How to properly breed alabaster for plastering. Alabaster: What is this? How to dilute? Where to apply

For more than one millennium, this unique building material has been used in the construction and repair of premises, for decoration, making sculptures, and vessels. Alabaster, which is more often called plaster of paris, is aesthetic and easy to process.

On the intricacies of breeding alabaster

The main feature of water mixtures with alabaster is their fast solidification. This circumstance should be taken into account before proceeding with its breeding. In addition, the setting speed leads to the formation of solidified mixture residues in the containers from under it. Therefore, sometimes it is not easy to remove them from metal buckets and tanks.

To save yourself from mistakes when breeding alabaster, you must:

  • prepare the mixture in small portions to prevent it from solidifying earlier than five minutes later
  • for dilution, it is better to use containers made of rubber or silicone, which are easy to clean
  • put inside a container plastic bag, the upper edge of which is securely fixed before stirring
  • strictly observe the ratio of alabaster and water for the preparation of a specific solution
  • Pour dry alabaster into water gradually, stirring constantly until a mass without lumps and bubbles is obtained

At what proportions are plaster of paris obtained?

Plaster of paris can be prepared for various finishing operations. For each of them regulatory documents certain requirements for the preparation of asbestos mortar are provided. So, if it is supposed to be used to fill the strobes when performing work related to the laying of electrical wiring, one kilogram of alabaster should be diluted in half a liter of water.

In the case of preparing a plaster based on alabaster and lime, a kilogram of dry powder is diluted in 650 grams of lime mortar or water. A liquid putty solution, with the help of which irregularities on the walls are leveled, a kilogram of dry is poured into a liter of water stucco.

The main thing when breeding alabaster is to pour the dry mixture into the water. If this is done in small portions while stirring, the formation of lumps is minimized.

However, a quality solution is also provided:

  • using power tools in the form of a drill with stirring attachments
  • moistening the alabaster while stirring by hand, after which it is intensively stirred with a spatula
  • the inadmissibility of diluting the mixture, which has set, with a liquid due to loss of quality

The main property of alabaster is the ability to quickly harden, mixing with water. This creates a solid and stone-like surface. Due to these properties, it is widely used in various industries construction, industrial production, art. With its help, seams in surfaces, holes and irregularities are closed.

When conducting electrical wiring with alabaster, wires and cables are fixed in specially prepared grooves. They putty walls and other surfaces of premises, various building structures.

However, ordinary alabaster quickly sets and hardens, after which it is not recommended to re-mix it with water. The quality of such a mixture deteriorates sharply.

Have experienced craftsmen there are methods of prolonging the action of the ready-made solution. According to one of them, a small amount of wallpaper glue is added to a container with such a solution.

After that, it is tightly closed with a piece of plastic wrap. The masters claim that this allows increasing the setting time without losing the quality of the alabaster mixture.

Types of alabaster

Different types of alabaster, as a natural mineral for the manufacture of stucco are mined in many countries.

So calcite alabaster is formed by streams of calcareous water and sediments. It can have various, predominantly greenish hues. Destroys upon exposure of hydrochloric acid unlike plaster alabaster.

Gypsum alabaster is the main raw material for the manufacture of gypsum. As a result of its processing at high temperatures in special devices, a powder-like binder for construction is obtained. If it is subjected to a finer grinding, the resulting powder can be used for molding operations. Specially purified raw materials are used for the production of gypsum for medical purposes.

There are rare forms of alabaster. In Italy, China and the USA, in addition to white, alabaster of pink and black colors is also mined. There is reddish and brown alabaster.

The setting time is different:

  • fast-hardening, which begins to solidify after a couple of minutes and finally sets in a quarter of an hour
  • normally hardening with the beginning of setting not earlier than after six minutes and final hardening after half an hour
  • hardening slowly, which begins to set no earlier than twenty minutes

For the most part, the powder of modern stucco is white... The most applicable in construction is such a gypsum, which is marked G-5, G-6.

Such alabaster is widely used for:

  • plastering works in dry rooms
  • preparation of putty and plaster mixes according to special recipes
  • production of gypsum-based partition panels
  • dry plaster in sheet form
  • various types of drywall sheets
  • gypsum fiber boards and plasterboard

A similar stucco is used where high strength characteristics material. Due to the presence of a coarse-grained component, it has lower strength and greater porosity.

To meet the needs of industries that need high-strength molds for casting parts for various purposes, to perform special work, it is necessary to opt for alabaster, which is distinguished by high strength, marked from G-13 to G-25. Such material corresponds modern standards security and management construction works.

The cost of quality alabaster

Common building alabaster is considered relatively inexpensive. building material making it extremely popular in the market. It is sold mainly in durable paper multilayer bags, designed for 5-50 kg. One kilogram of ordinary G-5 building plaster can cost an average of 5-15 rubles.

Alabaster, which is distinguished by its high strength, is significantly superior to ordinary stucco. They are made from gypsum stone, as using traditional technologies and complex chemical-technological processes.

Therefore, such materials are indispensable for:

  • Completion of drilled wells in the oil and gas industry
  • production of ceramics and sculptures
  • production of elements decorative design construction projects
  • in medicine for the manufacture of orthopedic and dental prostheses
  • molding castings in jewelry making
  • high-strength molds for the needs of some industries

Alabaster is a building material widely used for leveling and filling walls. It is a type of gypsum, so these concepts are often confused. Let's put these materials “on the shelves”.

Are gypsum and alabaster the same thing?

Gypsum is a calcium sulfate hydrate, natural material widely used in many branches of life and industry. They make from plaster building mixtures, it is used by sculptors, gypsum is also known in medicine.

Gypsum is a wide group of materials with different impurities, compositions and applications.

Alabaster - what is it? This type of gypsum mineral used in construction has a narrow specific application. That is, errors in the substitution of concepts, according to by and large, No. It's just that gypsum is a broad concept, and alabaster is a narrow one.

Characteristics of alabaster

When choosing construction and finishing materials professionals, first of all, form their attention to the technical indicators of dry mixes and working solutions.

Stucco properties:

  • Composition - calcium compound hemihydrate;
  • Compressive strength (average) - 4.0 MPa;
  • Flexural strength - 2.0 MPa;
  • Binder grade (gypsum) - G4 and higher;
  • Color - white or light gray (almost white);
  • Water consumption per 1 kg of dry mix - 0.65-0.70 liters;
  • Setting time 6-30 minutes from start to finish.

General performance properties stucco (alabaster):

  • The solution fits well on a prepared surface of any material;
  • High adhesion;
  • The surface can be given a perfectly flat state in a short time (up to 5 minutes);
  • When dry, alabaster does not crack, does not dry out and does not change its volume at all;
  • The solidified layer of mortar absorbs noise, therefore it can be used as additional remedy protection of premises from sounds;
  • Alabaster is warm to the touch, prevents heat loss.

Application of alabaster

We have already found out that alabaster is a building material used in the repair and construction of residential and public buildings, namely:

  • As dry mixes for the preparation of plaster and putty solutions;
  • For repairing cracks, potholes;
  • Alabaster is part of the gypsum partitions of interroom and interroom.

Building gypsum has found application in decoration and repair work thanks to its fast setting properties and perfect leveling of the surface, as well as good adhesion. An alabaster layer is used to prepare the base for wallpaper, tiles, decorative plaster in bathrooms, toilets and living rooms, bedrooms.

The surface of the cured stucco must not be exposed to moisture. When arranging walls in bathrooms, alabaster should be insulated with tiled cladding.

How to breed alabaster

The correct preparation of the working solution depends on overall result finishes and usability. There are several subtleties in this matter.


SNiP regulates the amount of water for mixing a solution of alabaster plaster in the amount of 1 kg of dry mixture per 0.65 liters of liquid. This proportion is appropriate for the preparation of putty and plaster mortar.

For mixing the installation and repair mortar, proportions of 1 kg of dry alabaster to 0.5 liters of water are suitable.

To make a liquid solution for putty, you need to take water and mixture in a 1: 1 ratio.

To extend the setting time of the solution, you can add 2% of the volume of carpenter's glue of animal origin, for example, bone glue, to it.

Choice of dishes

Before dissolving alabaster, you need to choose the right dishes. A metal container is definitely not suitable for kneading - the solution will stick to it as it dries, and it is not easy to clean such a plaque.

To prepare the working mixture plastic will do, or better - a rubber container. In order not to stain the vessel, place a dense plastic bag in it, hooking it over the edges of a bucket or basin.

Professionals note: alabaster does not stick to rubber. If you need to prepare a single batch of material, use a cut rubber ball.

Correct kneading

How to breed plaster of paris:

  • Pour the required measured amount of water into the container;
  • Gradually introducing the dry mixture, stir the solution with a spatula, for large volumes use construction mixer or a drill with a nozzle;
  • Add dry mixture until a suitable paste consistency is obtained.

For plaster, the mixture should take the consistency of sour cream - the same plastic and moderately soft.

Working with a solution

With diluted alabaster, you can plaster a wall, fill up a gap or a pothole, fill a gutter.

How to cover up cracks with alabaster:

  1. The strobe / crevice / pothole must be cleaned with a stiff brush from loose material, and the dust must be swept away with a soft bristle.
  2. Treat the working surface with a deep penetration primer. It will improve the adhesion of the materials and protect the repair area from further delamination.
  3. Knead the working solution. For repair, we use the ratio of the mixture to water 1: 0.5.
  4. With a spatula, apply the solution in the direction of the gap, remove the excess mixture in a transverse motion and level the surface.

Working with alabaster is no different from using other plaster mixes. To cover the surface of the structure, dilute the solution 1: 1 and apply in a thin layer with a spatula.

How long does alabaster dry

As stated in the technical specifications, the drying time of alabaster from the moment of initial setting to hardening is 5-30 minutes. That is, the solution must be worked out in 5 minutes. If the gypsum begins to harden in a bucket, it is useless to dilute it, such material should be thrown away.

Experienced craftsmen mix up to 5 kg of the mixture at a time; for local repairs, a little alabaster should be prepared.

As already mentioned, animal glue will help to extend the setting period of the solution. For 1 kg of dry mixture, it is enough to add a tablespoon of bone glue. It will not affect the quality of the finished material.

Or for making small sculptures. The solution preparation technology is quite simple. The main thing is to know in what ratio the components are mixed. It should be noted that gypsum is the main material for making crafts.

What is gypsum

Before answering the question of how to properly breed gypsum for crafts, it is worth figuring out what kind of material it is. First of all, it is very flexible. Gypsum can be applied to almost any type of surface. The material is easy to process and hardens quickly. Gypsum is used in many industries: as a fertilizer, as one of the components of paper and pulp production, as a component of enamels and paints. The material is also used for the manufacture of internal decorative elements... Often, gypsum is used as a binder in construction.

Material disadvantages

Since it is not a difficult process to breed gypsum for crafts, it is worth considering certain disadvantages of the material. This will make it much easier to work with him. First of all, gypsum has low levels of hygroscopicity and strength. Therefore, use decorative elements made of this material in rooms with high humidity Not recommended. In such situations, additional processing is required. For reliability, finished crafts should be covered with a coating that protects against moisture.

Before starting work, you should take into account the hygroscopicity of gypsum products. They absorb any coating well. Therefore, it is recommended to apply a layer of primer to the surface of the product. Only then can a moisture-proof coating be used.

How to breed gypsum for crafts: proportions

There are several main ways of making gypsum solution for making crafts. The easiest method is to dilute the powder with water. In this case, it is important to observe all proportions. 7 parts of gypsum requires at least 10 parts of water. It is worth noting that it is worth preparing the solution with extreme caution so that there are no lumps. It is recommended to add gypsum to the water, not vice versa. This method also eliminates the formation of dust.

This solution is easy to use. It can be used to make products of almost any shape. However, it is worth considering that the crafts are not very strong. They break and crumble easily. So how to breed gypsum for crafts?

Method two

So, how to breed gypsum for crafts. This method preparation of the solution is a little more complicated than the previous one. However, the mixture allows the production of stronger and more reliable products that retain their appearance for many years.

To prepare the solution, you need: 6 parts of gypsum, 10 parts of water, 1 part The components are gently mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Making colored plaster

How to breed plaster for crafts different colors? This will require:

  1. Gypsum.
  2. Gouache.
  3. Ordinary water.
  4. Jar with a lid.
  5. Dishes for solution preparation.
  6. Spoon, scapula, or stick.

Kneading process

So, how to dilute plaster for crafts from a multi-colored solution? The process is actually quite simple. To begin with, it is worth pouring gouache into the jar and the amount of water required to prepare the solution. To completely dissolve the paint, it is recommended to close the jar with a lid and shake it a little.

Colored water should be poured into the dishes where the solution will be prepared. Here, observing all the proportions, it is necessary to gradually add gypsum. It is worth pouring the powder into the liquid in a thin stream, constantly mixing the components. This will help to achieve a uniform consistency of the solution. The mixture should resemble thick sour cream. Stir the solution thoroughly during preparation so that there are no lumps and air bubbles. Otherwise, in finished product holes are formed.

How many crafts dry

Now you know how to breed plaster for crafts. How long do the products dry? The gypsum solution grasps and gradually hardens 4 minutes after its manufacture. Therefore, you should work with the finished material quickly and accurately. Complete hardening of the gypsum occurs in half an hour. In order for the mortar to set more slowly, it is worth adding a little water-soluble animal-based glue to the solution.

How can plaster be replaced

There are many creative kits on sale at the moment. How to dilute plaster for Lori crafts, and the material from other kits for creating figurines, as a rule, is always indicated in the instructions. It is worth examining it before starting work, as the solution dries quickly. It should be noted that in some kits for creativity, analogs of gypsum are used. The most common of these is alabaster.

This powder has a grayish tint and has a fine structure. The material is obtained as a result of heat treatment of gypsum dihydrate. Thereby ready solution received completely different characteristics. It should be noted that outwardly alabaster and gypsum are very similar.

How does alabaster differ from gypsum

Among the main differences between these substances, it is worth highlighting:

How many alabaster crafts dry

You can determine the solidification time of the material by examining the technical characteristics of the mixture. In general, the setting of the alabaster solution is observed 6 minutes after the substance is diluted. Partial solidification occurs after 30 minutes. It is worth noting that a hardened and dried solution is able to withstand a load of 5 MPa. Alabaster dries completely within 1-2 days. Despite the fact that products made of this material are stronger, it is not recommended to use the solution for working with children, as it is not entirely safe for health. Gypsum is preferable in this case.

Modern building materials are diverse and their variety is surprising and confusing when choosing. Craftsmen use new materials and very old ones, which have been known since ancient times, such as gypsum or alabaster.

The question often arises, is there a difference in the compositions? What mixture should be used in this or that case? To do right choice, it should be understood how gypsum differs from alabaster.

Building mixtures: alabaster and gypsum what is the difference

You can figure out what is the difference between alabaster and gypsum after a detailed study of the methods of obtaining a particular dry mixture and the field of application of these compositions.

Gypsum, what is it? Dry composition based on natural natural gypsum stone, mined from sedimentary rocks, crushed into fine powder, is called gypsum. It is odorless, unaffected by high temperatures and high humidity. Gypsum is a hypoallergenic building material for humans and is completely harmless.

Plaster pretty widely used v Everyday life of people. It is used in construction work, it is the basis for the manufacture of gypsum plasterboards. It is used as a finishing material. The most finely ground mixture, powder, is used in medicine, as a fixing material in traumatology and dentistry.

For designers, artists, sculptors, all people involved in creativity and art gypsum universal material, allowing to embody the most daring creative ideas. Plaster moldings decorate the facades of buildings from the outside.

As the material is gypsum has plasticity... Dries fairly quickly. After drying, the gypsum may slightly increase in volume, this quality should be taken into account. The dry mix of gypsum is practically not stored due to its hygroscopicity. The ability to absorb moisture and quickly harden inside the package is very high. The composition should be stored in dry rooms.

Alabaster - what is it

Alabaster is the Latin name for the dry mix from which the vases were made. In short, alabaster is called rock formation, which consists of fine-grained gypsum. Alabaster contains fine powder extracted from gypsum stone.

But in making it apply high temperatures, the milled raw materials are fired, the output turns out gypsum mix with new technical characteristics... Its second name is building plaster.

Alabaster becomes the hardest, in comparison with plaster. The composition hardens faster. Choosing alabaster as a composition for leveling the surface of the walls, you can plaster the walls in twenty minutes. Alabaster blend has several advantages:

  • more resistant to high temperatures;
  • has the ability to regulate indoor humidity;
  • completely safe for humans.

The use of alabaster in construction and finishing works is widespread. V electrical work ah to secure electrical wires thanks to the fast hardening, it is convenient to use the alabaster solution. The use is more appropriate for sealing seams, chipped wall sections and cracks.

The composition penetrates deeper inside the crack. This means that the bond will be more reliable and better quality... Lighthouses and slopes are exposed with alabaster, because the composition has a high hardness and dries quickly. Alabaster is used for filling walls and structures that enclose or divide a room.

Plaster of paris, alabaster, use for room decoration and the manufacture of decorative items. Alabaster, which is widely used in the manufacture of vases, figurines and different crafts polished. Products are polished according to the old methods, using horsetail or scraping.

To get a better polish of the product use crushed mother-of-pearl... The only requirement for using objects in the interior will be the humidity of the room. With a high humidity of the premises, the characteristic properties of alabaster are lost until destruction. And also rather dry air can lead to cracking of the material.

Fast-drying building gypsum to change this property into alabaster add polymer impurities... The mixture with various additives has about twelve varieties. This or that composition differs in its hardness and hardening time. The hardened composition of alabaster is light, no changes in volume or shape occur, there is no shrinkage.

The working composition of alabaster is obtained by adding a certain amount of water to a portion of the dry mixture. Any alabaster mortar will be fast-hardening, this must always be remembered.

A solution that has begun to harden cannot be reanimated; it is disposed of. There is a few rules, using which you can avoid unpleasant moments when preparing and using the solution:

  1. A solution of alabaster mixture must be prepared so much that it can be used after six minutes. A portion ready mix will be small.
  2. Alabaster mixture is very difficult to clean from plastic or metal surfaces, therefore, it is better to breed alabaster in a container made of rubber or silicone. If there is no rubber or silicone container at hand, then by covering the container with a plastic bag, you can use a plastic or metal container.
  3. Depending on the application of the alabaster building compound, strictly adhere to the proportions of dry mix and water.
  4. In order to avoid the formation of lumps of solution and the appearance of unnecessary air bubbles, it is necessary to add the dry mixture in small portions to the water, constantly stirring.

For different construction work, the proportions of dry mix and water will be different. Plastering the walls with a liquid mortar of stucco can be carried out by diluting alabaster in a ratio of 1: 1, take 500 grams of alabaster and the same amount of water.

The resulting slurry of stucco is suitable for leveling the surface of the walls, as well as leveling the surface of the partitions. A thicker solution of alabaster can be obtained in a ratio of 0.5: 1, that is, there will be 500 grams of water in the composition, and 1 thousand grams of a dry mixture. With this composition, it is recommended to glue plaster moldings to walls or ceilings.

To carry out electrical work, a solution of stucco is required even thicker... It is this consistency of the composition that will allow you to fix wires or cup holders for sockets and switches in the walls almost instantly. Building alabaster it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2, that is, one part of water and two parts of a dry mixture are taken.

It is necessary to dilute the dry mixture water room temperature ... If the water is hot, the diluted mixture will shorten the hardening time. After completing all work, immediately wash the entire tool in warm water. Complete drying of the solution on the instruments will not allow cleaning it. The composition hardens and sticks to the instruments “tightly”.

Building material based on natural stone versatile and time-tested... Alabaster products and blends will not lose their uniqueness. Working with alabaster is easy. Combination of aesthetics, accessibility, range of applications and high-quality results plaster of paris more long time will occupy its high place in the variety of building materials.

Alabaster is a mortar of stucco, which can be found on construction sites and in living conditions... Refers to a group of finishing materials. It is used for both interior and exterior decoration works. He is interesting for many positive characteristics: It belongs to the environmentally friendly material, it has good sound insulation and waterproof performance.

On the market you can find alabaster of three types and under various brands: fast-hardening, slow-hardening and normal hardening.

Main characteristics of alabaster

Alabaster has the following positive properties:

  • Solidifies into as soon as possible... Already after five minutes, the material sets and after 30 minutes it reaches full hardening.
  • Reduces the risk of cracking.
  • It is a non-flammable material.
  • Allows you to get an even coating.
  • With its help, it is possible to create fire protection coatings.

Alabaster for renovation and construction work

Using alabaster is not at all difficult, but before using it, you must read the instructions and strictly adhere to the recommendations. It should be remembered that the material hardens very quickly in air... After about 5-7 minutes, the diluted solution begins to set and becomes unsuitable for further work. In order to avoid embarrassment, it is recommended to knead the solution in portions. To extend the "working" properties of the mixture, many experts recommend adding wallpaper glue to it. In this case, there is a little more time for work.

Another secret. does not stick to rubber at all, so it can be diluted in rubber containers. If the solution is planned to be diluted in an ordinary bucket, then it must first be overlaid plastic wrap... Otherwise, such a container will be damaged.

Alabaster solution: technological features

The technology for breeding alabaster has similar features to the technology for breeding wallpaper glue. Usually the proportions are as follows: the ratio of powder to water is 1: 0.5, where 1 kg of alabaster is equal to 1.5 liters of cold water.

The resulting mixture must be thoroughly and very quickly mixed until a viscous state. The consistency of the solution should resemble sour cream. After that, you can immediately proceed to finishing works, while interruptions in the application of the material are unacceptable.

Gypsum, alabaster, lime