I want to succeed. How to get more done: tips that work

First, let's prioritize, for which you need to have time to do everything. This will be your most simple and at the same time challenging task. Set target. A global, worthy task, to determine your vector of life. You need to identify your own motivation, a force that will give you energy. And let everyone have their own goal: either a family, or raising children. Maybe these are tasks that include several goals in your life. The main thing at this stage is to comprehend in the name of what you want to live your life or a given period of time, if suddenly it is not yet possible to set a global goal for your whole life.

When the goal is indicated, it will become clear to you why you want to do everything in your life. There will be a clear opinion about what is important, what is not significant for you, and what does not deserve attention at all. You will set priorities that are very popular in our time, assign your most important tasks.

Second, we define the main steps to achieve each goal, which in the process will establish behaviors and rules. This is important, as it will help later not to break away from the development of tactics and rules in different work and life circumstances. This frees you from painful and long searches later.

Thirdly, it is important to carefully allocate time for your actions and do everything that you have planned.

Take just 5-10 minutes a day to plan your day, and every day this will bring you closer to your goal. Planning has led to the success of a large number of people. And you deserve more. Everything is in your hands and plans!

Diary - best friend. Let it be what you want. Maybe it's convenient for you to use the application on your phone, or maybe you want to get a paper notebook and gladly mark all your plans in it. Even if you happen to draw it by hand and color it with colored pencils, do so.

But you can say: “Developing a plan is not a problem ... the problem is implementing it!” And you will be absolutely right.

And finally, the most important rule:

Be flexible!

In carrying out your plan, simply use it as the right tool. Your task is not to blindly follow his points. And gradually and smoothly move forward, towards the goal. Planning works for you, not you for it. Make room for spontaneity in your life. Feel free to make changes to your schedule. Otherwise, you risk earning stress by not completing something on your list.

Success loves people who are punctual, but at the same time flexible. Easily adapt to circumstances by amending your plan. Success will not be long in coming!

Lying on the couch, watching TV, cracking nuts, spitting at the ceiling and at the same time being happy, successful, wealthy and contented with life - only cartoon characters can afford this, but no more. The frantic pace of life, a lot of tasks and responsibilities, responsibility, study, work - this is what a modern person has to face every day, especially those who want to reach new heights and better results.

That is why talking about how to keep up with everything will be very helpful. This article will be useful for a student, a manager, a mother with children, a freelancer, a loader in a warehouse, a businessman, and even someone who is still in school. Everything you learn about will help you put your affairs and personal life in order, stop being a squirrel in the wheel of endless rush jobs and deadlines, learn how to build your day and even your life so that there is time for everything in it, and you felt full of strength and energy. Let's start!

In general, the question of how to manage to do everything is quite voluminous. Answering it, you can say a lot of interesting things. But we will limit ourselves to three main sections:

  • The first section will be devoted to personal time management
  • The second section - the daily routine
  • The third section is useful tips for everyday use

Lyrical introductions are already redundant here, so let's get down to business right away.

Personal time management

As we have all known for a long time, time is the most valuable resource we have (besides health, of course). But we cannot turn back time, which makes its value increase many times over.

Any person has every right to distribute his time not only as he wants, but also so that there is practical benefit from this. However, some people have time to do all the important things and still leave time for rest and entertainment, while others do not have time to do anything and cannot afford to relax. Why, after all, everyone has 24 hours in a day, and 60 minutes in hours?!

And the answer is trivially simple - people who do not have time to do anything are completely unable (or unwilling) to manage their time. IN literally Of course, time cannot be managed, but everyone can learn how to use it rationally (and manage it in this sense). There is even a special discipline for this - time management.

Time management is the accounting and planning of time. In our case (since we are talking about personal time) it is the accounting and planning of our personal precious time resource. Thanks to them, we can structure our work with amazing ease and not work time. But the even greater magic of time management is that you can work not “out there”, but right now - by lining up things for days and weeks in the right order.

Many people think that time management is the prerogative of managers or leaders, but this is not at all the case. It is useful and accessible for development not only at work, but also at home. Time management will help a young mother to keep track of her child and keep herself in great shape (in fact, this applies to people with children in general), he will allow the student to have time to prepare for the session without compromising meetings with friends and romantic dates, he will give a student at school the opportunity to do his homework and play football in the yard.

Simply put, time management will benefit anyone who wants to put their studies, work, life, and even relationships in order; who wants to become more efficient, efficient and successful.

If you want to know how to keep up with everything, you need to understand the main principle of time management. According to him, time should be measured not in minutes and hours, but in events and actions. It is this original perception of time that will give you a sense of the fullness of life and an understanding of how to live with benefit for yourself.

Make it a rule to spend your time and your energy on what you really need: what leads to success, moves towards the goal, pushes the boundaries. We also recommend mastering three useful skills:

  • Learn to prioritize (read our articles "" and "")
  • Learn how to set goals correctly (you can find out how this is done in our articles "" and "")
  • Learn to plan competently (we talked about this in our articles "", "", "" and "")

And finally, this is what Brian Tracy, an American motivational speaker, time management guru and self-development expert, thinks about how to keep up with everything.


Planning your day is the first step to successful time management. You will not find a single outstanding person, business coach or successful public figure who wouldn't plan their day.

If you are already creating at least some kind of schedule for the coming day, this is commendable. But your task is to learn how to masterfully organize your day, and do it seven days a week. And this does not mean at all that from now on you will become a “slave of the diary”. In fact, you will get rid of multitasking, procrastination, meaningless and leading to nothing.

Deeds, tasks, meetings, plans and goals, of course, it is desirable to fix on paper or, following the trends of our time, in the planner of your favorite gadget. By making notes and constantly referring to them, you will always keep your worries within the reach of attention, and you will not forget anything. In addition, the remaining unfinished business can become unfinished gestalts - things that will not give you rest until you do this.

Another important point in creating a daily routine - this is the distribution of cases into more and less important ones. This will help you a lot, which will come in handy at school, at the institute, and at work, and in your personal life. Don't forget to also write down the time when you need to complete a particular task. You will stop thinking about how to manage to do everything, because you will just do everything in order and in due time.

And a few more tips to help you stick to the plan:

  • Try to start and end at the same time every day (read about). Get up earlier - start your day more productively and have more time, go to bed at 4 in the morning - sleep until noon or not get enough sleep. What's better? Of course, the first. And if you accustom your body to the regime efficient person(there is even), he will thank you with vivacity and energy, and you yourself will be able to move mountains!
  • Remember: order at home - order in the head, order in the workplace - order in business. Try to keep absolutely everything in order: your home, car, clothes, workspace. Firstly, when all things are in their place, they are easy to find, and secondly, by surrounding yourself with order, you will automatically bring everything you deal with into a system, and this will allow you to better understand the same matters. And thirdly, putting things in order is a kind of meditation: by tidying up, you stabilize your mental condition and organize your thoughts.
  • Get rid of as many distractions as possible. TV, social networks, telephone conversations in vain - this is good and helps to unwind, but there should be a measure for everything. Before you once again devote time to some nonsense, think: is it worth it? Do you really need it? Perhaps there are more important and more interesting things to do?
  • Form right habits. Habits are actions brought to automaticity. You already know how it works - just think about what you do automatically and constantly: tap your fingers on the table, chew on the pen, smoke, etc. Try to "catch yourself", i.e. see what you are doing unconsciously, but that does not benefit you, and replace it with good habits. For starters, you can learn to do daily.

Healthy habits are important at work, at school, in the family, in society, and in business. So do not waste time and learn new skills that will make you and your life better, teach you how to do everything and become happy.

Well, since we are talking about skills, it's time to move on to life hacks for people who want to learn how to manage their time. By by and large there is nothing so special about them, but, as you yourself have probably noticed more than once, even the most banal things can “switch the toggle switch” if they are presented intelligibly and competently.

Life hacks to increase productivity

Not always the reason for lack of time is the inability to manage this time. Very often, a person simply does not have enough strength to carry out everything planned. Let you have amazing motivation, let you be full of enthusiasm, let your day be scheduled to the minute - but what does it matter if your head is no longer cooking anything, when the brain refuses to serve you faithfully?

So much has already been said about the fact that life modern man- these are endless streams of information, a lot of events that end stress. We will not go into lengthy reflections, but simply summarize: our performance tends to zero under the influence of all these factors. And in order to be able to live at all, you need to keep yourself and your health in order.

You probably know that, for example, a little chocolate helps to lift your mood, increase vitality, and improve brain activity. So, eating a chocolate bar is already a life hack - a trick that allows you to become more efficient. But we will not insist on chocolate, but will give a few other tips.

Take breaks

Thinking about how to do everything, many people begin to work tirelessly. But this is fundamentally wrong, because the brain (and the body in general) overworks and performance decreases. Therefore, while working during the day, be sure to take breaks. Set aside some rest time to allow your brain to rest, recover, and return to normal. Neglect of rest can knock anyone down, and even lead to serious illnesses. Don't forget about it.

Rest productively

A logical continuation of the previous point: spend your leisure time so that thoughts about work recede into the background. Do you know the saying: “when you come to work, leave household problems at home”? Similarly, here: during non-working hours, disconnect from work worries. Watch movies, listen to music, play with your child, go for a walk, do housework, but just leave work alone - it will not run away anywhere. Otherwise, you will not be able to relax even for two weeks of vacation, because. the brain simply will not relax, which means that you yourself will not rest.

sleep enough

And again about the rest - sleep as much as you should - about 7-8 hours a day. This time is optimal for proper rest and recuperation. Of course, it can be problematic for the same young mother with children, a student before a session or an eternally busy businessman, but "beauty requires sacrifice." How to manage to do everything - sleep well. In addition, the morning, as they say, is wiser than the evenings, and when you wake up, you can look at everything with a fresh head, including understanding when and what is best to do on this day.

Eat Right

Another component of the lifestyle of a productive person who always has enough time for everything is proper nutrition. The body must enter required amount vitamins, minerals and trace elements that ensure its stable vital activity. The brain "loves" potatoes, beans, nuts, sugar and starch in acceptable standards(in general, we have an article "" and even a whole course ""). Here we say that you should not abuse food - overeat, but you can eat different ways, and if you are very interested, read about . Having provided your body with all the necessary resources, you will be able to remain cheerful and active throughout the day, and how to keep up with everything will cease to be a problem for you.

To improve the functioning of the brain and, accordingly, to become a more productive and all-successful person, it can be advised to resort to aromatherapy and color therapy from time to time. In the first case, you simply buy yourself an aroma lamp and several types of essential oils that stimulate brain activity and intellectual activity, for example, oils of eucalyptus, lemon, basil, lavender, jasmine, rosemary or peppermint. In the second case, it is recommended to look at specific color: red helps to cheer up, orange stimulates the production of hormones of joy, yellow increases efficiency and perseverance, green gives optimism, blue activates thought processes, blue treats addictions, and purple has a positive effect on thoughts and emotions.

Work physically

If you really want to find time for everything, then include in this "everything" and physical activity - an integral part of the life of any productive person. You can’t work with your head all the time, and sometimes you need to work with your hands. Why are there arms - legs, shoulders and, in general, the whole body. Charging in the morning, training in the evening, installation work on weekends, football, hockey, boxing, tennis - any physical activity will benefit. It improves blood circulation and metabolism, restores old neural connections and creates new ones, kneads joints and prevents the accumulation of salts and other substances in the body. harmful substances including toxins. And during working hours, you can do or give yourself a head massage.

read books

Spend a little time every day reading useful and interesting books. It is best to give yourself at least 30 minutes for this activity. While reading, a person is distracted, rests, increases the efficiency of his brain. If you want to understand even better how to keep up with everything, you can find (buy or download) books on this topic. In addition, reading contributes to better concentration, the development of imagination, analytical and figurative thinking, broadening one's horizons, self-development and personal growth. It's not difficult to set aside half an hour for a book, and if you include it in your to-do list, it will show one more completed task, and you will be happy with yourself again.

Cut off the excess

Above, we almost all the time talked about the useful, including good habits, but said very little about the bad ones. We're fixing it. Bad habits, especially those that cause addiction, are not only often detrimental to health, but also take the lion's share of time. Because of this, the amount of work that we could do is reduced, efficiency is reduced, and attention is defocused. One thing clings to the other, and instead of doing some important business, we go to the smoking room, run to the coffee machine, quietly chew the bun. If you don’t want to harm your health and at the same time do more - tie up with bad habits and spend more time useful.

Calculate the forces

In order to do more, do not try to embrace the immensity, i.e. do not take on so many tasks that you cannot handle, otherwise you will face the Everest of tasks that you will never climb even with the help of hundreds of Sherpas. Any workflow should also be optimized: follow the plan, do not get distracted, let everything you need always be available. Look for ways to reduce time spent on simple tasks and routine activities. Beware of the accumulation of unfinished tasks - do everything on time, do not put it off for later. If needed, don't be shy, don't be ashamed, and don't be afraid to ask for help. Help is good in almost any business. Delegate authority whenever possible.

Use Gadgets

Modern mobile devices They don't exist just to scroll through Instagram, take selfies and play Fruit Ninja. Laptops, tablets, smartphones, iPhones have many functions designed to serve the benefit of a person. Multifunctional calendars, task planners, reminders, alarm clocks, e-readers, etc. There are also a lot of cool applications that allow you to solve the problem of how to manage to do everything. Among them are Clear, Rescue Time, Wunderlist, Clara, Workflow, Trello, Timely, Pocket and others. So do not turn your gadget into a tool for “sticking”, better make it an assistant, because it will help a student in learning, a student in the classroom, a person with children, etc. Just think about how you can use the same smartphone wisely, and a bunch of ideas will come to your mind.

Reward yourself

Motivation is the engine, but sometimes a person is exhausted from the fact that his actions do not give feedback. Well, what does it mean to cross things off your list every day? What is a small step towards the goal that you decided to realize only in a year? Endless things can suck all the energy out of you if you don't see progress. To motivate yourself, when you feel like you're losing motivation, reward yourself. Give yourself small gifts. Done all the things for the day early - go to the cinema, "without jambs" worked for a week and managed to do everything - go to the store and buy yourself a new cool jacket or boots that you have long wanted, passed the session - go snowboarding! You can think of anything - there would be a desire. The main thing is to understand why you are doing something at all. Look for what inspires you and strive for it. Any work can bring joy and pleasure if you know how to ignite yourself in order to keep moving.

In fact, it is not so much important how to do everything, but what for the sake of doing it. Your own goals are your motivation. By any means, remind yourself what you want to come to, in what, for which you are ready to get up at six in the morning and, headlong, run to study, work, act, achieve. Learn to give up everything unnecessary and be sure, be sure to evaluate your every day. Only you can help yourself learn to do whatever you need to. We just show one of the paths, and it's up to you whether to follow it or not.

And finally, watch this interesting and very easy video about increasing personal productivity.

In 1926, there was the Vremya league, whose members tried to popularize the progressive technologies of the still unknown concept of time management. At the same time, there lived a biologist described in the book by Daniil Granin, Alexei Lyubishchev, who brought the idea of ​​time management into a system, thanks to which, at the age of 85, he managed three times as much as his young assistants.

The art of time management - today the well-known Time Management - is initially the wrong term. Hours and minutes can only be controlled in a fairy tale about Harry Potter: if you turn the golden flywheel of time, you have an extra hour and you can be in two places at the same time. In 2003, a concept closer to reality appeared - Life Management, which is already more appropriate to replace with something like Self Management, because time is a constant and objective value, and a private approach to it sometimes resembles spreading porridge on a plate. The main thing that allows you to competently fit yourself into the time grid is planning. Moreover, it makes sense to plan absolutely everything - from the global to the smallest details. Only in this way can we understand exactly where the hours and minutes go.

The art of doing everything, like other forms of art, consists of strategy and tactics. The first determines the steady movement towards the goal, the second allows you to choose the transport. And it depends only on us whether it will be a scooter or a Ferrari.

Write your epitaph

The main strategic task is to completely change the way you look at yourself in time. Russian time management guru Gleb Arkhangelsky calls this approach “Run yourself like a company”, an American ideologue Stephen Covey introduces the term "proactivity" for this, meaning the rejection of the attitude to life according to the principle "it happened". “You should not react to events, but create them,” Covey writes. The solution to this problem requires serious work on planning your own life - the formulation of goals and mission, basic values ​​and important areas. To better visualize the strategy, Arkhangelsky recommends two exercises: the first is to compose detailed map movement through life (up to 85 years), the second is to write your own epitaph. The latter is a great help in understanding the purpose of existence. Who wants to go down in history as a “permanently screwed-up logistics manager who never saw his kids grow up”? The most difficult question in this case is: how do the goals differ from the mission? “Goals are what we take from the world, mission is what we give to the world,” deciphers Gleb Arkhangelsky. And he clarifies: both should be not just a slogan written on paper, but a very honest experience in relation to oneself.

Separate "native" and imposed affairs

Building priorities helps to figure out where in your life the things are “native”, and where are those imposed by society or specific people. Which, as a rule, takes the lion's share of time and effort. “I work a lot with outwardly successful, but internally completely unhappy young women,” says the psychologist. Tatyana Antropova. - Oddly enough, people living on a very busy work schedule have problems with goal setting. For a long time they do not distinguish their own goals from the goals of their relatives, colleagues, bosses, friends. Just don’t open your diary right now and start analyzing. This is possible only if the previous point of the plan is correctly and successfully completed - the values ​​​​are determined, the missions are scheduled.

Start with pleasant

This is already in the field of tactical time management. Every day we make a plan: what we need to do in a day. And we start, as a rule, with urgent and serious matters. With this approach, everything that we enjoy goes to the bottom of the list - where the "unimportant" things are placed. And then it remains "in the mind." What if you try to open your diary and relax, write in as many pleasant things as possible? And then ask the question: what should I do to allow myself everything that I love?

It is at this stage that the psychologist advises to start business planning. By making such an “inverted” schedule, you can make unexpected discoveries. For example, to understand: the next position, for which you sit in the office until night, will finally bury your dreams of learning how to dance salsa, meeting friends at least once every two weeks and going to the pool. The conclusion is simple: ban yourself from overtime, let someone else demonstrate workaholism. You will be happier without a new position. Although, perhaps it is you who will get it. By career ladder happy people move more easily.

By the way, do you need this position? Let's say your goal is the apartment you'll buy when you move up a notch. And the management wants to see you in this place, so responsible and proactive, because you will save the company from a lot of problems. In this case, each pursues its own goal, but the overall vector of movement is the same. It does not matter if the goal for all participants in the movement looks different - the main thing is that it does not contradict your interests.

Find time to rest

Vacation planning is more than just choosing where you're going on vacation. This is precisely the planning of time when you are not working, and the presence of these “holy hours” testifies to your efficiency more than all labor achievements. Remember the American saying: only bums and thugs work on Christmas.

First of all, do not bring yourself to the state of a driven horse. Man is a creature subject to biological rhythms. Learn to rest and relax for at least five minutes every hour. And follow this plan sacredly, regardless of the emergency situation at work. And most importantly, to maximize the switching - for most office inmates, this means going outside and stretching their joints. Covey calls this the "rule of keeping the goose that lays the golden eggs": giving yourself a chance to rest keeps your body working longer.

Creative laziness is one of the varieties of relaxation. A state in which the brain is disconnected from all current tasks. In a good way, it would be great to be able to take a nap in the middle of the day: before Peter I came to power, the boyar Duma had an official break for sleep in the middle of the day. Yes, and Winston Churchill allowed himself to wake up during the "siesta" only in the event of a declaration of war - other reasons were considered insignificant.

Thoughts specifically

Everything global tends to die at the project level. Therefore, big things should be divided into very simple small ones, and simple small ones should be done immediately, without waiting for a whole bunch of them to accumulate. In time management, such strategies have been called “eating frogs” and “cutting an elephant into steaks.” First term american coach Brian Tracy suggested for cases that are not complex, but for which you do not want to take on at all. Everyone's "frogs" are different, but have a common tendency to accumulate. We put off unpleasant things for the indefinite future, while the most correct thing is to do them first of all, and even better, one at a time.

In addition to cutting a big task into small ones, Gleb Arkhangelsky recommends the Swiss cheese method: approach a large-scale task arbitrarily, gnawing holes in it, like a mouse in cheese - without any system and logic, just in the order that is convenient at the moment.

Thoughts are real

As a rule, when planning a day, we stuff it to capacity, based on the erroneous opinion that everything will be exactly as planned, that is, ideally. Force majeure, traffic jams, other people's delays are not included in our plans. As well as the rest between these frenzied sprint races, overlapping one another. The reality factor, as a rule, is completely excluded from planning - and it is because of it that we do not have time to do anything. Builders have a saying: “Multiply the budget by two, and the deadlines by three, and you will get real numbers.” It makes sense to use this wisdom in the banal planning of the day. Traffic jams will definitely arise, the address will be confused, and the meeting will most likely be delayed. Each hour scheduled in the diary is a sure sign that half of the cases will be rescheduled for tomorrow or for the night. The reserves of time laid down initially are precisely that military trick that will allow you to do everything and at the same time feel like a master of time.

TEXT: Olga Tsybulskaya, Natalia Rustamova

Everyone can learn how to properly manage their time. Every person has 24 hours a day, no more, no less. Surely you have dreams, plans, goals and desires that you constantly put off until tomorrow, but it never comes, does it? How to learn to distribute your time so that you have time to do a lot?

How to stop wasting your life

1. Write on a piece of paper how much time per day you spend on social media, television, computer games, talking on the phone, etc. You might be surprised, because most of us do not even notice how much time they waste every day.

2. Schedule your classes for the coming week. A large number of businessmen keep a diary, making notes about upcoming business in it. This is very useful thing, because thanks to a clear plan of action, you become a more disciplined person.

3. Eat food separately from other things. Usually watching TV at breakfast, lunch or dinner only prolongs the meal by at least 15 minutes, and you could spend them on more important things.

4. Stop being lazy. Grow, learn languages, draw, sign up for a gym or whatever you like. You still have time to watch TV or surf the Internet.

5. Legal holiday. Give yourself a day off once a week, which you can spend on whatever you want. It can be a walk with friends, watching your favorite series, a break from the work routine.

6. "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today." Oh, how true this popular saying is. No matter how hard it is, do what you need today, despite laziness, lack of desire and mood. Tomorrow you will thank yourself for this.

7. Read several books on time management. Having experienced everything, the authors of such books reveal secrets that can increase your productivity and save time.

8. We eradicate the habit of taking on several things at the same time. Such a habit will not lead to anything good. It will be difficult for you to do several things at once, while maintaining required quality work.

9. "Eat a frog for breakfast." What does it mean? You need to do the most difficult and unpleasant thing in the morning, so that you can spend the rest of the day on what will be easier, so you will not constantly torment yourself with thoughts about the approach of a difficult task and stop delaying the work process.

10. Learn to say "No". Whatever polite person you were, do not take on other people's problems. You already have a lack of time, why reduce productivity even more own work? Helping a friend is a good thing, but not at the expense of your time.

11. Get training in time management. Professionals will help you allocate time by setting the right priorities, as well as weeding out unnecessary things that consume your time. You will be taught how to manage your time and increase your productivity at no extra cost.

12. You can buy a Swiss watch on the site invicta.com.ua, which will not only help you keep track of time, but will also become your pride.

If you follow the above rules, you will have more free time, work will become better and more productive, therefore, life will become a little better!

Date: May 13, 2014

A lot of worries and troubles fall on a young mother. Mom is a nanny, and a cook, and a housekeeper, and an animator, and a friend, and a wife all rolled into one. Sometimes it seems that it is simply unrealistic to complete all the roles in a day. And mom turns from a young beautiful calm woman into a driven horse. This is where the question arises, how to keep up with everything?

Faced with the same problem, I began to try different tricks and numerous tips. Something worked and gave good results, but something did not. So, what are the rules of success I have deduced for myself.

1. Prioritize

Chasing everything at once is impossible. Therefore, it is important to decide what really needs to be in time, and what can be abandoned. I have a list like this:

  • take care of the child,
  • Prepare food and feed all household members (not forgetting yourself),
  • get out,
  • Relax and take time for yourself.

This is a plan for every day. The last item did not appear immediately. For several months, my to-do system worked quite well. But then wild fatigue and nervousness began to accumulate. And I realized that, not paying due attention to my rest, recuperation, favorite activities, I turn into a grumbling old woman, unable to take care of her loved ones.

The weekly diet also includes meetings with friends, doing what you love, walking alone, family vacations.

2. Plan

No matter how trite it may sound, but time management and planning the day are great help to do more.

When I first heard about the need to make plans in the presence of a child, I laughed: well, what plans can there be if you are completely dependent on the mood of a small creature? However, I soon realized the true meaning of this advice. Since then, the diary and to-do lists for the month, week and specific day have become my faithful companions.

3. Designate routines

The development of certain rituals that are repeated in the morning and evening helps to perform many tasks automatically, answering the question of how to do everything.

So, in the morning immediately after getting up, I put myself in order, cook breakfast, put the house in order after my husband's preparations for work.

The evening ritual is as follows: shower, cleaning the tops, planning next day, preparing things for tomorrow's walk and activities with children, putting the children to bed.

4. Delegate

Many tasks can and should be delegated to assistants (for example, grandmother, older children or) and technology. Washing machine, slow cooker, oven - that's what helps me in the daily fuss.

5. Give up perfectionism

The principle “either perfect or not at all” does not suit a young mother. Any housework makes the house cleaner. No matter how much effort you put in at the moment, "after" will be better than "before". So no need to wait ideal conditions and execute immediately.

6. Doing chores with the kids

My son helps me clean up. Of course, it's a stretch to call it help. I just give him a rag from my hand, and he is also busy.

In the same way, we cook together. The kid actively helps me beat the meat, knead the dough, twist the minced meat and so on. It takes longer, but more fun.

7. Rest while the kids are sleeping

The sleep of children is a sacred time for me when I go about my business, not related to housekeeping. I can lie down for 15-20 minutes, read, get a manicure, work, take up a hobby. The main task in this period of time is to restore strength in order to live the second half of the day without loss.

8. Combine "stones" and "sand"

Live full life, feeling every day lived, the advice that many time management experts give for moms helps: fill your day with really important things that move us towards our goals and give us the realization that we are moving in the right direction.

These deeds are the stones that must first fill the vessel of the day. And routine things are sand. If you do not allocate a strictly defined time for them, they are able to fill the whole day. At the same time, there will be no room for really important tasks.

Here are a few key points that helped me answer the question of how to keep up with everything. However, the most important element of success, which I have determined for myself, is the maximum quality time spent with children. Classes with the child, reading together, establishing close emotional contact help the baby to be calm throughout the day. Then a calm mother will forget about the phrase “I don’t have time for anything”, but will enjoy motherhood, not forgetting about her other roles.

Yulia Engasheva, mother twice on maternity leave