Grammar dictionaries, dictionaries of compatibility. Grammar dictionaries. Correctness Dictionaries

Grammar dictionaries are dictionaries that contain information about the morphological and syntactic properties of a word. Grammar dictionaries include words arranged in direct or reverse alphabetical order. The principles of selection and the amount of information about a word are different depending on the purpose and addressee of each grammar dictionary.

One of the best grammar dictionaries is the “Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language. Inflection” by A.A. Zaliznyak (M., 1977). It contains about 100,000 words in reverse alphabetical order for which the unique system indices relating words to a specific category, type within it, type of stress, etc.

Educational "Grammar and spelling dictionary of the Russian language" B.T. Panova and A.V. Tekuchev was published in Moscow in 1976. In 1985, the second (revised and supplemented) edition of the dictionary was published with the new name "School Grammar and Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language". The authors of this dictionary give various information about the word: its composition (division), spelling, pronunciation, grammatical forms, meaning (information on the morphology and semantics of the word is given in difficult cases).

In 1978, N.P. Kolesnikov, which contains 1800 indeclinable nouns and other invariable words of predominantly foreign origin. In addition to information about the origin of words, an interpretation of their meanings is given, features of pronunciation are indicated, grammatical marks are given.

Dictionary-reference book for press workers D.E. Rosenthal "Management in the Russian language" (M., 1981) contains 2100 dictionary entries that give an idea of ​​the possible choice of design options that differ in semantic or stylistic shades. In 1986, the 2nd, significantly supplemented, was published (about 2500 dictionary entries, edition of this dictionary). “The Russian verb and its participial forms: Explanatory-grammatical dictionary” - under this title, a reference dictionary by I.K. was published in 1989. Sazonova.

Educational dictionary of the Russian language V.V. Repkina describes 14100 words, incl. 3100 main (capital) and over 2700 synonyms and anonyms to them in 8300 words derived from the main ones. Dictionary - part of the kit teaching aids for students in grades 2-5 who study Russian under developmental education programs.

* Prokopovich N.N., Deribas A.A., Prokopovich E.N. Nominal and verbal administration in modern Russian. M., 1975.

* Panov B.T., Tekuchev A.V. Grammar and spelling dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1976.

* Kolesnikov N.P. Dictionary of indeclinable words. M., 1978.

* Russian Semantic Dictionary: An Experience of Automatic Thesaurus Construction: From Concept to Word / Comp. Yu.N. Karaulov, V.I. Molchanov, V.A. Afanasiev, N.V. Mikhalev; Rep. ed. S.G. Barkhudarov. M., 1982.

* Panov B.T., Tekuchev A.V. School grammar and spelling dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1985.

* Rosenthal D.E. Management in Russian: Dictionary-reference book for press workers. M., 1981; 2nd ed. M., 1986.

Grammar dictionaries are dictionaries containing information about the morphological and syntactic properties of a word. G.'s appointment is to indicate the inflectional and syntactic characteristics of the word that are essential for constructing grammatically correct phrases that include the given word. G. s. include a list of words arranged in direct or reverse alphabetical order (see Reverse Dictionaries). The principles for selecting words and the amount of information about each word are different and vary depending on the purpose and addressee of each G. s. In addition to writing in G. s. can indicate the belonging of a word to a certain part of speech, its grammatical meaning(see) and his grammatical forms(see), options or non-standard formations of forms are noted, differences in forms depending on the value or lexical compatibility words, discrepancies in the semantics of the related forms, the absence or uncommonness of individual, obligatory from the point of view of Russian. the language system of forms, the mobility of stress, the alternation of vowels and (or) consonants, etc. The first full G. s. Russian language “Grammar dictionary of the Russian language. Inflection" by A. A. Zaliznyak (1977; 3rd ed., 1987) contains grammatical characteristics of approx. 100 thousand words. It succinctly outlines theoretical basis Russian grammar (inflection), an explanation is given of the features of the modern. inflections (and stress), accompanied by general tables. The tables summarize information about the distribution of words by parts of speech, the number of types of declension and conjugation, their features, and show the distribution of words by types of stress. Of the syntactic characteristics, those are given that are more related to inflection: gender and animation - inanimateness in nouns, transitivity - intransitivity in verbs. Information is given about the word-formation possibilities of words: for adjectives - information about education comparative degree, with verbs - information about the formation of verbs of the opposite form. With the help of a special system of conditional marks, you can build the necessary forms (and learn the stress), set the inflection of any word.
To G. s. also include some manuals and reference books containing a description of individual complex phenomena of grammar: the reference dictionary "Management in Russian" by D. E. Rosenthal (1981), containing St. 2100 dictionary entries designed to resolve doubts that arise when choosing design options that differ in semantic and stylistic shades; dictionary-reference book "Difficulties in word usage and variants of the norms of Russian literary language» ed. K. S Gorbachevich (1973), the main task of which is to evaluate the variants of words and word forms within the norms of modern. Russian language; reference dictionary “Russian verb. Prepositional and non-prepositional management. For people who speak English language”(compiled by V.P. Andreeva-Georg and V.D. Tolmacheva, 1975); "Dictionary of grammatical difficulties of the Russian language" by T. F. Efremova and V. G. Kostomarov (1985), containing a description of the complex phenomena of Russian grammar. language (deviations from the rules associated with the alternation of sounds and the movement of stress, as well as the presence of variants and the irregularity of the formation of forms); " Concise Dictionary difficulties of the Russian language. Grammatical forms and stress” by N. A. Eskova (1994), devoted to irregularly formed forms, cases of variant formation of forms, restrictions of certain forms.
There are dictionaries that combine the features of G. s. and a dictionary of another type; for example, A. V. Tekuchev and B. T. Panov’s “School grammar and spelling dictionary of the Russian language” (1976; 2nd ed., 1985) gives various information about the word: how it is spelled (spelling), how it is pronounced ( orthoepy), how it is divided (word composition), grammatical forms (morphology) are indicated, interpretation is given difficult words. Dictionary-reference book “Grammatical correctness of Russian speech. The experience of the frequency-stylistic dictionary of variants "L.K. Graudina, V.A. Itskovich, L.P. Katlinskaya (1976) captures only that part of the Russian. grammar, which has variant forms and constructions for expressing the same meaning. N. P. Kolesnikov’s Dictionary of Indeclinable Words (1978) contains approx. 1800 words. In it, along with grammatical marks, the origin and pronunciation of the word are indicated, its interpretation is given.
First functional description elementary units of syntax Rus. language, from which phrases and sentences are built, - the so-called. syntactic-sem, became “Syntactic Dictionary. Repertoire of elementary units of Russian syntax” by G. A. Zolotova (1988). The dictionary can be used as a normative semantic-grammatical reference: its first part presents nominal syntaxemes, the second - syntaxes of other parts of speech (a verb in its conjugated and non-conjugated forms, an adjective, an adverb).
A new type of dictionary - explanatory-grammatical - is the dictionary “Russian verb and its participial forms. Explanatory and grammatical dictionary ”by I. K. Sazonova (1989), in which for the first time, on the basis of the principle of the unity of the dictionary and grammar, a description of the semantics and grammatical features of Russian is given. participles in their relation to other verb forms. The dictionary includes 2500 verbs, whose participial forms (ca. 7500) have k.-l. grammatical, semantic and other deviations from regular paradigms. The dictionary entry contains verbal and participial blocks. The dictionary is the most complete source of lexical and grammatical information about a wide fragment of the Russian verbal subsystem. language.
Despite all the differences existing G. s. and reference dictionaries in Russian. grammar, they all serve a single goal - to improve the culture of speech.

The most complete dictionary containing grammatical information is the “Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language. word change". A.A. Zaliznyak (1977; 2nd ed. M., 1980), which includes about 100,000 words. It comprehensively reflects modern Russian inflection (declension and conjugation). In 1978, N.P. Kolesnikov, containing about 1800 indeclinable nouns and other invariable words, most of which entered the Russian language from dozens of languages different peoples. In 1981, the dictionary-reference book "Management in the Russian language" by D.E. Rosenthal, including over 2100 dictionary entries (2nd ed. M., 1986). In 1996, "Management in the Russian language" was included in the summary book of D.E. Rosenthal, devoted to the issues of spelling. Management issues are also considered in the book “Nominal and verbal management in modern Russian” by N.N. Prokopovich, L.A. Deribas, E.N. Prokopovich (2nd ed. M., 1981). In 1985, the second edition was published by B.T. Panova and A.V. Tekuchev, containing information on the pronunciation and morphemic composition of words; in difficult cases, their interpretation is given and grammatical forms are indicated.

Even before the revolution, handbooks and manuals were published, which, on the one hand, provided recommendations on the correct word usage and form formation, on the other hand, contained warnings against violation of the relevant norms (see, for example: Dolopchev V. Experience of the Dictionary of Irregularities in Russian colloquial speech. 2nd ed. Warsaw, 1909).

A serious manual of this type, which has not lost its significance even today due to the abundance of material contained in it, was the work of V.I. Chernyshev "Correctness and purity of Russian speech" in two editions (1914-1915), also published as a separate abridged edition (1915). The work fully meets its purpose of "experience in Russian stylistic grammar." Labor V.I. Chernyshev was republished in 1970.

In 1962, the dictionary-reference book “Correctness of Russian Speech” was published, edited by S.I. Ozhegov (compiled by L.P. Krysin and L.I. Skvortsov with the participation of N.I. Tarabasova). The manual has a normative character, contains about 400 dictionary entries on the issues of word usage (2nd ed. M., 1965; about 600 dictionary entries).

A significant contribution to publications of this type was the reference dictionary "Difficulties in word usage and variants of the norms of the Russian literary language" edited by K.S. Gorbachevich (1973). The dictionary contains about 8,000 words, selected taking into account the difficulties of accentological, pronunciation, word- and form-building. This type of publication is adjoined by “A Brief Dictionary of the Difficulties of the Russian Language. For the Press Workers” (1968; about 400 words) and the journalist’s reference dictionary “Difficulties of the Russian Language” edited by L.I. Rakhmanova (1974; 2nd ed. M., 1981; 722 dictionary units).

The book “Grammatical Correctness of Russian Speech” by L.K. Graudina, V.A. Itskovich, L.P. Katlinskaya, edited by S.G. Barkhudarova, I.F. Protchenko, L.I. Skvortsov (1976), which is an "experiment of a frequency-stylistic dictionary of variants". This type of dictionaries is adjoined by D.E. Rosenthal and M.A. Telenkova (4th ed. M., 1985). The dictionary, containing about 30,000 words, deals with issues of normative and variative spelling, pronunciation, word usage, form formation, grammatical compatibility, and stylistic characteristics. Reference manual L.I. Skvortsova “Do we speak Russian correctly?” (1980) contains "A Dictionary of Pronunciation, Stress and Formation" and "A Dictionary of Phraseology, Word Usage, Agreement and Control".

In 1997, the Dictionary of Grammatical Difficulties of the Russian Language was published / T.F. Efremova, V.G. Kostomarov.

Valgina N.S., Rosenthal D.E., Fomina M.I. Modern Russian language - M., 2002.

Zaliznyak A.A. Grammatical dictionary of the Russian language. Inflection. - M.: Russian language, 1977. - 880 p.

The dictionary contains grammatical characteristics of about 100,000 words. Declension of nominal parts of speech and conjugation of verbs is reflected in the dictionary with the help of special conventional signs. The words in the dictionary are in reverse order (alphabetical to the final letters of the word).

Sample dictionary entries

not at all n; number, AT. = I., no other forms

unloader mo 3a (worker);

M 3a ( adaptation)

shade nsv 2 a, e

elastic p 3a, comp. difficult.

Rosenthal D.E. Management in Russian: Dictionary-reference book. For press workers. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M.: Book, 1986. - 304 p.

The dictionary contains about 2500 words. A dictionary entry consists of a heading word, a pronominal question to it, and an illustrative example with a prepositional case form.

Sample dictionary entries

courteous with em. Semyon is a nice guy, meek, courteous with elders (Babaevsky).

consonant he stumbles upon the word - fish and picks up consonant with it: - fish, coffin, fate ... (Bitter). ... My voice is truly in tune with the deafening swearing howl (Bryusov).

fetter h e m. Enclose the chest with iron. Frost covered the rivers with ice.

Sazonova I.K. Russian verb and its participial forms: Explanatory-grammatical dictionary. - M.: Russian language, 1989. - 590 p.

The dictionary includes about 2500 verbs and 7500 participial forms. The Dictionary considers the semantic relations of verbs and their participial forms, presents the semantic, syntactic and morphological features of participles.

Sample dictionary entries

BEND, bend, bend, l; owl., trans., that (nesov. bend) 1. also how The boy bent the wire into a loop(see § 2). A bumblebee sat on a flower and bent the stem in an arc(see § 2) [bend, giving smth. arc, loop, wavy line, etc.] 2. The swan arched its neck. The cat arched its back[tilt, arch the neck, back, etc., giving an arched shape]

II. BENT, -th, -her, -th; action, past

C and n t .: a, b- in v. value 12

IV. ISO´BENT, th, th, th; suffering, past

C and n t .: a, b- in v. value 12

In z and h. p r and l. (also cr. f. ↓) Having the appearance of an arc or a sinuous, wavy line. Curved handle. Pine with curved branches. Curved edges of the vase

S u b s t a n t i v. z in v. value one

ISO´BENT, -ta, -that, -you; cr. f.

In verb. value 12

In the meaning adj. (also full. f.) The handle is bent. Pine branches are fancifully bent. The edges of the vase are curved.

SING, cn e´|ut, spel|l; nesov., intrans.(owls. to sing); S not a face Raspberries sing in the forest[become ripe, ripen, ripen].

I. SLEEPING, -th, -her, -th; action, present

C and n t .: a B C- in v. value

II. HURRY, -th, -her, -th; action past

C and n t .: a B C- in v. value

From r. adj. ripe, -th, -th, -th; sang, sang, sang, sang and sang. Fully mature, fit for use. Ripe raspberries.

see alsoEfremova T.F. Explanatory Dictionary of Service Parts of Speech of the Russian Language : About 15,000 dictionary entries: About 22,000 semantic units. - 2nd ed., corrected. - M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2004. - 814, p.

Panov B.T., Tekuchev A.V. School grammar and spelling dictionary of the Russian language. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - 288 p.

The dictionary contains words and their forms that may cause difficulties for students. The dictionary entry includes grammatical, spelling, orthoepic, morphemic characteristics of the heading word. In some cases, etymological references and interpretations of the meanings of words are given.

Sample dictionary entries

blackberry, hedgehog to/a, adj. <ежевúh/n/y>; turn. to - h (historical related to the word"hedgehog"; The name of the plant is given on the basis of the presence of thorns)

apartment (from Polish, historical from lat."quartus"; originally the word "apartment" meant the fourth part of the city - a quarter), apartments / a

notify-mlu, -mit, u/ved/o m/and/t, noun. <у/вед/оml/eni/e>; turn. m - ml

Efremova T.F., Kostomarov V.G. Dictionary of grammatical difficulties of the Russian language: more than 2500 words. - M.: Astrel: AST: Keeper, 2006. - 376, p.

The dictionary consists of two parts. The first part deals with 23 grammatical difficulties that are associated with the formation of a noun, an adjective and a verb. The second part includes 2500 dictionary entries that describe words containing at least one of the indicated difficulties.

Sample dictionary entries




A. Movement of the accent

baga´zh - luggage´

bandage - bandage´


G. Absence or limited use singular forms

2) Nouns forming the singular form, but more often used in the plural:

a) nouns that make up a pair or more complex set of objects:

mittens - units. mitten and

vegetables - units. vegetable m



B. Alternation of consonants and vowels in the stem

1) The alternation of consonants and vowels in the stem and a fixed stress in the form of a comparative degree with an unstressed suffix - e :

a) alternation of consonants:

hot - hot

clean - cleaner


III .3. Past tense

A. Movement of the accent

1) Movement of stress in the paradigm:

give - gave, gave´, gave´ and yes´lo, yes´li

start - started, started, started, started


CHOOSE|S,-ov, pl.

1. units No(I .3.G1)

2. genus. pl. elections

LO´VK|II,-th, -th, -th

1. cr. f. lo´wok, dexterity´, lo´vko, lo´vki and additional dexterity´ (II .1.B2)

2. comp. Art. smarter and lo´vche (II .2.D)

3. excel. Art. No(II .3.D)

Big grammar dictionary / ed.-comp. L.Z. Boyarinova, E.N. Tikhonova, M.N. Trubaeva; ed. A.N. Tikhonov: in 2 volumes - M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2006.

The dictionary, which includes more than 33,000 items, contains grammatical forms of modified words, taking into account lexical meaning, grammatical characteristics of unchangeable words and service parts of speech. The dictionary contains information about various morphological phenomena in the formation of forms: alternations, stress shifts, etc.

Sample dictionary entries

WITHOUT´ DAY/SW, -th, -th, pl th; cr. f. waterless, waterless / a, -o, pl-s; Wed. Art. waterless/ her(s); etc. Art. not used

START´ YES, St. : bud. only 3 l. units early n/et/sya and pl-y´t/sya; past start/ l/sya´, beginning/ l/а´/с, -о´/с, pl-i´/ss; led. not used; p.d.p. start´/ vsh/ y / sya, -th / sya, -her / sya, pl-ie/sya; deeppr. start´/ lice/ss; nsv starting´ to be: present only 3 lunits starts´/et/sya and pl-yut / sya; past. beginning´/ l/sya, starting´/ l/a/s, -o/s, pl-i / s; led. not used; p.d.n. beginning´/ Yusch/ y / sya, -th / sya, -her / sya, pl-ie/sya; p.d.p. beginning´/ vsh/ y / sya, -th / sya, -her / sya, pl-ie/sya; deeppr. beginning´/ I/s.

Uspenskaya I.D. Modern dictionary of indeclinable words of the Russian language: about 3000 words / I.D. Assumption. - M.: Astrel: AST, 2009. - 474, p.

The dictionary contains indeclinable words mostly of foreign language origin. The dictionary entry includes the interpretation of the heading word, as well as its pronunciation, grammatical and stylistic marks.

Sample dictionary entries

VASA´ BI, m.(eng. wasabi< япон.), cook. Light green Japanese horseradish root, dried, ground and pounded into a paste. It is traditionally used as a spicy condiment for sushi and sashimi, and is also diluted in various sauces.

IMPRESSA´ rio, m.(Italian impresario "entrepreneur"). 1. Entrepreneur in the arts; a private entrepreneur who organizes concerts, performances, spectacles. 2. A professional agent for an artist, acting on his behalf, concluding contracts for him, organizing tours, etc.

RA´ LLI, With. (English rally). Sports competitions in specially prepared cars or motorcycles for the accuracy of observing a given traffic schedule along a specific route. The rally program may include additional competitions: races on the highway, hippodrome tracks, sections of mountain roads, etc., as well as figure driving competitions.

Dictionary of adverbs and service words of the Russian language / Comp. V.V. Burtsev. - M.: Russian language. - Media, 2005. - 750, p.

The dictionary includes adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, particles, interjections, words used in the meaning of a predicate, introductory words and phrases. The dictionary entry contains an interpretation of the meaning of the title word, its grammatical and stylistic characteristics, as well as illustrations.

Sample dictionary entries

Vdu´ rushing,adv. Concentrated, serious, deeply delving into something. Thoughtfully read even detective literature. He was thoughtful about his actions.

Izve´ stno. whom, in the skaz. About someone's knowledge. about smth. This is not news, everyone knows about it. We know how you twisted it. Do you know who he is?2 . introductory sl. Of course, it's understandable. It is known that no one will say a bad word about her.

Chu´ whether not, chu´ th not,particle.1. Expresses almost complete confidence, some doubt. She almost fell out of the window. I almost promised mountains of gold. Yes, it happened about an hour ago.2. Indicates an incomplete measure of something., some sign. Almost shakes hands with the president of the concern himself. Almost a beauty.

Lexical and grammatical in a word are inextricably linked, in connection with this grammatical characteristic words is an integral component of dictionary entries in explanatory dictionaries, however, proper grammatical dictionaries, reflecting information about the morphological and syntactic properties of the word, arose relatively recently.

Central among publications of this type is appeared in 1977 and repeatedly reprinted "Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language" L.L. Zalizniak. Dictionary reflects using a special system symbols modern inflection, i.e. declension of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals and conjugation of verbs. The words in the dictionary are arranged in reverse O inversion) in order, i.e. alphabetically final, not initial letters of the word. Each word has a grammatical mark and an index with it, referring to the section "Grammar information", where examples of declension and conjugation are given, by which the reader can establish the inflection of the word of interest to him.

In the "Big Grammar Dictionary", published under the editorship of

A.N. Tikhonov, the grammatical forms of modified words are presented. A grammatical description of invariable words and service parts of speech is also given. The main and variant (admissible) forms are noted. Information is given about various changes that occur during the formation of forms: alternations, shifts of stress, etc.

In the "Explanatory-grammatical dictionary of Russian participles" by I. K. Sazonova on great material the semantic relations of verbs and their participial forms are presented, the semantic, syntactic and morphological features of participles are shown, information about the use of certain verbal and participial forms is given, the connection between the semantics of the verb and the properties of its participial forms is consistently reflected.

A special problem is the description of the official words of the Russian language and similar lexical units. AT last years many dictionaries have appeared that provide a lexicographic description of such words. So, " Dictionary combinations equivalent to a word” R.P. Rogozhnikova contains phrases that perform the functions of function words (for example, prepositions: in deed, as, during, except for, throughout etc.; unions: namely, and also, since, just a little etc.; particles: but, hardly, hardly, if only, if only etc.), adverbs ( without hesitation, at that time, in general, by the way, to this day, as much as you like etc.), pronouns ( that's it, this or that, whatever, whatever you want, something like etc.), interjections ( well, well, well, you see, here you go etc.), act as an introductory word ( if I'm not mistaken, if you like, as you can see, who knows, moreover, is it a joke etc.), union word ( wherever, after that, whatever etc.), correlative word ( about that, about that, in comparison etc.), predicate (in the account, not on my own, on the shoulder etc.), etc. They are perceived as a single whole and are equivalent to a word, performing the same function in speech, but they are not words, since they themselves consist of two or more words, significant and auxiliary. At the same time, they cannot be called phraseological combinations: they do not have the figurative meaning that is typical for most phraseological combinations. In speech, such combinations are reproduced as ready-made units.

Functional words are also the object of description in dictionaries created under the editorship of V.V. Burtseva and A.F. Priyatkina.

Primary goal " Dictionary of structural words of the Russian language"

V. V. Morkovkin and others - to present a well-interpreted and, therefore, suitable for diverse use set of structural lexical units of the Russian language: prepositions, conjunctions, particles, interjections, introductory words, pronouns, numerals, connective and semi-connective verbs, connectives and so-called ceter (words and so on, and so on, and so on). Structural authors call words that form the relational, syntactic and modal structure of the text. Most structural words are characterized by the absence of significance or weakened (degenerate) significance. The preface clearly lists the possible user requests that the dictionary can satisfy. Let's take one dictionary entry as an example:

AVOS, part., collo. It is used to express such an assumption, which indicates, on the one hand, the desirability for the speaker of the offensive of some kind. events, and on the other - about clear awareness who says that that if the preceding event occurs, it will be only because of a special set of circumstances, i.e. regardless of his will.

*S and n. maybe razg., what the hell is not joking unfold > I'll go out into the air, maybe my head will pass. Take a bag with you, maybe it will come in handy. Let's try, maybe we can. O At random /? yazg. - in the hope of random luck. It is better to pre-book a room, rather than go at random. Oh no, no," maybe, somehow unfold- about a careless attitude to the entrusted, etc. ... Remember, perhaps, I suppose they won’t bring it to good somehow 11 noun string bag - f., open.

The reference dictionary of lexical units of the actual service parts of speech, as well as adverbs and predicates, is the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Service Parts of Speech of the Russian Language” by T.F. Efremova. Dictionary units are single words, prepositional case constructions in the function of the listed parts of speech, and units consisting of more than one word, but semantically equivalent to it.

N. P. Kolesnikov’s Lexico-Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language consists of two independent parts: the Dictionary of Indeclinable Words, which is a special group of invariable nouns in the grammatical aspect, most of which entered the Russian language from the languages ​​of many peoples of the world, and the Dictionary monosyllabic words (monosyllabs)”, containing Russian and borrowed words of different parts of speech, which are monosyllabic in one form or another (for example: morgue, muzzle, walrus, mors, morph, wrinkle, bridge, mot, moss)."Modern Dictionary of Indeclinable Words of the Russian Language" I.D. Uspenskaya contains indeclinable words, mostly of foreign origin (for example, tribute- Georgian percussion musical instrument). In some cases, information is provided on the origin of words, on the scope of their use. In many cases, the words are illustrated by examples from the press and fiction. Similar materials are presented in the dictionary of L.A. Brusenskaya.

Dictionary of Russian phonosemantic anomalies S.S. Shlyakhova's "Splinters of Language" is the first attempt to present a systematic description of "anomalous" units of the type ah, good, here, usually referred to as interjections. Phonosemantic (sound visual) anomalies recorded in various social and functional strata of Russian speech are described. (plop, fuck, drip-drip, shu-shu, tare-bars, scat, chick-chick etc.). The dictionary entry includes the interpretation of the meaning, grammatical labels, phonosemantic characteristics of the unit, stylistic labels, as well as etymological information.

Educational "Materials for the aspectological dictionary" L.F. Belyakova are based on a continuous sample of verbal lexemes-examples from scientific research on aspectology (mainly Yu.S. Maslova, T.V. Bulygina, E.V. Paducheva), which present original aspectually significant classifications of Russian verbs. The dictionary entry contains a definition of the taxonomic affiliation of the verb word (form), which is a presentation of a text fragment with a reference to the author. For example: like / like- the designation of "immediate, continuous effect" (Maslov).

Belyakova L.F. Materials for the aspectological dictionary: educational language dictionary / Volgograd, state. technical un-t. Volgograd: Politekhnik, 2003. 76 p.

Bogdanov S.I., Ryzhkova Yu.Z. Russian service vocabulary: summary tables. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg. state. un-ta, 1997. 169 p.

Big grammar dictionary: in 2 volumes / ed.-comp. L.Z. Boyarinova, E.N. Tikhonova, M.N. Trubaeva; ed. A.N. Tikhonov. M. : Flinta, 2011. T. 1-2. [Same in 2006].

Brusenskaya L.A. Dictionary of Immutables foreign words Russian language. Rostov n / a .: Publishing house Rostov, state. ped. un-ta, 1997. 236 p.

Graudina L.K., ItskovichAT. A., Katlinskaya L.P. Grammatical correctness of Russian speech: stylistic dictionary of variants / ed. S.G. Barkhudarova, I.F. Protchenko, L.I. Skvortsova. 2nd ed., rev. and additional M. : Nauka, 2001. 557 p. .

Efremova T.F. Explanatory Dictionary of Functional Parts of Speech of the Russian Language [about 15,000 entries, about 22,000 semantic units]. M.: Astrel: ACT, 2004. 814 p. .

Zaliznyak A.A. Grammar dictionary of the Russian language: inflection [about 110,000 words]. 6th ed., ster. M. : AST-Press, 2009. 794 p. (Fundamental dictionaries). .

Kolesnikov N.P. Lexical and grammatical dictionary of the Russian language [dictionary of indeclinable words: 2000 words; dictionary of monosyllabic words (monosyllabs): about 4000 words]. Rostov n/a. : Phoenix, 1996.412 p.

KotovaV.D. Experience in compiling an educational dictionary of prefixal-postfixal verbs of the modern Russian language. M. : Izd-vo Ros. University of Friendship of Peoples, 1994. 112 p.

Kuznetsov S.A. Russian verb: formative dictionary-reference book. St. Petersburg: Norint, 2000. 261 p.

Lebedeva M.N. Dictionary-reference book of syntactic compatibility of verbs: verb control and other verb connections [ 2500 lexical units]. 3rd ed. M.: Russian language. Courses, 2006. 192 p.

Lepnev M.G. Dictionary of non-derivative prepositions of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Humanitarian Academy, 2009. 172 p.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language [structural words: prepositions, conjunctions, particles, interjections, introductory words, pronouns, numerals, connective verbs: about 1200 units] / Institute of Rus. lang. them. A.S. Pushkin; V.V. Morkovkin, N.M. Lutskaya, G.F. Bogachev [and others]; ed. V.V. Morkovkin. 2nd ed., rev. M. : Astrel: ACT, 2003. 421 p. .

Okuneva L.P. Russian verb: reference dictionary [more than 4,000 verbs and 60,000 verb forms]. M.: Russian language, 2000. 558 p.

Pirogova L.I. Russian verb: grammatical dictionary-reference book. M.: Shkola-Press, 1999. 415 p.

Guide to the discursive words of the Russian language / Ros. acad. Sciences, Institute of Rus. lang.; comp. A.N. Baranov, V.A. Plungyan, E.V. Rakhilina. M.: Pomovsky and partners, 1993. 207 p.

Rogozhnikova R.P. Dictionary of word-equivalent combinations: adverbial, auxiliary, modal units. M.: Russian language, 1983. 144 p.

Rogozhnikova R.P. Dictionary of word equivalents: adverbial, auxiliary, modal unity [about 1200 sustainable combinations]. M. : Russian language, 1991. 254 p.

Rogozhnikova R.P. Explanatory dictionary of combinations equivalent to the word [about 1500 stable combinations]. Moscow: Astrel: ACT, 2003.416 p.

Sazonova I.K. Explanatory and grammatical dictionary of Russian participles: the verb and its participial forms: 2500 verbs, 7500 participles, the formation and use of participles. 3rd ed., rev. M.: AST-Press, 2008. 646 p. (Desk dictionaries of the Russian language). .

Dictionary of adverbs and function words of the Russian language / comp. V. V. Burtseva. 3rd ed., ster. M.: Bustard: Russian language - Media, 2010. 750 p. .

Dictionary of service words of the Russian language / Dalnevost. state. un-t; comp.

A.F. Priyatkina [i dr.]. Vladivostok: Primpoligrafkombinat,

Uspenskaya I.D. Modern dictionary of indeclinable words of the Russian language [about 3000 words]. M.: Astrel: Ast, 2009. 480 p.

Uspensky M.B. Dictionary of conjugated forms of the Russian verb with methodological commentary. St. Petersburg: Special Literature, 1997. 135 p.

Shlyakhova S.S. Scraps of the language: a dictionary of Russian phonosemantic anomalies [more than 1500 dictionary entries]. Perm: Perm. state. ped. un-t, 2004. 226 p.