How to grow petiole celery from seeds. Petiole celery - cultivation and care

Petiole celery is a valuable vitamin product, the presence of which in the diet contributes to the improvement of the human body and allows you to significantly diversify the menu. Thanks to the wide range useful properties cultures, nutritionists and specialists in healthy eating recommend celery stalks for consumption by people who are overweight, as well as experiencing serious physical and mental stress. Celery is indicated for diseases of the digestive system and neurosis, in addition, it is a serious support immune system during the autumn-winter period. Petiole juice is recommended for heavy smokers and sweet lovers. In cooking, fleshy celery shoots are used to prepare gourmet snacks, vitamin salads and light soups.

To on family table whole year round there were healthy and tasty dishes from celery stalks, it is not necessary to go to the store for them. It is easy to grow a vitamin culture at home by organizing your own mini-plantation on an ordinary windowsill.

Landing dates

At home, petiole celery can be grown throughout the year, gradually expanding the planting area. However, it is advisable to start arranging the garden and carry out the first planting in the second half of autumn, when the likelihood of finding fresh crop petioles on the shelves of retail outlets is greatest.

Planting material preparation

Ideal as planting material celery stalks, which can be purchased in the vegetable department of any supermarket. The main thing is to make sure before buying that the stems are fresh and resilient, without stains, mechanical damage and traces of rot. Usually celery is sold in the form of shoots on a stump, which is not used for food, but thrown away as unnecessary. It is this stump, cut off at the base to a height of about 3 cm, that serves planting material for home cultivation of petiole celery.

Initially, the stalk must be germinated. To do this, it is placed in a container with clean water, immersing the base by 0.5 cm, and placed in a warm, bright place away from direct sunlight. During the process, the water must be changed daily. The upper sections will gradually dry out, and roots and young greens will begin to grow from the old petiole in 5–6 days, which means the plant is ready for planting on an impromptu home garden.

Landing in the ground

When growing one bush of celery will be enough flower pot, for several plants, it is necessary to choose a plastic container or a wooden box that is suitable in size. Before planting, it is recommended to rinse the container with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The sprouted stalk is planted as follows:

  • A layer of drainage 2–2.5 cm thick is laid on the bottom of the dish, which is usually used as expanded clay, broken brick fragments or river pebbles.
  • The next layer is a prepared nutrient substrate, which must be abundantly moistened.
  • The planting stalk is completely placed in a shallow hole and squeezed with soil, leaving only young leaves on the surface. Several stumps are planted at intervals of 2–3 cm.
  • The final stage of the procedure is abundant watering, after which the mini-bed is placed on a warm, light windowsill.

Further growth and development of culture depends on how competently the planting care will be organized.

Features of care

For proper development plants and getting good harvest future plantings are not required special attention, enough time to carry out the main caring activities:

  • Moisture-loving celery needs regular moderate watering. The ground under the plants should always remain slightly moist, but not sour. Properly selected irrigation mode is the main condition for pouring petioles.
  • So that a dried crust does not form on the surface of the bed, preventing air from reaching the roots, the soil must be periodically loosened, using a fork or a wooden skewer for convenience.
  • In the rainy autumn-winter period, light-loving celery needs additional lighting. To do this, at a height of 60-65 cm above the bed, fluorescent lamps or special fitolamps are hung.
  • Once every 25–30 days, homemade celery is fed with a solution of complex fertilizer (5–7 g / l of water).

After 15–20 days, you can harvest the first crop of fleshy vitamin petioles, which will be a great addition to the winter diet.

The most useful vegetable plant, rich in vitamins and microelements, is considered petiole celery. It is used in their diet by people who lead a healthy lifestyle and want to lose weight. excess weight. Growing petiole celery is within the power of every gardener. The main thing is that the elementary requirements for the landing process and further care are observed.

Initially, petiole celery was grown as medicine and only in our time it began to be actively used in cooking. This rare vegetable plant has a specific aroma, but its fresh greens are loved by so many gourmets. The numerous beneficial properties of this plant have prompted gardeners to grow celery on their own. suburban area, and culinary specialists - for cooking various dishes in which the vegetable acts as a side dish or seasoning.

An open area for planting celery seeds must be prepared in advance. The soil should be fertile, loose, with excellent drainage properties. For this land plot you need to dig, adding mullein or rotted compost to the soil.

Preparatory work must also be carried out with planting material. Seeds for seedlings are best planted in the first week of March. An earlier planting may affect the quality of the emerging seedlings, they are rather capricious cultures. Containers for planting seeds will require shallow, but spacious.

Seeds of petiole celery have one interesting property- the "older" in age they become, the greater their germination becomes. Experienced summer residents and gardeners are advised to purchase seeds with a margin and withstand them for 3-4 years before planting. From such seeds it will be possible to grow stronger and better quality seedlings.

Petiole celery is distinguished by a variety of varieties that can be selected according to the method of cultivation (for example, for home conditions), in appearance, in taste, and in yield.

Prepared wooden boxes or plastic containers must be filled with potting soil.

Using a sprayer, the soil needs to be moistened a little, then celery seeds are scattered over its surface.

Each seed needs to be slightly pressed into the soil by one to 2 millimeters, and then cover the container with film or glass to create greenhouse conditions.

Germination of seeds will last approximately 15-20 days. All this time must be dedicated proper care for future vegetable plants:

  • Daily water procedures in the form of sprays and watering.
  • Maintaining a constant temperature in the room (about 22-25 degrees Celsius).
  • Regular ventilation throughout the daylight hours (2-3 times a day).

Such care must be continued after the appearance of young sprouts, as well as until the transplantation of celery seedlings into open ground(after the appearance of 2-3 full leaves). Petiole celery grows very slowly, so it will take a lot of strength and patience to achieve this goal.

Before planting seedlings on the beds, it should get stronger. Vegetable culture will not survive cold nights, and even more so night spring frosts. That is why you should not rush to transfer seedlings to a summer cottage. The best time for this is the beginning or middle of May.

Seedlings are planted at a distance of about 25 centimeters from each other, and the same width is left for row spacing. It is advisable to protect plants below 5 centimeters in height with a plastic cover (from a plastic bottle or a glass with a cut bottom and top of the bottle). Seedlings higher do not need such a covering. After that, the entire surface of the soil in the beds with petiole celery must be covered with a mulch layer (for example, straw or small sawdust). At this initial stage, the first feeding of vegetable plants should be carried out. Liquid fertilizers can be applied to the soil along with irrigation water.

Among the numerous varieties of petiole celery, there are those whose seeds do not require planting for seedlings. Seeds of the "Utah" and "Golden Pen" varieties can be planted immediately on open beds, and thinning is carried out as young shoots grow. The distance between the grown and strengthened seedlings should not be less than thirty centimeters.

A vegetable plant needs regular moderate watering. The volume of irrigation water may vary depending on weather conditions, from the presence of a protective mulch layer and from the needs of the culture itself. Celery will not tolerate an excess of moisture in the soil, so water should not stagnate in the beds, but the top layer of soil should not be allowed to dry out. The soil should always be slightly moist.

Celery needs regular organic top dressing, which is applied to the soil in liquid form three times a month.

When growing celery varieties that bleach themselves, it is very important to regularly apply hilling crops. As you grow vegetable plant hilling is carried out approximately once a month. The base of the celery, from which the leaf part grows, cannot be covered with earth, so the hilling process must be carried out carefully.

Problems and difficulties in growing celery

Petiole celery is one of the most capricious vegetable crops. Its cultivation requires patience, attention and compliance with all care recommendations. With minimal violations of the basic requirements, problems may arise with the development and growth of a vegetable plant, as well as difficulties due to the appearance of pests.

  • Insufficient soil moisture during irrigation will cause the middle part of the celery stalks to become unusable. This will not be noticeable on the appearance of the culture, the growth and development of the plant will not differ from other specimens.
  • When planting low-quality seedlings (overgrown or weak) on open beds, flower stalks are formed that cannot be eaten. For planting, it is necessary to select only healthy and strong seedlings.
  • Rotting of the core of the vegetable fruit occurs due to the appearance of bacteria. For a long time the external state of the vegetable plant remains normal, although the processes of decay are quite active.
  • The qualitative development of celery petioles also depends on many factors. For example, insufficient irrigation water, irregular watering, prolonged hot weather and dry climatic conditions can lead to cracks in the petiole of the plant.
  • Cracking of petioles also occurs due to an excess of nitrogen in the soil.
  • For the qualitative development of celery, it is necessary high humidity, which is very popular with some pests. The most common of them are snails and slugs. Timely cleaning of the beds from weeds will help reduce the likelihood of their occurrence.

Delicious and healthy petiole celery can appear on every table if you make every effort and patience to grow it.

Growing petiole celery (video)

Celery is also a kind of seasoning for dishes, saturated with various vitamins. Many people like to see fresh herbs on their table, whether it be dill, parsley or even celery. So, you need to learn how to properly grow this plant. Celery has a very specific aroma and spicy taste. People eat celery both as a seasoning and as a side dish.

By nature, petiole or leaf celery is unpretentious in care and can grow in many climatic zones. So, it means you can safely start it in your garden and add it to your daily diet. Do not deny yourself this pleasure, because there is a whole range of various useful substances. In addition, there are a lot delicious meals, where it is simply indispensable to do without it.

Even though there is nothing too difficult in growing celery, special approach and care he needs it just like any other plant. How you take care of it will depend on its quality. The quality of the plant can be identified by the following features:

  1. Intense aroma.
  2. The splendor of the leaves.
  3. Strong and resilient stems.
  4. Taste properties.

In any case, all plants have their own subtleties that need to be studied and understood.

The plant can be safely placed both in a shaded area and in areas open to the rays of the sun. Moreover, in areas slightly shaded, celery will grow more fragrant. But at the same time, according to the recommendations, it turns out that it is better to plant on open to the sun territory.

For petiole and leaf celery, the air temperature is considered to be no more than + 20 degrees. The temperate climate for him is a "paradise". In this strip, he will feel as good as possible and even small frosts will not harm him. Frost-resistant varieties of celery are considered, the roots of which have a reddish tint.

Celery prefers soil fertile, slightly loose and with the addition of drainage. But even in this case, it is necessary that such soil retains water well. Well suited soil with high acidity or neutral. Before planting, it is better to add a little lime.

In no case, parsnips should not be chosen as a neighbor for celery. Both plants can simply go bad due to insect pests such as the celery fly.

Seed selection

The choice of celery seeds is very important procedure. Often it is the choice of certain varieties of seeds that will affect what the plant will be like.

When buying seeds, you should pay attention to the following points:

Especially variety selection plays an important role in the exceptional home cultivation. Which variety was chosen will completely depend on it. appearance and pleasant taste and aroma in combination with other products.

Leaf and petiole variety. Seedling cultivation and care

Before planting seedlings you need seeds rinse and soak for 3 days. Is it possible to grow celery without seedlings outdoors? It is possible, but only in this case you have to bother and germination may be incomplete.

In open ground, the plant grows very slowly. That is why celery is often grown seedling way . That is, you first need to plant the seeds in a small bowl and place it on covered balcony or window sill.

We either make the soil ourselves, or we also buy ready-made soil in the store. For self-study soil it is better to mix leafy soil, sand, humus and peat. In no case, it cannot be solid earth, it must be fluff and loosen.

Sowing seeds of petiole and leaf celery

seeds evenly distribute over the entire surface of the box and sprinkle with a small layer of peat. Since the seeds are very close to the surface, watering with a direct stream of water is not safe. It is better to stock up on a small watering can in advance or use improvised items that everyone has - a sieve or a small colander. The room temperature should be around 20 degrees.

Soaked seeds should germinate on the fifth day after sowing. After germination, it is better to lower the temperature to 15 degrees. It is done so that the seedlings do not start quickly, grow and stretch.

Petiole and stem celery for good cultivation care needed:

  • light;
  • moderate watering (do not allow the soil to dry out);
  • ventilation and temperature.

After the appearance of 2-3 true leaves seedlings dive. Each seedling needs its own "house" with good soil. For this, as always, you can use cups. At the same time, it is not recommended to deepen the seedlings. The main condition for transplanting is the rosette of the seedling, from which new leaves appear, should remain open. Under no circumstances should you fall asleep. We place the glasses in a well-lit place. Window sills are perfect.

Seedlings are planted outdoors after frost has passed. Usually it is the end of April-May. In order for the plant to take root well in the open field, it is still a seedling begin to harden, taking it outside for several hours on warm sunny days. Seated celery on the beds according to the scheme of 20 by 30 centimeters.

Plant growers advise prepare in advance beds for celery. It is necessary to take care of the location of the future celery since the fall. Therefore, you need to mark and dig furrows. Their width should be at least 40 cm, and a depth of about 30 cm. We fill the furrows with manure or compost and backfill them with earth, carefully leveling them.

Every stem plant, celery or not, needs loosening and hilling. It is necessary that the roots take on a white hue and have a richer and more pleasant taste without hints of bitterness. Alternatively, you can buy self-bleaching varieties of celery.

Their advantage is that they do not need to be hilled and planted in trenches. But their taste is far from the same, there will be no characteristic crunch. And besides, they are not frost-resistant.

Planting seedlings of petiole and leaf celery in open ground

Concerning self-bleaching grades, then everything is very simple here. They do not need trenches, they can be planted in ordinary beds. It is also not necessary to spud and loosen. To give the petioles of this variety a little sweet taste, it is advised to cover the soil with straw about 20 cm.

Leaf celery is also much easier to grow, unlike its counterpart - petiole is much easier to care for. The leaf has enough ordinary weeding, loosening and moderate watering. One condition is until the seedling sprouts look after the soil. It must not harden otherwise the celery will not break through. In this case, mulching helps.

Harvest petiole cut in late autumn. Self-bleaching variety matures 12-15 weeks after planting in the ground. Sheet on their tables can be seen first of all. Already in July, they slowly begin to pinch him


This vitamin greens have long been known and loved by gardeners for their excellent taste and medicinal properties. Growing and caring for celery in the open field will not be difficult even for beginners, if you follow the simple rules of agricultural technology. But in return you can get tops, and roots, and even petioles! True, for this you will have to plant celery of all three types.

General information about celery

Celery varieties are divided into three varieties - leaf, petiole and root. In the conditions of the middle lane, all species can be planted in seedlings, since this crop has a long growing season. In practice, only the last two are grown in this way, and the leaf is sown directly into the ground. in early spring or before winter.

Growing celery in open ground requires advance soil preparation. Beds for all types are prepared in the fall:

  • contribute phosphoric and;
  • add well-rotted manure or compost;
  • add ash or dolomite flour for acidic soil;
  • dig with a pitchfork, removing weed roots;
  • beds are formed.

For planting in the ground choose open sunny places. The recommended doses are indicated on the package, organic plants need an average of a bucket per square meter, and the quantity dolomite flour can be calculated based on the level of soil acidity in the area. 350-450 g per square meter are added to slightly acidic, twice as much is needed for acidic. If the soil is alkaline, you can do with adding 100-150 g to saturate it with calcium and magnesium.

Growing and caring for celery in the open field requires frequent watering and regular top dressing with liquid - mullein or nettle infusion.

With a lack of water, the leaves and petioles will be rough and fibrous, and the root crop will not reach the desired size.

When to sow seeds

Petiole and root types of celery are sown for seedlings in February or March. Late-ripening varieties should be sown earlier. Before planting, it is advisable to keep the seeds in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, rinse and remove for 10-12 days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, wrapped in a damp cloth. Thus, celery seeds undergo stratification and subsequently germinate faster and more amicably.

Landing time in the ground

When to plant celery in open ground - the weather will tell. The soil at the time of planting seedlings should warm up to +8 degrees. V middle lane this usually takes place in the middle of May. Seedlings by this time should have several strong leaves, developed root system and be hardened. To do this, it is regularly taken out during the day to a balcony or street.

Features of agricultural technology culture

Celery is planted in rows in the ground. Optimal distance between them - at least 50-60 cm, and between plants - 25 cm.

Plants planted more densely will not receive enough nutrients and light. After planting, seedlings are watered abundantly.

In the future, for good growth and development, celery is regularly watered, weeds are removed and loosened.

Growing petiole celery in the open field is distinguished by some features. Starting from the middle of the season, the bushes lightly spud, and at the end of summer, when the petioles have almost reached their marketable appearance, they can be spudded harder and wrapped in light paper.
These procedures are carried out in order to obtain bleached stems - they are softer and juicier than unbleached ones.

cultivation celery root in open ground it also has subtleties, without knowing which it is difficult to get an even and large root crop. Seedlings should be planted on ridges, without deepening.
After the plant begins to form a root crop, it is necessary to cut off regularly. outer leaves, carefully cut off the side roots and make sure that only a few thick lower roots are in the ground. The earth from the roots is regularly raked and loosened. Otherwise, there is a high risk of getting a brush from the roots instead of a rounded root crop. For normal growth, a few well-developed young leaves and the lowest roots are enough for root celery.

When removing excess leaves and roots from root celery, one should not forget about regular feeding. organic fertilizers. Then the plant will form a large root crop.

When is the celery harvested?

Harvesting leaf celery begins as soon as the first greens grow. Per summer period cut it off several times. After cutting, the plant is watered and fed.

Harvesting of petiole and root species is carried out selectively, as individual bushes mature. It must be completed before the onset of autumn frosts, that is, until mid-October.

Video about growing celery root

Many dream of a summer cottage where you can relax in the summer, retire with nature, admiring the beauty and breathing clean air no emissions. Often in dreams there is also a small garden where you can grow vegetables, beans and herbs. But not everyone knows that you can grow your own stalk celery and enjoy its taste in various cooked dishes.

Description and main characteristics

Celery is one of the most useful plants. Phytotherapeutists consider this plant an essential component necessary for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Often included in the composition of funds and recipes for weight loss.

This herbaceous plant has a number of useful properties, contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It also has a subtle but rich taste. For its useful qualities, this plant is appreciated by lovers. tasty food worldwide. More recently, celery was grown only for medicine, and today it is present in many gourmet dishes.

The range of influence of this plant on human body very wide.

The root crop is enriched with the following features:

  • raises the tone;
  • able to increase mental and physical performance;
  • brings appetite to a normal state;
  • anesthetizes;
  • is a diuretic.

Root varieties

This plant has several varieties. They concern the external structure. There are three types of celery:

  • sheet;
  • root;
  • petiolate.

This plant is able to advantageously complement any dish without losing its useful qualities when cooking. Fortunately, celery belongs to dietary products and does not harm the figure.

Cultivation of stem celery occurs for the sake of juicy petioles-stems. At the moment, the petioles are white or green. The difference in colors does not apply to varieties of varieties - the same species can be different color. The coloration is influenced by the cultivation methods. For example, White color appears if celery is spudded by placing the stems deep into the soil.

As a rule, celery is planted in the garden in May, towards the end; in warm areas, you can start planting as early as the middle of the month. By the time the seedlings are transplanted into open ground, the sprouts should be 5-7 cm high. It is important to ensure that the sprouts are not just long, but strong and lively.

White varieties of celery are planted in holes in the garden with a distance of 25x25 cm. If the choice fell on non-self-bleaching varieties, then a trench is suitable for planting, in which case the markings should be 30 cm between seedlings.

It is necessary to plant the plant deep in the trench, then, as they say experienced gardeners, when ripe, white stems will form. If the planting took place in an ordinary garden bed and the stem grows green, then a number of activities must be carried out a month before harvesting.

The fact is that the color of the stem of petiole celery depends on the level of illumination, a white shade of color appears in the root crop if it grows in a dark place. Therefore, around September, when the celery grows by 30 cm, it is necessary:

  • gather the leaves up into a bundle and tie loosely with a soft ribbon;
  • wrap the stem itself in wrapping material (from the soil itself to the leaves);
  • secure the wrapper with twine or tape;
  • leave for 3 weeks, then dig out and free from fixing materials.

The celery is ready to be harvested. The one that will not be immediately eaten should be buried in moistened sand in a cool place - you will get a good fertilizer.

To save for the winter, various unnecessary thick paper can serve. Also suitable plastic bottles or pipes, as well as Penofol and straw. Small sawdust or dry leaves should be poured into bottles / pipes.