, without sparing time and energy. The horoscope claims that there are no other people, so who know how to seek the goal as those who presented the life of 1992. What animal horoscope can compete with such unusual characteristics? But not everything is so wonderful. These people have both negative features (like everyone else).

What you need to fear these personalities

It is clear that 1992, what a monkey would not be, will throw some not the most pleasant "gifts" in the nature of their "offspring". The most difficult to overcome is the rejection of criticism. This is where negative monkey features. A person believes that he himself for himself authority. There is no other opinion for him. Therefore, it may be favorably referring only to those who support him. Criticism perceives as a personal insult. How so, he knows better how to do! Therefore, the answer to the question: "1992 - the year of which animal?" You can add this characteristic: smart but irreconcilable.

By the way, they have right. Since the responsibility for their decisions on other people's shoulders do not shuffle.

About compatibility

It is impossible to consider and not touch the question of its interaction with other. When you ask the question of Tom, 1992 - what monkey, compatibility goes to one of the first places. The fact is that complex and multifaceted. It can be abstractly present in the form of a metal black river, which is powerful in its direction. How to interact with such a person? What to take that this directional flow of meaningful energy dissolves with its inexorable force? The Chinese believe that these people should be treated as promising, relationships with a horse and rat. Unions with a tigrome, bull or dog can be very problematic. And another question about 1992, what kind of animal (compatibility is meant) does he not tolerate? Who will not get along with? It turns out that there are no such. Black monkey, fortified water element, makes a person quite flexible. He is more or less frequent with everyone, although proximity can be deep only with the above-mentioned

About profession

It is believed that there is no such specialty or direction of activity, where these monkeys would not be waiting for success. The fact is that the mind is combined with agility and cunning. They can become beautiful advertisers. Especially in our internet century. If in the nature of this person to raise perseverance, then all the other natural data is enough for him to build a career in diplomacy. He is a smart, while the intellect of it is distinguished by flexibility, the desire for constant self-improvement (from nature). These monkeys have congenital artistic abilities that they do not realize to deep old age. For them, it is perfectly normal to play different roles. Children born during this period need to be aimed at a career, where they will have to constantly move, recognize the new one, otherwise they "are wage".

On communication

Highly important momentAs a person knows how to build a conversation and in general contacts with others. Those whose year of birth fell on monkeys, masters of communication. And the point is not even that they perfectly convey their thoughts and listen to the interlocutor. They still have perfect memory, which helps them in the establishment of contacts. They always know how to remind themselves greeting postcard or in the subject expressed by thought. Binds them from the arrogance that needs to be overcome. The fact is that the monkey can at one point, under the influence of the mood, destroy everything, what long and painstakingly worked. Regrets broken later do not glue. We will have to start rebound. And it was necessary to just press the language behind the teeth, so as not to offend the meaningful person.

How will their life

In childhood and youth, these people are real lucky. They all turn out. They get so much affection and attention as necessary for harmonious development. Difficulties overtake these monkeys in the middle of the way. At this time, chaos is possible associated with the device of personal life or career. And the point is not in them themselves. Just need to decide certain tasksrelated to spiritual growth. At this time, these people need to help. They themselves ask for support do not guess. The old age will be quiet and calm. The Chinese horoscope warns that they may die in a foreign land, away from loving hearts.

What are they parents

For children, people who have emerged under the sign of the water monkey are slightly indifferent. This concerns both men and women. No, they will not throw up siblings to grandmothers, but also to shake them, lingering every step, they will not. Best parent functions to fulfill them, based on friendship. Then you can build strong partnerships with children, do not lose their attachment and love. Monkeys generous, but selfish. This trait of their character needs to be realized and accept. But, despite some kind of alienation, their offspring are very proud of their parents, often becoming their right hand In family business.

Special features

Naturally, the monkey gives his ward the wrath, without which they could not get what raises many of them on the peak of Glory (to one degree or another). This feature is magnificent, their subtle jokes are so sophisticated and chant that under the many people fall. Sometimes this humor becomes evil, moving to peeling. But friends forgive, and all other monkeys are not inclined to pay attention. Especially since mental creativity, expressed in humor, helps their professional activities.

Often, the virtuoso words of words they can earn more than the years of painstaking labor. Women born under the sign of the water monkey are endowed with charm of harmonious maturity. They immediately pay attention to, trying to "look into the soul." There are certain magnetism in these, at first glance, modest, girls.

If a person born in 1992 appeared in the circle of your acquaintances, then look at this still young personality. Most likely, it will seem to you that it is quiet and hardship, which is written on the nature, to spend all life in the shade of someone else's glory. It's not like that at all. Just people are not inclined to open before each counter. It has not yet come the time when their main goal will begin to acquire visible traits. Do not doubt, they are already working on it. If you can easily get to them in trusted faces, you can get dividends over time, not inferior in size by paying large corporations. It is necessary to suffer their obsession and sometimes annoying ulcer. The period of the heyday of these personalities will have to 2020, that is, coincides with the time of prosperity of Russia!

So, having understood since 1992, this conclusion can be made. This is a period to which a black monkey is patronized under the influence of water. This is a bad sign and multifaceted. People who were lucky enough to get under his influence will live a bright and event-filled life.

Baghdasaryan V.E.

October 1993 ... What is the historic semantics of events that occurred 20 years ago? A direct consequence of the new Constitution has occurred. This constitution has banned the state ideology of Russia. In fact, an external ideological project was taken. The type of incomplete model of statehood was approved.

Currently, judging by public opinion polls, the majority supports in those Supreme Council. But if we proceed from the position of the majority, then the appropriate audit of the results of what happened should be carried out. And the following happened ...

In 1993, there was a constitutional coup in Russia. At the head of this coup was the president. According to the Constitution of 1977 at that time, the highest authority legislative power He was the congress of people's deputies. He had the right to demand a report from the president and rejecting 2/3 of his votes from office. At the congress, the Supreme Council was elected - the legislature constantly acting between his conveners. The head of government (the Prime Minister) could be appointed only with the Agreement of the Supreme Council. All of these constitutional limiters in relation to the president initially managed to bypass on the basis of the Resolution of the Fifth Congress of 1991 on the representation of B.N. Heltsin "Special Powers". But the action of the provided card-blanche extended in December 1992. Given the failure of the reforms carried out, the further political fate of B.N. Heltsin and the elite associated with him was questionable.

Understanding this threat, President of December 10, 1992 urged his supporters to leave the seventh congress. In his appeal, the president spoke of "the inability to work with the congress of deputies," refusing to extend its special powers and demanding the change of the head of government. Already then the first Yeltsin coup policy was undertaken. But she failed. Having retained the quorum, the congress removed the head of the Government of the Radical Monetarist E.G. Hydar, approved the compromise figure of the former Minister of Gas Industry of the USSR V.S. Chernomyrdin instead of him.

The new attempt of the "Nestileft" is being taken by B.N. Heltsin in March 1993, when the president was signed by an unconstitutional decree "On Special Management Management". But this approach to the joint efforts of the Supreme Council, the Constitutional Court, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Security Council turned out to be blocked.

Then it was decided to enlist the support of the people, for which a referendum on the confidence of the President and Parliament is set. It was assumed that due to the control of the media, as well as "ideological and material assistance Foreign colleagues "B.N. Heltsin will be able to get the desired result. However, contrary to relationers about the unconditional victory of the Yeltsin course, the referendum did not give an absolute advantage. If you count the votes from the number of votes, trust B.N. Yeltsin objected 58.7 A% person, his reforms supported 53.0%, 49.5% of the Supreme Council were held for the need for early re-election of the president - 67.2%. If you consider all potential voters (and the referendum is, as you know, the vooncorative will and procedural should be considered. Different from the next elections), "Success" of the Yeltsin team already appears as a defeat: only 37.6% of the electorate announced the confidence of B.N. Heltsin, about the support of its policy of 34%, for the re-election of the president - 32.6%, Supreme Council - 41.4%.

The statistics of "invalid bulletins" are particularly indicative. The most critical for B.N. Heltsin was a position on the issue of re-removal of the president. Only 0.5% of votes were not enough for the verdict negative for him. And it is for this indicator that the largest number of spoiled bulletins is recorded. It dissolves noticeably with all relevant indicators on other survey articles. And, as you know, one excess icon is enough for the newsletter to be invalid. A paradox arose: 58.7% trust the president, but at the same time 49.5% require re-election.

After all these failures, it is obviously a decision on the force resolution of the conflicting of the President with the Supreme Council. Parliament Meanwhile, takes a number of steps, expressing the desire to expand the vector of development outlined by liberal reformers. Materials on denunciation of Belovezhsky agreements were transferred to the Constitutional Court as an illegal decision of the Supreme Council, which has assumed the powers of the congress or referendum. Illegal was also determined by the transfer of the Crimean ASSR Ukraine. A proposal to ratify the Agreement on the Reduction of Strategic Weapons of START-2, as subversive for the safety of Russia, was not strictly not taken. An attempt is made to create mechanisms for the deprivation of monopoly of the Liberal Yeltsin team over the media. To this end, establishes Federal Council To ensure freedom of speech in state-owned media, changes are made to federal press legislation. Everything went to the fact that on the upcoming in November 1993, the tenth congress of people's deputies B.N. Heltsin was to lose the presidential post.

The events occurred exactly a month before the event directly indicate an interesting coup. The conspiracy was announced by parliament. B.N. Heltsin in his appeal on October 6, 1993 spoke about "armed rebellion planned and prepared by the Supreme Council." His goal was nominated in the "establishment of the bloody Communist Fascist Dictatorship in Russia." This is a well-known and even universal tactical admission of conspirators - to declare in a conspiracy to prepare the coup of those against whom the revolution is actually directed. If today there will be a conspiracy on the removal of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, there is no doubt that he himself will be presented by the main conspirator in this scenario.

By decree of September 21, 1993, the current constitution was canceled on the phased constitutional reform in the Russian Federation, the Supreme Council was abolished, the elections of the new parliament and voting on a new basic law were appointed.

None of the nominated decisions had under the current legislation of legal force. The coup was, in fact, was implemented. The case remained behind the small - technical operation for suppressing supporters of the previous government.

The path of compromises in the coup phase can lead to a breakdown of the entire technological operation. Apparently, this well understood the developers of the technology of the Yeltsin power interception. The possibility of any compromise was excluded in advance. All proposals received by, in particular, from the Constitutional Court, meeting managers of the subjects of the Russian Federation, Russian Orthodox church On the return to the original preconflict position were the side of B.N.ELtsin rejected. The decision of the highest authority in Russia - convened the extraordinary 10th congress of people's deputies on the simultaneous coupon of the President and the Supreme Council no later than March 1994 was also ignored.

Today there are numerous evidence that in the Yeltsin headquarters there was a pre-developed plan military force. It also identifies the deadlines for applying a decisive strike - October 3-4. A few days before the bloody events, the Minister of Printing M.N. Poltoranin sent a note to the media managers, in which she called on "with understanding to take advantage of those measures that the President of October 4 will take." Management of the Institute. Sklifosovsky received the on the eve of the indication to prepare an additional 300 beds. On placed in Moscow, parts of the Airborne Forces of the Airborne Minima posted on October 1, information was held on a possible shootout and subsequent storming of the House of Soviets on October 3. So the official version as if the presidential forces would only reflect the blow to the supporters of the Supreme Council, did not correspond to the reconstructed chronology of the conspiracy formation. The effect of the crowd of demonstrators at the White House was programmed from the Yeltsin headquarters. From early October 3, on the October Square of the mass demonstration, Omon for some reason removes its strength. The crowd demonstratively, no one bothers. It is provoked to apply force. Such a provocation came the shots from the mayor's office and the hotel "Peace" (there was an operational headquarters of the Interior MIA internal troops). In response, the crowd bursts into the mayor's office and on the euphoria of success goes to the television center. The official media declared the seizure of the two floors of the Ostankino complex. The television has been disabled. And only after the fact of the facts of the events, it turned out that no action was penetrated inside the television center. Yes, and could not penetrate. It was the special forces of the division them. Dzerzhinsky, while armed persons among the demonstrators there were no more than 20 people. Until now, it is not clear who made the first shot. According to numerous testimonies, he was produced from the Ostankino building, applying to one of Makishovsky machine gunners. The next shootout, leading mainly from the television center, government armored vehicles and roofs of nearby houses, was imitation of battle. Through the organizational provocation, the moral right to shed blood to the Yeltsin team was obtained.

It is characteristic that the Russian and international democratic coup of the Russian and international democratic community assessed as necessary measures to establish a legitimate order.

With the consecration of the conflict between the branches of power in Russia, the Western media invariably presented B.N. Heltsin under the marker "legally elected president", "the only legal and popularly chosen power" of the consumer of information programmed the corresponding attitude:

the president is "legal", and deputies of the Supreme Council are illegal. Of course, without the relevant sanction of the West, B.N. Heltsin would never have decided for them in 1993. power transformation. B.N. Heltsin himself confessed in his memoirs about the negotiations on the coup scenario with the German Chancellor. Thaw: "I wanted to discuss with him a question for me: if I go to the restriction of the activities of parliament, how ... the West will react to my actions ... he supported me, expressing confidence that other seven leaders with an understanding will be touched by tough, but necessary measures". The mandate from the United States was probably received by the President of the Russian Federation during his visit to Vancouver in April 1993. The words spoken by B.N. Helzin in January 1994 during a press conference organized on the occasion of admission to Moscow B. Cinton: "We are in the thick of the Russian-American joint revolution." Recognition is exhaustive.

The texts of the Russian media of October 1993 are evidenced by the replacement information methods as appropriate information methods. One of this kind of examples represents published on October 5 in Izvestia "Letter 42-X" - "Writers demand from the government of decisive actions":

"... The fascists took up the weapon, trying to capture power. Thank God, the army and law enforcement agencies It turned out to be with the people, did not split ... These stupid rascals respect only power. So it's not time, whether to demonstrate it to our young, but already, as we were convinced again with a joyful surprise, quite harming democracy? ... We must this time to demand from the government and the president this time: ... All types of communist and nationalist parties, fronts and associations should be dissolved ... Prosecutors, followed, judges, patronizing this kind of socially dangerous crime, should immediately remove from work .... Print authorities, exciting hatred every day ... Should be closed to the trial ... to recognize illegitimate not only the congress of people's deputies, the Supreme Council, but also all the authorities formed by them (including the Constitutional Court) ... The story once again provided us with a chance to do A wide step towards democracy and civilization. We will not miss such a chance ...! "

Apotheosis of Yeltsin Democracy! This kind of text once and for all, it would seem, had to disavow, liberal ideology in Russia. The letter is clearly extremist. However, it is signed by the writer's democratic bomb, the cult figures of the new Russia - Ales Adamovich, Anatoly Ananyev, Artem Athenogenov, Bella Ahmadulina, Grigory Baklanov, Zorii Balayan, Tatyana Beck, Alexander Borshovsky, Vasil Bykov, Boris Vasilyev, Alexander Gelman, Daniel Granin, Yuri Davydov, Daniel Danin, Andrei Dementiev, Mikhail Dudin, Alexander Ivanov, Edmund Iodkovsky, Rimma Kazakova, Sergey Kalled, Yuri Karjakin, Yakov Kostyukovsky, Tatyana Kuzovlev, Alexander Kushner, Yury Levitansky, Dmitry Mikhachev, Yuri Nagibin, Andrei Nuyikin, Bulat Okudzhava, Valentin Oskotsky, Grigory Zhavyanyyan, Anatoly Predashin, Leo Acceleration, Alexander Rekklchuk, Robert Christmas, Vladimir Savelyev, Vasily Selyunun, Yury Chernichenko, Andrei Chernov, Marietta Chudakova, Mikhail Bulaki, Victor Afanasyev.

In the most apogee combat operations on October 4, the radio station "Echo of Moscow" by the mouth of Y. Chernomenko called the authorities with the appeal "crush Gadina!". Under "Gadina" was understood by all the authorities listed in the above document. Congress of people's deputies, Supreme Council, Constitutional Court.

Congratulation of B.N. Heltsin with a victory came from J. Dudaeva also. Then back in October 1993 they performed as an allies. "The Government of the Chechen Republic, - wrote D. Dudaev, - approves your actions to suppress the communist-fascist rebellion in Moscow,

himself to seize power in Russia and sink democracy in the blood ... Take, Mr. President, assurance in my high respect. "

Of course, in Russia in 1993, there was a constitutional coup in at least because all the actions of the B.N. Heltsin team were not constitutional. But if so, the 1993 constitution and privatization and privatization are also provided, and in general everything comes from power for the twenty-year period. Of course, such a question of the issue contains known risks. But it is also obvious that it is necessary to change the foundation of the modern state itself. And for this without the establishment of its initial illegitimacy, it is not necessary.

Quarter of a century, however. Anniversary. 1992 was one of the most silent and hopeless in the post-Soviet period and the first full of a year The so-called new Russia. What was worth only inflation, which reached 2600%. However, already in the first posts a year, waking up from the short holidays, dear Russians crazy discarded new price tags in stores. Citizens received the first shock injections of shock therapy, however, not going to fall at all.

One of the most epic moments in all this history was the Decree of President Boris Yeltsin "On Freedom Commerce", which entered into force on January 29 and allowed to carry out trade "in any places convenient for them, with the exception of the carriageway of the streets, metro stations and territories, adjacent to buildings government agencies power and management. " In essence - everywhere. A huge number of people tired of delays in the rapidly depreciated salary, rushed to the streets with which he had in her hands.

The overwhelming majority of trade crowd was instantly formed in the very center of Moscow, especially - at the "Children's World", near the Small Theater (I still remember this surrealistic picture), TsUM, and any metro station. Less than the year there were numerous stalls, in which it was possible to buy anything, from a bottle of vodka and a gas gun to Sliks (such trousers) and Cossacks. Yes, yes, in one of them, at the beginning of 1993, I bought burgundy Cossacks a little on the last money. Chic! However, I run forward. The main contingent is pensioners, women of Balzakovsky age from the budget (and there was no other) of the sphere and dull peasants of the obstacle.

I'll tell you a little about your personal experience In "Trade". At the end of the second course of the institute, realizing that one scholarship is normal, and the main thing is not fun and productively, it does not work, while creating something more or less significant type of shuttleship or possession of your own point in the "puddle", like the then Chichvarkina, I will not be able to define (possess other talents, yes), I carefully decided to start with a small one. No, but what - everyone ran and I ran. Slowly.

At the moments of awakening entrepreneurial initiative, I took a huge old tourist backpack with mezzani (secretly from my parents, of course), went with him to the nearest store "Baikal", where he was raised with bottles with "Phanti" and "Pepsi" at 0.33 l (plastic " Fugasy "appeared later), I stayed there for some reason amazingly cheaply. I feel in yourself a commercial veil, pouring to God Mercury and watering a heavy cargo to my fragile student shoulders, I went to the Paveletskaya Schelkovskaya, so that friends and acquaintances suddenly did not see (still still) and laid out the "product" right on the parapet near Metro.

And you know, bad, but bought. Once I even came home with an empty backpack, however, also because the pair of bottles crashed on the road. I still remember how one peasant, having bought a bottle of "Phanti" and immediately fought it on the spot, it ravened it for a long time that this is such a solar drink, in contrast to the brutal oil "pepsy". Of course, there was no reason to me before me, for permits for all this Labudah seemed to be necessary. Full, so to speak, freedom of entrepreneurship. Medvedev's dream, once a confusion of the thorough "not a nightmare small business."

Then I figured that I would need to go to Palo vodka (in terms of sale, of course) and launching it at night somewhere in three stations, but God, as they say, will be removed. Moreover, it turned up more "intellectual" a variety of part-time - trade in the metro books. It seemed then not as an example of solid, for you were offered two sliding tourist tables, a similar chair and some kind of awning. Thus, a whole "book collapse", its own "point" was obtained.

In addition, it was no longer a spontaneous trade at his own risk, the goods supplied the "employer." I was at the appointed time I had to come to the place, unload books from mint cardboard boxes And decompose on the tables. It was called "decomposed" (mda). Well, to trade as much as the Lador. No one, by the way, did not steal that book products because of numerous moves there, and here looked hurt - they bought as! For there were no "libraries" or other glossy "houses of the book" in their modern understanding.

The daily norm of my profit was usually relatively small, but provided a significant increase in scholarship salary. How much - today and I will not remember. There was a re-experience in 1996, so then it went about 50,000 rubles a day (do not be afraid, it is only 50 at current times). True happened, and "superprobed". I do not hide - I put price tags for books far from always and often voiced the cost of "from the bald". The difference is in the pocket. Horror horror, yes. Shame and shame. And who is easy?

The atmosphere was at the subway there was a lively and relaxed. What your Odessa Bazaar. It is remembered by hours by five in the evening (just when the people began to stroke from work) approached the truck and right in the center of the near-the-wall area, bypassing any SanEpidnormum, a huge design of beerboxes, filled with fashionable, then "Tver" was built. The queue immediately formed, the men who swept in the July Chairman of the man, they planted the precious vessels, sat in the shadow on marble parapets and, not in a hurry, cut the chaoh-another. What to say there - Bukhali!

Well, with that "trading business" soon knit, there were still more interesting ways to replenish your wallet. Although, it is remembered, somehow in the winter of 1994 sat in a tent with video cassettes on Arbatskaya Square. However, this is a completely different story. And 1992, despite all his faults, unpleasution, numerous difficulties and problems, no longer seemed so terrible.

And what was the time of "free entrepreneurship" for you? How did you work around?

1992? 1992 What kind of animal? - Year of the Black Water Monkey. The depth of water is a symbol of hardness, severeness, it generates trepidation and respect. Dormant water is a refuge for fish and marine animals, and even for water perfume. The irrationality of the monkey is enhanced by water, thereby fencing it from the concern of the world. The view of the Black Water Monkey Water is unclear, as if he was shrouded with a haze.

It is worth remembering that the monkey is tatting at the same time Yin and Yang, resurrecting this water. The monkey replenishes this element of power, lively and the potion, helping the water to build. Instead of swamps, they need to strive for transparent springs.

Often, people born in 1992 have elegant physique, gentle limbs, fragile, but densely, spherical eyes and thin skin.
The Black Water Monkey is the most susceptible and closed. She does not tell anyone about their plans, keeping them secret, and tries to leave questions. But despite the external secretion, inside it peacefully and complacent. Few of those who will be able to conquer her trust will open in her a good and friendly person.

Born in 1992 endowed with good intuition - it gives them the opportunity to get used to any circumstances. These people are inherent hardness and sensitivity. Unlike other monkeys, black monkeys are more collected and organized, which helps them in achieving the planned, instead of making little many different things.

Water monkeys have patience, deepness, the ability to pacify the arrogance, listening to others. Sometimes critical comments hurt them, but they are not alien to the understanding of others. To find mutual language With anyone will not be difficult for them.

Born in 1992 prefer to measure in all, which is especially important if they occupy a responsible position. In the work they are calm and quiet. With the other side, such behavior means that the monkey is experimenting and plays. Water monkeys from other people's capabilities are beneficial for themselves, it is frivolous.

Born in 1992 - travelers. Monkeys at most of the humanists are most likely, and mystic is alien to them. They are good in friendship and faithful in marriage. A water monkey partner feels protected and serene.

But incontinence, self-wiring, petty and challenge often create obstacles in their lives, thereby destroying friendship and love.

Black water monkeys comfortably and cool weather, and winter - their favorite. They should be especially protecting the kidneys and bladder.

Black monkeys prefer salted food, although it is preferable to fish and legume plants for them.

Monkeys should not swim long in standing water - it may disrupt emotional stability.

Color ultramarine will help them attract Fortune and happiness.

Born in 1992, a person gets the ability to convince. Insoilate on its position will not be difficult for him, which will also help him if he decides to choose a legal profession.