How to wash your hands after peeling beets. How to remove beet stains? Old contamination caused by beet juice

It is not so difficult to get dirty with beets, because almost every day we cook borsch, salads, or just some healthy dishThis problem is especially familiar to housewives.

Beetroot dishes are very useful for the body; beets contain many vitamins and useful microelements. In the process of cooking such dishes, one way or another, but the beets remain on the hands with a darkish red juice, which is very difficult to wash. These are anthocyanins - dyes that are found in beet cells. To avoid this, such dishes should be cooked in thin rubber gloves... If gloves are not available, brush your hands with olive oil. And if it already happened that you got dirty, then there is no point in trying to wash it with soap and water, on the contrary, it will fix the reddish color on your hands.

Ways to remove beet juice from hands

There are many ways to deal with this problem, most of which are bred empirically by housewives.

It is a well-known fact that beet juice is well washed off with something sour, apple or lemon juice, for example. You can mix baking soda with lemon juice and rub the mixture on your hands. You can also wash the color of beets from your hands with food vinegar.

You can try washing your hands with brine from pickled cucumbers or tomatoes. Rhubarb or pumice stone is also good for cleansing hands.

Beet stains on clothes and how to get rid of them?

Do not forget that clothes can be stained with beet juice. And as practice shows, it is far from easy to remove such stains.

How can you get rid of the stain quickly and at home?

We can say with confidence that not every housewife is aware that milk is not easy useful product nutrition, but also a very effective liquid that will help wash your clothes from stains of beetroot juice. To do this, you need to dial required amount milk and soak the thing in it, then wash the thing in the usual way, that is, with powder and stains as unheard of.

If the stain is fresh, then do not waste time, you can get rid of it in the simplest and most uncomplicated way, using ordinary hot water, just put the thing on an empty pan so that the stain is over its open part and pour hot water from the kettle until until the stain disappears.

If you stain a thing with beets whitethen ammonia will suit you. Soak a cloth or sponge in an ammonia solution (5%) and rub until the stain disappears.

Also, in such a difficult matter as getting rid of persistent beetroot juice, citric acid can be an assistant to you, which can be found in the kitchen of every housewife without options. Sprinkle citric acid over the place of pollution and leave for 5 minutes, it is undesirable to keep it longer, you can simply ruin the thing.

Detergent for dishes, which everyone has in the kitchen for sure, is an assistant not only in the fight against dirty dishesbut also an excellent cleaning agent that will remove stains. Apply the detergent to the stain, leave it on for a while, and then wash it with regular powder.

Of course, the salt found in every home, due to its absorbent properties, will help to quickly remove beet stains. Cover the stain with salt and rub well, repeat the procedure, changing the salt until the stain disappears.

The next way to get rid of the stain is with glycerin and egg yolk. We mix glycerin and yolk, apply on the stain, after a while rinse the thing first warm, and then cold water.

Sodium hydrochloride is not as common as the previous remedies, but no less effective in removing stains. Prepare a solution of 1% sodium hydrochloride and some ordinary water, soak the stain in the solution for an hour and rinse.

Modern ways to deal with stains

There are also modern methods for removing beet stains, which can be purchased at any store in the department household chemicals... This will effectively get rid of the stain and won't hurt your hands.

"FrauSchmidt" - a substance that will help to remove stains not only from beet juice, but also from fat, fruits and other products.

The famous powder "Vanish" - washes colored things from any dirt.

"White sail" - effective bleach, suitable for removing stains from snow-white clothes.

It is very difficult to avoid contamination during cooking, but you should not worry about this either, as we can see, there are many ways to get rid of beetroot-stained hands or stains from its juice on clothes. These methods are very diverse and at least one of all of them will definitely suit you.

Every now and then we have to work with products or things that leave marks on our hands. There are those who are used to working with gloves, but many people think that this is uncomfortable. And they often face the question of how to wash their hands from various contaminants.

How to wash your hands from berries?

If a person picked berries, washed or boiled them, then purple spots could remain on the fingers. The same remains after working with beets. They are washed very badly and sometimes for several days - the hands do not look aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how to wash their hands after blueberries, beets or blackberries.

Purple spots are caused by anthocyanin dyes, which are found in some berries and vegetables. To wash them off, you need an acidic environment, while soap, on the contrary, creates an alkaline environment. So rub your fingers with a lemon wedge. You can not transfer the product, but wash your hands with a citric acid solution or vinegar (not essence!).

There are other similar ways of how to wash your hands from berries: rub with sorrel, potato or tomato tops (be careful, it is poisonous!), Woodlice grass and so on. The main thing is that the environment is acidic.

If for some reason this is impossible, you can use washing powder: wash something. You can rub your fingers with a pumice stone. By the way, it also helps from stains that remain on the fingers after mushrooms. This is a very effective remedy.

How to wash your hands from walnuts?

It is much more difficult to figure out how to wash your hands from a nut. The one who peeled the green walnuts (say, for jam), knows that after that, virtually indelible stains remain on the fingers. At first they are not very noticeable, but after a few hours they appear brown, and you cannot do anything with them.

The cause of the stains is the yuglone substance used in the production of hair dyes, which is very persistent. It is impossible to wash it off. You can try bleaching it a little with lemon, but the stains will not completely disappear. We'll have to wait for the top dyed layer of the skin to change to a new, clean one. This process can be accelerated by daily steaming your fingers in a warm bath and then cleaning upper layer with contamination with peeling or scrub.

How to wash potassium permanganate from hands?

Usually, in this case, something acidic helps: lemon, citric acid, a weak solution of vinegar. You can try rubbing your hands with ammonia spirit. But be careful not to injure your skin.

Iodine and brilliant green will disappear faster if you anoint your fingers with cream, and after an hour wash them with soap. You can use rubbing alcohol or a scrub.

How to wash the sealant off your hands?

In fact, if it is inconvenient to clean blueberries with gloves, and when you treat the wound with a solution of potassium permanganate, you don’t remember gloves, then you still need to use a sealant in them. But if it really happened, then immediately carefully remove it with a napkin (by the way, there are special impregnated napkins on sale for this one), and the already seized residue - with alcohol, acetone or nail polish remover.

Perhaps any of us can get dirty with beets under any circumstances: cooking borscht, beet salad, or making paints for children. As practice shows, it is very difficult to wash beetroot stains, since as a result of washing, stains remain and significantly deteriorate appearance clothes. There are several options to help you get the beets out of your clothes.

How to get rid of a stain at home?

Perhaps many housewives do not know that you can wash a stain with milk. This is a proven option that our grandmothers still used. For this method, you need to take a small amount of milk into the dish and soak the clothes for an hour. After the required time, you can wash the thing with powder, as a result of which there will be no stains.

Hot water

In this way, you can remove a fresh stain. This will require the help of another person who will hold the thing over the pan, and the second will water hot water from the teapot. It is necessary to carry out the procedure until the red color completely dissolves. Only initially it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the composition of the fabric, so as not to harm.

This option is suitable if you want to wash the beets off white clothes. The sponge must be moistened with a 5% ammonia solution and treated with contamination. Then, using your hands, wipe off the dirt with the powder.

To get rid of the beetroot juice on your clothes, you need to cover the spot with citric acid and leave it for five minutes. Do not forget that such a substance can easily ruin a thing, so you do not need to keep it longer.

With such a banal substance, you can remove the stain if you apply a small amount of it to the contaminated area and wait until it dries. After that, you need to wash and rinse well.


Beet stains can be removed by using the absorbent properties of salt. To do this, you need to fill the required area with salt and rub it well. After a while, the procedure should be repeated only with new salt. As soon as the beet color is barely noticeable, it can be washed off with regular powder.

You can wash the stain on clothes using egg yolk and glycerin, which are mixed in equal proportions. This mixture must be applied to the stain and after a while rinse the thing first in warm and then cold water. This mixture not only removes dirt, but also makes your hands better.

Sodium hydrochloride

You can wash stains on clothes using 1% sodium hydrochloride solution and 20 ml of water. The thing should be left in the solution for an hour and rinsed well. This option will allow you to remove stains on light-colored clothes, and it is completely safe for your hands.

Modern ways to remove stains

If you do not want to look for ammonia or perform some chemical operations, boil for a long time, you can use modern means to remove stains. At the moment, there are a huge number of substances that can wash the beet juice on clothes and your hands will remain unharmed.

  • FrauSchmidt is an Austrian substance that helps remove stains from grease, beets, fruits and other products.
  • "Vanish" - this substance can wash colored things from any contamination.
  • Amway
  • "Antipyatin", which is available both in the form of powder and in the form of soap.

These products will allow you to remove beet stains on any clothing without harm.

How to wash your hands of beets?

Before you start washing your hands from beets, it is worth noting that you do not need to wash with soap, since the purple shade, on the contrary, will gain a foothold on your hands. In order to quickly wash, you need to use an acidic medium, for example, dilute citric acid with water. You can soak a cotton ball in lemon juice or vinegar and rub well. You can also mix soda with lemon juice and rub your nails and hands with this porridge. Therefore, when washing your hands of beets, you should abandon the detergent, and use berries, fruits, root crops, which have an acidic environment. Experienced housewives claim that the most effective means can be considered lemon juice and vinegar.

Beetroot is a valuable and nutritious root vegetable with a whole spectrum useful properties... Adherents healthy eating highly appreciate this vegetable for its special unique tastethat will decorate any dish.

Famous ukrainian borsch it is simply impossible to imagine without your favorite beets. Beets are used as raw materials for sugar production; modern varieties contain up to 20%. However, beetroot juice has another not so pleasant quality - a persistent coloring effect.

And if you can just wash your hands thoroughly, then it is not so easy to wash the stain from the fabric.

The color of the vegetable is given by the anthocyanins contained in it - plant glycosides that are used as natural dyes. Outwardly, the contamination looks impressive, especially on white fabric: hot pink or crimson.

But do not panic, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the numerous ways on how to wash beets and choose the one that suits best.

Women will quickly understand why it is still worth trying to remove dirt on fabrics. After all, each of us has wardrobe items dear to our hearts, which the hand will not rise to throw away.

Well, zealous housewives are trying to save household items for the sake of reasonable savings. You should be aware that fresh and old contamination must be subject to different options cleansing.

  1. Boiling water. A fresh spot of beets can be soaked in boiling water, and if possible, stretch the fabric under high-temperature running water. If we are talking about natural wool or cotton, then the material may suffer: deform. But since the thing is spoiled in any case, it is worth trying to remove ugly stains. And there are also methods for restoring the shape of clothes.
  2. Salt. The second most popular cleansing method is table salt, which is used for both wine and bloody stains. Salt needs to be poured on problem place and rub gently. If the result is insufficient, the procedure can be repeated several times. After the experiment with salt, you can wash the thing with laundry soap.
  3. Acid products. Devices for cleaning clothes, which contain acid, have proven themselves well. This is lemon juice (natural or in the form of citric acid in sachets), vinegar, whey. Serum and lemon juice are used in their pure form, soaking the contaminated area in it for long time... Acetic acid must be diluted 1: 1 in water, pour on dirty stain for exposure.
  4. Lemon acid. Citric acid in combination with ethyl alcohol acquires powerful whitening properties. Acids need to take about 4-5 g, dilute in water and add 30-50 ml of ethyl alcohol. The peculiarity of this method of cleansing is that it is better to boil the thing in this solution. An alternative to whey can be the cleaning of clothes from dirt with milk, but here the opinions of competent housewives about the effectiveness of the product differ. However, the method is quite well-known and has been used since time immemorial, when bleaching agents were in great shortage.

Old contamination caused by beet juice

Of course, you will have to tinker with old dirt, and it may not even bring results, but experienced housewives know and successfully apply original recipes cleansing.

  1. Stain remover. The most modern way to remove stubborn dirt is to use a store-bought stain remover. As practice shows, despite the recommendations of manufacturers requiring you to simply pour the product into, it is better to soak the thing. Chlorine bleaches are only suitable for white fabrics; for colored materials it is better to use.
  2. Baby powder. Children's powder is very effective, in which there are laundry soap and special additives that enhance the effect. And children's clothes belong to the category of poorly washed materials, as they are made from natural raw materials. Among the assortment detergents there are also highly effective whitening soaps available. If you are not afraid to lighten the fabric, then it is enough to lather the stain and wait.
  3. Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Through ammonia and hydrogen peroxide can remove dirt from fabric light shades... A few drops of ammonia are added to a glass of water, then the resulting solution is methodically rubbed into the beetroot stain. With hydrogen peroxide, things are usually boiled, and delicate fabrics are light colors better to rub gently with a swab or sponge.
  4. Soda and vinegar. Kitchen towels with beetroot and other stubborn stains can be cleaned in a steep solution of baking soda and vinegar. To do this, heat the water, add 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of ordinary vinegar. Immersed kitchen towels into the solution and boil for some time, stirring occasionally.
  5. Glycerin and yolk. Known non-standard method delicate cleaning of clothes - remove dirt using glycerin and egg yolk. The mixture is made up of equal parts, applied to the material, rubbed in gently, then washed off with warm water.

All things, after gentle and not very cleansing methods, are subject to subsequent washing, which will reveal the degree of the hostess's efforts in the fight against beet juice: whether it was possible to remove the pollution.

It is also necessary to remember that the effect directly depends on the quality of the fabric. Synthetic materials have long dominated production, and polyester fibers lend themselves well to good powders. AND natural fabrics - wool, linen, cotton - it is somewhat more difficult to clean.

Which method should you choose?

Maintaining household - hard work, and every housewife knows this axiom. Badly or well washed things are a woman's reputation. It was not without reason that hostesses were judged by the whiteness of the bed linen... Which method is better, will only help to find out own hands and invaluable experience.