God's tree: a description of the plant, its therapeutic known properties, contraindications. Wormwood Wood, Medical Properties

) Refers to plants from a family of comprehensible. It may be single, two- and perennial. Wormwood is represented either grass or semi-staple with maximum height up to 1.5 meters. The root is thick and rustic, stems - either shortened fruitless, which is characteristic of two-year wormwood, or straight and leaned - in the annual plant. Leaves are located in a row, dissected. Flowers are very small, the most common yellow and red.

To date, more than four hundred different species, most common wormwood in Africa, America (Northern). Russia is represented by almost two types, only wormwood therapeutic is growing everywhere - the most popular form of God's tree. It has a characteristic sharp smell.

Billet and storage wormwood

God's tree is harvested in the following way: at the beginning of her flowering (April-June), the upper part is cut with a length of no more than 30 cm with leaves and flowers, after which they dried. The last procedure should be performed only in the shade, since the sun rays can destroy all the beneficial properties that wormwood possesses.

Storage is performed only in closed tissue packs, and preferably in conditions of minimal humidity. The maximum shelf life of the harvesting of God's tree is 2 years.

Application in everyday life

God's tree has not been applied for a long time. Previously, the beams were used to give a special spicy fragrance in residential premises, as well as so that flies and moths are not divorced. Today there are many decisions of these issues in the form of various chemicals and powders.

Composition and therapeutic properties of God's wood (wormwood)

God tree is national title Halfweed with medicinal or bitter. It has a lot of useful properties and is used to prevent and treat such diseases as hypertension, diabetes, as well as some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, God's tree perfectly copes with problem cycles in women, is used as a means. Relaxing the central nervous system, as well as as a bactericidal agent

Application of wormwood in traditional medicine

We give a few folk recipesin which the main ingredient is God's tree. List of ailments I. various diseases Very extensive.

Mixture for the full deliverance of the body from worms

It is necessary to mix on the floor of a teaspoon of fine dried wormwood and cloves. Use 1-2 times a day 1 teaspoon of the mixture of these components, drinking fresh juice (preferably carrot). God's tree, having bactericidal properties, perfectly copes with gloves, but not with their larvae having a protective coating. The latter are well destroyed just a carnation that is part of the mixture.

Infusion for improving appetite

Bad appetite, which is a consequence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as a gallbladder. It is necessary to mix the wormwood and the grass of the yarrow (naturally, in the dried form), after which 2 teaspoons of the specified mixture were brewed in two glasses of boiling water. Use warm or cold three times a day for half an hour before meals. The maximum use of use is 1.5-2 weeks, after which it takes a break for at least 1 month.

The decoction of the root of wormwood during cancer at the initial stages it is necessary to finely chop the dried root of God's tree, after which it is boiled on a very slow heat for 10 minutes, but necessarily with a closed lid, otherwise essential oils provided therapeutic effects, evaporate and the broth will be useless. After the specified time, remove from the fire and without opening the lids, let it cool. Then filler and use three times a day for half an hour before meals 2 tablespoons. In fact, the specified portion is enough for 1 day such procedures, so it will be prepared every day. The maximum term is 2 weeks, after which the break is at least 1 month.

Oil wormwood with skin diseases, colds, bronchitis

The oil of God's wood must be prepared at the very beginning of the collection of wormwood, as it will need absolutely fresh. So, in an opaque container with a tightly closing lid that impedes air intake, it is necessary to place the maximum amount of freshly labeled wood - its upper part is not more than 30 cm. Then we fill with olive oil to the vertex, close the lid tightly and insist for 10-12 days for room temperature Divided from heat sources. After the specified time, open the lid. The mixture of oil should take dark green. I fix it, after which we can only store in the refrigerator. The maximum one-time dose for use is 0.5 grams or half a teaspoon. This amount is consumed inside, be sure to eat. A day to repeat the reception to a maximum of 3 times, but not more than 10-14 days, after which it is necessary to take a break by 2-5 weeks.

Infusion of God's Tree with an unstable menstrual cycle

The finely disturbed wormwood must be boiled in one glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and allow you to completely cool. The specified infusion must be consumed 2-3 times a day, especially during the failure period, 1-2 tablespoons on an empty stomach. Such use will allow for the 2-3rd months to normalize cyclic processes, however, after a week of reception, it is advisable to take a break at exactly the same time - 1 week.


  • The most frequent signs speaking to you about the fact that it is worth stopping the use of infusions and other consistency with God's tree, is the emergence of strong attacks of vomiting and nausea, which indicates individual intolerance. In this case, it is necessary to stop the use of wormwood, and find alternative options Treatment and prevention.
  • Also, the use of wormwood in any form with iron deficiency anemia, accompanied by a low hemoglobin in blood, is contraindicated.
  • The maximum period of daily use of infusions and oil is limited to one months, otherwise the central disorders may occur nervous system.
  • A similar ban on the anemia, a stomach and gastritis ulcer.
  • Also, it is not recommended to use God's tree to children under the age of two years.

There are plants that are little known in a wide range of gardeners. It even happens that having a beautiful representative of the flora on the site, not many know his name. It is possible to attract God's tree. This is one of the numerous types of wormwood. In a different way, among the nerds, he is called a worm of therapeutic or abutane. What properties does this plant have and for what gardeners appreciate it? Let's talk about it in the article and tell about the departure and peculiarities of growing God's wood.

What is wormwood

Wormwood belong to the family perennial plants and shrubs. Her homeland is considered the moderate latitude of the northern hemisphere. Often, wormwood occurs in arid areas. Grow it because of beautiful decorative leaves and aroma, which is able to scare insects.

Some varieties, such as wormwood, is a tree, use for medicinal purposes. This plant looks great in garden compositions, in the design of borders. The unusual shape of the leaves will decorate the garden throughout the year. In nature is found both evergreen and leaf falling wormwood.

Types of wormwood

There are many varieties of wormwood and almost all of them are frost-resistant. Therapeutic wormwood, God's tree is very common in many corners of Europe. Bitter wormwood is one of the common varieties, especially in the wild. But at home, it is possible enough. The tree grade is found on the Mediterranean and is often used to design borders. Caucasian wormwood occurs in the mountains Southern Europe. It has no high growth, up to 30 centimeters. Estragon or Tarkhoon is distinguished by a pleasant aroma.

This plant can reach a height of 1 meter. Cold wormwood is little varietyprevailing in the south-east of Russia. A resident of China - a milk-color variety has small bright inflorescences and grows up to 1.5 meters high. Louis wormwood grows in Mexico and North America. There are still many varieties of this plant that can be found in a variety of corners of the globe.

Almost throughout Europe you can find God's tree. This is a variety of wormwood, which has a very strong fragrance. The homeland of this plant is unknown, as the information is lost in time. God's tree, whose photo you will find in this article reaches a height of 1-1.5 meters. He is appreciated for the beauty of leaves and medical properties.

Wormwood has very fragile stalks, so it must be protected from unnecessary contacts and places in less busy places. The leaves have a gray-green color and a strongly rugged shape. Although this plant is called a tree, it can be treated soon to shrubs. Small, light yellow inflorescences appear in wormwood at the end of summer. There are varieties of God's wood, which fall out the leaves fall, and there are evergreens.

Beneficial features

Shrub of God's tree is known for many centuries. Even in ancient times they knew about useful properties of this plant. Monks grown it in their gardens like medicine. Hence the name of this plant: church grass or God tree. In ancient Greece from this wormwood, healing balms for healing wounds and a means to protect against insects were prepared.

The composition of God's wood includes 0.3 percent of essential oil, including citral, giving lemon flavor. The infusion of grass is used as a remedy for an angina. Tea, made from leaves, perfectly excites appetite. In cosmetology, the infusion of leaves is used as a means for hair growth. Slaughter-free grasses are effective in injuries and dislocations.

Preparation of healing raw materials

A distinctive feature of God's tree is that it practically does not have bitterness, and it completely disappears after drying. Healing the healing raw materials from July to September. At the beginning of the flowering period, the wormwood cut off the green shoots before they are widelled. Dry them in the shade. Ready raw material has a light fragrance of lemon. Store the workpiece should be in a dry place. In a tightly closed capacity. But the raw material must be carefully dried.

Use of wormwood

Wormwood tree, God tree has spicy fragrance. Therefore, it is successfully used to prepare marinades, sauces, tinctures and as a supplement to meat dishes. For this purpose, young leaves with buds, dried and crushed are excellent. The meat dishes are put on the shelf powder.

You can also withstand meat in the brave of God's tree. The infusion of grass is used to treat dental pain by rinse. The juice of the grass is treated wounds and membranes. The tincture of God's Tree perfectly helps with pain in the intestine. This is an excellent hemostatic remedy. But it is necessary to use wormwood with caution. Daily portion can be no more than 10 grams of leaves in any form.

Place for landing

God's tree, whose photo is very beautiful, like live plantThis is a thermal-loving representative of nature. Therefore, it is better to choose solar plots for landing, not shaded by other, larger neighbors. The soil should be light and nutritious. Organic fertilizers should be made to poor soil. Wormwood does not tolerate sour soil. If this is not avoided, then you should add dolomite flour before landing. God's tree can grow in one place for more than 10 years. Therefore, you need to immediately choose the right area for its breeding.


God's tree, care for which will not be much labor, will delight with its beauty practically round year. It can not be called a whimsical and capricious. In summer, it is necessary to loosen the soil from time to time to ensure good access of oxygen and moisture to the roots of the plant.

But it is impossible to open the root system, so there is a small dip. It will also delay moisture. In the hot period, a systematic watering is required. No need to moisten and allow soil fever. Waterproofing as needed, not allowing the soil to dispel.

Trimming and the formation of the bush

God's tree, whose cultivation is even even a novice gardener, can become an excellent garden decoration. The bush is very steady and does not require special trimming. But if you want to have a beautiful compact form plant on your site, then you need to constantly form a crown. To do this, shoots off, not giving them to grow more than 60 centimeters in height. This turns out the original, spherical bush. After the first trimming, shoots begin to grow evenly and only sometimes regulate their height. Beautiful graying leaves are perfectly highlighted on the background of green garden plants or any land plot.

Winter hardiness

This plant has a good winter hardiness. It does not require shelter in winter. God's tree can carry frost to 25 degrees. Some shoots are slightly frozen at the same time, but with the onset of warm days, the wormwood is perfectly restored. By winter, you can cut a little plant so that it easier to survive the cold. It is not necessary to cover it. But if you want to preserve it in an original form, then you can protect it from exposure to frost. For this, God's tree is transplanted into a container or a large pot and remove into a cool room. Storage temperature should not exceed 8 degrees. When the frost and the soil runs up, you can land the wormwood back to the garden.


God's tree, the description of which will surely encourage him to put it on its plot, multiply in two ways. The first is seeds. They are matured and tied only in the southern regions. Therefore, to get high-quality sowing material is not easy. To begin with, they are planted in suitable containers to obtain seedlings. After that, young plants can be planted in open sad. Better do it in spring periodWhen the earth warms up enough. So, the process of adaptation of the plant will be better, and in the future it will grow well and develop. The second method, vegetative. That is, wormwinds determine the division of the bush or stalling.

In the summer, when the plant has the greatest activity and grows well, it is cut off with green cuttings. A wet river sand is poured into the pot and shoots there. Then they are covered glass jar And put in the shade of the garden. Regularly need to spray the plant, opening the jar. A month later, the cuttings should be rooted. After that, they are planted on permanent place. Two years later proper care and favorable conditions, the plant will represent an adult, beautiful bush. Another way, simpler, but less efficient, is a shower in early spring. Slop down to the appearance of leaves and put them in water. After a while, when the roots appear, the cuttings are planted into the ground. You can immediately land them at a permanent place, without waiting for the appearance of the roots, but it reduces the chances of a good result.

Several recipes

The decoction of the wormwood is prepared as follows. A glass of raw materials is poured by the same amount of boiling water. Then this mixture is boiled for one minute and insist 30 minutes. Then the decoction is filtered and take a quarter of a cup three times a day before meals. For the tincture, they take 1-2 large spoons of raw materials and poured with a glass of boiling water. The mixture insists for about an hour, and then take half a glass before meals. Before using these funds, you should always remember the characteristics of the body and be treated with caution. Better consult your doctor.

The plant of God's tree or the Chernobor is known to all called the wormwood - it was found in the people. This shrub refers to the family of comprehensible.

We suggest you find out whether God's medicinal properties and contraindications have a tree, how to apply it to medical purposes, does it only benefit or can cause harm?

On the healing properties of this plant, they learned in ancient Greece - then her leaves began to use for the treatment of wounds and cuts, adding to ointment. It is so helpful, due to the high content in it citral (it is he gives these citrus notes in aroma), tannilic substances, ascorbic and organic acids, glycosides, flavonides, salts of potassium element, carotene and other different macroelements.

God's tree is a storehouse of therapeutic properties. Ancient people He gave him a few more names: wormwood of the species of Crimean or Tauride, Lemongrass, Holy Thaw, etc.

Contraindications to the use of God's wood include the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is strictly forbidden to eat any chasters to pregnant women, because It can badly affect the health and development of the fetus.

The use of wormwood bitter at small-class is also not recommended. Most doctors refer to contraindications of the use of God's tree nausea and vomiting. It is worth avoiding the treatment of this grass under individual intolerance, with allergic reactions human organism. Application must limit the month so that there is no cramp or hallucinations from overdose.

Wormwood Wood: Description and Application

Medicine wormwood is a long-term grass that blooms with small white or yellow flowers. It has a very tart fragrance, and the leaves are reminded outwardly in the form of the dill leaves and contain a large number of essential oils. God's tree is very often used in folk medicine, cooking, in everyday life is grown in gardens and gardens as decorative or indoor plant.

The medicine also uses a silver view of bitter wormwood. But how not to call it - therapeutic properties remain the same. Decrapers from this useful grass are treated for disease oral cavityThe tool can also be used to get rid of infections in the throat.

A tincture of wormwood bitter for rubbing the skin in dermatitis is widely used, she is care for hair - rinse hair and skin head after washing.

God's tree - a very healing drug that is not one application:

The decoction is carried out with dislocation / bruises - compresses are superimposed on the affected areas.
Wormwood healing treats the inflammation of the periosteum - take a substance in the form alcohol tincture.
It will help to relieve tension, fatigue, headaches.
Recommend the use of tea and dump in insomnia and overwork. Its lemon smell contributes to a stronger sleep.
The medicinal composition of the plant helps to cope with hypertension. It is not possible to get rid of it from it, but the symptoms of wormwood will remove into two bills.

Prepary the grass of God's tree should still be summer period. You can begin collecting and harvesting from mid-July, and finish in September. Green leaves are arid in a dark dry place without drafts on an unbalanced newspaper or burlap.

The benefits of God's wood for health

With the help of God's tree and its medicinal properties, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract can be improved, get rid of pain from heartburn, angina. But here you need to prepare a decoction, tincture or tea. How exactly to do and what a recipe to choose for the treatment of various diseases we will tell a little later.

A lot of people's recipes are assembled using this whirlwind of the species. And all because this complex plant with openwork foliage contains mass useful vitamins, therapeutic properties and acids.

Use wormwood is also worth with caution - it brings not only health benefit, but it may cause harm in overdose. It must be consulted with the doctor so that he prescribes the right treatment and application, told how to drink a tincture of grass.

In God's tree, there is little bitterness, so it can also be taken by children (about contraindications to use we will tell a little later).

Useful properties of God's wood

Therapeutic properties of wormwood are known for a long time. But now it is used not only for the treatment of diseases, but also in other areas. How to choose a variety of wormwood for decoctions and tinctures, which ingredients should contain a facial mask from God's tree, which there are non-pecked recipes to get rid of the worms or improve appetite - read further.

Recipe for tree wormwood

A tree wormwood is used to prepare an oil from a cold. The recipe is very simple. You need to take a clay vessel and completely fill it with flowers and leaves of God's tree. Pour its olive oil to the edges of the vessel.

The resulting agent must be insisted for about 10 days so that the oil is impregnated with therapeutic properties of wormwood. The composition needs to be strain after the expiration of time and consume 1 tsp. With angina, group or ORVI. How to determine that the oil has become healing properties - It must change the color on dark green.

Mandys of God's Tree during Diseases of the gastrointestinal

Walking tea will help to cope with the diseases of the stomach, intestine, duodenum, etc. 1 tablespoon dry / fresh grass (leaf and flowers can be mixed) pour the glass of water, better boiling water.

Wait while brewing about a quarter of an hour. Tea must have not only therapeutic properties, to benefit, as well as it is very pleasant to smell. Application: How to drink? 4 - 5 times a day.

It is very useful to drink it in winter - the body will get strength to combat infectious diseases.

The benefits of the leaves of God tree for leather and hair

Tincture, decoction or mask - effective tool In the fight against hair loss, increased fatty, dandruff, give the volume and will return the shine to dim curls.
Recipe for rinse and rinse: Article. Herbs pour boiling water, cook on a small coo fire five minutes. Remove from fire, strain and add 1 liter of water. Application after each hair washing.

How to care for hair that fall out? You can cook a mask of God's tree. She has no contraindications (except allergic reactions) and the side effect you do not threaten. In the pan pour a glass of light beer and 2 tbsp. wormwood. We bring a mixture to a boil, we cool, and we apply on separate strands of hair and the scalp. Exposure time: 20 minutes.

Famous recipe against hair loss:

In hen. white color Adding wormwood before the formation of casis. Such a mask should be done once a week. It is applied on the hair, covered with polyethylene and keep for an hour. The effect of the previous mask will differ - the hair will become more lush.

In order to prepare a face lotion from grass and leaves of God's tree you need to take Art. Basics, salts of 0.5 teaspoons and a spoonful of viburnum.

Preparation Description Recipe:

soils in a glass of boiling water half an hour will add the remaining ingredients. Ordinary lotion will help get rid of acne. Such a folk tincture can be pulled from the scars on the skin of the face. Kept no more than 14 days in refrigerated chamber.

Remove inflammation, disclose small wrinkles we offer with hollow ice cubes. The decoction frozen in the molds for ice and wipe the skin in the morning and in the evening.

Tea from the leaves of God's Tree for Health Recipes

The tea recipe from the yarrow and God's Tree will help return appetite. Half of Art. Herbs mix in a glass with boiling water. Strain.

How to drink? Drink 100 g three times a day on an empty stomach. You can take a week, after which it is recommended to take a break so as not to harm the human body.

Mandist root of God tree testimony for use

The tincture of God's tree (also called a widow or Austrian bush) is widely used in the treatment of oncological diseases at the initial stages. It is the root of wormwood here is the main ingredient.

Dried root finely bare, add water and boil 10 minutes under the closed lid. This rule exists not to influence the quality of the future infusion - the ether smell and oil can evaporate. Remove from the fire and give the tincture to cool everything with the same closed lid. Strain solution.

How to drink? - 2 tbsp. On an empty stomach for two weeks. After that, you need to take a break for a month. That proper application It will not cause an overdose and does not harm.

Oil of God tree with skin diseases

Top part The herbs fall asleep into the container of dark plastic (so that the light does not fall on the oil) is filled with olive oil, clocked with a lid and leaves for two weeks in dark place.

Straighten the solution and store in the refrigerator. Use inside half a teaspoon before eating three times day.

Decoction of the leaves of God's tree in cancer

Broth leaf leaf is not used to combat oncological diseasesFor this, the root of wormwood is crushed.

And the decoction of the leaves of God's tree will perfectly help to cope with the unstable menstrual cycle. For this fresh leaves poured boiling water and insist half an hour.

When menstruation occurs, they take 3 times a day at 2 tablespoons. The cycle will become less painful and stabilized for 3-4 months.

Landing and care for God's tree

What do you need to know when planting plants into the garden or garden? Wormwood is very unpretentious grass. Little, where she does not come true.

How to plant God's tree right? Landing is carried out on the solar section of the Earth. The soil is best - easy and nutritious, if desired, you can easily feel the poor.

Growing does not take much time - the shrub breeding quickly, does not require much care, it may be a living fence.

The cultivation of the Austrian shrub requires permanent iris Soil. Requires the bottom branch trimming. Flowers from July to September. Growing wormwood bitter is good because you can prepare yourself and dry it leaves for further use.

Despite the active development of technologies and drugs Many people still prefer to refer to recipes and who have proven themselves for a long time. It also includes wormwood, which is comprehensively used in medical, cosmetology and culinary purposes. According to the global classification, there are more than 400 species of this grass. Each of them is characterized by chemical composition, external species and application area, but special attention Having worried Abrotan (or as it is called "God's tree").

"God's Tree": a description of the healing plant

Wormwood or "Divine Tree" - related to the family of comprehensible. May be not only annual, but also. Externally, the plant is a grass or a semi-staple, reaching a height of about one and a half meters.

Herb root - wide and wired. It is noteworthy that the stalks of the plants differ depending on the species. So, for perennial wormies, shortened, but barren stems are characteristic, and for annual plants - straight and fruitful. "God's tree" is characterized by a characteristic, very sharp smell. Sheet plates are located on the stem in one row. Flowers are fine enough and distinguished by characteristic yellow or red.

To date, many names of this are found in the literature. therapeutic plant: "Walinkle", "God's Tree", "Medicine", "Abrotan", "Dill Tree" and others. This is due to the fact that the specified grass was actively used in various regions and countries in which it was assigned this or that name.

Over time, experts approved a single "name", but also in our time there are names adopted in the people. To date, more than 400 species of wormwood are officially registered, more than half of which can be easily found on the expanses of our state.

Chemical composition of wormwood

The beneficial therapeutic properties of this plant, as well as any other, are determined by the presence and concentration of essential oils with a complex chemical composition.

So, in "God's grass" their share reaches 0.62% (quite a large volume that causes the strong action of grass). In addition, in the leaves of wormies, it is contained: tubyl substances, flavonoids, bitterness, coumarins, vitamins of group C and other useful components.

What is useful for wormwood ("God's tree")

DespiteThat therapeutic grass is one of the most famous plants, few people know about medicinal tincture on its basis.

The beneficial properties of "God's Tree" are fully determined by the chemical composition of this grass. It's no secret that it has enough caustic, bitter taste, which is the proof of the high concentration of lactones.
However, before in one or another, start receiving medicineIt is worth understanding that absolutely all parts of grass have useful properties. During the preparation of all sorts of healing decoctions, infusions and mixtures, leaves, stems, seeds, roots are fully used.

Direct indications for the use of drugs based on "God's tree" can be the most diverse. Its bitter taste is often used to further stimulate the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, wormwood decoctions are able to cure the inflammation of the gallbladder, and the oils output toxins and clean the skin.

Therapeutic properties of wormwood multifaceted And do not belong to any particular area, in view of which even in our time there are many people who preference are not to be treated with tablets and antibiotics, but by this unique grass.

How to use therapeutic properties of "God's Tree" in folk medicine

A variety of beneficial properties and the real storehouse of therapeutic substances easily explains the wide popularity of grass and its active use in the recipe of traditional medicine. But, along with this, you should not forget that there is no universal way of all ailments, since only some properties of wormwood are used in the treatment of various diseases.

Did you know? To date, not traditional medicine More than a hundred recipes of various interpretations based on wormwood for the treatment of virtually all diseases are found. According to the total number of compounds, ointments, infusions and oils, wormwood is considered to be one of the most popular medicinal herbs.

With a cold

Plant "God's Tree"whose grass is saturated with the useful substances and components, quite often found in the recipe of traditional medicine, as a means that helps to effectively deal with colds and viral diseases. The best result is achieved in the treatment of wormwood oil. To prepare therapeutic composition, it is necessary to fill the selected vessel (quite sufficiently capacity of 1 liter) pre-washed flowers and leaves of wormwood, then pour them with olive oil.

Such a means should be forced within two weeks so that the oil will have time to have a substance in therapeutic grass. After that, the composition is carefully filled and can be used. With a cold, angina, influenza and ORVI, it is necessary to drink 1 teaspoon of infused oil 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. The duration of treatment should not exceed one week. Treatment by this plant will make it possible to remove irritation, reduce pain and quickly defeat the cold.

Important! Properly cooked oil should change the color to a rich green. Only such infusion has useful properties and safe for use.

To purify the body

In modern traditional medicine There are quite a lot of diverse tools and preparations that allow you to quickly and effectively clean the body. However, each of them is usually quite expensive and does not always demonstrate due results. Excellent alternative Such means may have preparations, which uses the "God's tree", since the use of such bravery and tinctures does not have contraindications and reluctantly helps in 100% of cases.

A medicinal plant that flawlessly helps in the treatment of all sorts of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and, as a result, improves appetite. To prepare therapeutic composition, it is necessary to mix 1 spoon of dried and crushed "God's tree" with one spoon dried.

After that, they must be pouring 400 ml of steep boiling water (approximately 2 glasses) and cover, and the resulting infusion (without removing the lids) to remove into a cool place until a complete cooling. At the end, the infusion should be thoroughly strain through fine sieve and pour into a glass container, where the grass will maximally save its useful properties.
Take a product based on "God's tree" you need 3 tablespoons, three times a day per hour before meals, that is, on an empty stomach. The action of the plant will calm the stomach, alleviate spasms and pain, and also contributes to the removal of toxins. The course of such treatment should not exceed a three-week period, and the interval between the courses to be less than one month.

Did you know? Among the European Elert of the XIX century was widespread alcoholic cocktailIn which the essential oils of wormwood were added. He was called absinthe. However, it was soon abandoned from him, since with overweight, multiple side effects of varying severity were noted.

Therapeutic properties of "God's tree" when impaired menstrual cycle

IN modern practice You can meet cases when wormwood ("God's Tree"), therapeutic properties of which are caused by the unique composition of substances in the plant, is used to stabilize the menstrual cycle.
For the preparation of therapeutic infusion, it is necessary to finely cut the dried leaves of wormwood and pour them with 1 glass of boiling water. A mug with infusion is desirable to cover and retain until complete cooling. To stabilize the disorders of the menstrual cycle, a 1-2 tablespoon is prepared by infusion 2-3 times a day.

It is advisable to do it on an empty stomach, that is, before eating. Such treatment gives a noticeable result after 2-3 months of admission, however, to reduce the risks of the appearance of side effects, it is better to take an infusion of wormwood a week in a week.

The use of therapeutic grass for teeth treatment

God's grass, the medical properties of which make it possible to effectively use it to combat the whole number of diseases of various nature, flawlessly proven itself in the treatment of teeth.

For the treatment of dental pain, there is a practically universal recipe infusion of "God's Tree", which in one or another interpretation is often found in folk medicine. Reception of such a means quickly and very effectively removes the inflammation of the gums and makes it easier to the dental pain.

For the preparation of infusion, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the pre-torn or dried wormwood and put it in the metal dishes. After that, the collection should be pouring steep boiling water and close the lid tightly. In order for the infusion to eat well, it should be left in a shady seat and give cool to room temperature.
Such a decoction needs to rinse the mouth during the dental pain, trying to the tool, as much as possible in the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected tooth. A positive effect is celebrated already after several such procedures, and the tooth pain retreats the next morning.

In some cases, when weak dental pain is rapidly enhanced, a manufactured treatment plant can be improved: for this, it is sufficient to reduce the volume of water, bringing the infusion to the consistency of the thick mass.

Important! Infusion medical grass It removes the toothache, but does not treat her cause (the defeat of the tooth and / or the gums), so even when a positive effect is reached, it is strongly recommended to visit the dentist.

"God's tree" in cosmetology

In addition to almost the widespread use of this plant in folk and traditional medicine, wormwood (Abrotan) is often used in cosmetology, where it is appreciated for its unique ability to keep beauty.

It is noteworthy that for each cosmetic case there is a separate recipe for treatment or rejuvenation. For example, it is recommended to wash the head of the oar of fresh wormwood to clean the oily hair (on 3 liters of water you need about 200 grams of "God's Tree"). When processing hair, the hair will acquire beauty and silkness after 2-3 procedures, but should not be abused.

Also, therapeutic grass can contribute to the slowdown of skin aging. In this issue, baths with insistency are wonderful help. To do this, 300 grams of dried and crushed leaf leaf pour 2.5 liters of boiling water, after which the infusion should be located under the lid for about an hour. Following this, infusion is carefully fastened and divorced in a scored bathing bath. Take it medical bath It follows for 20-25 minutes 1 hour before sleep.
In folk medicine, cosmetic oil with wormwood is also often encountered. For its preparation you need 0.5 l sunflower oil (not purified, it is better suited to homework) Add 3 spoons of table vinegar and 5 tablespoons of seeds "God's tree". Such an oil under a hermetically closed lid, it insists 3 weeks on the sunny windowsill. To achieve a better effect, it is recommended to regularly shake the contents of the bottle. After a time, after careful filping, you can use the finished oil. It is great for massage and cellulite fighting.

Did you know? Even in our time, many experts prefer to use oil prepared on the basis of wormwood. For example, such a composition is actively used in elite cosmetology centers during massage.

Preparation of therapeutic raw materials

Due to the unique set of useful substances and properties, the plant "Divine Tree" is used completely.

At the same time collect wormwood in the garden needs at different times, depending on the purposes of further use. So, the collection of leaves is desirable to organize even before the start of active flowering of grass. It is important that the leaves are separated from the cuttings.

Stem part correctly cut into the very beginning of flowering. A similar workpiece is dried in a darkened but well ventilated room. The life of the leaves and stems prepared in this way can reach two years.

In medicine, plant leaves assembled at the very beginning of summer or before the start of active flowering. Later, you can collect and already blooming tops, since they are also often used in one form or another.
The preparatory process is better carried out in 2 stages. Initially, it is necessary to disrupt the leaves near the roots (but without cuttings and until the end of the formation of the formation of the Buds. After that, the tops are cut 20-30 cm long. It is very important not to miss the dates for the collection and harvesting of therapeutic raw materials, because otherwise the wormwood begins to lose so strong drug abilities.

In order to ensure the safety of the preparation of therapeutic grass, the collection, laid by layers, is necessarily dried in a dry, darkened place with good ventilation. Separate craftsmen resort to forced drying grass in the drying chambers at temperatures up to + 50 ° C, but in this case it is important not to cut the grass, for which it should be regularly turned over (every 5-7 minutes).

The raw material harvested in this way should be stored in wooden boxes, bags or glass containers, where it will easily save its properties for two years.

"God's Tree" (healing wormwood): contraindications of Abrotan

Despite the fact that the beneficial properties of the grass determine its widespread use in almost all areas of cooking, cosmetology and medicine (including folk), the use of "God's wood" in some cases can be contraindicated.

Primarily, direct contraindication is the individual intolerance to the substances included in chemical composition Therapeutic wormwood. Also undesirable is the continuous reception of large doses of drugs made on the basis of wormwood, as this can provoke the disorder of the nervous system, which is a direct side effect of the reception of this herb. Most often, the recommended course of treatment should not exceed 3-4 weeks, after which a monthly break should be taken.
The people who receive the "God's Tree" are categorically prohibited include pregnant women and young mothers, feeding the child with breasts. Moreover, there is no use of plants in any form for people suffering from ulcers, bleeding and anemia.

Medical polisher Refers to potent herbs and in improper use may cause irreparable damage to the body, so before the start of the drug course with the preparations based on wormwood, it is necessary to obtain medical advice.

Important! In view of a number of sufficiently serious contraindications and high content of active ingredients, the reception of funds, infusions and drugs based on therapeutic wormwood is desirable only if necessary.

Now, when it became extremely clear what a dill tree is, that is, the wormwood is completely unsurprisingly its popularity and ubiquitous use in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.

67 once already

Such a well-known plant as a wormwood is considered to be weed. It grows everywhere, filling the air a kind of bitter-tart aroma.

The wormwood combines a rather large genus of decorative-deciduous plants, and many of them stand out by their uniqueness. The literature recorded 400 species of this plant. More than 50 of them have the leaves of unusual silver staining, and 10 varieties are grown in the gardens.

A distinctive feature of the kind of wormwood are air, as be it lacy, silver-green color leaves. Most of the representatives of the kind are perennial semi-stabiliques or herbaceous plants. The leaves are deeply dissected, alternately located on a grassy stem, nondescript and fine flowers fold the inflorescences and baskets. Best decorative species Wormwoods of the steller are considered, Schmidt wormwood and wormwood tree.

Wormwood tree or wormwood abantine ( ARTEMISIA ABROTANUM)known still with ancient times. Already in those distant times, they knew the therapeutic properties of this herb, as mentioned in the treatises of Pralia and Dioscarid and the writings of other medieval drugs. The mention of this potion is even found in the Poem ODO of Mena "On the properties of herbs."

The leaf leaves of the tree contain valuable essential oil, which largely determines the therapeutic properties of the plant. In addition, the greenery of the plant contains sufficient number bitterness, tanning substances, coumarins, flavonids and other components. For a long time, the Slavic healers used this herbal. In our areas, it is also called "God's Tree", as if emphasizing his medicinal issues. Give it and some magical properties: It is believed that wormwood distinguishes unclean power from home and protects the evil all.

According to the biological description of the wormwood, the tree is a semi-staple, which can grow to 1.5 m in height. Green foliage with mysterious gray-blue tint. The leaves of the original drawing and shape give a special unusual bustard. Flowers, like all worn, small and invisible. May grow on the poor soil with sand and crushed stone impurities.

God's tree is very similar to the wormwood sweatshirt - it is quite difficult to distinguish them. If you stop the leaflets of the leafy of the tree between the fingers, the tart and bitter smell of wormwood with slightly noticeable lemon notes will immediately be felt. Wormworms are not so pleasant smell.

Subtleties of care

Wormwood God's tree is perhaps one of the most unpretentious plantswhich can grow literally everywhere. Caring for it does not require special knowledge and skills. The herb of thermal-loving, for her landing, choose the beds, which in the morning until the evening are well warmed and illuminated by the sun. Light for this plant should also be enough. Loves nutritious and loose soils, if necessary, poor soils fertilize organic. For this grass, soils with an acidic reaction are categorically contraindicated. For their neutralization before planting the plants contribute dolomite flour. God's tree does not need transplants - in one place it can grow more than ten years. Therefore, before landing, we think well for its growth and reproduction.

The only thing that requires wormwood is a periodic soil waving near the plant. Weeding and loosening provide the best access of water and air to the roots of the plant. It is impossible to open the roots of the plant - on the contrary, it is recommended somewhat voyage a bush. The dipping will also help moisture. In hot time, it is necessary to water the plant if necessary. Watering should be moderate - this grass does not tolerate a great excess of moisture and soil fever. And at the same time, it is worth allowing severe drying of the soil.

Halfweed is extremely stray, does not need special trimming. But if desired, its crown can be formed constantly. The shoots are cut off after they have reached a height of 60 cm. So you can form a beautiful spherical bush. The first trimming is of great importance - it is exactly the shape of a shrub. Then the shoots grow quite evenly, only from time to time you need to regulate their height. Such a bush with the leaflets of the original shade (they usually sisido-green) will decorate any corner of your site.

God's tree perfectly tolerates winter cold and frost. Advanced and protect it is not necessary. This bush can withstand frosts up to 25 degrees. True, a small part of the shoots can be frozen, but with the arrival of warm days the plant is surprisingly restored. Protecting the plants in late autumn, according to the principles of plant care, helps it easier to transfer the cold and frost. But to leave the former kind of shrub, it can be transplanted with a coma of garden land in a spacious vase or box and move to a cool room. The temperature of the winter content of the plant E should be the highest 8 degrees of heat. In the spring, as soon as the soil warms well and the threats of frosts will not be, the plant is planted on the site.

Methods of breeding

In God's tree, like many other plants, there are two methods of breeding - seed and vegetative.

Speaking about the method of breeding seeds, it should be borne in mind that the seed material is not so easy. In our latitudes, the seeds of God's wood are simply matured. In specialized stores, you will be offered seeds of wormwood from the southern regions.

Initially, the seeds are sown in the boxes - the cultivation of seedlings begins. Grown seedlings with two pairs of true leaves (according to general rules Care), plant in open ground. But they do it only when the earth warms and warm weather will be installed. In such conditions, the young plant will grow faster in growth.

A vegetative way of reproduction of God's tree involves the division of a bush or germinating cuttings. The cuttings of the wormwood are cut into the summer time, during the very rapid growth and development of shrubs. Cut branches put a pot with river sand, which in front of it is well moistened. The vase is placed under a transparent cap - a glass or plastic wide bank is suitable. It is strongly recommended a regular spraying of the plant. The cuttings are rooted approximately 25-30 days after which they are planted for a permanent place of growth. For two years, from a small cuticle, carefully causing him, you can get a lush and attractive bush.

Permissible reproduction with cuttings in early spring. This method is considered simpler, but much less efficient. Soothes in this case are cut to the appearance of leaves and immediately lower in the dishes with water. Quite soon you can see the appearance of the roots, after which the twigs are planted into the open ground. Cuttings, cut in the spring, can be immediately planted for a plot without extinguishing in water, but this method is unlikely to be successful.


Wormworms are planted on the plot, given its undoubted decorative value. But we should not forget about the beneficial properties of this wonderful shrub. As mentioned, in the leaves of wormwood contains a significant amount essential oil - It is it that causes a peculiar smell of leaf leaf of any kind. Consider some areas of application of this plant.

  • Extracts of this plant are used in the preparation of perfume compositions.
  • Wormwood is used to aromatize drinks.
  • In dried I. fresh form The leaves of the plant are used as a spice in the preparation of meat dishes, especially the dishes from game. It is also added when baking the bread to impart a fragrance.
  • From the twigs, wormwood make brooms for a pair bath, which are able to help with rheumatism, obesity and joint diseases.
  • The aroma of wormwood is able to significantly reduce the headache. For this sprig, the plants advise to put a small linen bag under the pillow or fill the dried leaves.
  • For hair growth stimulation helps tincture of wormwood. It must be rubbed into the scalp.
  • In the injuries and dislocation advised to make compresses from the tincture of wormwood.
  • Folore oil is used to treat skin diseases, colds, bronchitis.
  • Wormwood is good for disinfection of premises. Her smell is afraid of mol.

These and other areas of application of the plant only increases its popularity in our territories.