A dash in a non-union complex sentence when contrasted. When is a colon in a sentence, and when is a dash

They play a big role in the Russian language. F. Buslaev noted this, pointing out that they contribute to the clarity of the presentation of thought. Everyone knows the phrase from the fairy tale "Twelve Months": "You cannot be pardoned." This is good example how punctuation can change the meaning of a sentence.

The punctuation of the text is always difficult. And it is especially difficult to set a dash in sentences, both simple and complex. This is explained by the ambiguity and various functions punctuation mark. In addition, in some cases it is identified with a comma.

The role of dashes in sentences

The grammar of the Russian language divides all punctuation marks into distinguishing, separating and separating. In addition, they can be single and paired.

The separating dash is between the subject and the predicate, homogeneous members and a generalizing word in simple sentences and between parts of complex ones: non-union, less often with an allied connection. The selector is used as double sign for applications, introductory and plug-in structures. Another (additional) function of the dash is to write sentences with direct speech and dialogue. Thus, it is possible to designate an algorithm of actions when putting this punctuation mark: remember the rule and determine the role of the dash in the sentence. This approach will help you write consciously and avoid

Dash between subject and verb

Most well-known rule setting the considered punctuation mark - within the grammatical basis. Its role in this case is reduced to replacing the missing part of the compound predicate, usually nominal. Hence the conditions for setting the dash in such a case. The sentence "subject to the dash predicate" will correspond to one of the schemes:

  • noun - noun (both in the nominative case): "Siberia is an immense and rich region of Russia";
  • infinitive - infinitive: "Learn - constantly work";
  • noun - infinitive or infinitive - noun: "To do good is the law of the life of moral people";
  • numeral - numeral: "Five six - thirty."

Before the words THIS, IT MEANS, THIS IS, there is always a dash: “Helping the elderly is a sign of upbringing.” Another possible case: the infinitive is an adverb with the meaning (or category word) of the state, but only if there is logical pause between the subject and the predicate: "Not knowing the rules for crossing the road is life-threatening."

Dash extra

You also need to know well when the punctuation mark between the subject and the predicate is not put. In such cases, a punctuation error is often made, which is not always due to simple inattention. Here are the rules fixed by Russian grammar:

  • the subject is a personal pronoun, the predicate is a noun;
  • between the main members expressed by the nominal part of speech, the negative particle NOT or unions are used: AS IF, AS LIKE, AS, AS IF;
  • predicate is an adjective, usually in short form.

Here are possible sentences with dashes - examples of their use in speech: “You are a person with irrepressible energy”, “Young rake is not an example to follow”, “Her eyes are like fire”, “The boy is shy and overly shy”.

The following options should also be noted (they are not so common): “The Countess is already an elderly person” - before the noun predicate there is a minor term related to it; “This fisherman is a wonderful person” - inversion (i.e., reverse word order).

Although it should be noted that the setting of a dash in sentences of this type is allowed in works of art. The task of the author in this case is to focus the reader's attention on the meaning expressed by the subject or predicate.

A dash in a simple sentence that is syntactically or semantically incomplete

Quite often, especially in colloquial speech, which needs to be fixed in a letter, you may encounter cases of skipping a predicate (or a minor member). The meaning does not suffer, but the design causes difficulties. This is an example in which the omitted member (often the predicate) is redundant. The reasons may be as follows:

  • it is easily restored from the context (“The first wanted meat, the second wanted fish, so they decided to limit themselves to salad”);
  • with syntactic parallelism ("Here - everything is mine, behind the forest - mine, behind that field - also mine");
  • in constructions where there are two nouns - the first in the dative, the second in the accusative case ("Sister - a doll, brother - a typewriter").

Punctuation of homogeneous members

There is another case of placing a dash in simple sentence. This applies to the formulation with homogeneous terms, where several points can also be distinguished.

  1. Homogeneous members - a generalizing word ("Daisies, cornflowers, bluebells - wild flowers looked good in a vase").
  2. Generalizing word: homogeneous members - ... (“Classmates: Vitaly, Yura, Sergey - immediately came to the rescue”).
  3. At the place where the second part of the double union connecting homogeneous members was skipped (“The owner not only welcomed the guest cordially, he also gave him a whole basket of food for the journey”).
  4. When relations of opposition or surprise are established between homogeneous members (“Contrary to expectations, she was not afraid - she was even delighted with the news”).

Distinguishing character when applied

A dash can be used in a simple sentence and as a double sign. This is the isolation of the application or the selection of introductory and plug-in structures. Sometimes in such situations it is allowed to replace it with commas. But there are cases when a dash is the only possible punctuation mark. In order not to be mistaken in its formulation, you should remember the proposed rules.

Here are the most common dash sentences: examples of application highlighting.

  1. Before him, you can put the word NAMELY: “The hostess has prepared Tasty dinner- fish soup from caught fish and a salad of fresh vegetables.
  2. It has an explanatory character: “The owner, who came out onto the porch, is still a rather cheerful old man, peered into the faces of unexpected guests for a long time.”
  3. The application stands in front of the word being defined: "A delicious sweet berry - strawberries for dessert, delighted everyone who was sitting at the table."
  4. One of the homogeneous members spreads: “Towards evening everyone arrived: an elderly aunt, a cousin - the son of a recently deceased uncle, three cousins ​​​​on the mother’s side.”
  5. A dash separates several homogeneous applications from the word being defined: “An excellent student from the first grade, an active participant in all school events, the support and head of the team - Marina could not help but take part in the upcoming holiday.”

Distinguishing sign for introductory and plug-in structures

In sentences of this type, there can be commas, brackets, dashes. How not to make a mistake in choosing the right punctuation mark? What characterizes sentences with dashes?

Examples that illustrate this punctuation rule well indicate that the introductory construction:

  • common: "Little visitors to the workshop, or - as they are affectionately called by both friendly owners and authors of works - inspirers of new ideas, have always been welcome guests";
  • conveys the feelings of the author (in this case, the dash is also preceded by an exclamation or question mark): “The whole program - how do you like it? - was as a result prepared to please one person.

When highlighting plug-in structures, dashes and brackets are used equally.

Compound sentences with coordinating and subordinating connections

In such cases, the dash is usually not the main punctuation mark and can be used instead of a comma. This change is due to the fact that attention is focused on keywords or their combination in a sentence, a special intonation design of a phrase.

Here are examples of the appropriate setting of a dash in with an allied connection.

  1. Relationships of opposition or surprise in the SSP (compound): "You put a long straw on the water - and it will easily float along the waves of the river."
  2. One or both parts of the SSP is a descriptive sentence: "An instant - and the robber was right in front of her."
  3. In NGN (complex subordinate), if the main one is preceded by a subordinate explanatory, concessive or conditional: “If someone knocks during our absence, do not open the door!”
  4. The repeated verb-predicate is omitted in one or more parts of the complex sentence: "Some believed that such a donation would be enough, others that the amount still needed to be increased."
  5. In SPP with a homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses located at its beginning: "What happened after he left, why did his sister open the door to a stranger - he never found answers to these questions."

Dash in a compound sentence with a non-union connection

Russian grammar quite clearly defines the setting. The main thing to pay attention to is to correctly establish the semantic relations contained in it. A dash between sentences (predicative parts) of the BSP is placed in several cases.

In the first part - an indication of the time or condition of the action being performed: "If you read the book to the end, you will go to the rides." Such a proposal can easily be redesigned in NGN.

Second part:

  • denotes a quick change of events or an unexpected result: "The door opened a crack - there was a strong bang";
  • contrasted with the first (= A): “A lot of time has elapsed - the melancholy has not passed”;
  • indicates a consequence or result (= THEN, THEREFORE): "I won't come back here - soon everything will be forgotten";
  • contains a comparison (= IF, AS LIKE): “He looks frowningly - he will burn him with fire”;
  • joins with the words SO, THIS, SUCH: “In ten days everything will fall into place - such a thought calmed and inspired hope.”

Thus, sentences with dashes (we gave examples in the article), if you know the rules, will not cause much difficulty.

Reference book on the Russian language. Punctuation Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 45. Dash in unionless complex sentence

Dash in a non-union complex sentence, it is usually put in cases where the main part of the statement (sometimes corresponding to the main part in a complex sentence) is contained in the second part of the complex sentence, and the first part (corresponding to the subordinate part) has a subordinate meaning, indicating the time or condition for the action , which is discussed in the second part, sometimes a reason, a concession, etc. (see the conditions for setting a colon in a non-union complex sentence, § 44). Wed coupled sentences:

It's impossible to get out: it's pouring rain outside(the main content is contained in the first part, the reason is indicated in the second). - It's pouring rain outside - it's impossible to get out(the reason is indicated in the first part, the second part gives the consequence, the conclusion, which forms the basis of the statement);

The youth left: the evening became boring(I left because I got bored). - The youth left - the evening became boring(left, so it became boring).

With equal semantic relations between both parts, they have the meaning of comparison, opposition, etc.

1. Dash is put in a non-union complex sentence that breaks up into two parts, if the second of them contains an unexpected addition, an indication of a quick change of events: A week passed, another - suddenly a stroller drives into my yard(P.); Cheese fell out - with him there was such a cheat(Cr.); Ivan Ivanovich approached the gate, rattled the latch - a dog barking rose from within(G.); Give him only a knife and let him go on the big road - he will kill him, he will kill him for a penny(G.); You pass by a tree - it does not move, it basks(T.); Suddenly, men with axes appeared - the forest rang, groaned, crackled(N.); Ignat pulled the trigger - the gun misfired(Ch.); A ray of sun will fall on the grass - the grass will flare up with emerald and pearls(M.G.); The wind blew - everything trembled, came to life and laughed(M.G.); The snowstorm was already very close to the fire - suddenly a horse neighing was heard in the darkness(F.); At noon, walk along a dead street - you will not meet a person(Sh.); Before the sun had time to warm the earth, the whole sky hummed(Bub.) [cf. with an allied offer: Before I had time to pay off my old coachman, Dunya returned with a samovar.(P.)].

2. Dash is put if in the second part of the non-union complex sentence opposition is expressed in relation to the content of the first part (you can insert a union between the parts but or a): I would be glad to serve - sickening to serve(Gr.); Chin followed him - he suddenly left the service(Gr.); Sewing will sit down - he does not know how to take a needle; they scold her - she is silent to herself(P.); A week passed, a month - he did not return to his home(P.); I grab the belt - no gun(L.); I began to call the owner - they are silent; knock - silent(L.); Until ten o'clock we snooped through the reeds and through the forest- n em the beast(L.); The oak is holding on - the reed has fallen to the ground(Cr.); He painfully ran his eyes along the ceiling, wanted to leave the place, to run - his legs did not obey(Gonch.); At that time you already meet in France a class of people who total loss acquires: the nobility is deprived of their rights - they aggravate their own; the people are dying of hunger - they are full; the people arm themselves and go to smash the enemies - it profitably supplies cloth, provisions(Hertz.); I have been serving for sixteen years - this has never happened to me(L.T.); They mowed a mile - they mowed a penny(M.G.); The Falcon flies up - clings to the ground(M.G.); Pika took on the sewing - the threads were tangled and torn; sat down to play checkers - lost(F.); In Andersen's fairy tales, not only flowers, winds, trees acquire the gift of speech - they come to life and home world things and toys(Paust.); Not a bag was stolen from Mishka - the last hope was stolen(Nev.); This is not a tired, sick soldier walking from the front - it was a builder(Hump.); He is the guest, I am the host(Bagr.); The battle was not started by our will - we will finish it with our glory(As.); Not wounds, not a sick lung tormented him - it irritated the consciousness of uselessness(Paul); I'm for a candle - a candle in the stove(Chuk.); The brave win, the cowardly die(last); Summer stores - winter eats(last); Was not - I'll go; Knock, don't knock, they won't open; Cry do not cry - you cannot return the lost; I'll die, I won't tell.

3. Dash is put if the second part of the non-union complex sentence contains a consequence, result, conclusion from what is said in the first part (words can be inserted between the parts therefore, then etc.): I'm dying - I have nothing to lie(T.); You push the wet bush - you will be covered with the accumulated warm smell of the night(T.); There was no way to leave unnoticed - he went out openly, as if he were going into the yard, and darted into the garden(F.); I would go to summer school - let them teach me(M.); Taking both matches and a lighter out of his pocket at the same time, Krainev lit the cords - they flared up.(Pop.); Our housing is for us to take care of; They put a samovar in the entrance hall - the smell of smoke spreads around; During the night everyone rested - you can again take on the interrupted work; The key is lost - break the door.


1. If the meaning of the consequence is not emphasized intonation, then instead of a dash, comma:...I will interrogate him carefully, he will not notice(Ch.); Man is not a needle, we will find(Ch.).

2. In the works of classical writers, instead of a dash, in the case under consideration, there is colon:There was nothing to do: Marya Ivanovna got into the carriage and went to the palace(P.); We were driving behind: no one saw(L.); Light rain sows in the morning: it is impossible to go out(T.); Worries, sorrows, failures exhausted the poor father to the extreme: he became distrustful, bilious(Dost.).

4. Dash is set if the first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the time of the action referred to in the second part (at the beginning of the first part, you can add the union when): Let's win - stone house build(A.T.); I was driving here - the rye was starting to turn yellow. Now I'm leaving back - people eat this rye(Shv.); A senior made his way ahead, gave a command with a careful movement of his hand: he would raise his hand above his head- in they immediately stopped and froze; stretch out his hand to the side with an inclination to the ground - all at the same second quickly and silently lay down; wave his hand forward - everyone moved forward; will show back - everyone slowly backed away(Cat.); They plow arable land - they don’t wave their hands(last).

5. Dash is set if the first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the condition for performing the action referred to in the second part (at the beginning of the first part, you can add the union if): There will be rain - there will be fungi; there will be fungi - there will be a body(P.); A good fellow will pass - he will sit down, a girl will pass - she will grieve, and the harp will pass - they will sing a song(L.) - the values ​​of the condition and time are combined; What will be needed - tell Pavel or Tatyana(T.); Invented- with done(T.); You're completely gone - we won't cry about you(Ch.); … Sin will happen - do not ask for mercy(Ch.); You will believe by eye - you will measure crookedly(M.G.); They will not give - steal!(M.G.);

…The less you know the better you sleep(M.G.); They will swear - do not be afraid(Ch.); I like to draw - draw for health, no one forbids(Pan.); Ordered - you'll take(A.T.). Wed in proverbs: Gruzdev called himself get in the body; Do you like to ride - love to carry sleds; If you miss the fire, you won't put it out; He took up the tug - do not say that it is not hefty; To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest; You will regret the lychka - you will give the strap; Plow deeper - see more bread; To be afraid of death is not to live in the world and etc.

Note. If the second part of a non-union complex sentence of this type begins with a particle So, then after the first part with the value of the condition, instead of a dash, put comma:Give everyone for vodka, so you yourself will soon have to starve(P.); Look, you'll run out of patience!(Cr.); Take everything to heart, so you will soon fall into consumption(Sharp).

6. Dash is put if the second part of the non-union complex sentence contains a comparison with what is said in the first part (you can add a union before the second part like or as if): ... Look - he will give a ruble(N.).

7. Dash is put if the second part of the union-free complex sentence (often an incomplete sentence) has an explanatory meaning (you can insert a union before it what), and the first part does not contain an intonation warning about the subsequent presentation of any fact (cf. § 44, paragraph 3): Sheep says she slept all night(Cr.); Sometimes I think - I need to run away(M.G.); ... Hears - behind the elderberry bushes the girl laughs(M.G.); The silence was so complete and gloomy, and the sky was so stuffy that it seemed to the boy that if only one sharp sound was heard, something terrible would happen in nature.(Cat.); Yesterday, at a neighboring winter hut, they told me - honey, after all, pulled up a man(Arb.); I hear - groaning again(Pa-ust.); Traffic has been suspended, hopefully not for long; Someone is scratching, it seemed to me - a mouse; But I see - she does not listen to me; They write that we will definitely come - they will meet; They knew - there will be a storm; Leave me alone, can't you see - I'm busy.

8. Dash placed before pronouns so, such, such beginning with a connecting sentence, which is part of an union-free complex sentence: An order is an order - this is how the front brought him up(Thief.); Go forward or perish - that was the question before the partisan detachment; Crooked streets, small wooden houses - suchwas a significant part of Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century.

In these sentences, judgments are expressed, the subject of which is named in the first part, and the predicate forms the second part. If the logical relations between the two parts are of a different nature, then comma and dash:Pollution environment threatens life on Earth - this cannot continue(gas.) (see § 46, item 2).

9. Dash is put if the second part of the non-union complex sentence is a connecting sentence (you can insert the word before it This, which is sometimes included in the sentence itself): Not a single image on the wall - bad sign (L.); You have no soul, you have pride instead of a soul - that's what I'll tell you(Azh.); Inga was excited, Levshin watched her too closely - this caught Kleba in the eyes(Fed.); There is a lot of water - this is the most interesting(Hump.); He always liked to chat - I knew that very well(Kav.); They will part, they have already parted - this thought stunned both(Gran.).

Note. Often, if there is a word before the connecting clause This between both parts of the union-free complex sentence are placed comma and dash (see § 46, paragraph 1).

Comma and dash can also be placed before a connecting sentence containing an additional remark: The village of Pervomaisky was the oldest mining village in the area - from it, in fact, the city began(F.).

From the book Handbook of the Russian language. Punctuation author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

SECTION 12 Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence following signs punctuation: comma, semicolon, colon,

From the book Spelling and Style Guide author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 43. A comma and a semicolon in a non-union complex sentence 1. A comma is placed between the predicative parts of a non-union complex sentence if these parts are close to each other in meaning: The snowstorm did not subside, the sky did not clear up (P.); Pale cheeks fell, eyes became

From the book A Guide to Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 44. A colon in an asyndetic compound sentence A colon in an asyndetic compound sentence is placed in cases where the main part of the statement (sometimes corresponding to the main part in a complex sentence) is contained in the first part of the complex sentence,

From the book Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation. Complete Academic Handbook author Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

§ 46. Comma and dash in a non-union complex sentence The current rules provide for the use of a comma and dash as a single punctuation mark in three cases: 1) before the main part of a complex sentence preceded by a series of

From the author's book

XXX. Punctuation marks in an union-free compound sentence § 116. A comma and a semicolon in a union-free compound sentence 1. A comma is placed between the parts of an union-free compound sentence if these parts are closely related in meaning, for example: Pale cheeks fell,

From the author's book

§ 116. A comma and a semicolon in a unionless complex sentence 1. A comma is placed between the parts of an unionless complex sentence if these parts are closely related in meaning, for example: Pale cheeks fell, eyes became big, large, lips burned (Lermontov);

From the author's book


From the author's book

§ 118. A dash in an union-free complex sentence A dash in an union-free complex sentence that breaks into two parts is put: 1) if the second part contains an unexpected addition, an indication of a quick change of events (a union and can be inserted between both parts), for example:

From the author's book

XXX. punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence § 116. A comma and a semicolon in a non-union complex sentence

From the author's book

§ 116. A comma and a semicolon in a unionless complex sentence 1. A comma is placed between the parts of an unionless complex sentence if these parts are closely related in meaning, for example: Pale cheeks fell, eyes became large, large, lips burned (Lermontov);

From the author's book


From the author's book

§ 118. A dash in an unionless compound sentence A dash in an unionless compound sentence that breaks into two parts is put: 1) if the second part contains an unexpected addition, an indication of a quick change of events (a union and can be inserted between both parts), for example:

From the author's book

Dash in incomplete sentence§ 16. In incomplete sentences, a dash is placed in place of the missing members of the sentence or their parts.1. In parts of a complex sentence with a parallel structure, as well as in a simple sentence with homogeneous repeating sentence members, where

From the author's book

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence Punctuation marks in a compound sentence § 112. A comma is placed between the parts of a compound sentence. At the same time, connecting relations are established between them (conjunctions and, yes in the meaning of “and”, neither ... nor), adversative

From the author's book

Punctuation marks in an union-free complex sentence § 127. A comma is placed between the parts of an union-free complex sentence when listing: The ocean with a rumble walked behind the wall with black mountains, a blizzard whistled hard in heavy gear, the ship was shaking all over (Bun.); It was getting dark,

From the author's book

in a non-union complex sentence, a comma between parts of the sentence when listed. § 127 before the last part of a sentence with a union and § 127, also § 25 semicolon between common parts of a sentence § 128 between parts of a sentence that are

The purpose of the lesson: A generalization of the introductions about the setting of colons and dashes in a simple sentence.

Formation of skills:

  • establish semantic relationships between parts in the BSP,
  • determine the intonation in the BSP in accordance with the meaning of its parts,
  • correctly put a colon and a dash in the BSP,
  • determine the synonymy of BSP and SPP, SSP,
  • compose BSP and use them in speech.

During the classes

I. Checking homework. Actualization of knowledge about the setting of colons and dashes in a simple sentence.

What rules for putting a colon in a simple sentence do you know? Give examples of colons in a simple sentence.

Answers: "This is a colon with a generalizing word."

Examples :

  1. With a sharp folding knife, different patterns were cut out on a stick: either a white ringlet, or a narrow spiral, or a small checkerboard. (V. Sol.)
  2. The guests talked about many pleasant and useful things, such as: about nature, about dogs, about wheat, about caps, about stallions. (Gog.)
  3. She had no expression on her face, none at all: no excitement, no joy, no fear, nothing. (Sim.)
  4. And now let's recall the cases of setting a dash in a simple sentence.

Answers: “Dash between subject and predicate, dash in an incomplete sentence, dash when separating applications, dash when inserting constructions.”


  1. Work is the best medicine.
  2. The task of science is to comprehend the laws of nature.
  3. A wound from a knife heals, from a word - never.
  4. The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the person is looking for where it is better.
  5. November is the month of autumn frosts.
  6. This summer I went to Tarusa, a quiet town on the Oka River.
  7. One day, having dozed off after dinner - they had dinner at noon - Misha left the house and slowly went into the garden. (Boon.)
  8. Silence - it seemed to Natasha as deep as night water - stood in the woods. (paust.)

II. Explanation of new material. Setting a colon in the BSP.

1. A colon between the parts of a non-union complex sentence is placed if the second simple sentence has the meaning of the reason.

I am sad: there is no friend with me. (P.)

What syntactic construction known to you can replace this BSP?

Answer: “To a complex sentence with the meaning of a reason” (I am sad, because there is no friend with me.)”

2. A colon between the parts of a non-union complex sentence is placed if the second part has the meaning of an explanation.

In one place, an absolutely incredible incident happened: the seller of children's balloons was blown into the air by balloons. (Olesha)

In this case, between the parts you can put the word namely (incident, namely:)

3. A colon between the parts of a non-union complex sentence is placed if the second part has the meaning of an explanation.

I looked up: a girl was standing on the roof of my hut. (L.)

What compound sentence can replace this non-union?

Answer: “Complex subordinate with an explanatory clause” (I looked up and saw that a girl was standing on the roof of my hut.)

In BSP with a colon between its parts, a warning intonation sounds.

III. Material for working out the setting of the colon in the BSP.

1. Kyiv epics have a heroic character: the main purpose of the heroes is to stand on the borders of the Russian land and guard it from the invasions of the steppe nomads. (Yu. Lot.)

2. One thing was certain: he would not return back. (Turg.)

3. And two years ago, inexplicable incidents began in the apartment: people began to disappear from this apartment without a trace. (Bulg.)

4. Akaky Akakievich ran home in a complete mess: the hair that was still on his temples and the back of his head was completely disheveled, his side and chest, and all his trousers were covered in snow. (Gog.)

5. And he saw: white-white as death Lancelot stands near the dead heads of the dragon. (Schwartz)

6. I jerked my hand away: a bee flew out of the very middle of the flower with a furious hiss. (L.T.)

IV. Explanation of new material. Setting a dash in the BSP.

1. A dash between the parts of an union-free complex sentence is placed if the first part has a time value.

They plow the arable land - they don’t wave their hands.

Answer: “A complex adverbial adverbial with the meaning of time. When arable land is plowed, they don’t wave their hands.”

2. A dash between the parts of a non-union complex sentence is placed if the first part has the meaning of the condition.

To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.

Which complex sentence is synonymous with the given?

Answer: “Complexly subordinate adverbial with the meaning of the condition. If you are afraid of wolves, then there is nothing to go to the forest.”

3. A dash between the parts of a non-union complex sentence is placed if the first part indicates a consequence, the result of what is said in the first part.

Light rain sows in the morning - it is impossible to go out. (Turg.)

Which complex sentence is synonymous with the given?

Answer: “Complex subordinate adverbial with the meaning of the consequence. Light rain sows in the morning, so it’s impossible to go out.”

4. A dash between the parts of a non-union complex sentence is placed with comparison relations.

The word says - the nightingale sings.

Which complex sentence is synonymous with the given?

Answer: “Complex subordinate adverbial with the meaning of comparison. The word speaks like a nightingale sings.”

5. A dash between the parts of a non-union complex sentence is placed with opposition relations.

Do not hurry with your tongue - hurry with your deeds.

Answer: “A complex sentence with opposing conjunctions. Do not hurry with your tongue, but hurry with your deeds.”

6. A dash between parts of an allied complex sentence is placed with a relationship of a quick change of events, an unexpected result.

The cheese fell out - there was such a cheat with it. (Cr.)

What construction is synonymous with this sentence?

Answer: “A compound sentence with coordinating conjunctions. The cheese fell out, and there was such a cheat with it.”

The dash appears at the highest intonational point of such BSPs.

V. Material for practicing the setting of a dash in the BSP.

1. Put a blot - I'll make you lick it off with your tongue. (Schwartz)

2. At dusk, my brother carefully looked at me - I pretended to be asleep. (Boon.)

3. Looked - and familiar; ascended - so live. (Color)

4. I tried to walk - my legs buckled. (L.)

5. The storm has long passed - the stars shone, everything was silent around. (Turg.)

6. If I knew the craft, I would live in the city. (M.G.)

7. Dawn - it's time to get up.

VI. Material for practicing colons and dashes in BSP..

1. Everyone involuntarily looked out the window: someone with a mustache in a semi-military frock coat was getting out of the cart. (Gog.)

2. Leaving the house, I went through the streets; they were strange: mute, warm, damp everywhere, all around in the bare gardens and among the poplars of the boulevard there was a thick white mist mixed with moonlight.

3. Believe me: your crying and your reproach are ridiculous for them. (L.)

4. Let me go free - I will not die of hunger, I will not be lost; give me arable land - I will pay a good dues ... (Turg.)

5. The morning dawn does not burn with fire - it spreads with a gentle blush. (Turg.)

6. You pass by a tree - it does not move: it basks. (Turg.)

7. It's not a shame not to know - it's a shame not to learn.

8. I looked out the window: stars flared up in a cloudless sky. (Turg.)

VII. The task of erudition. Complete the quotes from Russian classics, put the necessary punctuation marks.

  1. I remember a wonderful moment ... (P.)
  2. Goes right ... left ... (P.)
  3. There are miracles ... (P.)
  4. The cheese fell out ... (Wings.)
  5. I would be glad to serve ... (Mushroom.)
  6. Chin followed him ... (Mushroom.)
  7. And therefore my custom is such ... signed ... (Mushroom.)
  8. I hammered the charge into the cannon tightly and thought ... (L.)
  9. I invited you, gentlemen, in order to ... (Gog.)

VIII. Homework: learn the theory, write out 8 sentences from fiction for colons and dashes in BSP, draw up their schemes.

A non-union complex sentence (BSP) is a sentence that consists of two or more parts, and these parts are connected only with the help of intonation and various punctuation marks. What can be found? This question can be answered with the following: comma, semicolon, colon or dash. In this article, we will consider cases and examples of setting a dash in the BSP.

BSP examples

First, let's look at examples of complex sentences. The semantic segments (parts) of such sentences are in a certain semantic relationship, which is why you can find both a dash in an associative complex sentence and other punctuation marks. Consider some complex sentences, parts of which are not connected by conjunctions or allied words. For example:

  • It was warm outside, a light breeze was blowing, it was getting dark.
  • He went out into the street and saw: everything around was in a terrible mess, as if a deadly hurricane had swept over the city.
  • She wanted to stay at home today: she was too tired.
  • He lay down - the featherbed fell through under his heavy body.
  • I peered into the crowd, full of bright clothes and cheerful faces, and saw her; she passed nearby and gave me an affectionate smile, full of hidden love and maternal tenderness.
  • During the night the weather changed - today it will not be possible to walk.
  • He got up, went to the table, took a pen and an inkwell; By evening the letter was ready.
  • Today Maria got out of bed and saw flowers - they were not there in the evening.

So, what are the rules for setting a dash in a non-union complex sentence? Let's try to figure this out.

Punctuation mark - dash

The rules for staging this occurring quite often consist of several important points. So, a dash in the BSP is placed if:

  1. The first part of the sentence indicates the time of the event of the second part.
  2. The first part contains the event condition.
  3. The second part - or the conclusion relating to the first part of the non-union complex sentence.
  4. The second part contains a comparison relating to the event of the first part.
  5. The second part is the opposite of the first.
  6. Parts of the BSP contain a quick change of events.

Let's consider each of them separately.


First of all, a dash in a non-union complex sentence can be put when the subordinating conjunction "when" is omitted. That is, such a BSP construction can be easily replaced by a complex sentence with adnexal part time. Consider examples of sentences in which the first part indicates the time of an event that happened (or is happening) in the second part.

  • I walked through the park - the clouds thickened.

This BSP, which consists of two parts, can be replaced by a complex sentence: When I walked through the park, clouds gathered.

  • Traveled from afar - met with foreigners.

Equivalent: When traveling from afar, met foreigners.

  • "Children will grow up and become brave astronauts," the mother suggested.

This sentence consists of the words of the author and direct speech, which is an example with a dash in a non-union complex sentence. You can replace it with the following complex sentence: When the children grow up, they will become brave astronauts.


This case is very similar to the previous one. The only difference is that the pattern with a dash in a non-union complex sentence can be replaced with a complex sentence with the union “if”. Let's look at some examples.

Let's replace this sentence with its complex equivalent: If the weather was fine, we would go for a walk with you.

  • You will ask a lot - you will not know anything.

Complex sentence: If you ask too much, you won't know anything.

  • You will not find the lost book - you will be punished.

This sentence is a vivid example of a dash in a non-union complex sentence. Substitute the union "if": If you do not find the lost book, you will be punished.

Consequence, conclusion

Such non-union complex sentences often replace complex sentences with a subordinate clause of the consequence, which is attached to the main one with the help of the union "so".

  • Spring came early - in March the nightingales had already arrived.

Complex sentence: Spring came early, so the nightingales have already arrived in March.

  • The boy quarreled with his parents - got at school bad grade.

The boy quarreled with his parents, so he got a bad grade at school.

  • There was a terrible earthquake - many houses were seriously damaged.

Equivalent: There was a terrible earthquake, so many houses were seriously damaged.


Also, a dash in a non-union complex sentence is put in this case if the second part of this sentence contains a comparison. As a rule, such a construction can be replaced by an allied NGN, in which the dependent part is an adverbial adverbial part with a comparison value.

To replace the BSP with a complex sentence, the unions “as if”, “as if”, “exactly”, “like”, “like” and some others can be substituted between the parts of this sentence.

  • The vigilant hunter noticed a red fox tail in the distance - a small light flickered among the dark trees.

Let's substitute one of the possible unions: The vigilant hunter noticed a red fox's tail in the distance, as if a small light flashed among the dark trees.

  • Today it was raining very hard - someone invisible poured water on every passer-by ice water from a large bucket.

Complicated sentence: Today it was raining very hard, as if someone invisible poured ice water from a large bucket on every passer-by.


The opposition of two parts often causes difficulties when doing dash exercises in a non-union complex sentence. In fact, this case does not differ from others in increased complexity. What is its essence?

In such a BSP there is a clear opposition to the second part of the first. That is, the meaning of the first part contradicts the meaning of the second. Distinctive feature of this type of sentence is that its construction can be replaced by a compound sentence, the parts of which are connected with the help of intonation and one of the composing adversative conjunctions (“a”, “but”, “yes” - in the meaning of the union “but”, “but” , "however", sometimes "the same").

Examples of non-union complex sentences with opposition of its parts:

  • I decided to do everything myself - I did not succeed.

Replace: I decided to do everything myself, but I did not succeed.

  • Noticing the lifeless body of a kitten on the street, I took him home and tried to warm him up - I failed to bring him back to life.

Compound sentence: Noticing the lifeless body of a kitten on the street, I took it home and tried to warm it, but I failed to bring it back to life.

  • The set tasks could not be carried out - he helped his sister solve her problem.

Equivalent: The tasks were not completed, but helped the sister solve her problem.

  • Nothing terrible happened - he was still terribly frightened.

Substitution: Nothing terrible happened, but he was still terribly scared.

Fast change of events

This situation is a special point highlighted when studying the dash rule in a non-union complex sentence. Such a sentence cannot be replaced by either a compound or a complex equivalent. Its main difference from the rest of the BSP with a dash lies in the meaning of its constituent parts. Dash between parts unionless proposal is set in the case when the action of the second part occurs immediately after the event of the first part. For a better understanding of this rule, let's look at examples.

  • I went out into the yard - the first snow crunched under my soles.

The snow crunched right after the hero of the narrator went out into the yard. That is, the events of the BSP are replaced instantly.

  • Vasily raised the curtains - a bright light hit him in the eyes sunlight.
  • I began to think about our problem - she immediately suggested original solution.
  • He nevertheless decided to sit on this unreliable bench - it immediately collapsed.

Putting a dash in the BSP is enough difficult topic when studying the Russian language, since it includes several important points. But besides the dash and the uncomplicated comma, there are other punctuation marks in such a sentence. Let's consider some features of their setting.


Having studied the setting of a colon and a dash in a non-union complex sentence, you can easily perform the corresponding tasks. When is a colon placed in the BSP?

In this situation, separate points can also be distinguished, however, unlike the rules for setting a dash, there are only three such points.

1. The second part of the BSP indicates the cause of the event that occurred in the first part. In this case, the union “because” can be put between the parts of the sentence, turning it into a complex sentence with the subordinate part of the reason. Examples:

  • I decided to stay alone today: someone else's presence was too painful for me.
  • We did not know what to do: all our ideas turned out to be worthless.

2. The second part of the sentence explains the meaning of one or more words from the first. Between the parts of such a BSP, you can substitute the union “what”. In addition, the first part can be supplemented with a verb expressing sensory perception (saw, noticed, felt, heard, felt). Examples of such BSPs:

  • And he repeated: there is no salvation for anyone.
  • I looked out the window: there was a terrible snowstorm outside.

  • The mother went into the children's room: Pavlusha was reading a book about sailors, Nadenka was building a model of a military fighter.

3. The second part of the BSP reveals the content of the first part. In this case, between its parts, you can insert sustainable combination"namely". For example:

  • Her drawing seemed too colorful to me. There was no empty space on it: seagulls flew everywhere, children played and bright red tulips grew.
  • I learned a lot from him: information about many scientists, scientific facts and details of important historical events.


When setting this punctuation mark, unlike the colon and dash in a non-union complex sentence, one cannot be guided by specific rules. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the meaning of the sentence (using the principle “here, the comma is few, and the dots are many”) and the composition of the parts of the complex sentence. So, if parts of the BSP are complicated by various participial / adverbial phrases, homogeneous members, etc. (that is, they contain additional punctuation marks), they must be separated from each other using a semicolon.

  • That evening she beautiful dress, sitting on the stage and forgetting about everything, played her favorite melody on the cello; The audience listened to her with bated breath.
  • Misha, akimbo, stood next to his mother and looked menacingly at the passers-by; the man, noticing the serious look of a five-year-old boy, barely perceptibly smiled.
  • Standing in the crowd, among hundreds or perhaps thousands of people, she waited only for him; as she had hoped, he noticed her immediately.

Examples of BSP in fiction

Punctuation mark - comma:

From that time on, he was rarely seen in the farm, he did not even go to the Maidan. (M. Sholokhov "Quiet Don")
Prokofy rushed into the house, but they overtook him in the entrance hall. (M. Sholokhov "Quiet Don")
The door, as then, opened by a tiny crack, and again two sharp and incredulous glances stared at him from the darkness. (F. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment")

A dash in a non-union complex sentence:

We warmed the frog with our hot breath for a long time - he still did not come to life. (M. Prishvin "The Frog")

I want to go to him - you drag with you. (A. Griboedov "Woe from Wit")

I was gloomy - other children are cheerful and talkative; I felt myself superior to them - I was placed below. (M. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time")

Colon in BSP:

In the expression of his face, in his movements, in his gait, there was almost no noticeable former pretense, fatigue and laziness: he had the appearance of a man who does not have time to think about the impression he makes on others, and is busy with pleasant and interesting business. (L. Tolstoy - "War and Peace")
His face expressed more satisfaction with himself and those around him; his smile and look were more cheerful and attractive. (L. Tolstoy - "War and Peace")


Then, like a wave, a wrinkle ran over his face, his forehead smoothed out; he bowed his head respectfully, closed his eyes, silently let Mack pass him, and closed the door behind him. (L. Tolstoy - "War and Peace")

A minute passed; even in her eyes something like mockery seemed to him, as if she had already guessed everything. (F. Dostoevsky - "Crime and Punishment")

He rushed at her with an axe; her lips twisted so plaintively, like those of very young children when they begin to be frightened of something, stare intently at an object that frightens them and are about to scream. (F. Dostoevsky - "Crime and Punishment")

So, we have studied specific cases when a dash is placed in non-union complex sentences, most often consisting of two parts. The use of complex sentences in speech is an indicator of the literacy and richness of a person's language. Therefore, gain knowledge and acquire the ability to write and speak correctly, which is the basis of a quality education.