The best lawn grass - manufacturer rating. Types and varieties of lawn grass

Hello! Can you please tell me what is the best grass mixture for the lawn? I am finishing the layout of the site and will soon sow grass, but I can not decide on a choice. Want not very expensive and unpretentious. The stores have a very large assortment, but how to understand that by planting such a mixture, the lawn will be green and soft?

Hello! You did the right thing by choosing to purchase a mixture of lawn grasses rather than a single plant variety. All grass mixtures sold in stores are already selected for a specific type of lawn. Therefore, when choosing them, you need to understand what result you want to get. Consider the main types of mixtures for lawns.

Elite blends

A smooth, rich green lawn grows from them. Such a lawn is the dream of every gardener. But in order for it to always remain beautiful, it needs careful care and, if possible, does not walk on it. Typically, the composition of the decorative mixture includes three varieties of fescue:

  1. long-leaved;
  2. Red hard;
  3. Sheep.

Also, lawns based on these grasses are called parterre. The grass on them is dense, undersized and velvety.


  • Emerald grass;
  • Slow growth.


  • Regular care;
  • High price;
  • Does not mask uneven ground.

Universal Mixes

They also require some care, but the lawns grown from them can be played with a dog, run barefoot and have picnics with the whole family. Such mixtures contain perennial grassland ryegrass, bluegrass and red fescue.


  • rise quickly;
  • Remove weeds;
  • Low cost.


  • Frequent haircut;
  • Do not create a velvet effect;
  • You can't cut it short.

Shade-tolerant mixtures

Great for areas with lots of trees and buildings. The main composition of the mixture:

  • The bent is thin;
  • Fescue red;
  • Fescue is long-leaved.

flower mixes

Green coverings grown from such mixtures look more like a flowering meadow. The composition includes wild flowers and cereals that bloom alternately all summer. Conventionally, such grass mixtures are divided into two groups:

  1. Moorish lawn. Consists of annual flower seeds and perennial thin-stemmed herbs.
  2. Meadow lawn. Includes red and white clover, meadow bluegrass, flower seeds, perennial ryegrass and meadow timothy. If you want to register a plot in rustic style, then you need to sow tall greens.


  • Weed and disease resistance;
  • No regular watering required
  • No additional feeding required.


  • lawn unevenness;
  • Insects;

A universal answer to the question: "Grass mixture for the lawn - which is better?" does not exist. You should not rely only on the functionality of the desired lawn, you need to select seeds specifically for your site.

The following characteristics of the site affect the beauty of the lawn:

  • Ground water level;
  • Soil composition;
  • Illumination.

Therefore, you should choose a grass mixture with the highest plant content that suits your site:

  • Clover white. Does not do well in acidic soils. Frost and drought resistant.
  • Ryegrass. It does not take root in dry areas and in severe frosts, but it is resistant to physical influences and grows well in the shade.
  • Sheep fescue. It grows well in sandy and dry areas and in the shade. Needs additional feeding.
  • Meadow mint. It is frost-resistant, does not need regular watering. On the fertile soils growing for 14 years.
  • Meadow fescue. Very long growing, not intended for outdoor activities.
  • Fescue is red. Frost-resistant, not afraid of waterlogging.
  • The field is white. Likes moist fertile soil. Frost resistant.

With a properly selected herbal mixture, the lawn will delight with a thick malachite carpet.

You can grow a beautiful and well-groomed lawn near the house using lawn grass mixtures. Well, what kind of owner of a dacha suburban area does not dream of enjoying lush greenery, having picnics and playing with children on the green grass? The tradition of lawn care came to us from Western countries and settled securely. A beautiful lawn in the yard is fashionable, aesthetically pleasing, and pleasant.

A velvety lawn green carpet perfectly complements the design of the house and enhances the overall relaxing atmosphere. As a result, many owners of suburban real estate are wondering how to grow a beautiful green lawn on their site, what grass seeds for lawns or mixtures to use and how to choose them.

An ideal option for solving the "lawn" issue will be a mixture of lawn grass seeds. Usually they include from 3 to 5 varieties of crops that harmoniously complement each other's properties. The disadvantages of some seeds are compensated by the advantages of others. As a result, it is possible to use mixtures of lawn grass seeds in a variety of climatic conditions without fear for your future lawn.

Why Use Herbal Blends?

Using one lawn crop to create beautiful green lawns is the prerogative of professionals. Every kind lawn grass has its own unique set of characteristics:

  • growth rate;
  • Shade tolerance;
  • Resistance to trampling;
  • Resistance to adverse climate (hard frosts, droughts).

Each of the factors must be taken into account and anticipate possible risks before planting seeds. Whether it's a mixture of lawn grasses. The composition of the mixture of seeds in them is such that the advantages of some species overlap the disadvantages of others, forming an ideal combination.

Owners country houses doubts are often overcome about the conditions for growth, as well as the possibilities of a particular cereal. In such cases, it is advisable to give preference to mixtures lawn seeds, which endure adverse climate conditions, poor soil, drought, shade.

Popular types

In order to grow a thick and beautiful, juicy green lawn, it is important to take into account the climatic conditions of the area where the lawn grass seeds will be planted. Drought, heavy rains, sudden changes in temperature - all this can adversely affect the growth of seeds. For our latitudes, where the inconstancy of the weather is observed, some types of lawn seeds are intended. They are not afraid of adverse climatic conditions, and the lawns eventually grow green and attractive:

  • Meadow fescueperfect option for use in wet ground. It grows very quickly and already in the first year after sowing forms a beautiful and juicy green cover. The only drawback is the fragility (usually no more than 4-5 years), but if properly combined with other herbs, the lawn will remain green for a long time;

  • Sheep fescue is a grass that withstands the harsh conditions of dry and poor soils. Mixing it with red fescue produces a mixture of lawn grass seeds that form a beautiful uniform cover even in the shade of shrubs and trees;

  • Rhegrass - the grass shows all its beauty on fertile soils, is resistant to trampling, gives an even cover within a couple of months after sowing. But compared to other species, it does not last long and does not differ in the strength of the turf;

  • Bluegrass meadow - good for areas with sudden changes in temperature and adverse weather conditions. The grass withstood the test of frost and drought, forming a thick turf. The only disadvantage is susceptibility to diseases ( powdery mildew, rust);

  • The bent grass is the most common variety of lawn grass seeds that can grow in almost any conditions. With abundant watering, it can delight with juicy greenery until the first snow. And the disadvantage is slow growth after mowing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of lawn grass mixture:

  • Affordable price of mixtures;
  • Ease of selecting turf grass mixtures for specific areas depending on climatic conditions.

Disadvantages of seed mixture:

  • The need to wait a long time until shoots from a mixture of herbs appear (2-3 weeks). With unfavorable weather conditions the period may be extended;
  • Abundant growth of weeds during the first time of seed growth (2-3 cuttings).

Overview of popular grass mixtures

For cultivation in our latitudes, manufacturers make universal mixtures of lawn seeds that can withstand adverse weather and different soils. These include:

  • DLF-Trifolium Turfline Ornamental- contains in its mixture of seeds the most hardy crops that grow slowly, forming a strong turf (meadow fescue, red, reed, bent grass, bluegrass). Such a lawn recovers well after mowing and grows both in the sun and in the shade. The mixture is made in two versions: for temperate and hot climates.
  • Wolf-Garten Reseeding - a mixture of crops that are used for regeneration damaged areas lawns. The composition includes high-quality seeds and active additives.
  • Wolf-Garten Sport and Leisure LG– ideal lawn grass mixtures to create lawns for sports and picnics. A versatile mix of crops that will grow in any soil, forming a solid turf.
  • LawnCity "6 acres"- lawn grass seed mix for beginners. The seeds here are selected in such a way as to grow in various conditions and do not require special care. Bluegrass and fescue provide a smooth and beautiful turf cover with high resistance to trampling.
  • Green carpet "Children's Park"- the softness of the cover determines the name and recommendations for use. Such a lawn is best grown in playgrounds and backyards of country houses.
  • "Russian garden"- special flowering grass mixtures for lawns that cheer you up. Five different collections give the lawn a special charm. Each buyer will be able to find a shade to their liking. The flower cover does not need careful care.
  • Barenburg RTF Premium is a mixture of lawn grass seed that produces a particularly hardy and beautiful cover. The lawn can withstand severe droughts and regenerates itself by filling open or damaged areas.

Prices for mixtures of lawn grass seeds range from 300 to 6000-7000 rubles, depending on the variety and weight. Each of them allows you to create an excellent lawn, so you should choose based on their sowing area. And keep your lawn green.

Lawn grass that destroys weeds: photo, how to choose and plant. Lawn grass that kills weeds. Experienced owners know that there is lawn grass that destroys weeds. It is an excellent assistant in the fight against weeds on your personal plot. In addition, lawns serve as an excellent decorative ornament any landscape, including personal suburban areas.

Lawn grass sown on the plot

Lawn grass that kills weeds

Weeds are the strongest plants that can survive in any, even the most extreme conditions. No one can get rid of them once and for all. However, there are methods, using which, you can greatly simplify the fight. One such method is growing lawn grass that kills weeds. You can't get rid of them completely, but proper care can be reduced to a minimum.

Smooth grass carpet without weeds

Lawn grass is a mixture of perennials. herbaceous plants forming a continuous grass cover. Lawns are for various purposes: sports, decorative and shade-tolerant. For all of them, their herbs are selected, which have necessary qualities. For sports lawn- resistance to trampling, for decorative - beauty, for shade-tolerant - resistance to lack of light.

There are several lawn grass species that kill weeds better than others:

  • shooter bent field. This grass constantly requires watering, and is afraid of the heat. It also kills weeds very well. She has good decorative properties;

bent grass

  • red fescue. This plant is frost tolerant;

red fescue

  • bluegrass meadow is a plant that is not afraid of even frost. Its seeds can easily winter on the surface of the earth;

Bluegrass meadow

  • microclover is not susceptible to heat and drought. He does not need frequent watering and top dressing. Where it is, weeds are very uncomfortable.


By itself, sowing a lawn will not solve the problem of weeds, so it is necessary to take a set of additional measures to achieve the goal:

  1. quality pre-sowing treatment digging the soil and applying herbicides will kill most weeds.
  2. Fertilization in autumn-spring period. In spring - nitrogen, in autumn - potassium and phosphorus.
  3. Periodic lawn mowing. Weeds do not like constant pruning and eventually die.

lawn grass mowing

Useful advice! Lawn grasses that destroy weeds require special attention in the first year after sowing. They need to be weeded from weeds, cut, carefully watered and fed. In the future, their root system will strengthen, and the grass will not need such care. Gradually, the lawn will crowd out weeds.

If you decide to sow a lawn and come to the store for seeds, you will be surprised at the number of different types of mixtures. to get the most effect? When to sow lawn grass? These questions should be answered before going to the store.

Lawn grass in the countryside

lawn mowing

The main procedure on which the beauty of the lawn depends is regular mowing. Depending on its size, different lawn mowers can be used. Electric mowers are suitable for small lawns, diesel lawn mowers are suitable for large ones. For people who have little time but money good decision are self-propelled lawn mowers powered by solar panels or batteries.

To keep your lawn looking tidy, you need to use trimming and grass blades (manual and cordless) to cut stems in areas that lawnmowers can't reach, such as under bushes, perennials, or next to tree trunks.

How to choose lawn grass that kills weeds

There are not many types of grass suitable for lawn formation. Unlike wild grasses, lawn grasses are softer, bush well and form a dense turf that does not allow weeds to break through. All lawn mixtures consist of bluegrass, fescue and ryegrass. This is the basis of the mixture, to which other types of herbs are sometimes added.

Lawn properties depend on percentage seeds. If the bluegrass prevails, then the lawn will be dark in color. A large amount of ryegrass gives a good sod, which allows it to be sown in the trampled areas of the lawn.

Before as choose lawn grass that kills weeds, you need to carefully read the description that is on the packaging of any mixture. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the decorative component, but also the requirements for the soil, the climatic conditions of the area, the illumination of the site, as well as the purpose of the lawn.

lawn grass seeds

The information on the grass mixture packaging must contain the following information:

  1. Species composition of cereals.
  2. The year in which the seeds were produced.
  3. Seeding rate, that is, the amount of the mixture per 1 m2 of area.
  4. Country and address of the manufacturer.

Even knowing how to choose lawn grass destroying weeds You need to check the packaging itself. It should not have holes or breaks. The seeds themselves must have international and national product quality certificates and be fully adapted to the climate of the region in which you live.

Seed packages

After the choice is made, you need to wait for the time of sowing and start forming the lawn. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with how to plant lawn grass. Here, too, there are nuances and wisdom.

Useful advice! When buying seeds not in a ready-made grass mixture, but separately, it is necessary to take into account all the properties of certain cereals. If two or three cereals are mixed, then you need to select seeds with the same shade and growth rate.

Different types of lawn grass

How to plant lawn grass

Before planting lawn grass that destroys weeds, it is necessary to prepare the site for planting. To do this, it is marked out and cleaned of weed roots. It is better to do this a couple of times with an interval of 2 weeks. After that, the marked area is leveled so that it is horizontal. If it is necessary to divide the territory into flower beds with rectilinear boundaries, then a string with pegs is used, along which marking lines are drawn.

Then they are treated with herbicides. When buying them, you should pay attention to which weeds they are intended for. Spring shoots of weeds are much better processed than autumn shoots, since the latter are able to shed seeds that will still germinate in spring. In a herbicide-treated area, the grass will quickly turn yellow and die. After that, you need to collect it all and pull out small shrubs, if they occur. Processing is done at 2-week intervals.

Weeding in the prepared area

Useful advice! For the final disposal of weeds, it is recommended to cover the area with a geotextile sheet. This measure will not only kill the remaining weed roots, but also prevent their seeds from germinating.

The second stage of work includes the preparation of the soil itself. For this you need:

  • decide on chemical composition soil. Find out its moisture content and structural features. Chalk or lime is added to acidic soil. heavy clay soil should be diluted with humus or biohumus;
  • contribute mineral fertilizers according to the recommendations from the packaging of the grass mixture. It must be borne in mind that in the spring they bring nitrogen compounds, stimulating plant growth, and in the fall, potassium and phosphorus, which allows you to safely overwinter;
  • loosen the fertilized soil, level and moderately moisten it;
  • after that, take a heavy, up to 100 kg, roller and carefully roll the entire area with it. If flaws are found, align them and additionally roll this place;
  • after completion, you need to wait a week for the soil to shrink, and remove weeds that may still appear during this time.

Compacting the earth is done before and after planting seeds

The time for the second stage is 1 week. Only then can you start planting lawn grass. How to do it right - will be discussed further.

First, you need to divide the entire plot mentally into several equal parts. Divide all seeds equally for each part. In this case, the flow will be uniform.

Secondly, the soil is watered from a hose with a shower head so that bumps do not appear. This should only be done when it is dry.

Thirdly, the seeds are scattered across the site in calm weather crosswise. This will ensure an even fit.

Sowing lawn grass

Fourthly, the soil is loosened with a rake and rolled with the same heavy roller so that the seeds are underground.

Fifthly, the entire area is moderately watered with a hose with a nozzle, being careful not to damage the soil surface.

Useful advice! Don't skimp on seeds. Bald patches on the lawn will very quickly become overgrown with weeds and everything will have to be repeated again.

Lawn watering

Another important question - when to sow lawn grass that kills weeds? The answer to it requires detailed description principles of plant vegetation. However, some general rules can be distinguished.

When to sow lawn grass

Seeding of any lawn is carried out during the growing season of plants, that is, from May to September. best time considered spring or autumn. The main thing is that shoots appear before the first frost. Full cycle from sowing to strengthening seedlings is 4 - 6 weeks. From this you need to proceed in order to be in time before the frost.

Mowing with a lawn mower

Knowing when to sow lawn grass and the basic methods of agricultural technology, you can create a beautiful lawn on your site, which will delight your eyes for a long time and save you from overgrowing with weeds.

Video: how to sow lawn grass

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In addition to good germination, they have a relatively uniform color, they are frost-resistant and not too demanding on the nutritional value of the soil. Not surprisingly, all of these grasses are present in varying degrees in any grass mixture for lawns.

Depending on the purpose of the lawn, the specifics of the area and personal preferences, various compositions of herbs are selected, which are commonly called lawn grass mixtures. Whether it is a no-mow area or a trample-resistant turf, the composition of the grass mixture for lawns will differ in each case.

Garden lawn: composition of herbs

Caring for a landscape gardening or ordinary lawn does not require constant intervention. The grass cover is dense and hides the occasional presence of wild grasses, in particular wheatgrass. Therefore, some special lawn grass is not required - broad-leaved cereals with the addition of fescue, bent grass are suitable.

What grass to sow for a garden lawn?

Bluegrass (Poa nemoralis)

Perennial lawn grass that forms loose, soft tufts. It grows about 30–100 cm in height. The width of leaf blades is 1.5–2 mm. Flowering occurs in May-June, the size of the panicle is 10 cm.

This grass is usually included in the mixture for the lawn, broken at the foot of the trees does not require good lighting. Suitable for moist, acidic soil. But frequent haircuts of the Bluegrass forest lead to its loss and depletion.

Bluegrass meadow (Poa pratensis)

Ornamental lawn grass, perennial, grows up to 100 cm. Loose sods make up narrow leaves. June-July is the flowering period. The plant prefers meadows, fields, steppes, illuminated edges, is not afraid of trampling.

Ordinary lawns, especially on light stony soils, shady areas almost always contain. It should be borne in mind that this lawn grass is unsuitable for planting on chalky and excessively moist soils. In addition, frequent low haircuts are contraindicated for her.

Among the varieties of meadow grass meadow, the most suitable grasses for the lawn are:

  • 'Andante' - squat plants, characterized by increased resistance to diseases such as leaf spot.
  • 'Connie' - turfs are undersized, painted in saturated green color. Grow densely. The variety is resistant to many diseases and trampling.
  • ‘Compact’ - representatives of this variety with narrow leaves are also resistant to mechanical stress, are characterized by rapid growth, tolerate dry periods well.
  • ‘Balin’ - increased endurance, disease resistance, rapid growth - the main characteristics of this variety.
  • ‘Sobra’ - quite attractive and very resistant to external influences variety.

Annual bluegrass (Poa annua)

Usually an annual, but occasionally a perennial herb. Sods are from 5 to 35 cm tall, panicles are small - no more than 1 cm. The plant prefers to settle near the road, hides in ditches, quickly fills trampled places. If ordinary lawns only benefit from the presence of the annual Bluegrass, then in the parterre it is considered a weed.


The species grows on any soil, great for a low haircut. At high temperatures, the leaves turn yellow and lawn grass may fall out.

Common bluegrass (Poa triviales)

Forms sods with short creeping rhizomes. The stem size is 20–120 cm. The width of smooth leaves is up to 6 mm, the color is bright green. The species is distinguished by the ability to take root quickly, prefers heavy and calcareous soils, likes to settle on wet areas. However, the plant does not differ in particular frost resistance. In addition, common bluegrass loses its attractive appearance with prolonged trampling and is not resistant to drought.


Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)

A distinctive feature of this species is a pink hue at the base of young leaves. The leaf blades themselves are light green in color, 4 mm thick. Some cultivars are characterized by even narrower leaves, slow growth and good tolerance for short haircuts.


The plant is a frequent component of the composition of grass mixtures for landscape gardening lawns. It tolerates heavy soils, is resistant to trampling, and can grow rapidly. Popular varieties Perennial ryegrass:

  • ‘Figaro’ - multi-purpose use, increased resistance to trampling, dense cover and immunity to many diseases - the main differences between the Ryegrass perennial ‘Figaro’ variety.
  • ‘Taya’ - used when creating a multi-purpose lawn, providing a dense and healthy look of the coating. The main characteristics are resistance to drought, endurance, increased resistance to trampling.
  • ‘Sakini’ - plants of this variety are characterized by slow growth, but quickly take root. Wear resistant.
  • ‘Juventus’ - this variety was bred specifically as an ornamental grass for lawns, creating a dense cover of green, medium-thick leaves. Plants are distinguished by increased resistance to stress, in particular - elevated temperatures, fungi that cause leaf rust.
  • ‘Speed’ - representatives of this variety take root quickly, forming a dense, high turf that is resistant to wear.
  • ‘Danilo’ - herbs suitable for shaping beautiful lawns, with narrow green or dark green leaf blades. They grow densely, are resistant to wear.

Meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis)

Another perennial grass for lawns, equipped in medium-moist areas. When flooded with melt water, it can grow for about a month without compromising its health. In height, this meadow plant can reach 140 cm, but usually much lower (30–100 cm). The leaves are narrow, flat. Meadow fescue blooms in June, panicle size up to 18 mm. Resistant to trampling.


Timothy grass (Phleum pratense)

Plants form loose bushes, the height of the stems swollen at the base is from 15 to 120 cm, the width of green / gray-green leaves is up to 10 mm. It is added to grass mixtures for landscape gardening, meadow lawns.

Tufts of Timofeevka meadow are not afraid of trampling, they prefer moist heavy soils. A low haircut is contraindicated, as well as landing in sandy soil.


Common comb (Cynosurus cristatus)

The height of the stem of this perennial is from 20 to 75 cm, the leaf blades are very narrow. Flowering occurs in June-July, with the formation of dense spike-shaped panicles.


It grows well on light soils, in nature its usual habitat is meadows, glades. Resistant to trampling.

How to choose grass mixtures for parterre lawns?

The emerald green of the parterre lawn is distinguished by a uniform color and a perfectly flat surface. To achieve this effect allows the presence in the composition of the grass mixture for lawns Polevitsy various kinds, Fescue. But for pasture ryegrass, cereals with wide leaf blades, the entrance there is contraindicated. On the territory of Russia, Bluegrass meadow is usually used to create a parterre lawn. And of course, such a site requires regular low haircuts.

The best grass mixtures for parterre (or as it is also called "English lawn") include the following types of cereals:

Sheep fescue (Festuca ovina)

Perennial lawn grass that forms dense sods or tussocks. The height of the stems is from 20 to 40 cm, the leaf blades are very narrow - no more than 0.7 mm. Meadows, sands, boron, clearings, glades - the plant is widespread throughout Russia. Differs in good tolerance of regular mowing, drought-resistant, wear-resistant.


In addition to the lawn, they are used to create rocky gardens, mixed borders.

The best varieties:

  • 'Discovery' - hairy leaves of dark green color, form a dense herbage. Compared to other varieties of Sheep Fescue, ‘Discovery’ is the most drought tolerant and best tolerates soil salinity.
  • ‘Triana’ and ‘Reedu’ - distinctive feature of these varieties are increased drought resistance and the ability to adapt quickly.

Red fescue (Festuca rubra)

The rhizomes of this perennial form loose tufts. The base of the flat leaves is colored red with a brown tint, the width of the leaf blades is up to 2.5 mm., maximum height stem - about 80 cm. Flowering occurs in June-August, spike-shaped panicle up to 10 cm in size. In nature, it prefers glades, meadows, sandy soils. It is frost-resistant, tolerates trampling well, and is not afraid of shaded places. This type is part of almost all popular grass mixtures for lawns.


Red fescue subspecies red (Festuca rubra subsp.rubra)

A rhizomatous grassy herb. The leaves are very narrow, grow in bunches. The plant is drought- and frost-resistant, feels good on light soils. It grows quite slowly, so it can be mixed with other slow growing species of Fescue. It is found both in parterre and sports lawns.


  • ‘Pernille’ - is valued for its narrow, very strong leaves, dense cover and increased resistance to diseases.
  • ‘Diego’ - Glossy pale green leaves delight the eye throughout the growing season.
  • 'Laxton' - this variety is distinguished by a dense cover and increased resistance to rust. Due to its glossy leaves, it looks good on home lawns.
  • ‘Rapid’ , ‘Ruby’ , 'Echo' - the most famous varieties, are popular as drought-resistant and reliable in growing grass.

Variable red fescue (Festuca rubra commutata)

Parterre lawns are not complete without this species. It coexists without problems with other cereal grasses, the most aggressive of which can displace Red Fescue. The plant takes root quickly, forming a dense turf without shoots. Good for low shearing, drought tolerant, prefers light soils.


Dog bentgrass (Agrostis canina)

The height of this perennial grass is not more than 30 cm. The rhizomes are thin, short, the shoots take root on the surface, forming an elastic dense turf of rich green hues. The plant likes to settle on waterlogged peat soils, but it also develops other types of soil well. Differs in frost resistance, well transfers a lack of lighting.


The first year grows at a slow pace, the formation occurs in the second, more often in the third year.

Thin bentgrass (Agrostis capillaris)

The short rhizomes of this perennial form into a loose turf cover. The height of the stem is 10–60 cm, the width of the delicate bright green leaves is up to 4 mm.

Prefers glades, sandy soils, mixed herbs low-growing meadows. The grass is characterized by slow growth, regular shearing allows you to form a neat grassy canvas with a dense structure. resistant to frequent pruning, but does not tolerate trampling.


White bent grass (Agrostis alba)

A distinctive feature of this lawn grass is the ability to form numerous offspring shoots, as well as a branched root system that holds the soil well. In this case, a strong elastic turf is formed. Dark green leaves reach a width of 2 mm.


The grass grows slowly in the year of planting, loves light soils, but tolerates sandy and loamy soils well. Resistant to trampling and frequent pruning. Decorative with proper care up to 10 years of age. It is used in lawns for various purposes.

Shooting bent grass (Agrostis stolonifera)

Perennial loose sod grass-like grass with a length of creeping shoots up to 40 cm. Flat short leaf blades are painted in light green color, reach no more than 5 cm in length, up to 2 mm in width. As the name implies, it is capable of producing long side shoots, which easily (and most importantly - on their own) take root in case of damage to the mother plant. This property often attracts inexperienced gardeners and often leads to uncontrolled growth of cereals with the capture of any more or less free space.


The plant prefers loamy, sandy and sandy soils, but it is also not afraid of saline and acidic areas. Frost-resistant, resistant to spring weathering. However, in autumn it requires as low a haircut as possible, otherwise the grass will be withered in spring.

Varieties of Polevitsa shoot-bearing:

  • ‘Prominent’ - high density of herbage, narrow dark green leaves make it possible to use this grass, in particular, for arranging golf courses. The variety is distinguished by increased resistance to pink spotting.
  • ‘Cromi’ - forms magnificent lawns, suitable for formation of a cover of a golf course. Provides dense herbage and is resistant to low mowing. Differs in winter hardiness.

Grasses suitable for meadow lawn

The meadow is an area with herbal plants, whose stems are relatively rigid. Strong trampling of such a lawn is contraindicated. Exactly like a frequent haircut, which is enough once a month.

The composition of the grass mixture for the meadow lawn should include the flora characteristic of the local natural area. In particular, this may be:

Soddy pike (Deschampsia cespitosa)

Light green leaves up to 3 mm wide. and stems 30 to 100 cm long form turf tussocks. Very decorative grass, prefers swampy meadows, banks of water bodies, is characterized by the ability to form whole thickets. Good for mixborders.


Dispersed beskilnitsa (Pussinellia distans)

Perennial turf grass with stems 15 to 50 cm long and dark green leaves about 55 mm long. width. In nature, cereal can be found on the banks of reservoirs, along dirt roads, saline soils. Not seen in culture.


Bonfire soft (Bromus mollis)

An annual, rather ornamental grass, not demanding on the type of soil. Flowering is long - May-September. Responds well to mowing.

ON THE PICTURE: The fire is soft.

Awnless Rump (Bromopsis inermis)

Perennial grass, has a cord-like rhizome with root shoots. The stem grows up to 100 cm, dark green leaves are quite wide - from 4 to 10 mm. The habitat of the cereal is sparse forests, meadows, river sands. The awnless rump is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, resistance to mowing and trampling, and is not afraid of shaded and waterlogged areas. Responds well to nitrogen fertilization.


Hedgehog (Dactylis glomerata)

Shade-tolerant perennial grass, grows to a height of 35–120 cm. The leaves, reaching a width of 5 to 20 mm, have a light green color. Prefers meadows, can settle along roads. The hedgehog grows well on fertile soils, but with sufficient aeration, it feels good on heavy loamy and moderately acidic soils.

ON THE PICTURE: Cocksfoot.

Cranked foxtail (Alopecurus geniculatus)

One or two-year-old plant up to 40 cm high with green leaves. Due to the dyed purple anther blooming Foxtail crankshaft is especially decorative. The banks of water bodies, wet marshy soils - this is where you can usually find representatives of this species.

Meadow Foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis)

Perennial lawn grass, forming loose sods. The height of the stems is from 50 to 120 cm, the width of the juicy green leaves is from 4 to 6 mm. The anthers of the cylindrical inflorescence are white-pink, the flowering period falls on June - at this time the plant has the most decorative appearance.


Meadow foxtail prefers sandy, poor soils, is not afraid of prolonged flooding by rain and melt water, and is good at mowing.

Creeping wheatgrass (Elymus repens)

The perennial has very long branched rhizomes and stems from 50 to 120 cm long. Leaf blades up to 10 mm wide. Prefers glades, meadows, coastal sandy soils. The plant is not suitable for parterre and landscape gardening lawns, where it is considered a weed. Component of a grass mixture for lawns for special purposes, a component of lawns.

The grass is polymorphic, sometimes gray and green, hairy and naked. Any soil is suitable for its cultivation.

The correct composition of the grass mixture for lawns: we prepare it ourselves

Manufacturers usually sell ready mixes grass seeds for lawns with a balanced ratio of different species. But, having the necessary planting material, you can mix the seeds by yourself. We give examples of the most common grass mixtures for various classes of lawns.


  • Thin bent - 1 part;
  • Red fescue - 2 parts;
  • Fescue red changeable - 3 parts;
  • Bluegrass meadow - 4 parts.


  • Red fescue - 2 parts;
  • Thin bent - 8 parts.


  • Meadow fescue 1 part
  • Red fescue 3 parts
  • Perennial ryegrass 6 parts.

Before creating a lawn, it is worth asking yourself a few questions. First, what exactly do you need a lawn for? For beauty? For sports games on the fresh air? Or for everything at once? Secondly, what are the conditions on the site intended for the lawn - sun, shade, wet, dry, soil acidity high or low? And based on this, make a choice from the list the best manufacturers lawn grass.

As a rule, for the Russian climate zone only certain types of herbs are suitable. Therefore, before buying, you should carefully read the composition of the mixture and determine if there are the following species: meadow bluegrass, red fescue and perennial ryegrass. Sometimes bent grass is added to them (its different types). Despite some scarcity of the main set, each species has many varieties that differ in appearance, growth rate, resistance to damage and so on.

There are several requirements for quality lawn mixtures:

  1. they should take root quickly (and even on nutrient-poor soil);
  2. after mowing, grow more slowly, but the brightness of the color and density should remain the same;
  3. tolerate temperature fluctuations characteristic of Russia;
  4. be disease and pest resistant.

If the lawn in your country house has already grown, you should think about buying a lawn mower, we have selected the best models for you:

In Russia, five manufacturers of herbal mixtures are the most popular.

5. Green Meadow

The American company Green Meadow opens the rating of manufacturers of high-quality grass mixtures for lawns. It is one of the most famous suppliers of various plants both in the USA and in Europe. Her assortment is rich, however, the Russian lawn enthusiast should remember that a rare mixture will take root on Russian soil. The basis of the mixture is perennial ryegrass, it is very beautiful in appearance, but short-lived. Ryegrass is an ingredient in many mixtures, as its fast germination will provide the lawn with a beautiful, even color at the very beginning, and then give way to longer-lived grasses. At the same time, he still does not tolerate frost well and dies at temperatures from -15 and below. Residents of the southern regions of Russia can enjoy its bright malachite color, but the "Europeans" and Siberians should think hard.

4. Midget

Lawn mix from "Liliput" is specially designed for the harsh Russian climate and made as undemanding as possible. This is a lawn for the lazy (or for those who can't garden more than one day every couple of weeks). The grass mixture from "Lilliput" is built on the basis of bluegrass meadow and four parts different varieties fescue. All varieties are very hardy and resistant to negative factors. environment- from fluctuations in temperature to disease.

3. Green square

Opens the top 3 most the best mixes lawn grass is another domestic manufacturer. It differs from "Lilliput" as large quantity options, and at a better price. Although the difference in price begins to be felt at large scales, for example, if the lawn area starts from 50 m2 or more. There are mixtures specially designed for various climatic regions of Russia - from the subtropical zone of the Caucasus to the arid Lower Volga region and harsh Siberia.

2. Powerseed

Lawn mixes from Powerseed are adapted to the western/central climate conditions of the USA, therefore, will be suitable for the central and southern regions of Russia. One of the most popular mixtures is for quick restoration of lawns. It is convenient that the old lawn does not need to be dug up, fertilized, or regularly watered. It just grows by itself - what else do you need?

1. Terragrun

One of hallmarks Terragrün are their own mixtures, in which wild species and cultivated varieties are mixed in various proportions. At the same time, the germination of seeds from German craftsmen reaches 95% (one of the highest rates on the market). And a wide range of products will help create a lawn not only in favorable climatic conditions in the south of Russia, but also in other, colder regions.

The varieties "Universal", "Canada-green", "Golf-Master" are very popular on the market. By the way, the latter, despite the specialized name, is actually very stable and looks great in the lawn. The only drawback is that it requires a good drainage system, as it does not tolerate freezing of the soil and may die.