How and where is it better to make an entrance to the house. Entrance to the house from all sides. Front entrance to a house with a porch

Mahadwara (or in other words, the front door) has a truly profound role. She has a connection with various movements– penetrations of streams of positive or negative energy, positive guests who have been waiting for a long time or, conversely, enemies and adversaries.

This is a passage through which destructive forces enter the home from one side and positive forces from the other. It is for this reason that the front door should perform a protective function, as well as act as a decorative element, attracting the energy of happiness, longevity and financial well-being into the home. The entrance to the house according to the cardinal directions according to Feng Shui is the topic of this material.

Entrance to the house according to Feng Shui according to the directions of the world

According to the ancient treatises of Vastu Shastra, an entrance facing the eastern or northern direction of the world is considered ideal, while entering a home from the southern direction is very unsuitable.

  • If the front door is located in the eastern direction, this is very good, because it is in this direction solar energy has the strongest activity and has the most positive effect on a person’s life. Also, the entrance from the east will ensure good health, energy, a clear mind and success for all people who live in the home. And it will also help you achieve fame, power and make even your wildest dreams come true.
  • If the facade of your monastery is located on the north side, then the main door should be located on the northern or eastern part of the home. A door that faces north is a guarantee of fertility and good luck in all areas of life.
  • The entrance from the southern direction is very unfavorable, since the deity of death Yama is responsible for this zone in Feng Shui. That's why similar option entry will contradict natural laws in human life, which will have a very negative impact on the health of the residents of the house. Vastu teachings advise not to make entrances to your houses or work buildings from the south direction. We can give examples of various real cases when people blocked the entrances from the southern direction and after that their lives began to change dramatically in a positive direction.

In situations where there is no way to avoid the main entrance from the south (for example, the facade is located on the south side), the door should be placed strictly in the central part of the south side of the site. At the same time, you need to try to remain sufficient quantity free area from the northern and eastern directions.

  • Door with western direction is allowed only as an exception and only when, for some reason, you cannot install it in the positive east or north direction.
  • The most unfavorable direction for entering a home is the southwest direction. This is due to the fact that the negative influence of the planet Rahu comes from the southwestern side.
  • It is important to place balconies, verandas and terraces exclusively on the north or east side, even when the entrance to the home is on the other side. If you have a balcony or veranda in your home on the southwest side, it is important to always close them. If the entrance to the home is located on the south side, make sure that there are no balconies or verandas above the door.

What should the front door be like: important rules

If you are not able to adhere to all these rules, do not rush to get upset. You can always use a special protective yantra (diagram), which is attached to the door from any direction and guarantees protection from all evil.

How to properly decorate your front door

In Feng Shui, great attention is paid to the design process of the main door.

Thus, doors with smooth surfaces are designed to attract bad luck, while doors drawn on the surface or on door jamb leaves, flowers, birds will have a very positive effect on housing. By using various sacred signs and symbols, you will protect your home from any evil spirits, plus you will turn your life in a positive direction.

  • The door can be decorated with the image of Kuladevata - this is the household deity, Lakshmi - the goddess of prosperity, the sacred cow and calf with flower garlands, the Om sign or the swastika. Also among the popular protective symbols is the deity Ganesha, who has the head of an elephant. It is important to place his image at the same level with the eyes of people coming into the room.
  • As a suitable decorative element a floral ornament will appear. Particularly popular are lotus flowers, leaves and pairs of birds.
  • At the same time, it is worth abandoning the depicted predatory or wild animals, snakes, owls. Elephants, eagles and pigs are also prohibited.

We draw your attention to the fact that it is not at all necessary for your door to turn into a museum exhibit - it will be enough to use a few interesting details.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to color scheme doors. It is important that it harmonizes with the direction of the light. For example, the “northern” door should be painted in one of the blue tones, and the “eastern” door should be yellow. If the outside of the door is painted black, the owner of the home will suffer from various difficulties in life.

To protect your home even more reliably, you should plant holy basil - Tulsi - at the entrance. True, in open ground it does not grow, but is simply carried out of the house into the yard in the summer. In addition to the real thing, you can use painted basil - its effect will not be worse.

In esotericism, basil leaves with twigs represent completely spiritual energy, so they tend to realize the desires of the inhabitants of the house, and also reflect flows of negative energy, protect from various otherworldly entities (vampires, ghosts, and so on), plus protect from troubles and misfortunes. The wind that passes through the basil leaves has a pronounced cleansing effect.

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Any country property that is owned requires development: the construction of a house and outbuildings, the layout of a garden and vegetable garden, the arrangement of a recreation area and the construction of enclosing structures. However, not one a private house or a dacha cannot do without the most important organizational zone - the entrance, the place where the owners, their friends and relatives, guests and just visitors first of all go. At the same time, all entrance areas require proper design, including Garage Doors, a gate and, of course, the entrance to the site.

Many summer residents and owners of country cottages often have to think about how to uniquely design the entrance to personal plot, because it is he who first catches your eye when visiting a garden, sitting on vacation or when receiving guests.

Design principles

Usually entrance area The garden consists of several fundamental elements:

  • directly from the entrance;
  • gates, gates or blind doors to the garden;
  • paths leading from the entrance to the house to the beginning of the garden;
  • the actual doors to the building.

To create a single comprehensive solution and a positive atmosphere, all details, colors and materials for decorating this space must be selected in the same style. Before you design the entrance to your personal plot in an original way, you need to analyze the features landscape design And decorative finishing home and surrounding area.

If the garden is fenced metal fence with the author's original forging, then the gate is selected in the same style. Wooden carved structures can be combined with heavy products made of rough metal, stylized as antique and aged. A house and a fence built of red brick will be equally well suited to structures made of metal and wood, or combined products that combine two materials at the same time.

The only exceptions are ethnic styles or highly specialized country music. But even in such styles you can find unusual design solutions, using metal tinting to look like aged copper or a stylish, trendy fence and wicker gate today. Such structures can be given their originality by clay household items or metal parts hung on enclosing structures.


Planting a hedge from low growing trees or evergreen bushes at the entrance to the site is today the most popular and fashionable look landscape zoning. An elegant picket fence painted in a clean color goes well with this “green” fence. White color. Designs made from thin metal rods tinted with silver or gold paint will also look elegant. Such products give the site originality and exclusivity, transparency and lightness.

Path planning and arrangement

The next element is the path to the porch of the house from the entrance to the garden. It is advisable to plan its placement along the shortest route. Some design solutions include smooth curves in the path to the house, which are stylishly emphasized by lanterns or decorative borders. In accordance with the theory of the fashionable teaching of Feng Shui today, it is curves and smooth transitions that can attract positive energy into the premises from the outside, favorable for all family members.

Some tips on how to properly arrange the main entrance according to Feng Shui. If you look at how the flow of qi energy moves around the house, it becomes clear that it enters the house mainly through the main entrance. The qi energy moves around the area adjacent to the house and, ideally, calms down and accumulates in front of the facade of the house. It follows that the main flow of qi enters the house through the front door, since people entering and leaving the house carry qi with them. Sometimes the door is called the word kou, which means “the mouth of the house,” through which both beneficial and harmful energy qi.

Checking the position of the main entrance

As follows from the above, first of all you need to make sure that no damaging arrows are aimed at the entrance. You need to stand with your back to the door and carefully look around. You should once again make sure that there are no sharp corners or roof overhangs, satellite dishes, lamp posts or spiers that could direct the flow of sha qi to the entrance. If you missed something last time, then you need to resolve this issue now.

Ideally, there should be free space in front of the main entrance door, and a small elevation a little further away. The lack of necessary landscape can be compensated for by hedges, fences and shrubs. Availability in front of the house water body, such as a birdbath or fountain, is also a favorable factor.

Any obstacle located in front of the door has a harmful effect from the point of view of Feng Shui. If there is no space in front of the door where chi energy can accumulate, then it is best to activate this space using a color that matches the direction the entrance faces. At the same time, the space in front of the house must be well lit.

If the main entrance is at the base of the stairs, then this location can cause illness among family members. To prevent this from happening, the easiest way is to raise the threshold by one or two centimeters, then when entering the house you will have to step over it. This method is also applicable when the door is located opposite the elevator, which has the property of distorting the direction of the flow of qi.

If the main entrance is located at the staircase going down, then this may interfere with the accumulation of wealth. In this case, a mirror installed outside the house can help, which will reflect negative energy. The same method can be used when the door is opposite the elevator.

Main entrance according to feng shui. Main entrance location

The question of which part of the house to locate the main entrance and which direction it should face should be considered in relation to the needs of the head of the family. In traditional Chinese families, the head of the family has always been the eldest man. These days, of course, things are not so simple, and the needs of both husband and wife must be taken into account. You can always come to a compromise and find an entrance location that the best way suits both. In this case, both the situation in the family and individual favorable directions are taken into account, the calculation method for which will be given later.

If you are looking for a new home, then you should choose one whose location is either most favorable for the main breadwinner of the family, or is the most acceptable compromise for the main family members. If you already have a house, then you need to evaluate the location of the main entrance and, if necessary, take measures to make this location more favorable from a Feng Shui point of view.

If the entrance faces northwest, then this direction is favorable for fathers and older men. This arrangement reinforces the supremacy and dignity of that family member and promotes trust and respect from the rest of the household.

The entrance facing north promises the inhabitants of the house a quiet life, although there is a danger that it will be too calm, and they themselves will find themselves cut off from the outside world. This is exactly the case when the influence of factors characteristic of the opposite element should be strengthened. To weaken the power of water, you need to add a little soil to it by painting the front door brown or yellow and hanging in doorway crystal.

Northeast can cause certain difficulties, since in this case the characteristics of qi energy are inconsistent, and the inhabitants of the house may be sensitive to external influence, although if other feng shui factors are favorable, this entrance location can help young people expand their knowledge and improve their education.

The eastern entrance is favorable for young people, especially if they are taking on a new business. This direction benefits those who wish to realize their dreams and ambitions, and promises a bright future for those involved in business and commerce.

The entrance facing southeast is characterized by less violent energy compared to the eastern entrance, but still this direction is favorable primarily for young people, as well as for those who seek to improve their financial situation. The improvement will be slow, but steady, and the inhabitants of the house will enjoy a wide circle of acquaintances, as well as a harmonious life filled with creativity.

The southern entrance promotes an active life and a wide range of communication. The inhabitants of such a house strive to gain authority or even fame. However, care must be taken to ensure that these properties of chi energy are not too strong, as this can lead to an unnecessarily tense atmosphere. You may even have to moderate the effect of fire with water.

The main entrance according to Feng Shui. If you live in a house whose entrance faces southwest, then this location is favorable for the mother of the family. Such an entrance strengthens the marital relationship, although there is a danger that the mother will acquire too much influence and power, and then the house may become mired in rigidity and routine. In this case, you should add colors or wood symbols to soften the influence of the soil, or enhance the effect of the elements with fire symbols.

The entrance facing west is favorable for families with small children and is able to best ensure their happy childhood and development creativity. The inhabitants of such a house are characterized by romance and a desire for pleasure, but caution should be exercised, since this energy is characterized by calmness and does not encourage excesses. To give it more stability, perhaps the influence of the soil should be slightly increased.

The entrance to a house, like a business card of its owners, will tell you at first glance about their character, preferences, and mood. The link between the site and living space, which is the entrance to the house, is very important to design correctly, taking into account the style and general design site and the structures on it. According to the architectural design, the entrance to a private house can be decorated strictly or using architectural elements, inherent in rich buildings. In the old days, a pompously decorated entrance to especially luxurious mansions was usually called a portal; today, such priorities are not often observed, and in most cases, the design of the entrance depends on its dimensions, location and style of the house facade. Moreover, it is the design of the entrance that can have an important impact on the attractiveness of the appearance of the facade.

Decorating the entrance to a private house - how to choose the appropriate option

Can be used to decorate the entrance to the house different variants: terraces, verandas, porches - the most common of them, it is very difficult to list everything, since their unique layout may be related to the topography of the area adjacent to the house, natural factors, meteorological conditions characteristic of this area. Also, the choice of option may depend on:

  • the use of certain building materials,
  • opportunity to spend a large amount of money
  • and personal tastes.

The final decision of the design concept will be influenced by the location of the entrance relative to the road, proximity to it, and orientation to the cardinal direction.

It is customary to focus attention on the entrance using planning and decorative means; to achieve the desired effect, both are usually used simultaneously. According to the planning, the entrance door can be located in a niche or on a loggia, in the middle of the wall or on the side, under the second floor balcony. The entrance to the house, located in the central part of the facade, gives the building a festive look; usually the splendor of such an entrance is emphasized by decorative elements or architectural techniques: steps are built in front of it, an original canopy with columns is made, large stone vases with ornamental plants are installed near the door.

In some cases, more is used practical option, placing a glass vestibule in the depths of the loggia. In addition to being decorative, it plays the role of a gateway and helps maintain a stable temperature in the house both in winter and in the summer heat.

Decorating the entrance to the house - how to properly plan the area in front of the house

When building a house, it is customary to plan the floor level so that it is at a height of 30 to 60 cm from the ground level. Therefore, you will need to build a platform in front of the front door; its height should be approximately 5 cm below the floor level. You will also need to provide a slight slope of the platform - 2 cm for every meter of length - this will allow rainwater to flow freely.

The shape of the site can be semicircular, oval or rectangular, and its dimensions should be such that 3-4 people can comfortably fit on it. The material for constructing the site can be concrete slab or brickwork, stone, natural and artificial, can be used as cladding, ceramic tiles or other materials resistant to impact low temperatures and moisture.

To make it easier to climb to the site, several steps are built. The first floor raised above ground level requires the design of a staircase installed during the construction of the house. Its design should:

  • correspond appearance facade,
  • ensure safe use in all weather conditions,
  • be convenient for users of different ages.

Stairs leading to the entrance can have a wide variety of designs, but it is advisable to adhere to the recommended dimensions:

  • width - 110 cm and more,
  • height of steps - 12-18 cm,
  • depth of steps - 28-35 cm.

The smaller the angle of inclination of the stairs, the more convenient it will be to climb it. Each tread should be installed with a slight (2 to 3 mm) slope outward so that water does not accumulate and ice does not form. To safely navigate stairs with a height of more than 100 cm, you will need to protect them with railings. If the design of the house involves any monumental decorations, then instead of fencing, sculptural elements, flowerpots with plants, etc. are installed along the edges of the stairs.

Can be used to make stairs brickwork, metal or wood. Steps can be made from the same materials, but if desired, reinforced concrete stringers can be used.

Each of the materials should be subjected to appropriate processing:

  • metal - coat with primer and paint,
  • wood - with antiseptic agents and fire retardants.

How to arrange a canopy or canopy over the entrance

This facade element is designed if:

  • there is no large overhang of roof above the entrance,
  • the entrance is not located in the loggia or under the balcony.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of a visor - it will protect the door from raindrops falling on it, and will save the owners of the house from getting wet while they are looking for the keys and opening the lock. In addition, in the dark, the lighting installed under the canopy will greatly simplify the process of opening the front door.

According to its structure, the visor can be:

  • cantilever - mounted in the plane of the wall and supported by cantilever beams,
  • installed on supports - pillars, columns, walls.

As roofing material for a visor the following can be used:

  • transparent slate,
  • plexiglass,
  • glass profile,
  • the material from which the roof of the house is constructed: ceramic or soft tiles, corrugated sheets.


When decorating the entrance to a private house, the porch, as a traditional option, is used quite often. The porch structure consists of:

  • brackets or posts supporting the canopy,
  • the canopy itself, the side walls,
  • fencing.

A beautifully designed porch not only protects the entrance from snow or rain, but also emphasizes the expressiveness of the facade. If earlier it was customary to place the porch in the center of the wall, today the architectural fashion is more democratic, the porch can be shifted to the side walls of the house, its shape can be rectangular or asymmetrically extended towards the front door. The resulting additional area is used as a veranda, installing a table, benches, and chairs there.

If the entrance to the house is raised above the ground level to the height of one step, then the porch is installed directly on the ground. If there are more steps, then a foundation is built under the porch:

  • rubble,
  • brick,
  • concrete.

It will serve as a support for steps or stringers. To prevent subsidence of the porch, its foundation is laid at the same depth as the foundation of the house, combining them into one structure.

When constructing the porch, the same materials can be used that were used in the construction of the walls of the house, or others that are suitable in texture.

Entrance to a country house - veranda and its advantages

In rural areas, the entrance to the house is usually through the veranda room. It significantly increases the area of ​​the house; the veranda in summer period- it can be used as a dining room or summer kitchen. In winter, it copes well with the functions of a heat gateway. Beautiful finish of this room can also enhance the overall appeal country cottage or a country house.

Typically, the veranda room is not insulated; most of the wall surface is glazed. This option threatens overheating in hot weather. summer days. Therefore, when drawing up a project for entering the house through the veranda, they choose removable or opening frames to install in it.

IN Lately became popular sliding structures walls, allowing, if necessary, to turn the veranda into open terrace. Such structures consist of several sections interconnected metal loops. When opened, the sections fold like an accordion. When closing, each of them is attached using metal hooks to a horizontally located pipe, or brackets moving to the right and left along a horizontal guide.

Tambour and its purpose

The vestibule in front of the front door is a largely functional design. It is designed to protect the room from dampness and low temperatures. In the event that the operation of the house is planned only in the summer, it is quite possible to do without a vestibule, but for permanent buildings in the northern regions of Russia it is simply necessary.

Depending on the architectural solution structures, the vestibule can be located:

  • in a recess, as if inside the main structure;
  • outdoors, i.e. protrude beyond the plane of the facade.

The depth of the vestibule must be at least 1.2 m. Entrance doors to the vestibule may have different locations relative to the facade, from a practical point of view optimal solution is the location entrance doors into the house and into the vestibule at an angle of 90 degrees, but at the same time general form the building is losing its splendor. This option is most often used to design additional entrances.

House entrance design - what the door should be like

The front door must fit into the overall style of the building, its dimensions must be such as to allow people to freely enter the house, bring pieces of furniture into the house, household appliances. In order not to create an obstacle to movement, the entrance door is located at the floor level of the first floor of the house.

Disputes often arise about which way the door should open: outward or inward. The first option can be life-saving if a large number of people need to leave the house urgently, for example, during a fire or earthquake. A door that opens inward will allow you to safely exit the house in case of heavy snow drifts or icing, which winter period are observed quite often.

A beautiful entrance to your home can be created by installing single-leaf, double-leaf or one-and-a-half-leaf doors. The minimum width of a single-leaf model should be at least 95 cm. The height of entrance doors can be about 195-230 cm, sometimes more. It is recommended to install a glazed transom above the door - it will allow natural light to penetrate into the hallway.

As for the question of whether such a door should be solid or glazed, it all depends on the personal preferences of the owners. A solid door seems more reliable, but a glazed door looks more modern and allows you to get daylight hallway or vestibule, combines the interior with environment. The reliability of such a door is ensured by the use of bulletproof or tempered glass, reinforced with beautiful forged grilles. As a last resort glass doors You can secure it and install roller shutters.

Of no small importance is the beautiful and original design of the opening of external doors. To make the casing, hardwood, natural or fake diamond, decorative plaster.

Entrance design ideas for a private house

To equip a beautiful entrance to the house, you will have to take care of the surrounding area: build paths on it, install lighting, and landscape gardening.

A wide variety of plants can be used for planting in front of the entrance; these can be trees and shrubs with original crowns, coniferous evergreens; when composing the composition, you can also use solitary plants, such as Norway maples, pedunculate oaks, and weeping birches.

House in classic style involves creating a beautiful lawn and hedges around the entire perimeter of the site.