Comfort in an apartment and a house: how to create beauty and harmony with your own hands. How to create coziness in a house or apartment: we create comfort and home warmth

Now the rental market offers several basic types of housing for rent. I would like to start a conversation about the well-known "grandmother's version" - apartments that have not been renovated since the 70s and 80s, while littered with old furniture and things that the owners do not want to part with.

There are situations when only such an apartment is available for the money, or such an option is offered by someone from your acquaintances. But the owners, as a rule, refuse to offer to change something in the apartment or at least to replace the collapsed sofa with a normal sofa at the expense of the rent.

On the first visit, such apartments make a strong impression. Paper wallpaper of ancient times, old dull plumbing and peeling paint in the bathroom, a wardrobe or a wall of that very familiar dark brown color, and it is quite possible that there will also be a carpet on the wall.

Let the thoughts first visit that this apartment is "not forever", "I will live a little and eat out", "I will only spend the night here." But we live only once, and we need to enjoy life here and now, and not “when I eat”. Therefore, something in the housing should be updated and something added in order to happily return here in the evening and be filled with strength and energy.

We will proceed from the fact that for the arrangement cozy home we have a very small amount to spend on housing harmonization for the sake of our own health and well-being.

The very first thing to do is to thoroughly wash every nook and cranny, floors, furniture, windows and ventilate the house. It can take many hours, but spring cleaning is paramount! And then let's see what little things you can add coziness, make our temporary housing more modern and attractive. Photo: Depositphotos

The corridor

The corridors in these apartments are usually cramped and dark. Of course, you should screw in a new bright light bulb (and this applies not only to the corridor, but also to all other rooms). A beautiful door mat, an unusual housekeeper and a pair of favorite soft slippers, comfortably waiting for us under the hanger, will also contribute to home comfort. If there is no mirror in the corridor, it is worth working out this issue, the mirror will add volume to the room.


If there is absolutely not enough money for the simplest new toilet bowl, you should buy a brand new seat and carefully work on the Domestos plumbing fixtures. If the walls in the bathroom are tiled, a good option would be to update the grout - it is inexpensive, and the walls will immediately shine clean.

A mirror, a new curtain for the bathroom and a bright non-slip rug will also help to update the bathroom. You can even put in the bathroom unpretentious plant- some types of ferns, mossy, mint and bamboo thrive in low light and high humidity conditions.


Of course, all our transformations will depend on the budget, but I would like to give more options that, in case of dissatisfaction with the owners, can be quickly removed / removed / dismantled without any trace.
Photo: Depositphotos

Kitchen furniture can be upgraded self-adhesive film, which happens to be the most different colors... But here it is better to drop the claims for originality and choose something light and monochromatic. In addition, you can replace the handles - the furniture will immediately look completely new. V building stores currently there is a huge number of inexpensive plastic aprons of the most different sizes... If the furniture is plain, and the apron is bright, the kitchen will cause only positive emotions from the very morning.

An old refrigerator can be turned into a wonderful board for good wishes and notes with the help of a special black film. The advantage of such films is that they instantly transform objects and at the same time can be removed very easily without leaving any traces.

And, of course, textiles. Old table A beautiful new tablecloth will transform, while matching tea towels and potholders add a touch of color.


We can't put the old furniture anywhere, but it's real to make a rearrangement. It is better to move bulky cabinets away from windows and closer to doors. We carefully pack all the master's things in boxes and stuff them where we can - on the mezzanine, in unused cabinets, under sleeping places.
Photo: Depositphotos

It is imperative to free up access to the window, hang beautiful curtains and, possibly, put flowers on the windowsill. And old curtains and dusty tulle will perfectly live in one of the boxes, neatly rolled up (washing them is also not forbidden). Old sofa you can refine it with a modern blanket or cape and add a couple of brightly colored pillows. Large-format photos or brightly framed posters will distract attention from unsightly walls.

Something worth trying to get rid of is old carpet on the wall or floor. Old carpets cannot be properly cleaned, and breathing long-term dust is not the best option for health.

And even on dark evenings, it is worth giving up overhead lighting (although we screwed in the brightest bulbs there). The most inexpensive floor lamp will perfectly fit into any interior and fill the room with coziness thanks to the soft diffused light.

Photo: Depositphotos

And the most important rule for those who have to rent a house is to treat it like your home. Let the smells of coffee hover in the kitchen tasty food and fresh baked goods. Have your favorite personal care products in the bathroom with the most pleasant fragrances. Let the rooms delight the eye with what is dear to you - posters, travel souvenirs, favorite things ...

Decorate your house for the holidays, let it always be clean, tidy, and the kitchen beckons with magical aromas. Living in such a house will become warm and comfortable, and then your own House will appear on the threshold of your life.

Every woman seeks to create coziness in the house, it is instinctively laid down. Even modern design, new expensive furniture will not make the home comfortable. When renovating, think about decorating the interior with various accessories, they will add personality and warmth. You can do many things with your own hands, for example, drag old furniture, paint a coffee table or chest of drawers, make a new lamp shade. Antiques will gain new life and your home will become cozy.

How to create comfort in your home

In creating a unique and cozy interior you need to take into account what the house is built from, its layout, your individual preferences.

It is much more comfortable to be in a house with a fireplace, even if it is an electric model. And you can almost endlessly look at a real fire and listen to the crackling of logs. Old wooden furniture can be sanded, coated with colored varnish or paint. Soft chairs, armchairs, sofas pull over.

Knitted napkins, tablecloths, embroidered sofa cushions- all this will find its application in the interior in Provence or country style. These lovely little things will remind you of your family, add warmth and comfort to your home.

How to make a room cozy

Choosing the color scheme of the interior, give preference to calm natural colors: light yellow, beige, brown, green, pale blue. These colors will have a calming effect, saturate the room with warmth and comfort. Fashionable black and white, gray, red colors are recommended for use in the design of offices, restaurants, shops.

A few tips from designers to create coziness:

For some, coziness in a room is associated with absolute order and cleanliness, while others love “creative disorder” that gives the room a living look.
Personal preferences must be taken into account so that you are the one who is comfortable and cozy in your home. After all, a simple design will not add soul and warmth, it will catch up with melancholy.

Cozy home with your own hands

In an effort to make your home cozy, it is important to get rid of all old unnecessary things. In addition to cluttering up the premises, old things have a bad energy. Clean regularly, throw away broken toys, sheets of paper covered with writing, packaging and shopping cartons.

It is possible to add a piece of "soul" to the interior with various handicrafts. Embroidery, panels, mosaics, tapestries, knitted things will give the room a zest. Embroidery and panels can be placed on the walls, knitted rugs will decorate the floor.

Wicker baskets and boxes can also be used for storage. made of paper tubes is available even for beginners. Old paper, glue, colored varnish are used. The flexibility of paper allows you to create unique items that can be stored in clothes, textiles and even food.

If you have basic sewing skills, you can sew beautiful curtains and bedspreads yourself. At the same time, you can choose a fabric that is suitable for the interior and affordable. Soft draperies, lambrequins, braided or knitted lace will add sophistication and comfort to the room.

Ideas for coziness in the house

Any interior can be decorated with a transparent glass vase round shape... Depending on the style of the room, it is filled with:

You can install such a vase on a shelf, coffee table.

You can give new life to an old coffee table or box using the decoupage technique. The variety of motives allows you to choose the most suitable for the overall design. The old coating is removed with sandpaper, then the decor is applied.

Knitted, woven, sewn colored rugs will not only delight your feet with warmth and softness, but also create color accents.

With the help of fashionable patchwork technique, exclusive bedspreads, cushions, bedside rugs are made from various pieces of fabric.

Using the quilling technique, unique paper crafts are created that can decorate bookshelves and cabinets.

In order to lay out all the small things, books can be made racks, shelves with your own hands.

Cozy home: photo

Comfort is defined as the quality of the environment. It is accurate, but too dry. To create coziness at home means to breathe soul into it. This is vague, but rather. After all, no one ever says or writes: to make comfort or to build comfort. Souls are different, and similar souls want to express themselves materially, in things and objects, in different ways, otherwise they would not be souls, but programs. In this article we will see how to create coziness with soul and soul.

In the beginning it was ...

... by design. Coziness in the interior is created according to the principle: carefully, perhaps for a long time, we think through everything to the end, and we embody it in things slowly, piece by piece. Comfort is created not only for oneself. If you fulfill all your plans at once, your family and guests will have something like a culture shock, and the really cozy will never seem so to them - they will not be perceived as a subcortex.

With thinking within yourself, you need to be even more careful and as laconic as possible. Let's imagine that comfort is being developed by a computer program. There is one thing that creates coziness; it needs one more, in harmony with the first. The third thing needs to be entered into the ensemble three times so as not to disrupt the interaction of the first two. The fourth must be coordinated 6 times already: it must not only be in harmony with the first 3 separately, but also not destroy the coordination of 3 pairs: 1-2, 1-3 and 2-3. As the proprietary expression of the concept expands, the number of necessary approvals grows so rapidly that no analytical skills and the computing power is not enough to bring the idea even to a sketch. Therefore, the comfort in the apartment is thought out intuitively, and this takes a lot of time, trial and error, thinking out and changing your mind. Finally, just the right mood and physical condition: best ideas cosiness creations come in a dream.

Note: DI Mendeleev once found himself in a similar situation. Chemists have tried for centuries to find some kind of order in the world. chemical elements and they were completely desperate. Dmitry Ivanovich also racked his brains over this, for a long time and unsuccessfully. And then suddenly periodic system elements, in which a successful schoolchild can now freely navigate, Mendeleev ... just dreamed, it remains only to jump up and write down.

The coziness of the whole house is also thought out step by step. They start with the living room or the most significant room, it may even be the kitchen. For an intellectual bachelor, this will most likely be an office, for an artist a studio, and for a woman leading a free lifestyle, it is most natural to start creating general comfort from a boudoir or bedroom. When the comfort in a room, so to speak, of the first rank, is embodied in things and duly appreciated by home or visitors, they begin to think over the next most important room, etc. In general, there will be enough work for years, but this is a rewarding occupation, and in terms of its beneficial effect on health, psyche and appearance he has few competitors. The results of this approach, coming out of diligent minds and hands, are simply amazing, see fig., It doesn't matter whether the work was a professional or an amateur.

Note: in a single room or studio apartment, comfort is created gradually by zones, as in a house by rooms.

What is not necessary

In a complex business, it is difficult to avoid mistakes, and creating comfort is no exception. The first thing to follow when thinking about how to create coziness in the room is not to grind or flicker. And potatoes are bought by weight, and how many potatoes there will be, that's how it will be.

Here, for example, on the left in Fig. - the most typical, even under glass and in a museum, interior in a fashionable shabby chic style. Formally, from the point of view of how designers are taught, everything is correct. And the room is not small. But even the owners here need to walk carefully, so as not to catch and knock something over. What can be a comfort in cramped circumstances? It's like the freedom to go bankrupt. And the main thing is that everything clutters up to each other. To be comfortable in the house, you need some kind of idea, a super task, a connecting rod. In the author's thoughts, if something like this existed, it was lost in things. Do not forget: comfort is a material expression of the movements of the soul, and things have their own properties and things require appropriate treatment with them.

The example in the center in Fig. - the case when there was no single basis for the interior in my thoughts. A vivid illustration of the saying: we wanted the best, but it turned out as always. They wanted comfort - it turned out to be a bunch of rubbish. The example on the right in Fig. - the approach was the opposite, too purposeful and tied to one subject, fixated on it. Specifically - on the coffee table. The table is excellent, but in this interior it clearly does not fit. And just something - because of too light varnishing and inclined legs. Otherwise, everything is correct (see below): light, a contrasting spot, trinkets, pillows, elements of chaos, even a wicker pouf.

How to

But what and how should you do to create comfort with your own hands? An inveterate idealist will not deny that the soul needs not only a material container, but also a material basis for existence outside of it. So comfort is created primarily on the basis of weighty, coarse, visible primary material factors, and only then the decor is considered and embodied in things that directly create comfort; this, so to speak, is already materialism of a higher order.

The basics

The primary basics of coziness are simple:

  • Natural light.
  • Fresh air.
  • Hygiene.

Why is clear. If the house is damp, stuffy, cold or hot, dusty to a sneeze, then no cute little things will create a comfortable living environment. Cozy ideas are appropriate after adequate physical comfort has been achieved and sustainably maintained, including regular cleaning and maintenance of furniture. And also for cute things, keep this in mind when considering their number and evaluating their properties.

Natural light is especially important, it kills germs. Disease-causing bacteria in the dark survive an average of 1.6 hours; on scattered sunlight 15 minutes, and on a straight line, most of them die instantly. The average, again, for many types of diseases, the infection time is 35 minutes. No explanation required.

Air temperature and humidity are of particular importance. The atmosphere of comfort is not a metaphor: excessively dry or hot air in the house exacerbates the effects of all others harmful factors on people and simply spoils the things that create comfort. It is quite easy to increase the air humidity, for example, with trays of water on heating radiators. But reducing it is much more difficult. If the dampness is low and occurs periodically, you need to introduce more wooden things into the interior (MDF is also good) and / or revet the walls at least partially with soft natural stone: limestone, dolomite, sandstone, slate. All these materials will be accumulators of water vapor, absorbing their excess and giving it away when there is a lack of moisture in the air. If the house is very damp, then complex and expensive technical measures may be required: drainage of the site, warm basement, supply and exhaust ventilation.

Note: problems with air humidity are an order of magnitude less in houses with stove heating and fireplaces. Consider this, especially since the fireplace itself is a powerful means of creating comfort.


The basis of the interior decor, the very core on which the comfort of home rests - the style of room decoration. Most interior styles are animated without problems, but there are also difficult ones: if the designer or you yourself initially missed the mark, it will not be easy to breathe soul into them with material additions.

The first of these are shabby chic, Provence, haberdashery and Russian bourgeois styles. They express the commitment of the owners to a simple, ordinary life without any mountain soars there. Everyday routine is boring and it is impossible to cope with boredom with feigned gaiety or a far-fetched hobby. However, creating a feeling of coziness in the interior of the "down-to-earth" style is actually simple: an open bookcase or shelving unit, a few works of object art, semantic photographs or paintings - and that's it, there is coziness, pos. 1 in fig. Yes, I (we, mine, mine) like it so much, but we are not so ordinary.

Just do not overdo it either quantitatively or qualitatively, especially with books: with "petty" styles it is easy to get lost in flickering, and the monumentality spoils them. For example, an encyclopedia and "All history" in dark calico bindings should be kept in the library or closed cabinet... The "Library of World Literature" is in light dust jackets, but 190 volumes in this case are too many. "The Life of Animals" and "The Life of Plants" in light bright dust-covers, there are not many volumes here and there, but these are special monographs. But 5 volumes of "Biographies" by Vasari in solid light covers with patterns will only add respect to the owners: anyone can read them, plus interesting illustrations.

It is more difficult to create coziness in an Art Deco interior: this style is intended to emphasize the ambitions of the owners. You can assert your reputation not in a snobbish way and without pouting with arrogance in a boyar way, with objects that create comfort and admiration in themselves: an expensive fireplace (item 2), a round sculpture, antiques. It's easier if the Art Deco is a "closed" variety: they say, this is my cave, and so I'm a normal guy. In such an interior, coziness is created quite simply in the usual ways (see below): contrasting spots (a colored panel and a light sofa at position 3), elements of controlled disorder (a zebra rug, ibid.).

The high-tech style is also difficult to animate: it expresses the desire for a Spartan lifestyle and disregard for all kinds of tricks. An ordinary, "normal" hi-tech will revive one rather tall, but slender, not spreading and not dense indoor tree (pos. 4). In a "good", monochromatic light, hi-tech, the main plant can be thicker and more luxuriant, and to it, in addition, another 1-2; the element of chaos below is not forbidden, for example. contrasting overall tone rug irregular shape(item 5). But one, and only one, animating plant in the "evil" hi-tech, with glossy sparkling surfaces and colored lighting (pos. 6) should be selected by an experienced designer at the stage of interior design. However, for those who can afford evil high-tech, and with the payment of a designer high class there are no problems.

Note: for more details on using plants to create coziness, see below.

General flavor

A good way to achieve comfort, simply and inexpensively, is to completely abandon the design style as such, but organize the interior according to the rules of the general color. There are many different ones; it will be easier for an amateur to start with the seasons. For example, in middle lane and to the south, the autumn interior will be pleasant, on the left in fig. Autumn time is a charm of eyes, a time of abundance and preparation for winter holidays. The highlight here is not only in the general range, but also in the pillows (see also below): on the sofa they imitate dense leaf fall, and those in the chairs are small fallen leaves on the ground. An original contrast arises.

Interiors "Seasons"

The spring interior (center) will delight the eye and pacify in places to the north. Green curtains, suddenly for some reason, will be out of place, you can move them apart. But the interior "summer" (on the right) will create coziness in the dwelling beyond the Arctic Circle: artificial trees also look appropriate in it with round-the-clock artificial lighting. The principle of construction: everything is in moderately bright warm colors, on which the green crowns of trees stand out.

Ideas and things

Ways of material embodiment of ideas for creating comfort include not only things as such, but also other material manifestations of nature and spirituality:

  1. light and color, light and color contrasts;
  2. fiery heaters;
  3. functional interior elements - everyday items;
  4. furniture;
  5. elements of organized chaos;
  6. intellectual means - information carriers;
  7. trinkets;
  8. living sources of comfort;
  9. antiques and vintage.

At pos. 1 fig. Below are presented almost all of the indicated means, except for the stove or fireplace, you can see how they animate a very strict and laconic interior. Heating devices with a live flame or a sufficiently skillful imitation of it - exclusively effective remedy liven up the room; the first, with a natural flame from burning fuel, also stabilize the microclimate of the house within optimal limits. But about stoves, fireplaces and fireplace stoves enough has been written in other sources, so this vast fascinating topic here, unfortunately, will have to be bypassed.

Note: pay attention to the clock. Little is written about their role in animating the interior, but watches are also a very effective and multifaceted means of creating comfort. In addition, it is incomparably cheaper and portable.

Colored and light

At pos. 1, the role of pillows as mobile carriers of color spots is also clearly visible, and a spot is both color and contrast, and an element of chaos, without which living soul poorly visible, see below. Pillows are easy and / or inexpensive to sew, they can be rearranged or replaced with new ones. The embroidered pillow can be with an image, i.e. become already an intellectual expression of the soul, pos. 2. In addition, the pillow can be a carrier of colored spots: in the form of seats and backs of wicker furniture, this solution is enough to make a cozy and large empty room, pos. 3. The pillow copes well with the role of an element of disorder (see below), so it is not without reason that it is considered the most affordable means to give coziness and comfort to any interior.

In petty (in good sense, i.e. detailed) interiors of soft light colors the role of the spot from the pillow is already shifting to a bouquet of flowers (possibly good artificial ones) and wall panels, pos. 4. But in interiors of coldish and darkish tones, the role of the main organizer of comfort shifts from color spots to light spots. The easiest way to arrange this for this is directed local lighting, however, if you can take advantage of natural, you can achieve results that are striking in depth of positive impact.

Take a look at pos. 5. A 10-minute contemplation at sunset, after the day's bustle and bustle of a light spot slowly creeping on the sofa, is equivalent to the mental-cleansing effect of 2 hours of meditation according to the yoga system or 40 minutes of relaxation using auto-training methods. The secret here is in the interaction of colors with light: the walls are one-color, cold tone. The sofa is lighter, warmer in tone, variegated. The pillows on it are even lighter and warmer again in plain colors. This is the so-called. contrast blend rule. It works in full force under illumination from a slowly moving source.

A spot of light can be tricky. You see that in pos. 6? The dazzling glare of polarized light literally kills the cosiness. All they had to do was lay down a matte laminate or cover the flooring with matte varnish. And it would be more comfortable to walk, not so slippery. However, it is more difficult to clean up.

Things that are needed on their own

Functional, i.e. necessary regardless of comfort, interior items are most often used to create color contrast as such. Contrast is both a blur and an element of chaos. Floor standing and Wall lights, in addition, they give light spots. True, motionless.


Furniture animates the room with its shape, color and texture. The latter, in turn, is determined by the upholstery textiles. The role of fabrics in creating comfort is well known, but we will linger a little on wooden furniture cases.

Wicker furniture is the focus of orderly chaos and. accordingly, it breathes the soul into the room with a powerful stream. Depending on the type of weaving, wicker furniture fits into any interior, see fig., But it is expensive. Viennese furniture made of bent wood is more accessible, but does not fit everywhere and "breathes soul" weaker.

Recently, furniture made of bent layers of rods has appeared on sale (bottom right in the figure). It is just as soulful and fits everywhere, like wicker. On sale, such furniture is not cheaper than wicker, but home craftsmen should keep in mind: furniture made of bent layers of rods turns out to be beautiful and strong, being made not only from expensive walnut or rattan, but also from calibrated willow or alder rods.

Came to chaos

One well-known interior designer, podkonyachivshis in his circle, put it this way: "Comfort is a piece of the dump in the barracks." The fact is that absolute order is tantamount to complete chaos. The one and the other have nowhere to develop further, and the lack of the possibility of movement is death, soullessness. Therefore, the element of organized disorder is a universal means of creating comfort in any interior.

Note: organized mess means deliberately arranged, clean and easily disposable.

The simplest ways to bring a piece of chaos into the interior are shown in pos. Figs 1-3: scattered pillows, a warm colored bedspread on a blue armchair, a black leather rug and an umbrella on the door handle in white rooms. Often, an element of chaos stands out not only in shape, but also in color: a color spot, contrast and form as a particle of chaos complement each other and harmonize with each other.

A kind of controlled chaos is separating dissonance. In this way, you can turn into a cozy even corner in rented apartment... The discordant surface should then be larger (for example, a screen) and, highly desirable, artistically designed, i.e. semantic, informative. A spot of light is necessary for the separating dissonance (pos. 5): remember Hemingway's story "A Bright Cozy Place"?

The entire interior design can be built on seemingly chaotic dissonances. This is the so-called. boho style; some consider it not a style, but a way. The essence of boho is in discordant vapors that neutralize their negativity so that comfort remains, just like poisonous chlorine and sodium provide useful table salt. At pos. 6, at least 7 such pairs can be distinguished both in color and in shape. Here's a hint: leopard-print chair upholstery and a pillow against the gray-bluish walls. The colorful carpet is against the lesbian pink couch. Armchair either Empire or Baroque versus the classic shelving. Soft sofa with rounded corners - against a hard glass table. For the rest, exercise yourself if you want.

Intellect and soul

Reason is a clearly formed movement of the soul. Works of art and literature are the fruit of the joint work of intellect and spirit, therefore they are capable and should create comfort. Those who claim that books are useless dust collectors, are simply subjects with a pathologically destructively deformed psyche. A personal library of 3-5 thousand volumes in a properly arranged bookcase or on a shelf requires maintenance no more than 2-3 times a year. But in this chapter, we will deal only with images and books as sources of comfort: the animating effect of round sculpture, stucco molding and artistic plastics is the same as that of trinkets, see below.


Classical and generally not austere interiors can be animated without anything, both with easel painting and photographs, but not with printed reproductions of paintings on paper, this is already bad taste. The location is arbitrary. Grouping either by plots, or simply by size (item 1 in the figure), it doesn't matter.

In interiors that are futuristic and technologically laconic, abstract painting or photography is most often used to create comfort in intellectual ways. In general, there are no problems with abstraction, hang it up as you like. Abstract painting is meaningful and expressive, no less realistic, only mediocrity is easier to imitate abstraction in the eyes of amateurs.

With photographs, as well as engravings, etchings, watercolors, gouache, collections of butterflies, beetles, sea shells, etc. in a crisp modern interior is more difficult. Photos will make the room more comfortable if you hang them in the form of rectangular panels with a symmetrical overall composition, pos. 2 and 3. Pictures must be in the same frames.

Note: try to find on pos. 2 element of chaos. Look to the left by the window.

It is better to place dissimilar images in dissimilar frames and scatter quasi-chaotically interspersed with functional things, pos. 4. The heterogeneity of the framing should be clearly visible and contrasting (we will organize a piece of chaos at once), otherwise it will just turn out to be an uncomfortable mess, as in pos. 5.


Books are able to animate and make any interior cozy, even without stains, contrasts and pieces of chaos. To do this, they need to interact with furniture, and the designer must conform to the bindings: solid volumes in a dark calico - in a monumental interior with solid wardrobes; in light modern interiors - shelves with books in light or colored covers, see fig.


Small items clean decorative purpose specially designed to create comfort; they can breathe soul into any room, see fig., up to a removable corner or student dormitory. In the film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", it is shown how women decorated the barracks with knickknacks from just about anything. Homemade trinkets work the most - they contain a particle of your soul. Therefore, it is impossible to overdo it with homemade trinkets to the point of flickering, as with purchased ones.

Note: according to the method of manufacture and the nature of creating coziness, the appliqués on the walls also belong to trinkets, on the right in Fig. But mural painting from the point of view of comfort is already painting.


Many plants will animate any classic and traditional interior (rustic, country, colonial), pos. 1 and 2 in Fig. Also, a large number of plants are appropriate in the styles of "naked", such as constructivist minimalism, pos. 3. In modern laconic interiors in general, the rule applies: the darker the overall range, the less plants are needed, but larger, pos. 4 and 5. If the visible basis of comfort is achieved by spots, contrast and small chaos (zebra pillows and a discordant chair at position 6), then one large plant is enough for complete mental comfort. In a poorly contrasting interior, it is better to put a plant with gray (pos. 7), or striped leaves, it will become a piece of disorder.


The bad thing about plants as sources of comfort is that they tie the owners to the house. If the interior is colorful, playful, then 1-2 small unpretentious perennials can complete the creation of coziness in it, at the top left in Fig. At the time of departure, they can be entrusted to friends.

Bonsais have a powerful inspiring effect in any interior, especially since some of the plants from which they are formed bloom profusely and beautifully. Bonsai need daily care, but there are specialized firms that provide such services to absent owners; Bonsai can be passed on to them while on vacation. It is not cheap, but bonsai is generally a pleasure for the wealthy or very patient: growing from seed and forming bonsai takes long years and decades.


Succulents (juicy, in Russian) include cacti, aloe, fat women, stone plants (aizoon), haworthia, echeveria, etc. living rooms, especially with children and pets, you should not get euphorbia (succulent euphorbia), they are filled with caustic poisonous juice. At the end of the first film "The Gods must have gone mad" there is an episode how a dangerous armed terrorist was neutralized with drops of euphorbia juice.

Succulents do without leaving and watering for months and are good as sources of comfort: a small collection of them on a bare windowsill is already pretty, see fig. But these are not all their advantages. Succulents are native to hot, dry areas. It is impossible to live a full life there during the day, the sun will burn, so their photosynthesis is not quite the same as in other plants: succulents release oxygen at night. Just when there is not enough of him in the air of the apartment. It is this, and not the mythical absorption of radiation, that explains the beneficial effect of succulents on the home atmosphere in direct and figuratively... About the culture of succulents at home, see the video:

Video: growing succulents - plants for comfort

The best freshener home atmosphere- an agave that has long taken root in rooms, aloe tree-like, in the center in Fig. The record holder for medicinal qualities of aloe vera is inferior to him in this regard. Aloe arborescens grows into a large, lush bush and is suitable for almost any interior. In an extremely laconic room, it can be replaced by a "pike tail", a sansevier, on the right in Fig.

Note: sometimes they try to make the air in the room cozy with the help of interior perfume or scented candles... In the first case, one does not need to be like the French courtier of the times of Madame Pompadour, who doused herself with cologne to repel the smell of unclean linen: the guarantee of a cozy atmosphere in an apartment is cleanliness in it. And in the second, you need to remember that oxygen is the main thing for fresh air. Candles consume it, and aromas do not stay in a ventilated room.

Not only plants

An unsurpassed means of creating comfort in any conditions is an aquarium with live plants and fish. The aquarium can turn into a cozy corner bare wall, see fig. In front of a well-established aquarium, a bitter drunkard freezes, wandering around in the hope of getting hooked on the freebie, forgetting that his "pipes are on fire."

Unfortunately, the aquarium binds to the house more firmly than an apartment greenhouse: it needs regular diligent maintenance. Many pet shop workers earn extra money by looking after the owners' aquariums while away; there are also firms specializing in this. However, such services are not much cheaper than the temporary maintenance of a bonsai, and outsiders will have to provide access to the house: the living aquarium does not budge.

Old good

Antiques and vintage (simply - old things) convey the spirit of the times, particles of the soul of the masters to the dwelling, and thereby create coziness. The Russian samovar is undeservedly half-forgotten in this respect, but it will perfectly animate almost any interior, see fig. Perhaps anyone at all: there are samovars on sale that are design compatible with evil high-tech.

It is not necessary to take a samovar that is flammable, wood-fired; an electric one will do. Tea from a samovar is especially tasty because the teapot smoothly and evenly heats up from all sides to the optimum temperature for brewing by the hot steam flowing around it. And sincere tea drinking is already comfort.

Returning home from work, a person wants to go into a cozy apartment, where happiness, warmth, comfort, harmony reign. Not feeling comfortable in your own apartment - take action! Home comfort depends on actions. The home must be safe first and foremost. It's easy to create.If you want to build a house with your own hands, then you should give preference to building a house from a bar, it is easy to purchase and learn by simply clicking on the link. Let's take a closer look at the nuances of creating comfort.


Cozy living space takes into account the habits and wishes of all residents. A comfortable home is illuminated with kindness, warmth, tranquility, convenience, smiles and good mood. The owners of the house must independently create a favorable atmosphere for themselves in the apartment, making their dreams come true, so that they would like to find themselves in a warm home environment after a hard day.

When creating coziness in the house with your own hands, it is important to take into account all the nuances:

  • Features of windows, space, home rearrangement
  • The color scheme of the rooms
  • Condition of the kitchen, bathroom
  • Cleaning Schedule for Home Comfort
  • Nice, unpleasant odors
  • Home indoor plants
  • Musical accompaniment for comfort in the soul, to create Have a good mood

If you take into account all the above details when creating coziness, the house will be filled with warmth, you will always go home with pleasure to plunge into home comfort.


When examining an apartment, it may seem to you that the rooms are dark and dim. To saturate them with light, wash the windows, replace the curtains with brighter ones. Considering the financial capabilities of your own family, replace the windows. Competent specialists will install plastic windows that will become the face of the house, fill your rooms with sunlight. Large window sills can be decorated with a variety of indoor flowers in beautiful multi-colored flowerpots.


What colors should you choose? To keep the room stylish, choose pots for flowerpots in the same shades as upholstered furniture or other home textiles. Place some pretty flowerpots on the windowsill of a small apartment.

Tall flowers look nice, standing on the floor as a separate composition. Home flowerpots create coziness in the house. They oxygenate the room. Flowers absorb a lot of oxygen at night, so it is better not to put plants in the rooms where you sleep.

Thanks to fresh flowers, coziness is created in the house, the air is purified, the energy of the house is improved. Flowers can be talismans and healers for homeowners. They also help to work fruitfully.


Think about whether you will be comfortable in rooms with walls of red, orange, purple? Or when the interior will be created in black and white? These colors are now fashionable, original. But, they have a bad effect on the psyche, which is why a person is constantly irritated or agitated. It is in such a room for several hours - it is possible, but it is not recommended to live permanently.

Decorate the rooms with unobtrusive, muted environmental shades. For example, pale yellow, light brown, light blue, pale green colors. These colors soothe a person, saturate the room with coziness.


Old things and furniture can heavily litter the house, kill all the comforts of home. Therefore, sort them out and discard outdated things without regret in order to make room for saturation with positive energy, adding something new and more comfortable.

Among old things, you can find a thing that is valuable to you and your family. Just wash a statuette, painting or vase, wipe it, renew it, freshen it up with something and place it in a new place.

Some old furniture can be reanimated. For example, in a sturdy old sofa, change the upholstery, sew a stylish bright cover for it, or buy a new blanket. Sometimes old furniture much stronger than the new one. Therefore, do not rush to throw it away. With updated furniture, you will create a cozy family corner.

You can remove the carpets from the walls and lay them on the floor. Decorate the walls with framed children's drawings or family photos. On the shelves, put the crafts made with your own hands with the kids. Thanks to such little things, your interior in the house will be individual and cozy.


Having freed the house from unnecessary things, having refreshed old things with novelty, you can start rearranging. Measure the dimensions of the rooms and furniture. Draw a rough outline of the rooms on paper. Think about what kind of interior you want to get. Consider different options... Having picked up the best option comfort, arrange furniture and interior items in their places. A cozy home will always delight and warm even in inclement weather outside the window.

Making a home rearrangement, you can find many lost and long-forgotten things, wipe all the dust. Cleanse rooms of bad energy and fill them with positive energy.


For comfort in the house good renovation not enough. Keep your home tidy and tidy every day. Spend from time to time general cleaning in all rooms.

Usually after work there is no desire to cook dinner, where to take to cleaning. Therefore, set aside a day and do a general cleaning every fourteen days. Dust off every corner of your apartment. Arrange things so that they do not wrinkle, and they could be easily removed from the closet at any time.

Keep the things you wear in the summer separate place from winter things. The common efforts of the whole family in a few hours will lead to the fact that cleanliness, order and comfort will settle in your house.

In addition to the big cleaning, make a daily small cleaning schedule for all family members. Your graph could be like this:

  • On Monday, you need to clean the toilet bowl, bath;
  • Tuesday - a stove;
  • Wednesday - wash the floors in the kitchen, in the hallway;
  • Thursday - iron all clean things;
  • On Friday, sweep the rooms.

If you break down all cleaning tasks into the listed days, then cleaning will be very easy and quick. After all, it is easier to clean up a little than to redo everything in one day.


Coziness depends on the condition of the kitchen, kitchen utensils, garbage bin, bathroom products, cosmetic accessories.

  • It is important to place everything intelligently in the kitchen. Drawers under the sink can be used to hide all kitchen items that aid in cooking.
  • Store all the items you need in the drawers. Kitchen utensils that are rarely used can be stored in the back drawers. Place the pots and pans you use every day closer.
  • Place the covers on stands hanging in a prominent place. All bakeware, boards, jars can be stored in boxes located closer to you so that you can easily take them at any time.
  • Hang some hooks on the doors to hang sorting bags or clean kitchen towels for hands and dishes.
  • For comfort in the kitchen, store soap, spray and kitchen sponges under the sink, carefully arranged so that you can easily get napkins or detergent at the right time. For convenient storage of such items, buy a kitchen cabinet with a rotating stand. By keeping all kitchen utensils and fixtures in this way, the kitchen will always be clean and tidy.
  • Place the trash can under your hands, but out of sight. Hide it under the sink or in a lockable bottom cabinet. kitchen set... To keep the waste bin filled in a compact manner, dispose of waste paper separately, empty containers and food waste separately. Store recyclables in sliding boxes. Store plastic bags in chrome-plated holders. By making a small cut in a container with bags, you can easily get the required number of bags.


If there is storage space under your bathroom, store all your cleaning and dishwashing supplies there. Put all the accessories used every day in an accessible place. Thanks to this storage system, everyday cleaning will be quick and easy. Jars with detergents place in a large box so you can easily find the product you want. If there is still room in the cabinet, place extra toilet paper, sponges, rags, and other cleaning items in the second box.

Store frequently used bottles separately in an easily accessible place.

If you have a lot of makeup products, store them in your vanity units under the bathroom sink. Create separate boxes for each family member to store only those items that they individually use. Thanks to this approach, you will not have quarrels about the loss of some important cosmetic product.

How does it smell?

For a long time, next to the word coziness, there is always a pleasant and tasty smell of pies and aromatic tea. To make your home cozy with scent, you shouldn't choose incense sticks or toilet water, since such odors negatively affect human health. Give your preference to an unobtrusive vanilla scent. Baking delicious pastries you can open the kitchen door to fill other rooms with scent. When frying fish, on the contrary, close the door and open the window, as the pungent smell will cause discomfort.

In winter, when going for a walk, ventilate the rooms if possible. Do not let dirty things accumulate, take out the trash regularly, and store food correctly. Inspect all refrigerator shelves once a week. Check the availability of products and remove the spoiled ones.

For lovers of air fresheners, it is best to buy products with a citrus scent, vanilla, cinnamon or bergamot scent. Delicate notes will add peace to your home.


Musical accompaniment contributes to obtaining positive emotions and maintaining a good mood. Play soft, melodic and monotonous music to feel great and comfortable.

If guests come, consult with them about the musical accompaniment so that everyone is comfortable.

From the article it became known how to create coziness with your own hands, so that you would like to return home after working days. Adhering to the above tips, maintain cleanliness and order on a daily basis, which create warmth and comfort for all family members. Take care of the harmony and home comfort of your own home. Love your home. Then friends-guests will be happy to come to you to enjoy communication, comfort and get a charge of positive energy. When it will be on the street overcast, it will not spoil your mood.