How to wash the oven from the burnt one. How to clean the oven from grease and deposits - quickly and easily

If you like to cook food in the oven, then you probably know how difficult it is after washing off the greasy layers that stick to the walls. This fat gradually begins to burn out over time, and smokes when cooking.

We clean with vinegar and soda

You just need to clean the oven with vinegar. The grates and trays should be removed, cleaned of dry debris and the entire surface should be moistened with a cloth or sponge. Then apply vinegar evenly to the surface. Then leave the solution for the exposure process for three hours. You can even clean it with vinegar washing machine and remove the bad smell.

In the event that the oven is not very dirty, for normal cleaning it will be enough to treat the surface with a damp sponge once. The inner surface will be completely cleaned of this treatment if you do it regularly. If old stains are present on the surface, wipe them off with a brush or a hard-coated sponge.

Another way: a mixture of acetic acid should be diluted in a container in proportion to water in equal amounts. Then dip a sponge or rag in this solution, moisten all the walls with it properly. Immediately after that, take baking soda, sprinkle all contaminated areas with it, leave for an hour to react. During this treatment, hydrogen, which is released during the reaction of soda and vinegar, is completely harmless, nevertheless, it perfectly helps to remove even stubborn and old dirt. After this cleaning, rinse the oven with warm soapy water.

Another home cleaning method. Use glassware suitable for microwave oven, then pour one liter of plain water into this container with the addition of 20 grams of vinegar essence. Then put the bowl inside and turn it on, setting the temperature to 150-170 degrees for a short time, for example, half an hour. Then turn off the oven and wipe the surfaces until it cools down.

The cleaning result will look something like this:

Glass is also highly susceptible to grease contamination. It is not difficult to clean it. A little baking soda should be sprinkled on the surface. It is better to do this on a damp sponge, and rub the glass in this way, then the soda will remain on the glass for action, it will not crumble. After 30-40 minutes, just wipe the glass. Absolutely all old dirt will naturally come off and your glass will become shiny and transparent again.

We clean with ammonia

If you are wondering how to clean the oven from old soot and grease, you should try surface treatment with ordinary ammonia. You should be aware that when in contact with ammonia solutions, certain precautions must be observed, that is, do not allow contact with ammonia on the skin, work only with rubber gloves. Such treatment can only be carried out by wearing a respirator, since the smell is very caustic.

After applying the solution to the entire surface of the oven, wash it off after 40-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly until the pungent odor disappears completely. Otherwise, the cooked food will taste bad.

Hot processing

IN hot water Thoroughly dilute a small amount of household soap, you can use any dishwashing detergent, then pour the detergent onto the baking sheet, and then put the baking sheet directly into the oven. Then treat the entire surface with the rest of the solution oven... Now close the door very tightly, and then set the temperature on the timer to 130 degrees.

The door closes carefully during processing. The heat treatment process lasts 30 minutes, then the oven should be slightly cooled. After that, all dirty surfaces of your oven should simply be wiped off. All grease and all dirt from the temperature effects of the hot detergent mixture should be removed from the surface without difficulty.

Combined cleaning methods

Is there some more effective remedy cleaning is salt. Pour the salt into the oven and heat it up. It will absorb dirt and grease and become brown color, then the remnants of this salt should be swept out or removed with a vacuum cleaner. After this treatment, wash the walls in the usual way.

In addition, at home, you can clean the oven with the usual baking powder used by every housewife. A dirty oven should be sprinkled with this powder and sprinkled lightly with water. After about 20 minutes, the fat is completely collected in lumps, they are easily removed with a simple damp cloth. You can apply the mixture citric acid and baking soda.

To prepare your own cleaning product, you need to mix 50 grams of water, the same amount of salt and half a glass of baking soda. Turn this mixture into a thick paste. Now wipe the inside of the oven with a damp cloth and then spread your paste over the oven surface. The mixture should be left overnight for exposure, and in the morning wash it off. In much the same way, you can remove a bad smell from the refrigerator, but that's not about that now.

You can use a combined method for cleaning. That is, first treat the oven with vinegar, then consolidate the success with salt, which will collect all carbon deposits and fat. After that, wipe with the mixture prepared according to the above recipe, or clean it in a hot way.

Cleaning the oven from old dirt

It is necessary to mix the grated laundry soap, table vinegar and baking soda. How to mix these components, the soap should be perfect and completely dissolve in the liquid. The mixture should be carefully rubbed over the surface. After two hours, the mixture can be washed off. This solution should also be used to very thoroughly clean all soiled trays and racks. There is another reliable way: citric acid, 20 grams of Pemolux powder (or other similar) and the same amount of dish detergent, mix thoroughly. This mixture should be left to act for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

These simple methods will help you keep your oven clean.

Housewives on a note: which shop and folk remedies You can wash grease and soot in the oven quickly and effortlessly.

A good housewife has a responsibility to keep it clean. And not only outwardly. She needs to be able to maintain in proper condition not only the countertop or the facade of the kitchen, but also hard-to-reach, hidden, at first glance, places.

For example, an oven. Despite the fact that today there are a huge number of store fundsto clean it up, and no fewer checked folk recipes, not everyone knows how to remove grease and soot, and, moreover, knows how to do it.

How to clean the inside of the oven from burnt fat?

  • An oven is a must in every kitchen. It is used very often, because baking is one of the healthiest ways of cooking.
  • Like any other kitchen appliance, the oven has its own rules of use. One of them is the requirement for cleanliness. The oven must be clean for both hygiene and safety reasons

IMPORTANT: In theory, it is necessary to wash the oven after each use. Then this process will be easier and faster, because a small amount of fat and soot will have to be removed. But, unfortunately, a rare mistress does just that.

Someone does not have enough time, someone is simply lazy. After several uses, a significant amount of dirt accumulates inside the oven and on the glass. And then their removal turns into a real fight

It takes a certain amount of time to remove stubborn grease and deposits from inside the oven and on the glass. The procedure may have to be repeated several times.

A modern woman, first of all, will pay attention to high-tech store products for cleaning kitchen surfaces and ovens. They have several advantages:

  • ready-made products, thanks to the formula and composition, are created in order to remove precisely fat and carbon deposits
  • they act quickly and efficiently
  • have antibacterial and antifungal effects
  • they eliminate odor along with dirt
  • damage to surfaces during and after their application is minimal
  • considered harmless to humans
  • no need to search for recipes, take out any components and prepare the cleaning agent yourself

Many women prefer to use store-bought oven cleaners.

These products come in the form of powders, gels, creams, or aerosols.

The largest number of accolades received (listed in alphabetical order):

  1. Astonish (spray for cleaning glass in the oven)
  2. Cif cream active lemon (universal kitchen cleaner)
  3. Comet Powder Lemon with Chlorinol (All-Purpose Kitchen & Bathroom Cleaner)
  4. Active gel for cleaning ovens Dr. Beckmann (oven cleaner)
  5. Green & Clean Professional (cleaner for hoods and ovens)
  6. Oven Cleaner Amway (oven cleaner)

The procedure for using the above means does not require special preparation.

IMPORTANT: The hostess, before cleaning the oven with any store product, must prepare latex gloves, a basin of water, sponges or cloths for washing and cleaning surfaces, clean cotton or microfiber cloths

The oven is cleaned as follows:

  1. The grill, baking sheets, trays are removed from the oven. They are washed separately under running water or in a bowl of water containing some of the detergent
  2. With a sponge or napkin to which required amount cleaning agent, all inner surfaces ovens. A heating element you can not touch!
  3. After a while, when the fat softens and dissolves, the oven is washed clean with water.
  4. Re-use the cleaning agent as needed

IMPORTANT: After using harsh chemical cleaning agents, keep the oven door open for an hour or even overnight. If the "chemical" smell persists, you can put a plate of milk on a baking sheet, or a few charcoal tablets, or wipe the inner surfaces of the oven with a solution of vinegar and water

VIDEO: Easily and quickly remove grease and deposits from the oven

Amway gel cleaner for ovens

Consumers treat the products of the Amway network company in two ways. Some consider her the best firm for the manufacture and sale of environmentally friendly and natural cosmetic and household products, others - swindlers and charlatans, speculators on the same environmental friendliness.

Opinions have a right to exist, in any case. But you can only check how effective the product - gel for cleaning ovens and grills - is on your own experience.

Amvy Oven cleaner.

The gel-like paste is intended for cleaning:

  • ovens
  • grills
  • frying pan

Cleaning with the Oven Cleaner Amway is as follows:

  • the product is applied to the surface with contamination
  • after using the product, the fat softens and becomes easily separated from the surface, this will take 10 to 30 minutes. time
  • the agent, together with dirt, is removed from the surfaces of the oven

Judging by the reviews, Amway is really effective, economical and safe.

IMPORTANT: Even if a brand for the production of household chemicals positions its products as safe and environmentally friendly, you should not forget about precautions. Amway oven cleaner should be closed tightly and kept away from children and pets

VIDEO: We clean the baking sheet from the oven with Amway

How to quickly clean the oven? Folk remedies

High-tech household chemicals, of course, are effective in combating oven contamination, but many housewives, even young ones, still prefer to use folk remedies for these purposes. In comparison with the store, they find them:

  • cheaper
  • safer
  • no less effective

IMPORTANT: Acids are usually used to dissolve fat. They not only eliminate dirt, but also kill germs, fungi, eliminate bad smell

Here are the most commonly used recipes.


The vinegar and baking soda must be mixed in a 1x1 ratio. It is recommended to add a small amount of dishwashing gel to the product for better application.

Vinegar with soda is applied to the oven surfaces previously washed with water, after 15 minutes they are thoroughly washed off along with dirt

RECIPE # 2: Baking soda and vinegar cleaner

To prepare the product, take: vinegar - 100 ml, soda - 50 g, grated laundry soap - 30 g. Mix the components. The resulting thick substance is applied inside the oven, washed off after 3 hours.

IMPORTANT: Vinegar has a natural, but pungent smell. To neutralize it, you can add a few drops of essential oils to vinegar-based cleaners.

RECIPE # 3: Lemon juice or citric acid

To remove grease and fumes from the inside of the oven, you need one lemon or half a packet of citric acid. In the first case, lemon juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 x 1. In the second, half a packet of powder is diluted in a glass of water.

How to clean the oven with ammonia?

Ammonia is considered one of the most effective means for removing fat that has burnt on the walls of the oven.

The easiest way to use it is to simply apply alcohol on the surface and leave it overnight, and in the morning wash it with running water.

You can try another way:

  • the oven is heated to 100 degrees
  • at this time, two bowls are prepared - with water and ammonia
  • put a bowl of water in the oven first, on the lower shelf
  • when the water comes to a boil, the fire will be turned off
  • on the top shelf ovens put a bowl of ammonia
  • leave the oven in this state overnight
  • in the morning, treat the surfaces of the oven with a mixture of water, dishwashing liquid and ammonia

How to clean glass in the oven?

The glass on the oven door can be more difficult to clean than the inner surfaces.

To cope with oily drips on it, you can use the same store products or ordinary soda.
Fans of using folk remedies in everyday life simply moisten the glass of the oven and rub it with soda. After half an hour, when the soda is washed off along with the fat, the glass becomes clean and transparent.

How to clean the oven: reviews

Sooner or later, each housewife finds her own way to quickly and with minimal effort to wash the oven, using store or folk remedies. In order for the war on fat to be a winning one, it is better not to start pollution, but to do the cleaning regularly and in a timely manner.

VIDEO: How to AVOID heavy soiling of the oven? How to clean a dirty oven?

Over time, ovens have become firmly established in our kitchens. Due to the quality, taste and aroma of the food cooked in it, the oven competes with many other devices.

However, the lack of time to put the oven in order immediately after cooking leads to the fact that fat accumulates on its walls and door, turns into a greasy coating, accompanied by a specific smell. And if the oven door is transparent, then drops of frozen fat are very noticeable from the outside.

Housewives sometimes even refuse to cook duck or oily fish, because they are afraid of unpleasant pollution. And if the house has small child, then the culinary mom fears for his health and does not dare to rub the oven with chlorine-containing substances.

This article will come to the rescue, which contains 10 of the most safe ways cleaning the oven with your own hands at home from the most corrosive greasy dirt.

What is important to remember when cleaning the oven?

  • Always disconnect the device from the mains! Remove the plug from the socket and protect it with cling film.
  • Do not use metal brushes to clean the device. Better to leave the cleaning solution on the dirt and after a while you can deal with it with a simple sponge.
  • Use as much as possible less water... Liquid, which you simply cannot follow, can get inside the oven, pour some of its elements. This will shorten the life of the oven.
  • Do not use substances containing chlorine. This will preserve the enamel coverage.
  • Do not disassemble the oven yourself! If you are looking to clean your oven to a new condition, contact a professional. He will gently take out everything internal elements and then, after cleaning, he will put everything in place just as competently.
  • Follow a specific procedure when cleaning the oven. First, take out the wire rack and baking sheet and soak in the cleaning compound. Then the back and top walls are cleaned, last of all the sides and the door. The final stage is cleaning from the outside.
  • Remember: the sooner you remove the dirt after it has built up, the easier it will be for you to keep the oven new.

10 ways to clean the oven from grease without using household chemicals at home

Oven cleaning method one: table salt

It is necessary to prepare a composition of 100 gr. salt and 250 ml. warm water by mixing them. Once the salt has dissolved in the water, apply the solution to a soft sponge and sprinkle the device with it, pour the remaining mixture onto a baking sheet and add some dry salt. Preheat the oven to 70 degrees, turn off the oven, go over the inside of the appliance with a sponge dipping it in this salt. After two hours, the dirt can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

Oven cleaning method two: lemon

In the juice of four lemons, you need to moisten the hard side of a kitchen sponge, rub the wall and door of the cabinet, then heat it to 100 degrees, turn it off and wait half an hour. With a clean, damp cloth, you can wipe off any remaining dirt easily. To clean the baking sheet, mix 50 ml. juice and 50 ml. dishwashing liquid. The cling film will help remove dirt. Wrap it around a baking sheet and rinse it after an hour. Cleanliness and pleasant smell are guaranteed!

Cleaning method three: baking soda

You will need 150 gr. soda and a glass of boiling water. Pour the mixture into a baking sheet and place in the oven. Preheat it to 120 degrees, turn it off when the water is almost completely evaporated. Remove grease with a baking soda paste. The paste is obtained if you mix 100 gr. soda with a little water. After 40 minutes, wipe off the baking soda along with the grease.

The fourth way to clean the oven: ethyl alcohol

Mix 3 tbsp citric acid with water. l. / 2 st. l. Apply the product immediately to the inside and outside of the oven. After half an hour, rub the soiled areas with a sponge dipped in ethyl alcohol.

Fifth oven cleaning method: mustard

Cooking, as in the case of soda, pasta. The proportions of mustard and water 75 g / 40 ml. Apply the composition to problem areas... After half an hour, wipe the inside of the oven with a sponge coated with the juice of two lemons.

The sixth way to clean the oven: carbonic acid

Make a paste of table salt and carbonic acid in a ratio of 300 g / 40 g. Add some water. Rub half of the paste over the cavity of the oven. Place the other half in a baking sheet and leave at 140 degrees. Wipe off the remaining dirt after 50 minutes.

Oven cleaning method 7: vinegar

Combine half a cup of vinegar and two cups of water. Use vinegar in a concentration of 6-9%. By analogy with the previous method, leave the baking sheet with the substance in the oven at 120 degrees. After half an hour, remove the softened fatty deposits with a sponge.

Self-cleaning method eighth: laundry soap

Rub 100 gr. soap on a grater, add water. Use a sponge to wipe the interior of the cabinet, and place the remaining product in a baking sheet. Leave in the oven at 150 degrees for 40 minutes. After a quarter of an hour, remove the residue with the hard side of the sponge. Leave the cabinet door open overnight with lemon wedges inside the oven to absorb the smell. The same can be done in the above method with vinegar.

Home cleaning method ninth: ammonia

Soak a cotton pad in ammonia. Wipe down the cabinet from all sides, close the door, and leave overnight. In the morning, wipe off the oven with water.

Home cleaning method ten: soda and vinegar

Prepare a paste with 5 tablespoons of baking soda and vinegar 9%. Wipe the inside of the oven, including the baking sheet. Preheat the cabinet to 110 degrees, turn it off. After three hours, remove the remaining paste with a sponge dipped in a mixture of lemon juice and water in a 3: 1 ratio. Knowing all these methods of cleaning the oven from grease contamination, you can easily cope with this difficult task without using household chemicals.

To facilitate work, the oven and work surface are pre-cleaned from light dirt. Before processing the frying or oven, all removable elements are removed from there, which are separately soaked in independently prepared solutions of soda, vinegar, soap or citric acid. The inner walls of the oven, the door and glass in it are washed with the same folk remedies. In case they are not able to cope with stubborn dirt, household chemicals intended for washing stainless steel, glass and ceramics come to the rescue.

The oven is constantly getting dirty with vapors, greasy splashes and remnants of heated food. It is possible to clean the oven from fat and carbon deposits both with folk remedies and with household chemicals specially designed for this.

Preliminary preparation

For execution general cleaning oven, you need to perform a few simple preparatory steps that will greatly facilitate further cleaning.

  1. Before washing the stove, it must be disconnected from gas and electricity - basic safety rules.
  2. The visible surfaces of the stove and its top are cleaned as much as possible from light dirt in the form of dust and food debris (for example, fish). This will not wash away dried and adhered dirt, but it will soften the grease, preparing it for further cleaning.
  3. The inner walls of the oven are treated with a thick soapy solution, which is prepared in hot water. Laundry or toilet soap is selected as an active ingredient, dishwashing detergents and gels for removing fat are also suitable. The active foam will remove light stains and prepare the surface for cleaning tougher stains.
  4. The oven is completely freed from all removable parts - baking sheets, grates and the dishes stored there are set aside. If there is ventilation in the oven, close the hole tightly with a cloth.
  5. Many contaminants are softened by high temperatures. The electric oven closes, turns on at 250 degrees and warms up for 30 minutes.

Cleaning products

There are two main types of dirty oven cleaners that are used in the kitchen.

Advice ! After any cleaning of old and frozen burns, it is advisable to rinse well and ventilate the oven so that unpleasant odors do not remain.

Household chemicals

On the shelves of modern hardware stores is enough professional detergents designed to remove burnt fat and food. Before you wash the oven, you need to carefully study the range.

... One of the most common remedies against cooking fat... It is produced in the form of thick gels and powders for surface treatment at different angles. Copes with most common stains in the average kitchen.

Another good remedy for ordinary kitchens, removes both grease and burnt food and sugar residues. High quality and dense spray with a convenient trigger, which makes the product effective on large side surfaces.

Close to professional means, remains in a low price range with a high ability to clean the oven from plaque.

... When applied to spots on top of the stove, it immediately enters into a chemical reaction with them, penetrating into the structure of dried fat and destroying it. After 20-30 minutes, the rest of the fried fat can be wiped off with a regular cloth.

... Professional concentrate for cleaning particularly dirty ovens and grills, in which greasy foods are often cooked. It is able to dissolve such stains against which ordinary household detergents are powerless.

Cleaning the oven glass

The door opens completely so that the glass takes a horizontal position.

It is slightly moistened with water and covered with soda. Alternatively, dry and dissolved citric acid is used. After half an hour or an hour, it is washed with a cloth with clean water.

Note! If a folk methods unable to cope, the above-described household chemicals are used.

The presented manufacturers have products that are designed specifically for both inside and outside.

How to clean other items

In addition to the space of gas or electric oven, inside it there is a large number of removable elements that also need washing.


The grill spiral is usually made in a removable version for ease of maintenance.

In this case, it is soaked in a hot citric acid solution. In this case, avoid contact with liquid on electrical contacts, circuits, wiring.

If the spiral is non-removable (some Samsung models), it must be wiped with a concentrated solution of citric acid using a sponge, then rinsed with plenty of water.

After such treatment, there will be no trace of the old yellow burnt fat and scale.


The vast majority of grates are removable, so they can be pulled out and soaked in hot soapy water. As an active ingredient, dishwashing detergents, laundry or toilet soap, and household detergent concentrates are used.

After processing, the grates are well washed under running water.


The pallet can always be removed, after which it should be soaked in the above way. Also it can be processed hot water and cover generously with baking soda, citric acid or lemon juice. It is convenient to handle with trigger detergents. At the end of cleaning, it is well rinsed with warm running water.

Below is a video showing how to clean the oven at home step by step from most contaminants.

Larisa, 19 July 2018.

The oven in the kitchen is an essential part of cooking the most delicious dishes... She is the most popular, as well as multicooker with steamers. After all, it has long been proven that cooked food in the oven is much healthier than in a pan. Those who often use the oven are faced with such a problem as carbon deposits and grease, respectively, you need to decide how to cope with this trouble. This process is very long and unpleasant, so at the moment there are many tools to help you cope.

Before we start looking at remedies that can help deal with carbon deposits and fat, we can say that the most the right way elimination is to prevent their occurrence. That is, just wipe your stove after each cooking or whenever possible. Perhaps in this case you will forget for a long time what the appearance of fat is.

Most housewives were convinced of how harmful the accumulation of fat is, because during the cooking process it can start to burn, so a rather unpleasant smell will spread throughout the room.

If the problem already exists, then it must be approached with thorough preparation. The first thing that comes to mind is the use of chemistry. Indeed it is efficient way, it is enough just to determine what type of surface your oven belongs to, and purchase the necessary product in the store. But sometimes this method has one drawback, it is a pungent smell. However, if you know how to deal with it, then difficulties should not arise.

If you belong to the adherents of folk remedies, then you can use them.

Housewives identify 5 of the most effective methods:

  • Cleaning with citric acid;
  • Using vinegar;
  • Cleaning with laundry soap;
  • The use of table salt;
  • Elimination of fat with ammonia.

All these methods are excellent helpers even in the most difficult situation, the main thing is to know how to use them.

How to clean the oven with citric acid

In order for your home assistant to be clean, it is enough to wash her thoroughly after each use, there is nothing difficult in this, but ordinary water and a sponge can help. If we talk about citric acid, then it is able to remove even the most greasy stain, after its action, everything is cleaned with a rag and detergent.

All stains will be easier to rub off if the oven is warmed up a little. The most optimum temperature for cleaning 40 degrees.

Indeed, as it turned out, wash dirty oven from old fat and burning from the inside gas stove folk remedies are easier than ever. It is enough to use citric acid or regular lemon.

You can also use lemon juice. To do this, squeeze one medium lemon into a small container with water. This solution is applied to all surfaces of the oven and left for half an hour. After that, wipe everything with detergent and rinse with water. Lemon juice is able not only to get rid of problematic soot, but also to eliminate burnt odors. Some people prefer to use lemon wedges. The principle of operation is identical here. You can also put lemon slices on a baking sheet and cover them with water. Preheat the oven to about 150 degrees and put the lemon there. The steam that will be created during boiling will eat away all the greasy deposits, after which it will be easy to remove the remains. Keep the lemon and water in the oven for about 40 minutes.

The use of citric acid is considered a budgetary method. The solution is prepared in the proportion of 1 tsp. on a mug of water. This solution will help get rid of stubborn dirt, especially if it is heated.

We use vinegar: how to clean the inside of the oven, a quick way

Vinegar can handle even the toughest stains well, and you don't have to worry about the lining of your oven. To do this, take table vinegar and wipe all coatings, then leave for several hours. When time will pass, all dirt will be softened and can be wiped off with plain water and a sponge.

In the event that the fat is old, then vinegar can help great here. An excellent and effective remedy is a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. Hydrogen released when chemical reaction, removes even the thickest and old layer fat. This mixture is not removed for several hours. If after that there is still a plaque, then it can be wiped with soda, everything will soften and give in to cleaning.

This will require:

  • Vinegar 100 g;
  • Baking soda 50 g;
  • Laundry soap 30 g.

Before preparing the solution, rub the soap on the finest grater and mix everything. Consistency, you need to rub thoroughly into the surface and leave for 1.5 - 2 hours. After the oily plaque has been destroyed, it can be removed with a soft cloth. This method will help you achieve the perfect cleanliness and shine of your oven. It can be used both outside and inside. This mixture is also suitable for cleaning glass on the oven door.

By using heat treatment, you can get rid of tough dirt even in the most inaccessible places. This will require 2 tablespoons of 70% vinegar and 1 liter of water. Pour all this onto a baking sheet and place in an oven with a temperature of 150 degrees for half an hour. Dirt that evaporates can be removed with water and detergent.

Laundry soap to help or how to quickly clean the oven from old carbon deposits

Using laundry soap considered the safest and most ecological. It is the soap that can get rid of old frozen fat.

Lye, which is part of the soap, is able to effectively clean even the thickest burnt fat in the oven.

In order to clean the old type of dirt, you will need half a piece of laundry soap grated on a fine grater. All this is dissolved in hot water and poured onto a baking sheet. After that, the baking sheet is placed in a hot oven for an hour. When steamed, the impurities become porous and begin to fall off. After the oven has cooled down, you can remove all residues with a sponge.

It is very important to leave the oven open for at least 8 hours after completing all cleaning work. This will save you from the further occurrence of specific odors.

How to clean an electric oven with ammonia

Not many people know that ammonia is an excellent cleaner for an electric oven such as Bosch. It is really possible to clean the oven or electric oven at home, even if it is heavily soiled, with ammonia. To make your oven shine, you need to apply ammonia to a sponge and wipe the surfaces. After that, the agent is left for a day, after which it is washed off with a detergent.

The use of hot working will be more effective. To do this, pour water on a baking sheet and put it in the oven at 100 degrees. When the water boils, another container is placed on the upper shelf, but with ammonia and the oven turns off. In this state, everything is left overnight, and in the morning you can remove all dirt without any problems using detergent and water.

In any case, the use of ammonia always means leaving it in the oven for a long time, not everyone will like it.

The main disadvantage of using this product is considered to be harmful steam. Therefore, when using it, it is advisable to seal the doors of an electric oven with tape in order to prevent them from entering the living space.

If you do not have ammonia, you can use glass cleaner. Salmon can often be seen in their composition. It is very convenient to use such funds thanks to the spray bottle with which they are equipped. The disadvantage of this method is the lesser impact on pollution.

Other ways to help you clean the oven

If none of the above methods suits you, then you can use the usual baking powder. Yes, yes, this remedy works just as well with fat. It is applied to wet surface oven and leave for 2-3 hours. The baking powder acts on the fat, after which the fat shrinks into lumps and is easily removed with a dishwashing sponge.

In the event that everyone is not in the house necessary funds, cleaning can be done with steam. It is required to pour water into a baking sheet and add a few drops of detergent, then put it in the oven and heat it up. The water should be boiled there for about 30 minutes. The steam that forms this remedy able to make even the oldest stains flexible for cleaning.

Want to get shiny, in literally, result? Add a few drops of ammonia to the water. Contamination will be removed and the surface will shine like new.

To clean the oven walls, mix hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.


  • A quarter glass of baking soda;
  • Peroxide bottle 3%.

During the infusion, the mixture must be constantly stirred. You will get porridge, which is applied to the surface and left for an hour. The mixture is able to perfectly cope with any difficult task.

Simple methods: how to clean the oven (video)

As you can see there are a lot of ways to clean your home oven assistant, choose exactly the one that, in your opinion, fit better Total. Just a few steps and you can show off perfect result... But what kind of mistress does not like the ideal appearance your kitchen? And to do this is very simple, the main thing is to know how and to take a step that will forever rid you of the world of fat and carbon deposits.