Geographic location. An excerpt characterizing the geographical position. The geographical position of the city

Ticket number 4

1. The concept of geographical location. Features of nature, population and economy of certain territories of Russia (give examples).

Geographical position is an indicator of the relative position on the earth's surface of geographical objects. various types- one of the main categories of geography. The geographical position can change over time under the influence of various factors, both natural and political and economic.

There are several types of geographic location.

1. Natural-geographical (physical-geographical). This is a characteristic of the location of the object in question in a row natural objects, for example, in relation to continents and oceans, to landforms, to islands and peninsulas, to rivers and lakes, etc.

2. Mathematical-geographical allows you to evaluate the position of an object in the system of coordinates and reference points of the planet, i.e. in relation to the elements graticule(to the equator and the Greenwich meridian), to the poles of the Earth, to the extreme geographical points.

3. Political-geographical - in relation to neighboring countries with their capitals, to the political groupings of countries, such as the European Union.

4. Economic-geographical determines the position of an object among various anthropogenic objects that perform certain economic functions. For example, industrial and agricultural enterprises, mining sites and industrial areas, as well as in relation to economic groupings of countries (OPEC, ASEAN, NAFTA).

5. Transport-geographical assesses the provision of the object with transport and communication capabilities of economic relations (automobile and railways, sea and river routes, air routes, oil and gas pipelines, fiber-optic communication lines and power lines, airports, sea and river ports, etc.).

6. Military-geographical determines the degree of relation to objects of military-strategic importance (military bases, groupings of troops, nuclear facilities, ballistic missile silos, enterprises producing nuclear weapons), to military-industrial complex enterprises, as well as in relation to military-political groups countries (NATO).

7. Ecological-geographic characterizes the background of the environmental safety of the location of the object to places that have environmental problems(for example, to points of release of pollutants, to areas of radioactive contamination (Chernobyl), as well as to potentially dangerous objects that create an environmental threat).

Features of nature, population and economy of certain territories of Russia.

The large extent of Russia from west to east and from north to south, the relief features predetermine the diversity of natural landscapes ( arctic deserts, tundra, forest-tundra, taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, forest-steppes and steppes, semi-deserts and deserts).

Tundra. Severe, cold climatic conditions (low average annual air temperatures), long winter - snow cover lasts 7-9 months, short summer period(2 months) and a correspondingly short growing season. The presence of permafrost, excessive moisture - high waterlogging of the territory, infertile tundra-gley soils. Large open spaces with strong winds. The existing natural and climatic conditions are unfavorable for humans. As a result, the districts are characterized by a low population density and a relative predominance of the urban population. A special type of economy has developed, the main specialization of which is the exploitation natural resources Far North (extraction of gas, copper, nickel, etc.) and reindeer breeding.

The steppe is the main agricultural region of Russia due to favorable conditions for Agriculture natural and climatic conditions ( fertile soil- chernozems, long growing season). This is the zone of the most developed animal husbandry (large cattle, pig breeding, sheep breeding, poultry farming). Developed food industry. The rural population predominates. Significantly high population density.

2. Fuel and energy complex: composition, importance in the economy, development problems. Fuel and energy complex and problems of environmental protection.

The fuel and energy complex is a group of industries associated with the production and distribution of energy. Includes loot various kinds fuel and its transport, generation of electricity and its transport. IN Lately fuel extraction and energy production are becoming expensive, and fuel and energy transportation costs are rising. Energy development: Exploration and development of deposits, construction of new processing plants and pipelines have an increasing negative impact on environment especially in the regions of the Far North.

Part fuel industry There are three main industries - coal, oil and gas.

Among the fuel resources of the country in the explored geological reserves, coal accounts for more than 90%.

On the basis of the extraction of combustible minerals, territorial production complexes (TPC) of the country are being formed - Timan-Pechora, West Siberian, Kansk-Achinsk fuel and energy (KATEK), South Yakutsk.

The extraction of coking and thermal coal is concentrated mainly in Western Siberia(Kuznetsk basin), in the North (Pechora basin) and in the North Caucasus (Russian part of Donbass). The main area of ​​the country for the extraction of brown coal is Eastern Siberia(Kansk-Achinsk basin). Behind last years Coal production has decreased, which is caused by a reduction in production capacity and an increase in railway transport tariffs.

In terms of oil reserves, Russia ranks second in the world after Saudi Arabia. The largest oil-producing region is Western Siberia (70%), followed by the Urals and the Volga region. Approximately 70% of the country's continental shelf is promising in terms of oil and gas potential. For the vast northern territories of Russia, the transfer of oil through oil pipelines is more economical than sea transportation by tankers. The largest pipeline hub is Western Siberia, the main oil flows go to the west.

In recent years, oil production has been declining. The reasons are the reduction of reserves at the fields being developed, the insufficiency of geological exploration, wear and tear of equipment, the lack of modern mining equipment that makes it possible to rationally develop deposits. The reduction in oil production led to the fact that the share of oil in the total fuel production decreased and the first place was taken by natural gas(37% and 48% respectively).

Products of the gas industry are raw materials for the chemical industry and fuel.

At present, 3/5 of all Russian gas production comes from the fields of Western Siberia, the largest of which are Zapolyarnoye, Medvezhye, Urengoy, and Yamburg. The leading areas for natural gas production are West Siberian (more than 90%), Urals (about 7%), Volga (1%). The share of the West Siberian region accounts for more than 30% of all products of the fuel industry, the Ural region - 13%, the Volga region - 11% and the Central region - 10%.

Fuel and energy and consumer factors are the main ones when placing power plants. The bulk of electricity is generated at thermal power plants (3/4), hydraulic and nuclear.

Among thermal power plants, thermal power plants (CHP) and condensing power plants (CPP) are distinguished. According to the type of energy used, thermal power plants are divided into those operating on traditional fossil fuels, nuclear and geothermal; by the nature of public services - to district (GRES - state district power plants) and central.

The traditional fuel for thermal power plants (TPPs) is coal (more than 50%), oil products (fuel oil) and natural gas (more than 40%), peat and oil shale (5%).

TPPs are characterized by free location, generation of electricity without seasonal fluctuations, relatively fast and inexpensive construction. The capacity of the largest thermal power plants (TPPs) is more than 2 million kW. The TPP location factor is consumer, since the radius of transportation of one of the types of its products ( hot water) - a maximum of 12 km.

Nuclear power plants are located taking into account the consumer factor. The world's first nuclear power plant was built in the USSR in 1954 (Obninsk NPP, power 5 MW). Currently, the Kalinin, Smolensk, Leningrad, Kola, Kursk, Novovoronezh, Balakovo, Beloyarsk and Bilibinsk automatic telephone exchanges operate on the territory of the country. After the Chernobyl disaster, the construction of the Tatar, Bashkir, and Krasnodar nuclear power plants was suspended. In the coming years, blocks of many power plants in the country should be decommissioned, since the share of costs for uranium mining in the nuclear fuel cycle is approximately 2%, and about 3/4 is spent on processing and disposal of waste.

Geothermal power plants (GTPP) are technologically similar to combined heat and power plants, the factor of their location is fuel and energy. The only operating GTPP in the country is Pauzhetskaya in Kamchatka.

Hydroelectric power plants are characterized by ease of operation, high efficiency, and the generation of relatively cheap electricity.

The country's largest hydraulic power plants are part of two cascades - the Angara-Yenisei (with a total capacity of 22 million kW) and the Volga-Kama (11.5 million kW). The most powerful hydroelectric power plant in Russia is Sayano-Shushenskaya (6.4 million kW).

Tidal power plants (TPPs) operate on the tidal and tidal phases of ocean level change. The only tidal power plant in the country - Kislogubskaya (400 kW) on the coast Barents Sea. Promising regions for the construction of TPPs are the waters of the White (Mezen TPP with a capacity of 10 million kW is being designed) and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk (Tugur TPP is being designed).

Almost all power plants in our country are part of the Unified Energy System (UES) of Russia, with the exception of power plants in the Far East.

In terms of electricity generation, the Central region leads (23%), followed by the Urals (12%), East Siberian and North Caucasian regions (11% each).

The electric power industry is a branch of specialization for the Central, East Siberian, West Siberian, Central Black Earth, Northwest and Northern economic regions.

3. Determination of directions and distances from a topographic map.

Algorithm for determining by topographic map directions.

1. On the map we mark the point where we are and the point to which we need to determine the direction (azimuth).

2. We connect these two points.

3. Through the point at which we are, we draw a straight line: north - south.

4. Using a protractor, we measure the angle between the north-south line and the direction to the desired object. Azimuth is measured from the north direction in a clockwise direction.

Algorithm for determining distances from a topographic map.

1. We measure the distance between the given points using a ruler.

2. The obtained values ​​​​(in cm) are converted into a distance on the ground using a named scale. For example, the distance between points on the map is 10 cm, and the scale: 1 cm is 5 km. We multiply these two numbers and get the desired result: 50 km is the distance on the ground.

3. When measuring distances, you can use a compass, but then the named scale will be replaced by a linear scale. In this case, our task is simplified, we can immediately determine the desired distance on the ground.

Geographical position

Geographical position

position geographical feature on the surface of the Earth within a given coordinate system and in relation to any data located outside it that have a direct or indirect effect on a given object. In a specific study of geographical taxa, micro-, meso- and macro-geographic positions are distinguished. The first describes geographical position object in a small area, where local interactions with the components of the geographical environment are significant, and is used in the study of small taxa, for example. cities. The second (on a larger scale) is used when studying a large region and country, the third - on the scale of parts of the world and the Earth as a whole (for example, Russia's macro position relative to the countries of Western Europe and East Asia). Socio-economic geography studies the geographical location for different levels of the spatial hierarchy and its change over time, which is directly related to different stages of socio-economic development, technological progress in means of communication and a change in priorities in world trade. That's why Special attention always paid attention to the transport and geographical position, which was especially reflected in the emergence and growth of capital cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. No less important was and remains the geographical position in political geography, where it influenced the formation of potential and real theaters of military operations in all historical eras.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .

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    Position to. l. point or other object on the earth's surface in relation to other territories. or objects; relative to the earth's surface, the geographic distance is determined by means of coordinates. G. p. is distinguished in relation to natural objects and to the economy geographic… … Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

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  • Geographic location and territorial structures. In memory of I. M. Maergoiz,. The collection is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Soviet economic geographer Isaac Moiseevich Maergoiz. The collection received its name - GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION AND TERRITORIAL STRUCTURES - from two ...

geographical position

the position of any point or other object on the earth's surface in relation to other territories or objects; relative to the Earth's surface, the geographical position is determined using coordinates. Distinguish geographical location in relation to natural objects and to economic-geographical objects. Geographic location in economic geography- Historical category.

Geographical position

the position of any point or area of ​​the earth's surface in relation to territories or objects located outside this point or area. In mathematical geography, a geographic location is understood as the latitude and longitude of given points or localities, in physical geography≈ their position in relation to physical and geographical objects (continents, mountains, oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, etc.). In economic and political geography, geographical location is understood as the position of a country, region, settlement, and other objects in relation to other economic-geographical (including communication routes, markets, economic centers, etc.) and physical-geographical objects. as well as the position of the country relative to other states and their groups. G. p. is one of the conditions for the development of countries, regions, cities, etc. settlements. Practical value G. p. changes in various socio-economic formations.


Geographical position

Geographical position- "the position of a geographical object relative to the surface of the Earth, as well as in relation to other objects with which it is in interaction ...". It characterizes "the place of a given object in the system of spatial connections and flows (material, energy, information) and determines its relationship with the external environment." Usually reflects the geospatial relationship of a particular feature to external environment, the elements of which have or may have a significant effect on it. In public geography, position is usually defined in two-dimensional space. In physical geography, the third change is certainly taken into account - the absolute or relative height of the location of objects.

concept geographical position is key to the whole system geographical sciences. Actually, geography originated as a science of methods for determining and fixing the location of objects on the earth's surface relative to each other or in a certain coordinate system. Later it turned out that determining the location of an object not only helps to find it ... but also explains some of the properties of this object and even predicts its development. Essential element geographical research- establishment and analysis of links between objects located in space, determined precisely by their location. Thus the geographical position:

  • is an individualizing factor, since it determines many properties of a geographical object;
  • is historical in nature, as it changes over time;
  • has a potential character, since the position alone is not a sufficient condition for the corresponding development of the object;
  • has close ties with the configuration of the territory and its boundaries.

Within the framework of theoretical geography, B. B. Rodoman formulated "positional principle", which means the dependence of the properties of the object on its location, and "positional pressure principle", meaning the force that causes an object to move if it is in a position that is not optimal for its functioning. American geographer W. Bunge suggested "shift rule", which means a change in the geographical position of the flows when they are overvoltage in the existing channel. For example: riverbeds, volcano vents, highways, seaports. Yu. K. Efremov even proposed a special type of maps - maps of geographical location. However, L.V. Smirnyagin believes that in modern world, as in geography, the characteristics of the place itself play an increasingly important role in comparison with its location

There are the following types of geographic location:

  • mathematical-geographical
  • physical and geographical;
  • economic and geographical;
  • political and geographical;
  • geopolitical;
  • military geographical;
  • ecological and geographical;
  • cultural and geographical;

and others.

By scale they distinguish:

  • macro position
  • mesolocation
  • microposition

According to the coordinate system, they distinguish:

  • absolute;
  • relative;
    • math ("3 miles north of Seattle");
    • functional.

In an extended interpretation, the geographic location may also include the relationship of the areal object as a whole to the data underlying inside him. Such a geographical location may be referred to, for example, as "introspective" (from, intro- inside + spicere- look). For example, when assessing the role of inland border areas in the priority areas foreign policy, in assessing the geocriminogenic position of the territory, in the analysis of the transport-geographical position, in the study of a variable area in relation to the stations of experience, a linguistic area in relation to the dialect center, etc. This approach also allows resolving a collision with determining the mutual geographical position of intersecting objects.

The geographical position of the state - this is the location of the territory, country relative to other objects, territories, water areas, countries.

Geographic location is one of the fundamental categories of economic and social geography. The concept of "geographical position" has been known in science since the 18th century. It found particular application in anthropogeography of the late 19th century, when the German scientist Ratzel began to use it to characterize the positional properties of a country.

In the context of globalization, the theory of geographical location acquires the status of an interdisciplinary theory, since it allows you to see the world in all its diversity, due to many regional, state and local features.

The socio-economic space is heterogeneous. Objects spatially do not match the conditions necessary for their existence in the system. Properties of the socio-economic space, which reveal the spatial divergence of the object under study and necessary conditions its existence (functioning and development) can be defined as the geographical location of the object.

The external environment through its components actively affects the object, the geographical location of which is determined. Similarly, the object itself affects its own environment.

The concept of "geographical location" is based on the category of "relations". According to M. Baransky, the economic-geographical position is the relation of any place, district or city to objects that lie outside it and have one or another economic significance for it.

The main idea of ​​geographical location as a concept is to reveal the territorial relationship:

In a physical-geographical position, this is a relation in a geographical coordinate grid, in a real physical-geographical space with its natural areas, regions, orography, distribution of land and sea, etc.;

In the economic and geographical position - is the relationship to economically significant objects;

In the socio-geographical position - to socially significant objects.

In the political and geographical position - to political realities. Methodically, this means fixing and predicting military, international political, geo-economic, environmental and cultural force fields;

In ecological and geographical position - to ecologically significant objects, in particular, to countries and regions that determine the ecological situation, or to countries and regions, the ecological state of which can be influenced by a given country.

One of the quantitative indicators of geographical location is geographical coordinates object.

To clarify the content of the concept of geographical location, it is worth noting the significant differences between geographic location And location. Describing the geographical location, it is necessary to answer the question: with respect to what? The location of an object has a different meaning, which consists in answering the question: where and what is a part of? So location reveals location or belonging, while location reflects relationships in a system. From a methodological point of view, these concepts should be distinguished.

So, studying the geographical location, you should find out which objects are outside the object, and which are inside. In other words, the geographical location is characterized by the relationship of the object with its external environment.

When studying the geographical location, it is necessary to build on the results of the impact of the geographical location on the development of the object. The situation is complicated by the fact that in connection (economic and non-economic) the object is affected not only by geographical location.

Analyzing the problem, the researcher "weighs" the real and potential relationships: he discovers the real ones empirically, and among the potential he singles out those that can be realized (actually possible connections). However, the researcher must also establish theoretically possible connections. Thus, when analyzing a geographical location, relations cannot be understood only as actual economic and other ties. A complete and comprehensive study of the geographical location involves taking into account real, potential and theoretically possible connections.

Geographical position is not only a capacious and multifaceted concept, but also a relative one. In the first case, several types of it are distinguished, in particular, natural, ecological, social, economic or political-geographical position. In the second - we are talking about its constant transformation in space and time, the simultaneous presence in the assessment of the current state of the geographical position, its past development and the factors of its further functioning.

For country studies, the concept of the political and geographical position of the country plays a decisive role. It's placing her on political map world, continent or region in interaction with the political realities that affect it in one way or another. At the same time, politics is understood as an activity aimed at winning the struggle for one's own interests. It can be a government, a specific organization or an individual.

In the spatial-territorial sense, one can distinguish global, regional and local-neighborly political and geographical position of the countries. Global the position is the place of this or that state on the political map of the world in the context of its global connections and relations with other states of our planet. The regional political and geographical position includes the location and relationship with the countries of their own historical and geographical region. local neighbor the political and geographical position is the location of the country surrounded by neighboring states and interaction with them. His assessment is an exploration of a complex history of confrontations and partnerships. She is very dynamic. At this level, a real analysis of all types of relations and interrelations between individual states and interstate integration formations is carried out.

) and determines its relationship with the external environment. Usually reflects the geospatial relationship of a particular object to the environment, the elements of which have or may have a significant impact on it. In public geography, location is usually defined in two-dimensional space (displayed on a map). In physical geography, the third change is certainly taken into account - the absolute or relative height of the location of objects.

concept geographical position is the key to the entire system of geographical sciences. Actually, geography originated as a science of methods for determining and fixing the location of objects on the earth's surface relative to each other or in a certain coordinate system. Later it turned out that determining the location of an object not only helps to find it ... but also explains some of the properties of this object and even predicts its development. The most important element of geographical research is the establishment and analysis of relationships between objects located in space, determined precisely by their location.

Thus the geographical position :

  • is an individualizing factor, since it determines many properties of a geographical object;
  • is historical in nature, as it changes over time;
  • has a potential character, since the position alone is not a sufficient condition for the corresponding development of the object;
  • has close ties with the configuration of the territory and its boundaries.

There are the following types of geographic location:

  • mathematical and geographical (geodesic, astronomical, "absolute")
  • physical and geographical;
  • political and geographical;
  • geopolitical;
  • military geographical;
  • ecological and geographical;
  • cultural and geographical;

and others.

By scale they distinguish:

  • macro position
  • mesolocation
  • microposition

According to the coordinate system, they distinguish:

  • absolute (geodesic, astronomical);
  • relative;
    • math ("3 miles north of Seattle");
    • functional (economic-geographical, physical-geographical, etc.).

In an extended interpretation, the geographical location may also include the ratio of the areal object as a whole (area, district, territory) to the data underlying inside it (to elements internal environment). Such a geographical location may be referred to, for example, " introspective"(from lat. introspectus, intro- inside + spicere- look). For example, when assessing the role of internal border regions in the priority of foreign policy directions, when assessing the geocriminogenic position of the territory, when analyzing the transport and geographical position, when studying the changing area in relation to stations of experience, the linguistic area in relation to the dialect center, etc. Such the approach allows to resolve the collision with the determination of the mutual geographical position of intersecting objects.

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Historical outline

The concept of "geographical location" is known from late XVIII century, when the paradigm of geographical determinism dominated. Ideas about the conditionality of the life of people and society by the geographical environment were put forward by ancient thinkers, such as Democritus, Herodotus, Strabo, etc. The sources of geographical information during this period were descriptions of individual countries and peoples, characteristics of inhabited and remote lands. For the purposes of navigation and trade, special descriptions of the seas, ports, shopping centers, which contained information about the features of the geographical position of the country through which the trade route passed. Historical geographer V. K. Yatsunsky believed that the work of the Italian scientist Ludovico Guicciardini “Description of the Netherlands”, which was published in 1567, where the first part of the book analyzes the geographical position of the country and assessment of the role of the sea. In 1650, in the same Netherlands, the work of Varenius (Varenius) "General Geography" was published, which is considered the first theoretical work on geography. S. P. Krasheninnikov in "Description of the land of Kamchatka" (1756) gave detailed description its geographical location. The search for regularities in the spatial distribution of settlements and the creation of models of urban geography began in the first half of the 20th century. One of the first scientists who approached the creation of models of the geography of cities was