The main forms of providing psychological assistance. Types of counseling. The concept and types of psychological assistance

Psychology is a discipline that focuses on the study of mental states. Psychology is a special science that studies the features of the psyche with different parties in different directions and angles. Psychology is divided into several types.

Throughout the centuries of the existence of mankind, scientists have paid great attention to the study of:

  • personal qualities;
  • character types;
  • differences in perception of the world;
  • behavior in each specific situation.

Analyzing the results obtained, scientists tried to find an answer to questions such as: what, how and why, it happened, for what reason, how to avoid certain situations how not to fall under the influence of oneself and so on.

Modern psychology, continuing the study of human behavior, characteristics and condition, moves in several directions, uses different methods.

Types of psychology

Thus, psychology is aimed at studying the nervous psychological processes of human consciousness. All types of psychology, depending on the field of study, are divided into:

  • clinical;
  • abnormal development;
  • cognitive;
  • comparative;
  • advisory;
  • developmental psychology;
  • pedagogical psychology;
  • biological psychology.

All types of psychology are aimed at predicting the reaction, behavior of a person, actions. Various directions are used in medicine, educational institutions, educational centers, places of deprivation of liberty, judicial practice and so on.

Clinical psychology

The first type - clinical psychology, includes studies of a person in stressful situation, during its influence, the effects of stress are studied, which lead to various changes that occur in the body for a psychological reason. Clinical psychology is a discipline whose main task is to study the development of personality, its impact on emotionality and well-being.

When studying mental characteristics, court testimony is taken into account in cases of identified clinical indicators of neuropsychology. For this, specialists use a model of adapted therapy in order to create a therapeutic effect, which helps to study psychological problems in order to determine new form thinking and forms of human behavior.

Abnormal psychology

The second type is the branch of the abnormal type of psychology, which deals with the study of abnormal behavior. The main task of abnormal psychology is to recognize, study and timely detect changes mental state in order to take timely action and avoid the appearance of an abnormal mental disorder.

cognitive psychology

The third kind - cognitive psychology. Its main task is the study of mental processes in order to determine the behavioral characteristics of a person. The cognitive type of psychology uses various kinds of experiments, of a teaching nature, aimed at assessing the perception of memory and attention. Therefore, this type of psychology is very often called experimental.

The cognitive type of psychology is the result obtained through the contribution of neuroscientists, linguists, logisticians, thanks to which the importance of theoretical development in the formation and implementation in the psyche.

Comparative and Counseling Psychology

This is a special kind of psychology that studies the behavior of animals, the results of which, compared with a model of human behavior, help to influence human behavior. Analysis of animal behavior, evaluation of the results obtained in the course of experiments with animals, gives scientists the opportunity to apply new knowledge with an emphasis on emotional, social, professional educational areas.

Developmental psychology

Developmental psychology is a kind of science, the result of which is aimed at determining the patterns of development of the human mind. The object of study of developmental psychology is:

  • moral;
  • intelligence;
  • development of the above two components.

Scientists pay special attention to the study of human behavior in natural conditions with the impact on a person of a physical factor of influence. Developmental psychology is a direction and type of science, the study of which is closely related to the impact external factors and features of the development of the human mind.

Pedagogical psychology

The task of educational psychology is the study of the educational process. AT this method Psychology uses experiments aimed at studying education, its influence on the human psyche, and studying the characteristics of a person of a certain age. This is necessary in order to apply the results obtained in schools, institutes, in order to improve the efficiency of the educational process.

biological psychology

Biological psychology studies a person in a biological context. This type of psychology is aimed at studying the biological characteristics of the psyche, which can affect the development, behavior and psyche of a person. Most of the discipline is aimed at analyzing the results obtained in the course of experiments using neuroscience, that is, the assessment of neural processes.

The main task of the type of biological psychology is to determine all the functions of the brain. This is necessary in order to understand the connection between the reaction of the brain and the perception of the psyche, as well as their influence on human behavior.

Module 1. Competence: the ability to distinguish between professional and everyday forms psychological help.

1. The concept of "psychological assistance". Household and professional psychological assistance.

2. Situations of applying for professional help psychologist.

3. Types of psychological assistance: psychotherapy, psychological correction, counseling.

4. Preventive psychological assistance.

Question 1. In terms of the practical application of psychological knowledge, the profession of a psychologist belongs to the class of so-called "helping" professions. Helping professions include all those activities and occupations that require special training, the theory and practice of which is focused on helping people, identifying and resolving their problems, as well as expanding knowledge about people's ability to overcome problem states in the future. The concept of “help” means assistance in something, support, facilitation, exerting influence in order to bring one into the desired state. Accordingly, psychological assistance involves various forms assistance to people facing various kinds of difficulties that arise in their inner world, in interpersonal relationships, in behavior and when performing various kinds activities. We say that we help someone only in situations where helping another person does not involve any sacrifice (real or potential) on our part. Providing assistance is not altruistic behavior, in which helping another person in difficult times involves some risk or personal deprivation, a willingness to sacrifice one's own interests to one's own detriment. Altruistic behavior (as opposed to helping) aims to satisfy the interests or improve the lives of others while endangering oneself. For the altruist, the well-being of another person is of greater importance than his own, while the helper retains the priority of the well-being and safety of his own personality.

The meaning of professional help is not limited to temporary relief, but involves helping a person in his own assessment. life circumstances and in self-selection strategies for solving their problems, in expanding their psychological capabilities in solving these problems. Professional psychologist can determine possible reasons the origin of problems (if the client wants and is ready for this), to confirm the client’s suspicions that the methods of solving the problem used by him are inadequate, and to find more suitable ways in experience, to see the hidden sides of his personality or the inconsistency of his ideas about himself with the real practices of interaction with surrounding (which causes problems). Professional psychological assistance is aimed at more effective use internal psychological resources.

The specificity of professional psychological assistance lies in its voluntary nature, in the active desire of a person to change something in himself. This work is always based on contract basis– on creating a working alliance between the psychologist and the client. In addition, professional psychological assistance involves presentation to practical psychologist certain requirements for his personality and for the conditions of his work.

Question 2. The need for professional psychological assistance is actualized during the crisis periods of life, when, in connection with the achievement of any normative age of development, the personality begins to be required to change the social status, behavior, and personal manifestations. Crises can also be caused by changes in social values. In critical periods, new experience and a new socio-psychological image of a person destroy the former social situation of development and former ideas about oneself.

They turn to professional psychological help when self-help and the help of people from the immediate environment is no longer enough or it is impossible to get it. Situations in which it is advisable to seek professional help involving a change in a person's personality:

Feeling of acute discomfort (painful experiences), anxiety, uncertainty, doubt, longing, despondency, resentment, feelings of guilt, uniqueness of the situation;

Low self-esteem;

Actual conflict that occupies all thoughts and interferes with habitual life;

Lack of trusting communication;

Lack of acceptance from loved ones;

The perceived need for personal growth, in changing oneself, in understanding and accepting important people;

Severe and long-lasting grief.

Control questions for the lecture.

1. What is psychological help?

2. How is helping different from altruistic behavior?

3. What is the purpose of psychological assistance on household level?

4. What is the purpose of professional psychological help?

5. What is the basis for providing professional psychological assistance?

6. When is professional psychological help needed?


1. Abramova G.S. Practical psychology. – M.: Academic project, 2001.

2. Kociunas R. Fundamentals of psychological counseling. – M.: Academic project, 1999.

3. Khukhlaeva O. V. Fundamentals of psychological counseling and psychological correction. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001.

4. Tashcheva A.I. Encyclopedia of psychological assistance. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2000.

AT recent times The study of human psychology has become very popular. In the West, the consulting practice of specialists in this field has existed for quite a long time. In Russia, this is a relatively new direction. What is psychology? What are its main functions? What methods and programs do psychologists use to help people in difficult situations?

The concept of psychology

Psychology is which is the study of the mechanisms of the functioning of the human psyche. She looks at patterns in different situations thoughts, feelings and experiences that arise.

Psychology is what helps us to better understand our problems and their causes, to realize our shortcomings and strengths. Its study contributes to the development in a person moral qualities and morality. Psychology is an important step towards self-improvement.

Object and subject of psychology

Some carriers of the phenomena and processes studied by this science should act as an object of psychology. A person could be considered such, but according to all norms, he is the subject of knowledge. That is why the object of psychology is considered to be the activity of people, their interaction with each other, behavior in various situations.

The subject of psychology has constantly changed over time in the process of development and improvement of its methods. Initially, the human soul was considered as it. Then the subject of psychology was the consciousness and behavior of people, as well as their unconscious beginning. Currently, there are two views on what is the subject of this science. From the point of view of the first, this mental processes, states and personality traits. According to the second, its subject is mechanisms mental activity, psychological facts and laws.

Basic functions of psychology

One of the most important tasks of psychology is to study the characteristics of people's consciousness, the formation general principles and patterns by which the individual acts. This science reveals the hidden possibilities of the human psyche, the causes and factors influencing people's behavior. All of the above are theoretical functions of psychology.

However, like any practical use. Its value lies in helping a person, developing recommendations and strategies for action in various situations. In all areas where people have to interact with each other, the role of psychology is invaluable. It allows a person to properly build relationships with others, avoid conflicts, learn to respect the interests of other people and reckon with them.

Processes in psychology

The human psyche is a single entity. All processes occurring in it are closely interconnected and cannot exist one without the other. That is why their division into groups is very conditional.

It is customary to single out the following processes in human psychology: cognitive, emotional and volitional. The first of these include memory, thinking, perception, attention and sensation. Them main feature consists in the fact that it is thanks to them that it reacts and responds to influences from the outside world.

They form a person's attitude to certain events, allow you to evaluate yourself and others. These include feelings, emotions, mood of people.

Volitional mental processes are represented directly by will and motivation, as well as proactivity. They allow a person to control their actions and deeds, to control behavior and emotions. In addition, the volitional processes of the psyche are responsible for the ability to achieve goals, achieve the desired heights in certain areas.

Types of psychology

AT contemporary practice There are several classifications of types of psychology. The most common is its division into worldly and scientific. The first type is based primarily on personal experience of people. Everyday psychology has an intuitive character. Most often it is very specific and subjective. Scientific psychology is a science based on rational data obtained through experiments or professional observations. All her positions are thought out and precise.

Depending on the scope of application, there are theoretical and practical types psychology. The first of them deals with the study of the patterns and characteristics of the human psyche. Practical psychology sets as its main task the provision of assistance and support to people, the improvement of their condition and the increase in the productivity of activity.

Methods of psychology

To achieve the goals of science in psychology, various methods study of consciousness and features of human behavior. First of all, experiment is one of them. It is a simulation of a situation that provokes a certain behavior of a person. At the same time, scientists record the data obtained and identify the dynamics and dependence of the results on various factors.

Very often in psychology the method of observation is used. With the help of it, various phenomena and processes occurring in the human psyche can be explained.

Recently, methods of questioning and testing have been widely used. In this case, people are asked to answer certain questions in a limited amount of time. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, conclusions are drawn about the results of the study and certain programs in psychology are drawn up.

To identify problems and their sources in specific person apply It is based on a comparison and analysis of various events in the life of an individual, key points its development, identification of crisis stages and defining stages of development.

Psychological help- a set of measures aimed at assisting citizens in preventing, resolving psychological problems overcoming the consequences of crisis situations, including by activating the citizens' own capabilities for self-prevention, resolving emerging psychological problems, overcoming the consequences of crisis situations and creating the necessary conditions for this, informing citizens about the causes of psychological problems and ways, means of preventing and resolving them, on the development of personality, its self-improvement and self-realization.

Types of psychological assistance

· Psychoprophylaxis (prevention).

· Psychological education (in counseling, in psychoprophylaxis - lectures, seminars) Adler was one of the leading experts in this field.

· Psychodiagnostics (detection of problems and other psychological indicators).

· Psychological counseling(psychological assistance to people who are within the psychological norm in adaptation, development and expansion of personal potential).

Psychotherapy (aimed at solving deep personal problems and deep transformation of the personality), can be clinical and non-clinical.

Psychiatry ( medical view help, the use of medicines, or humanistic psychiatry, which considers a person not as a patient, but as a person with a different worldview, uses medicines to a limited extent, therefore, follows the psychotherapeutic path).

Psychocorrection (restoration of the norm, as with the so-called. emotional state, and with the so-called personality traits).

Types of psychological assistance cannot be strictly diluted. There are areas of intersection. The criterion is who provides assistance (the difference in education), with whom the specialist works with a client or patient (the criterion of the norm is adaptation), what helps (using medicines, psychotherapeutic, counseling techniques).

The process of psychological assistance: duration, stages, position of the psychologist.

First meeting

The process of psychological assistance begins with a meeting.

In living the first meeting with the client, there is literally not a single detail that is not important for the successful implementation of the first contact: from facial expression, gaze, intonation and distance from the client (optimal - 1.5 m) to introducing the client into the semantics of counseling and psychotherapeutic work. Of course, all subsequent psychological work cannot be determined by the first meeting, and the experience of psychological help as retraining, education or psychotherapy goes through several stages, but in counseling work, in particular, the matter may be limited to a single conversation. This is why the initial contact is given so much importance.

What is necessary and desirable for the successful implementation of the first consultation conversation?

Information. In principle, it is desirable (as the practice of advisory work in many countries shows) that before the first meeting, for example, during the appointment for a consultation, the client provides orienting formal information about himself approximately in the following volume: name and surname, age, profession and education, family status, by whom he was directed, whether he has experience of communicating with a psychiatrist or psychologist. The presence of such formal information releases work time psychologist and client for meaningful work.

Psychodiagnostic examination. In some cases (professional consultation or other situation requiring non-medical psychotherapy), a preliminary personal diagnosis is useful. This makes it easier to navigate personality traits client and his condition. If the examination is carried out before the consultation, it is better that it is not carried out by the consultant psychologist himself, but by his employees or colleagues.

What is undesirable and contraindicated for a successful first meeting?

It is undesirable to load yourself with information about the personality and life of the client, which does not come from him personally. It is undesirable: to argue with the client, to refute his statements (this does not mean, of course, that the psychologist is obliged to agree with the client in everything, to share his delusions or obvious prejudices, but to actively oppose them from the spot is unprofessional); praise the client or reassure without apparent reason; make false promises; interpret his behavior or evaluate actions and deeds; ask the client additional questions about aspects of life or issues to which he is particularly sensitive; convince the client of the need to work with you or another psychologist; support the client in his attacks on other persons (parents, children, spouse, other specialist, etc.). In addition, trends in the perception of psychologists + consultants should be taken into account. From psychological research At least the following features of the perception of psychologists + consultants by clients are known:

physically attractive psychologists are perceived more positively than unattractive ones; the same psychologists are perceived differently depending on what problem the client comes with - personal or social (loss of job, professional consultation); people are more inclined to rely on those professionals whose sociocultural values ​​(religious, ideological) do not diverge from their own; people differ in their assessments of the degree to which a psychologist conforms to the social norms of well-being and status accepted in society ( marital status, compliance with the “face of the profession”, the degree of apparent well-being, etc.). These and many other circumstances, not to mention reputation and authority, play a role in the holding of the first meeting.

Now let's move on to the description of the actual consultation conversation.. Let's start with a definition. Consultative conversation is one of the main methods of providing psychological assistance. Ascending to the sociological survey technique called “in-depth interview”, a consultative conversation is a personality-oriented communication in which orientation is carried out in the personal characteristics and problems of the client, a partnership style of relationship is established and maintained (on an equal footing), the required psychological assistance is provided in accordance with needs, issues and nature of advisory work. Consultative conversation, depending on the stage of work, is initial, procedural, final and supportive. The tasks of the initial consultative conversation include: the location of the client to himself and the removal of tension; establishing contact; encouraging discussion of issues and identifying (if necessary) temporary and other opportunities for the client to work together; provision of information; establishing working (collaborative, partnership) relations with the client - what is called “working contact”; encouragement of self-understanding, own activity and responsibility; setting realistic expectations for collaboration. One of the most difficult tasks is to encourage the client to talk about himself and his problems. Even if the client has confidence in the consultant and does not feel any interpersonal barriers, actions can be activated by activating resistance. psychological defenses, especially when a person is concerned about very personal, sometimes intimate problems. In addition, if the person did not ask for help himself, but was referred by another specialist, teacher or, most often, acquaintances or parents, resistance often represents a significant difficulty for the consultant. It is clear, among other things, that not a single person, no matter what age he may be, will come to another, a stranger, for no particular reason, just like that, “heart to heart” to talk about topics that cannot always be opened not only close friend, but also to yourself. Speaking out, recognizing the subjective barriers that the client had to overcome, expressing respect and a positive, understanding attitude in this regard, is one of the possible keys to reducing resistance. Questions related to the client's condition, to his sense of self in a counseling setting also help to relieve tension. The main initial task of the psychologist-consultant is to serve as a catalyst, "facilitator" of the communication process. It is extremely important to feel a person, to catch his needs, experiences, the striving will deliberately demonstrate his needs and problems. No wonder Freud said that "the secret of man oozes through the pores of his skin." Although the client may not directly say what worries him most (in fact, sometimes he is not aware of his true problems), the very first meeting provides rich material for understanding the personality, probable problems and real, albeit latent, needs of the client.

Completion of the first consultation conversation- no less important than its beginning. The criteria for a positive completion of the first meeting is so important that in modern literature they are singled out as the basis for preference in choosing a psychologist and psychotherapist. Practice shows that it is the last minutes of the first meeting that can cause discomfort for both the consultant and the client. The main reason for the emergence of a feeling of disappointment, a feeling of incomprehensibility or treatment to the wrong address most often - with all equal and professionally impeccable parameters - is a feeling of incompleteness of the situation. In fact, a patient receives a referral from a doctor for an analysis or a prescription, from a lawyer - a consultation and a guide to action, and from a psychologist - deceived expectations: they not only did not write out a prescription, but did not even give advice ... Therefore, a very significant point is precisely verbal, signified completion of the meeting and conversation with the potential incompleteness of this situation.

Here are some key closing remarks:

Unfortunately, our time is up for today. Our next meeting, as we said, could be on Tuesday at 2 pm. If you make the final decision on our joint work in the scope that we have outlined, please

call me the day before.

Well, today we managed, if not completely, then at least in part, to see what is happening to you. I hope that our further work will deepen the process. So until Tuesday?

Today we talked about so much... And, you know, it seems to me that even more is left unsaid. If you really decide to deal with this situation and yourself, I will wait for your call until the end of the week in order to more accurately specify the date and schedule of our work.

The first meeting, the first consultative conversation introduces the client into the context of psychological assistance as specific in content and goals of psychosocial practice. Of course, it far from exhausts and even partially cannot cover the entire complex repertoire of psychotechniques that a psychologist uses, depending on the client's problems, the intensity and nature of psychological assistance, and his own preferences. The techniques of counseling and psychotherapeutic work will be discussed in detail in the following sections, where detailed analysis psychological paradigms used in the practice of psychological assistance. Now, according to the logic of presentation, we will characterize the main communication techniques, the possession of which is required in any, especially the first, consultative conversation, and we will explain some working and procedural points related to the situation of psychological assistance itself.



It is well known that the less experienced the consultant, the more important communication techniques are for him. This is understandable: techniques and techniques allow you to avoid a feeling of uncertainty, “deviate” from the client behind the technical methods sanctioned by the authority of science and practice, resort to them in situations where the course of things is not entirely clear or when adherence to the chosen paradigm instills the idea that “ everything is going as it should”, about the controllability of the process, etc. However, as one deepens into the practice of psychological care, a psychologist, counselor or psychotherapist, for whom the well-being of the client, the content and evaluation of the results of activities, their own experience begins to become more important than the method of work chosen at the beginning or the preferred paradigm, may find that despite , for example, the requirement of an unconditionally positive attitude towards the client in the Rogerian tradition, to which they have always been faithful, this particular client does not in any way cause positive feelings, but even vice versa. Or a psychologist who prefers transpersonal psychology, in particular, psychosynthesis, discovers that in a particular case the concept of “subpersonalities” does not work, because emotional trauma captures the whole person, his entire personality, and not individual sides. In such cases, the resulting cognitive dissonance leads to the fact that in the end win individual style and professional experience. And most often - a certain generalized invariant containing communicative techniques and methods of a universal nature. Let us name the most common and most often provoked communication techniques in the situation of the first meeting.

Silence . Although silence, more or less long pauses, sometimes painful for an inexperienced specialist, seem at first an almost insurmountable obstacle, in fact it is one of the most important techniques in the process of providing psychological assistance. It must be able to comprehend, it is necessary to master it. The meaning of silence can be different: a sign of resistance, a sign of introspection, an expression of despair and hopelessness, or, conversely, the eve of insight. It is a great art to recognize the psychological and symbolic face of silence, the more effectively to dispose of it. The most common response techniques in a situation of silence: nod, repetition last words(their own or the client), paraphrasing the last statement (their own or the client); if the client continues to be silent, help him in expressing his state: “It is difficult for you to speak now”; “Maybe you don’t know how to react to this” or “Maybe it upset you.” As a last resort, if the silence continues, the counselor must respect the client's behavior and take it for granted.

epic hearing . The counselor listens attentively to the client, non-verbally or verbally expressing his adherence to the thoughts and feelings of the client, at times almost imperceptibly with a look, in a word, verbalizing, encouraging the client to deeper self-expression and self-disclosure. The basic rule of empathic listening (i.e. receiving, telling that the listener is experiencing the same feelings as the speaker) is not to sympathize, but to empathize, creating an emotional resonance with the client's experiences.

clarification . The technique is aimed at revealing the meaning (motivational, target, operational) for both the consultant and the client, his own actions. It helps to track the ambivalence of feelings and relationships, the features of the protective mechanisms used, thinking, etc.

Client. I feel bad. It's just bad, that's all.

Psychologist. Perhaps some feeling especially strongly forces you to focus on this particular formulation?

Client. Don't know.

Psychologist. Now, when you say “I don't know,” do you really only “don't know,” or are there other feelings as well?

Client: You see, it's so hard to talk about it... When my soul hurts, when I understand that no one can help... (crying).

Reflective verbalization . Refers to the varieties of verbalizations, the purpose of which is to enhance the emotional + semantic resonance of the client's statements. It is not intellectual, as in methodology, but rather emotional, which distinguishes a reflexive paraphrase from an interpretation. The content of reflexive verbalization reflects not the motivational-causal, but the emotional-modal layer of statements. There are different levels of reflexive verbalizations - from "echo-verbalizations" to "verbalizations-generalizations".

Interpretation. The technique of explaining (explaining) to the client the hidden meaning of his statements. An interpretation can be expressed in affirmative, propositional, or interrogative form. One of the most difficult and controversial techniques to evaluate, interpretation has an extremely powerful therapeutic potential, helping with correct use cope with anxiety, recognize or mitigate psychological defenses. The most productive way to use interpretations is to allow the client to interpret his own statements or behavior. Sometimes interpretation can look like “reading between the lines”.

Example. To the question about family life The client talked for a long time about what a wonderful wife he had.

Customer. She is an amazing woman... Simply amazing...

Psychologist. In that case, it must be hard to live with her?

Customer. Yes, damn it! Not that word...

Interpretation itself requires a special presentation technique. It is advisable to soften the interpretation with the words “possibly”, “probably”, “maybe”, “one gets the impression”; categoricalness can turn interpretation from a therapeutic communication technique into a means of exacerbating inadequate defenses and resistance.

Self-disclosure . The functions of this communicative technique are interpreted and used in different ways in different concepts of counseling and psychotherapy. In the humanistic paradigm, the psychologist's self-disclosure is interpreted as one of the fundamental techniques in establishing working relationships and facilitating the client's self-disclosure. In behavioral concepts, self-disclosure is understood as a kind of behavior modeling by a psychologist, the meaning of which is to reinforce the desired course of action on the part of the client. Be that as it may, the essential point in self-disclosure is the following: the technique should be applied not according to the principle “But I also, I remember, it was ...”, but in line with the flow of the client’s experiences, responding to his feelings and confirming that his experiences are understood and shared.

Confrontation . The technique is intended for the responsible exposure of contradictions, games, unrealistic defenses that make it difficult for the client to understand himself and lead to a dead end in a consultative conversation. Complex and requiring great skill in application (for example, it is not used at all in the Rogerian direction), the technique creates a certain tension in the conversation and therefore should be used with special art. Since it is capable of causing a feeling of pressure, excessive categoricalness, an accusatory tone, and evaluative judgments should be avoided. On the contrary, softness, neutrality, even some emotional detachment contribute to a more effective impact of this technique.

Customer. You know, I'm already consulting with you for the third time, and the impression is the same: either I<то не понимаю, или меня не хотят понять.

Psychologist (after a pause). Don't you think that one way to escape the stress of trying to understand is to visit psychologists? The benefit is multiple. The feeling of self-importance increases: after all, I am a mystery. Responsibility is removed from oneself - “let them think”, the decision is postponed, isn't it?

Summarizing. This technique is one of the most preferred at the end of the first meeting. The specificity of its application lies in the fact that it can be used as a real generalization and linking together sometimes inconsistent, fragmentary statements of the client and, conversely, by demonstrating the refusal to use final generalizations in order to emphasize the significance, complexity of the issues under discussion and the unwillingness of the counseling psychologist to simplify them. The current summing up, in contrast to the final one, helps to structure the process of a consultative conversation and set some semantic milestones. In addition to the purely professional, technical aspects of psychological assistance in the process of establishing relationships, during the first meeting, many seemingly insignificant, expressed and unspoken questions arise, which, nevertheless, should be foreseen and taken into account. Together, these questions characterize the professional behavioral etiquette of the consultant psychologist and the general atmosphere of the situation.

Let's consider the simplest of these questions.

Smoking. Sometimes customers, nervously, ask if it is possible to smoke. Denying smoking to a client is tactless. This may be perceived as pressure or unwanted restriction of freedom. Encouraging smoking is unhygienic and unhealthy. One acceptable behavior is to separate the process of smoking from the counseling conversation. The tact and appropriateness of motivations, the partner tone of the appeal will help relieve the tension that encourages the client to smoke.

Record keeping. Any method of fixing information (tape recordings, notes, etc.) must be discussed with the client without fail and unconditionally rejected at the slightest objection. However, after the end of the meeting, the psychologist has the right to record in his working diary significant moments of communication, behavior or experiences of the client in order to comprehend them and better prepare for the next meeting.

Frequent tardiness. If a client - more often, of course, a woman - is regularly late for a predetermined time, possible reasons for being late should be worked out: resistance, demonstration, decrease in motivation, etc. Lateness of a psychologist for a meeting, if it is not caused by an unfavorable set of circumstances, also requires, in addition to an apology, special study.

Payment questions. In cases where a psychologist consults in a private practice, the cost of services and the payment procedure (hourly, by result) should be specifically agreed in advance on mutually acceptable grounds. Due to the specifics of psychological assistance, the collection of fees for the services of a psychologist may not depend on the successful or other outcome of the psychologist's actions.

Client orientation in time. Practice shows that explaining to the client the time frame of work, including a general orientation in the possible terms of advisory work in general and the duration of each individual meeting, is an important moment both procedurally and behaviorally. The psychologist should feel free to inform the client about the end of the meeting time, analyzing the client's relationship with time, since there may be very important reasons for psychological work behind the corresponding behavior.

Clothes and image of the consultant. Clothing, appearance and behavior of a psychologist (male or female) must comply with generally accepted standards in society. Excessive make-up, too flashy, expensive or, on the contrary, too democratized clothes, an overtly official or deliberately casual style of behavior - all this can signal obvious or implicit personal problems of the specialist himself, undermining his credibility even before the start of joint work. Facial expression, eyes, mannerisms, clothing - everything should indicate a healthy lifestyle of a counseling psychologist, a balanced personality and instill confidence in the client that he can be helped.



Psychological assistance in all its varieties (from counseling to non-medical psychotherapy), if not limited to a single situational consultation, regardless of the form of implementation, individual or group, as a rule, goes through several stages.

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  • The main activities of the psychological service


    Identification and resolution of conflict situations

    Assistance in solving personal problems

    Development of interpersonal relationships


    · the opportunity to obtain accurate scientifically based information about yourself, your potential and professional abilities, personal characteristics, individual characteristics, etc.

    TRAINING is:

    assistance in self-development and self-education, etc.


    Organization of lectures and informative seminars aimed at improving psychological literacy, special organization of free time, trainings for a positive life attitude, social modeling.


    Solving personal psychological problems

    Formation of effective communication skills

    Correction of personal qualities and skills

    Assistance in self-development and self-education.

    The concept of "psychological assistance". The main types of psychological assistance

    Psychological assistance is an area of ​​practical application of psychology, focused on improving the socio-psychological competence of people and providing psychological assistance, both to an individual and to a group, organization. This is direct work with people aimed at solving various kinds of psychological problems associated with difficulties in interpersonal relationships, as well as deep personal problems.

    Types of psychological assistance

    § Psychoprophylaxis (prevention).

    § Psychological education (in counseling, in psychoprophylaxis - lectures, seminars) Adler was one of the leading experts in this field.

    § Psychodiagnostics (identification of problems and other psychological indicators).

    § Psychological counseling (psychological assistance to people who are within the psychological norm in adaptation, development and expansion of personal potential).

    § Psychotherapy (aimed at solving deep personal problems and deep personality transformation), can be clinical and non-clinical.

    § Psychiatry (a medical form of assistance, the use of medications, or humanistic psychiatry, which considers a person not as a patient, but as a person with a different worldview, uses medications to a limited extent, therefore, follows the psychotherapeutic path).

    § Psychocorrection (restoration of the norm, both from the point of view of the emotional state, and from the point of view of personality traits).

    Types of psychological assistance cannot be strictly diluted. There are areas of intersection. The criterion is who provides assistance (difference in education), with whom the specialist works with a client or patient (adaptation is the norm criterion), what helps (use of drugs, psychotherapeutic, counseling techniques)

    Principles of psychological assistance

    As in many professions, in the activities of a psychologist, when providing them with psychological assistance, there are some principles and requirements, the implementation of which is mandatory. The existence of various ethical codes for the activities of a professional psychologist in various countries and psychological communities is due to the fact that there are no unambiguous and simple answers to the ethical and moral problems that arise in psychological practice. These principles are necessary to ensure that the provision of psychological assistance is not only more effective and meaningful, but also socially acceptable. Many works on this topic discuss various difficult situations, in particular - how should a consultant behave if during the reception he learns that his client is plotting or committed an antisocial act, if he sees signs of beatings or other violence on the body of a child, if parents want to know something about their secretive teenage child, as well as many others. In some countries, such as the USA, non-compliance with professional principles and requirements can lead to the loss of a psychologist's diploma, the right to practice and offer his professional services, etc.

    Among the most important ethical principles of psychological assistance (according to Yu. Alyoshina), the following are traditionally distinguished:

    1. A benevolent and nonjudgmental attitude towards the client implies "a whole range of professional behavior aimed at making the client feel calm and comfortable." The counselor must be able to listen carefully to the client (for example, using the technique of active listening), trying to understand him without judging, as well as provide psychological support and assistance.

    2. Orientation of the psychologist to the norms and values ​​of the client, and not to socially accepted norms and rules, which can allow the client to be sincere and open. The relationship of accepting and respecting the client's values ​​is not only an opportunity to express support for the client, but also allows you to influence these values ​​in the future if they become seen in the counseling process as an obstacle to the normal life of a person.

    3. Prohibition to give advice. A psychologist, despite his professional and life experience and knowledge, cannot give guaranteed advice to a client, in particular because the client's life and the context of its course are unique and unpredictable, and the client is the main expert in his own life, while psychologist - usually acts as an expert in other areas, in particular in ways of building relationships with a client, as well as in the theory of psychological assistance. In addition, giving advice means taking responsibility for the life of the client if he uses it, which does not contribute to the development of his personality. In addition, when giving advice, the psychologist's professional position may change, and when accepting advice, the client's position may change towards greater passivity and a superficial attitude to what is happening. Often at the same time, any failures in the implementation of the advice by the client can be attributed to the psychologist as the authority who gave advice, which prevents the client from understanding his active and responsible role in the events happening to him.

    4. Anonymity, meaning that no information provided by the client to the psychologist can be transferred without his consent to any organizations and other persons, including relatives or friends. At the same time, there are exceptions (about which the psychologist must warn the client in advance), specially noted in the legislation of the country, in accordance with the laws of which the professional activity of the psychologist is carried out.

    5. The distinction between personal and professional relationships is a principle-requirement for a consultant, associated with a number of psychological phenomena that affect the process of psychological assistance. For example, it is known that professional relationships can be strongly influenced by personal relationships, in particular, the personal needs and desires of a psychologist affect both the process of psychological assistance and the client himself, and therefore may hinder the effective implementation of psychological assistance. There are various studies of these influences (see, for example, the phenomena of transference and countertransference). At the end of the 20th century, there were discussions on this problem, various consequences of the entry of a psychologist and a client into personal relationships, including sexual relationships, were analyzed, but the main conclusion from these discussions was the position that when a psychologist carries out professional activities, personal relationships should be avoided if possible. . If such or similar relationships appear, then it is necessary to try to act in the interests of the client and interrupt the process of psychological assistance as soon as possible.