How to properly hang cabinet doors. Hinges for kitchen cabinets. Hinge door installation

On the modern market furniture fittings represented by a large number of species furniture hinges. In modern furniture production, four-hinged modifications are most often used, which are improved hinged loops times of the USSR. Of course, much more reliable and better than its predecessors. Today, the choice of components for the manufacture of furniture is quite extensive.

Let's see what types of hinges are used today by furniture makers in the manufacture of furniture.

The most commonly used hinges are overhead hinges, which are used mainly for attaching facades (doors) to the furniture body. There are also semi-overlay hinges, internal, corner, with closers, spring, etc.

Today we will consider the installation of an overhead-type furniture hinge. I would like to note that the installation of all other types of canopies will be similar.

First, you need to figure out what parts the loop consists of. First of all, this is the mounting plate and the mechanism itself. The fastener bar should be mounted to the inside of the case, the loop - on the facade in a special hole, which must be made deaf, with a depth of twelve to thirteen millimeters.

The diameter of the hole depends on the type of loop, and can be twenty-six or thirty-five millimeters.

Canopies with a bowl of twenty-six millimeters are used extremely rarely.

Furniture makers use them only in cases where it is necessary to attach the facade to the module in which it is placed washing machine(non-embedded). This is due to the fact that the gap for attaching the loop in this case is very small, and it is not possible to attach a standard canopy.

In order to carry out the installation of furniture hinges, you will need the following tool:

  • screwdriver;
  • pencil;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • awl;
  • self-tapping screws 4 * 16 mm;
  • end mill 35 mm.


Marking furniture hinges

To begin with, it is necessary to mark the centers of future holes. Since all doors have different heights and the intended installation location, the indicators for each option will vary from seventy to one hundred and twenty millimeters. Another point: depending on the weight of the door and its size, three or more canopies can be installed.

When installing three or more hinges on the same front, make sure that the hinge does not end up on the horizontal inner parts of the cabinet (for example, shelves, drawer ends, etc.). Make a mark for the hole at a distance of twenty-two millimeters from the end of the door.

Drilling a hole for the bowl

Armed with a screwdriver and a 35 mm end mill, start drilling. Basically, the depth of the bowls is twelve to thirteen millimeters. You should not try to drill deeper, because chipboard, which has a thickness of only 16 millimeters, does not always have high-quality outer layers of the laminate. If you drill a little larger hole, there is a risk of damage to these layers, which, alas, cannot be masked or corrected.

It is recommended to use a well-ground cutter, with which it will not be possible to damage the surface or make chips. Also, in order to avoid chips, the screwdriver should be held strictly vertically.

Installation of overhead loops. Insert the loop into the resulting hole, align it with the end of the facade.

Make marks for self-tapping screws with an awl. Then screw them into the holes.

Facade hanging

On the side inside body, attach the platform for attaching the loop. Connect the two parts of the canopy. Adjust the front to the body with a screwdriver.

It is very convenient to do this NOT on weight, but just the same on a flat surface in a horizontal position. Those. the sidewall on which you need to attach the hinge pad should be in a horizontal position, so you can easily try on and screw the facade to the sidewall.

Furniture hinge adjustment

As for the adjustment of furniture hinges, it can be carried out in three planes: vertically, in depth and fixing the canopy, horizontally.

1. Adjusting the hinges in depth and fixing the canopy, first of all, is necessary in order to press the facade closer to the body, or, conversely, to loosen this pressure. Use a screwdriver to tighten the oval hole. Very often, thus, adjust the hinges in a room with uneven floors.

2. Vertical adjustment allows you to move the door up or down. Since facades, like everything else, are affected by gravity, they can, over time, sag. It is necessary to make such adjustment of the canopies from time to time. It is performed by the same twisting of the oval holes.

3. Horizontal adjustment. In other words, this lateral adjustment. Due to it, gaps between the facades and the body part can be avoided. This method is also good if the room has uneven floors or walls.

Well, now you know everything about attaching furniture hinges to furniture facade. We hope our instruction will help you avoid the most common mistakes when self installation furniture hinges.

Now you need to hang the door with hinges on the body of the product.
The procedure is as follows.
1. Hanging is done by first laying the product on its side. At a distance of 36 - 40 mm. from the edge of the body part, on which we will hang the door, we draw a line parallel to the end face of the part.

We draw the lines opposite the intended installation sites for the loops. Line length approximately 70 - 100 mm. The main thing is that the line would protrude beyond the dimensions of the mounting platform of the loop. This mounting platform is also called the reciprocal bar. At what distance in the range of 36 - 40 mm. to draw a line depends on the type of loop. The main thing is that the transverse adjustment range of the hinge is not completely selected. In the photo, this adjustment range is indicated by an arrow.

For this type of loop:

The optimal distance is 39 mm, which can be seen in the top photo.

For more accurate positioning, press the striker firmly with your finger against the body of the product.

4. Then disassemble furniture hinges into two parts, as shown in the photo. That is, we disconnect the reciprocal bar.

5. After that, we install the strikers of the hinges on the body part of the product, combining the centers of the oval holes with the fastener installation points obtained by means of a core or an awl.

As fasteners, either euro screws or 4 * 16 self-tapping screws are usually used.

Euro screws are used when installing massive doors. Before installing them, it is necessary to pre-drill the seats with a depth of about 10 mm at the attachment points with a drill with a diameter of 4.5 mm. Do this operation carefully so as not to drill through the chipboard. Euro screws provide a strong connection between the massive door and the body of the product. But there is also a drawback. Due to their thickness, the euro screws almost completely “eat up” the vertical adjustment range of the door after it is hung. Have you noticed that the holes in the strikers of the furniture hinges are oval? These oval holes allow you to adjust the door in the vertical direction after hanging, and thick euro screws fill these ovals almost completely and make subsequent adjustment difficult.

If the door is not very massive, then you can use ordinary 4 * 16 self-tapping screws as fasteners. They provide a fairly secure connection and retain a good amount of room for adjusting the door in the vertical direction.

In the above example, the door was not heavy and I used 4 * 16 self-tapping screws as fasteners. When fixing, we make sure that the screws are in the center of the oval holes of the counterplate.

7. Then we apply the door to the body part of the product and assemble the furniture hinges into a single whole, combining the corresponding slots with the fixing and adjusting screws on the reciprocal strips and the rotary parts of the hinge.

Pay special attention to the fact that all the slots in the strikers catch on the heads of the adjusting screws on the second part of the hinge. These hats are located at the bottom during assembly and are hard to see. But it is necessary to insert them into the corresponding slots on the strikers. Otherwise, the door will be skewed and adjust it in the opening in horizontal plane fail.

8. All door is hinged.

It remains only to adjust it with the appropriate adjusting screws in the opening and erase the marking lines.

When assembling furniture on your own, many people have questions related to fastening and adjusting doors. In our article we will try to answer them.

Door adjustment

AT recent times the question of how to adjust the doors of a standard cabinet is becoming more and more relevant. It may be necessary to carry out such a procedure in various cases, and the issue itself must be approached in detail.
First, consider when you need to adjust these elements.

Over time, the mechanisms began to work poorly, they do not close completely, or the doors are slightly ajar.Most likely, the screws in the mechanism itself loosened. You will need to tighten them up and adjust to deal with the problem.
After the move, there were big gaps.It is required to carefully inspect the doors before adjusting them, then align them in height, length and eliminate deviations from the end.
The arrangement of the elements has changed, the design seems to be “curved”.Most likely, there was a displacement of the mechanisms, as a result of which they moved away from the facade. Carefully inspect the hinges, the position of the bolts before starting the adjustment.

Correctly identifying the problem is already half the battle. It is very important to understand what happened to the furniture and caused the displacement of its elements. Including the current position of the doors is determined to work out further actions.
How are cabinet doors adjusted? First you need to open them and carefully examine the degree of displacement. Find the adjusting screw on the hinges, it is located first to the sash and is used to change the position to the left or right. Turn this element with a screwdriver, controlling the change in position. It is necessary to achieve a result when the sash is located accordingly to the end, and their edges coincide. The gaps should be the same everywhere, this fact requires careful control. On some models, a lock is installed, if you set the position correctly, it will close.
The second step is to adjust the height. To do this, unscrew the screws that secure the sash to the structure itself. The door must be moved manually so that it fully coincides in height with the structure itself and does not go beyond its edges.
The second screw from the sash allows you to push it forward and move it back. If you unscrew it, you can adjust the location for special magnets that are used on some models to fix the sashes.
If you follow the basic rules, you will be able to return individual pieces of furniture to the correct position for full further use.


Another important question which interests many: how to screw the cabinet door, and in this case, many consider the video optimal solution for self-study. Of course it can give you general information, but it is necessary to have practical knowledge in this matter. Therefore, if you do not even know how to hang the sash correctly, it is best to immediately contact the experts.
But still, it is worth considering the installation process itself to give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe theory of this issue.
What you need to secure your cabinet door:

  • Measurement tools.
  • Cutter for ends 3.5 centimeters.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Drill for making holes.
  • Now let's talk about how to hang a door on your closet. To begin with, it is recommended to mark up and outline the center. Usually it is performed at a distance of 22 millimeters from the edge. From the butt it is necessary to retreat from 7 to 12 centimeters.
    In most cases, two loops are performed at the top and bottom. This option is the most simple and convenient, allows you to reduce the time of direct installation. But there are very dimensional structures with a lot of weight, for them two loops may not be enough. In this case, it is recommended to install another element. It is carried out in the center of the structure, due to this, a full distribution of weight is ensured.
    Now we take a drill with a cutter of the recommended diameter. Some are wondering - why is a cutter exactly 35 millimeters required?
    A cup from the loop will be inserted into the hole made, it has a certain diameter. The vast majority of parts are designed specifically for this size for a complete installation. But before installation, it is worth checking the diameter on your hinges to avoid discrepancies.
    It is recommended to use only a tool with good sharpening. It is important to quickly and correctly make a hole, avoiding defects in the form of punching through the coating, excessive depth and chips. The normal depth is 1.2 centimeters.
    We insert the loop cup, mark the entrances under the screws with an awl and screw them in. Next, you need to mark the door, taking into account the indents on the furniture body, and then screw it to the main part. With the help of adjusting screws, you can immediately set the correct position, eliminating the possibility of deviations in the future.

    Mirror installation

    Not all manufacturers install mirrors on their furniture. More precisely, only a few do it, because mirrors are very fragile elements and are easily damaged during transportation.
    There are several ways to attach a mirror to a standard cabinet door:

  • With the help of special plastic rails.
  • By gluing, this is the easiest option for today.
  • Mirrors are often fastened with metal paws in the form of the letter "P".
  • Small screws.
  • Before starting installation, it is required to remove the sash from the structure and lay it on the floor. This is necessary for the most accurate work and your convenience.
    For the mirror itself, measurements should be taken, having learned its exact dimensions. After that, you need to take a pencil, a ruler and draw a place for direct attachment. This will allow you to accurately place it on the door.
    The easiest mounting option today is with a special double-sided adhesive film. It is as simple and convenient as possible to use, allowing you to quickly cope with the task without the use of a huge number of tools.
    First you need to cut a piece of film according to previously made dimensions. It needs to be glued to the door according to the pencil marking, gradually removing the protective layer from the underside and ironing the place of application well.
    Now remove the protective layer from the upper side, apply a mirror and press down a little. It is important not to overdo it, because with a lot of pressure it can simply burst. The adhesive on the film sets quickly, and you can be sure of a similar fixation method. It is not so easy to cope with such a connection, usually it is possible to separate the surfaces only with a metal string.

    Assembling furniture usually ends with hanging doors, so it is important to know how to install hinges on a cabinet. How well this will be done depends on the duration of the product and its appearance. There are various types of hinges on the hardware market. Each of them has its own characteristics. To understand the technique of mounting hinges, you first need to understand the differences between each type of fastener.

    Types of hinges for furniture

    For cabinet doors are used the following types loops:

    • Hinged fasteners consist of two parts and are interconnected by an axis. This is one of the most popular types of hinges that were used in furniture made in the USSR.
    • Four-hinged hinges are an improved version of the previous type. They are versatile and suitable for various types cabinets.

    For mirror or glass doors, special types of hinges are used. Their design includes decorative overlay and a special sealing ring that is attached to the glass surface.

    Furniture hinges are divided into several subspecies, depending on the method of application and, accordingly, the scope. Let's consider them in more detail:

    • Overhead and semi-overlay fasteners are used for furniture exterior doors.
    • Insert hinges are intended for internal partitions.
    • Corner fasteners are suitable for assembling corner cabinets, regardless of their configuration.
    • Inverted hinges are installed if it is necessary that the furniture door opens at an angle of up to 180 degrees.

    Preparing for installation

    A process such as installing hinges on a cabinet involves several stages of work. First you need to determine what tools you need. For installation, you will need to prepare:

    • pencil;
    • level;
    • roulette;
    • screwdriver (screwdriver);
    • drill;
    • a hammer;
    • fasteners;
    • self-tapping screws 4x16 mm in size.

    Installation of fasteners


    First of all, you need to determine the number of hinges that need to be installed on the door. This characteristic depends on the size and weight of the product. For small wall cabinets two loops are enough, for overall furniture - from three. Compliance with the following recommendations for the number of fasteners will securely fasten the doors:

    For marking you will need a pencil, a level and a tape measure. On the this stage the following tips should be followed:

    1. From the edge of the door, the marking line should be located at a distance of 20-22 mm.
    2. The hinges must be positioned 70-120 mm from the upper and lower ends of the door.
    3. If there are more than 2 fasteners, then the extreme ones are placed first, and then the rest are evenly distributed so that they are at the same distance from each other.

    When installing several fasteners, you should calculate so that their location does not fall on internal elements furniture (shelves, ends, etc.).

    Drilling and installing hinges

    After marking, you should proceed directly to the installation. Installing hinges on a cabinet door consists of several steps. In order to perform it yourself, you should follow the following instructions:

    1. In the place where the markings on the door are made, a niche is drilled under the hinge bowl.
    2. Fasteners are inserted into the prepared niche and aligned 180 degrees.
    3. Places for installing loops are marked on the surface.
    4. Holes are drilled through which fasteners are attached to the door.

    1. The door is attached to the place where it will stand and is well aligned. Marking is done on the cabinet body.
    2. Holes are drilled.
    3. The back plate is installed.
    4. The parts of the loop are connected to each other.

    The depth of the holes for the niche should be about 12 mm. It should be borne in mind that the standard chipboard thickness is 16-18 mm.

    Before you install furniture hinges on a cabinet, you should take into account the nuances of the process. Fasteners must be on the same axis, the only way they will last long time. Otherwise, the load on the hinges will be uneven, and one of them will quickly fail.

    To mark the holes for the screws, you can use ready-made templates, which will facilitate the process of designating future fasteners and allow you to perform it as accurately as possible.


    The furniture hinge can be adjusted vertically, horizontally or in depth. It depends, first of all, on the peculiarities of furniture operation in the future and other nuances. Let's take a closer look at each type of adjustment:

    1. In order to press the door closer to the body or, conversely, to make the fasteners a little weaker, the depth adjustment and fixation of the hinge are used. To perform the operation, you need a regular screwdriver. With its help, an oval hole is twisted on the fastener. This method adjustment is used if the room where the furniture is located has uneven floors.
    2. Vertical adjustment allows you to set the door higher or lower than it is. Even a perfectly adjusted facade can sag over time, so it is recommended to periodically carry out this procedure.
    3. Horizontal adjustment is designed to eliminate the gaps between the door and the cabinet body. If the floor surface in the room is uneven, this procedure is necessary.

    To make an adjustment, you must first diagnose the problem that has appeared. After its cause is determined, it will be necessary to tighten it more strongly or, conversely, slightly loosen the bolt on the fastener body.

    Installing a hinge on a glass cabinet door

    Before you put the hinges on the cabinet, you must consider the material from which the furniture is made. The glass facade installation technology will have some features. Here are the main ones:

    It is advisable to install the glass facade on the cabinet without drilling the surface. Working with thin material requires attention and careless movement of the door may crack.

    Installation of hinges on the cabinet is required when self assembly furniture or if a part breaks. The process does not take much time and is quite within the power of even inexperienced craftsmen. The only thing you should pay attention to is the correct and clear marking. It is from this stage that the success of all subsequent actions and positive result work.

    You can visually get acquainted with the process of installing hinges on a cabinet in the following video.

    The service life of any furniture always depends on the intensity of its operation and the quality of the selected fittings. Furniture cabinets are used by housewives quite often, so the choice of hinges for them is a very responsible task. It will be necessary to figure out what loops are and what determines the choice of one or another type.


    By bonding method

    1. slide-on. it classic way fastening, in which the fasteners and other fittings required in the assembly of kitchen cabinets are placed in the hole of the plate, on which the fixation is made.
    2. key-hole. In another version, this type of fastening sounds like a "keyhole". At the same time, in order to reach the screw head with the tip of a screwdriver, it must be placed in a special hole in the loop.
    3. clip-on. A fixing method in which fixation on the mounting plate is provided without the use of screws and equipment. Pinning occurs as a result of a click.

    Closing method

    1. Ordinary.
    2. With a conductor. This method assumes the presence of a shock-absorbing device. It can be built into a furniture hinge or mounted independently.

    According to the size of the loop bowl

    The most widely used bowl sizes are 26 and 35mm. It all depends on the technology furniture production and on what kind of furniture needs to be equipped with hinges for cabinets. In some cases, other sizes may be used. Some types of loops may not have cups at all.

    By appointment


    • External (overhead). This is the widest known to specialists for assembling furniture hinges. In the given state of closed sashes, they completely close the opening. One of the quite often used subspecies of such hinges is transformers or inverse ones with an opening angle of up to 180 degrees.
    • Semi-mounted (semi-overhead). They are fastened in those places where adjacent sashes converge and cover the end of the middle wall in half.
    • Internal (deposit). Such door hinges should be chosen when the door leaves are recessed relative to the facade line.


    • Corner. As a rule, they are used for hanging doors of hanging pieces of furniture (for corner cabinets). These hinges most often differ in the opening angles of the doors. Such an angle has not only a numerical value, but also a certain shape, be sharp or obtuse.
    • Direct (adit). They are hung if it is necessary to fix the door on a non-moving base (false panels). They are usually distributed in corner cabinets and boxes for sinks.
    • Carousel. These varieties of loops are sometimes found under the names crocodile and crab. Their main purpose is to fasten moving furniture elements.

    For other structural parts

    • Framework.
    • Installed without the use of a drill. Such hinges are useful if the thickness of the door is insufficient for installing cup hinges. Negative side in the installation of this fitting is that the regulation of the position of the doors is possible only in one plane (up-down or farther-closer).
    • Spring. As a rule, they are chosen as a secondary option when the installation of other fittings is not possible.
    • For glasses. The special design allows the hinges to be attached to the glass sash. As a rule, such hinges are equipped with soft plastic parts.

    Installation of fasteners

    On a wooden door

    Wooden doors can cover both wall and base cabinets. The basic algorithm for sequential actions when installing loops for hanging comes down to the following steps:

    1. Determine the position of the hinges on the door. For this, an indent of approximately 80-150 mm is taken from each edge of the door. The distance in this case depends on the height of the door panel;

    Marking is carried out in selected places. To do this, the loop is applied to the canvas and with the help of a pencil an outline of the intended position of the loop is made. For installation, it is better to use a special template that allows you to quickly and accurately apply markup;

    1. Then, using milling machine and the selected nozzle, a place for the cup is drilled. For drilling, it is recommended to choose a tool with excellent sharpening. It is important to observe the position of the cutter and the depth of the niche. The bowl depth standard for furniture hinges is 12-13mm.
    2. The loop is inserted into the niche and aligned horizontally. The mechanism is fixed in this position and places for fasteners are marked;
    3. Holes are drilled for fasteners so that it can be inserted into the cabinet;
    4. The device is attached to the door;
    5. Marking is carried out for attaching mounting plates to the cabinet body. To do this, the door is installed in the required location and leveled, getting rid of repainting and shifts. On the body of the cabinet, a place is marked for attaching the slats.
    6. Perform drilling of marked holes;
    7. Produce the installation of the reciprocal bar;
    8. Connect both parts of the loop.

    For glass doors

    Glass sashes are preferably hung on the cabinet of the upper row. glass like more brittle material, requires a special approach to the installation of loops. As part of the accessories there is a certain list of mandatory elements:

    • mounting plate attached to the sidewall;
    • mounting bracket;
    • a sealing ring, which is necessary to secure the fittings and the glass door;
    • a cap or decorative overlay, which is almost always installed in order to hide the visible parts of the fittings from the front side.

    There is a certain method for mounting fasteners on a glass door:

    1. In order to correctly install or replace the hinges, you need to select the area for marking. markup glass door produced similarly to wood;
    2. Using a drill, the loop is attached to wooden frame closet. For this purpose, holes for fasteners are drilled, and the loop is fixed with a screwdriver or screwdriver;
    3. The hinge is attached to the glass sash using clips. The glass sheet is placed in a loop. On both sides, rubber gaskets are placed between the glass and the hinge, which protect the glass from damage. The hinge is fixed with bolts.