How to make a slingshot from a bicycle camera. Piston slingshot made of cardboard tubes. Homemade slingshot for hunting

“Carving with a knife. Crafts from the branches ”- a book that will definitely come in handy this summer for boys and those adults who do not consider the folding knife a dangerous pampering in the hands of children. First of all, having mastered the basic ones, it is worth making a slingshot - real, accurate and very durable. Today's DIY slingshot workshop will show you how to do this.

I became interested in slingshots as a child, quite naturally, as well as bows and arrows, various traps, tree houses and blowguns (we used small clay balls to shoot through our wonderful bamboo tubes). Although not everything I did with my many slingshots, I can be proud, it was exciting, and useful too - for example, you could get a mango that was out of reach on a thin branch.

This work, of course, was for two. One stood under a huge, beautiful, ripe mango, and the other stood to the side, armed with a good slingshot with charges of hard unripe guava or nuts. Naturally, the target was not the mango itself. Getting into the fetus would harm it mercilessly. The target was a long stem over a mango. If the "bullet" cut him off, then the mango would fall right into the hands (hopefully) of the waiting catcher.

So, here are the components of a Brazilian slingshot, Mato Grosso brand, 1950s model (2005 modernization, by Lubkemann): a fairly symmetrical deciduous tree slingshot; a high-quality rubber medical tube (the thickness depends on the pulling force you need), a piece of strong leather for the skin and dental floss (yes, yes, dental floss! - you can with menthol, you can odorless, but I usually use waxed).

Here I must admit that as a boy in the jungle, I used the good old rubber of car tire tubes, tongues of old boots and laces! But I suspect it’s hard to find a real rubber car camera today, and it’s not easy to find a leather boot tongue. As for the dental floss, I don't remember how I started using it, but it works great! It is very durable and does not slip when you tie it.

You will need:

  • Symmetrically (reasonably) branching branch of a deciduous tree
  • Sandpaper for sanding - a couple of types from fine to very fine (150 and 220).
  • Rubber medical tube good quality
  • Leather for the jacket (saddles, heels)
  • Dental floss
  1. Cut the handle to a length that suits you. Round off the tops of the bifurcation.

  1. For this particular slingshot, we will remove all the bark. On some of my slingshots, I left a part of the bark, depending on the type I wanted.

  1. Cut a shallow “neck” at the top ends of the slingshot.

  1. Cut the tubes to the required length, making an allowance so that their ends will both wrap around the ends of the slingshot and fold through the holes in the jacket that you carefully cut.

When cutting these holes, proceed very carefully, making sure to make the edges of the hole smooth, without any burrs or cuts that could rupture the jacket.

  1. It is imperative to tie the rubber bands to the slingshot together! One holds the slingshot and pulls the elastic (its "tongue" should be outside the branch), and the second, pulling the thread, tightly winds the thread on the elastic and ties it.

Don't skimp on the thread! Fold it in half and use a long thread. And tie a few knots as you wind.

  1. As an additional reinforcement, I cross the thread several times on the front of the wrap-around elastic and around the neck of the slingshot.

  1. Tie the elastic bands securely (also tightening them) to both holes in the jacket.

  1. Ready! Slingshots can be a lot of fun and reward if used correctly. In some places (for example, on summer cottages) there are special restrictions on slingshots as throwing weapons. Be sure to check before use. That says it all!

  1. The branch we used for this slingshot, although made of sturdy wood, is probably a little thinner than I usually used for the rubber we used. A thicker branch would be more suitable - the one in the photo below.

Next time we will make a wooden fork for roasting something delicious over the fire.


The main thing is to be careful with such toys)) the kids are nimble now you never know what .. (

Dear dads and mothers ... no need to give your child slingshots ... since childhood I have a scar just below the navel because of the slingshot ... the boys from the neighboring yard were naughty ...

Even though I am a girl, as a child I loved to shoot with a slingshot at cats and dogs)) when I remember ... I shudder. Poor animals! What did they not tolerate from me (

Comment on the article "DIY slingshot: crafts for boys. Master class with a photo"

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Today, many experienced hunters are controversial about the use of a slingshot for hunting, rather it is considered exotic than a common occurrence. There are reasons for this statement, because without studying this type of weapon, it is difficult to imagine its advantages over a gun and a carbine. For example, with the help of a slingshot, you can successfully hunt hares, squirrels, otters and muskrats; there have also been cases when a small wild boar was even shot with this weapon. Therefore, in the arsenal of many hunt lovers powerful slingshot for hunting takes a worthy place, being located in the same row with crossbows and bows.

Toy or dangerous weapon?

Based technical characteristics of such products, it can be understood that a hunting slingshot is a completely reasonable and justified tool. Hunting with a slingshot has some peculiarities and is somewhat different from hunting with other types of weapons. The tactic is to lure the animal out of the hole or get closer to it, which turns such a hunt into a gambling training in the ability to disguise and conceal. In order to make an effective shot from a gun, many hunters use it to scare a marten or squirrel out of the nest, or to get a wounded animal.

In this case, the ammunition is released absolutely silently and when unsuccessful attempt there is a chance to make another, more successful shot, since the animal may not hear or notice the first shot. Hunting for pheasant (especially at the beginning of the season), duck, various sandpipers and even black grouse is famous in the lands rich in game. As for its direct use, first of all, it is shooting with shot or balls of various diameters at medium-sized game located at a short distance from the hunter.

Presented today big choice such products for every taste, Russian market filled with "different-sized" and different-quality products of factory production, among which there are models, past which it is rather difficult to pass. You can also find a lot of information on how to make your own slingshot for hunting.

Slingshot made of wood and powerful rubber

The slingshot is a wooden handle Y-shape(in the classic version), to which the rubber strips are attached. A “projectile” is placed in its central part, the rubber bands are stretched to the limit, released, the “projectile” flies out and a “shot” is carried out. This tool can be easily made by yourself from any materials at hand. Homemade hunting slingshots are a worthy alternative to factory models and fit everything you need physical characteristics... However, before you do it yourself, you should familiarize yourself with its structure.

The simplest weapon in design consists of only a few elements:

  • stag. Used to secure harnesses and to hold the slingshot during a shot or aiming;
  • bowstring (harnesses, strands). Rubber strips, which are used to accumulate potential energy when pulled and quickly return it to the "projectile" during a shot;
  • saddle (leather jacket). This is the central part of the slingshot, most often made of leather and is used to capture and hold the "projectile".

When making a slingshot with your own hands, as a rule, they use natural wood, but at the same time you need to be very serious about choosing a breed. The tree must have the following qualities:

  • hardness;
  • elasticity;
  • splitting resistance.

The most suitable for this are considered only deciduous trees- rowan, apple, walnut, maple, acacia. When choosing a suitable branch for a homemade slingshot, you need to pay attention to the presence of two symmetrically located processes on it, the same thickness. Since rubber bands will be attached to them in the future, they should be practically the same size. After the branch has been cut down, it must be well peeled from the bark and dried.

The resulting "semi-finished" handle must be sanded, adjusted to the size and proportions, depending on your engineering and taste preferences. One of the advantages of homemade slingshots is that they can be made to fit the hunter's hand.

But at the same time, there are certain logical criteria: the handle should not be too thin and short, and the horns should have the same height.

Also of great importance for homemade weapons has material for making bowstrings. Formerly for self-made such devices used rubber medical bandages, but today natural latex is used in the manufacture of rubber bands for the slingshot High Quality, which quickly regains its original size. The rods made from it have the maximum rate of contraction and will last long enough.

Improvements in shooting practice introduced minor design changes. Over time, it became clear that the gun would shoot better if the ropes had different thicknesses along their entire length. Well-known manufacturers of slingshot rubber for hunting or sports make their strands tapered or wedge-shaped, while they must necessarily taper to a leather jacket. The leather should also have a certain rigidity:

  • medium hardness is ideal;
  • a soft leather jacket is more comfortable to hold, but there is a possibility that it can slip out unevenly and this will affect both the strength and the accuracy of the shot;
  • in a hard leather jacket - it is quite difficult to hold the projectile.

A self-made slingshot is quite versatile, and the types of ammunition for it are quite diverse. It can be:

  • shot or buckshot made of metal different sizes;
  • small and medium stones;
  • plastic balls of various sizes - usually used to practice shooting skills. Multiple use.

All types of ammunition must be used directly on the hunt.

Benefits of a slingshot

  • compactness and light weight;
  • the radius of destruction is up to ten meters (there are models with a radius of damage up to 70 meters);
  • noiselessness of the shot (this is often important);
  • high power of a shot with minimal noise;
  • easy repair or replacement of any part;
  • versatility in relation to ammunition;
  • noiselessness of the shot (this is often important);
  • with good preparation of the hunter, a shot can be made in an instant;
  • an excellent product for training the eye, concealing skills, "quiet hunting", studying game habits, understanding the basics of ballistics;
  • on the territory of Russia, a slingshot is not considered a weapon, does not require a license, registration or any other legalization;
  • a hunting slingshot allows you to hit any target, it can be used in any conditions - fishing or walking;
  • low cost of products.

Hunting safety rules

So that instead of prey you do not suffer, when shooting from a slingshot, you must observe safety precautions:

  • when hunting, you need to wear protective goggles;
  • you always need to see what or who is behind the animal;
  • if you are not going to shoot animals, do not aim at them;
  • do not shoot into the air through buildings and hills if the target is not clearly visible;
  • fear a ricochet.

The same rules apply when shooting with a sports slingshot.

Hunting was once one of the main human activities. Successful results provided people not only with food, but also with clothes, shoes, and even jewelry. In our time, commercial hunting has practically disappeared, and now it is more of a hobby. Expensive, requiring not only desire, but also certain skills. Weapons and devices are invented in such a quantity and of such quality that the hunter often only needs to aim and pull the trigger. But real professionals do not recognize such tactics. Some of them also disapprove of such a type of weapon as a slingshot for hunting, considering it ineffective. However, this statement is controversial and in order to understand who is right, one should take a closer look at this ancient weapon.

No man needs to explain what a slingshot looks like. A homemade slingshot, made from scrap materials, has been in the hands of almost every boy. But remember, it still does not hurt. Moreover, modern hunting slingshots have undergone some improvements, and manufacturers have long ceased to use forked branches specially observed on a certain tree. Although the principle has remained unchanged.

So, a slingshot for hunting consists of three main parts:

  • The base, which simultaneously serves as a handle and a place for attaching the harness.
  • Harness. The elasticity and resilience of which depends on the power and range.
  • Skin. A specially selected piece of leather, into which the projectile is embedded.

Previously, the process of making a slingshot began with finding a suitable branch. The type of wood also mattered. Best suited for this purpose are oak, ash, cherry or apple. A dense forked branch was tied with twine and left for some time so that it took the desired shape. Only after that the slingshot blank was cut off. The bark was removed from it, polished and burned.

A multi-layer elastic band was attached to the upper ends, in the middle of which a skin was fixed - a small piece of dressed leather. Then the slingshot had to be shot, because it is impossible to make products of the same strength, range, accuracy and lethality.

V modern models other materials are used. More durable and flexible.

Shooting principle

A shell is placed in the skin. The tourniquet is tightly pulled. The remoteness of the target in this case does not matter. The projectile should receive the maximum charge of kinetic energy. Not only power depends on this, but also the accuracy of the shot. Aiming is in progress. Then the skin is abruptly released, the tourniquet instantly contracts and sends a projectile. At the same time, the speed can reach 70-90 m / s, and the range is 200-250 meters. These indicators do not apply to all types of slingshots. Everything will depend on the material from which it is made, design features and the type of projectile.


The variety here is not too great. But after many years and even centuries of practical exercises, three types of shells for hunting slingshots were chosen:

  • Plastic balls of various weights and sizes. On the hunt, they are not very effective, or rather, too light, but ideal for training.
  • Metal buckshot and shot. These are just combat options.
  • And, of course, small and suitable pebbles. This type of shell can be easily found on the spot.

Advantages and disadvantages

The controversy on this topic will never subside. Some consider the slingshot to be an ideal hunting weapon. Others, on the contrary, do not put it in any comparison with the same bow or hunting crossbow... And there is nothing to say about a good branded gun or carbine. However, not all so simple.

Undeniable advantages of a slingshot:

  • Can be used under any circumstances. Even if you went to the forest to pick mushrooms or go fishing, you can make an aimed shot at any time.
  • With certain skills, preparation for a shot takes only a few seconds. That, coupled with noiselessness, allows a second attempt to hit the target if the first one was unsuccessful.
  • The slingshot is easy to carry and, even with a supply of shells, is quite lightweight.
  • Relatively high power. There are slingshots, the destructive power of which reaches 70 meters or more. Of course, it cannot be compared with a gun, but in a dense forest sometimes even ten meters is left.
  • Silence.
  • And the last argument is cheapness.

What other arguments could there be in favor of a hunting slingshot? They undoubtedly exist, as well as disadvantages:

  • It will take many days of training to properly and successfully use the slingshot for hunting.
  • Big game is not available for this type of weapon, although there have been cases of wild boar hunting.
  • No matter how high-quality the tourniquet is, its service life is very limited.
  • Not long aiming range. This point was also noted in the merits, so it all depends on the circumstances in which the slingshot is used.

Having considered both lists and having figured out which will outweigh the advantages or disadvantages, it remains to make a choice: whether you take a slingshot into service and go hunting for hares, squirrels and other medium-sized game. Or prefer a more lethal weapon that will provide an opportunity to get a larger beast.

Correct shooting technique

This concept includes two components: aiming and hunter stance. Having mastered both correctly, you can achieve amazing results. Experienced hunters able to hit a target that is not standing still. And to shoot, while on the move, is also not rare.

In this light, two aiming techniques are worth considering.

Instinctive shooting

This method is based more on imagination and feelings, although it does not override the laws of physics. Aiming is done with both eyes, and the slingshot is controlled by sensations, because it is completely outside the direct gaze. When the hunter feels that the direction of fire has been chosen correctly, lowering his hand with the jacket clutched in his fingers adjusts the trajectory and range of the projectile.

The undoubted advantage of this aiming method is that the shooter does not care which eye he sees better. But the disadvantages include two facts:

  • If the hunter is poorly able to imagine the trajectory of the projectile, he is unlikely to achieve any success. This is the very imagination on which the method is based.
  • The second is the fact that after replacing a worn-out harness, you will have to spend some time zeroing in.

Mastering this method requires long workouts... But having mastered it, the hunter is unlikely to leave the forest without trophies.

Aiming with an eye

Installing a landmark on a hunting slingshot can significantly increase the efficiency and accuracy of shooting, even for an inexperienced shooter. But there are some nuances here:

  • You will have to aim with one eye, the one that is keener.
  • The reference point should be set slightly to the side, since the hand with the skin will be in the immediate vicinity of the face, and this fact can negatively affect the accuracy.
  • When choosing a guide pad, you need to make sure that it matches your individual color sensations.

The essence of aiming with an eye gauge is as follows: three points must be lined up. Eye, sight and target. The flight range is determined in the same way as in the previous method.

A well-made and individually targeted eye gauge can be easily used with several types of slingshots, simply by rearranging it from one to another, which can significantly increase the hunting results.

Hunter stance

When hunting with a slingshot, sometimes there is no time left to take the correct stance. Find support for your legs, fall on one knee, or vice versa, straighten up. All these movements in the forest, where any movement means danger for the beast, can frighten off the prey, and you will have to spend some more time looking for it. Therefore, the stance of the hunter comes down to two concepts, from which the method of aiming follows.

  • In move. Experienced shooters advise not to try to keep the sight exactly on the target while moving. It is almost impossible to do this, and by by and large not required. The sight can move along a certain trajectory, perfect example which will be the sign of infinity - an eight that has fallen on its side. The junction of the imaginary lines will be the aiming point. As soon as the shooter feels that the movements have converged at this point, and it, in turn, coincided with the target, a shot is fired. Infinity is not the only option. The trajectory of the sight should be selected individually.
  • Fixed aiming. Nothing complicated at first glance. Aim at the target, make sure all three points are aligned and release the skin. But there are subtleties here too. Learning to hold the taut slingshot evenly throughout the entire time of the sight is not easy enough. And one more thing: between the moment when the scope found the target and the shot, the delay should be 5, maximum 7 seconds. In the forest on a hunt, this method is rarely used, since you cannot sit in an ambush with a slingshot, therefore, aiming is more suitable for sports competitions and sighting.

In general, there are nuances. However, having mastered all these skills, you can safely take the slingshot into service.

How to make a slingshot for hunting with your own hands

The hunting equipment store has a fairly wide selection of slingshots, but remembering childhood and making it yourself is also not difficult. To do this, you will need a very small set of materials and tools:

  • A suitable piece of branch. Can be replaced with a plastic or metal part.
  • Rubber or special harness.
  • A piece of leather.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Drill.
  • Scissors.
  • Sandpaper.

The algorithm of actions is still the same as in a cheerful, happy childhood.

  • A carefully selected horned branch should be barked off and sanded.
  • On each horn of the sighting part, about two centimeters below the ends, we remove the annular chamfer for the elastic band.
  • The elastic is wrapped around the horns, tied in knots, and the knots are wrapped with threads.
  • The center of the elastic is measured and cut.
  • Holes are made in a piece of leather matched under the skin along the edges.
  • The ends of the elastic are passed through these holes and tied with a knot.

The homemade slingshot is ready and no blueprints are needed. The main thing is that the ends of the elastic bands are the same in length, otherwise the leather jacket will be shifted to one side. It remains to pick up suitable shells and start zeroing in.

Review of several popular models

But back to the store. It is rather difficult for an inexperienced person to choose a truly high-quality slingshot for hunting, and even strong, accurate and durable. Therefore, we will give a couple of the most popular models:

  • Model FS-1 from Truemark. Very lightweight. The set includes a clip for projectiles. Removable hand rest. Built nearly 50 years ago, it is still one of the best-selling models today.
  • Survival Slingshot Archer Complete. Purely hunting model. The kit includes a flashlight. Use of arrows is possible.
  • The so-called combat slingshot. Dismountable model in anodized aluminum. There is a large scatter when firing, as the aiming part is too wide.
  • The base is made of aircraft-grade aluminum, which is why it is lightweight. Due to the thin rubber, the accuracy of hitting the target is increased.

The list is far from complete, but the listed models are enough to understand that finding a slingshot on your arm will not be difficult.

Safety engineering

Shooting, no matter where and from what it is made, is a rather dangerous business. Especially when the view is closed tightly standing trees, a low bush or a sunbeam peeping out from behind a cloud. Therefore, it is necessary to observe safety precautions while hunting.

  • The first danger is ricochet. A slingshot projectile flies very quickly and can change its trajectory, hitting a stone, tree trunk or just a thick branch.
  • Safety glasses must be worn when shooting with a slingshot.
  • Closely monitor what is on the trajectory of the projectile and, especially in the immediate vicinity of the target.
  • And never aim at an animal unless you intend to shoot.

This concludes the review of this familiar and at the same time such an unusual weapon for hunting. Good luck fishing.

The use of a slingshot as a hunting weapon is more exotic than the norm. In fact, this is, at first glance, a primitive instrument "from childhood", evoking associations with the ringing of a broken window glass and the word "hooligan" now occupies a well-defined niche in a wide range of hunting arsenal, being adjacent to crossbows, bows and other "ancient" (but by no means primitive) inventions of mankind.

Device and principle of operation

In its traditional, classic form- this is a very compact (slightly larger than the palm of your hand) Y-shaped piece of wood (reminiscent of the horns of some representative of ruminants and ungulates), to which are attached flat strips or round rubber bands, with a wider leather strip between them. The shell is put into this part, then the rubber bands are stretched and, aiming, releasing the leather jacket with the shell clamped in it, a "shot" is made.

Cutting sharply, rubber bands transfer kinetic energy to the projectile, which is quite sufficient for it to gain a speed of 45 to 80 m / s and a flight range of 50 to 200 meters. A very wide "spread" of these indicators is explained by the numerous options for both designs and materials for the manufacture of slingshots, and a wide selection of "ammunition" for them.

So, simple in its own way technological device weapon, slingshot consists of several main characteristic parts:

● slingshot, or stag - serves to attach a rubber band, hold the slingshot while aiming and firing;

● ropes, throwing ropes, bowstrings - rubber (latex) strips used to accumulate potential energy during stretching (pulling) and the rapid release of this energy to the projectile at the moment of compression;

● leather jacket (leather jacket, saddle) - “charging” part, made, as a rule, of leather and serving to grip and hold the projectile before firing.

Homemade traditional slingshot makers prefer natural wood... The choice of the breed is quite serious. Just as in a rifle butt, a combination of such qualities of wood as elasticity, hardness, and resistance to splitting is required.

The best species are traditionally deciduous - mountain ash, walnut, maple, apple, acacia. Usually they choose a young branch of a tree and tie it with a rope, pulling the future "horns" to each other. Such a branch is left "to grow", but most often it is cut off immediately if its size already meets the requirements and tastes of the shooter.

An important criterion for the choice of the workpiece is the symmetrical arrangement and the same thickness of the two, working in the future, processes to which the rubber bands will be attached. After cutting, such a workpiece is cleaned of bark and dried for two to three weeks in a dry room.

The resulting "semi-finished product" is processed - polished and brought to the size and proportions, depending on the individual taste and engineering preferences of the master and the future owner. Of course, there are general logical criteria: sufficient thickness and length of the handle, equal height of the tops of the horns, the distance between them. Depressions are also made for the seats of the rubber band.

The fantasies of the craftsmen are endless - there are slingshots from a steel rod, carved from a deer horn, sawn out of plastic or from thick multilayer plywood, with a notch on the handle, decorated with the owner's initials, with inserted rhinestones and artistic carvings.

There are lovers of various technical options and improvements: all kinds of scopes, tension boosters, unusual shapes leather jacket. Sometimes, due to the ornate forms, this brings them closer to modern compound bows or crossbows, but more often it unnecessarily complicates the design and hardly really improves the "combat" characteristics - after all, the very essence of a slingshot is compactness and intuitive shooting.

It is much more important to choose the "correct" material for the manufacture of strands, which should have a sufficient ability to quickly restore its original dimensions. For many years, the most affordable and popular material for this has been the medical rubber bandage.

Now the "professionals" consider this material to be natural latex... Rows made from this material serve for quite a long time and have the highest rates of contraction rate. Modern king of slingshot rubber - surgical latex, which enthusiasts get in pharmacies or "Medtekhnika". A Russian achievement is the Pezzer catheter, produced in several standard sizes. Especially advanced shooters use only Trumark (USA) branded rubber, red, priced at $ 4.95 per set.

Leading manufacturers of slingshot rubber for sports and hunting models make their rods wedge-shaped or conical, tapering to the leather jacket, which, in turn, must be made of a material of medium hardness:

  • Too soft is convenient to hold with your fingers, but it can slip out unevenly when fired, which will certainly affect the accuracy of the shot.
  • If it is too hard, it is difficult to hold the projectile without feeling it. According to the reviews of the masters, good leather jackets are obtained from old belts and shoes, which speaks not only of creativity, but also about a very economical way of making weapons of this kind.

Designs and models

Moving from the basics and products of folk craftsmen to the industrial production of this type of throwing weapon, we will see an even greater variety of engineering and technical thought. Nowadays, there is a very wide range of slingshot companies on the market, for example, such well-known companies as "Marksman" or "Combow"(USA), producing their products not only in sports and hunting versions, but also fulfilling orders for arming special forces - in the form of a real combat system.

Italian company "Advance" makes "privates" (using the term hunting weapon) slingshots - with the widest choice models and prices.

Of course, Chinese manufacturers did not stand aside and filled the Russian market with countless "different-sized" and different-quality products. It is impossible to pass by such model names: "BlackWidow", "ProDiablo", "Wrist-RocketPro" or "Dragon" ...

Slingshot "Marksman" have quite traditional look, but are manufactured using modern technologies and materials. For example, the handles are made of impact-resistant plastic of various colors, the flyers are pressed into the handle, rubber straps are made in the form of cylindrical hollow cords with special tips for fastening, the leather jacket (heel) is made of synthetics.

Typically, the grip surface has finger recesses or grooves. In more advanced models, the design provides for a special screw for attaching the flyers to the upper end of the handle, and to it, in turn, is attached magazine for balls (capacity 25 pcs.), made in such a way that it is also an emphasis and protection for the shooter's hand.

For hunters-aesthetes and sophisticated connoisseurs, slingshots are even produced in an elite version. In this case, the handle is made of fine wood, the flyer is made of high-strength steel, which has anti-corrosion coating, rubber bands are two-tone, and the heel is made of calfskin. For shooting, the manufacturer recommends and produces steel balls with a diameter 6.5mm, 8mm and 10.5mm.

In some models of the company's slingshot "Combow", in addition to using standard balls, it is also possible to shoot special arrows, which makes them somewhat similar to a small crossbow. The kit also includes spare rubber cylindrical straps, an elbow rest, a holster, a quiver and a set of special hunting (short) arrows.

The body of the slingshot is made of aluminum alloy and has a noble matte finish, and the vinyl handle is adjustable in length. An interesting feature the design of this sample has become a kind of "Hi-Tech innovation", increasing the effect of stretched strands on the projectile (as it is positioned in the instructions).

In an ordinary, average slingshot (without such a device), the rubber band is stretched by 460mm, and in the "Combow" slingshot by 740mm, which makes it possible to accelerate a steel ball with a diameter of 12.7mm to a speed of 70 m / s, and a hunting arrow weighing 160 g - up to more than 60 m / s and an impressive flight range of 137-183 m! The holster and arrow quiver attach to the leg or waist belt. The price of such a "combat kit" is over 150 US dollars.

Some foreign models can also be equipped with a kind of underbarrel flashlight, laser sight and other similar options for deep connoisseurs and virtuosos who value modern technological advances.

We must also mention special hunting models that allow using not only a single ball as a projectile (as a bullet prototype), but also, thanks to the shape and material of the leather jacket, charge the slingshot with shot, which makes it possible to use it for purely hunting purposes - for shooting for small and, most importantly, moving targets.

Ammunition and shooting

As with firearms, hitting accuracy depends on the entire weapon-ammunition-shooter complex. And the flight of a projectile fired from any weapon is subject to the same laws of ballistics. Therefore - the less the resistance of the oncoming air flow, the more uniform and longer the "acceleration" - the more accurate and farther the projectile will fly:

● crushed stone, gravel and other improvised items for the title of an ideal ammunition are poorly suited: the difference in size, weight and shape will not allow achieving stable shooting results;

● glass beads are much better: they are symmetrical and quite heavy. One of the advantages is that the refraction of light makes the trajectory of their flight clearly visible, which is indispensable for practicing intuitive (without the use of sighting devices) shooting skills. Their disadvantages are still insufficient mass and sharp fragments in case of hitting a solid obstacle;

● hunting lead buckshot is almost perfect. The weight of this metal allows smaller balls to be used while maintaining a fairly solid weight, so they experience less air resistance and fly faster and farther. Buckshot is available - sold in all hunting stores. There is only one drawback - lead oxide is poisonous (for those who care about their own health and the environment environment);

● steel balls are close to perfect. The near-perfect polished surface improves streamlining and reduces air resistance. Environmental friendliness of use. The only "but" - is lighter than lead, therefore, in comparison with them (of the same diameter) - the distance of their flight will be shorter.

Confident firing distance from a slingshot coincides with that for a pneumatic long-barreled weapon: 10-25 meters(although some trained shooters achieve good results at longer (30-35 m) distances. As in archery, uniformity of pulling and repeatability (uniformity from shot to shot) of movements are important.

The technique is individual: some shooters hold the slingshot vertically, others almost horizontally, and still others at a certain angle. The main thing here is to make it convenient and efficient. Therefore, this is where the term "intuitive shooting", which means an instinctive correction (developed by practice) for distance, trajectory, target movement, wind strength and direction, and other factors.

It is difficult to give advice here due to the unpredictability different situations on the hunt, but the “father of slingshot thought”, the mighty old man Jack Koehler, tried to collect them in the immortal work “Slingshot Shooting”, after reading which, it becomes clear that with persistent training it is possible to achieve a confident hit in the left faceted eye of a flying tsetse fly.

Slingshot and hunting

Based on the technical characteristics, it can be understood that the use of a slingshot while hunting is quite reasonable and justified. Many hunters use a slingshot to scare a squirrel or marten out of a nest, so that they can then fire a shot with a gun. To get a wounded animal (for example, a duck on the water) so as not to waste extra cartridges - in these cases, the help of a slingshot is in great demand.

As for direct, hunting use, then, first of all, it is shooting at medium-sized game located at a close distance from the hunter. It can be a hazel grouse that flew up to the whistle of a decoy and landed on the nearest branch, partridges that flew up from under your or a dog's feet, a woodcock on a spring pull in a low forest (in these cases, when shooting at flying game, of course, it is better to use shot as a projectile), small animals (squirrel, marten, muskrat, ferret, hare) - balls of various diameters are already quite suitable.

The slingshot forces the hunter to get as close to the prey as possible, which turns such a hunt into a wonderful and reckless training in concealment and disguise. The noiselessness of the shot is also important - often the game does not disappear after the first miss and allows you to make the second shot.

In lands rich in game, it is quite possible to shoot various waders and even black grouse (especially at the beginning of the season, in broods) and ducks. Although you need to be aware that it will never be as effective as with a gun.

So, the pros and cons of this simple but unique invention applied to hunting:

● compactness and low weight;

● "omnivorous" in relation to ammunition, up to the use of an accidental one that is at hand;

● noiselessness of the shot (this is often important);

● "issue price" - the cost is in the range of 130 rubles. up to 13,000 rubles. Domestic goods are much cheaper, not to mention the author's self-made copies;

● easy repair or replacement of any failed part;

● in Russia it is not considered a weapon and does not require registration, license or any other legalization (although one should not forget the articles of the Criminal Code on hooliganism, poaching and infliction of bodily harm of various severity);

● an excellent product for eye training, understanding the basics of ballistics, concealing skills, studying the habits of game, "quiet hunting", almost without disturbing the environment and tranquility wildlife;

● the efficiency (yield) of hunting with a slingshot leaves much to be desired, but in terms of excitement and physical exertion it is quite comparable to gun hunting.