Is it possible to paint old wallpaper on the walls? Is it possible to paint vinyl wallpaper? Technology for painting old wallpaper

Paper wallpaper is an attractive and affordable finishing material. But they tend to become unusable after a while, losing their external aesthetics, or simply become boring with their colors. And then you have a choice: replace this part interior or update it?

Changing the finish completely is quite expensive and time-consuming, but is it possible to paint the old ones? paper wallpaper and we will look at how to do this in this article.

Applying paint to the surface of old wallpaper

Technology for painting old wallpaper

So, is it possible to paint regular paper wallpaper? It is possible, but not often and only after pre-treatment, since unprepared paper, the water in the paint will soak and deform.

Preparatory work


  1. We remove all movable furniture from the room and cover the immovable furniture plastic film. It is also advisable to protect the floor from accidental splashes of paint and varnish material.
  2. We clean the surface from all kinds of dust and dirt using a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth.

Do-it-yourself paper cleaning

The result of using the vacuum cleaner at full power

  1. Glue up the peeling areas. If the condition of such fragments is too deplorable, then carefully cut them off.

Photo of a peeling section of wallpaper

  1. Damaged areas and scratches are covered with mastic, which after drying is sanded with sandpaper.
  2. We prime the surface. This is the most important step that will protect the wallpaper from paint penetrating into its structure. The primer will create a reliable polymer layer that reduces the porosity of the paper and protects the dilapidated finish from further wear.

Sample of latex water repellent solution

  1. After the primer has completely dried, you can begin painting.

Paint selection

Water emulsion sample

Is it possible to paint paper wallpaper with water-based paint? Even necessary. This is the most suitable suspension for restoration old decoration walls

To see this, let's look at its advantages:

  • Ecological cleanliness. When hardened, only harmless water vapors are released, which is important when using the emulsion indoors.
  • Low price. This is achieved due to the absence of an expensive solvent in the composition.
  • A wide range of rich shades. Plus the ability to mix them to create unique color solutions.

Variety of colors

  • Moisture resistance. After evaporation of H 2 O, the resulting polymer film has high water resistance.
  • High resistance to abrasion, exposure to sunlight and temperature changes.
  • Non-flammability. For paper finishing, this is a great way to improve fire safety.
  • Ease of application. Does not form drips or streaks.
  • Opportunity wet cleaning. Allows you to keep the renewed coating clean.
  • Long service life. At proper care reaches ten years.

Application of emulsion

  1. Dilute the purchased mixture with water according to the instructions included with it.. If you purchased a white emulsion, then also add the necessary dyes, mixing everything using construction mixer or a drill operating at low speed.

Manual tinting

  1. Pour the resulting solution into a special paint bath..

Paint tray

  1. Dip a brush into the suspension and paint corners and other hard-to-reach places.

Suitable brushes for the job

  1. Then we take a paint roller with medium pile, pick up the emulsion with it and run it several times along the ribbed surface, getting rid of excess liquid.

Advice: if you have textured wallpaper for finishing, it is better to take a tool with long pile.
It will be better able to handle numerous indentations.

Painting the structural surface with a long-haired roller

  1. We move the tool from left to right, descending from the ceiling to the floor. In this case, it is necessary that each subsequent strip extends a few centimeters onto the previous one.
  2. When the liquid in the roller runs out, we run it over the already painted part of the wall to collect excess suspension from it.
  3. We wait for the first layer to harden, after which we apply the second one perpendicularly.
  4. R We check the result by bringing a bright light source close to the finish.. This way we can see the spots that stand out.
  5. If the check was successful, then we can safely enjoy the work done..


We looked at whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper and how to do it. First of all, for this you need to carefully prepare the surface.

This includes:

  • cleaning;
  • restoration of deformed areas;
  • creation of a protective moisture-proofing layer.

Next, you should purchase water-based paint that is best suited for the task and apply it with a brush and roller. Follow the recommendations outlined and you will not have any difficulties.

New life for old wallpaper

The video in this article will give you an additional opportunity to familiarize yourself with some information that directly relates to the materials discussed. Painting is always easier and cheaper than completely replacing the trim.

There are different opinions about the advisability of painting old paper wallpaper. Indeed, in some cases, it is not even worth starting this process. If they are poorly glued or have significant damage received during use, then painting will not replace gluing new ones.

If they look good, but their color does not match new furniture, just tired or faded, then you can wait a little longer with replacement and get by with painting.

Before you start directly painting old wallpaper, you need to decide on the list of materials and tools that we may need during the work process.

To paint pasted surfaces you need:

  1. Water-repellent coating that prevents the coating from getting wet and, as a result, it coming off the wall;
  2. Dye;
  3. Roller and brushes different sizes. The length of the pile on the roller depends on the relief of the surface being painted. If the surface is smooth, then the roller should have a medium-length pile;
  4. Painting tape, which will be needed to seal the baseboards, thereby protecting them from paint.

You should consider the choice of paint in more detail. They can be: satin, semi-gloss, glossy, semi-matte and matte. The choice depends on the type of surface and lighting in the room. For example, for a kitchen with smooth surfaces, semi-gloss paint is perfect; it will reflect light well and be easy to clean. And a matte finish will fit perfectly into the interior of large halls.

Also, when choosing paint, you need to take into account such characteristics as:

  1. Resistance to light and mechanical stress;
  2. The ability to cover other paint so that it does not show through;
  3. Complete drying time;
  4. Possibility of washing;
  5. Environmental friendliness.

Based on the basics, paints are divided into:

  1. Paints with alkyd base;
  2. Water or latex;
  3. Acrylic.

Before proceeding directly to staining, you need to carry out preparatory work. First, remove dirt, dust and cobwebs from the walls with a vacuum cleaner and sponge. Then you need to seal all the baseboards with masking tape.

Once all this is done, you can proceed to applying the water-repellent coating. It is better to apply it with a roller, and hard to reach places and corners - with a brush.

After a water-repellent coating has been applied to the surface of the walls, you need to maintain the same temperature, avoiding temperature changes and not creating drafts. Failure to follow these rules will result in the wallpaper peeling off or air bubbles forming under its surface.

After the applied coating has completely dried (about a day), you can proceed to the next stage.

The paint must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If desired, you can add the selected color to it and mix thoroughly. Before applying, be sure to make sure that the paint is exactly the color that was chosen.

Paint can be applied to the prepared surface. This should be done with a roller and in the corners with a brush. Try to apply the paint in an even, thin layer.

You should start painting from the walls that are covered with furniture, thereby practicing on them.

It is better to start painting from the ceiling so that drops of paint do not spoil the already painted surface.

After the first layer has dried, which will take 3-4 hours, you can apply the second.

Once both layers have been applied and dried, the painting can be considered complete.

But if you have no experience in painting work, then in order not to experiment with quality, you can invite a team of professional painters who will carry out the work in a matter of days, and the room will shine with new colors.

Wallpaper is part of the interior of many homes. Often we change this finish to a new one, or another way to decorate the walls. The process of removing wallpaper is very long and takes a lot of effort, so not everyone wants to repeat it. But why not just paint the wallpaper new color and not update it appearance your home? Moreover, doing it yourself is quite simple.

Many of us have heard that there is wallpaper specifically designed for painting, but what about the regular look of this wall covering? As it turned out, all paper wallpapers are suitable for painting, with some minor nuances, which we will discuss below.

When should you use this type of paint?

Wallpaper begins to displease us for many reasons. They tear or are initially poorly glued. In this case, painting is not an option, since it is better to clean the wall and then apply paint to it. However, if your wallpaper is in perfect condition, and you just don’t like their color or pattern, then the dyeing option is appropriate.

What paint is ideal for paper wallpaper?

Acrylic paint is better suited for these purposes than water-based or alkyd paint. The reason is the color stability and also the fact that such paint can be washed.

Otherwise, there are a few things to consider:

  • The paint should cover everything underneath it. You don't want the wallpaper pattern to treacherously show through the painted surface;
  • Glossy or matte? The first is ideal for kitchens, and the second for large rooms.
  • Before you start painting, you need to go over the wallpaper with a roller with a water-repellent coating. It is better to start painting after a day, when the coating has dried;
  • It is best to paint in two layers. The second must be applied a few hours later, as soon as the first has dried;
  • It is best to paint from above, use rollers and brushes, and also protect everything that is not subject to painting, but is “in the affected area” masking tape.

Paper wallpapers are one of the most common on the market finishing materials for apartment walls. Be that as it may, over time they deteriorate, and the appearance of the interior becomes not as presentable as after renovation. The owners are faced with the question: should they do it? new renovation or just update the existing wallpaper? Since completely re-painting the entire room takes a long time and is quite expensive, we will talk about whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper.

In fact, there are different opinions among professionals as to whether it makes sense to paint such canvases. There are such circumstances that there is no need to repaint wallpaper made from paper. For example, this applies to cases where their surface has serious external damage: it is severely torn, has cuts, etc. However, if the top decorative layer of wallpaper has been preserved relatively well, you may not need to completely re-glue the wallpaper yet, opting for repainting. Fortunately, this work can be done with your own hands. So, let's move on to a more detailed description of the painting process and everything connected with it.

Paper wallpaper for painting: what you need

So, in order to paint paper wallpaper, you will need a whole set special tools and materials. Let's see what you need to take in order to do quality work yourself:

  1. . Its use prevents the wallpaper from getting wet, which guarantees a strong attachment to the wall surface. from its surface.
  2. Special coating with a water-repellent layer.
  3. Protection for skirting boards (the optimal solution is masking tape).
  4. Equipment for applying paint (large and small brushes, as well as a roller). The pile on the roller must be selected taking into account the smoothness of the top layer of wallpaper: the smoother it is, the shorter the length of the pile should be.

Choosing the right paint

Regarding the grain level decorative paint, then it may be different. The most generally accepted is the following classification of paints:

  • Glossy.
  • Matte.
  • Satin.
  • Semi-matte.
  • Semi-gloss.

As a rule, the choice of a suitable dye depends not only on the aesthetic preferences of the customer, but also on which room of the apartment will be painted. In addition, such a parameter as the level of natural light is taken into account. So, for example, for the living room big size Matte dye is best. As for the small dining room or kitchen, then optimal solution May have a glossy or semi-gloss finish.

Helpful advice! Among other things, in order to choose the right paint for repainting, you need to take into account many more characteristics. For example, the ability to close old paint, resistance to damage and exposure to light, resistance to moisture, as well as environmental safety of a particular product.

As for whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper using acrylic paint, it is necessary to boldly state that yes, this is completely acceptable and even recommended. In addition, do not forget about such options as water-based, latex, and alkyd-based dyes.

Stages of work

Let's take a brief look at the main types of work that you will have to do to paint paper-based wallpaper.

Necessary preparation

So, preparatory work represents the first stage, the quality of which determines how successful the entire repair will be. Brush dust, remove dirt and vacuum the room. Cover the baseboards and other protruding interior parts (film or masking tape is suitable for this). A water-repellent coating can then be applied. Only after this protective layer has completely dried, which takes at least 24 hours, can you begin to prepare the paint.

Attention! In order to subsequently avoid lengthy cleaning, it is advisable to cover the entire surface of the floor with film or, as a last resort, newspapers.

Preparing the paint

So, above we looked at what kind of paint can be used to paint paper wallpaper for painting. Preparing the coloring composition is not difficult. To do this, just open a can of paint and mix everything thoroughly. If there is a need and the design of the room requires it, you can mix a color scheme.

Painting the walls: instructions

The preparatory work has been completed, the coloring composition is ready, and now we can move on to the main stage: painting. Here's a quick guide:

  1. So, direct application is done using a roller. As for corners, as well as hard-to-reach places, use brushes of different sizes.
  2. First of all, repaint those areas of the walls that will subsequently be covered with pieces of furniture, as this will help “get your hand.”
  3. It’s best to start by painting the ceiling (if provided for by the project), or top part walls
  4. After applying two layers of paint (you need to leave a few hours between them to dry completely), make sure that the surface is smooth and the layer is uniform. That's it, the repainting can be considered complete.

Be sure to watch the video instructions for proper painting:


So, we hope that now you have a more detailed idea of ​​whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper and how to properly organize the entire work process. If you do short summary, then we can say that for good result you will need to prepare properly work surface walls, repair damaged fragments, and also make a special layer that is highly resistant to moisture.

Do not forget that when painting you must use acrylic or water-based paint, which is applied using special tools. When carrying out work, all instructions must be strictly followed. This will guarantee that the result of your work will please both you and all your loved ones.

A popular type of wall decoration - painting wallpaper with water-based paint - has several undeniable advantages. But the work must be done in accordance with the rules, otherwise the effect of the repair may be unexpected.

What wallpaper can be painted with water-based emulsion?

Choice water-based paint for wallpaper is dictated primarily by its price. Mixtures based on latex or polyvinyl acetate are also suitable for paintable wallpaper, but are a little more expensive. Water-based dye has long been known to Russian residents, is familiar and relatively cheap. Among its other advantages:

  • possibility of tinting the white base in any shade;
  • resistance of the painted surface to fading and abrasion;
  • easy to clean (can be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dirt);
  • environmental friendliness;
  • no pungent odor upon application.

High-quality material has good hiding power. You can apply just 1 layer of water-based emulsion and get great result when painting wallpaper. But for an ideal effect, you should paint the wall twice, drying the first layer of coating for the time specified by the paint manufacturer.

Not all wallpapers are suitable for painting. Typically, materials to be painted have appropriate markings and a textured, monochromatic surface. But even in this case, to work with water-based (acrylic) compositions, it is better to understand in advance what kind of wallpaper can be painted:

  1. Paper ones withstand treatment with water-based emulsion quite satisfactorily. The paint covers their surface well, slightly impregnating the base. The resulting painted walls for a long time maintain an attractive appearance. Apply paint to dry wallpaper with a paint roller.
  2. Vinyl wallpaper for painting with water-based emulsion should be chosen on a non-woven base. The coating is done in the same way - with a roller on a dry texture.
  3. Fiberglass varieties will also look ideal. This paintable wallpaper can hold water-based dye for a long time. Fiberglass fabric can be repainted if you need to change the color scheme in the room. The number of colors is indicated on the packaging.

When painting relief varieties The water-based emulsion must be applied in several layers.

How to prepare for work?

Before painting the wallpaper with water-based paint, you need to prepare everything necessary materials. To work you will need the following:

  • paint roller (long pile);
  • velor roller (for embossed wallpaper);
  • flat brush 6-7 cm wide;
  • roller cuvette;
  • masking tape;
  • water-based paint (white base);
  • color.

Color the purchased one white paint you can do it right in the store. IN large companies There is a computer shade selection service. The specialist will calculate the amount of dye needed to obtain suitable color. The information will be saved in the program’s memory: using the shade number, you can order an additional volume of the same color if repairs are required or there is not enough material.

If the wallpaper has already been pasted and is being repainted, then before starting work you should wipe the surface with a damp cloth. This will help remove dust and other contaminants that could leave streaks on the new coat of paint or prevent the paint from laying flat (grease stains). The cleaned surface must be dried for 1-2 hours, and then proceed to painting the walls.

How to paint different types of wallpaper?

New wallpaper must be thoroughly dried before painting. It usually takes 24-48 hours after sticking them on the walls. If the repairs were carried out more than 2-3 days ago, then painting can begin at any time.

The biggest concern is the paper covering. But if you work carefully with a roller, even this fragile material will not be damaged. When painting paper wallpaper, you can also use a non-contact method: using a paint sprayer.

The first stage is painting the corners of the room, where the walls meet the ceiling or baseboard. If it is possible to remove the baseboards, sockets, and decorative door trims, then it is better to do this before painting the walls. But in old buildings you will have to cover the edges of these interior parts with masking tape. This measure will protect the surfaces of parts from water-based paint, which is more difficult to wash off after drying.

You need to paint difficult areas with a soft paint brush, without trying to press it too hard. Walls near doorways, corners, rosettes and other protrusions should be painted by hand to a width of about 5 cm. Without waiting for the paint to dry, proceed to the next step:

  1. Pour some coloring composition into a ditch and roll it with a roller over a ribbed surface to thoroughly saturate the pile.
  2. Start coloring from the middle small area in the upper corner of the wall. Move from the center to the edges, capturing part of the pre-painted stripes.
  3. When the paint on the roller has dried up, roll it several times over the water-based emulsion poured into the ditch. Continue working in the specified sequence.

You need to paint 1 wall in 1 step, not allowing the paint to dry on the edges of adjacent areas. When applying the emulsion to a new area, use a roller to cover 1-2 cm of the already painted surface. This way the paint will lay down in an even, continuous layer.

How to paint interlining and vinyl?

Non-woven wallpaper (with vinyl covering or without it) can be painted before sticking to the wall. Coloring is done from the inside out. In this case, the paint will saturate the loose material, protruding on the front side.

This method of painting is good because the wallpaper can be wiped with a damp sponge without the risk of washing off the paint. A transparent vinyl layer on the surface will also protect the non-woven base. Wallpaper coated with vinyl is moisture resistant and can be used in the kitchen or bathroom.

The foam vinyl coating will not allow you to paint the wallpaper before gluing it. Embossed trellises can be painted in the usual way, using a long-nap roller. In this case, the paint will get into the depressions of the embossed design.

Fiberglass wallpaper

They are best suited for dyeing. To highlight the relief, painting can be done in several layers:

  • apply 2 layers base paint the desired shade;
  • After drying the base, use a velor roller to highlight the protruding parts of the pattern with a different color.

Shades for this coloring are chosen according to taste. You can maintain the pattern in a single color scheme, but contrasting shades look no less impressive.

Fiberglass wallpaper can be repainted up to 10 times. This makes repairs easy and economical. If you want to refresh the interior, you can quickly cope with the task by repainting part of the surface or highlighting one wall.

You can even paint ordinary non-woven and thick paper wallpapers that are not intended for this. But paint will stick worse on vinyl film, so when choosing, you should pay attention to the labeling of the wallpaper.