Feather grass: growing and care, features of the plant and its photo. Variety of feather grass in the steppe zone and interesting facts about them

Feather grass: medicinal properties They say that nature gave people medicine for all diseases. Over time, people have lost this knowledge and are now increasingly exposed to various diseases... Currently, medicine is returning to forgotten origins, seeking to combine modern methods treatment and herbal medicine. Often, it is these two components that are able to put even seriously ill patients on their feet, and doctors, shrugging their shoulders, write off the recovery as a miracle, thereby confirming the important role medicinal plants in the prevention and treatment of numerous diseases. The main task when using medicinal herbs- to know and use exactly the plant that is capable of treating a specific disease and strictly observe the dosage. Otherwise, there is a danger of harming yourself and further aggravating the situation. Inhabitants of the steppes drew attention to the stability and active vitality of the most widespread grass there - feather grass. short info... Nowadays, due to the widespread plowing of the steppes with their chernozem soils, the grass is endangered, it is listed in the Red Book. Grass Feather feathery (Stipa pennata L) primordially Russian name, which comes from the Old Slavonic word "forge", that is, "cut". In the literal sense, feather grass is a mowing grass, its nutritional properties are very high, therefore feather grass is widely used as food for pets. This herb can be found with others. popular names- hairs, feather grass, pernik, marin flax, stepchina. In the genus "feather grass" there are about 300 types of herbs, and only one of these species has medicinal properties. Therefore, it is very difficult for a layman to distinguish medicinal feather grass from its ordinary relatives. Collection. For the preparation of medicinal raw materials, feather grass is harvested in early summer or late spring. The feathery awns of this herb are most useful. But the leaves themselves are no less useful, therefore, the entire upper part is collected for the medicine. This part of the plant is dried and crushed and then stored in paper bags. Given the difficulty of determining the suitability of the herb as a medicine, it is better to buy ready-made raw materials from a pharmacy. Useful material. A large number of cyanogenic compounds were found in feather grass, in particular, trigloquinine. This is the most important group of biologically active substances. V large quantities cyanogenic compounds can be poisonous as they contain hydrocyanic acid. And in small ones they have an analgesic and sedative effect. Medicinal properties in medicine. ethnoscience uses feather grass for many diseases, but, perhaps, the main direction is the treatment of thyroid diseases. Lotions and poultices are made from crushed feather grass leaves for goiter, and they also drink milk broth. To prepare such a drug, you will need to take a glass of milk, bring it to a boil, stirring it, pour 2 teaspoons of chopped feather grass into the milk and boil for another 5 minutes. Then let the broth brew for half an hour. After that, the broth can be drunk in small sips throughout the day or used for poultices or lotions. Paralysis. Feather grass decoction in milk is recognized effective remedy and with paralysis. To prepare such a broth, you need to take a glass of milk, bring it to a boil. Then pour a tablespoon of chopped feather grass into milk and boil for 15 minutes. After that, put the broth in dark place and let it brew at room temperature about an hour. Such an infusion must be given to a patient with paralysis before meals 2 or 3 times a day. But even more often, feather grass is included in various herbal preparations, enhancing their combined therapeutic effect. So, it is known good remedy in the treatment of paralysis, which includes in equal proportions muzzle seeds and dried crushed feather grass. To prepare this medicinal infusion, where the healing properties are present, you need to take 2 teaspoons of the pre-prepared mixture and pour 250 ml of boiling water. The infusion is wrapped and placed in a warm place for the whole night. You can also use a thermos for this, but many people prefer not to deviate from folk methods towards technical progress. After the infusion has spent the allotted time in thought, it must be filtered through cheesecloth or a strainer. Give medicine to a patient with paralysis in the same small portions during the day. It will be convenient to prepare the infusion from the evening until the next day. Rheumatism. Feather grass lotions are also good for rheumatism and aching joints. Decoctions for lotions can be prepared both on the basis of milk and on the basis of water. They need to be boiled, let it brew for a while so that the grass softens and swells, and then, while still warm, apply to the sore spot. It is advisable to wrap up warmly and lie down for half an hour. In addition to the medicinal properties of feather grass itself, it is believed that the milk of domestic animals that ate this herb has very valuable qualities. It is difficult to argue with this, since the steppe feather grass contains a huge amount of valuable nutrients, much more than ordinary meadow grass... Note. Many people use feather grass to make jewelry and decorative bouquets. However, it should be borne in mind that for medicinal purposes such dried out ornamental plants cannot be applied. In addition, you should be aware that bouquets containing feather grass cannot be given and placed in the house of asthmatics. Feather grass seeds have a bad effect on the respiratory system, causing coughing and asthma attacks. How to grow feather grass in the garden? This is what it is, feather grass, the medicinal properties of which will certainly find application in your family. If you intend to cultivate feather grass for medicinal purposes on personal plot, then you should know that feather grass is steppe grass and does not like highly moistened soil. It is very good if it is the most illuminated, sunny place, without the presence of groundwater. If you do not have such places, then you will have to carry out work to create drainage systems or set up high ground. Additional watering to feather grass is almost never needed. In very dry soil, this should only be done at the time of the rooting of the seeds. In the first year, you can harvest leaves and early shoots in late spring or early summer. But in the fall, even if you did not collect medicinal raw materials, you need to cut off old faded shoots, leaving only the main part of the leaves.

Feather grass report

Distributed in almost all extratropical zones the globe... The Latin name for feather grass is Stipa tenuifolia.


Stems are erect, leaf blades are narrowly linear, usually very narrow, folded lengthwise, less often almost flat. Panicles are relatively small and rather dense, racemose; spikelets are rather large, one-flowered; spikelet scales membranous or skin-membranous, usually long and almost subulate at the apex; the lower floral scales are more or less leathery, in cultivated species 0.8-2.5 cm long. (not counting the awns), at the base with a long and sharp callus, at the apex turning into a long, once or twice geniculate spine 10-50 cm long. covered with hairs or spines.

Habitat and distribution

Feather grasses live in the steppes. Possess in a unique way spreading seeds, which are equipped with long pinnately pubescent webs. This is wonderful aircraft... With its help, a rather heavy weevil flies, like a parachute, in an upright position. After a while, it sinks away from the mother plant, but in most cases it does not immediately reach the soil, entangling itself in dense grass and litter of dead leaves and stems of last year. V evening time when dew falls out, the weevil begins to "anchor". The highly hygroscopic lower spirally twisted knee of the net begins to unwind and gradually lowers the weevil lower and lower until it reaches the soil level. Further, the weevil, like a corkscrew, is screwed in sharp end into the soil. In the morning, with the rising of the sun, the food begins to dry out and rotate in the opposite direction, but does not jump out of the soil, since the tip of the weevil is seated with numerous stiff bristles bent in the opposite direction. Subsequently, at the top of the weevil breaks off, leaving it in the soil.

Name: comes from the Greek word "stupa" (tow), given from the pinnate-hairy awns of the type species.

Description: over 300 species of this genus, mainly steppe and semi-desert plants, are distributed in almost all extratropical zones of the globe.

Stipa tenuifolia

Perennials, forming dense turf, without creeping rhizomes. Stems are erect. The leaf blades are narrowly linear, usually very narrow, folded lengthwise, less often almost flat. Panicles are relatively small and rather dense, racemose; spikelets are rather large, one-flowered; spikelet scales membranous or skin-membranous, usually long and almost subulate at the apex; the lower floral scales are more or less leathery, in cultivated species 0.8-2.5 cm long. (not counting the awns), at the base with a long and sharp callus, at the apex turning into a long, once or twice geniculate spine 10-50 cm long. Covered with hairs or spines.

Feather grasses are ideally adapted to life in the steppes. They possess original methods of seed distribution, which in most species are equipped with long pinnately pubescent networks. This is a wonderful aircraft. With its help, a rather heavy weevil flies, like a parachute, in an upright position. After a while, it sinks away from the mother plant, but in most cases it does not immediately reach the soil, entangling itself in dense grass and litter of dead leaves and stems of last year.

Stipa barbata
Photo of Mikhail Polotnov

In the evening, when dew falls out, the caryopsis begins to "anchor". The very hygroscopic lower spirally twisted knee of the net begins to unwind and gradually drops the caryopsis lower and lower until it reaches the soil level. Further, the weevil, like a corkscrew, is screwed into the soil with a sharp end. In the morning, with the rising of the sun, the food begins to dry out and rotate in the opposite direction, but does not jump out of the soil, since the tip of the weevil is seated with numerous stiff bristles bent in the opposite direction. Subsequently, at the top of the weevil breaks off, leaving it in the soil.

Some feather grass with feathery nets - Stipa pulcherrima, S. pennata and S. stenophylla - have been introduced into cultivation as ornamental plants (usually for rock gardens) and are used for dry bouquets. Probably, such Central Asian species as S. mastlifica, S. longiplutnosa, S. lipskyi and S. lingua, which have very beautiful nets, deserve introduction into the culture in rock gardens.


1. Awns 12-18 cm long., Along the entire length, more or less rough from spines ......... 1. K. hairy - S. capillata.
+ Awns are pinnate-hairy ........................ 2.

2. Awls once knee-bent .................... 3.
+ Osti 2 times elbow bent ..................... 4.

3. Awls 6-13 cm long., With hairs up to 0.6 cm long .............................. 2. K. Caucasian - S. caucasica.
+ Osti 22-27 cm long., With hairs up to 0.7 cm long ............................. 5. K. gorgeous - S. magnifies.

Stipa tenuissima
Photo of Stepanova Lyudmila

4. Lower floral scales 0.8-1.1 cm long .; awns 14.5-25 cm long., in the lower part glabrous and smooth, in the upper part with hairs 0.2-0.3 cm long .......................... 4. K. Lessing - S. lessingiana.
+ Lower flower scales 1.4-2.6 cm long .; awns 30-50 cm long., in the lower part glabrous and smooth, in the upper part with hairs 0.4-0.6 cm long .......... 5

5. Tongues of leaves of vegetative shoots are barely noticeable, up to 0.3 mm long .; leaf blades are very narrow, folded lengthwise, 0.3-0.6 mm in diameter .......................... 8. K. narrow-leaved - S. tirsa.
+ Tongues of leaves of vegetative shoots are clearly visible, 0.7-3 mm long .; leaf blades are almost always wider, sometimes flat ......... 6.

6. The leaf blades on the upper (inner) side are glabrous, but rough from small spines, sometimes turning into very short (visible only at high magnification) spiny hairs ............. 7.
+ The leaf blades on the upper (inner) side are more or less hairy, with hairs clearly visible at low magnification, and on the fold of the blade and with the naked eye .................... ...eight.

7. Lower floral scales 1.8-2.5 cm long., With a marginal strip of hairs, almost reaching the base of the awn; awn 35-50 cm long; leaf blades about 0.3 cm wide, often flat ... 7. K. beautiful - S. pulcherrima.
+ Lower floral scales 1.4-2 cm long., With a marginal strip of hairs, 0.3-0.6 cm not reaching the base of the awn; awn 30-40 cm long; leaf blades up to 0.2 cm wide, usually folded lengthwise ... 6. K. pinnate - S. pennata.

8. The leaf blades on the lower (outer) side are rather abundantly covered with soft semi-erect hairs up to 0.1 cm long .......................... 3. K. hairy - S. dasyphylla.
+ Leaf blades on the underside (outer) side are scabrous from spines and single setae up to 0.8 mm long. ... ... ... 9.K. Zalessky - S. zalesskii.

Feather grass feathery - Stipa pennata L... = S. joannis Celak.

Grows in the subtropics and temperate zone of Eurasia. Feather grass in the past was a very characteristic plant of the Russian steppes. At present, due to the plowing of the chernozem steppes, the number of its populations has been greatly reduced. The plant needs to preserve habitats and prohibit the collection of awns, which are used for decorative purposes. Zone 4-6.

Plants are 30-80 cm tall. The leaf blades are flat or folded lengthwise, up to 0.2 cm wide; ligules of leaves of vegetative shoots 0.8-3 mm long. Lower floral scales 1.4-2 cm long., With a marginal strip of hairs, 0.3-0.6 cm not reaching the base of the awns; awns 30-40 cm long., 2 times geniculate bent, at the bottom glabrous and smooth, at the top with hairs about 0.5 cm long. It blooms in late spring and early summer.

The most widespread type of feather grass. In gardens, it is used in small groups in sunny, dry places. Prefers well-drained, loose, non-acidic soils. Does not tolerate waterlogging. Winter-hardy without shelter. Propagated by seeds and dividing the bush in the spring. Used for dry bouquets. Good for creating arrays, extremely decorative in single plantings.

The most beautiful feather grass - Stipa pulcherrima S. Koch

Grows in the steppes and on dry slopes in Europe, the Caucasus, in the Front and Central Asia; in the mountains it rises to the upper mountain belt.

A species close to S. pennata. It differs in the larger size of all parts of the plant and the marginal strip of hairs on the lower floral scales, almost reaching the base of the awns. 40-120 cm in height. Leaves 0.6-1.3 (3) mm wide. The inflorescence is less compressed, spreading, up to 15 cm long. Osti - up to 50 cm, twisted at the end. It blooms in late spring and early summer.

Prefers calcareous and gypsum soils. In one place it grows up to 10 years old, does not tolerate a transplant. Propagated by seeds only.

Photo of Mikhail Polotnov

Narrow-leaved feather grass - Stipa tirsa Stev... = S. stenophylla (Czern. Ex Lindem.) Trautv... = S. longifolia Borb... = S. cerariorum Pane.

It grows in meadow and upland steppes and in flooded meadows in the subtropical and warm temperate zones of Europe, the Caucasus, Western Asia, southern Western Siberia and Kazakhstan.

Plants are 40-100 cm tall. The leaf blades are folded lengthwise, very narrow (0.3-0.6 mm in diameter), rough; ligules of leaves of vegetative shoots up to 0.3 mm long. Lower floral scales 1.7-2 cm long., With a marginal strip of hairs, 0.1-0.3 cm not reaching the base of the awns; awns 35-50 cm long., twice geniculate bent, in the lower part glabrous and smooth, in the upper part with hairs about 0.5 cm long. 2p = 44. It blooms in late spring and early summer.

Requires bright spots, propagates only by seeds.

Photo of Severyakova Elena

Location: loves structural, non-acidic, moisture-conducting soils. Plants can't stand high level groundwater and excessive moisture. They prefer full sun.

Stipa ichu
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

Care: when planting feather grass, you need to choose the driest part of the garden, not flooded by groundwater. On damp areas good drainage and high location required (ideal alpine slide). During rooting, the plants need to be watered moderately, no further watering is required. In the fall, feathergrass are cut off the faded shoots, while the leaves are not touched.

Reproduction: seeds, in some cases - by dividing the bush in April or August. Self-seeding almost does not.

Usage: feather grass can be planted in clumps in open places - in naturgarden or near a lawn, in areas with well-drained soil. Individual plants or small groups will fall into place in rockeries and on alpine slide among other low drought-resistant plants. The inflorescences are used in cutting for live and dry flower arrangements. Zone 4-6.

Feather grass (Stipa) is a common herbaceous, steppe plant of the cereal family. The name has Greek origin and means "tow".

Nearly 300 species of feather grass have been recorded. 80 species grow on the territory of Russia. In the wild steppe, thick sods are formed from feather grass, picturesquely filling the entire space.


Outwardly, feather grass resembles a bush of grass with a height of 30 cm to 1 m. It can be a perennial and annual, depending on climatic conditions. In nature, it grows in the steppe, mountainous and semi-desert areas of Eurasia.

Feather grass stems are thin, erect. The rhizome is short, not creeping. The leaves of the plant are tough and very thin, like a wire. There are leaves twisted in the form of a tube. Spikelet bristles are oriented in the opposite direction from the spine. The awn curls like a spiral.

Violent flowering begins 2-4 years after planting. During the flowering period, which occurs at the end of May, feather grass throws out a paniculate inflorescence-ear. Inside a spikelet up to 2.5 cm long, a flower hides behind two scales before flowering.

The structure of the ear is rather unusual. Seeds in the form of grains are hidden in the flower scales from the lower and upper halves. The scale has a pointed tip (callus) and an awn.

Feather grass propagates by seeds, which are successfully spread by the wind, expanding the growing area. But there is another, more interesting way of reproduction associated with the structure of the ears.

From dew and with the onset of rains, the stems become heavier and lower to the ground. The spine spiral is moistened and gradually straightened. On contact with the ground, it is screwed into it like a corkscrew. The recessed part can no longer come out, because the scales prevent it. Gradually, the spikelet dries up and breaks off from the stem, and the seeds remain underground.

The plant does not represent medicinal or nutritional value for humans and livestock.

Seed propagation

The best way to breed your favorite feather grass variety in your garden is to plant seeds, especially since this does not require much effort.

Varieties adapted to temperate climates are planted immediately in the ground by autumn sowing. 3-4 seeds are placed in one hole 3 cm deep. Feather grass is sown in the same way in spring, with the onset of May.

To eliminate the risk of frost damage, feather grass is grown through seedlings, and then it decorates the garden with the onset of the season. It is worth noting that thermophilic feather grass varieties are grown only in seedlings.

The substrate for planting is suitable for a store or harvested in the fall with suburban area... Feather grass is not picky about the composition of the soil, even infertile compositions are preferable.

The seeds are immediately placed in separate cups, 2-3 pieces each, because the sprouts are very delicate and easily injured when diving. Optimal term landing - March. The embedding of seeds in moist soil is not deep. It is enough to sprinkle with a layer of earth no more than 1 cm. The first shoots can be expected in 4-6 days. The grown seedlings are planted in the garden in May.


Feather grass is steppe grass and is drought tolerant. Therefore, on arid soil, one feather grass often survives, filling the territory.

The planting site should be dry and sunny, without the threat of flooding by groundwater. The plant does not like excess moisture. It is recommended to add lime to acidic soil.

When planting between feather grass bushes maintain a distance of 20 cm.When sowing in open ground shoots break through, more mature bushes are planted.

Grooming includes weed control and mulching. Feather grass does not need watering and feeding. Is that in the first time after planting before rooting and on especially hot days, in order to preserve the decorative effect of the grass.

Large, dense bushes divided into 2-3 parts for the purpose of reproduction and flowering stimulation. The procedure is carried out in the spring or at the end of August. Plants can grow in one place for 10-15 years.

What is feather grass

From the many common varieties of feather grass, landscape designers have selected a few of the most attractive species.

Feather grass in landscape design

Despite its modest, natural beauty and some wildness, feather grass has thoroughly settled in the garden and flower beds, giving them natural charm and charm. The main merit in this is its unpretentiousness and unusual appearance.

The most successful application of feather grass in garden design is the formation of compositions that reproduce the vegetation of the steppe. Thin, gray hairs of feather grass roll in smooth waves in the wind and fascinate the eye. Planting in dense groups enhances decorative effect.

Feather grass is used in pond planting along with irises, sedges, geyher, and reeds. The swaying stripes of feather grass will become original design along garden path... Feather grass is planted along the fence line, near fences and poles.

Companion plants

Fashionable destinations in landscape design became the styles "prairie" and "naturgarden", which means a natural garden. For companions for feather grass, meadow and steppe plants for a natural fit. These include cereal species: fescue, foxtail, miscanthus.

Bright combinations with feather grass forms scabiosa of juicy, saturated tones. Spectacular compositions are obtained with the following plants:

  1. poppies,
  2. sage
  3. heather,
  4. chamomile,
  5. issol,
  6. chamomile, as well decorative varieties onions and garlic.

Feather grass is able to play a solo part here and be the backdrop for more colorful neighbors.

Interesting and original decision in landscape design, it became the use of cereals to highlight the beauty of rose gardens. Especially winning combinations are obtained with curly roses and small-flowered varieties.

Steppe grass is in good harmony with conifers, low plants and ornamental shrubs... In every corner of the garden, feather grass allows new ideas to be realized in delightful compositions.

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It is difficult for a modern city dweller to imagine the vast expanses of the steppe, which he saw, perhaps on TV, and read about the vegetation and inhabitants of the steppe only in books or encyclopedias. It is even more difficult for a city dweller to imagine what feather grass looks like and where it lives. Feather grass has a vast geography of its habitat and grows on almost all continents of the planet.

Plant characteristic

Feather plant (Latin Stipa) - perennial species herbaceous cereals having a not very developed root system... Because of this, feather grass in the steppe grows mainly in bunches (small densely populated areas), has tubular, rigid leaves in the form of a wire. The plant propagates by seeds from spikelets and contains only one scaly flower.

Today to a person more than 300 species of this genus are known.

Growing environment

For a long time, decoctions of this herb have been used as alternative methods of healing for the treatment of diseases of the pancreas and thyroid glands, goiter, and pain in the joints.

Unflowered feather grass stems are used as food for small cattle(goats, sheep). Certain types are raw materials for the production of paper and artificial fabrics.