New Year's games for the whole family. Guess what it was! Children's games for New Year's celebrations

The most wonderful holiday of the year, the most magical. Can you guess what we're talking about? Yes, definitely it is New Year 2017. But along with the joy and anticipation of magic, it often causes a lot of trouble. How many things need to be done before December 31st? And prepare a treat, and think about what outfit to choose for the celebration, and create an entertainment program for the guests. You also need to decorate the Christmas tree and apartment, and figure out what to give to your family and friends. There is no point in talking about this in detail. In our article we will talk about how to have an interesting New Year's Eve so that it doesn’t turn into boring gatherings. To do this, it is necessary to arrange various competitions for the New Year 2017. We offer two types: for children and at the table (for a large and cheerful company). Moreover, the first ones are not only for children. The whole family can easily participate in these fun activities.

Children's New Year competitions 2017.

First let's say that all of these games can be played throughout the winter holidays.

All children stand in a large circle. To the music, you need to pass the New Year's cap to each other. As soon as the music stops, the child who has the cap in his hands puts it on his head. He will need to complete the task from the presenter. The latter can dress up as Santa Claus. It will be better if for this competition children learn poems and songs on New Year's themes in advance.

  1. In bags around the Christmas tree: Children's competition.

Two children participate in the game. They are given a bag each. At a signal, the guys in sacks run around the tree in different sides. The one who does it faster will win.

  1. Guess the fairy tale hero: a cool competition.

All children sit in a circle. The presenter invites each participant in turn to continue the name of the famous fairy tale hero. For example, Little Red Riding Hood, Baba (Yaga), Snowy (Queen). The one who does not answer is out of the game. With the remaining participants, the game continues until the final question.

  1. Balloon: Children's games for the New Year of the Rooster 2017.

The number of participants is from two to four people. Each of them is given an ordinary balloon. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to inflate them simultaneously. The participant who does this first wins. But the ball must not burst, otherwise it’s a loss.

  1. Who can collect the most snowballs: games for the whole family for the New Year 2017.
Who can collect the most snowballs: Competition for children 2017

For this game, guests must be divided into teams. Snowballs can be made from cotton wool. Or buy special balls in the store, these are now on sale. Also, for this competition you need to take large garbage bags. They need to cut off the bottom corners, but so that their legs can fit through. One of the team members must climb into the bag made, and the rest, at a signal, begin to collect snowballs and put them there. The team that manages to score wins large quantity snowballs.

As a variant of this competition, there is another

But you will need children's plastic buckets for it. Children will need to be divided into pairs. Participants should move approximately 5 steps away from each other. One holds a bucket, the other throws snowballs. The task of each participant is to catch as many snowballs as possible in their bucket. The couple that has the most last number in the final of the competition wins.

  1. Let's build a New Year's castle. Competition for young architects 2017.

The number of participants is from three to six people. Before starting, they must carefully examine the drawing of the New Year's castle made in advance. Let’s say right away that to hold this competition you will also need to stock up on several sets of plastic cups in advance. Each participant is given this kit. Everyone is blindfolded. In this form, the “architects” begin to work. At the end of the competition, the works are evaluated by a jury consisting of other guests. Whoever finished the work first and reproduced the drawing more accurately than others becomes the winner. Viewers can also choose their favorite work themselves. In this case, this participant is awarded an incentive prize.

  1. Bring the snowball in a spoon

Two people are selected for this competition. Each of them must take into his mouth a spoon containing a snowball (made of cotton wool or paper). At the signal, children must run around the tree in different directions. The one who runs faster and doesn't drop the snowball wins.

  1. The neighbor's is better!

A competition that will amuse the kids. Everyone stands around the tree in a large circle.

Host: “Children, do you have ears?”

Children: “Yes, there are.”

Host: “Are your ears good?”

Children: “Very good”

Host: “What about your neighbor?”

Children: “And he’s much better!”

They take each other by the ears and dance in a circle. Gradually, during the game, all parts of the body are moved.

  1. Ball between heads

To conduct this competition you will need two large rubber balls. Number of participants – 4 people (that is, 2 couples). The guys hold the ball between their heads and run in different directions around the tree. The winner is the pair that runs faster and does not drop the ball.

  1. New Year's song

Children's version of the "third wheel" competition. The rules are approximately the same. The chairs are placed in a circle with the seats facing outwards. But there should be one less of them than the participants. Children dance in a circle to popular New Year's children's songs. It’s better for the presenter to dress up as the Snow Maiden. As soon as the song ends, all children must take their places. It is clear that one participant will not get a chair. This child becomes the Snow Maiden's assistant. After each round, one chair is removed. The game continues until the very end.

  1. Give a snowman a nose

For this competition, you will need to draw snowmen on two large sheets of plywood in advance. Two people are selected, they are blindfolded and given a cone or a carrot. Players try to correctly attach a nose to a snowman. Fans can help them with words (left, right, lower, higher). The first person to attach a nose to their snowman wins.

  1. New Year's bowling tournament

Skittles are required for this competition. If you don’t have them, then you can take ordinary ones. plastic bottles. You will also need ordinary rubber balls. The competition can be held in two ways: either divide the children into teams, or individually. From a distance of about five steps, each child must knock down as many icicles as possible. Skittles and bottles must be arranged accordingly in advance. And by the way, if the children are older, you can also use basketballs.

  1. Push out of the hoop

For this competition you will need an ordinary gymnastic hoop. Two people participate. You need to stand on one leg in the hoop. Each participant places the second one behind his back. At the signal, the participants begin to push each other out with their elbows. The winner is the one who manages to stay in the hoop. You can’t stand on your other leg either, otherwise you’ll lose.

  1. Carnival costume competition

It's no secret that children (especially little ones) love to dress up. Why not hold a competition on this basis? All children come to the holiday dressed as their favorite heroes. Condition: they must be made with your own hands. A jury is selected who will ultimately choose the best costume. But you have to imagine the outfit. This will need to be done in the following way: portray the hero whose costume the child made. You can sing a song about him, read some poem dedicated to him.

  1. Felt boots

For this competition you will need large felt boots. They should also be tall enough. Two people participate in this competition. At a signal, they run around the tree in different directions. The winner is the one who comes running first and puts on both felt boots.

After this, we smoothly move on to those competitions that can be held during the New Year's feast. The entire large and friendly company can participate in them.

  1. make a wish

Entertainment: New Year 2017 competitions for the whole family at the table

For this competition you will need Balloons. There should be as many of them as there are guests. On pre-prepared pieces of paper, the whole company writes their cherished desires. Then each guest ties this piece of paper to the string of the ball. After the chimes, everyone can go out onto the balcony or directly into the courtyard, cast a magic spell in unison and release the balls into the sky.

  1. What's in the black box?

For this competition you need to prepare a large box in advance. The presenter puts some object into it. All the guests take turns pretending to be psychics and trying to guess what is in the black box. If no one can guess, the presenter can give a certain number of clues. The most artistic guest is given a prize. Well, the one who manages to guess what is in the black box gets this item For a present.

  1. Fortune telling about the future

For this competition you need to prepare two hats or two small boxes. In the first you need to put pre-written questions, and in the other - the answers. Guests will be delighted! There may be coincidences. Or there may be very funny and awkward answers.

  1. Making from balloons

Everyone in your cheerful company needs to be given a balloon (it must be inflated in advance) and a colored marker (any color). The task of each guest is to turn the ball into something original and interesting. And by the way. It would be nice to give the following task. Make a symbol of 2017 from the balloon - a rooster. Upon completion, all works are displayed for everyone to see in the middle of the table. The winner is the one whose work is recognized as the best by the audience.

  1. Hey, honest people! Dress up, but don't yawn

Clear the table of food for a while. It should be placed in the middle of the room. You need to put all kinds of accessories on the table (rings, brooches, bracelets, beads). It is advisable that they have a New Year's theme. But their number should be one less than the number of participants in the competition. The music turns on (New Year's music, of course) and the whole cheerful company dances around the table. But as soon as the music stops, everyone must grab any accessory from the table as quickly as possible and put it on themselves. Whoever doesn't get it drops out of the competition. But all the losers get a New Year's treat. Then one decoration is removed again. The competition continues until the final winner is determined.

  1. Snowflake: New Year 2017 competition for the whole family.

It will be a lot of fun to cut out New Year's snowflakes at the table with the whole friendly company. In this case, feel free to grab napkins, paper, scissors and go! You can announce a competition for the most original snowflake design.

  1. Best New Year's toast: a cool and interesting competition for the New Year of the Rooster.

To conduct this competition, you need to prepare cards with various abbreviations in advance. For example, housing and communal services, traffic police, UN, Moscow State University, RUDN University. Anything you can do with your imagination. They all need to be put in a box. Guests take turns pulling out cards. Everyone’s task is to come up with a short toast. All words in it must begin with the letters of the indicated abbreviation. The author of the most original will receive a prize.

  1. Guess who you are

On separate pieces of paper, all guests write the names of animals, objects, first and last names. famous people. In a word, everything you can do with your imagination. It is better to discuss the topic in advance. All leaves are put into a box. Each guest must take out one piece of paper and attach it to his forehead (you cannot read it). To others he can only ask leading questions. The winner will be the one who can guess in the least amount of time.

  1. We decided to cook letters

For this competition, the whole cheerful company must be divided into two teams. Each person chooses one letter of the alphabet (any). You need to take turns naming dishes starting with a given letter. The team that calls last wins.

  1. Congratulations in alphabetical order

Each guest in this competition must wish the others a Happy New Year. But the toast must begin with a specific letter. And the letters are not out of order, but in order. The winner is the author of the most original toast.

  1. Sweet moments

All your friends must be divided into two teams again. For this competition you need two chocolates (one for each team). The task is as follows: each participant must take a bite of a chocolate bar and pass it to his neighbor. But you can’t touch the chocolate bar with your sleeve. The team that eats first is the winner.

These, of course, are not all the competitions that can be held on the New Year's light. You can also come up with your own competitions. Happy New Year 2017!


The best competitions for the New Year 2017:

The coming year of the Fire Rooster should be celebrated cheerfully, in a noisy and friendly company - with this you will “appease” the owner of 2017 and you yourself will enjoy communicating with friends and loved ones. In schools and kindergartens, New Year holidays are usually postponed to December - the children will have holidays and home entertainment. Children's groups hold matinees and Christmas parties, where children and schoolchildren participate in games, poetry and song competitions, New Year-style sports competitions, performances and concerts. Of course, every family with children, this December (and perhaps earlier), will discuss what games and competitions for the New Year 2017 they should choose for their small and friendly team. At home, it is better to conduct calm competitions that do not require sudden movements or running. In kindergarten and primary school, where Christmas trees are organized for children in large halls, outdoor games, a mini-disco, etc. can be held. The funniest entertainment for adults are games of guessing popular personalities by body part or silhouette, guessing tunes, karaoke, stand-up comedy, funny competitions for eating New Year's cake or salad, and so on.

Fun competitions for the New Year 2017: New Year's games and entertainment for the family - adults and children

After preparing for the New Year's celebrations, it's time to think about holding magical night. Many of us will celebrate the upcoming New Year 2017 with our families, together with our children, and, perhaps, will invite guests. In order not to limit yourself to the traditional long absorption of delicious treats, in between salads, hot dishes and desserts, spend New Year's games and competitions. Such entertainment will not let even the most calm and phlegmatic participants in the feast get bored. Everyone will not only have a tasty meal, but also have fun!

Competition “Draw a cockerel”

Both children and adults can take part in the “Draw a Cockerel” competition. To do this, large white sheets are attached to the wall, scarves or blindfolds, felt-tip pens or pencils are prepared. Two or more participants can compete. Each of them is blindfolded and asked to draw the symbol of the New Year 2017 - the Rooster. Of course, the more spectators gather, the funnier and funnier it will be. The winner is chosen by popular vote - don't forget to prepare a prize for him!

Interesting competitions for the New Year 2017 for adults and children - Fun activities at home

Even if you live in small room, and you have almost no space for entertainment for the New Year 2017, you can choose competitions that do not require a lot of space. They are easy to prepare in just a few minutes. The main thing is that you and the children feel comfortable.

Competition “What kind of animal am I?”

Such a competition for 2017 will be more to the liking of children. To conduct it, buy several animal masks in advance or make them from cardboard. The contestant closes his eyes, and the presenter puts an animal mask on his face. After this he can open his eyes. His task is to find out what kind of animal he is at this moment. HE asks leading questions to the audience, and they answer him in monosyllables - “yes” or “no”. You can make the task more difficult by limiting the number of questions. The participant who guesses the animal after the fewest number of clues wins.

Game “Take it with me for the New Year 2017”

Here the number of contestants is limited only by the number of guests. Each participant says his name, or more precisely, its first letter. The presenter suggests making a list of things the participant is allowed to take on New Year's Eve. It will be difficult here for those whose names begin with “rare” letters - “i”, “e”, “yu”, “f”, because you can only take with you an item whose name begins with the first letter of the name of the participant in the entertainment. Your family will really enjoy the competition, even if one of the participants “takes” too few items with them!

Competition “My Cockerel 2017 is better!”

To conduct this fun competition, participants must split into pairs. One of the participants in the entertainment becomes the New Year's Cockerel, and the second tries to decorate it better than his rivals. You can “decorate” the cockerel with garlands, tinsel, Christmas tree decorations, serpentine and even artificial snow! The winner is the couple whose New Year 2017 symbol looks brighter and more attractive.

Simple competitions for the New Year 2017 for a small company - New Year's entertainment for families and for two

If you are celebrating the New Year 2017 together or in a small company, if there is not enough space in the apartment to dance, the simplest funny competitions They will amuse both your guests and you! Choose or invent entertainment together!

Competition “Visiting the Chinese”

This fun activity will not take up much space or time, but will be enjoyable entertainment for everyone. Everyone can participate in the competition, even the presenter himself. Chinese chopsticks are placed in front of each of the competition participants and a bowl of green peas, corn or boiled beans is placed. Everyone is invited to try the “Chinese style” treat. The presenter marks the time, and the participants begin the meal. The winner should have fewer peas left on his plate.

Game "Going to the Movies"

Participants in the competition can sit at a table, walk, eat, watch TV or even dance - the main thing is that they name as much as possible larger number New Year's themed movies!

The coolest competitions for the New Year 2017 for a fun company. Fun activities for all ages

Traditionally, in most companies gathered for the New Year 2017, it is customary to drink champagne or other alcohol. Many people believe that without strong drinks the holiday will not be so fun. This is not so - perhaps the popular “Fanta” or “Guess-Ka”, a dance marathon or a battle of intellectuals will amuse those gathered much better than alcohol? Try to organize the most cool competitions for the coming 2017.

Competition "Sharp Shooter 2017"

You will need glass bottles from champagne or lemonade - they will become targets. Make rings in advance from thick cardboard. Place the bottles in a row. Let each participant in the competition throw a ring, trying to put it on the neck of the bottle. The one whose bottle has the most rings wins!

Competition "Look into the eyes"

To conduct this fun competition you need to prepare a lot of photographs of famous people. Cut out only the part of the photo where the eyes are and hide them in an envelope. You can put images of animal eyes on an empty area of ​​the photograph. Ask the first group of contestants to guess celebrities only from photos with animal eyes, and ask the other group to determine which person owns the images of eyes in the envelope!

Mobile competitions for the New Year 2017 for schoolchildren. Sports competitions

Most schoolchildren simply love movement! Young fidgets cannot sit quietly through all 45 minutes of the lesson, but offer them fun active competitions, and they will be ready to compete with their peers until the morning! This is exactly what they are designed for. New Year's competitions and sports competitions for New Year's matinees. Here, the imagination of the event organizers can be limited only by time and the size of the event space. You can arrange a relay race with an egg on a spoon - run while balancing boiled egg on a spoon held in an outstretched hand. It’s a good idea to organize a karaoke competition - young talents love not only to run, but also to sing! When organizing the 2017 New Year's Eve party for children, ask them what competitions they know and love - listen to the guys' opinions!

Fun competitions for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten. Holiday fun for little ones

It’s always noisy in kindergarten, so organizing active competitions, relay races and competitions is not the best option. Preschool teacher may ask parents of children to prepare a poem or song for the 2017 New Year's party. If each of the guys recites a poem or sings a funny song, it won’t even be a competition, but a wonderful concert! You can also play such a simple game - give each of the children a cut into pieces image of Father Frost 2017, the Snow Maiden, a Christmas tree, a Snowman and ask them to assemble them according to the puzzle.

New Year's fun competitions for kindergarten - Entertainment for kids for the New Year 2017

In kindergarten, kids are always waiting New Year's holidays. To welcome the coming 2017, educators and parents can unite and prepare some real fun. Props may be needed for competitions, games and other entertainment. Purchase or prepare everything you need in advance. For example, for the “New Year's Fishing” competition you will need basins, “fishing rods” with magnets and fish with magnetic mouths. Participants will try to pull out their “holes” as much as possible more fish. For the “Guess the Song” competition you will need a player or computer. The teacher turns on the melody, and the kids guess what kind of song it sounds.

Family competitions for the New Year 2017 - Fun New Year's games and entertainment for the whole family

The number of New Year's competitions and games is so great that everyone can choose holiday entertainment to suit their taste. “Unpack the Gift” is one of the most desirable and fun family competitions. To carry it out, you need to pack all the gifts in advance, wrapping them in multi-colored paper. The conditions of the competition can be changed. For example, in one case, family members will need to unpack a gift with their eyes closed and feel what is inside. In another option, unpacking gifts is done for a while. The participant removes the packaging with his hands behind his back - whoever is the most dexterous will win!

Game "Wishes"

The game "Wishes" is a great way to keep the whole family busy for the New Year 2017. She reminds famous Map Desires, where the component visualizes everything that he would like to have or receive in the future. In this same game, the ritual is almost the same - only the whole family participates in it. You will need whatman paper, glue and several magazines with pictures. You will cut out anything from magazines - cars, bills, houses, yachts, trees, jewelry, plants, animals, etc. You can make simple drawings or even funny inscriptions yourself. It is not at all necessary to have artistic abilities; the main thing is to do everything from the heart. In addition to pictures depicting various objects, you can make leaves with wishes and even “predictions”. It will be more interesting this way - it will create intrigue! The finished pictures need to be arranged in a chaotic order and laid out on the floor on New Year's Eve. Leaves with predictions and wishes can be placed in the basket. Participants in the game take turns putting their hand into the basket and blindly pulling out a piece of paper with a wish or prediction. This family game for children and adults can be varied. A piece of paper pulled out or a picture found will be a wish for the New Year 2017 for the whole family. After what is written is voiced, the participant in the game glues the picture onto whatman paper. When all family members have participated in the process, you will have a large sheet of wishes and predictions for 2017! You can pull out pictures and inscriptions several times. A sheet of whatman paper decorated with wishes and drawings is hung on the wall. They say that if you believe that good things will come true, they will! Don't forget that this is just a game - don't take what's happening too seriously.

Cool games and competitions for the New Year 2017 The best way spend a festive night with your family or with a good, albeit very small, company. You won't get bored if you prepare entertainment for everyone, even the kids, in advance. Preschool employees will select the most simple games For kindergarten, and the teachers primary classes and parents can unite and arrange fun New Year competitions and competitions for schoolchildren. The main thing is that everything is positive, and 2017 starts off well!

On New Year's Eve, many expect miracles and magic. In order for a holiday to be remembered for a long time, you need to have fun; there are many competitions that can be held among relatives and friends. Competitions for the New Year 2017 will delight you in excellent company and diversify the holiday on a fabulous night. At this moment, adults become children and create the atmosphere of a forgotten past.

Alphabet toast, New Year's games and entertainment

To warm up, let everyone present take turns making a toast. A beginner should start with the letter “A”, the next one with “B” and so on. Let's give an example: “Have a fragrant orange New Year in 2017!”, “I’m afraid that you won’t bring all the happiness you want this year, but if you try, you can manage it!”, “Let’s drink to a strong friendship that will only grow stronger! " The one who makes the best toast wins.

Company of divers

This is a pretty funny competition that helps develop coordination of movements and teaches you how to navigate in space. We lay out a small path on the floor, and it’s more intricate and winding, the player puts on a swimming mask and go! The point is to get through the entire journey without difficulty, because wearing a mask is not entirely easy. It changes the picture, and if you put on flippers, fun is guaranteed.

Crocodile for the New Year

The competition is suitable for all ages and is completely simple: without resorting to words or sounds, you need to show with your hands some kind of New Year's accessory or image. You can even pronounce entire proverbs; you need to divide into two teams.
Let's have some tea

Now it's time to take a break and drink tea. Each person present is given three cookies; there is no need to rush and eat. You need to put them all in your mouth and try to whistle. Who managed to whistle perfectly, you can give him another cookie and a large mug of drink!

Romantic tailor

This romantic entertainment is designed for families or couples. The essence of the competition is to find five pins that are pinned in different places on the players' clothes. You will have to do this blindfolded. Since the tailor can be forgetful, there may be not five pins, but four. Someone will spend a very long time looking for a non-existent pin! Whoever guesses first wins!

Competition "Sweetie"

The most delicious competition “Candy” is held for children and adults. You need to take a large bowl of flour and hide the candies there, leaving the tails on top. The problem is to fish out the candy without getting dirty with flour. Do not use your hands in this situation; you can only get the candies with your mouth. The winner will be the one with the most candies. Well, of course, in the end, the winner will share with the candies, of which he has a lot!

Tower clock

This humorous competition needs to start early. When all the guests have gathered, you need to distribute notes to them, where a temporary task will be written that needs to be completed. It will be funny when, at the main peak of fun, guests will perform a task while doing ridiculous things, such as meowing, squeezing the person sitting next to them in their arms, or quoting prose.

Competition "Your name"

On the most fabulous night, all guests will have to forget their real name. Everyone present will receive a new New Year's name. For example: needle, snowman, chimes, cone. The person running the competition asks questions, for example:

Your name?


gift, where did you find it?

In the snowman

Where will you spend your summer vacation?

In the snowman

Anyone who could not restrain himself and laugh loses the forfeit and leaves the game.

Prediction competition

On New Year's Eve, everyone dreams of fulfilling their deepest desires. With the help of this competition, you can open the mysterious veil and look ahead. We send notes with predictions into balloons prepared in advance, fill them with air and hang them throughout the room. We blindfold the guests, hand them scissors and send them to get the pieces of paper that are hidden in the balls. Naturally, all predictions should be good and gentle, let every guest be satisfied.

Fishing in the New Year

Prepare cotton Christmas tree decorations and a fishing rod with a large hook for this competition. In turn, each guest must hang New Year's toys on the Christmas tree, and then remove them with a fishing rod. Whoever does it faster is the winner.

Competition for creative people

Take a large sheet of paper and make two holes for the hands. The task is to draw, using a brush, the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus blindly. The one who drew the most successful picture wins.

Fresh breath

A large snowflake, cut out of paper, is placed on the table in front of each player. You need to blow the snowflake to the other end of the table so that it falls. The winner is the one whose snowflake deflates more slowly, since his frosty breath freezes the snowflake.

Signature dish

The lovely ladies who are present at the table can take part in this competition. The task is to prepare several dishes, choosing the products that are on the table. It could be a salad or an unusual sandwich. The men are blindfolded and begin to try the dishes prepared by the housewives. The winner is the one who quickly feeds her dish to the man.

New Year's March

Bottles are placed on the table, spoons are handed out to the players. You need to play the melody by knocking on the bottles. Whoever comes up with the best melody wins.

The image of a modern Snow Maiden

This competition requires men who, with the help of ladies, will create the image of a modern Snow Maiden. You can use cosmetics, jewelry, and New Year's accessories that will make the Snow Maiden the most fashionable and modern. The one who provides the most striking image wins.

New Year's competitions for the 2017 Year of the Rooster will not only help you celebrate the New Year with joy, but will also bring a lot of impressions to your guests. If you have a lot of imagination, you can come up with competitions that can make players and spectators smile.

Competitions for the New Year 2017 will bring a fun time at the table, and dance breaks will help create a festive atmosphere. Games and competitions will entertain not only adult audiences, but also children.

New Year's competitions for the 2017 year of the rooster can be held with a cheerful company, relatives and children. If you are in a good mood, you can create masterpieces that will appeal to many people. Positively minded people will create the right atmosphere, and competitions will come in handy. Even the most simple game will seem exciting in a circle friendly company. To continue the fun, we offer some more exciting competitions that many will enjoy.

The festive atmosphere allows everyone to tune in to the expectation of a miracle and prepare for events in high spirits, having fun with them. That is why, for the New Year 2017, you should create an entertainment program for children and adults. Cool and funny Games, exciting competitions for the New Year 2017 are great for home entertainment, and for schools, kindergartens, and corporate events. They will help a group of friends have a lot of fun and spend a bright and memorable holiday. A variety of competitions are perfect for this task: quiet, active. You can create a real holiday in a preschool educational institution, in the office, and at home.

New Year's games and entertainment for the family - we select competitions for the New Year 2017

A family holiday does not have to be quiet and calm. It can be diluted with cheerful performances by household members and competitions among themselves. Competitions for the New Year 2017, New Year's games and entertainment for children and parents should be selected according to their preferences and wishes. It is very important to take into account the age of the children: they should spend the New Year 2017 with interest and have a great time playing and having fun with mom and dad.

Competition “Whose snowflake is funnier” - for children and adults

Give each participant a piece of paper and a pencil or pen. Everyone's task is to try to draw a neat snowflake with a cute face. One by one, everyone blindfolds themselves and begins to “create” while listening to cheerful music. The time for making a drawing can be limited. After everyone has drawn snowflakes, you need to compare the results and vote for the funniest one.

Competition "Santa Claus's Bag" - for the little ones and their parents

Selected competitions for the New Year 2017, New Year's games and entertainment for the family can be not only fun, but also useful. A funny game will help kids test their knowledge, and parents will be convinced of their iron logic. For the competition you will need to take a large bag (opaque) and each participant will secretly add some items to it. These could be toys, office supplies. You can also add non-standard “gifts” - crumpled paper, pieces of fabric, a comb. Everyone takes turns taking out an item from the bag and guessing it.

Fun competitions at home for the New Year 2017 for children and adults

Entertaining entertainment for the whole family - The best decision for the 2017 meeting. Both adults and children will enjoy a fun pastime and will help to remember the celebration colorfully and vividly. Exciting competitions for the New Year 2017 for children and adults at home can be held not only for your family, but also for visiting guests. Examples of holding a festive evening and meeting in 2017 can be found in the following examples.

Game “Make a wish come true” for children and adults

Each of the guests writes a wish on paper (for example, to perform a song, jump on one leg, find similar objects in the room). All wishes are collected in a handbag or bag. Then everyone takes out a piece of paper in turn and fulfills the indicated desire. It is important to select “orders” that even the smallest participants in the game can complete.

Competition “Who can find the most candies” for children and schoolchildren

Fun competitions for the New Year 2017 can be held separately for kids. During this time, adults will have time to chat and just relax. The goal of the competition is to collect candy hidden in the room (or house, apartment). They can be hung on the Christmas tree or placed between dishes on the table. The kids must find all the sweets. The one with the most candies wins.

Entertaining competitions for the New Year 2017 for a small company - for corporate events

Most employees of large companies and small firms We are looking forward to a joint corporate event. It will help not only to collect incriminating evidence on each colleague, but also to get to know them better, discuss personal preferences and hobbies. Such exciting holidays should also include funny competitions for the New Year of the Rooster 2017. They will help you find it faster mutual language with employees and have fun in your free time.

The game “The Most Decorated Christmas Tree” - for an entertaining corporate event

The best competitions for the New Year should not only be entertaining, but also funny. In the game “The Most Decorated Christmas Tree,” participants must dress up a colleague without using their hands. The team is divided into pairs: one will be the Christmas tree, the second will decorate it. Christmas tree balls made of plastic, sweets, and paper bows with long threads are laid out on the tables. The task of the “Christmas tree” is to help your partner decorate it: you can put the decor on your fingers and suit buttons.

Entertaining competitions for the New Year 2017 - “Tall Christmas tree”

Green plastic glasses are purchased in advance. Players must build the tallest Christmas tree out of them. Any available materials from the office can be used: tape, tape, paper clips. It is allowed to connect cups with each other using a stapler. A fun competition for the New Year 2017 for a small company is great for demonstrating erudition, logic and ingenuity.

The coolest competitions for the New Year 2017 for a cheerful group of friends

Selecting the coolest competitions for the New Year 2017 for fun company you need to take into account the number of people present at the event. If 4-6 people have gathered to celebrate the New Year 2017, then it is better to choose a simple entertainment that will amuse those present. Active and fun games and competitions for the New Year 2017 are better suited for companies that gather at the event in a large group (10 or more people).

Game “Fascinating predictions” for a corporate party, a cheerful group of friends

The host writes the names of all guests of the event on paper and puts them in one bag. In the second he puts positive, mystical or other predictions. Then he begins to select papers with names and reads out the prediction for the coming 2017 to everyone present.

Competition “Attentiveness and Logic” for a large cheerful group of friends

You need to choose several people who will guess who we are talking about. For example, the presenter tells where certain person learned what color, what dishes he likes. The one who knows everything about his friends will be the winner. Such cool competitions for the New Year will help you find out who has an excellent memory, and who has little interest in the lives of their friends or simply does not listen attentively to their stories.

How to choose competitions for schoolchildren for the New Year 2017?

School events dedicated to the upcoming New Year 2017 may include equally exciting and fun competitions. Children will be able not only to participate in them, but also to work in teams. You can use sweets and tangerines as prizes. The most active participants in the school's New Year 2017 competition can receive additional super prizes. Active guys can be identified by the number of performances in various competitions, by the number of small gifts earned.

Game "Who is faster?" for primary and secondary school students

The guys line up in front of the audience. Cheerful music is played in the background, and during the game everyone must take turns portraying some kind of animal. The more figures a student can successfully show, the more points he receives. The success of the animal demonstration is determined by the guests of the holiday: they must guess the animal shown and support the participants.

Game "Winter Images" for middle and high school

Entertaining competitions for the New Year 2017 for schoolchildren can be held not for individual participants, but for entire teams. It will help the children have fun and try working in a small group. Letters are laid out on two tables located in front of the participants. From these, children must make up as many words as possible related to the holiday theme in 1 minute. Each child can hold 1-2 letters. It is important that they can only pass on the sheets within the team. The word is counted when the guys with the required pieces of paper line up in a row.

Competition “While the clock strikes 12” - team competitions for the New Year 2017

A competition for the Children's New Year is being held similar to that described above. Children are divided into teams and stand in front of tables with letters. But now they will need to show the word given by the presenter. As soon as one of the teams has completed the task, the presenter immediately gives her a point and says next word. The winner is the group that managed to show the words faster in the allotted time. The competition can be accompanied by fun and exciting music.

Funny and active competitions for the New Year in kindergarten

Kids in kindergarten definitely need to select light and fun competitions that will help them have an entertaining event dedicated to the New Year 2017. They should be alternated with regular performances, reciting rhymes, and showing skits. It is important to eliminate the possibility that children will become overtired. You can select competitions for the New Year in kindergarten in two directions: active, for attention. They are optimal for children 3-5 years old.

Game “How does the cockerel spend his day?” for the younger group of kindergarten

Children stand in a circle, with the teacher in the center. He must say actions, and the kids will carry them out. The game is dedicated to the symbol of the coming 2017 - the Rooster. The following lines can be used in the game:

“The sun is waking up and the Rooster is crowing” - the children must crow.

“The cockerel pecks the grains” - children depict a bird collecting grains.

“The cockerel goes to bed” - the children squat down, close their eyes and become quiet.

New Year 2017 competitions for kids - “Funny Snowman”

Children love fun drawing competitions, which help them relax. The “Funny Snowman” task is as follows: the little ones are divided into 2 teams. For each of them, whatman paper is fixed on the board. They take turns coming to the board blindfolded and completing their element in the picture. After the New Year's competition in kindergarten is completed, the kids choose whose snowman turned out to be the neatest.

Examples of New Year's fun competitions for children

In preparatory and younger group Kindergartens are recommended to hold New Year competitions for children with funny and fun tasks. For example, this could be a standard riddle of objects or animals that the child must portray. No less exciting will be competitions in which you need to quickly pass a bell to each other, Christmas tree toy and any other item

Competition "Guess the toy" for the little ones

Since kids have a well-developed memory for the toys of other children in the group, you can create an entertaining competition based on their descriptions. The teacher must name the toy, and the children must remember who exactly brought it.

Game "Who's Hiding?" for preparatory and elementary groups

Simple competitions for the New Year in preschool educational institutions - the key Have a good mood kids. This game requires all children to dance (simply spin around in place) with their eyes closed. When the command “Stop” sounds, each of them sits down. And the teacher covers one of the children with a blanket. Afterwards, the rest of the kids must guess who was hiding under the blanket.

Each New Year is unique, and therefore you should prepare for it in a special way. The brightest and most long-awaited holiday of the year deserves to show your imagination and think through competitions that everyone will enjoy. To diversify New Year's Eve with fun entertainment for all ages, we present you a list of the most interesting competitions for the New Year 2017.

What kind of New Year competitions are there?

Types of competitions: dance; song; comic; for children or, on the contrary, for adults; competitions for young people; with changing clothes; for erudition or drawing; team or single; ; family; movable, etc.

Depending on which company will gather for the New Year 2017, you should select competitive program. If these are unfamiliar people, then it would be appropriate to come up with New Year's entertainment and competitions, during which those gathered will have the opportunity to get to know each other better. If a large number of children are planned for the holiday, then you should consider a separate program for them, otherwise they will not be interested in watching only how adults are having fun, and their impressions of the holiday will not be the best. For young people, active, fun New Year's competitions are better suited, while older people would be happy to take part, for example, in song competitions.

Fun and funny contests for the New Year 2017

Proper organization of competitions

In order for the holiday to be as fun as possible, it is worth inviting everyone present to participate in competitions. But not everyone is easy-going. Many people are shy, especially if the company is unfamiliar. Therefore, there are several tricks aimed at attracting everyone, even the most immobile guests of the holiday, to participate in New Year's entertainment.

1. Don’t start competitions earlier than first toast.
This is a simple rule, and it fits perfectly for the New Year 2017. It is not recommended to start the holiday program too early. We need people to get comfortable, take a closer look at each other, have a snack and a drink. Alcohol will help you feel some liberation, which will be very useful for further participation in competitions.

2. Do not allow those gathered behind New Year's table just ate.
A person who has overeaten becomes sedentary and clumsy. Distribute your time at the table so that there is a minute for a snack, a good toast, and a group game.

3. Alcohol is a frequent guest at the New Year's table, but it can ruin the holiday.
Therefore, too frequent toasts will quickly incapacitate guests, maybe not all of them, but who, for sure, would not mind participating in fun New Year's entertainment.

Cool New Year's games and entertainment for the Year of the Rooster 2017

Competition for children “Symbol of the Year 2017 - Rooster”

If the kids are gathered different ages, then uniting them with one idea can be difficult. Therefore, you should come up with such games, as well as entertainment, that will be interesting for older children, but also for the little ones. For example, such a simple and widespread competition for. In this case, the symbol is the Fire Rooster. Ask all participants to crow or play the rooster. The one who best portrays the Rooster naturally wins.

New Year's competition "Surprise" for adults

Prepare air balloons by the number of participants. Include a note with a task in each of them. Guests must choose a balloon and burst it without using their hands, after which they must complete the task: dance rock and roll, guess a riddle, etc.

"New Year's Gift" - fun for the whole family

Instruct guests to prepare small souvenirs (one per person). At the entrance to the room, hang an opaque bag in which everyone will put their gift. During the celebration, Father Frost or the organizer himself, having mixed the gifts in a bag, distributes something from the bag to each of those present without looking. But the recipient of the gift must stand on a chair and recite a poem or sing. This way, everyone will receive their New Year's gift, and no one will be offended.

Talent show

If you know those present well, prepare tasks for them in advance. Perhaps someone sings well, someone draws, etc. Ask each of them to show their talent (people love it when they are allowed to express themselves in what they are really strong at): sing a song about the New Year, draw a fun picture for everyone (for example, with felt-tip pens on a landscape sheet), and then hang it on the wall. For each talent, the participant receives a sweet prize (chocolate, biscuit or something else) with the words: for example, “Best singer of the year.”

Also see: funny and funny games and for children, youth and adults.