Tishka's full name. Name Tikhon: meaning, characteristics and fate

Now it has become very popular to give to children unusual names. Fortunately, there are a great many collections offering appropriate options. In this article we will reveal the meaning of the name Tikhon for a boy. So let's get started.

Origin and meaning of the name Tikhon

To clarify this point, let's look at history. If we translate the name Tikhon from Greek, we get two meanings: “chance” and “fate.” It is derived from the name ancient greek goddess Tyukha, who attracted good luck. Its literal translation is “luck, lot, chance.” Therefore, Tikhon will be lucky in any business.

In Russia given name came directly from Byzantium. And it has nothing in common with the word “quiet”. The patron saint of the name is Tikhon of Zadonsk (Zadonsky Wonderworker, St. Tikhon). They said that he miraculously saved people from adversity, troubles and burdens. Until the 1920s, the name was common among the common classes. Afterwards it began to be used mainly by monks. We found out the meaning of the name Tikhon. What about the character of its owner?


The name Tikhon gives its owner good-naturedness, thoroughness and independence. Outwardly he is calm and calm, but inside he lives a life full of different feelings. As a child, Tikhon dreams of becoming a pirate or robber. When he grows up, he tries to bring into his life the adventures he dreamed of as a child. The owner of this name never makes decisions rashly. He is proud and does not impose his society on anyone. Tikhon, born in winter, is kind, emotional and not vindictive. “Summer” is cheerful and optimistic. Let's move on.


The meaning of the name Tikhon is inextricably linked with the life of its owner, which proceeds smoothly, without ups and downs. Secret desires and passions are hidden in his subconscious, and only in his dreams does he allow them to come out. Do not try to awaken these desires in Tikhon. He will regard this as an attempt to violate his peace of mind and push you away from him. Tikhon's goodwill attracts true friends to him, who can help out in any situation. Dishonest people, as a rule, avoid it.


The name Tikhon (the meaning of the name and the fate of the owner are known to all astrologers) corresponds to the number 3, which is inherent in creative people. They are talented in sports, art, reckless and cheerful. On the other hand, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “troika” can skid badly. But with a good advisor and mentor, they can move mountains and reach unprecedented heights in life. If there is no mentor, then the fate of the “triples” is unenviable. They are also sensitive to criticism and quite vulnerable.

Interpretation of letters

What is the meaning of the name Tikhon in terms of interpretation of its letters? Let's find out.

T is a creative, sensitive and intuitive person. Sometimes he can be a seeker of truth who does not correctly correlate possibilities and desires. The symbol of the cross always reminds the owner that life is finite. Therefore, you should not put things off until later. We need to act now, using every minute effectively.

And - peacefulness, kindness, sensitivity, subtle spirituality. A person tries to hide his soft romantic nature under a screen of practicality.

X - independent position in life, the desire to succeed and gain authority on your own. A person is very sensitive to the opinions of others about his person. This letter of the name reminds its owner that one should not violate moral laws.

O - ability to handle finances, deep feelings. To be fully realized, a person needs to find his purpose. The presence of this letter indicates that the goal has already been prepared for him; all that remains is to use intuition to find it.

N - interest in health, critical mind, sign of protest, inner strength, diligence in work.

Advantages and disadvantages

Is it possible to give your newborn child the name Tikhon? In this case, you need to find out the meaning of the name for the child right away. It is also worth finding out the pros and cons and only then making a final decision. This old and rare name goes well with Russian patronymics and surnames, and also has a number of cute diminutions and abbreviations: Tikhonchik, Tikhonya, Tishechka, Tishik, Tisha. Most people with this name have positive qualities. But many modern parents consider it dull and old-fashioned.


Tikhon (the meaning of the name, the character of the owner are revealed in this article) has very good health. He is not afraid of infections and colds. He loves sports and rarely gets sick. An adult Tikhon may have stomach problems.

Negative traits

Absent-mindedness, detachment, phlegmaticity, isolation. Due to his deep absorption in his own thoughts, Tikhon can find himself in an awkward situation, since he does not perceive important messages and warnings about danger from the external environment.

Positive features

Equanimity, calmness, independence. Tikhon is an introvert and directs his vital energy inward, not outward. He is modest in his statements and behavior. Even if he makes good money, the owner of this name dresses discreetly, but with taste.

Professional area

Tikhon (the meaning of the name, character and fate of the owner were described above) is endowed with good patience, thanks to which he becomes an excellent worker. He also has a developed imagination. Therefore, it is quite easy for Tikhon to realize himself in any creative profession- sculptor, actor, musician, artist, etc. He will also make an excellent veterinarian, sailor, policeman, military man, auto mechanic, engineer, physical education teacher, ski instructor, sports coach, etc. Having crossed the thirty-year threshold, the owner of this name can discover your inventive talent. But in practice, Tikhon rarely puts his ideas into practice. This is hampered by his inherent desire to be invisible.


Now you know the meaning of the name Tikhon for a boy and the fate of its bearer. It remains to talk about the last one. Namely, about the compatibility of names for marriage.

Tikhon is not distinguished by violent manifestations of feelings, although he has great internal emotional and sexual energy. He will choose bright and strong woman, who will appreciate his rich spiritual world. A marriage with Faina, Tatyana, Marina, Evgenia, Veronica, Valentina and Alexandra will be favorable.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Lucky" (Greek)

Name energy and character: Both in terms of sound energy and emerging associations, the name Tikhon can really hardly be called loud. It is indeed quiet, balanced, and its energy is more focused on inner world of its bearer than on its relationship with the external world. Moreover, such an impact on the psyche is so significant that even the well-known principle in psychology “by contradiction” does not work, that is, if a person somehow determines his character, then a reaction in the form of an antithesis immediately begins to arise in the mind. For example: hot - cold, honest - deceitful, quiet - loud. By the way, the most primitive jokes are based on this principle.

There are many cases where people have a character exactly opposite to their name. This is especially true for such a quality as fidelity, which is usually the most notorious cheaters. And there is nothing strange in this; just by calling yourself something, a temptation arises in your soul to do the opposite. However, this does not happen with the name Tikhon, and even if this temptation to do the opposite arises, most often it dissolves in the leisurely melody of the name.

Tikhon can best be defined by comparing him to a stable, heavy-duty scale - too much energy must be applied to throw him off balance. He is not very sociable, rather even phlegmatic, but he is very reasonable and thoughtful. Negative emotions they seem to get stuck in it, little disturbing its internal stability. This makes Tikhon a rather good-natured, but very independent person.

However, it cannot be said that any emotions are completely alien to him. No, in his soul Tikhon usually lives a life quite rich in feelings. He loves adventures, sympathizes with people with an adventurous character, another thing is that outwardly this usually shows little. It turns out that, living in your imagination a great many most interesting events, V real life Tikhon remains a completely different person.

Most likely, if nothing disturbs his balance, there will not be any serious complications in his life, either in the family or at work. Patience and thoroughness make him a good owner and worker, and a good imagination can be used in a creative profession. The only thing that can prevent him from carrying out his plans is his certain invisibility. In a word, a little more activity and “loudness” will not hurt him.

The name's trace in history:

Metropolitan Tikhon

Now it’s no secret to anyone that Soviet authority, having declared freedom of religion, nevertheless kept the priests in their fist, placing them on the key church posts proven party workers. Thus, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus' Tikhon (1865–1925), elected to this post in 1917, became in his way the last of the Mohicans, whose rank was in no way connected with his political beliefs.

At twenty-six years old, Vasily Belavin, when tonsured as a monk, received a new name - Tikhon, under which he entered the history of the Russian Church. After graduating from the St. Petersburg Theological Academy at thirty-two, he accepted the rank of bishop, and a year later he went to the archbishop North America, where he lived for almost nine years. For the next six years after his arrival from the American continent, Tikhon was Archbishop of Rostov and Yaroslavl, and in the year of the October Revolution, the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church elected him to the post of Moscow Metropolitan.

Being outside of politics and guided only by his spiritual convictions, the Metropolitan was inconvenient new government- he was considered a rebel only because during civil war he called to stop the bloodshed, “agitated” believers to help the starving people in the Volga region, and protested against the destruction of churches. In 1922, Tikhon was convicted, deprived of the rank of patriarch and placed under house arrest in the Donskoy Monastery, where he died three years later. Subsequently, he was canonized by the church, and now the name of the New Martyr Tikhon is given by believing parents to boys born on March 25, September 26, or on the Sunday following January 25.

According to Higir

Presumably comes from the name of the Greek goddess of happiness Tyche. In ancient reference books it is translated as “bringing happiness.”

Tisha is a healthy, calm, obedient and non-whining child, very similar to her mother. He begins to read early, has a passion for adventure literature, imagining himself either as a noble robber or as a scout behind enemy lines. However, this boy, surrounded by numerous friends and comrades, has plenty of adventures in life.

The adult Tikhon is an independent, solid man. He is used to thinking about his actions and not giving in to his feelings. The most emotional are the “winter” Tikhons, but their emotions are aimed at establishing justice - the way they understand it. Unfortunately, in the “struggle for truth” they often fail.

“Winter” Tikhons are good-natured, not touchy, and can appreciate a joke, even if it is directed at them.

“Summer” Tikhons are great optimists and lovers of life; it seems that they do not even know what it is Bad mood. They love fishing - but not the process itself, but what it can bring.

By the age of thirty, Tikhon has discovered his talent as an inventor, but he has difficulty bringing his inventions to life.

Tikhon's family life is going well. His house is open to guests, but he himself does not like to pay visits - he is difficult to climb. Some Tikhons collect healing herbs and treat various ailments with them. These are proud people who are not used to imposing their society on anyone.


The meaning of the name Tikhon

Happening or lucky. “Successful”, “Bringing happiness” (Greek) Tisha is a healthy, calm, obedient and non-tearful child, very similar to her mother. He begins to read early, has a passion for adventure literature, imagining himself either as a noble robber or as a scout. However, this boy, surrounded by numerous friends and comrades, has plenty of adventures in life. The adult Tikhon is an independent, solid man. He is used to thinking about his actions and not giving in to his feelings. The most emotional are the “winter” Tikhons, but their emotions are aimed at establishing justice - as they understand it. Unfortunately, in the struggle for truth they often fail. “Winter” Tikhons are good-natured, non-offensive, and can appreciate a joke even directed at them. “Summer” Tikhons are great optimists and lovers of life; they are generally unfamiliar with a bad mood. They love fishing - but not the process itself, but what it can bring. By the age of thirty, Tikhon has discovered his talent as an inventor, but he has difficulty bringing his inventions to life. Tikhon's family life is going well. His house is open to guests, but he himself does not like to pay visits - he is difficult to climb. Some Tikhons collect medicinal herbs and use them to treat various ailments. These are proud people who are not used to imposing their society on anyone.

Name days: June 16 (29), July 2 (15), August 13 (26) NAME DAYS: April 7 (March 25) - St. Tikhon (Velavin), Patriarch of All Russia (Russian). April 24 (11) - martyr Tikhon. May 27 (14) - righteous Tikhon. June 29 (16) - St. Tikhon, Bishop of Amafupta: Rev. Tikhon of Medyn, Kaluga (Rus.) and Rev. Tikhon of Lukhov, Kostroma (Rus.) July 9 (June 26) - Rev. Tikhon of Lukhov, Kostroma (Rus.) (finding of relics ) On the first Sunday after July 12 (June 29), Peter's Day (movable celebration) - Rev. Tikhon Sokolovsky. August 26 (13) - St. Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Zadonsk (Russian). October 9 (September 26) - Saint Tikhon (Belavin), Patriarch of All Russia (Russian).

Numerology of the name Tikhon

Soul Number: 3.
Name number 3 corresponds creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away. If there is a patient mentor and advisor, this can be one of the relatives or simply close person, “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable. Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 8

Body number: 4


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Black, olive grey, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, borax, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Tikhon as a phrase

T Firm
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
X Her (Cross, Cross, Cross out, Cross out, Cross out)
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Tikhon

T - intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
X - the attitude to succeed in life on your own, to gain authority, an independent position in life. A person is sensitive to what people say about him. This letter in the name reminds that its owner must behave in such a way as not to violate any moral law.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

A name is the only thing that does not change for a person throughout his life. With a name, a person comes into our world as a baby. With a name, he goes through life, experiencing joy and pain, experiencing luck and failure. His name is pronounced by relatives and friends when commemorating the deceased at his grave. Nowadays, it has become quite popular to give unusual, old and forgotten names to children. A great variety of collections are offered to us various options. From this article you will learn a lot about the name Tikhon: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of its bearer.

A very important role in a person’s life is played by the mystery of the name, its meaning, what has been ingrained into it by time and the past centuries. Now you will learn a lot about the meaning of a person’s name, its secret, how a name can influence the character of its bearer, making it unique in its totality of qualities.

After Orthodoxy was adopted in Rus', this name was adopted into everyday use, like many others. christian names. For its euphony and some melody, it immediately became very popular in Rus'. Both in terms of the energy of the pronounced sounds and the associations that arise during pronunciation, the name cannot be called loud. It is really quiet, very balanced, and its energy is directed not at relationships with the outside world, but into the inner world of its owner.

Mystery and meaning

There are two different legends about the origin of this name.. One of them says that it comes from Greece and is translated as “fate” or “chance.” According to the second legend, this name was formed on behalf of the ancient Greek goddess Tyche, symbolizing luck, and it is translated as “lot”, “chance”, “fortune”. And it sounded like “Tyukhon”. The cornucopia and the wheel, which are the personification of this goddess, symbolize the changeability of Tyche. This is where, according to some researchers, the expression “Wheel of Fortune” came from.

Many ancient Greek scientists argued that Tyche is the personification on Earth of the constellation Virgo. It is believed that the bearer of this name, no matter what he undertakes, will always be accompanied by luck and good fortune.

The meaning of the name is this:

This name is common throughout the world. On different languages it sounds slightly different, but always in tune:

  • in Belarusian - Tsihan;
  • in Bulgarian - Tihan;
  • in Greek - Tahvi;
  • in Danish - Tuicho;
  • in Spanish - Taiko;
  • in Serbian - Tikhon;
  • in Ukrainian - Tikhin;
  • in Czech - Tichon.

There are also diminutive forms, for example:

The secret of Tisha is that he has an explosive character.. But he demonstrates it extremely rarely, knowing how to control himself and spending energy for peaceful purposes. However, sometimes it still explodes. Seeing this, many people think that he has limitless patience. But this is not so, and for those testing the strength of his nerves, everything can end quite disastrously.

Meaning for the boy, his fate

So what does the name Tikhon mean?? This name has nothing to do with silence. The child grows up to be a rather noisy and very loud-voiced boy. The natives of this name have great mobility, they are very self-sufficient and very independent.

This boy devotes most of his time to studying the world around him. Any object encountered on his way is tested for strength, literally tested by the tooth.

At the same time, the child is artistic and quite expressive. He very subtly senses changes in attitude towards himself, changes in the moods of the people around him. He really likes role-playing games, fabulous productions, all kinds of performances. The kid gets used to any role perfectly, he is a welcome participant in any productions and amateur performances. The boy enjoys listening to various fairy tales and learns to read quite early. He almost always has a rich imagination, and, having read adventure books, he likes to imagine himself as a scout, a noble robber, saving people from injustice. In real life, he also has quite enough adventures.

The Tikhons are very kind and quite generous children.. They often make concessions to their comrades not because they consider themselves weaker, but simply out of generosity. Peers always like to communicate with them, and therefore he has quite a lot of close friends. However great successes They can’t boast quietly: it’s a lack of perseverance and determination.

At the same time, the boy is very proud and tries to create his own image among others. In childhood, there is little hassle with the child; he grows up not at all whiny, a rather calm and obedient boy. When he is still capricious, you should not give in - this is fraught with consequences.

If parents treat upbringing patiently and wisely, this period in the child’s life quickly passes, and he becomes more balanced, whims disappear without a trace. In general, he is a healthy, obedient, non-whining and calm child. Being just a baby and growing up, he gets sick infrequently.

Name Tikhon

Oddly enough, this name has nothing to do with words such as “quiet”, “silence”, “quietly”. And if in ancient times the name was popular among the lower classes, then already at the end of the nineteenth century it often began to be used in monastic circles. Often the meaning of the name is interpreted with the words “Happiness” or “Bringer of Happiness.” It has in Orthodox faith as many as fifteen patron saints. The most famous of them is the Holy Wonderworker Tikhon of Zadonsk.

Character traits

Quiet people are also characterized by positive features character, and negative. From positive qualities It should be noted:

  • independence;
  • equanimity;
  • excellent peace of mind.

Since Tishechka is an introvert, all his mental energy is directed not outward, but inward. He is very modest in his behavior and in his statements. He dresses discreetly, but with taste. This manner of behavior is characteristic of him regardless of his level of income.

Quiet can disarm even a very uncontrollable and aggressive person and completely pacify him with his calmness. From a young age, Tishechka was very reasonable and thoughtful beyond his age. Studying comes easy to him, and he studies very successfully.

Marked and negative traits character:

  • isolation;
  • detachment;
  • phlegm;
  • absent-mindedness.

He can often find himself in a very awkward situation due to excessive self-absorption, he may not hear some important messages, he may miss the news of impending danger.

Quiet is always busy solving deep philosophical, complex questions, but often cannot solve his everyday problems.

Quiet is quite gentle and very friendly, he has practically no enemies. He quickly achieves a good position in life, and it never changes. Other people's troubles and misfortunes are deeply indifferent to him; he avoids any fuss and worries. If someone gets in his way, he will soon repent of it. The quiet one will take revenge mercilessly and very quickly, but she will try to do it with the wrong hands.

Tikhoshenka's house is a full cup, they love guests there. For close relatives, this is the judge of last resort; he loves to give advice. His life runs smoothly, there are no ups, but no downs. If there are any secret, hidden passions or desires, they are hidden so deeply in the subconscious that they can only be released in dreams.

Tishka's goodwill attracts people to him, many then become good friends who are ready to help at any time. Somehow it turns out that dishonest people do not stay around him.

Choice of profession

Since Quiet is very diligent, very serious, wants and can understand the essence of many things, he can become successful:

  • scientists;
  • historian;
  • innovator;
  • archaeologist;
  • work in related areas.

Well-developed imagination and remarkable Creative skills give him the opportunity to express himself in art. Tisha admires desperate and extremely brave heroes, especially those qualities that he does not have. Secretly, he constantly dreams of adventures, long journeys, and records in sports.

At the same time, Tishenka is afraid of experiments in real life; he does not have that healthy drop of adventurism that is necessary to achieve truly great heights. He can become a very rich man only by receiving an inheritance or by some other lucky chance. After thirty years, Tikhonka often shows the ability to invent.


Tihosha is very smiling and quite emotional. Each new passion seems to him to be the only, best and unique, which means that he can fall in love with a girl so much that he asks for her hand in marriage, without thinking at all about the consequences. Often this impulsiveness becomes the cause of a rather early, fleeting marriage, the collapse of which is felt very painfully. He lacks prudence and seriousness in the sphere of personal relationships; he is too often in a hurry to impose any obligations on himself. Unfortunately, Tikhoshechka often makes mistakes in this area.

The first marriage occurs early, out of great love. Quite quickly, this marriage ends in a natural divorce, and the young man does not want to have an affair for a very long time, because the divorce was a severe blow for him. He enters into his next marriage, becoming more mature. The second marriage differs from the first in being more thoughtful and balanced, although it also does not always turn out to be successful.

The thing is that in marriage Tikhoshenka does not stop paying attention to other women and constantly starts relationships on the side. This often leads again to the next divorce, which he also perceives as a terrible tragedy.

Our hero has the highest probability of strong and long-term relationships with women named: Alevtina, Glafira, Victoria, Daria, Zinaida, Claudia, Irina, Clara, Olga, Lydia, Nina. On the contrary, the least likely possibility of real long-term relationships is for women with the names: Vasilisa, Karina, Ekaterina, Lyubov, Larisa, Lyudmila, Ulyana, Olesya, Emma.


Characteristics of it family life simple, although somewhat unique. Tishka will be considered a “mama’s boy” for quite a long time, which will not benefit his relationship with the fair sex. He is a little shy and prefers to start many of his acquaintances on the Internet. Most of all, he likes girls who are as quiet, gentle, and flexible as he is.

However, Tishunya almost always chooses a lively, self-confident woman as his wife, often somewhat older than herself, especially if she likes to look after Tikhonya. In many cases, the advice of relatives plays an important role in choosing a bride.

His family life is going smoothly. As a rule, the wife is in charge of everything, and our hero always tries to please her. If we talk about intimate life, then he thinks more about his partner’s feelings than about his own. He quietly loves children, is kind and gentle with them, however, there is also a danger here - children can be spoiled by him.

Attention, TODAY only!

Tikhon is independent, calm, unperturbed. An introvert by nature, he directs energy within his own personality, and not to external circumstances. Modest, careful in conversations. The name Tikhon gives a man the talent to calm even the most emotional people.

Let's consider the meaning of the name Tikhon and the fate of the name further.

The origin of the name Tikhon is associated with Byzantium, and not with the culture of the Slavs, as it seems at first glance. With the spread of Christianity, it came to the territory of Ukraine, Russia and neighboring countries.

The legend of the name Tikhon tells about Tikhon of Medyn, a preacher who became a monk and lived in a hollow tree until the end of his days. He ate exclusively herbs and founded a monastery in the Kaluga province.

Meaning of the name

The meaning of the name Tikhon translated from Greek is “lucky”, “lucky”. The meaning of a name is greatly influenced by its number. The number of the name Tikhon is three. Three is ruled by Mars. People under the influence of the planet have a sharp character, lively and active. They have developed intuition and fantasy.

Three expresses the unity of opposites. People of this number have an excellent sense of humor, charisma, refined taste and an optimistic outlook on the world.

Meaning of the name Tikhon by letters:

  • T – craving for creativity, vulnerability, sensitivity, erudition, heightened sense of justice. Such people have well-developed intuition.
  • And - vulnerability, romance, kindness, peaceful character. Men who have the letter “I” in their name pay a lot of attention to their inner world. Economic and prudent, they achieve success in working with people.
  • X – craving for recognition of the environment, kindness, responsiveness. These people care what other people think and say about them.
  • O – expresses openness and cheerfulness, but people with the letter “O” only become real with close people.
  • N - the letter gives willpower, determination, hard work. Such people cannot stand routine, monotonous work, do not know how to sit still for a long time, and meticulously choose their life partner.


Let's consider what the name Tikhon means for different ages owner. The meaning of the name Tikhon for a child gives him childlike prudence and calmness with early years. He is a sensitive, impressionable and friendly, active, sociable boy. She loves to study and learn new things, which pleases her parents.

Tishka has many friends, but some of them take advantage of his gullibility and openness. He is honest and fair, which makes the boys respect him and imitate him. Tisha is obedient with his parents and takes comments calmly, respecting their opinions. Fully revealed in the family circle.

The meaning of the name Tikhon for a teenage boy gives him the ability to act as his moral principles dictate. Before doing anything, it will take a long time to weigh all the pros and cons, making the right decision.

Gossip, tricks, intrigues are not for him. Always tells the truth both to himself and to others, no matter how difficult it may be. Studying is also going well, but academic performance is reduced due to lack of concentration and chattiness in class. He doesn’t know how to understand people, trusting what those around him take advantage of. Often ascribes non-existent virtues to people.

The meaning of the name Tikhon for an adult man gives hard work, perseverance and determination. Restlessness, absent-mindedness and lack of discipline, just like in childhood, prevent him from advancing in his career. Gentle and friendly, avoids excitement, is not interested in other people's problems, but can give advice.

Usually he is wealthy, loves to receive guests, strives for an even, calm life without changes. The matured Tikhon hides all his emotions deep inside himself. Attempts to bring emotions out irritate him and throw him out of balance.

In love, he is not inclined to show emotions, but is passionate during intimacy with a woman. He will choose for himself a bright, strong companion who will appreciate his inner world. Happy in family life, prefers to spend his free time at home. He is proud and is not used to imposing his society.


Characteristics of the name Tikhon by zodiac sign:

  • Aries – his main features are sociability, sincerity, caring and attentiveness. Pleasant to talk to and a good friend.
  • Taurus – charming, cheerful, shy, optimistic and happy with his surroundings. He has many acquaintances, but almost no real friends.
  • Twins – sociable, changeable and frivolous, but knows how to show care. Seeks to be the center of attention.
  • Cancer – sentimental, romantic, emotional, hot-tempered, does not know how to control himself.
  • a lion – openness and eloquence are combined in him with the desire to be at home. From an early age, Tikhon-Lev dreams of having a strong family, a faithful wife and children.
  • Virgo . Tikhon, born under the sign of Virgo, is distinguished by impulsiveness, emotionality, impressionability, and a love of adventure and travel. The search for new experiences becomes the meaning of his life; he will find happiness with a girl who shares his views.
  • Scales - an idealist and a dreamer. He is in search of love, passion, feelings, and does not know how to understand people.
  • Scorpion – independence, exactingness, ruthless attitude towards others are his main features. He does not know how to give in, he does only what he considers necessary. He does not listen to other people's opinions, surrounding himself only with those people whom he is able to control.
  • Sagittarius – kind, sincere, frivolous, unpredictable. This is an optimist who believes in the beauty of the world. Tries not to notice the accumulated problems, avoids solving them. Has no opinion of her own, relies in everything on the support and advice of close friends and family.
  • Capricorn – unpredictable, changeable, selfish, often falls into melancholy. He is in no hurry to build romantic relationships and gets married late.
  • Aquarius – a cheerful, sociable, easy-going man who loves to be the center of attention. Independent and frivolous, which prevents you from creating a full-fledged family with him.
  • Fish - an impressionable and dreamy man who sets many goals for himself, but achieves none. Can build a relationship with a strong, determined woman who can take the relationship forward.

Name day

Tikhon's name day according to the Orthodox calendar:

  • January 9;
  • 5th of March;
  • May 27;
  • June 16, 29;
  • July 9;
  • 1–2, August 26;
  • October 17–18;
  • 9th December.

Name color

Favorable shades for Tikhon are blue, gray.

Blue – expresses calmness, understanding, wisdom, the desire to create something. “Blues” are loyal, devoted, generous people by nature, but they will not reveal their true colors to the first person they meet; their trust must be earned. Strict, principled and demanding, they have difficulty building romantic relationships.

Grey - expresses distrust, uncertainty in own strength, changeable character. “Greys” notice deception, deceit and betrayal everywhere, so they build a wall from other people. This detachment and inability to open up makes them unhappy in love.

Name flower

Tikhon's mascot plant is fir. This evergreen symbolizes rebirth, rebirth, dignity, prosperity, nobility.

Church name

The Orthodox meaning of the name Tikhon does not change.

Translation of name in different languages

IN English language there is no analogue for the name Tikhon. To write you need to use transcription - Tihon. The same spelling is retained when preparing documentation, for example, in a foreign passport.

Meaning of the name Tikhon in other languages:

  • Ukrainian – Tikhin;
  • Bulgarian and Serbian versions of the name are similar to Russian;
  • Danish, Norwegian, Swedish – Tycho;
  • Spanish –Tico;
  • Czech – Tichon.

Full name, shortened, affectionate

The name Tikhon has the following abbreviated forms:

  • Anastasia;
  • Varvara;
  • Antonina;
  • Marianna.

Tikhon's unsuccessful marriage with:

  • Ekaterina;
  • Claudia;
  • Lyudmila.


Declension of the name Tikhon by case:

  • Nominative, accusative cases – Tikhon;
  • Genitive – Tikhon;
  • Dative - Tikhon;
  • Creative - Tikhon;
  • Prepositional - about Tikhon.

Famous people named Tikhon

Famous people named Tikhon:

  • Brahe - astronomer and astrologer from Denmark;
  • Khrennikov - composer Soviet Union, composer, awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor;
  • Streshnev is a confidant of Peter the Great.

Diligence, seriousness and the desire to reach the truth can make Tikhon a scientist, archaeologist, historian. A craving for beauty will ensure his success in the creative profession. The man himself, named Tikhon, admires brave, decisive people. He dreams of going on a trip or setting a new world record, but he will never admit it.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Tikhon