From one-time mailings to email marketing: an example of a communication scenario in an online store. “Sales letters” - five most common mistakes with examples


Email marketing is universal and allows you to reach a large audience. Not everyone uses Instagram and Facebook, however Email Almost everyone has one. And you need to use this.

We will tell you what exactly “selling” letters should contain.

1. Define your goal

For each letter you need to have a clearly stated purpose. Tell about a new product, inform about a discount, promotion, special offer, arrival of a desired product, which will help identify the most weak spots in the operation of an online store and so on.

It is from the goal that you will “dance” in writing the letter itself. Its text should be simple and understandable for your customers.

2. Define your audience

The assortment of your online store may be intended for different customers. In order for email campaigns to hit the target, effective segmentation of the list of recipients is necessary.

The recommendations are simple: create several groups, send emails with individual appeals, depending on the needs and preferences of customers. This ensures that your client does not receive information that he is not interested in in principle. This approach can offend and offend.

3. Think about the subject of the letter

Many recipients don't open emails or don't read beyond the first line. There are several reasons for this: they were not interested in the subject of the letter, and were offended by the impersonal address.

The subject line of the letter should be catchy: “Hot products at low prices”, “Summer new products at a discount”, “Exclusive product”, “Sale up to 90%” and so on.

As for calls, a number of studies show that personalization in email newsletters improves the number of clicks by an average of 14% and can increase conversions by 10%.

4. Write briefly and clearly

Emails are not the place for long reads. The message you want to convey to customers via email should be clear, clear and as succinct as possible. Letters in which the essence of the sentence is hidden at the very end, and before there is a lot of text that is not interesting to everyone, are annoying.

You can place educational and detailed content on your website, and provide a hyperlink to it in your letter. If the buyer is interested, he will go to your online store. No - that's not it. But in this case he will have a choice.

Of course, if you wish, you can fill the letter with useful information, but do it wisely. Warn the recipient about what he may read in the newsletter. In this case, you also provide a choice: read - don’t read, limit yourself to one item, or view everything. This is respect for the personal time of the recipient and increasing his loyalty.

  • An important point: write simply, accessiblely, and not pretentiously. Divide the text of your email newsletter into paragraphs (one paragraph - maximum 4 sentences) or break it up with subheadings for ease of comprehension.
  • Let your letter be as close as possible to the style of communication that you practice in the online store. Customers should feel that they are not being communicated by a bot sending mass emails, but by a real person interested in cooperation and interaction.
  • Use emotions, be polite and sincere, show concern, ask questions, provoke feedback, everyone possible ways Show that you want to help and solve your customers' problem.
  • And, of course, thank you for the fact that the client took the time and read the letter, answered questions, chose your product or showed attention to the assortment of your online store. “Thank you” is an emotional message that, in most cases, will not go unnoticed.

5. Make the letter useful and recognizable

One of effective ways interest the client - send a useful letter with recommendations regarding a particular product. Tell us, for example, about the latest product reviews that popular bloggers posted on their resources. Reviews are a great way to draw attention to your desired product and encourage you to buy.

To ensure that your letters do not get lost in the stream of other messages, make them recognizable by creating your own branded template. Popular email marketing services, such as UniSender and MailChimp, allow you to do this.

By the way, experts advise not to be clever with fonts in emails, but to use the proven and familiar Arial and Calibri. And if you use photographs (ideally, there should be at least one picture in the letter), then only high-quality ones.

6. Use video

Place your bet on . Using the word “video” in your email subject line increases the likelihood that your email will be read by almost 20% and can increase click-through rates by 65%.

Users love with their eyes; video still remains on the list of the most attractive ways to promote an online store. Why don't you try such mailings?

7. Tell us about the benefits

Your client opened the letter and began to read it. He should get some kind of bonus for this. Enter it for all participants in your email newsletter who fulfill certain conditions: go to the site, make a purchase, take part in a survey or competition, and so on. Explain clearly what buyers will lose if they refuse this offer.

This will give the newsletter a special status. The buyer will know that next time he will receive not just a letter with some information, but a tempting offer that he must take advantage of. A useful letter is a sales letter.

8. Add hyperlinks

Of course, the email should include a link to your online store. But it is better if there is not one, but more - three or four. It's an easy way to increase direct traffic and help customers learn more about your brand.

And don't forget about the unsubscribe button. If it is not there, the recipient may perceive your letters as intrusive spam and become hostile. Add a mini-survey for those who decide to unsubscribe from your emails: this will allow you to find out exactly what needs to be fixed.

9. Don't forget about mobile devices

Email marketing must be adapted for mobile platforms. If your letter is difficult to read with mobile device, this is a collapse. Today - required condition for any online store. The same applies to email newsletters.

Tell us about your experience with email campaigns! Leave your comments!

Prepared by Victoria Chernysheva.

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Selling mailings. Increasing Sales Using Email Marketing Brodie Ian

Scheduling automatic email series

Planning an automated series of emails is a bit like plotting a movie or book. Typically, it starts with an overall theme or plot, as well as ideas for key scenes in a movie or chapters in a book. Then the film is storyboarded: new ideas are generated using brainstorming, and the sequence of episodes is determined. In the case of email autoresponders, this process can be improved endlessly.

Essentially, this is an expanded version of the short campaign development we covered in the previous chapter. Decide what goal you want to achieve with your email series, that is, what action you want your subscribers to take (for example, buy a specific product or make a personal call).

Next, analyze your ideal client's needs map and write down all the goals, aspirations, problems, tasks, and knowledge and feeling factors associated with the chosen goal.

This will give you ideas for subject lines for the letters in the series. The knowledge and feeling factors will need to be illustrated in the stories, examples and anecdotes with which you plan to cover each topic.

Conduct an audit of your existing resources. Consider which of your articles, videos, audio recordings, infographics, previous emails, etc. can be linked to or described in this message, thereby providing subscribers with useful information and expanding on the topic. Perhaps some of your stories could be written as letters.

You probably already have a decent list of possible topics that could be included in the automatic series. And potential resources have been selected for many topics. When creating your first series, don't overdo it: plan on about 6-12 emails at first. You will always have time to add.

You can also follow MindValley's example and balance your email series by alternating between informational, entertaining, sales, and inspirational. And if the messages are quite concise, subscribers will get used to perceiving them as light reading. Later, as your emails become associated with useful information presented in an engaging way, you can afford to send much longer emails if necessary.

Once you've planned out your main series of emails, you can start working on the content of each email. First, define a call to action that is consistent for all emails, and then select the subject line and relevant content.

Below in general outline describes a short series of letters for new subscribers that a business coach could organize.

Common goal. Encourage new subscribers to order a personal call on the topic “Business Breakthrough”.

Schedule. Dispatch begins as soon as a user registers to receive a free copy of the Breakthrough to Economic Growth survey. The frequency of dispatch is once every two to three days.

Letter No. 1. Have you received the Breakthrough to Economic Growth review yet?


Make sure that new subscribers receive the review and read it;

Set a friendly tone for the conversation and encourage interaction;

Encourage people who are ready for a personal call to order one.

Call to action. Request a call on the topic “Business Breakthrough”.

Letter No. 2. What is the most important mission of your business?


Train subscribers to act;

Identify subscribers who have encountered significant difficulties and are ready to discuss them.

Call to action. Tell me your most important task and I'll send you mine. best ideas by her decision.

Letter No. 3. Hope is not a strategy.


Show how important it is to act, and not just passively consume information.

Call to action. If you'd like to take a step toward accelerating your business growth right now, email me to set up a free Business Breakthrough call.

Letter No. 4. My path to increasing cash flow.


To generate empathy because I have been in their position;

Show that I know how to quickly solve problems with cash flow.

Call to action. If you are experiencing the same cash flow difficulties, I can certainly help you. And quickly. Just reply to this email and we will discuss briefly possible ideas and practical steps.

Letter No. 5. 7 obstacles to small business growth.


Demonstrate knowledge of the key approaches needed to grow a small business, as well as the ability to simplify and get to the heart of a problem;

Give examples successful work with clients from different areas activities (services, retail, finance, production, etc.).

Call to action. If you would like to analyze your business and how you can overcome obstacles, call me to set up a free Business Breakthrough meeting.

Letter No. 6. I have to ask you.


Encourage subscribers to interact and collect information on key topics of interest to them by asking them to take part in a survey.

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Appendix 6 Examples of automatic letters A: Subscription bonus B: Bonus reminder C: Welcome e-mail D: Request for feedback E: Incentive for the 2nd

Good day, blog readers. In today's article we will continue our acquaintance with e-mail marketing. We recently wrote about ways to collect e-mail addresses. Now let’s talk about what kind of mailings your business must have if you have already taken up email marketing. In particular, we will talk about online stores. These mailings can also be applied to other types of businesses, not just online stores.

In online business there are several mandatory mailings: welcome series, trigger letters, informational ones.

Welcome series or welcome chain

This is the first series of letters that a subscriber begins to receive after his contact is in your database. The number of letters in this series is usually 3-5. In them you welcome the subscriber, thank him for leaving you his contact, you can write messages from the director of the company, send 2-3 reviews, the history of the company, licenses and certificates, etc. With this series of letters you should win over the client and further increase the level of trust. The main thing is not to sell anything in this series of letters. These are not sales letters. In the welcome chain, the main task is to consolidate long-term relationships. And if you start selling from the first letters, then most people will unsubscribe from you.

For a welcome series, it is best to set up automatic mailing. You will spend only 1 time on it, but in the future it will work fully automatically at any time of the day. It turns out that part of your business will be on autopilot. Therefore, the welcome chain is mandatory in online business.

Trigger mailing

How does triggered mailing work? As I already wrote, this newsletter is aimed at certain actions your visitors. Therefore, the principle of operation is based precisely on the actions of your users. To make it clear, let's look at an example. Let's say you have an online women's clothing store. The user who visited the site has already been authorized, so through the CRM system you can calculate his actions. So, a female user visited the page with the dress and added it to the cart. I spent some time on the site, but did not make a purchase and left the site. What do you do in this case? Through CRM, you set up a reminder for this user through a newsletter. In the letter, write that the user has not completed the purchase of a specific product, so you are sending a reminder. Such letters must contain bonuses: discounts, gifts.

In addition to the forgotten cart, users often do not place an order, even while on the checkout page. Such users should also be returned to making a purchase through a reminder that they have not completed the order. The reasons for not placing an order may be different. But if you remind them, most will make a purchase.

In addition to the mentioned actions, trigger mailing should also be applied to those who have repeatedly viewed the same product. Agree, a person will simply not be interested in a certain product 2-3 times. If he shows such interest, it means he wants to buy it, but most likely, at the moment there are some reasons that are stopping the user from purchasing. Your task is to help him and push him to buy. Send him a letter with this product and offer him a discount. There is a high probability that the user will buy this product immediately after receiving the letter.

Trigger mailings should also be used to make so-called additional sales (cross-sell). They are good because they significantly increase the average bill. How it works? After making a purchase, after a certain period of time you send the client a letter with an offer like “They also buy with this product” and several products to choose from. For example, a client bought an iron from you. After 2-3 days, you send a letter and offer to additionally buy a special liquid and a non-stick nozzle. Agree, the product is necessary and useful, which means that most people will buy these products.

Also, trigger mailing is well suited for activating and returning those users who have bought something from you for a long time and Lately did not show themselves at all. Remind them of yourself. Offer them a discount, bonus or gift.

Information letters

The type of letters that involves sending to your subscribers useful information without an offer to buy anything. Through this type of email, you should show your expertise and provide real benefits to your subscribers. For example, you sell women's clothing. For your subscribers, you can send a letter 1-2 times a week with information about how best to wear this or that clothing, what colors go best together, how to visually make you appear slimmer, etc., that is, wear maximum benefit for your clients. In return, they will buy from you.

In general, these are the main types of mailings that should be used in online business. The costs of mailing are minimal, but the efficiency is very high. In your mailings, 70-80% should be informational letters, the rest sales. Don't be frequent with letters. If you send out newsletters too often, people will start to unsubscribe. The most optimal is 3-4 mailings per month, not counting automatic mailings. In general, these parameters are different for each business and you need to test everything. Spend 2-3 months figuring out the best email marketing strategy to keep both you and your customers happy.

If you have any questions about this topic, ask them in the comments. Also, if you need to set up a basic email newsletter, write in the comments and we will contact you.

While email marketing is a well-coordinated mechanism, a real transformation machine

  • new subscribers - into potential clients,
  • potential clients – into new clients,
  • those who tried to buy - into those who bought,
  • new clients - into repeat clients,
  • customers losing interest - into returning customers,
  • returning and repeat customers - into regular customers (these are the ones who provide stability to your business),
  • loyal clients - into VIP clients (and these are the ones that generate additional zeros on your current account), etc. and so on.

Here it is, the email marketing of your dreams that works to grow your business while you work on yourself:

Here's one more picture for clarity.

Here are two types of irrigation mechanisms. On the left is a simple splinter irrigation system, it wastes a lot of water watering the weeds, which then have to be controlled. On the right is a much more advanced mechanism - smart system micro-drip irrigation, which supplies water to the roots necessary plants in the right quantity.

So here it is. A simple sprinkler (that is, watering everyone) content newsletter will never cope with all the above-mentioned transformations of new subscribers into regular customers. Even if you hire the best copywriters and designers in the world, and pamper your subscribers with the most delicious (and even such that it’s a pity to give away for free) content highest quality- then you will get, at best, a loyal audience that will warm your soul with grateful reviews, while your wallet will continue to be empty.

Fortunately, technological progress does not stand still, and today any entrepreneur or marketer who does not suffer from technophobia and understands more or less English language, can assemble a real machine from several email chains converting leads into regular customers. This is the minimum program.

The maximum program is to increase the average LTV of a client in your business ( lifetime value, value life cycle client – ​​this is the amount of money that the client brings to your business for the entire time you work with him) to the maximum possible meaning to squeeze the maximum financial result out of a business that it is capable of.


You've probably already heard about all sorts of trigger chains and automatic series. Here are their examples:

  • Welcome Series
  • Presentation series
  • Engaging series
  • Alerts-mailing (distribution of special offers and promotions)
  • Content mailing
  • Segmentation Series
  • Selling series
  • “up sell” series
  • “Cross sell” series
  • “Down sell” series
  • Abandoned cart series
  • Feedback series
  • Retention series
  • Reactivation series
  • Unsubscribing series

Don’t be afraid of these words, these are just the gears of our conversion machine. We will now find out how each gear works, then we will see how to benefit from it, and, finally, we will analyze the case, and not just a simple one, but a Websarafan case.

What's the point anyway?

The whole deep essence and sacred meaning of marketing comes down to work with each audience segment the way he deserves. The basic tasks of any branch of marketing are audience research and segmentation.

In email marketing we deal with behavioral segmentation– and this is the most powerful way of segmentation of all existing in nature. It is behavioral segmentation that underlies the construction of that very conversion machine.

Chip behavioral segmentation is that we offer each subscriber what they want ready, and not what we want to offer him. We determine what he is ready for by his behavior. By the way, a skilled lover will always determine by a woman’s behavior what she is ready for and will never get ahead of himself. It’s the same with a subscriber - we won’t try to make a sale until we see that he is ready for it (by the way, in B2B marketing there is a corresponding term - lead qualification - this is a determination of how ready a lead is to buy).

So, we divide subscribers into different groups and work with each group in our own way using series (or chains) of letters. Which pile a subscriber falls into depends on his actions.

Actually, the very user action that activates a series of letters is popularly called a “trigger” ( trigger translated from English as " trigger"). Therefore, chains of letters are often called “trigger”.

The main question, the accuracy of the answer to which will determine how much money you will earn:

Which subscriber segments are important to highlight and what should be done with each of these segments?

Here it must be said that there are no universal recipes, because each niche and each product in it are unique and inimitable. In each specific case, the set of segments will depend on the configuration of the sales funnel and how the processes are set up. But most often we deal with the following patterns.

Segment #1. New subscribers. The goal is engagement.

These are people who have just entered the funnel and are not yet familiar with you or your company. Imagine - they just now signed up voluntarily - at this moment their interest has not yet waned, and you have every chance to win their trust and turn them from subscribers into potential clients. Therefore, there is no need to hesitate! In a week they will have forgotten about you and with an 85% chance they will not even open your letter. So don’t wait for the subscriber to cool down, but IMMEDIATELY launch an engaging series.

Your task is to convert new subscribers to your faith, that is, to make them loyal to you and your brand, and therefore receptive to subsequent letters. It is to create loyalty and an engaging series is directed.

Remember: the attention of someone who has just signed up is gold. New subscribers must be handled with the utmost care. One bad or spam email and that person will never open your mailing list again. Therefore, under no circumstances send your new subscribers spam or any stubborn bullshit like this (screenshot from my mailbox, and this is the very first letter - try to guess from it what they actually want):

Segment #2. Potential clients. The goal is to convert a subscriber into a client.

These are subscribers who act as if they already want something more:

  • often open and read your letters;
  • follow links in emails and show their interest in products;
  • answer letters.

(For each specific case, you should develop your own criterion for readiness to sell, which is determined either empirically or by common sense.)

As soon as new subscriber becomes potential client, he starts receiving letters selling series.

If you have many different products in your line, and you don’t know which product to offer to a “ready” subscriber, walk him through segmenting series, which will help you determine his product interest.

Segment #3. Those who have taken a step towards selling, but have not paid. The goal is to “finish off.”

You probably have a landing page or website. Do you know how many people, going through the funnel, get stuck on payment? In some cases, more than half of the users are “merged” from the payment page. A lot depends on how convenient the payment method is for the audience. But your task is to find and patch the hole, and the series code-named will help you with this "abandoned cart". The easiest way to find out why a person didn't complete the purchase is to ask him about it - maybe he had problems with payment or something else.

Only if you have an online store, then you need to look deeper. It is important to distinguish between 2 situations here:

  1. when the user added an item to the cart and proceeded to checkout, but did not pay for the order;
  2. when the user added an item to the cart and did not even try to place an order.

The fact is that many users of online stores use the shopping cart functionality as a wish-list (I do this myself), and in this case the question “what’s the problem?” will often be inappropriate.

For a user who added goods to the cart and did not even try to place an order, it is better to send a follow-up letter with goods from the cart with approximately the following content: “Here are the toys (clothes/dishes/etc.) that you liked. You can find them at any time in your mailbox and purchase." By the way, such a letter can also be sent about products that the user was simply viewing - this will increase sales.

Segment #4. Just purchased. Target– up sellorcross sell.

What to do with a customer who just bought? Most the best option- offer him some complementary product at a favorable price in order to increase the purchase amount. When the buyer spends more money when purchasing additional options for a product, this is called up sell, and when he buys other related goods - this cross sell. So in the order confirmation email that the buyer receives, it would be nice to add something like: “We started packing your dress and remembered that this necklace goes well with it. We are ready to give you a 20% discount on the necklace, because it will give your dress a special charm. Please add it to your purchase now before we hand over your order to the courier." The benefit is mutual, right? The buyer purchases the desired product that he “forgot”, receives a discount and does not pay a second time for delivery. And instead of one product, you sell two and in 30% of cases increase the average bill.

Segment #5. Those who did not buy. Target -down sell.

Let's say a subscriber carefully read the entire selling series and even followed the links. But I didn't buy it. This should give us a hint about something. Often the reason for refusal lies in price. Maybe the person considered it unfair or such a purchase simply does not fit into his budget. Well, why not let him go? Wise salespeople use a technique called down selling - this is when the buyer is offered to buy a cheaper analogue or substitute product so that he does not leave without purchasing. So to subscribers who showed their interest in a product in a selling series, but did not buy, we send series "down sell".

Segment #6. New clients. The goal is repeat sales.

It depends only on you what will happen to your new clients - whether they will turn into regular ones or go to competitors. Therefore, you under no circumstances let go of a client who has made a purchase from you, but begin to work on building a long-term relationship with him.

It is advisable to re-sell anticipating the client's wishes. If you hit the mark, it will be yours forever. Sales analytics will help you guess the client’s wishes. If products are combined into baskets based on complementarity, then it makes sense to include products from the basket in the next offer. If there is a certain sequence of purchases (well, for example, first young parents buy diapers, then a pacifier, then formula for feeding) - then it is worth offering the next product from the sequence (this is called the “next best offer”).

If you don’t know what to offer this particular client, then you shouldn’t point your finger at the sky. In this case, it is better to run it through product segmentation. By the way, for segmentation it is not necessary to send a segmenting series of letters to the client. Often, product interest can be suggested by links that this person followed in emails, or sections that he visited on the site.

Segment #7. Asleep. The goal is to awaken.

These are subscribers who don’t even open your emails and lie like dead weight on your subscription list. For example, in 3 months they never opened a single email.

Why do anything with them? There are 2 reasons for this:

  1. They spoil the statistics by ignoring your letters. After all, the email’s deliverability depends on how open it is. And deliverability, in turn, affects discovery rates. If we do not unsubscribe the “dead,” then we ourselves tighten the negative feedback loop at our base. There is an opinion among email marketing practitioners that as the subscriber base grows, the disclosure rate inevitably falls. Now, that's not true. A drop in detection rates can be avoided if you clean out the “skeletons” in a timely manner.
  2. They spoil such an indicator as the ROI of investments in email marketing. Simply put, you’re wasting your money on your email marketing service because they don’t even open your emails.

Such guys who have fallen asleep should be sent a so-called “reactivation series”, and if they do not reactivate after it, simply unsubscribe. I’ll give an example of the last farewell message from Viktor Kopchenkov, since I recently received it.

I haven’t talked about all the possible maneuvers, but if you implement what we’ve discussed here, your sales will increase significantly. You don't have to do everything at once. Start with what will bring the greatest effect, measured in money. As soon as you get the first results, clarity will come by itself. You will become a real conductor of your email orchestra.

And we have prepared for you a convenient template that works great. And you can test it on your clients.

Where to begin?

The most important thing is to learn to separate the wheat from the chaff - that is, clients from subscribers.

The most important segment that holds huge potential for profit growth is customers who just purchased. Keyword here “just now”, because the recency of the purchase tells us about the warmth of the client. The warmer the customer is, the more likely he is to make a purchase.

If you analyze your sales, you will find that most of the customers you have had in your entire sales history made only one purchase and merged. Can you imagine how your profits would increase if they became regular customers? Entrepreneurs lose a lot of money by not paying enough attention to their new customers. Those who manage to set up a process to find out the reasons for refusing a repeat purchase (and the reasons can be the most unexpected, from late delivery to an inconvenient interface) have the opportunity to significantly reduce customer churn and increase LTV.

Some readers at this point will have a question - how does the mailing list service know that a subscriber bought something from me - subscribers are in Mailchimp, and clients are in Bitrix (or in general in Yandex-checkout)? So, this is not a problem, since nowadays all self-respecting products can be connected with each other via API, although for this you need to be able to code a little. If you don’t have a developer, then you can use a service that connects the APIs of different products, such as Cloudwork, Ifttt, Workato, Zapier.

If you use Mailchimp, then you have quite ample opportunities on linking the subscriber base with client base. Mailchimp has special function linktracking– you can use it to track the behavior of your subscribers on the site, including “tracking” purchases – and transfer this information to Mailchimp.

eCommerce360 makes it possible not only set up segments of those who bought different products in the mailchimp list, but also create automatic chains, the trigger for which will be a purchase. Like this (screenshot from the Automation - Trigger section):

Now let's move on to serious things.

Websarafana case

What was the problem:

  1. Websarafan's funnel is designed in such a way that every new podcast and every new event is a source of new subscribers. In addition, “traffic magnets” are placed everywhere on the Websarafan blog, which collect subscribers in different sheets. Mailchimp has accumulated about two dozen sheets with duplicate subscribers. As a result, Websarafan paid for some subscribers twice, or even three times. Such a number of subscription sheets made it difficult to work with the database. Some sheets have already been forgotten, where the subscribers came from.
  2. Websarafan subscribers received the News Digest newsletter. But Websarfan has quite a lot of products in different Internet marketing topics, and most subscribers did not even have a chance to learn about these products - after all, they were not mentioned in the digest newsletter. That is, email marketing did not work at all for sales.

Had not only put things in order in the database, but also start working with it correctly, focusing it on sales. And this is what was done:

Here an example of such a magnet. If you are reading this article, it means that you are interested in email marketing, which means that the sales series template will be useful to you. Here he is.

  • The statuses of subscribers have been entered into the database to determine actions with them.

Key statuses:

  1. Status « Nurturing"– these are unsegmented subscribers who currently have no expressed product interest. They all receive a newsletter-digest, the purpose of which is to segment and move them to the next level, to the “Product Sales-loop” status.
  2. Status « ProductSales-loop"– these are users who have undergone segmentation and ended up in a sales series of letters. There are as many such series as there are products. Thus, each product that is on Websarafan needs to be matched with the corresponding content, on which the corresponding magnets, which lead to the corresponding productsalesloops, which, in turn, lead to the corresponding selling pages.

If subscribers become buyers in this series, they move further vertically (Upsell); if they don’t buy, they return to Nurturing.

  1. Status « MembershipSales-loop" – these are users who have purchased a product and receive a series of emails selling WS-Membership. There is only one such series and does not depend on what product the user bought. As an exception, the “Membership Sales-loop” status can be obtained by:

— users who have shown their loyalty while in the Nurturing cycle;

— users who passed through the segmenting magnet having already purchased the product whose Sales-loop they were supposed to get to;

— users who entered the database as new ones not through a magnet, but through the purchase of a course on the WS platform.

Everyone who didn't buy Membership, return to Nurturing.

  1. Status « WS-membership"– these are those who went through the entire vertical and bought WS-membership. They receive a digest newsletter, but when passing through a segmenting magnet, a sales campaign is not launched for them. As soon as their Membership runs out and they don't renew it, they go to Nurturing.

At any given time, a subscriber can have only one of the key statuses. It is either in one of the Sales-loop, or in Nurturing, or in Membership. That is, the same subscriber cannot simultaneously receive a digest newsletter and a sales series of letters. At the same time, only one product-sales loop can be activated for one user at any given moment.

Additional statuses:

  1. Status « New". As soon as a subscriber enters the database, we check whether he is new or old. You can get to the base for the first time in 2 ways - through a segmenting magnet and through a non-segmenting one. If a subscriber is new, one welcome email is always sent to him, regardless of how he got into the database.
  2. Status « Inactive". If the user has not opened a single letter in 3 months, then a re-activation series is sent to him, and if he does not open that, he needs to be pulled out of the database and put in storage.
  3. Status "Abandoned cart" This includes users who clicked the “buy” button but did not end up purchasing. In this case, they are sent a system notification after 2 hours and after 24 hours.

Here's the diagram:

There are 4 patterns highlighted here in colors, each of which corresponds to a specific status.

To implement this scheme, a consistent system of rules was prescribed, where edge cases and branches were taken into account.

  • A relationship has been established between subscribers and buyers. In order to connect the subscriber base with sales, it was decided to use the Mailchimp eCommerce plugin. Triggers were defined that change the subscriber status and launch the corresponding series of letters. For example, a series selling membership is launched by the trigger “bought a product from the main category.”

Fortunately, in life everything is much simpler than in theory. I love it difficult task can be broken down into simple components. This is only the first stage of putting things in order in the Websarafan sales funnel. Next you will need to take metrics, analyze the results and continue improvements. You will definitely find out how this story ends if you closely follow the Websarafan project.

Email marketing for business: how to create newsletters so that they are opened, read - and bought your products and services
3 days, 7 speakers, 12 sessions.

For whom? For you/entrepreneurs and marketers
-When? from 14 to 16 March
-How can you participate? Online. Live. Buy records.
-How many? Online broadcast for free. Recordings 990 rubles (there will be 2000) Live, St. Petersburg 2000 rubles (30 seats in total)

Who's speaking?

The question “How to write a truly strong sales letter?” This question is asked by owners of online stores, managers of b2b companies, and creators of software and mobile applications. The list goes on for a long time.

This is not surprising, since a competent e-mail newsletter is equal in strength to a huge piece of TNT. It helps solve a number of important problems:

  • attract a client and make him permanent;
  • increase sales, set up communications;
  • return the buyer;
  • get feedback and so on.

Important? Very. That is why we have an educational program: today we will tell you what to write in sales letters, when to send trigger letters, and what mistakes not to get burned by. Get ready, we're about to begin.

Email structure for any business

Subject. This is the first thing the reader will see. It is the accuracy and relevance of the topic that determines whether a potential reader will open the letter at all. Since sales mailings are most often aimed at an interested audience, immediately indicate the essence in the subject: highlight the problem, promise a cool solution.

Remember! Subject - This is not an intriguing headline, this is the main information field that determines whether your communication with readers will take place. Get straight to the point, avoid sensational phrases. Show that you value the client's time.

If the subject of the first letter immediately conveys the essence, then the subject of the third carries practically no information. The first and second emails are more likely to be opened.

Appeal. It can be formal or more relaxed, conversational (this depends on the type of audience). But the appeal must be personalized. The phrases “Hello, Vasya” or “Dear Nikolai Semenovich” will work much better than “Dear friends” or “Dear clients.”

Demonstration of the main benefit. In a sales letter, there is no time for water to spread on wood. It is important for the reader of the letter to immediately grasp the essence and understand why this letter should not be sent to the trash. It is better to immediately write what he will receive, using the formula “advantage --> benefit for the client” or “benefit for the client --> through clear advantages.”

It is optimal to keep it within 2-3 sentences. Select the main 1-2 “profits” and place them at the beginning of the letter. Other goodies can be described either below, or via a link to the site or during a telephone conversation.

Just 1 message (benefit) and your trip begins (benefit).

Confirmation of expertise. List the most famous clients and companies, prove the effectiveness with specific numbers. To the reader, be it potential buyer or the head of a large company, it is important to immediately realize that behind the letter there is a company that has already produced results.

Don't go into bragging! Select 3-5 best clients and back up your success with concrete evidence. “Increased conversion by N percent”, “developed N successful cases" etc. A long list of even the most famous clients is unlikely to be read to the end.

Closing for action. Sales letters are rarely directly closed for sale - such letters are viewed with suspicion. A successful newsletter will lead users to the site or lead to a direct dialogue with a consultant, and the site or manager will finally sell the product or service.

Therefore, at the end there should be a convenient button to go to the website and/or phone numbers, widgets for social networks, an offer to reply to the letter, so that managers themselves contact the client.

Mistakes when creating sales letters

Not us, but you. The rules of a sales letter always emphasize - you need to praise yourself! But only through the client. The main character of the letter should be its reader. Not “We will make you happy/rich/successful.”

Another option: “Our company organizes corporate trips to recreation centers,” and “You are happy/rich/successful, because we offer...” or “Your employees are happy, rested and more productive after vacationing in our resorts by the sea. Corporate travel packages starting at $100.”

B big« drying» - “squeeze” the water so that the letter is finished reading. Forget about “highly qualified personnel”, “the best price offer on the market”, “unique characteristics”. Your client simply won't want to waste time reading stamps. A sales letter for mailing should contain a summary - numbers, results, photographic evidence.

Be careful when contacting« You». Informal communication with clients works. But only with a certain target audience. Agree, when you send out a newsletter advertising training in the IT field or discounts on hoverboards, you can allow yourself to be addressed on a first-name basis.

But when offering your services to a large company, you should limit yourself to a polite formal address to “you” with full name manager, if such information is available

Trigger emails for mailing

Trigger letter - This a letter that is sent only to those who are interested in it. It’s clear that marketers have not yet learned to read minds (yet). But this does not prevent you from collecting a customer base for triggered mailings, because site visitors leave their data during registration, in forms for receiving free information materials, etc.

You receive the email address and names of those users who were recently interested in the topic, so subsequent trigger emails will more easily hit the “target” - that is, the customer’s area of ​​interest.

  • Informational. These are trigger emails that you send to the user after registering on the site or making a purchase. You can add the advantages of the company to them through benefits for the client, instructions for effective use site. Feel free to add tips for use to your order.

Activators. This email newsletter is aimed at users who viewed a product or information about a service, but did not make a purchase. Such a letter begins with “Have you recently been interested in...” or “You will definitely like...”.

All products that the user viewed can be compiled into a selection and offered favorable discounts. Useful content about the intricacies of using products, life hacks, etc. will also be useful. after the selection.

I'll be back. Letters aimed at returning a user to the site who has not completed the purchase - added an item to the cart and perhaps even started placing an order. It is better to add several bonuses to the letter - a discount, free shipping, a small gift, etc. Use small touches to motivate your potential customer to become a repeat customer.

An example of a trigger letter like “I’ll be back”, which reminds not about a product, but about a training service

Non-standard mailings to increase sales

There are several more interesting trigger solutions that will allow you to increase sales without spam.

For a product that needs to be updated periodically

For sellers of printer toners, contact lenses, service stations, or wholesale suppliers of coffee to offices, this path will help gain customer trust and increase recognition. You literally won't give your competitors a chance.

Step-by-step instruction:

Knowing the product's life cycle, plan when approximately the customer will need the product again.

About a week in advance, send a reminder letter and offer to order the product in one click. You can provide a discount at this stage. Or offer 2-3 other options so that the buyer can compare products.

A week later, you can send a trigger letter stating that the courier is ready to deliver the goods today. The client will feel taken care of - after all, he does not need to look for an order form, negotiate with the manager, make an advance payment, etc.

You can also offer promotional items in addition to the main order, a discount for a regular customer, or other benefits.

Such sales letters attract potential clients, but unobtrusively. It is important to stay in touch with customers so that they remain regular customers. Moreover, this process can be automated.

Based on previous orders, you can not only offer to deliver the same, but also select similar products and offer them to the user