Where to store seeds in winter. Storage of vegetable seeds. Shelf life of seeds

Seed germination is one of the main indicators of their quality. She is not the same for different types... However, it is important to take into account that at the end of this time, seed germination is not completely lost, but only begins to decline. If you need wholesale mustard seeds, you can find information on the most favorable conditions for their purchase on the KERNEL GLOBAL HOLDING website.

So, let's dwell on how to store mustard seeds so that your plans for obtaining good harvest quite justified.

Properly chosen storage conditions have the most direct effect on maintaining the germination rate. At the same time, there is general rules to be followed when storing any seeds, including mustard seeds.

Storage highlights

Various factors influence the duration of seed germination at dormancy:

  1. the chemical composition of the air in the storage;
  2. storage temperature;
  3. moisture of seeds.

The measures preceding storage proper are also of great importance - growing conditions, harvesting period, post-harvest processing. So, for example, an illiterate drying of seeds can cause a sharp decrease in germination and an increase in the population of seeds with fungi and bacteria.

Post-harvest ripening of the testes and subsequent drying of the seeds completes the maturation of the seeds. After the seeds reach the economic conditional humidity, they are laid for storage.

Mustard seeds do not lose their germination up to 8 years at proper storage... However, the named period cannot be considered strictly limiting. Under appropriate conditions, the seeds of many crops can be stored for much longer. But with bad conditions storage, germination can drop sharply earlier than indicated.

The main reason for seed loss of germination is the moisture content in them. In conditions of high relative humidity and temperature, seeds quickly lose their germination. In order to maintain the germination of seeds at the level of the 1st class for a long time, it is necessary to maintain such conditions under which low moisture content of seeds is combined with a lower temperature and humidity of the environment.

Regardless of the type of mustard, the buyer or the importing country, the quality of mustard seeds must meet the standards for humidity, color, odor, admissibility of weeds, oil and mineral impurities, "dark inclusions". The surface of the seeds should be smooth and clean.

Be sure to comply with microbiological indicators, the seeds must be safe in terms of the content of heavy metals and radionuclides, pesticides, toxins, and must not contain genetically modified organisms.

Deviations from the named standards are either not allowed (in the case of the buyer-processor), or, due to the discrepancy between the physical and organoleptic characteristics, the price of seeds is also significantly reduced if the buyer is a wholesale intermediary capable of bringing the product to the basic quality.

As you know, the production of mustard seeds in Ukraine is still not targeted, although the country is one of the ten world leaders in the cultivation of this oilseed crop. But we are still far behind Canada - the largest producer of mustard. Nevertheless, not being the leader in the production of white mustard seeds, which is especially in demand in the global oilseed market, Ukraine remains a reliable supplier of high-quality seeds.

The next summer season, the beds are gradually emptying, green shoots of mustard appear together in the territories freed up after potatoes. Important question this period - where and what to store the seeds of annual flowers, tomatoes, peppers and other cultivated plants.

It is best to use homemade or purchased (seen on sale) paper bags for storage. On the front side, you should indicate the name of the crop, the variety and the date of collection. It is better not to use plastic and polyethylene packages, as they do not "breathe".

In the old days, my grandmother used to make kraft paper bags. If you don’t remember, they used to wrap parcels in it at the post office and pull them with twine. Now it can also be found on sale, but much less often (wrapping paper).

Neat homemade tea bags can be folded into beautiful tea bags (especially those sold in the form of books, it looks neat and beautiful). In one such pack, you can store bags with flower seeds, and in another - with vegetables.

Computer stores today sell inexpensive paper envelopes for storing CDs. You can immediately buy a pack of 25, 50 or 100 pieces - this is very convenient. Now 1 such envelope in a pack of 100 pieces costs about 3-4 rubles. Judge for yourself whether it is expensive or not.

Another popular storage option is in matchboxes... From above, you can stick a piece of paper to indicate the necessary data, or write them directly on the pack with a felt-tip pen. You need to sign each box from above so that you do not accidentally open the boxes upside down in the future. Seeds packed in this way are conveniently stored in shoe boxes of appropriate sizes. For the price it is a profitable option. A package of 10 boxes costs about 15-20 rubles. Plus there will be matches for household needs.

Smoking is harmful, but if there is a smoker in the house, packs of cigarettes can be adapted for storing seeds. They are the same size, close well, and easy to sign. In addition, the smell of tobacco negatively affects possible pathogens remaining on the seed.

Before you put the seeds in the bag, you need to dry them in the room for 1 week. To do this, spread the newspapers and spread the seeds evenly over their surface. So that neighboring seeds do not stick together and dry evenly, they must be stirred periodically.

Try to sort all signed bags correctly. In a common pack it is convenient to arrange them into groups with the inscriptions: "seedling-March", "seedling-April", "OG-April", "OG-May", etc. By the way, the common box can be taken from under the cat food (we still have such from under the "Felix").

Some gardeners do not see the point in storing seeds, because with the onset of spring, you can just go to the store and buy literally whatever your heart desires. However, sometimes the seeds of the varieties of interest (especially rare ones) are not available for sale, and in this case you have to be content with what you have. And many people collect the seeds of their favorite varieties on their own, respectively, they need to save them safe and sound until spring.

What determines the safety of seeds

A huge number of factors affect the safety of seeds. The main indicator of further seed germination is moisture. Seeds characterized by high humidity are capable of germinating quickly during storage, unexpectedly becoming covered with unpleasant mold, or even starting to rot. In this regard, only well-dried seed material is allowed for storage.

To a large extent, the processes occurring in seeds are also influenced by the temperature of their storage. If it is too high, the seeds will begin to breathe more actively, respectively, the reserves of nutrients in them will begin to oxidize much faster. Seeds can only preserve their germination if they are stored in sufficiently cool rooms. During normal storage in warm places, seeds often partially or completely lose their germination. And if you place them on the side shelf at the bottom of the refrigerator, their germination practically does not change.

A light coolness is ideal for storing most seeds, that is, a temperature in the range of twelve to sixteen degrees. But for storing seeds of onions, carrots and asters, cold is required. If possible, it is better to leave them to winter in the country. In principle, the balcony of an apartment is also suitable. As for the seeds of various root crops and salads, then for storing them low temperatures on the contrary, they are contraindicated, otherwise, when sowing, they will unpleasantly surprise with early shooting, which cannot but affect the volume of the crop.

Another important factor for storing seeds is their purity, which means the absence of debris in the seeds that can provoke their rotting. There should not be various granivorous pests in the seeds - they will easily destroy stocks in just two or three months.

As for the air, of course, the seeds also need it, but it will be enough even in very small volumes. As a rule, almost all air is removed from the seed bags. However, there is an exception here - these are seeds large size (legumes, for example). Good air circulation can significantly prolong their life. So for storing legume seeds ideal option unclosed jars or bags placed in a dry place will become.

And in order to provide the seeds with deep rest, they should be stored in the dark. They will not need light until sowing, as it provokes seed germination.

How to pack seeds

Metallized bags will be an excellent packaging for better preservation of seed germination. Often given view packaging is used by foreign manufacturers, and even after the expiration date, the seeds stored in them germinate perfectly. The seeds will be stored in vacuum bags just as well. The most common options are plastic-lined sachets. However, this applies only to the sachets hermetically sealed by the manufacturer. If you use them again, the effect will no longer be the same. Seeds in an opened package immediately begin to breathe actively and gradually lose their germination, so they need to be used as soon as possible.

Regarding paper bags, we can say that although they are quite cheap, the shelf life of the seeds stored in them is usually much shorter. Moreover, such packaging cannot guarantee high germination of seeds and, accordingly, decent yields. That's how lucky you are.

Of course, all seeds must be signed, indicating the names of crops and their varieties, as well as the years of collection of seeds.

Where is the best place to store seeds

In principle, you can store seeds at home in any room, with the exception of the kitchen - systematic changes in temperature and humidity in the kitchen will clearly not benefit the seeds. It is quite permissible to pack the seeds collected with your own hands in polyethylene bags or paper. However, in rooms with sufficiently humid air, it is still better to prefer the film - being a serious barrier to moisture, it allows a certain amount of oxygen to pass through, allowing the seeds to breathe. As a rule, seeds are placed closer to the floor, under the bed or in the lower drawers of the lockers - the temperature is usually lower below than above.

If there are a lot of seeds, then it is best to store them in places with a constantly low temperature - in the underground or in the basement. And to protect them from excessive moisture and mice, the seeds can be placed in small jars, the lids of which can be easily sealed. Silikogel also protects well from moisture - it can often be found in packages from under shoes and bags. This synthetic material is excellent at absorbing moisture from the air. If you put a few grains in jars of seeds, then they are in as soon as possible absorb all excess moisture.

Ludmila Lyashcheva, professor of GAU Northern Trans-Urals advises

  1. Put the seeds in paper bags and sign each one.
  2. Place them close to the floor in the apartment or in the basement, underground.
  3. Follow temperature regime and humidity.

How to store harvested seeds at home?

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How to store harvested seeds at home? What plants can you collect seeds from, when is it best to do it and, of course, how to prepare them for storage. From around midwinter, many shops, garden centers and specialty kiosks begin selling vegetable and flower crops... You can also buy them by mail in the online store. However, every year not only the variety of the offered varieties grows, but also, what is more important for buyers, their price. - Growing vegetables, flowers and herbs from seeds harvested in your own garden or vegetable garden, you will get real satisfaction. - says the professor of GAU of the Northern Trans-Urals Lyudmila Lyashcheva. - To be sure that the harvested seeds will grow well and will be obtained from them healthy plants There are several important principles to keep in mind. On a sunny clear day Now is just the time for these worries, as there is already snow in the garden. The main work is over. Please be aware that not all flower and vegetable seeds are suitable for harvesting. First of all, you must remember that you cannot collect them from hybrid plants. The chances are negligible that the crops grown will be just as yielding and similar to the ones you like. For example, in F1 hybrids, parental traits are not inherited, as a result, completely new varieties with traits that differ from "mum" and "dad" can be obtained. Therefore, if you do not like such surprises, take a close look at what you are growing in advance: a variety or a hybrid. workshop Shelf life of seeds From one to two years: onions, parsley, asters, marigolds, calendula, annual phlox, forget-me-nots, dimorfotheques. Three to four years: cabbage, radishes, radishes, peppers, eggplants, carrots, chrysanthemums, lavaters, mallow, petunias. Large seeds of peas, beans, beans, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, cosme, nasturtium, usually retain their germination for the longest time, sweet pea, celosia, amaranth, balsams, cornflowers. Plants that bear fruit when long-term storage become more productive, therefore tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers are sown not in the first year after harvest, but after at least three years. Most root vegetable seeds are best sown fresh. The shelf life of seeds of green and spicy-aromatic crops expires especially quickly. Indoor plants and ornamental perennials are sown immediately, immediately after purchase. It is imperative to collect seeds at the stage of full maturity. It is no secret that their good "health", storage and germination are very dependent on weather conditions in which they not only grew, but were also collected. Thus, optimal time for collecting seeds - a clear sunny day, before which there was no precipitation for a long time. If, nevertheless, the seeds were not ripe a little and the weather was wet, then you can ripen the testes in a well-ventilated, ventilated room, placing them on paper sheets or small bowls, saucers, stirring occasionally. Comfort temperature for ripening seeds - +20 - 24 ° С, for drying - +30 - 35 ° С. Not polyethylene, but paper Tyumen gardeners have already collected seeds. Let's prepare them for long-term storage. Carefully remove the collected and peeled from the fruit pulp seeds, laid out to dry on paper, and dry them thoroughly for several days. There are seeds that are simply cleaned of the remaining stems and all kinds of debris and poured into paper bags. It is advisable to sign each bag: there must be information about the type of plant, the date and place of collection, the date and place of sowing. to the note Seeds of lavater, cosme, ageratum, ipomoea, gailardia can be harvested both unripe and fully prepared, while germination remains very high. There are many cases when one and the same crop variety does not reduce the yield for decades. In the spring, you can check for germination and wait for large ripe fruits. This is especially useful if you are going to grow seeds for sale or exchange them with other gardeners. It is better not to put the seeds for storage in plastic bags, they will suffocate there quickly. Remember that seeds are living organisms, a special multicellular structure of a complex structure that serves for the reproduction and dispersal of seed plants. For storing seeds, it is better to use bags made from a regular sheet of paper. As they say, cheap and cheerful, and most importantly - very fast. In order for the seeds to germinate normally, it is best not to store them for more than 2-4 years. This is especially true for most annuals. Seed viability also depends on the genetic characteristics of the species. This is due to the structure of the peel. If the seed is in a "box", it opens more difficult, and the shelf life of germinating qualities is longer. Heat-loving species require early sowing and distillation of seedlings under a shelter, which is harvested in the second half of May, planting them on permanent place... Other seeds can be sown directly into the ground. In addition, some varieties of flowers growing in a nearby flower bed can be pollinated, for example, petunias. However, for experienced gardeners this is not a problem: they use protective gauze caps for the flowers intended for collecting seeds, pollinating these flowers by hand. Or you can just plant one variety of flowers in a flower bed. In this case, cross-pollination does not threaten the flowers. The seeds feel good at a temperature of +15 - 20 ° C. Silica gel for seeds Where is the best place to store them? It is possible in any room, just not in the kitchen, where there are so often changes in humidity and temperature. Place them closer to the floor, in the lower drawers of the closets, under the bed. If there are a lot of seeds, place them in a basement or subfloor where the temperature is constantly low. If you are concerned about rodents and excessive moisture, put the seeds in jars with airtight lids. Additional protection moisture can become silica gel. You don't even have to buy it: grains of synthetic material that absorbs moisture from the air can be found in boxes along with new shoes from the store. Place a few of these grains in each jar, and they will take away excess moisture. Read more: What summer cottage works do in last month autumn? How to properly preserve the harvested crop?

What plants can you collect seeds from, when is it best to do it and, of course, how to prepare them for storage

Protect your seeds from excessive moisture || Photo from the site: yandex.ru

From around mid-winter, many shops, garden centers and specialty kiosks begin selling vegetable and flower seeds. You can also buy them by mail in the online store. However, every year not only the variety of the offered varieties grows, but also, what is more important for buyers, their price.

Growing vegetables, flowers and herbs from seeds harvested in your own garden or vegetable garden, you will get real satisfaction. - says the professor of GAU of the Northern Trans-Urals Lyudmila Lyashcheva. “There are a few important principles to keep in mind to ensure that the harvested seeds will grow well and produce healthy plants.

On a sunny clear day

Now is the time for these worries, as there is already snow in the garden. The main work is over.

Please be aware that not all flower and vegetable seeds are suitable for harvesting. First of all, you must remember that you cannot collect them from hybrid plants. The chances are negligible that the crops grown will be just as yielding and similar to the ones you like.

For example, in F1 hybrids, parental traits are not inherited, as a result, completely new varieties with traits that differ from "mum" and "dad" can be obtained. Therefore, if you do not like such surprises, take a close look at what you are growing in advance: a variety or a hybrid.


Storage periods for seeds

  • From one to two years: onions, parsley, asters, marigolds, calendula, annual phlox, forget-me-nots, dimorphotes.
  • Three to four years: cabbage, radishes, radishes, peppers, eggplants, carrots, chrysanthemums, lavaters, mallow, petunias.
  • Large seeds of peas, beans, beans, pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, cosme, nasturtium, sweet peas, celosia, amaranth, balsamines, cornflowers usually retain their germination for the longest time.
  • Plants that bear fruit become more productive during long-term storage, therefore tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers are sown not in the first year after harvest, but after at least three years.
  • Most root vegetable seeds are best sown fresh. The shelf life of seeds of green and spicy-aromatic crops expires especially quickly,
  • Houseplants and ornamental perennials are sown immediately after purchase.

It is imperative to collect seeds at the stage of full maturity. It is no secret that their good "health", storage and germination are highly dependent on the weather conditions in which they not only grew, but were also harvested.

Thus, the optimal time for collecting seeds is a clear sunny day, before which there was no precipitation for a long time.

If, nevertheless, the seeds were not ripe a little and the weather was wet, then you can ripen the testes in a well-ventilated, ventilated room, placing them on paper sheets or small bowls, saucers, stirring occasionally. Comfortable temperature for ripening seeds is +20 - 24 ° С, for drying - +30 - 35 ° С.

Not polyethylene, but paper

Tyumen gardeners have already collected seeds. Let's prepare them for long-term storage.

Carefully remove the collected and peeled from the fruit pulp seeds, laid out to dry on paper, and dry them thoroughly for several days.

There are seeds that are simply cleaned of the remaining stems and all kinds of debris and poured into paper bags. It is advisable to sign each packet: there must be information about the type of plant, the date and place of collection, the date and place of sowing.

on a note

  • Seeds of lavater, cosme, ageratum, ipomoea, gailardia can be harvested both unripe and fully prepared, while germination remains very high.
  • There are many cases when one and the same crop variety does not reduce the yield for decades. In the spring, you can check for germination and wait for large ripe fruits.

This is especially useful if you are going to grow seeds for sale or exchange them with other gardeners.

Under optimal conditions, cucumber seeds maintain their conditioned germination for a period of at least 8-10 years. The main thing here is to ensure the right conditions storage.
Store cucumber seeds in a cool dry place. The main reason for the premature decline in seed germination is high humidity air. The higher it is, the higher the moisture content of the seeds themselves, and this contributes to an increase in their respiration intensity (i.e., the starting processes preceding germination). With active respiration of seeds, a lot of moisture is released, which leads to their "sluggish mold"; in the seeds, as a result of hydrolytic processes, toxic products of respiration accumulate. All this causes a sharp decline in germination. Moreover, for high humidity air, especially at high temperatures, self-heating of seeds and the development of molds are observed.
The moisture content of the seeds, the excess of which leads to a sharp increase in the intensity of respiration, is called "critical". For a cucumber, it is 10-12%. In accordance with GOST R 52171-2003, the moisture content of class 1 seeds should be no more than 8%.
The main condition for the long-term preservation of high seed germination: the seeds must be dry all the time.
Initially, no matter how dry the seeds are, after several months of storage they gain a certain amount of moisture depending on the humidity of the air (equilibrium humidity):

* - average temperature air + 10 ... + 25оС.

Thus, the lower the air humidity and temperature, the longer the seeds remain viable, and vice versa.
Seeds can be stored both in paper bags and in fabric bags (i.e. in containers that allow moisture and air to pass through), and in plastic bags (in containers that do not allow air to pass through).
Storage in containers, moisture permeable. Optimum temperature air here is + 10 ... + 15 ° С, and the relative humidity is not higher than 60%. Seeds should not be stored in damp places: in unheated summer cottages, basements. It should be noted that cucumber seeds are "not afraid" of negative temperatures (in conditions of temperatures below 0 ° C, lettuce seeds cannot be kept, Chinese cabbage, root crops, because in this case, they go through the stage of vernalization, and the plants then bloom quickly, not having time to form a marketable head of cabbage or root crop). However, at low temperatures, the air must necessarily remain dry, the seeds must not be damp.
High air temperature (+ 28… .. + 30 ° С and above) leads to drying of seeds. So you can store cucumber seeds for 1 year, no more; with longer storage, premature loss of germination will begin.
Storage in a moisture-proof container... Seeds in sealed polyethylene or foil packaging retain germination longer than storage open way. Polyethylene film practically water and vapor tight, relatively good oxygen permeability and carbon dioxide... Seeds must be dried before being stored in a moisture-proof bag; the moisture content of cucumber seeds should not exceed 6-8%. The packaging must be airtight so that humid air does not get inside.
If you have extra seeds after sowing, dry them directly in seed bags (no matter what they are made of: paper or foil) within 2-3 weeks at an air temperature of + 25 ... .. + 30 ° С; the bags must be open. Then close the bags and put them in plastic bag... To ensure the tightness of the bag, tie it tightly with twine at a height of 15-20 cm from the top edge of the bag. Fold the top edge of the bag down and tie it with twine a second time.
The optimum storage temperature for cucumber seeds in a moisture-proof package is the same as for storage in paper bags or cloth bags: + 10 ... .. + 15 ° С. The air humidity should also not be high, however, the seeds will not suffer from an accidental increase or changes in humidity.